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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Essential Intrapartum Newborn Checklist (EINC)

Name: BILUAN, DANIELLA GEAN L. Date: Nov. 15, 2021
Instructor: Mrs. Sheila Tan Rating:

Ensure that the mother is in her

position of choice while in labor
This provide comfort to the
mother and give her a sense of
control during her labor.

Asked mother if she wishes to Foods and liquids are permitted

eat/drink or void. during this phase to offer energy
to the mother throughout her
delivery. It's also vital to ask the
mother if she wants to void
because a full bladder in labor
might cause the baby to have
problems going down into the
pelvis. It may also make it
difficult for a baby to rotate into a
favourable position for delivery.

Communicated with the mother- Encouragement and raising

informed her of progress of awareness about the situation
labor, gave reassurance and can help minimize physical and
encouragement. emotional pain. Also women
need to be complimented,
supported, and reminded that
everything is going well and that
we are doing everything we can
to ensure their baby's safe birth.
Encouragement and support
make us all feel better. If a
woman is discouraged or told
she's doing anything wrong,
she'll have a harder time
enduring her labor.



Checked temperature in DR area It is important to maintain the

to be 25-28℃; eliminated air ideal temperature of the DR to
draft reduce incidence of neonatal
hypothermia and also if the
atmosphere is too cold, even full-
term and healthy infants may not
be able to keep their bodies
warm. When the infant becomes
too cold, he or she generates
warmth by using energy and
oxygen which can result in
increase use of oxygen. Close all
the windows and doors to make
sure that there is no air draft.

Asked woman if she is The semi-upright posture is the

comfortable in the semi-upright most convenient for the care
position (the default position of provider during the baby's birth
the delivery table.) since it improves fetal alignment
and reduces the likelihood of
compressing the mother's aorta,
which means the baby gets more

Ensured the woman’s privacy

It will give security to the

Removed all jewelry then washed Hands were washed to avoid the
hands thoroughly observing the spread of infection. Accessories
WHO 1-2-3-4-5 procedure. enhance the risk of infection
since they are not sterilised
metals and contain too many
microorganisms on their
surfaces that are not apparent to
the human eye, which is why it is
important to remove jewelry
before the delivery.

Prepared a clear clean newborn

resuscitation area. Checked the
equipment if clean, functional To save time, energy, and to
avoid distraction during the
and within easy reach.
delivery, it is essential to prepare
the resuscitation area and
equipment ahead of time.

Arranged materials supplies in

Organizing the materials needed
a linear sequence.
in linear sequence will save time
Gloves, dry linen, bonnet,
and energy and this also avoid
oxytocin injection, plastic
distraction during the delivery.
clamp, instrument clamp,
scissors, 2 kidney basins.
In a separate sequence, for
after the first breastfeed:
Eye ointment, (stethoscope to
symbolize PE), vit. K, hepatitis
B and BCG vaccines (plus
cotton balls, etc.)
Cleaned the perineum with It is important to keep the
antiseptic solution. perineum very clean to reduces
the risk of infection.

Washed hands and put on 2 It is important to prevent the

pairs of sterile gloves aseptically. possible spread of infection.
(if same worker handles
perineum and cord)


Encouraged woman to push as This is important because

desired. Pushing will give the mother a
burst of energy.

Draped the clean, dry linen over For comfort and warmth of the
the mother’s abdomen or same baby.
in preparation for dying the baby.
Applied perineal support and did This aids to reduce the severity
controlled delivery of the head. of tearing.

Called out time of birth and So that it is easily determine

sex of baby. by the people around the
delivery room.

Informed the mother of Knowing the outcome will

outcome. lessen her worries.


Thoroughly dried baby for at Dry the baby immediately

least 30 seconds starting from after birth. This step is
the face and head, going down important because it
to the trunk and extremities while stimulates Breathing and
performing to a quick check for
prevents hypothermia.

Removed the wet cloth. To ready the baby in
positioning removed the wet
cloth, this also prevents
heatloss to the newborn.

Placed the baby in skin-to-skin Immediate skin-to-skin

contact on the mother’s contact, enhance
abdomen or chest. breastfeeding and promote
bond to the mother and infant.

