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apt. Bai Athur Ridwan, S.Farm., M.Pharm.Sci.

1 Mahasiswa Dapat Menjelaskan Defenisi & Teori Manajemen

2 Mahasiswa Dapat Menjelaskan Siklus Manajemen Farmasi

Istilah management berasal dari akar kata Manage yang menurut kamus Webster’s
adalah kata kerja yang berarti mengendalikan gerak atau perilaku, memimpin atau
mengarahkan, atau mencapai keberhasilan.

KBBI : penggunaan sumber daya secara efektif untuk mencapai sasaran

Menurut Tootelian dan Gaedeke (1993), manajemen adalah "suatu proses yang
menyatukan sumber daya dan menyatukannya sedemikian rupa sehingga secara kolektif,
mereka mencapai tujuan atau sasaran dengan cara yang seefisien mungkin."

Teori Manajemen

Teori Manajemen Teori Perilaku Teori Sistem

Ilmu Manajemen
Klasik Manajemen Manajemen

 Planning
 Organizing
 Directing
 Coordinating
 Controlling
Teori Manajemen Klasik
• The planning process is designed to help the organization minimize uncer-
tainty in the future
• Planning helps determine future success
• Planning also helps to maximize efficiency
• One of the primary organizing functions is to determine the organizational
• Most organizations today are based on the scientific management theory,
yielding the bureaucratic model.
• The bureaucracy is the typical organizational structure, which is founded on
the principles of logic, order, and legitimate authority.
• The characteristics of a bureaucratic organization include a clear
division of labor, job specialization, a hierarchy of authority
implemented through a system of formal policies and procedures,
fairness in applying rules, and a career ladder.
• One of the most important functions of a manager is directing —
leading, delegating, and motivating employees to accomplish their
• Coordinating activities include corrective actions, in which
adjustments to a process need to be made to bring about the
outcome; preventative actions, which prevent problems from
occurring; and promotive actions, in which relationships are
developed within and among departments and personnel.
• Akey aspect of the coordinating function is managing conflict.
• The controlling function of a manager is regulatory in nature
• The manager reviews the plans developed, determines the
performance measures needed to assure progress toward the goal,
compares the results of these measures with the standards set in the
plans, and attempts to make adjustments, through one of the other
functions, to ensure congruency with the desired outcome.
Ilmu Manajemen
• Mempelajari dampak orang dan sistem pada produktivitas atau

Teori Perilaku manajemen

• Interaksi lingkungan, interpersonal, dan kelompok dan dampaknya
terhadap produktivitas

Teori Sistem Manajemen

• pendekatan holistik untuk semua aspek yang terlibat dalam proses
menghasilkan produk atau layanan
• Teori manajemen klasik : Sebagai dasar untuk memahami bagaimana manajer
harus berfungsi, misalnya operasi farmasi sehari-hari dan jangka panjang dapat
direncanakan, diatur, diarahkan, dikoordinasikan, dan dikendalikan.
• Teori manajemen ilmiah : dapat dilihat dari segi dispensing obat, misalnya dengan
penggunaan robot atau perangkat pengeluaran otomatis dan diawasi oleh
apoteker dan teknisi.
• Teori manajemen perilaku : Seni memimpin dan memotivasi.
• Teori sistem manajemen : memungkinkan manajer untuk
mengkonseptualisasikan bagaimana subsistem yang berbeda berintegrasi satu
sama lain untuk menghasilkan output yang diinginkan.
• Dalam hal kefarmasian, keluaran yang diinginkan bukan hanya pengeluaran suatu
produk obat melainkan perawatan pasien.
• Teori-teori manajemen tersebut membentuk dasar bagi tenaga kerja saat ini.
Pharmaceutical Management Framework
Selection :
• Reviewing the prevalent health problems
• Identifying treatments of choice
• Choosing individual medicines and dosage forms
• Deciding which medicines will be available at each level of health care system
• Quantifying medicine requirements
• Selecting procurement methods
• Managing tenders
• Establishing contract terms
• Assuring pharmaceutical quality
• Ensuring adherence to contract terms
• stock control
• stores management
• delivery to drug depots and health facilities
• Diagnosing
• Prescribing
• Dispensing
• Proper consumtion by the patient
Lessons Learned in Pharmaceutical Management
• national medicines policy provides a sound foundation for
managing pharmaceutical supplay
• wise medicines selection underlies all other improvements
• effective management and good governance save money and
improve performance
• rational medicine use requires more than just the dissemination of
medicine information
• systemtic assesment and monitoring are essential
Tugas Individu
• Buat resume tentang Challenges for pharmaceutical management
(Tantangan untuk manajemen farmasi) berdasarkan referensi berikut:

Bahan resume dapat didownload melalui link

berikut :

Tugas ditulis tangan pada kertas double folio

bergaris dan dikumpul paling lambat 7 hari
setelah tugas ini diberikan melalui link "kumpul
tugas"yang terdapat dalam
masing-masing kelas
• Desselle, S. P. (2009). Pharmacy Management Essentials for all
practice settings.
• Management Sciences for Health. (2012). MDS-3: Managing Access to
Medicines and Health Technologies. Arlington, VA: Management
Sciences for Health.
• Peterson, A. M., & Kelly, W. N. (Eds.). (2004). Managing pharmacy
practice: principles, strategies, and systems. Crc Press.

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