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Garden Croton: Santa Ana plant

The first plant that I am going to show is Garden Croton, which we also call a Santa Ana
Plant. As you can see the plant grows quite average in height, with long slim green leaves
that have yellow spots/marks, or what we call variegated leaves. This plant is both good
indoors and outdoors, although it grows better outdoors, which means that we can use
it as part of our landscape garden design. It can grow up to 10 ft, but in this case, where
it is planted in pots it grows smaller. The ideal maintenance for this plant is to maintain
humid and warm temperatures, not too much sunlight, and an abundant amount of

Red Rose

The second plant is what we know as a rose, a red rose. Roses are known to live more
than 2 years or what we call a perennial. There are a ton of species of roses, with
variations in shapes, sizes, colors, etc. In this red rose, we can see that it has grown quite
small with only one flower yet and it is red in color with little hints of pink. The ideal
growing of roses is in a place where it can get a lot of sunlight, having a lot of water to
keep the soil moist but just enough to not flood it and drown the plant with too much
water. Roses are usually ideal in gardens because of their nice visuals, some can even
grow in shrubs, but in this case, it can also be planted in pots so they can also be ideal as
pot plants.

”What is the Most Significant learning you’ve gained from Unit II Music of Africa and
Latin America ?”

From Unit 2, the most significant earning that I have gained is from Lesson 4, which is
all about popular music and the different genres of music included. There are the
ballads, which cover the blues, pop and jazz ballads, and pop and rock ballads. There are
also the standards, rock and roll, disco, hip-hop and rap, and lastly the alternative
music. Ballads are usually about love and originate from folk music, the blues are a
combination of Anglo-American and Afro-American styles, pop and jazz have repeating
melodies throughout the song with the chorus in a different tone, pop and rock have the
elements of folk music, standards are the most popular, they usually have slow tempo
and easy to follow lyrics. Rock and Roll is a mix of Afro-American music and Western
swing and country music, Disco are songs that have a more dancy vibe, hip-hop and rap
as we know are very rhythmic and follows a cadence and flow in the raps. Lastly, we
have alternative music which uses distorted guitar tunes and has oppressive lyrics.

“What is the Most Significant learning you’ve Gain from Unit II Technology-Based Art?”

The most significant learning that I have gained from the unit 2 Technology-based arts
is from the very first lesson, lesson 1, title Technology-based art. In this lesson, I have
learned further about how technology has greatly affected even the way art is expressed.
Nowadays, since technology is constantly advancing, it can offer a lot of mediums where
we can create art technologically, there come editing pictures, taking photos, filters,
drawing, etc. Here in this lesson, we have learned about the different types/
styles/terminology of technology-based arts. First up we have the technology-based arts,
which refers to artworks that can be created using technology. Second, the
Computer/Digital Arts, this is one of the types of technology-based arts, it is included
here the use of a variety of devices like computers or mobile phones to create an artwork
or enhance an already existing artwork that is traditionally made through scanning. The
third and the last one, Digital arts, actually started earlier the we might expect which is
during the 1960s. Professionals like engineers and scientists were the first ones to create
experimental digital art, which we should admit to having a very big impact on today’s

”What is the Most Significant learning you’ve gained from Unit II Societal Fitness?”
From Unit 2 Societal Fitness, the most significant learning that I have gained was from
the second lesson, titled Basic Stretching and Warm-up Exercises. As people, we are
taught at an early age that exercising is good for our bodies and that we should get as
much exercise as we can so that we can stay healthy and fit, but in my opinion, the
importance of stretching and warm-up exercises before starting exercises are stressed
enough. Well, people that have good knowledge about exercising should know this
already but those people that only want to try out exercising does not. This is important
to do before doing any exercise or heavy physical activities so that we can stretch our
muscles and our body and warm it up, and let it know that we are getting ready to do
something that can shock our body. When this happened we can stress the muscles in
our body parts and may result in injuries. Stretching refers to the exercise beforehand
where we stretch our tendons to improve elasticity and muscle tone to avoid tearing.
Warm-up exercises are activities where we prepare our body for the heavy physical
activity we are putting upon our body, to avoid as I have mentioned shock.

