Elemental Chaos

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Elemental Chaos

elcome to our first foray into homebrew Unbeknownst to anyone, Alius succeeded in his goal of
dungeon creation. We created this for players summoning a creature long thought to be mere legend: a
like us who enjoy complexity in D&D both in Chaos Elemental. Upon seeing it, Alius knew he had made a
and out of combat. The last boss in particular mistake, but he couldn't dismiss the creature before it
is tremendously more intricate and involved mortally wounded him. Alius now lies dead, unable to banish
than any official 5e content. If that sounds like the monster he summoned, and it's only a matter of time
your cup of tea, then we think you'll enjoy this. before the Chaos Elemental escapes the cage in which Alius
If not, maybe you can remove a few mechanics and run a imprisoned it.
more streamlined version. Please feel free to strip the whole
thing for parts to use in your own games. Intended Party
In our testing, it typically took three sessions of roughly This dungeon is intended for a party of four adventurers
three hours each to complete the dungeon. Fair warning, we around level 6. If your party is equipped with a surplus of
tried to stick to canon as much as we could, but some aspects magic items or exceptionally well-coordinated, 5th-level
of the story play fast and loose with official lore. adventurers will find it a nice challenge. Otherwise, it may be
best to wait until they are higher level. A more casual group of
Dungeon Synopsis players should be able to survive the dungeon by level 7.
Elemental Chaos takes place in the lair of Alius, a wizard
who has gone mad with ambition. Deep underground, he has
been experimenting with pulling more and more powerful
Running the Dungeon
forces from the Elemental Planes. Constantly tearing open We strongly recommend that the party have the means of
portals to other planes has caused the barriers between them using battle maps for this dungeon. Whether it be through
and the Prime Material Plane to weaken. Stray elementals the use of a virtual tabletop or a physical board on which you
have been crossing over and wrecking havoc in nearby towns. sketch out the rooms, a visual representation of what's
Without intervention, there's no telling how much damage unfolding will aid the players throughout the dungeon, and it
might be done, how many lives lost. The party must navigate will be all but required during the final encounter.
through Alius's lair quickly as the elementals crossing over Speaking of the final encounter, it's got a lot going on. If a
grow more numerous and more violent with each passing group runs into it without any information on the mechanics,
day. they won't stand much chance. It is crucial you feed them
information along the way there. We've built in several places
to do this, so take advantage of them and add more as you
deem necessary. You know your players better than we do.
There are also a decent number of puzzles and situations
that require planning and critical thinking. While proper
execution will obviously make for a smoother run, a party that
bungles a few situations should still be able to manage their
way through. But as said before, you know your players best.
Be prepared to offer additional clues or lessen the penalties
for failure if necessary. A party that attempts to brute force its
way through every encounter and puzzle will likely struggle to
Many of the monsters used in this dungeon are from
official 5e books. If an official monster is mentioned that
cannot be found in the Monster Manual, its source and page
number are indicated in parentheses. Several homebrew
monsters are also included, and their stat blocks can be
found in Appendix B (starting on page 12).
Maps can be found at the end in Appendix C (pages 21–24).
We have provided a version of each one for the DM with
some helpful reference information and as well as a clean
version for the players. The maps are all 30x30, and full
resolution files are available for download separately.

Desk. On the desk, the characters find a variety of crystals,
Locations in Alius's Lair salts, and other components often used for spells. There is
also a gem of brightness (DMG, p. 171), which still has all 50
1. Entry Area charges since Osmo was only using it as a light source.
Finally, a character who examines the books on the desk will
Your search for the source of the elemental madness affecting
realize that one of them is a journal. Upon reading the
the area seems to near an end. As you continue forward, the journal, the party learns the following information:
natural floor eventually gives way to crafted stonework. The
hallway ahead has one door before turning to the left. Coming
The journal was written by someone named Osmo.
He is an apprentice to a wizard that he only refers to as
from around that corner, booming rumbles are accompanied
“Master Alius.” Osmo clearly idolizes his master.
by flashes of light, which are perceptible despite the area One entry describes “jumping the frog when I should have
being well-lit. just moved the bear” and the embarrassment of requiring
his master’s aid since “only Master Alius can reset them
See the Lightning Hall description for more information on once they’re stuck, and I didn’t want to fight the creatures.”
the light and sound coming from around the corner. Another entry talks about music with “three potential
Once the party travels around the corner at the end of this answers but only one solution.”
hall, you can add the following additional details: Several of the more recent entries express a strong hatred
for “that stupid stick.”
Turning the corner, you see a nondescript door on your right. One entry details an arduous process of testing the
Directly ahead, a violent storm rages, yet somehow remains
properties of dozens of rare salts before finding one that
Master Alius deemed suitable to their needs.
contained within the area ahead. In the flashes of lightning,
The last entry is dated 22 days ago.
you can see that the junction is a T-intersection, extending
perpendicularly in both directions. 3. Osmo's Bedroom
While most of Osmo's time is spent in his study, this is where
2. Apprentice's Study he sleeps. The trunk at the foot of the bed contains clothing
and other necessities, but there is nothing of value. In
The door opens easily, revealing a sparsely decorated room. A contrast to the scholarly texts in his office, the books here are
large carpet lies in front of a bookcase on one side and a classic tales of poor children who grow up to become
burning fireplace on the other. To your right is a desk, its powerful wizards and warriors.
simple design a stark contrast to the obviously arcane trinkets
and objects resting on it. A circle of runes occupies the floor
4. Storage Room
in the far corner of the room. This is a storage room. It is here because every dungeon has
a storage room.
Bookcase. The bookcase contains a variety of scholarly
tomes describing the elemental planes. A character who 5. Alius's Bedroom
succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check will The door to this room is locked, but it can be picked with a
recognize these as basic texts for those in the early stages of successful DC 15 Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools.
studying the planes. This may be a good time to explain to Alternatively, a character who succeeds on a DC 15 Strength
your players that elementals generally exist as formless check can break down the door. On the left side of the room
energy on their home planes, only taking physical form when is a standing mirror and a dresser containing simple clothing.
summoned and bound by a magic user. On the right, a set of shelves holds various liquors. Some of
Rug and fireplace. The rug is mundane but exceptionally the bottles, possibly from distant lands, are in exotic shapes.
well-made. It weighs 15 pounds and can be sold for 100 gp. A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
Any character who examines the fireplace will notice that it (Investigation) check will notice that four of the bottles are
does not give off smoke. It is enchanted with a continual potions of healing rather than liquor. Finally, there is an
flame spell. immovable rod (DMG, p. 175) stuck in the air near Alius's
Circle. If a character has seen teleportation circles in the bed.
past or succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
they will know that this is very similar to a teleportation circle 6. Lightning Hall
but slightly modified from those in common usage. If a
character rolls 15 or higher, they recognize that this type of As you approach the new area, strong winds from the raging
circle would be used for a short-range teleportation network. thunderstorm make it a struggle to maintain your footing.
The character also senses that something is currently Bolts of lightning provide brief moments of vision in this
interfering with the magic of the circle, preventing its use.
When operational, this circle is part of a network otherwise dark hall. The ceiling, much higher than you’ve seen
connecting this room to Alius's labratory (Room in the tunnels thus far, is covered by dark storm clouds.
12) and the treasure room (Room 18). The Chaos Elemental's Peering up and down the hallway during one flash, you see two
proximity to the treasure room is creating interference in the tall, metal rods.
network that renders the circles inert.

