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1. Basic Navigation
Exercise 1.1 Terminologies
Fill each blank with the appropriate words or terminologies that will make the statements correct.

1. The MENU BAR displays at the top of the screen. It contains the Windows standard menu (File,
Edit, W window, Help) as well as generic SAP Business One functions.
2. The TOOL BAR is a collection of icon buttons that grant you easy access to commonly-used
3. Navigation in SAP Business One is done using the MODULES MENU . It arranges the functions of
the individual applications in a tree structure.
4. The users of SAP Business One are defined in the USER- SETUP window.
5. Accessing SAP Business One on Cloud is done using WEB BROWSERS like Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

2. SAP on Cloud
Exercise 2.1 Terminologies
Identify the terminologies being described by each sentence.

1. This is business management software that allows an organization to use a system

of integrated applications to manage the business. It aims to serve as a backbone for your whole
business. ERP SYSTEM
2. This is also known as Internal Cloud, is a cloud based infrastructure operated exclusively for a
single organization with all data protected behind an internal firewall. PRIVATE CLOUD
3. This is also known as External Cloud, is available to the public where data are created and stored
on third-party servers. PUBLIC CLOUD
4. This is a key feature of cloud computing where resources can be accessed anywhere (except on
limitations set by company's internal control). INDEPENDENCE
5. This place where SAP, a European multinational software corporation, was founded in 1972.
3. Master Data, Marketing Documents and Purchasing Process
Exercise 3.1 Vendor Master Data
Add the following in the BP master data:

Code: SU00008
BP Type Vendor
Name OutTheBox
Group Distributors
Tel No: 29956453
Mobile Phone: 9386561644
Contact Person
Contact ID: EL-008
First Name: Carlo
Title: Mr.
Middle Name: Perez
Last Name: Cordura
Address: Imus City
Telephone No: 37356894
Mobile Phone: 9186574865
Payment Term
Payment Terms: Net 30
Price List: Base Price

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

Exercise 3.2 – Customer Master Data
Add the following in the BP master data:

Code: CU00008
BP Type Customer
Name Marlon Reyes
Group Large Accounts
Tel No: 43396857
Mobile Phone: 9235689741
Contact Person
Contact ID: JT-127
First Name: Marlon
Title: Mr.
Middle Name: Uy
Last Name: Reyes
Address: Pasig City
Telephone No: 43396857
Mobile Phone: 9235689741
Payment Term
Payment Terms: N30
Price List: Sales Price Student 8

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

Exercise 3.3 – Item Master Data
Add the following items in the Item Master Data:

Item No. Description Item Group Unit Price

IM00036 Senorita Sardines 155g Items 13
IM00037 Holiday Beefloaf 150g Items 21
IM00038 Argentina CornedBeef 150g Items 46
IM00039 Autralian Meatloaf 150g Items 36
IM00040 American Cornedbeef 150g Items 51

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

4. Purchase Process
Exercise 4.1
Perform the whole Purchasing Process:

Vendor: SU00008
Name: OutTheBox
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036
Quantity: 95 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 4.2
Perform the whole Purchasing Process:

Vendor: SU00008
Name: OutTheBox
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00037 and IM00038
Quantity: 80 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 4.3
Perform the whole Purchasing Process:

Vendor: SU00008
Name: OutTheBox
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036, IM00039 and IM00040
Quantity: 75 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 4.4
Perform the whole Purchasing Process:

Vendor: SU00008
Name: OutTheBox
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00037, IM00038, IM00039 and IM00040
Quantity: 60 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 4.5
Perform the whole Purchasing Process:

Vendor: SU00008
Name: OutTheBox
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036, IM00037, IM00038, IM00039 and IM00040
Quantity: 80 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 4.6 Terminologies
Identify the terminologies being described by each sentence.

1. It is a document used to request items or services from a vendor at an agreed upon price.
Purchase Order
2. This document was created when you receive goods from the vendor. Goods Receipt PO
3. This document was used to make a request for payment and serves as a legal document in
recognizing a liability. A/P Invoice
4. When it’s time to pay the money owed for the goods received and services rendered, this
process is being made. Outgoing Payments
5. It shows the relationship of the entire purchasing process. Relationship Map
6. The part of the marketing document which shows the general information. Upper part (header)
7. The part of the marketing document which shows the information on different tab pages and
the item specific data (you can access more item specific data in the line details by double-
clicking a row). Middle Part
8. This tab of the middle part contains all the specific information about the ordered items or
services is entered, such as quantity, price, item number, and description. Contents Tab
9. This tab of the middle part contains the details about where the items or services as well as
payments are to be sent. Logistics Tab
10. This tab of the middle part contains the relevant general ledger (G/L) account information for
the purchase pulled from the financial accounting master data. Accounting Tab