”What is the Most Significant learning you’ve gained from Unit II Health-Related Laws
in the Philippines?”

The most significant learning that I have gained from Unit 2 Health-related laws in the
Philippines is from Lesson 3. In this lesson, I have learned about Republic Act No. 6969,
Republic Act No. 8172, Republic Act No. 7277, and Republic Act No. 9994. Let’s start
with Republic act No. 6969 which is also known as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous
and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990. This republic act states that importation,
manufacturing, processing, distributing, usage, and disposing of chemical substances
and mixtures that may pose risk or injury to health or the environment, entry, or in-
transit, of hazardous and nuclear wastes to the Philippine territory, are extremely
prohibited and have strict regulation. Republic Act No. 8172 or also known as Act for
Salt Iodization Nationwide (ASIN), addresses the issue of having iodine deficiency
among the citizens and acts to it as providing a less expensive way, that is the use of Salt
Iodization, it also promotes the health in maintaining effective food regulatory system
and provide proper nutrition for the citizens. Republic act no. 7277, also known as the
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, is created in support of improving the overall well-
being of people with disabilities. This act also supports the equal rights of people with
disabilities in society and assurance to their rehabilitation, development, honing of
skills, and to have equal opportunities. Lastly, the Republic act no.9994 or the
Expanded Senior Citizen Act, which provides recognition to the primary concerns in
senior citizens. This act also provides discounts for products and services availed by
senior citizens.

Role model
I would say that my role model is a strong woman. A lot of women dreams to be an ideal
strong woman, one who can achieve her goals, take care of her self, be it financially or
just being able to be responsible for herself. Someone who can proudly keep their head
up high, ang build a nam for herself. No matter the profession it is, no matter what
situation you have in life, a strong woman will stand out and be admired by others,
someone who can also be a role model for others. A strong woman, that is not only
strong physically, financially, nor the personality, but the strong that is able overcome
the hurdles in life, the strong that is not afraid to show any weakness because that is part
of learning and who we are, having strength that isn’t so fragile that it can be broken by
mere hurtful words, the strength to overcome insecurities even little by little, and the
strength to be not afraid of what might others think and not afraid to show emotions.
And that is the kind of woman that I have as a role model, and someone who I aspire to

Why do we need to celebrate christmas? And how should we celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is widely celebrated holiday where we celebrate and remember the day Jesus
Christ was born. It is a holiday where we get to bond with our family deeply and connect
with them, and also have a connection with Jesus as well. Giving thanks for the
blessings we have received and what we will receive, also to strengthen our faith and
give respect to the day that Christ was born to be someone who guides us. Celebrating
christmas can get very extravagant with all the decors in our homes, public attractions,
etc. The amount of food that is cooked and how fancy it can get. Gift givings treating
ourselves to new things, and many more but that isn’t what christmas is all about. So be
it that you are with your family, friends, even when you are alone as long as you feel the
spirit of christmas and the joy it brings, then you are celebrating it. No matter how
humble and simple your celebration be or how fancy and extravagant it is, no matter
how many you spend it with or where you spend it, as long as you feel the joy, the
appreciation for all the good things, your far away loved ones, Jesus Christ then I would
say thatis how we celebrate christmas.

What is the essence of christmas? And what does gifts symbolize?

I truly believe that the essence of christmas is connection and appreciation. As i have
said from the previous question, christmas is a time where we get to have deeper
connection with the people that are close to us, so be it a family, a friends, someone who
we just know, etc. there is also the connection that we have with christ, that becomes
even stronger. The appreciation that we show to our family and friends for being a part
of our lives and supporting us, appreciation for them just being there when we may need
them, appreciation for all the good things. Appreciation for the mercy, guidance, and
many more blessing that we received and those on the way that we have gotten. Giving
gifts also symbolizes this, the show of appreciating someone, the gifts serve as a token of
thanks and appreciation for them. Expressing deep gratitude that we can’t say or just
feel the need to do even more. I think that it also symbolizes forming good relations wit