Have the characters roll initiative before entering the hallway. If the characters successfully complete the puzzle, skip to
The strong, constantly shifting winds complicate movement the final boxed text for this room. If the characters make a
in the hallway, which is considered difficult terrain. mistake and end up in an unwinnable configuration, read or
Lightning. Lightning strikes on initiative counts 15 and 5, paraphrase the following message to the players:
losing all ties. A character who watches the pattern of strikes
and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence check will know this. As the statue settles into its new position, you notice all six
Any creature who is not exactly 5 feet away from a lightning statues appear to be melting. What was once stone quickly
rod when the lightning strikes must make a DC 15 Dexterity transforms into what appears to be liquid, softly glowing in
saving throw. A target takes 2d6 lightning damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the wind hues of earthen green and brown. This fluid gathers together
(see below) has pushed a creature into the same square before splitting once more and solidifying into the form of
occupied by a lightning rod, the damage taken by that several creatures.
creature is doubled.
Wind. The strong, chaotic winds make it difficult for The characters are then attacked by a group of enemies
creatures to hold a position and impossible for creatures to determined by the number of moves they made before getting
fly. At the end of each creature’s turn, they must succeed on a stuck.
DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check or be pushed 5 feet in a
random direction and knocked prone. Any creature that takes Moves Encounter Generated
measures to anchor itself (such as holding onto the 3 2 Xorns
immovable rod from Alius’s bedroom) makes the check with 4–7 1 Xorn and 1 Flail Snail (Volo's, p. 144)
advantage. Determine the direction by rolling a d8. Rolling a
1 means the creature is pushed north, 2 means northeast, 8–11 1 Flail Snail and 1 Myconid Sovereign
etc. 12+ 6 Twig Blights

7. Earth Room Once the creatures have been defeated, read or paraphrase
the following information for your players:
The tempest of the hallway stops at the threshold of this new
space. Upon entering, you are immediately subjected to a
In the center of the room, grass begins to sprout from the
strong, earthy scent. On your left appears to be a boreal forest.
previously bare stone. The scent of blooming flowers strikes
A chill wind occasionally blows toward you from the small
you as the grass spreads, transforming both sides of the room
collection of trees. In their midst is a line of three frog statues,
as it sweeps outward. Before long, both the humid swamp and
all facing the center of the room. On your right, the room is a
frigid forest are gone, leaving a pleasant meadow. Just when it
humid swampland. Partially submerged in shallow, murky
seems the transformation is complete, the stump begins to
water are three bear statues, which also face the room’s
creak and crack as it grows into a squat oak tree. The trunk of
center. Between these two regions is a five-foot wide path that
the oak contains a hollowed-out cavity.
appears unaffected by whatever has caused the two sides of
the room to transform into foreign ecosystems. At the far end
Upon closer inspection of the cavity, the party will find a bag
of this bare path is a large tree stump. of potassium dichromate (see page 11), a jar of tree sap, and
a +1 weapon of the DM's choice already slathered in sap and
Tree stump. A character who inspects the stump and coated with the potassium compound.
succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Religion) check knows that it
bears some resemblance to an altar for a nature deity. If the 8. Air Room
character rolls 15 or higher, they know that this is an altar for
Silvanus, the god of wild nature. Entering this room offers a respite from the storm raging in
Statues. A character who succeeds on a DC10 Intelligence the hallway. Though wind still blows and rain still falls, the
(Nature) check knows that the species of frog most similar to weather is no longer dangerously inclement. Four pillars
the frog statues is native to swampy environments and that extend into the clouds, which obscure the ceiling of the room
the species of bear most similar to the bear statues is native
to northern forests. The statue cannot be moved any from view. On the far side of the room lies a massive stone
direction except forward (from the statue’s perspective). block, a simple pan flute resting atop it. Scattered throughout
Puzzle. The goal is to move all the bear statues to the the room are several stones of varying sizes, all of them
forest side and all the frog statues to the swamp side. Each magically hovering in place.
statue can only move forward in the direction it is facing.
They can only move into whichever space is unoccupied at Stones. There are seven floating stones. Each one has a
the time. They can move forward one space ordinarily or two letter carved into it, and the stones are all different sizes
spaces by jumping over a statue. You can visit this website for except for a pair that both bear the letter T. Using the letter
an interactive version of the puzzle to make sure you on each stone for identification, the order from smallest to
understand. largest is as follows: A, S, the two Ts, R, H, and E.

Pan flute. Each of the letters corresponds to a tube of the 10. Water Room
pan flute. The association is based on relative size of the tube
and stone. For example, the letter A corresponds to the Opening the door reveals a room extending above and below
shortest tube of the pan flute since the A stone is the
smallest. A character must play the notes in an order that the level of the entrance that is completely filled with water,
uses all seven letters. As a note is played, the corresponding and the water is magically prevented from crossing the plane
stone begins to vibrate. Three words can be made: of the doorway. A dim light emanates from an object inside
HATTERS, THREATS, and SHATTER. If one of these words the room, but it doesn’t reach the top or bottom of the room,
is spelled, see the next section. If any other sequence of notes leaving the exact dimensions unknown. The light reveals the
is played, the vibrations cease, and the stones lie dormant far wall to contain several crevices of varying sizes, some of
until another attempt is made. which have objects inside.
Results. If the pan flute is used to spell HATTERS, a blast
of psychic energy pours from the stones and washes over the
party. Any creature within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered Doorway. A magical membrane prevents water from leaving
on the pan flute must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving the room. This means any character who crosses the
throw. A target takes 3d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or threshold will emerge completely dry. Any players who enter
half as much damage on a successful one. must discard sealed containers of drinking water or unseal
If the pan flute is used to spell THREATS, the vibrating them so the water can remain behind while the players leave.
grows more severe, creating a high-pitched whine that Casting dispel magic can remove the magical barrier, causing
eventually reaches a frequency outside the range of human the water above the level of the doorway to flood into the
hearing. This agitates two behir pups (see page 12) who had hallway and down the slope to the fire room. (See the Fire
been resting contentedly above the clouds. They climb down Room description for the effects this action will have on that
and immediately attack the party. room.)
If the pan flute is used to spell SHATTER, the large stone Alternatively, a character who can see the bottom and
block at the back of the room also starts vibrating. Eventually, succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check will notice
the shaking reaches a crescendo and both the large block and what appears to be a bathtub plug at the bottom of the room.
the hovering stones explode upward. Stone shards are The DC decreases to 10 if the character swims down
propelled toward the ceiling with tremendous force, killing beneath the level of the doorway and to 5 if the character
the behir pups if the party has not already done so. The swims at least 21 feet down. Pulling the plug does not reveal
corpses fall harmlessly to the ground. an actual drain at the bottom, but it does dispel the barrier in
Inside the stone. Inside the stone block are cymbals of the doorway. Players in the room and below the level of the
tiny thunder (see page 11). hallway floor are not affected by this. Players in the hallway
Once the party has retrieved the cymbals, the storm in the or in the room and above that level must succeed on a DC 15
hallway subsides. Strength (Athletics) check to avoid being washed into the fire
room. Any characters who stood in the portal alcove or took
9. Teleporter measures to anchor themselves prior to the flooding make
this check with advantage.
The teleporter to the next area is hidden behind a solid wall. Interior. The room is 80 feet tall, extending 50 feet below
Once the party has sprouted the oak in the Earth Room and the level of the hallway floor and 30 feet above. Characters
cracked the stone block in the air room, the wall hiding the with darkvision can see this without issue, but characters
teleporter will vanish. without the ability to see in darkness cannot discern the
The characters will recognize this circle as very similar to dimensions of the room without illuminating it. Any character
the one in Osmo’s study. This one, however, is glowing and who enters the room can immediately know that the pressure
clearly active. Characters who succeed on a DC 15 is greater than would naturally occur at these depths. It is
Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) check will notice that a uncomfortable (but not damaging) at the entry level, and the
few runes are different, but the runes have a distinct style to discomfort is alleviated by swimming up. If a character swims
them that indicates this circle has the same general purpose below the entry level, they will take bludgeoning damage each
and was made by the same person as the previous one. round according to the following table:
Stepping into this circle will teleport the characters to the
matching teleporter near the Water and Fire Rooms. Depth Damage
1–20 feet 1d4
21–40 feet 2d4
41–50 feet 3d4

Light source. The light in the room comes from a small

stone with continual flame cast upon it, but the water is
reducing its effectiveness to only provide dim light in a 20-
foot radius. Any character who enters the room and examines
the stone closely can see that a thin string is wrapped around
the stone. This string is connected to the ceiling of the room,
preventing the stone from sinking.