Covered the baby with the dry It is vital to cover the baby with
cloth and the baby’s head with dry cloth and a bonnet to the
the bonnet. head of the baby because
babies cool themselves down
by releasing heat from their
heads and faces. This is also
done to prevent hypothermia
and promote warmth to the

Excluded a second baby by This is important to increase

palpating the abdomen in uterine activity of the mother
preparation for giving oxytocin .

Used wet cloth to wipe the This is important to prevent

soiled gloves. Gave IV postpartum bleeding by
oxytocin within one minute of helping the uterus to contract.
baby’s birth. Disposed of wet
cloth properly.
Removed one set of gloves This is to prevent the possible
and decontaminated them spread of infection.
properly. (In 0.5% chlorine
solution for at least 10

Palpated umbilical cord to This is to keep an eye on the

check for pulsations. baby's pulse and let the
placenta to provide more
oxygenated blood.

After pulsations stopped.

Clamped cord tie 2 cm from the
base. This is important to prevent
anemia and intraventricular

Placed the instrument clamp 5 To prevent anemia and

cm from the base. intraventricular hemorrhages.

Performed the remaining steps Placental check for

of the AMTS (Active completeness and genital
Management of Third Stage) inspection for lacerations,
current bleeding require and
aftercare to the baby such as eye
care and immunization and last
but not the least, mother and
baby bonding are all
components of Active
Management of Third Stage that
must be perform to improved the
health and relationship of the
mother and infant.

Waited for strong uterine Check the mother condition,

contractions then applied how heavy her bleeding is and
controlled cord traction and examine the placenta for
counter traction on the uterus,
continuing until placenta was

Massaged the uterus until it is Uterine massage after

firm. placental delivery relaxes the

Inspected the lower vagina It is important to inspect the

and perineum for lower vagina and perineum for
lacerations/tears and repaired lacerations to avoid excessive
lacerations/tears as bleeding.

Examined the placenta for Make sure the entire placenta

completeness and was expelled into the mother’s
abnormalities. uterus.

Cleaned the mother, flushed To prevent infection.

perineum and applied perineal
Checked baby’s color and Immediately ask for
breathing; checked that the assistance if there are any
mother was comfortable, abnormalities.
uterus, contracted.

Disposed of the placenta in a To prevent infection

leak-proof container or plastic

Decontaminated (soaked in To prevent infection.

0.5% chlorine solution,
instruments before cleaning;
decontaminated 2nd pair of
gloves before disposal stating
that decontamination lasts for
at least 10 minutes.)

Advised mother to maintain To effectively build a strong

skin-to-skin contact. Baby bond of relationship.
should be prone on mothers
chest/in between the breasts
with head turned to one side.

Advised mother to observe for To see whether the baby is
feeding cues and cited ready to breastfeed.
examples of feeding cues.

Supported mother, instructed Instruct her to nudge the baby

her on positioning attachment. toward her breast and suck
the nipple.

Wait for FULL BREASTFEED Stand by their side to assist

to be completed. them. Initiation of
breastfeeding within the first
hour of birth increases the
chances that newborns
receives the first milk
“colostrum”, that is rich in
antibodies and nutrients, vital
in protecting the newborn
against infections

After a complete breastfeed, After thorough Physical

administered eye ointment Examination such as getting
(first did thorough physical the weight, anthropometric
examination, then did Vit K, measurement, and checking
and BCG injections the patency of the anus of the
simultaneously explained baby. Carry out the eye care
purpose of each intervention.) procedure to protect the
baby from getting bacterial
eye infections that can occur
during birth.Administer
Vitamin K to prevent
hemorrhagic disease and
BCG to immunized the baby.

Advised Delaying the bathing pevents

OPTIONAL/DELAYED the baby of developing
bathing of baby and was able hypothermia and infection.
to explain the rationale.

Advised breastfeeding per A newborn must be fed at

demand. least eight times in the first 24
breastfeeding are required as
it not only promote bond but
also because breast milk
supply all the necessary

In the first hour; checked Monitoring the baby and the

baby’s breathing and color mother is important to prevent
and checked mother’s vital future complication to the
signs and massaged uterus health of the mother and
every 15 minutes. baby.
Massaging the uterus every
15 minutes help to reduce risk
of postpartum hemorrhage
and assist the uterus in
shrinking back to its pre-
pregnancy size.

In the second hour; checked By this time both of them

mother-baby dyad every 30 experience a special unique
minutes to 1 hour. attachment.

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