Test 1
MRS. ALVING[Slowly and with self-control.] You have now spoken out, Pastor
Manders; and tomorrow you are to speak publicly in memory of my husband. I shall not
speak tomorrow. But now I will speak frankly to you, asy ou have spoken to
me.134MANDERSTo be sure; you will plead excuses for your conduct—
MRS. ALVING: No. I will only tell you a story.
MANDERSWell—?MRS. ALVINGAll that you have just said about my husband and me,
and our life after you had brought me back to the path of duty—as you call edit—about
all that you know nothing from personal observation. From that moment you, who had
been our intimate friend, never set foot in our house again.
MANDERSYou and your husband left the town immediately after.MRS. ALVINGYes;
and in my husband’s lifetime, you never came to see us. It was business that forced you
to visit me when you undertook the affairs of the Orphanage.
MANDERS[Softly and hesitatingly.] Helen—if that is meant as a reproach, I would beg
you to bear in mind—MRS. ALVING—the regard you owed to your position, yes; and
that I was a runaway wife. One can never be too cautious with such unprincipled
MANDERSMy dear—Mrs. Alving, you know that is an absurd exaggeration—MRS.
ALVINGWell well, suppose it is. My point is that your judgment as to my married life is
founded upon nothing but common knowledge and report
.MANDERS: I admit that. What then?MRS. ALVINGWell, then, Pastor Manders—I will
tell you the truth. I have sworn to myself that one day you should know it—you alone
!MANDERSWhat is the truth, then
?MRS. ALVING The truth is that my husband died just as dissolute as he had lived all
his days.2626.How do you feel about Mrs. Alving’s confession?MANDERS[Feeling after
a chair.] What do you say
?MRS. ALVINGAfter nineteen years of marriage, as dissolute—in his desires at any rate
—as he was before you married us
MANDERSAnd those-those wild oats—those irregularities—those excesses, if you like—
you call “a dissolute life”?
MRS. ALVINGOur doctor used the expression.
MANDERS: I do not understand you.
MRS. ALVINGYou need not.
Manders: it almost makes me dizzy. Your whole married life, the seeming union of all
these years, was nothing more than a hidden abyss!MRS. ALVINGNeither more nor
less. Now you know it.
MANDERSThis is—this is inconceivable to me. I cannot grasp it! I cannot realize it! But
how was it possible to—? How could such a state of things be kept secret?
MRS. ALVING That has been my ceaseless struggle, day after day. After Oswald’s birth,
I thought Alving seemed to be a little better. But it did not last long. And then I had to
struggle twice as hard, fighting as though for life or death, so that nobody should know
what sort of man my child’s father was. And you know what power Alving had of
winning people’s hearts. Nobody seemed able to believe anything but good of him. He
was one of those people whose life does not bite upon their reputation. But at last, Mr.
Manders—you must know the whole story—the most repulsive thing of all happened.
MANDERS More repulsive than what you have told me?
MRS. ALVINGI had gone on bearing with him, although I knew very well the secrets of
his life out of doors. But when he brought the scandal within our own walls—
MANDERSImpossible! Here!
MRS. ALVINGYes; here in our own home. It was there [Pointing towards the first door
on the right], in the dining room, that I first came to know of it. I was busy with
something in there, and the door was standing ajar. I heard our housemaid come up
from the garden, with water for those flowers.
MRS. ALVING Soon after, I heard Alving come in too. I heard him say something softly
to her. And then I heard—[With a short laugh]—oh! it still sounds in my ears, so hateful
and yet so ludicrous—I heard my own servant-maid whisper, “Let me go, Mr. Alving! Let
me be!”
MANDERS What unseemly levity on his part! But it cannot have
been more than levity, Mrs. Alving; believe me, it cannot.
MRS. ALVINGI soon knew what to believe. Mr. Alving had his way. What can you infer
from with the girl; and that connection had consequences, Mr. Manders.

Test 2

Father Purdon knelt down, turned towards the red speck of light and, covering his face
with his hands, prayed. After an interval, he uncovered his face and rose. The
congregation rose also and settled again on its benches. Mr. Kernan restored his hat to
its original position on his knee and presented an attentive face to the preacher. The
preacher turned back each wide sleeve of his surplice with an elaborate large gesture
and slowly surveyed the array of faces. Then he said:

"For the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light.
Wherefore make unto yourselves friends out of the mammon of iniquity so that when
you die they may receive you into everlasting dwellings."