Treasure. Any character who looks around the water above Characters take 1d6 fire damage for each round spent inside
the entryway sees a frigid wand (see page 12) floating at the the room. If any character interacts with the staff or the cage,
top of the room. If the players dispel the doorway barrier, the four fire snakes emerge from the lava, one from each corner
wand will be washed into the hallway, and the characters of the room. If the characters flee without damaging or
notice it once the commotion is over. At the bottom of the otherwise attacking the fire snakes, the fire snakes do not
room is a traditional, brass genie’s lamp. A character who can pursue them outside the room, preferring to return to the
see the bottom and swims down more than 20 feet lava. If a character does damage or otherwise attack one of
automatically notices the lamp. A water weird is guarding the fire snakes, they will all fight to the death, even if that
the lamp and will attack any character who approaches. means leaving the room.
Finally, a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check Any character inside the room who succeeds on a DC 20
allows a character who closely examines the crevices to Wisdom (Perception) check will notice that the heat seems to
notice a small statue of incredible detail depicting a scholarly radiate from all directions except from the lava directly
woman reading a scroll. It is tucked in a crevice 30 feet below opposite the doorway. See the hidden passage section below
the doorway. A character who makes a successful DC 10 for more information.
Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Religion) check knows that
this is a relic of Oghma, the god of knowledge. A character If the room has been flooded:
who rolls 15 or higher on the check also knows this statue is
a magical item that will allow the holder to ask Oghma a Looking inside the room, you see a path that separates almost
question in the same manner described in the commune entirely black slabs of cooled and hardened lava. One portion
spell. A total of three questions can be asked before the statue
is exhausted and becomes a mundane piece of art worth 100 of the lava directly opposite the doorway appears unaffected
gp. by the flooding. Though an uncomfortable warmth still
Genie. Once the lamp has been removed from the room, a emanates from the room, you feel confident you can enter
marid named Hadish emerges and greets the holder of the without suffering harm. On the right side of the room is a
lamp as his master. He explains that he was cursed long ago large cage with a motionless water genasi slumped against one
to grant a single wish to whoever finds the lamp. The lamp is side. On the left is a stone altar with a staff resting on top.
then banished to a new remote location, trapping him inside
until someone finds it. The only way to break the cycle is for The fire snakes are trapped beneath the top layer of cooled
someone to wish for his freedom. This story is all a lie. The lava and cannot escape. Characters can stand in the room
truth is that Hadish was assisting Alius in his research, without taking damage. Any character who approaches what
curious as to where it might lead. The story is simply a test to appears to be the one remaining section of lava will notice
see if the party will put his needs above their own. A that it gives off no heat. See the hidden passage section
character can know that he is lying by succeeding on a DC 20 below for more information.
Wisdom (Insight) check. Alternatively, a character could know Genasi. The water genasi is Osmo, apprentice of Master
that tales of genies being bound to lamps and granting Alius. He is unconscious but alive. If the room has not been
wishes to those who find them is the stuff of children’s tales flooded, he cannot be awakened without first removing him
and not reality by succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence from the room. Once the room has been flooded or he has
(Arcana or History) check. been removed, he can be awakened from unconsciousness by
If the party expresses disbelief, Hadish will act offended any normal means. In addition, a character who succeeds on
and insist on his tale’s authenticity. If the party presses the a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check will know that
issue, he will tell the party they are no fun at all, summon a submerging him in water will also awaken him.
water elemental to attack them, and plane shift away. On the Staff. The staff is a sentient magic item named Sticolas
other hand, if Hadish’s “master” wishes for Hadish’s freedom, (see page 12). Sticolas is aware of his surroundings as if he
the genie will explain the ruse and offer the party a decanter possessed normal sight and hearing. He can manipulate his
of endless water (DMG, p. 161) in appreciation of their wooden fibers to give himself a tiny face and even splinter
selflessness. If at any time Hadish learns the party killed himself to create arms and legs. He can speak normally, and
Osmo (see Fire Room), he will attack the party. He may do so he knows Common, Draconic, Primordial, and Elvish.
immediately, or he may find an excuse to first summon a At the first convenient opportunity, Sticolas will inform the
water elemental to fight with him. Either way, he will plane group that he has been working with Alius for several weeks,
shift away when he is brought to half of his maximum hit assisting in the research and planning for summoning the
points or his elemental is destroyed, whichever happens first. Chaos Elemental. In addition to his magical power as a staff,
11. Fire Room he has some knowledge of what still awaits the party in the
dungeon. However, he is prideful and refuses to help the
If the room has not been flooded (see water room): party unless they prove they value him. He will offer his
assistance if the party destroys one of their other magic
Scorching heat radiates from the room. Approaching the items, proving they want Sticolas more than the other item.
doorway, you can easily discern that entering the room would If the party seems hesitant, he will offer an alternative. He
be harmful. Looking inside, you can see a pathway that
will help the group if they agree to leave Osmo locked in his
cage. He says the genasi is an imbecile and would only get in
separates pools of lava. On the right side of the room is a large
the way if allowed to join the group anyway.
cage with a motionless water genasi slumped against one side.
On the left is a stone altar with a staff resting on top.

Background Information
12. Alius's Labratory
Osmo was the wizard’s apprentice, helping with You enter a room that is unmistakably a wizard’s laboratory.
much of the grunt work and manual labor involved The air is permeated by the acrid scent of chemicals to the
in the research and summoning. Once it became
clear that a water genasi’s blood was an essential extent you can almost taste it. On the right-hand wall, you see
component in the ritual, Alius locked Osmo in this a fireplace with bookcases on either side. A third bookcase
cage to prevent his escape. He did this without stands in the far corner. In front of the fireplace is a writing
speaking with Osmo, who would have gladly given desk with several loose papers and notebooks. Three
up his blood to please his master. Despite the
worktables in the center of the room bear a wide variety of
rough treatment and imprisonment, Osmo is still
blindly loyal to his master and will vehemently objects, both mundane and arcane. The northwest corner
defend him from any criticism. contains a circle of runes, and a a set of wooden doors, each
Additionally, Sticolas and Osmo loathe one with a barred window, blocks an exit on the north wall.
another. The staff thinks Osmo is insufferably
incompetent, and Osmo is jealous of Sticolas
because Alius gave Osmo less attention after the Once the characters enter the room, the nothic in the next
staff was acquired. The two bicker constantly and room (see Dark Room description for more details) will look
frequently suggest the party abandon the other. through the bars of the gate and begin using its Weird Insight
ability to try to gain information about the characters.
If Osmo is with the party, he will appear visibly anxious as
he was never allowed into his master's private lab or any of
Hidden passage. The space directly opposite the doorway is the areas beyond.
actually an opening covered by illusory lava. The illusion can Writing desk. The party can find technical research notes
be dispelled, or a character can simply feel the ground to find and casual journal entries, all written by Alius. The writings
the rungs of a ladder leading down. The hidden passage contain the following information:
leads to Alius’s Laboratory. Several drainage grates cover the
floor of the passage, providing an escape for the water that “I anticipated the portals would impact the immediate
flooded the room. vicinity, but I find it interesting that each one seems to
provide effects that could be considered both helpful and