5. Sales Process
Exercise 5.1 Sales Process Overview
1. This are the people or a part of the master data used on any sales document. They are
converted unto this type when they bought something to the company. Customers
2. This are the people or a part of the master data used on pre-sales documents or sales orders
and not on deliveries or invoices. Leads
3. This document serves commitment from a customer or leads to buy a product or service.
Sales Order

4. This document is a legally binding document indicating that the shipment of goods or the
delivery of services has occurred. Delivery
5. This document is a legally binding document recognizing the receivable of the company from the
customer. A/R Invoice

Exercise 5.2 Sales Process in a Service Type of Business

1. It is a financial organizational tool that provides a complete listing of every account in an
accounting system. Chart of Accounts
2. Which of the following is not an element of a Financial Statement? Answer: E
a. Assets
b. Liabilities
c. Income
d. Equity
e. Extraordinary Items
3. How many levels of drawer of a standard SAP Business One have? Answer: A
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 1
4. What are the two type of General Ledger in the SAP Business One? Balance Sheet Accounts and
Income Statement (Profit or Loss) Accounts
5. This General Ledger contains the asset, liabilities and equity accounts. Balance Sheet Accounts
6. This General Ledger contains the income and expense accounts. Income Statement (Profit or
Loss) Accounts
7. This sub-module is primarily used to view the chart of accounts. Chart of Accounts
8. This sub-module is primarily used to modify like view and add a chart of account. View Chart of
9. A type of business which provides intangible products without physical form. Service Type of
10. Which among the sales process is an optional step if the company is engaged in a service type of
business? Sales Order
11. Accounts which summarizes all the balances of each active account below it. Title Account
12. Accounts that can be posted only in SAP Business One. Active Account
13. Accounts that are already connected to marketing documents (purchase and sales documents),
balances will directly increase or decrease depending on the nature of the transaction. Control
14. What is the color coded for an Active Account? blue
15. What is the color coded for a Title Account? black

Exercise 5.3 Sales Process in a Merchandising Type of Business

Exercise 5.3.1
Perform the whole Sales Process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036
Quantity: 10 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 5.3.2
Perform the whole Sales Process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00037 and IM00038
Quantity: 9 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 5.3.3
Perform the whole Sales Process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036, IM00039 and IM00040
Quantity: 8 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 5.3.4
Perform the whole Sales Process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00037, IM00038, IM00039 and IM00040
Quantity: 7 each

insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
Exercise 5.3.5
Perform the whole Sales Process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036, IM00037, IM00038, IM00039 and IM00040
Quantity: 9 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Relationship Map:
6. Pick and Pack
Exercise 6.1
Create Sales Order for the following and do the pick and pack process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00036, IM00037
Quantity: 13 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Packing Slip:
Exercise 6.2
Create Sales Order for the following and do the pick and pack process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00038, IM00039
Quantity: 9 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Packing Slip:
Exercise 6.3
Create Sales Order for the following and do the pick and pack process:

Customer: CU00008
Name: Marlon Reyes
Posting Date: Date Today
Item No: IM00040
Quantity: 3 each

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Packing Slip:
7. Period and Volume Discounts
Exercise 7.1
Create period and volume discounts for the following items:

Price List: Sales Price Student 8

Period Volume
Item No. Period Volume
Discount Discount
15 days 15% 30 20%
Create Sales Order for CU00008 with items IM00036 and IM00037

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

Exercise 7.2
Create period and volume discounts for the following items:

Price List: Sales Price Student 8

Period Volume
Item No. Period Volume
Discount Discount
15 days 10% 30 25%
Create Sales Order for CU00008 with items IM00038 and IM00039

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

Exercise 7.3
Create period and volume discounts for the following items:

Price List: Sales Price Student 8

Item No. Period Period Discount Volume
IM00040 20 days 15% 40 35%
Create Sales Order for CU00008 with items IM00040

