BSF 317 Group B C Posts Advt Details 82f35f

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Directorate General Border Security Force, New Delhi

(Personnel Directorate • Recruitment Section)
Notice for Recruitment to tho P.ost of SI (Master)~ Sl(Englno Driver)
SI (Workshop), HC(Mastor), HC (Engine Drlvor), HC (Workshop) and
. CT (Crew) In BSF Water Wing by Dlroct Recruitment Examlnatlon-2020 ·
Applications are Invited from mnlo lnctlon clt~~ons for f1llh10 111) tho lollowlno Orour 'U' II. 'O' Co111hnllbotl pci@
ln In Wolor Wlnu or llio Uordor Somirlly Forco:·
Miiirii"" ~- - - J\liO"- - E!iiOCli ftiii iiiiiuon-- --·-------~---.
Post .
- -
- - Lelvoil1I P11y
SI (Master) 04 01 • • ---:--- 0 5- •- L-nv_n_1.-0-(l-lt1- .-:.l-G400· 1°124'ii'O/.) llolwoc•u1 22 1)10·~2 or Ito oqulvolont from o rocoonlzod Board or ,
lo 20 yonrn) Unlvor1lly nnd ·
'ii) Sucoml Clm1a Mnntor Cortlflcote l11uuod by tho
Conlrnl or Stuto lnlond Wotor Tronoport Authority or
Morcnntllo Mnrlnn Doporlmont.
SI (Engine
03 01 03 01 ·or----og- Ln'Vnl-o(Rn. :m100.-112400/· )· bOiWCiiiri'If i) fo ~f0,'"1111 oqulvolont from o rocoonlzed Board or
lo 20 youro Unlvorslty und
' II) Firlit Clarin Englno Orlvor Certificate Issued by the
Cuntrnl or Stoto lnlnnd Waler Transport Authority or.·
Morconlllo Morino Doportment.
SI (Workshop) 01 01 01 __O_J___,_ ,L_o_v_o_
(R-11-. ""
:i b-. 4-0-0--1-12
_4_0_0/-. ,- •--a-o-tw_o_o_n ""'"
o Eiocttoior b ouro1i-1n_ M
alc-::E:-n-g-:-ln-e-e r-:-ln-g...,f;-
a- t
to 211 years rocoonlzotl University or Throo years Diploma In
Mechnnlcol or Marino or Automobile Engineering
from u rocognlzod University or Institution.
HC (Master) 20 05 19 05 07 - l--4- (-R-s.-2-5"'"
,_ 5_6 _ ..,_,L_o-ve 50- 0-.-
0 /--)- t ·-Bo
_t_w-ee--n- 2-0-i I) Matrlculatlon from a recognized board or
to 26 yoors oqulvalont and
II) Serano Certificate.
HC (Engine 24 05 22 10 07 68 Level·4·(Rs. 25500-81100/·) · Between 20 I) Motrlculatlon from a recognized board or
Driver) to 25 yeors equivalent and
II) Possessing llnd Class Engine Driver Certificate.
HC (Workshop)· UR EWS OBC SC ST Total Levol'.4 (Rs. 25500-81100/·) Between 20 1) Matriculation from a reco9nlzed Board or
Trade to 25 years equivalent and
Mechanic 02 02 01 02 07 •. (2) Industrial Tral~lng Institute Diploma respectiv~ in
(DieseU trade (I.e. Motor Mechanic (DieseliPetrol Engine)
Petrol Engine) Machlnlst/Carpe.ntry/Electrlclan/Alr conditioner
Electrician 02 , - - . 02 Technician/Electronics and Plumbing) from a
AC 01 - 01 - .. 02 recognized Institution.
Technic ian
Electronics 01 - . . . 01
Machinist - . . . 01 01 ..
Carpenter - - . 01 01
Plumber 02 - -. . . 02 ,•
Total 08 02 02 02 02 16
CT (Crew) 65 17 31 · 24 23 160 Level-3 (Rs. 21700-69100/·) Between 20 I) Matriculation from a recognized board or

to 25 years· equivalent and ·

ii) One year experience In operation of Boat below
- 265 HP and
' Iii) Should know swimming In deep water w ithout
any assistance and will submit an undertaking
' . certificate as per Annexure-'D-1' alongwith
Application Form .
Total 125 31 78 43 40 • 317

Note:- (a) 10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen. post of HC (Master), HC (Workshop), HC (Engine Driver) & CT (Crew) as
(b) Vacancies are subject to change (may Increase or decrease). BSF reserves the examination fee. However, fee Is exemp_ t ed for candidates belonging to
right to make changes or cancel or postpone the recruitment without assigning Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, BSF Candidates & Ex-Servicemen. Fee once
any reasons , · paid wlll not be rof1111dod under any c/rc11msta11ce.
(c) Last Date: 30 days from the date of publication of this notice In Employment 3. For detailed advertisement and Application Form Including Admit Cards, please
News Paper. However, it will be 45 days for candidates of far flung areas as . log on to BSF website www.bsf.nlc.ln and which will be
specified in para-I (vi) of detailed advertisement uploaded In BSF website. available after publication of this advertisement in Employment News/ Rozgar
(d) The crucial date for determining the age .limit shall be the closing date _for receipt Samachar. Any further Information/notification/ amendment In respect to this
of application from candidates which will be 30 days from tho date of recruitment will be made on the BSF website only. Hence, candidates are advised
publication of this notice In the Em.p loyment News. · to log on to the BSF website from time to time for their Interest.
2. Examination Fee: Each application should be accompanied by a Demand Draft/
. (K S Ran'a) /
Postal Order of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred ) for the post of S_I (Master), SI Commandant (Recruitment)
(Workshop) & SI (Engine Driver) ar d Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred) for the davp 1911011110104/1920 EN 46/50

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