Several journal entries describe the miserable time Alius The room is under the effects of both magical darkness. Light
had trying to locate a vampire spawn whose master had cannot cross the doorway in either direction. The walls are
died. Despite that, he still felt it was better than angering a rough, uneven stone, and nooks in which small creatures
true vampire. could lurk are prevalent. In addition, the ground is covered in
“Sometimes I think I did too good of a job creating the rubble and detritus that can cause characters to stumble as
maze. It takes a keen sense of direction to maintain your they navigate the room without the aid of sight. A creature
orientation in there, and even I struggle with it some moving around the room while unable to see must succeed
days.” on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature
moving through the room at half speed doesn’t need to make
One of the most recent entries talks about a plan to the save, and a creature that takes the dash action has the DC
separate an angel from its “companion.” Alius felt it was raised to 15. At the end of each arm of the T-intersection is a
the most dangerous resource to acquire, so he saved it pedestal with a crystal orb on top. The doors directly at the
until completion was near, fearing that the angel would intersection are magically locked.
soon track him down despite his precautions. Pedestals and orbs. A character who feels a pedestal and
orb and succeeds on DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check will
“Adjusting the light portal is most annoying. Working notice runes carved into them. The runes do not match. On
while blinded is hardly ideal. I wish I could have left Osmo the left side of the room, the pedestal’s runes mean “Death”
free to handle such irritating tasks, but I could not trust and the orb’s runes mean “Despair.” On the right side of the
him to understand my goal once work began on the final room, the pedestal’s runes mean “Despair” and the orb’s
two elements. I would have simply dismissed him, but his runes mean “Death.” The language of the runes is Primordial.
blood proved essential for stabilizing the water portal.” A creature that has felt the runes on the objects on both sides
of the room and succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
Bookcases. The bookcases contain a number of rare (Investigation) check will recognize that the runes on the orbs
tomes. Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence match the runes on the opposite pedestals. If the creature
(Arcana) check can identify these books, which weigh a total speaks Primordial, it makes the check with advantage. As
of 150 pounds and are worth a total of 3000 gp. Additionally, long as the orbs are on a pedestal, they are harmless. If an
any character who rolls a 25 or higher on the check can orb is removed, it will begin to afflict the person holding it.
identify that a seemingly ordinary book of exercises and Each round that a creature is holding the Death orb, the
dietary advice is actually a manual of bodily health (DMG, p. creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. The
180). creature takes 2d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
Circle. If a character has seen teleportation circles in the as much on a successful one. If the creature fails the save by
past or succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check, 5 or more, the creature also suffers one level of exhaustion.
they will know that this is very similar to a teleportation circle Each round that a creature is holding the Despair orb, the
but slightly modified from those in common usage. If a creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. The
character rolls 15 or higher, they recognize that this type of creature takes 2d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as
circle would be used for a short-range teleportation network. much on a successful one. If the creature fails the save by 5
The character also senses that something is currently or more, the creature is frightened of the orb. While
interfering with the magic of the circle, preventing its use. frightened by this effect, a creature must take the Dash action
Alternatively, if the party already encountered the circle in and move away from the orb by the safest available route on
the Osmo’s Study, they will recognize that this is extremely each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. The
similar. They can infer that any of the above information they creature can make a new Wisdom saving throw at the end of
gleaned from the first circle applies to this one as well. each of its turns. On a successful save, the effect ends for that
Worktables. Anyone who inspects the tables will notice creature.
one potion of healing and one greater potion of healing. To advance, the party must place each orb on the pedestal
Additionally, a character who succeeds on a DC 10 with the corresponding rune. See the Successfully Solved
Intelligence (Investigation) check will notice a rope of section below for the results.
climbing (DMG, p. 197) and a potion of growth (DMG, p. Nothic. A nothic lurks in the room, hiding in the rubble or
187). If the character rolls a 15 or higher on the check, they crevices in the walls. Any creature that can see in the room
also find a ring of resistance (necrotic) (DMG, p. 192). can attempt to spot the nothic by making a Wisdom
Gate. The gate on the north wall is unlocked and swings (Perception) check contested by the nothic’s Dexterity
into the laboratory. (Stealth) check. The nothic does not attack the characters,
preferring to remain safe and taunt the party, but it will
13. Dark Room defend itself. It can communicate with the party without
revealing its location by using its Helm of Telepathy, a gift
Looking into the next room, you see nothing but pure from the wizard in exchange for the nothic’s cooperation in
darkness. It appears to be a threshold that no light can pass.
researching magical darkness.

Successfully solved. Once the orbs have been placed on Shadow clones. After the first movement is complete, the
their corresponding pedestals, the magical darkness in the characters begin to notice shadowy figures in the mirrors.
room is dispelled, and a new pedestal rises from the floor at One figure appears for each character in the maze. At first,
the junction of the room’s sections. An audible click can be the figures are so formless as to barely be considered
heard from the nearby doors as they are unlocked. Once the humanoid in shape. After the second check, the figures are
doors are unlocked, a vampire spawn bursts forth and distinctly humanoid, and each character in the maze has a
attacks the first character it sees. Once the vampire spawn corresponding shadow that is roughly the same size. After
has been subdued or killed, a character examining it that the third check, the shadows are obviously colorless replicas
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check will of the characters in the maze. One character might notice the
notice that three of its fangs are missing and several scars outline of her shadow’s weapon is an obvious match for their
line its wrists. own. Others might see their shadows have the same
New pedestal. The new pedestal has a basin on top. In hairstyles that they favor.
addition, there is a small statue of a robed figure standing at If the party has not escaped the maze after the final check's
the rim of the basin. The statue’s arms are extended over the movement, the shadow clones (see pages 18–19) burst forth
center of the basin, hands in a cupping formation. The basin from the mirrors and attack. The statistics and special ability
must be filled with vampire blood and a vampire fang must of a shadow clone are determined by the class of the
be placed in the statue’s hands. character it mirrored. For characters who have multiclassed,
If the characters attempt to place anything other than use the highest-level class. In the event of a tie, use the
vampire blood in the basin, it slides to the side as if the basin highest-level class in which the character most recently
is covered by an invisible barrier. If the characters attempt to gained a level. Before rolling initiative, each creature (other
place anything other than the vampire fang in the statue’s than the shadow clones) must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
hands, it falls through the hands as if the statue is an illusion. throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d6 slashing damage,
The nothic can offer to explain the function of the pedestal or half as much on a successful one. When this happens, all
if the party is struggling to figure it out. He will assist in the interior walls in the room are destroyed, leaving a
exchange for a magical item or something else of comparable completely open space for the imminent combat.
value. If the party attempts to rest after this combat, the deva,
If the basin is filled with vampire blood and a vampire who is in the form of an old woman, will call out to them from
tooth is placed in the statue’s hands, the blood congeals and the next room, asking them to step inside.
forms a long cylinder, rising from the center of the basin. The
tooth is absorbed into the center of the cylinder, which 15. Light Room
hardens and darkens until it appears to be a shaft of smooth
ebony. The item is a foul wand (see page 12). The room ahead is filled with light much brighter than the
torches on the wall would account for. After your eyes adjust,
14. Mirror Maze you see a hunched, old woman with a blank expression
standing in front of a door at the back of the room. Wrapped
Opening the double doors, you suffer a moment of
around her shoulders is a white cat, apparently asleep. On the
disorientation as your mind accustoms itself to the confusing
left side of the room, you see an empty cage. As soon as you
sight ahead. The way forward seems to be split, forcing you to
enter the room, the old woman greets you: “Hello, young
choose left or right. Both paths are dimly lit and lined with
ones. You’ve overcome great adversity to make it this far. Tell
mirrors that make it difficult to tell how far you can move
me—why persist? What motivates you to press on?”
without hitting a dead end.

