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NAME: Abdulrahman Rizeq Abu-Khater

STUDENT NUMBER: 320170104011


LAB DATE: SUNDAY 3:30 – 5:00 PM

DUE TO: 19/12/2021

EXP # 6

Creep and shrinkage have important effects on the behaviour of
concrete structures. The deflections due to these long-term effects can
be large, normally significantly larger than the short-time or elastic
deflections, and the designer must make sure that the deflections are
tolerable. In redundant structures creep and shrinkage cause
redistributions of internal forces. These redistributions are sometimes
favourable since they tend to relax the maximum stresses produced by
enforced displacements or shrinkage and temperature changes, but
sometimes harmful. The stresses produced by differences in creep or
shrinkage among various parts of the structure, or due to a change of
the structural system during construction, can cause deleterious
cracking, accompanied by degradation of structural stiffness. This may
further facilitate ingress of water and promote corrosion of
reinforcement, which may cause spalling of concrete and ultimately a
loss of serviceability of the structure. By altering the long-time stress
state, creep and shrinkage indirectly causes a change in the stress
maxima for superimposed live loads. Due to the lack of plastic response
(limited ductility), creep and shrinkage may exert in this manner a
significant influence on the brittle failures of concrete structures. Thus,
creep and shrinkage may alter the safety margin against the collapse of
a structure under short-time overloads. In slender or thin structures,
creep also causes a slow longtime growth of buckling deflections.
Consequently, the critical loads for longtime instability may be much
less than the elastic critical loads. The purpose of this chapter is to
review the methods of linear as well as nonlinear analysis of structures
for the effects of creep and shrinkage and to describe the typical effects
of various types of structures. The finite element analysis will be omitted
from the present chapter except in so far as it directly relates to the
.subjects to be dealt with

Deflection of a Beam Considering the Creep

In solving tasks in which deformation of material is substantially
affected by time progress and by the length of the loading time interval,
viscoelastic or viscoplastic constructional relations and derived material
models, have been used. For the viscoelastic environment, two
phenomena are characteristic: creep and relaxation. If the impulse is
stress σ, the response is deformation ε, and vice versa. Under the
constant load at different levels in the sufficiently long time interval, the
linear progress of non-reversible deformations occurs. The rate of creep
rises with higher values of load and within the complex time interval, it
has been changing. The first-time interval of these curves is
characterized by large deformation, and it is called the primary creep. In
the second interval there is a quasi-constant rate of deformation, and
the area is called the secondary creep. Under large loads, creep crack
occurs, which is in the third creep. If the stress in structural elements
made of viscoelastic materials reaches 50% of their calculated bearing



(INTRODUCTION FOR CREEP) Deflection of a Beam
(Considering the Creep


3- Search in google images (real photos FOR CREEP)

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