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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Nijisanji, Nijisanji ID, Virtual Streamer Animated Characters
Character: Hyona Elatiora, Mika Melatika, Xia Ekavira
Additional Tags: One Shot, Angst
Stats: Published: 2021-09-10 Words: 1475

by 35L


Xia found Hyona's diary.

See the end of the work for notes

July 13, 2021.

“Hey Hyona, I’m bored. Lets play e-Football together!”

Hyona who just got back from market, start to arraging some flower that she bought. She sighed at
her "new friend" request.

“I just got back Xia, can’t you play it alone?”

“B-but i always do that…” Xia mumbled.

While looking down at the floor, she remember something.

“Oh right, i found this book in your office earlier.”

She lift the book up just enough so Hyona can see it. It’s an old book with a “GAME OVER” title
on it’s cover.

“What is this book? The cover look cool!!”

“Ohh...that book..that’s just my diary from back then.”

“Can I see it Hyon?!?” she ask with her puppy eyes and to be fair, who can resist it.
“Umm…if you don’t mind a chessy love story.”

“I'm cool with it!!!”

When she open the book, the first thing she notice is a four ghost badges with four different color
on each badges.

“By the way Xia, can you accompany me tommorow. I want to go somewhere.”

“Hmm…okay.” Xia reply, eyes still looking at the beautiful badges.


A simple love story based on myself

Hyona Elatiora

I forgot most of it, but I think it was around my second year of university. That’s the first
time we saw each other (with a little bit accident).

It’s the first day of university after a long break, Hyona walked through the corridor to find her
class. She thought it will go smoothly just like last year, until she bumped into a girl.

With coffee in her hand.

“Oh my Goshhh, im so sorry!!! Are you okay?” she bow to the girl and trying to find something to
wip the coffee stain on the girl hoodie.

“I’m okay…but.” the girl said, looking down to her hoodie.

Hyona who feel guilty but at the same time worried if she will be late to her class, immediately ask
the girl to take her hoodie off.

“Take it off.” Hyona say while looking at her watch.


The girl’s eyes widened as she heard Hyona words.

“I mean your hoodie…take it off, I will clean it for your. Your wore a shirt under that hoodie

“Ohhh...i have a shirt under, but you don’t have to do that. it's just a stain.”

Looking at her watch again, Hyona think that she will be late for her class, so she just take it from
the girl.

“Excuse me but I think I will be late for my class. I will return it after I wash it.” Hyona say and get
up, leaving the still surprised girl behind.

“Hey wait, what is your name? it will be easier if i know your name.” the girl shout a little after she
recover from Hyona’s bold act.

“It's Hyona.” she say while running to her class.


It's seven years after that little accident. I can't believe i found you with the help of coffee, it’s
embarrassing but i’m glad i had coffee that morning. I’m glad that we met that day.

They are on a date on the beach. While staring at the beautiful sunset, holding each other hand.

“I can’t believe you stained my favorite hoodie back then Hyon.”

“Oh please, don’t remind me of that accident. If only i'm a little bit careful.”

“You know what, I’m glad that you bumped into me that day.” her girlfriend said, snuggling closer
to Hyona neck while smiling to the sky.

“I know.” Hyona say while pinching her girlfriend cheek.

“By the way, why did you bring me here?”

“Close your eyes.” Hyona ask her girlfriend.


“Just close it.” After her girlfriend closed her eyes, Hyona then run back to her car and take out a
cupcakes and put a candle on it.

“Okay, now you can open your eyes.”

“Happy Birthday.”


“Make a wish baby.”

“I wish we will live happily until the death separate us.”

Hyona chuckle. “you shouldn’t said it out loud!”

“I want you to hear it and make it true, i love you Hyona Elatiora.” her girlfriend grin.

“I know that, and you know that i will always love you until the death separate us.”

That is my love story with my special someone. Even though our story didn’t end like that, I
still want to change it. I'm sorry dear, I change our love story. Even if it's just a fiction, i'm
happy that we are together until the end.

