Env107 Lab Report-04: Water Quality Parameters Group-C Section-18

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Water Quality Parameters
Rahanuma Tarannum 1631612030

Sabrina Tasnim Esha 1721098630

Fariha Akan Atoshi 1721881630

Humayra Hoque 1722208030

Question 1: a) Identify from the following data table, which liquids are acidic and which are alkaline.
b) Prepare a graph showing their pH value.

Answer: a)

Liquids/Solutions pH Type of Liquid

NSU Tap 7.3 Alkaline
NSU Tap+ CH₃COOH 4.12 Acidic
NSU Tap+ NaOH 11.5 Alkaline
NSU Drinking water 7.24 Alkaline
Liquid Antacid 8.24 Alkaline
Liquid Soap 8.2 Alkaline
Coca Cola 2.7 Acidic
Juice 3.44 Acidic





NSU Tap NSU Tap+ NSU Tap+ NSU Liquid Liquid Coca Cola Juice
CH3COOH NaOH Drinking Antacid Soap

Figure: pH of different liquids/solutions

Question 2. Prepare a graph from the following table and show their relationship and explain.

Sample Source Temperature ( Degree Celsius) DO (Mg/L)

Coldwater 17.2 12.11

Normal water 24.1 6.42

Hot water 40.6 4.77


DO (Mg/L)

Temperature ( Degree Celsius)

Figure: Effect of Temperatures

When temperature increase DO (Mg/L) will decries. The actual amount of dissolved DO (mg/L) will vary
depending on temperature, pressure and salinity. First, the solubility of oxygen decreases as
temperature increases. This means that warmer surface water requires less dissolved oxygen to reach
100% air saturation than doe’s deeper, cooler water. DO concentration in water is dependent of water
temperature but also of the partial pressure of above the water. This is the Henry's law. If the partial
pressure increases, then the DO concentration in water will also increase. When the altitude is
increasing, the total atmospheric pressure decreases, and then the partial pressure of oxygen is also
Question 3. In the following table the data are showing the values of EC and TDS when NaCl is added to
water in different doses. Prepare a graph, show their relationship, and explain.

Sample Type EC (in μs/cm) TDS (in ppm)

Only tap water 466 233

Tap water + NaCl (0.5g) 1011 505

Tap water + NaCl (1g) 1403 704

Tap water + NaCl (2g) 1925 1055

Answer: The graph of EC and TDS when NaCl is added to water in different doses


EC (in μs/cm)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
TDS (in ppm)

Figure: Relationship between EC & TDS

According to Figure 3, we found out that the amount of NaCl dissolving the higher the EC and TDS. The
reason for the increase of TDS is the because of dissolving conditions. Well, there is a positive relation
between EC and TDS. The increase in NaCl from 0.5 g to 2 g, at that time EC also increased from 1011(in
μs/cm) to 1925 (in μs/cm). And there is also an increase in TDS because of the dissolving concentration.
Because of an increase of dissolved ions in NaCl, EC increases as well.
Question 4. Take a picture of any waterbody/waterway adjacent to your home and describe its cause
of (visible) pollution (if any). If you find it clear then explain how it is kept clean.


This picture was captured from Purbachal. This is the Balu River, which is one of the impotent water
resources in Dhaka. Balu river receives many untreated wastes regularly from industries located nearby.
Adjacent residential areas and heavy industries partially pollute the Balu river by disposing of untreated
contaminated water, industrial and sewage effluents in the water. Balu rivers water gets polluted by the
indiscriminate disposal of household, commercial wastes, spent fuel of troller boats, human excreta
discharge, untreated building material's factories wastage, municipal solid wastes, etc., directly into the
river. This river also receives sewage effluents from the sewer system of the town. Some shops and
restaurants situated on the riverside dump their wastage directly in the river water. When people visit
Purbachal, they buy food items, drinks etc., from the shops located beside the river and throw their one
time used teacups, water bottles, chips packet in the river water. As a result, the Balu river has become
a dumping ground of all kinds of solid, liquid and chemical wastes that made its water very polluted.
Contribution Table-Group C

Sabrina Tasnim Esha Question no. 1

Rahanuma Tarannum Question no. 2

Humayra Hoque Question no. 3

Fariha Akan Atoshi Question no. 4

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