The players’ version of the map only shows the initial Cage. Characters who examine the cage more closely will
partition. The disorienting effect of the mirrors plays tricks notice feathers on the floor. A character who succeeds on a
with the characters' perception, preventing them from DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) check will recognize
accurately assessing the environment beyond their them as couatl feathers. The character knows that couatls
immediate surroundings. You should draw in the walls of the are lawful good beings possessing tremendous wisdom and
maze as they navigate through it, revealing only the walls (or intelligence. If the character rolls 15 or higher, the character
lack thereof) around a character's current position. also knows that couatls can polymorph at will.
Mechanics. The party must select a person or persons to "Woman" and "cat." The woman is actually a deva, and
make a total of 4 Wisdom (Survival) checks. After each one, the cat is a couatl. If a character attacks or otherwise shows
the party can move that many spaces through the maze. As genuine violent intent toward either the deva or couatl, they
they move, only sketch out the walls immediately both immediately teleport away, leaving the characters
surrounding the characters. If the party takes the left path without aid or advice of any kind. They both wait patiently if
first, they will inevitably hit a dead end and be forced back out the party does not immediately answer the deva’s questions,
of the maze before they can take the right path. When this but neither will respond to any questions or allow anyone to
happens, it acts as a reset. Any remaining moves from the pass until all characters have responded. If Osmo is with the
current roll are lost, the number of checks required is reset to party, he says he fears for his master. The deva and couatl will
4, and the shadow clones retreat back into the depths of the judge and aid the party based on their answers according to
mirrors. the following table:

Type of
Response Example Aid Provided
Selfless "I cannot allow this The couatl and deva combine their healing powers, granting the party the benefits of a
dangerous creature to long rest.
escape and hurt
innocent people."
Selfish "I seek the treasure and Only the couatl heals the group, healing each character for half of their total hit points.
glory that come from Each character can also recover spell slots with a combined level equal to or less than
destroying such a that character's level. Finally, the party gains the benefit of a short rest except for the
powerful foe." ability to roll hit dice.
Malevolent "I wish to harness the Neither the deva nor the couatl heals the party.
creature's power to
crush those who
oppose me."

After all characters have responded, the deva and couatl will
reveal their true forms. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Background Information
Intelligence (Arcana) check will recognize the deva’s helmet The couatl and deva have been companions for
as a Helm of Teleportation. Once their disguises have been centuries, but the wizard was able to create a
dropped, the deva and couatl act based on the most common distraction that separated them briefly. In the
type of response. In the event of a tie between Selfless and confusion, he captured the couatl to further his
Selfish, use the Selfless response. In the event of a tie research and escaped. The deva had been
between Selfish and Malevolent, use the Selfish response. In searching tirelessly since then for her friend, but
the event of a tie between Selfless and Malevolent, use the the wizard maintained a spell that prevented
Selfish response. anyone finding the couatl by magical means. Once
For a Selfless or Selfish group. The couatl will gift the the wizard died, the deva rushed to rescue her
party member it deems most worthy a couatl tail feather (see friend. Upon arrival, she realized that, without
page 11) and explain that this can be used to deal a small intervention, the Chaos Elemental would soon
escape. Sensing the power and nature of the
amount of radiant damage to a creature. Additionally, the creature, she dared not engage the elemental
couatl is willing to offer some advice for the fight to come. directly, fearing that its chaotic nature could
You should decide on an appropriate clue or clues that you corrupt her soul. Instead, she began using her own
feel would be helpful for your group of players. Finally, the energy to maintain the restraints on the creature,
deva urges the characters to continue onward. She explains hoping additional aid would arrive soon.
that she has been using her energy to keep the creature at
bay, but her strength will soon falter.
For a Malevolent group. The couatl and deva refuse to aid
the party and prepare to depart. Instead of respectfully gifting 16. Final Hallway
a tail feather, the couatl will flick its tail at the party member
it deems most malevolent. The player is struck by the feather Turning around the first corner of the hallway beyond, you see
and takes 1 point of radiant damage. The deva informs the a figure lying in a pool of blood, hardly a scrap remains of what
group that she hopes the party can distract the creature long appear to have once been fine robes. Your eyes are pulled to a
enough that she can return with proper assistance. Now that glyph, drawn on the floor in blood, that flares to life as you
she is leaving and no longer using her energy to hold the approach. The magic of the glyph flows into the corpse on the
creature at bay, it will soon escape its confines. The pair then
teleport away. ground, which slowly pushes itself into a sitting position. “I
imagine you have many questions,” it says, “but time is
limited. Ask quickly. My creation will not remain trapped for

Master Alius. Alius managed to summon the Chaos

Elemental, the climax of years of research. He was confident
he could control the creature, but he underestimated its
power. It managed to land a fatal blow just as Alius finished
sealing it away. He tried to crawl back to the couatl for
healing. However, he realized he wouldn’t make it and scribed
a glyph that would cast speak with dead on his own corpse
whenever a mortal came near. He can answer up to five
questions, which he will do in full without any of the
evasiveness or ambiguity normally associated with the spell.
Alius can answer any questions about the territorial effects in
the next room, the Chaos Elemental’s forms, or any part of
the dungeon.

