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1 MMS3553

LAB #3

LAB #3 – Satellite remote sensing online data sources

Due : 20/12/2021 via Oceania


1. To introduce students to satellite data online sources.

2. To obtain practical experience downloading and viewing satellite data
1. Carefully read the guide on page 3.
2. Each group is required to submit a single report.

Question 1: (3 marks)

i. What is Landsat Collection 1 LandsatLook Images?

ii. Using QGIS to load the data, we could determine_______bands.

Question 2 : (6 marks)

i. What is the file size of Level-1 GeoTIFF Data Product?

ii. Using QGIS to load the data, we could determine_______bands.
iii. Indicate the complete name of the file that contains the HEADER information.

Question 3: (1 marks)
Provide two other urls for downloading satellite data in addition to the one supplied.

LAB #4 Page 1 of 2
2 MMS3553

LAB #3

LAB #3 – Satellite remote sensing online data sources

Group Report format :

A. Introduction

B. Procedure (with flow chart)

C. Answers Q1 to Q3

D. Conclusion

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Lab 3 Manual :
RS online
M M S 3553
Examples of available online datasets

1) Navigate to the data portal

2) Enter an area of interest (AOI) using an address, coordinates or by using the map view
as a bounding box

3) Enter a date range

4) Navigate to the 'Data Sets' tab located at the top of the data portal

5) Select datasets and click 'Results' at the bottom of the data portal

*It is necessary to create a USGS account to download data
Check your email
Without username login
Cannot download. Need to login
Save your data.
You got the satellite image! Open it in QGIS.

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