Hyona Elatiora

*flashback 3 years after their graduation*

“I’m home, where are you baby?” she just came back from her clinic when she saw her girlfriend
on the floor. Her face was so pale.

“Hey baby what happened to you?!?!”

“Why you didn’t tell me.” Hyona don’t know if she should be angry or sad about it.

“I don’t want you to be worried about it Hyon...”

“The doctor said 2 year, more or less.”

“I—I don’t want to be a burden to you...”

Hyona cried “You know that I love you right. You know that if you hurt I will be hurt too, If you
cry I will cry too, if you happy I will be happy to. Please promise me that you won’t keep any
secret to me again.” She say while hugging her girlfriend.

“I promise.”

*2 years later*

July 13, XXXX.

They are on a date on the beach. While staring at the beautiful sunset, holding each other hand.

“I can’t believe you stained my favorite hoodie back then Hyon.”

“Oh please, don’t remind me of that accident. If only i'm a little bit careful.”

“You know what, I’m glad that you bumped into me that day.” her girlfriend said, snuggling closer
to Hyona neck while smiling to the sky.

“I know.” Hyona say while pinching her girlfriend cheek.

“By the way, why did you bring me here?”

“Close your eyes.” Hyona ask her girlfriend.


“Just close it.” After her girlfriend closed her eyes, Hyona then run back to her car and take out a
cupcakes and put a candle on it.

“Okay, now you can open your eyes.”

“Happy Birthday.”


“Make a wish baby.”

“I wish you will be happy without me. I wish you will found someone who will treat you better
than me.”

“You really want to leave me huh...” tear start to fell on Hyona cheek.

“I -i don’t want to leave you…but you know what the doctor said back then right, it's almost the
time Hyon…” her girlfriend grin.

“I can't live without you”

“Hey.. don’t be sad on my birthday!!! Lets be happy!!!” her girlfriend suddenly run away from her
side and turn around to say something.

“Catch me if you can Hyon!!!” she say while sticking her tongue out.

“Slow down baby.” Hyona say and run after her girlfriend.

Unfortunately for her, Hyona run faster.

“Gotcha.” Hyona hug her from behind. But her girlfriend just stay still, hardly breathe.

“You—you okay baby?” Hyona ask after she feel her girlfriend nervousness.

“I'm okay, just a little bit tired.”

“Get on my back then.”

“Really Hyon?!. it's okay, i'm just a little bit tired.”

“Come on, just get on my back.”

after a few minute, her girlfriend hug her from behind and get on Hyona back.

Hyona start to walk along the beach while her girlfriend enjoying the wind on her back.

“Hey Hyon…you know that I always love you right?. Don’t you ever feel sad when i'm gone okay.
Because I will always be in your heart.”

She nodded, tear start to fell on her face again.

“I'm tired Hyon, I want to sleep.”

Hyona just hummed.

“Goodnight Hyon, I love you.” her girlfriend whispered. Resting her head on Hyona back, she let
out her last breath.

Hyona burst into tears, but she still continue to walk. She stop when she see the sun almost
disappear, kissing the sea.

“Hey baby…wake up. You should see this. Look at the sunset, it's beautiful.”

Hyona cried because she didn’t get any reply from her girlfriend.




The two people inside the clinic immediately look toward the direction of the sound.

“Your pawtient?” Xia ask just before she flip to the next page.

“I don’t think so, can you check it Xia? I’m a little bit busy here” Hyona say still arraging the

“Okay” Xia then walk to the door.

When she open it, she see a girl (or ghost?) wearing a white hoodie with a “GAME OVER”
design on it.

“Hello, are you Hyona pawtient?” she ask the girl who look confused.

“umm no…I’m Mika Melatika, one of the new liver from Nijisanji ID wave 6. They said i should
go to this address.”
End Notes

so this story based on a fic that i read a long time ago...

please excuse my bad english ;;

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