Once the five questions have been asked or ten minutes have Air (NW corner). Small bolts of lightning occasionally
passed, Alius’s spirit fades. Before fully parting, he apologizes strike upward from the ground, which is covered in a thin
to Osmo if the genasi is present, asking his apprentice to layer of swirling mist. A creature that begins its turn in
forgive his reckless ambition. Osmo begins to weep, holding this area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. The
his master's gruesome corpse. Inconsolable, Osmo does not creature takes 1d12 lightning damage on a failed save, or
go with the party into the next room. half as much on a successful one. Additionally, the
swirling mist infuses the creature, granting them greater
17. Summoning Room alacrity. The creature gains an additional action on a turn
it begins in the area. That action can be used only to take
Four stone pillars support the ceiling of this massive chamber. the Attack (one weapon attack only), Cast a Spell (cantrip
You see three distinct areas on each side of the room, each only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
one showing signs of influence from an element. Every Fire (NE corner). Cracks in the flooring show thin veins
elemental area also contains what appears to be a portal, of liquid fire running across the ground here. Creatures
crackling with energy. Though no creatures are coming standing in this area feel unnaturally aggressive, causing
through at the moment, the portals are clearly primed and on them to focus on offense at the expense of defense. Any
the verge of activation. creature in this area has advantage on its attack rolls. If a
In the center of the room, a circle of runes contains an
creature enters this area or makes an attack while in this
area, attack rolls against that creature have advantage
elemental creature unlike any you’ve previously seen or heard
until that creature’s next turn.
of. The creature thrashes within its confines, a magical cage
that gives off sparks whenever the elemental strikes against it. Dark (E side). Swirling clouds of darkness drift along the
Each successive blow creates a greater and greater indentation floor of this area. When a creature enters this area,
in the barrier, and the mystical prison obviously cannot hold
several of the clouds gather around the creature and
swallow it in magical darkness. The clouds approximate a
for much longer. The creature appears to be made of several
10-foot-radius sphere centered on the creature, but
different types of energy, but one always seems to have constant motion prevents the formation of a static shape.
prominence at a given moment. You notice that the area in the A creature with darkvision can’t see through this
center of the room changes to match the most prominent darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. If an
element of the creature. area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower
overlaps with this area, the light is smothered by the
Portals. A weakened elemental is produced at the end of darkness.
each even-numbered round after the Chaos Elemental Earth (SE corner). The floor of this area is covered in
escapes its imprisonment. The type is determined by the vines and roots. The stability and endurance of the earth
Chaos Elemental’s current form, and the weakened suffuse a creature that ends its turn in this area, granting
elemental comes from the corresponding portal. Elementals it a +4 bonus to AC until the end of the creature’s next
are not affected by the territorial effects of their own turn. However, holding still allows the vines and roots to
elements. A weakened elemental has only 40 hit points, but it twist around your legs. A creature that ends its turn in this
is otherwise identical to the elementals found in the Monster area must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a
Manual. For the weakened dark and light elementals, see failure, the creature’s speed becomes 0, it can’t benefit
their stat blocks on pages 19–20. These elementals are rolled from any bonus to its speed, and it has disadvantage of
into initiative and are hostile to the party as long as the Chaos Dexterity saving throws. The creature can repeat the
Elemental lives. saving throw at the end of successive turns. Alternatively,
Territorial Effects. The elemental areas of the room each the creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength
produce different effects. check to break free.
Water (SW corner). The serenity of water refreshes Center. The center 6x6 area of the room will take on the
creatures in this area, which is slightly depressed from the territorial effect that matches the Chaos Elemental's
rest of the room to contain a shallow pool. A creature in current Elemental Form (see description on page 13).
this area can expend up to half of its maximum hit dice at
the end of its turn. It heals from these hit dice as if they
were used during a short rest. Additionally, creatures in Running the Fight (cont. on p. 11)
this area feel connected to their allies. If a creature ends The Chaos Elemental is extremely complex by the
its turn in this area and takes damage before its next turn, normal standards of 5e. Make sure to read the stat
all allied creatures in the room (not just the pool) take half block before you attempt to run this fight at the
that amount as psychic damage. table. Here are a few tips and reminders of things
we often forgot in our early test runs.
Light (W side). Cleansing light flares up and washes over
creatures that enter this area. A creature that ends its turn You can choose a starting Elemental Form for
in this area is cleansed of all temporary effects and the creature or roll a d6 to pick randomly.
conditions, both beneficial and detrimental. Additionally, if
the creature relies on sight, it is blinded until the end of its
next turn.

Running the Fight (cont.) Appendix A: Magic Items
Don't forget to track the locations of corpses. Only the magic items created by the authors are listed here.
You'll need to know them if the fire lair action is For full descriptions of official magic items that adventurers
used. can find in the dungeon, see their respective source books.
Take advantage of the monster's versatility.
Shifting Elemental Forms to adjust to new Bag of Potassium Dichromate
situations is important. Trade good
You can run the encounter as if the creature This bag contains enough salt to coat one weapon or twenty
naturally understands the effects that the pieces of ammunition. Some sort of adhesive agent, such as
various territories have on the characters or as the tree sap found with the bag, is required to make it stick.
if it must learn them as the fight progresses. Any weapon or ammunition treated in this way can be used to
Both are valid and fully endorsed by the destroy pure air mephits (see page 15) during the Chaos
creators. Elemental encounter. This process of treating a weapon or
Elemental Escape and Chaotic Transposition are pieces of ammunition takes 10 minutes.
potent tools to get some breathing room if the
creature is being overwhelmed. Staying at a Heart of Chaos
distance, lobbing Mephit Missiles, and buying Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
time for more elementals to enter through the
portals can be a good tactic, especially against a The heart of chaos is a small sphere of unknown material. Its
melee-heavy party. color constantly shifts as the forces trapped inside constantly
war for prominence.
You'll need to keep track of how many rounds While you are holding this object, you gain a +1 bonus to
have passed to know when the weakened spell attack rolls. You also ignore half cover when making a
elementals spawn. spell attack. Additionally, when you cast a spell, you can
choose to make it do a random type of damage. When you do
this, you must roll and d10, and the damage type will be as
18. Treasure Room Roll Damage Type
If a character enters the room before the Chaos Elemental is 1 Acid
defeated, take them to Room 18a. If the Chaos Elemental has
been dealt with, take them to 18b. 2 Cold
3 Fire
Upon entering this room, you notice a chest immediately to
4 Force
your left. In the opposite corner is a circle like those
5 Lightning
encountered earlier. There is also desk which appears to have
some scrolls books, trinkets, and other arcane miscellany 6 Necrotic
scattered across it. 7 Poison
8 Psychic
If the party is in Room 18a, the circle in the corner is dark 9 Radiant
and dormant like those seen before. If in Room 18a, the
teleportation network is active once again now that the Chaos 10 Thunder
Elemental is no longer present. The party can use it to travel
to the other circles in the network. You can randomize the damage type in this way a number
Desk. The scrolls are nonmagical, but the party can find of times equal to your proficiency modifier. This will reset
spell components worth a total of 100 gp on the desk. upon completion of a long rest.
Chest. The chest is locked, but with a successful DC 15
Dexterity check, a character can use thieves' tools to pick the Couatl Tail Feather
lock. And if they don't have thieves' tools, just give them the Wondrous item, uncommon
loot anyway. They deserve it after that last fight. Inside is a
heart of chaos (description in Appendix A below). This tail feather can be held like a wand. While holding it, you
can use an action to activate it, dealing 1 radiant damage to a
creature you can see within 90 feet.
Cymbals of Tiny Thunder
Wondrous item, uncommon
These cymbals can strap onto your fingers. As an action, you
can clap them together, causing a crash of sound completely
disproportionate to the size of the item. This deals 1 point of
thunder damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone.

Foul Wand
Wondrous item, uncommon Appendix B: Creatures
Only the creatures created by the authors are listed here. For
While holding this wand, you can use an action to activate it, full descriptions of official creatures that adventurers can find
dealing 1 necrotic damage to a creature you can see within in the dungeon, see their respective source books.
90 feet.
Frigid Wand
Wondrous item, uncommon Behir Pup
Large monstrosity, Neutral Evil
While holding this wand, you can use an action to activate it,
dealing 1 cold damage to a creature you can see within 90 Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
feet. Hit Points 52(7d10 + 14)
Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft.
Staff, legendary if you ask him (requires attunement by one
who has shown him the proper respect) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Centuries ago, a great wizard found it amusing to create for
himself a walking stick that was, literally, a stick that could Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3
walk. Sticolas was also granted sentience in addition to Damage Immunities Lightning
locomotion, though the wizard never said whether that was Senses Darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 11
by intent or happenstance. Loyal to his creator until the Languages Draconic
wizard's death, Sticolas learned a great deal about arcane Challenge 3 (700 XP)
matters. As such, he has a considerable ego that must be
appeased by any hoping to gain his assistance. Actions
Once attuned to Sticolas, you can use an action to shoot a
small bit of flame from his head, dealing 1 point of fire Multiattack. The behir pup makes two attacks: one
damage to a creature you can see within 90 feet. You do not with its bite and one to constrict.
need to be wielding him to do this. Sticolas could, of course, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
do much more damage, but the fire really burns when it one target. Hit 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
comes out, so you'll take your 1 damage and be grateful for
that. Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5ft., one large or smaller creature. Hit 8 (1d10 + 3)
Additionally, if Sticolas is currently pleased with you, he bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled
may assist you by sharing knowledge. He can make (escape DC 13) if the behir pup isn't already
Intelligence (Arcana) checks with a +10 modifier. constricting a creature, and the target is restrained
until this grapple ends.
Lightning Breath (Recharge 6). The behir pup exhales
a line of lightning that is 20 ft. long and 5 ft. wide.
Each creature in that line must make a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) lightning
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.