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

Exercise 7.4 Terminologies
1. This type of business buys products at wholesale price and sells the same at retail price. They
are known as "buy and sell" businesses. They make profit by selling the products at prices higher
than their purchase costs. Merchandise Business
2. What module and sub-module is primarily used in checking the physical inventory status of the
items? Inventory and Item Master Data/Stock Management
3. It lets you automate the processing of sales orders, A/R invoice, production orders, and
inventory transfer requests in an orderly way, from the creation of pick lists up to packing items
for shipment with delivery documents. Pick and Pack
4. The most basic way pricing. Pricelists
5. Define a discount percentage by date and quantities for a price list. It also overrides the basic
price list assigned to the business partner. Period and Volume Discounts
6. Define discount percentage by item group, properties or manufacturer. Discount Groups
7. Determine special prices by item, business partner, dates and quantities. Special Prices
8. The system calculates the average of all the discounts for the properties. Average Discount
9. The system adds together all discounts of the properties that apply to the item. The total, up to
100%, is used as the discount. Discount Totals
10. It enables you to give a discount or surcharge for a specific business partner. Special Prices
8. Customer Relationship Management (Sales Opportunities)
Exercise 8.1
Create a Sales Opportunity for L00015

A. Add a Lead Business Partner

Code L00015
BP Type Lead
Name Joy Belmonte
Group Individual
Contact Person Joy Belmonte
Mobile Number 253-641-2376
B. Create Opportunity
Opportunity Type Sales
Business Partner L00015
Predicted Closing in 25 days
Potential Amount PHP 85,000
Stage 1
Start Date Date Today
Closing Date Start Date of Stage 1
Stage Lead
Activity Social Media Inquiry
Stage 2
Start Date 3 days after Stage 1
Closing Date Start Date of Stage 2
Stage 1st Meeting
Activity Meeting
Stage 3
Start Date 5 days after Stage 2
Closing Date Start Date of Stage 3
Stage Quotation
Activity Meeting
Stage 4
Start Date 4 days after Stage 3
Closing Date Start date of Stage 4
Stage Order
Activity Meeting
Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Dynamic Opportunity Analysis:
Exercise 8.2
Create a Sales Opportunity for L00016

A. Add a Lead Business Partner

Code L00016
BP Type Lead
Name Mariel Sunga
Group Individual
Contact Person Mariel Sunga
Mobile Number 789-265-2154
B. Create Opportunity
Opportunity Type Sales
Business Partner L00016
Predicted Closing in 40 days
Potential Amount PHP 100,000
Stage 1
Start Date Date Today
Closing Date Start Date of Stage 1
Stage Lead
Activity Phone Call
Stage 2
Start Date 2 days after Stage 1
Closing Date Start Date of Stage 2
Stage 1st Meeting
Activity Meeting
Stage 3
Start Date 4 days after Stage 2
Closing Date Start Date of Stage 3
Stage Negotiation
Activity Meeting
Stage 4
Start Date 2 days after Stage 3
Closing Date Start date of Stage 4
Stage Order
Activity Meeting

Insert the screenshot of your output here including the Dynamic Opportunity Analysis:
Exercise 8.3 True or False
1. Customer Relationship Management activities allows you to schedule and manage diverse
events such as phone calls, meetings, tasks, notes or other interaction with customers. TRUE
2. Opportunities are structured into stages which reflect the stages of your sales cycle. TRUE
3. For each stage in the cycle, you can enter potential amount of the deal and the system predicts
the opportunity’s probability of success based on some percentages you have set up in advance.
4. Using CRM, you can track whether you have won or lost the deal. TRUE
5. Sales opportunities give you visibility into your sales pipeline, for individual sales employees or
the company as a whole. TRUE

9. Service Process
Exercise 9.1
Record a Service Call based on the details below:

Service Call Type: Sales

BP Code: C20000
Serial Number: A6-000018
Priority: Medium
Subject: Customer inquiry regarding A6-000018

Origin: Telephone No.
Problem Type: Functional
Activity: Phone Call
Duration: 10 minutes
Priority: Normal
Solution: Install new printer to PC
Cause: New printer is not installed in the PC
Please use the user manual provided which
contains step by step process of printer
Remarks: installation.
Problem was resolved. Ticket is now closed.

Note: Don't forget to change Call Status from Open to Closed.

Insert the screenshot of your output here:

Exercise 9.2 True or False
1. The footer and the seven tabs in the service call allow you to organize the information about the
issue, steps taken to resolve the issue, related documents used during the service process, and
the solution found. False – header not footer
2. The header of the service call contains basic information about the call: the customer, the
contact person, contact information, the subject of the call, a related service contract and any
serial numbers for the object of the call. TRUE
3. On the resolution tab you can use the knowledge base to search for solutions for your problem.
False – solution not resolution
4. On the solution tab you can enter how you solved the problem or how you otherwise helped the
customer. False – resolution not solution
5. The remarks tab displays a simplified change log of the service call. False – history not remarks

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