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Anthony’s College                                                 Liberal Arts-Education Department

San Jose de Buenavista, Antique                                      First Semester, AY 2021-



                                                         GEC 108 – ETHICS 


Direction: Answer the questions in essay form of not more than ten sentences each.

1. You know fully well that your neighbour engages in illegal logging in your municipality.
You realized the extent of the effects of illegal logging after a destructive flash flood
which submerged your community during the recent typhoon. How will you enlighten
your neighbour about your ethical position about the environment? (12.5 points)


 Illegal logging can cause a great destruction in our environment. If all of the trees were cut
down, it is a big problem that we are going to face. If there is a heavy rain, I am sure there will
be a flash flood and can give a big destruction in our environment, animals and people. So, if
I know my neighborhood who engage in illegal logging, I will try to tell him about the illegal
logging and the effects in our people and environment or community. I will try my best to
convince him not to continue what he is doing because it can cause destruction. I will tell him
that what he did is wrong and can destroy our environment. If he will not follow my advice, I
will report him to authority, so that they will be the one to stop him. I will do these to save our
environment and Mother earth.

2. Mr. Yap is the owner of a fast food company. As the company grows, he hired a lot of
people. However, he was criticized for hiring people on a contractual basis only. A
service crew works for five months only and he is laid off just in time before an
employee becomes permanent as prescribed by law. Is the practice of Mr. Yap a morally
sound business practice? Why yes? Why no? (12.5 points)


The practice of Mr. Yap is not morally sound business practice because it is unfair to the
dedicated employee who works so hard for the growth of the company or the business. The
reason is the employee cannot avail the good benefits given to the permanent employees
like the SSS insurance, health insurance, retirement savings plan, and paid time off, the Pag
-ibig membership, the bonuses and other benefits offered to the permanent employees. The
family needs the wages for their daily needs, so when they were laid off the family will
suffer from hunger and can’t buy what they need, So, what Mr. Yap did is not morally
sound business practice for me.

1. You and Joshua are best friends since elementary grades.  During one of your private
conversations, he confessed to you that he engaged in casual sex with five women already.
As a morally enlightened person, how will you evaluate Joshua’s sexual behaviour? Is
engaging in casual sex morally acceptable or not? Explain your answer thoroughly. (12.5


Casual sex is sexual activity that takes place outside a romantic relationship and implies an
absence of commitment, emotional attachment , or familiarity between sexual partners.
Talking about Joshua’s sexual behavior in sex, it is considered immoral. Sex that is casual
is precisely as moral as sex within the context of a marriage relationship, as long as consent
exists. Casual sex is immoral because it is against God’s law to have sex with anybody
without emotion , love or attachment between the two. You must have sex only to the one
you love or your husband and wife. You don’t need to have sex with anybody if you want
without love at all. So, doing a casual sex is very immoral or not not acceptable. It is just
like the work of an evil that don’t respect a woman. It is an evil act that need to be avoided
by all men an dwomen.
1. Martina is a 14-year old girl who suffers from cystic fibrosis, a disease with no cure.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that severely debilitates patients by clogging their lungs
and organs with thick layers of mucus. Martina was dependent on breathing machines and is
fed through a tube for two years already. Considering her situation, she wants to die. How
will you explain to her the moral implications of her wish to die? (12.5 points)

The situation of Martina is so difficult and painful. Her situation in breathing which was
dependent on breathing machines and the way she intake food is a hard situation for her. The
pain of her illness that she felt everyday and for almost two years made her say that she wants to
die. She wants to end her life so that she can’t feel the pain of her illness anymore. She can’t
bear the pain she feels that’s why she wants to die to rest.

Martina sacrifices the pain for almost two years. So, the only thing she thinks to stop this
sacrifices is to die or to rest eternally. I will explain to Martina that she will not wish to die.
Wishing to die is a mortal sin that she will commit to God. It is God’s will to make her die. I
will encourage her more to live longer and enjoy the blessings of the Lord. I will give her more
inspiration by talking to her about the beauty of life in this world.
The beauty of being alive in this wonderful world.

Prepared by:
Ferdinand Angelo Alipis
Theodore Francis Calantas
Jason James N. Ayupan

Approved: Ana Linda O. Santos, Ph.D. (12-7-2020)

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