Chaos Elemental (cont. Current
Damage to Prevent
on p. 14) Air Pure Air Salted Weapon
Huge elemental, chaotic evil
Dark Pure Dark Radiant
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Earth Pure Earth Thunder
Hit Points 230(20d10 + 120)
Speed 0 ft., 40 ft. fly (hover) Fire Pure Fire Cold
Light Pure Light Necrotic
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Water Pure Water Fire
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
If a mephit is spawned, it is then added to the
initiative list at 5 less than the turn on which the
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +6 mephit spawned.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Territorial Immunity. The Chaos Elemental is unaffected
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious by any of the territorial effects in the room.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Primordial Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Chaos Elemental
Challenge 10 (5900 XP) fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Elemental Form. The Chaos Elemental can alter its form

to highlight the powers of one element. The Elemental Elemental Escape. When the Chaos Elemental takes
Form determines which lair action occurs, as well as takes 10 or more damage on a single turn, it can use its
granting the following benefits: reaction to teleport to any space with a territory type
matching its current Elemental Form.
Air Form. The Chaos Elemental's movement speed is
increased by 10 ft and can make 1 additional strike Actions
attack on its turn. It also gains immunity to thunder
damage. Multiattack. The Chaos Elemental attacks twice with its
strike attack. It can substitute a use of its Chaotic
Dark Form. The Chaos Elemental gains blindsight to a Transposition for one of these attacks.
distance of 120 feet. It also gains immunity to
necrotic damage. Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit 13 (2d8 + 4). The damage type is based
Earth Form. The Chaos Elemental gains a +2 bonus to on the current Elemental Form.
AC. It also gains immunity to damage from salted
Elemental Form Damage Type
Air Thunder
Fire Form. A creature that touches the Chaos
Elemental or hits it with a melee attack while within Dark Necrotic
5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. The Chaos Earth Bludgeoning
Elemental also gains immunity to fire damage.
Fire Fire
Light Form. The Chaos Elemental gains truesight to a
Light Radiant
distance of 120 feet. It also gains immunity to
radiant damage. Water Cold
Water Form. The Chaos Elemental's movement does Chaotic Transposition. Every hostile creature must roll
not provoke opportunity attacks. In addition, it can a d100. The creature is then teleported to the location
move through other creatures and objects, but it matching their roll in the center of the room (see DM
cannot willingly end its turn in a space occupied by map for labeling).
another creature or object. It also gains immunity to
cold damage. Mephit Missile. The Chaos Elemental pulls a mephit
from within itself. The mephit is the same element as
Elemental Fragmentation. When the Chaos Elemental the Chaos Elemental's current Elemental Form. The
takes at least 10 damage during a turn, a mephit will mephit is hurled up to 90 feet at a point the Chaos
spawn in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of the Elemental can see. Any player within a 10-foot radius
Chaos Elemental. Every 5 additional damage taken will must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
spawn another mephit. Up to 3 mephits can be save, a target takes 10 (3d6) force damage, or half as
spawned by this ability on each turn. Each mephit's much on a successful one.
type is based on the Chaos Elemental's current
Elemental Form. A mephit will not spawn if the The mephit is then added to the initiative list at 10 less
triggering damage or any of the damage previously than the Chaos Elemental's initiative.
taken during that turn is of the appropriate damage
type (see table) to prevent the spawn.

Chaos Elemental (cont.) Earth. A tendril of stone emerges from an
unoccupied space within the lair and slams down in
a line 15 feet long and 5 feet wide. Any creature in
Actions (cont.) the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw.
Disturbing Pattern (3/Day). Each creature of the Chaos The creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a
Elemental's choice that can currently see the Chaos failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Elemental must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving
throw or succumb to a bout of vertigo that lasts 1 Fire. All corpses (including dust and ashes left
minute. Vertigo causes the creature to have behind by mephits and elementals) in the room
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. A burst into flame. They continue burning until the
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Chaos Elemental changes forms, at which point the
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. flames die and the corpse is consumed. At the start
of a creature’s turn, it must make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw for each burning corpse within 5 feet.
Legendary Actions The creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save,
The Chaos Elemental can take 3 legendary actions, or half as much on a successful one.
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action can be used at a time and only at the end of Light. An orb of brilliant light is summoned in an
another creature's turn. The Chaos Elemental regains unoccupied space within the lair. Any creature that
spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. relies on ordinary sight is blinded while facing the
light. Additionally, if a creature is or at any time
Lair Action. The Chaos Elemental uses the lair action of becomes within a 30-foot radius of the orb, all
its current element. illusion and shapechange effects on that creature are
permanently dispelled.
Change Form. The Chaos Elemental changes its
Elemental Form to the form of its choice. Water. A 10-foot square and 10-feet deep area
Mephit Absorption. The Chaos Elemental absorbs all becomes quicksand. Any creature already in that area
mephits that share a type with its current Elemental and within 5 feet of an unoccupied square can make
Form and gains 5 temporary hit points for each mephit a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw to jump aside. On a
absorbed. These do not leave corpses to count towards success, the creature can move to any of the
the fire lair action. unoccupied squares within 5 feet. If a creature fails
this initial save or subsequently enters the area, it
Lair Actions sinks 1d4 + 1 feet into the quicksand and becomes
restrained. If a creature starts its turn in the
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Chaos quicksand, it immediately sinks an additional 1d4
Elemental takes a lair action to cause an effect feet. A creature can escape by using its action and
determined by its Elemental Form at the time. succeeding on a Strength check. The DC is 10 plus
Air. Strong wind gusts out from the Chaos Elemental the number of feet the creature has sunk. A creature
in all directions. Any creature within 30 feet of the that is completely submerged can’t breathe. A
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving creature can pull another creature within its reach
throw or be pushed 15 feet directly away from the out of the quicksand pit by using its action and
Chaos Elemental and knocked prone. After the initial succeeding on a Strength check. The DC is 5 plus
gust, a cyclone forms around the Chaos Elemental the number of feet the target creature has sunk into
until the end of its next turn. While the cyclone is the quicksand.
present, all ranged attacks against the Chaos
Elemental have disadvantage.
Dark. One creature is surrounded by a cloak of
shadow, covering them in magical darkness. This
darkness occupies the same space as the creature
and moves with the creature. This darkness cannot
be dispelled by the magic of a spell cast at first level
or lower. If the creature relies on sight, it is blinded,
but others can still see the creature.