Father Purdon developed the text with resonant assurance. It was one of the most
difficult texts in all the Scriptures, he said, to interpret properly. It was a text which
might seem to the casual observer at variance with the lofty morality elsewhere
preached by Jesus Christ. But, he told his hearers, the text had seemed to him specially
adapted for the guidance of those whose lot it was to lead the life of the world and who
yet wished to lead that life not in the manner of worldlings. It was a text for business
men and professional men. Jesus Christ with His divine understanding of every cranny
of our human nature, understood that all men were not called to the religious life, that
by far the vast majority were forced to live in the world, and, to a certain extent, for the
world: and in this sentence He designed to give them a word of counsel, setting before
them as exemplars in the religious life those very worshippers of Mammon who were of
all men the least solicitous in matters religious.
He told his hearers that he was there that evening for no terrifying, no extravagant
purpose; but as a man of the world speaking to his fellow-men. He came to speak to
business men and he would speak to them in a businesslike way. If he might use the
metaphor, he said, he was their spiritual accountant; and he wished each and every one
of his hearers to open his books, the books of his spiritual life, and see if they tallied
accurately with conscience.

Jesus Christ was not a hard taskmaster. He understood our little failings, understood
the weakness of our poor fallen nature, understood the temptations of this life. We
might have had, we all had from time to time, our temptations: we might have, we all
had, our failings. But one thing only, he said, he would ask of his hearers. And that was:
to be straight and manly with God. If their accounts tallied in every point to say:

"Well, I have verified my accounts. I find all well."

But if, as might happen, there were some discrepancies, to admit the truth, to be frank
and say like a man:

"Well, I have looked into my accounts. I find this wrong and this wrong. But, with God's
grace, I will rectify this and this. I will set right my accounts."

WEEK 7 vid recording eng

In the story Ghosts, the characters that were mentioned were, Mrs. Alving, she is the
wife of the late Mr. Arving, and the mother of Oswald. Oswald Alving, which is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Alving, and the lover of Regina. He also died later in the story because
he also had syphilis like his late father, then proceeded to kill himself by drinking
poison. In the story, he also turned to be more like his father. Pastor Manders an old
friend of both Mrs. Alving and Captain Alving, he is also the one who manages the
orphanage of the Alving family. Jakob Engstrand is a carpenter in the manor and/or
estate of the Alving family, he is the husband of Johanna. He stands as the father of
Regina and takes care of her. Regina Engsrand, turned out to be the daughter of Mr.
Alving and Johanna, although it was believed at first that her father was Jakob. She is
also currently the maid of Mrs. Alving and she is the lover of Oswald. Characters who
were mentioned and part of the story but already dead are, as mentioned, Captain
Alving, He is the lord of the Alving Manor, he was well-known when he was alive, but
also was a bad husband, he was always drunk and had girls around him despite being
married. He died because of syphilis. There is also Johanna, which was the maid of
Captain Alving, and the mother of Regina. She died in the earlier parts.
The story was set in the 1800s, in Norway which at that time was a Scandinavian
monarchy government, which means that it was led by the royal family. Specifically, the
story was set in the manor/ estate of the Alving Family in Norway. It had also shown the
place where the rich lives and the orphanage were also shown. The story had a very
interesting situation, to sum it up, captain Alving was a very unfaithful man to Mrs.
Arving. He ended up impregnating Johanna, the maid which resulted in Regina. Jakob
took care of her as his own daughter, he was focused on making her work at the shipping
company he manages, but Regina doesn’t want to. Mrs. Alving knows the truth about
Regina’s birth and decided to keep it a secret to protect her son, and even sent him away
so that he won’t catch on to the bad habits of his father. Oswald at the time of the story
came home, turns out that He and Regina are lovers and they are in a relationship. In
the climax of the story, Mrs. Alving had intended to reveal the truth but there was a
sudden fire in the orphanage so she needed to take care of it, later on she was able to
reveal it anyway. Oswald and Regina found out that they are related by their father’s
blood. Oswald was devastated, he was even in the knowledge that he had syphilis and
decide to tell everyone as well. In the end of the story, Oswald was dying and decided to
kill himself by drinking poison.

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