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English G8

Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

Sections: Miki, Palliola, Jouges, and Ogilvie

CONTEXT Student Readiness

 The students have done writing activities like informative
essay and have encountered graphic organizers.

Learning Preference
 The Grade 8 students have a mild preference for
active learning which means they retain and
understand information through doing something
active with it.
 They learn more through written and oral
 They also learn through relating the discussion with
their interests and experiences.
 Identify Journalism and its features;
 Distinguish the differences among the types of
journalistic writing: news writing, feature writing and
editorial writing;
 Compose an article from the writing prompt that will be
given; and
 Apply their learning from the discussion to answer the
5W1H activity.

Subject Matter
 Journalism
 News Writing
 Feature Writing
 Editorial Writing

 Interactive Learning
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

 Graphic Organizer
 Discussion Learning
 Writing Activity

Ramirez, J. B. (1989). Philippine journalism handbook
(3rd ed.). Metro Manila, Philippines: National
Book Store Publishers.
Estrada, E. C., & Nem Singh, R. P. (1987). Basic
journalism. Metro Manila: National Book Store.
Roxas, V. S., Jose, A. C., & Duque, R. E. (n.d.). Young
Journalist’s Handbook.
How does news go around? How does people come to know
what is happening in other places? Or even in our own? How
do we like to be informed? And how do we know that what we
are being informed of is real and accurate? Today, we will be
discussing about Journalism, its features and its function in the

Last meeting, you have discussed the introduction about facts
and opinions. You also differentiated fact from opinion. Today,
we will be going to identify facts and opinions from the story
and able to give comments if those found statements have the
qualities of fact or opinion through quiz bee type of game.

Learning Competency
 Identify features of journalistic writing
Learning Objectives
 Identify Journalism and its features;
 Distinguish the differences among the types of
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

journalistic writing: news writing, feature writing and

editorial writing;
Development of the Lesson: Input/Discussion
Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West
Asian literature as an expression of philosophical and
religious beliefs; information flow in various text types; reality,
fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word
decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and
logical connectors in journalistic writing.

Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of
journalistic texts, the contents of which may be used in
composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
 The teacher introduces the activity “Where Is The Lie”
with the mechanics.
 The teacher divides the class into 4 groups.
 Each group will be given 5 minutes to prepare 4 facts
and 1 lie about their group.
 Each group will have a representative to share their
5F1L. and the other groups will verify it themselves.
 Each group has 10 seconds to find out which given
statement is the lie and share it to the class.
 When every group is done, the same representative will
be revealing in the class which from the 5 facts is the
hidden lie.
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

 The group with the most correct guesses will win the
activity and will be given extra 5 points in their formative
Process Questions
 Among the statements given, how did you spot the lie?
 What are the things to consider to make sure a
statement is true or false?
 What is Journalism?
 What is Development Journalism and its attributes?
 What are the forms of Journalism?
 What is the purpose of Journalism?
 What is News?
 What are the elements of news?
 What are the most important facts in the news? In what
part of the news can these be found?
REFLECTION Reflection Questions
 Why is Journalism important?
 Why it is important to seek for the truth?
 Amidst of the time flooded with so many misinformation
spread in social media platforms, how do you stand for
the motto of Xavier University which is Veritas Liberabit
ACTION Internal Action
 Students learn the value of truth, honesty, and integrity.
External Action (Assignment)
 Students will forever value the Xavier University motto
which is the Veritas Liberabit Vos of being truthful and
faithful as future husband and wife, public servant, and
as a person for others.
EVALUATION Formative Assessment
What are the underlying facts and opinions of the
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

videos/pictures presented?
Day 2

Yesterday, we were able to discuss, identify, differentiate,
comment, and compose paragraphs about facts and opinions
found in the story Dream of Lizards. Today, we will connect
that to our new lesson which is propaganda. To further
understand, we will discuss the connection of facts and
opinions to propaganda and its techniques. But first, since I
have given you informal assignment which is to observe
commercial, ads, billboards, posters, and such, now what have
you noticed before every advertisements or commercials end?
Are there lines that struck you? Are there lines in every
commercials or advertisements which are unforgettable to
you? Or that strikes you? Are there underlying facts and
opinions? From those observations that you have, what is the
meaning of propaganda? Is that an example of propaganda?

Learning Competency
 Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text,
picture, and videos

Learning Objectives
 The students identify the propaganda and its
 The students comment to the
statements/pictures/videos presented that have the
qualities of propaganda techniques;
 The students identify the propaganda techniques used
in the short story titled “Dreams of Lizard”.
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

Development of the Lesson: Input/Discussion

Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian
literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in
processing textual information; strategies in examining
features of a listening and viewing material; structural
analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and

Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a
persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

 The students randomly call by the teacher through their

class number.
 The students share their observations to the class.
 The teacher uses these observations of the students to
introduce the idea of propaganda.
 The teacher posts the word propaganda on the board
 The students think and brainstorm what this word
means with their seatmate.
 The teacher encourages the students to think about the
definition of propaganda.
 The students write their answers in metacards
distributed by the teacher.
 The teacher shortly presents the propaganda - consists
of persuasive material, usually biased, that is used to
promote a cause, idea or perspective. Propaganda can
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

be used to sell products or persuade the public.

 The teacher presents the different techniques of
propaganda through presenting the examples first
before the definitions.
 The students think and identify what type of propaganda
techniques were used in their observations.
 The teacher projects other different multimedia
examples of advertisements, commercials, and etc.
 The students answer the questions of the teacher.
 The students identify and recognize at least 5
propaganda techniques used in the short story titled
Dream of Lizards.
Process Questions
 What do you think the purpose of this
 Is this propaganda? Why or why not? What type of
propaganda technique is used?
 What is the implication of this statement as
REFLECTION Reflection Questions
 What are the implications of the propaganda techniques
found in the Dream of Lizards?
 Amidst of the time flooded with so many misinformation
spread in social media platforms, how do you stand for
the motto of Xavier University which is Veritas Liberabit
ACTION Internal Action
 Students learn to activate strong emotions, responding
to audience needs and values simplifying information.
External Action (Assignment)
 Students create social change through the use of
English G8
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Lesson Plan

propaganda with the influence of XU motto Veritas

Liberabit Vos to public opinion.
EVALUATION Formative Assessment

The students will make and write their own propaganda in a ¼

sheet of paper as their answer to this question, “Amidst of the
time flooded with so many misinformation spread in social
media platforms, how do you stand for the motto of Xavier
University which is Veritas Liberabit Vos?” They can choose
one technique or merge several techniques.

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