Osmo Pure Air Mephit
Medium humanoid, neutral good Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 10 Armor Class 0

Hit Points 12 (2d8+3) Hit Points 1
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Arcana +5, History +5 Damage Vulnerabilities salted weapons

Senses passive Perception 10 Damage Immunities all except bludgeoning,
Languages Common, Primordial piercing and slashing from salted weapons
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses passive Perception 10
Ritual Casting. Osmo can cast his spells as rituals if Languages Auran
they have the ritual tag. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Spellcasting. Osmo is a 1st-level spellcaster. His Unstable Form. While the focused elemental nature
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, has rendered the mephit immune to most types of
+5 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following damage, a single point of damage of the opposite
wizard spells prepared: type is enough to scatter the energy comprising its
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, physical form.
shape water Territorial Immunity. The mephit is unaffected by
1st level (2 slots): comprehend languages, detect any of the territorial effects in the room.
magic, ice knife
Storming Breath. The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone
of storming clouds. Each creature in that area must
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking
4 (1d8) thunder damage and being pushed 5 feet
away from the mephit in a straight line on a failed
save, or half as much damage and not being
displaced on a successful one.

Pure Dark Mephit Pure Earth Mephit
Small elemental, neutral evil Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 0 Armor Class 0

Hit Points 1 Hit Points 1
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft.

6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +4 Skills Stealth +3

Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Damage Vulnerabilities thunder
Damage Immunities all except radiant Damage Immunities all except thunder
Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Deepspeech Languages Terran
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Unstable Form. While the focused elemental nature Unstable Form. While the focused elemental nature
has rendered the mephit immune to most types of has rendered the mephit immune to most types of
damage, a single point of damage of the opposite damage, a single point of damage of the opposite
type is enough to scatter the energy comprising its type is enough to scatter the energy comprising its
physical form. physical form.

Territorial Immunity. The mephit is unaffected by Territorial Immunity. The mephit is unaffected by
any of the territorial effects in the room. any of the territorial effects in the room.

Actions Actions
Enfeebling Breath. The mephit exhales a 15-foot Rampant Growth. Green motes burst from the
cone of black mist. Each creature in that area must mephit's skin and tangling roots burst from the
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or ground in a 15-foot radius around the mephit. A
have disadvantage on all ability checks and attack creature moving through the area must spend 3
rolls until the end of the mephit's next turn or the feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves.
mephit is killed.
These roots disperse when the mephit is killed.

Pure Fire Mephit Pure Light Mephit
Small elemental, neutral evil Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 0 Armor Class 0

Hit Points 1 Hit Points 1
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.

8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)

Skills Stealth +3 Skills Stealth +3

Damage Vulnerabilities cold Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic
Damage Immunities all except cold Damage Immunities all except necrotic
Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Ignan Languages Celestial
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Unstable Form. While the focused elemental nature Unstable Form. While the focused elemental nature
has rendered the mephit immune to most types of has rendered the mephit immune to most types of
damage, a single point of damage of the opposite damage, a single point of damage of the opposite
type is enough to scatter the energy comprising its type is enough to scatter the energy comprising its
physical form. physical form.

Territorial Immunity. The mephit is unaffected by Territorial Immunity. The mephit is unaffected by
any of the territorial effects in the room. any of the territorial effects in the room.

Actions Actions
Fire Breath. The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone of Radiant Breath. The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone
fire. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 of pure, blinding energy. Each creature in that area
Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
successful one. saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success.

Pure Water Mephit Shadow Clone (full
Small elemental, neutral evil
Armor Class 0 Medium humanoid, neutral evil
Hit Points 1
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Armor Class 13
Hit Points 49 (11d8)
Speed 30 ft.
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
9 (-1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Immunities all except fire Saving Throws Int +3, Cha + 7
Condition Immunities poisoned Senses passive Perception 11
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Languages telepathy 60 ft.
Languages Aquan Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Innate Spellcasting. The shadow clone's innate
Unstable Form. While the focused elemental nature spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14,
has rendered the mephit immune to most types of +6 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the
damage, a single point of damage of the opposite following spells, requiring no material components:
type is enough to scatter the energy comprising its
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, ray of frost
physical form.
1st level (4 slots): color spray, magic missile,
Territorial Immunity. The mephit is unaffected by Tasha's hideous laughter
any of the territorial effects in the room.
Class Specialties. The shadow clone gains an ability
Actions that it can use once per day. The ability gained is
based on which class it is a copy of:
Pressure Wash. The mephit exhales a high-pressure
stream of water at a creature it can see within 60 Class
feet. That creature must succeed on a DC 13 Copied Ability Gained
Dexterity saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) bludgeoning Bard Bardic Inspiration (d8)
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. Cleric Turn Un-undead (affects living
Druid Wild Shape - Shadow Mastiff (Volo's, p.
Sorcerer Twinned Spell
Warlock Eldritch Blast with Repelling Blast and
Lance of Lethargy Invocations
Wizard Fireball

Shadow Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing
Shadow Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d4 + 1)
piercing damage.

Shadow Clone (martial Weakened Dark
or hybrid) Elemental
Medium humanoid, neutral evil Large elemental, neutral

Armor Class 16 Armor Class 15

Hit Points 84 (13d8+26) Hit Points 40
Speed 30 ft. Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)

11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Int + 3 Damage Vulnerabilities radiant

Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +3, Perception +3, Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
Stealth +7 and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Senses passive Perception 13 Damage Immunities necrotic
Languages telepathy 60 ft. Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled,
Challenge 2 (450 XP) paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
Class Specialties. The shadow clone gains an ability Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 12
that it can use once per day. The ability gained is Languages Deepspeech
based on which class it is a copy of: Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Class Copied Ability Gained Amorphous Form. The elemental can enter a hostile
Artificer Elixir of Boldness creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Barbarian Rage (+2) squeezing.
Fighter Action Surge
Monk Stunning Strike (DC 11)
Multiattack. The elemental makes two touch attacks.
Paladin Divine Smite
Ranger Hunter's Mark Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit 13 (2d8 + 4) necrotic damage.
Rogue Sneak Attack (3d6)
Afraid of the Dark (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in
the elemental's space must make a DC 13
Actions Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, a target
Multiattack. The shadow clone makes two shadow takes 6 (2d6 - 2) psychic damage and is frightened
blade attacks. for 1 minute. If the saving throw is successful, the
target takes half the psychic damage and isn't
Shadow Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, frightened. A creature can repeat the saving throw
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
damage. itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
immune to this elemental's Afraid of the Dark for
the next 24 hours.

Weakened Light
Large elemental, neutral

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 40
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)


14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic

Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities radiant
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Celestial
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Amorphous Form. The elemental can enter a hostile

creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without

Multiattack. The elemental makes two touch attacks.
Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit 13 (2d8 + 4) radiant damage.
Blinding Radiance (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in
the elemental's space must make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a target
takes 8 (2d6) radiant damage and is blinded for 1
minute. If the saving throw is successful, the target
takes half the radiant damage and isn't blinded. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or
the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
this elemental's Blinding Radiance for the next 24

Appendix C: Maps
Alius's Lair (DM version)

Alius's Lair (player version)

Summoning Room (DM version)

Summoning Room (player version)

The authors of this dungeon are Nick Owen (u/frezzyisfuzzy)
and Kevin Campbell (who declined to provide online contact
info, stating that he is "a mystery wrapped in an enigma
wrapped in a puzzle, a.k.a. a boomer"). Nick did the writing
and is currently referring to himself in the third person. Kevin
made the maps. We collaborated on ideas for content in the
rooms and mechanics for the monsters. This is our first
publicly released homebrew creation, and we hope that you
enjoyed it.

Formatting and layouts were done with The
Cover art (reproduced on page 1) and the picture on page
6 created by Juho Huttunen, who can be found online
under the handle Northern Hermit.
Maps were created with the Dungeondraft software and
include art assets from Forgotten Adventures.

Legal Stuff
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by
Nick Owen and Kevin Campbell, who are equal co-authors of
the work, and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


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