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Student ID : 210645
Subject (Code) : BS221
Date : 13/12/21 Time : 10:23 PM


1. a) Job freedom – refers to the ability to make choices in workplace.

b) Variety and challenge – get to experience a variety of choices and challenges.
c) Opportunity for career development – get higher chances to expand our career.
d) Attractive compensation – get attractive and interesting rewards for employees for
performing the work they are hired for.

2. a) Mobile marketing – marketing through the uses of text messages, online and social
media marketing.
b) Advertising – by printing and broadcast ads and through cinema.
c) Events and experiences – through sports ,entertainment and festivals.
d) Public relations and publicity – through speeches and seminars.

3. Service distinction is a difference or contrast between services such as;

a) equipment or people based
b) different process of delivery
c) some services needs client presence
d) meets personal or client needs
e) differs in objectives and ownership

4. Demand
a) Differential pricing
b) Nonpeak demand
c) Complementary services
d) Reservation services
e) Services cannot be stored

a) Part-time employees
b) Peak-time efficiency routines.
c) Increased consumer participation
d) Shared services
e) Facilities for future expansion
f) Services cannot stored

5. Product differentiation is what makes the product or service stand out to the target
audience. Eg; customization

6. a) social, economic and government constraints.

b) development costs
c) capital shortages
d) shorter development time
e) poor launch timing
f) shorter PLCs.

7. a) idea generation
b) idea screening
c) concept development and testing
d) marketing strategy development
e) business analysis
f) product development
g) market testing
h) commercialization

8. Internet allows true interactivity, customer- specific and situational personalization and
real-time adjustments of the firm’s offerings.


Question 1
1. a) Servicing the product – when a business offers a service or a product or a good
together as its practice that is also called as service - good mix.
b) working with orders – used to advice broker to execute a trade when an underlying
asset reaches a price.
c) managing information – It explains why information technology is important for the
management of business processes.
d) attending conferences and meeting – important to get an early version of you latest
work and improve presentation and communication skills.
e) training and recruiting – finding quality employees and save training time and money
with proper selection.

Question 2

2. A) A) 1. Discount – a price reduction to buyers who pay bill promptly. Eg ; ” 2/10, net
30” which means payment is due within 30 days and the buyer can deduct 2 percent by
paying within 10 days.
2. Quantity discount – a price deduction to those who buy large volumes. Eg ; “ $10 per
unit for fewer than 100 units; $9 per unit for 100 or more units.”
3. Functional discount – discount offered by manufacturer to trade-channel.
Manufacturers must offer the same functional discounts within each channel. Eg ;
discount on snowmobiles during the summer.
4. Seasonal discount – a price reduction to those who buy merchandise or services out
of season. Eg ; hotels ,motels and airlines offer seasonal discounts in slow selling
5. Allowance – An extra payment designed to gain reseller participation in special
programs. Eg ; the money a parent gives to a child each week for the chores they do.

B) B) 1. Customer-segment pricing – a form where price depends on a customer

segment. For example, age might be used to set different ticket prices.
2. Product-form pricing – different prices charged for different variants of the same
product. Eg ; the price of the same type of a car may vary because of different color
and add-on features.
3. Time pricing – refers to a method of pricing that charges its customers according
to time. For example , parking meters may charge more during business hours to
encourage turnover and customer traffic.

4. Image pricing – is the practice of keeping the price of one of the products or
service artificially highin order to encourage favorable perceptions among buyers. Eg
; customers would pay more for the same shoes if it was written Adidas or Nike over
5. Location pricing – a strategy used to more accurately reflect the cost of doing
business in a certain area or to align better with the price sensitivities there. For
example, prices are set differently depending on the locality doing the purchasing.

Question 3
a) Listening – listening to the customer’s complaints and thoughts.

b) Reliability – must have the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently

well to earn customer’s trust.
c) Basic service – transport, electricity and water
d) Service design – activity of planning and arranging people ,infrastructure and
e) Recovery – avoid losing potential customers.
f) surprising customers – surprising customers with a good promotion or discount on an
g) fair-play – be sure to always follow the rules .
h) teamwork – work together among employees and staff to gain success.
i) employee research – use surveys , focus groups to find out the attitude , opinions and
feelings of members.
j) servant leadership – leadership philosophy in which the goal of a leader is to serve.

Question 4
a) Trade selling – a form of business sale whereby a company is sold to another business
operating in the same sector. Eg ; you give your friend your peanut butter sandwich in
exchange for his tuna sandwich.

b) Technical selling - involves addressing the customer’s needs, not reciting memorized
talking points about the item. For example, a computer salesperson might ask what a
customer intends to do with the computer.
c) New business selling – The process of putting your business up for sale by an
individual or other company.
d) Retail selling – occurs when a business sells a product or service to an individual
costumer for his or her own use. Eg ; flower shop , bookstore.

e) Telemarketing – direct marketing of goods or services to potential customers over the

telephone and internet. Eg ; customers receive calls from company executive who
discuss the needs and offer a value to the customer.

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