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Ibn Rachik 2ndary school 3rd End-Term English Exam Academic year

Name: ............................................................. 2nd Form science Mrs. Ghozia
Class: ………………………………………………..

I-Reading Comprehension ( 15 marks)

1. Choose the most appropriate title for the text (1 mark)

Run, Jump, Swim. Just Don’t log on

Log on and you will regret it all your life.

Log on and join the Jump up Internet School.

2. Complete the following table with information about Lee Chang Hoon. (3 marks)
Problem Cause Effect Help offered
Cyberspace …………………………………. ………………………………… ………………………………
addiction …………………………………. …………………………………. ……………………………….

3. Correct the following false statements with details from the text . (4marks)
a) Campers are understanding and helpful from the beginning. (parag 3)


b) Lee Chang Hoon was not fond of learning from the start.( parag 5)


c) Lee Chang Hoon accepts that he is an internet addict. (parag6)


d) All the measures the camp took were not successful in dealing with Lee Chang’s


4. Answer the following question with reference to the text. (3 marks)

1) Name a pastime and an activity that the school suggests to keep participants

2) What is the goal behind the above pastime and activity?


5. Find in the text words meaning the following. (2 marks)

a- Severe/strict ( paragraph 2) : ………………………………………………….
b- Not ready/ unwilling (paragraph6) : ………………………………………………………..
6. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2marks)
a- Them (paragraph2) :…………………………………………………………………….
b- He (paragraph6): …………………………………………………………………………

II- Language (10 marks)

1. Supply the correct tense or form of the bracketed words. (3.5marks)

Being handicapped doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your dreams. When Maksim
Sedakov from St Petersburg, Russia lost his leg in a car accident and ended up ( use)
……………………………..a wheelchair, he was determined (prove) …………………………….that his
condition would not prevent him from doing what he enjoys most. Maksim picked up a
passion for wheelchair dancing, participated in dance tournaments all over the globe and
even competed in world championships. He continued to trust ( oneself) ……………… and his
talents. The most important thing is to have (confident)………………………… oneself, in
one’s own (able)…………………………………, and not to take it (serious)……………………………. If
people sometimes say to you that you cannot do certain things. The (achieve)
……………………………………of Maksim, and others like him, show that regardless of a person’s
situation, it is still possible to achieve your dream.

2. Circle the right alternative. (3.5 marks)

Researchers prove that children, who do not have books at home or do not go to public
libraries, are at a huge disadvantage. In recent years, we (are noticing / have noticed/
noticed) an enormously increasing growth in T.V use. It is true that TV is a useful medium (
and/ therefore/ but) nothing replaces books because books teach you to be able to read to
cope ( of / with / on) all aspects of life and civilization. In January, families across Canada
will participate in fun activities ( to / so that/ in order) celebrate the family ( literate /
literacy / illiteracy) Day to raise the importance of reading and learning. Every year ,
organizations, schools and libraries coordinate literacy-themed events and public story
reading. They insist ( on / in / that) reading ability is like a muscle the (less / fewer /
more) you exercise it , the more you will be able to maintain a developed-reading skill.

3. Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the box ( 3marks)

aware / species / pollution / shortage / trees / growth / die / for

Water is essential for all the socio-economic development and for maintaining healthy
ecosystems. Population ………………………………, pollution and climate change are likely to
combine to cause a drastic decline in water supply in the coming decades. Thanks to mass
media, most people are ………………………………of the water problem. However, many do not
care …………………………………it. They are either indifferent or do not apply what they learn in
their daily practices . In any case, it is not just us who need water, but every other
………………………………….that shares the planet with us

More than five million people ………………………………….. from waterborne diseases each year.
The poor are the ones who suffer most. For them, water ………………………………. means long
walks to search, high prices to buy it, food insecurity and disease from drinking dirty water.
III- writing: (15 marks)
1. Express differently the following statements differently using the expressions
in brackets. (5 marks)

a- They have both the desire and the confidence to win the competition. ( not only…but


b- You are very late . you can’t catch the train. ( too….to)


c- “ My son is addicted to the net and he neglected his studies.”, the mother said.

The mother said that……………………………………………………………………………………………………

d- He’s very talented. He can draw pictures.( enough)


e- She travelled abroad to pursue her studies. ( so that)


2. Free writing: (10marks)

You watched a program on the National Geographic” channel about the dangers that
threaten our environment( pollution, global warming, floods, water scarcity ,etc..). This
program surprised and impressed you so much. So you decided to write an article for
your school magazine to warn your friends of these dangers and suggest some solutions

.................................................................................................................................................................................... best wishes

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