Human Resource Management For Hotel Restaurant and Katering

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Dr. Dewi Turgarini, MM.Par
Risya Ladiva Bridha, MM.Par
Purna Hindayani, MT
Definition of Human Resource

Human Resource Management is the practice of

managing people to achieve organizational
Human Resource Management Function

Employee Resource
and selecting

Safety and
and labor Compensation
Human Resource
Management Demand

The need or demand for human

resources by an organization is a
forecast of the need for human
resources in both quantity and
Employee Recruitment
Recruitment is a process of finding candidates for employee,
laborer, managers, or workers to meet the Human Resource
needs of the organization or company. In this stage, it is
necessary to analyze existing positions to create job
descriptions and also job specifications.
Employee Selection
Employee selection is a process of finding the right workforce from existing candidates.

Then from the applicant's

The first step that needs to
CV, sorting is done Then the next is to call
be done after receiving the
between applicants who candidates to take written
application file is to view
will be called to the next tests, job interviews, and
the applicant's curriculum
step and those who fail to other selection processes.
vitae (CV).
meet the job qualification.
Screening is the process of Curriculum vitae
‘filtering’ prospective
employees through detailed Application form
examination of data regarding
the background of prospective Personal Identity (KTP, SIM, KK)
job applicants. The data needed
in the screening process are : Certificate of education (Ijazah)

Orientation is a program to introduce new employees to their

task and roles, organization, policies, values, culture, and their
co-workers. This activity is usually carried out by the human
resources department and the supervisor of the employee to
disseminate organizational values to new employees.
(Hariandja, 2002)
To mentally prepare the new
employees in the face of new
atmosphere from an educational
environment to the real world of

Purpose Removes psychological barriers to
entering a new group.

Briefly acquainted with the new

working environment.
Employee Placement

● Employee placement means allocating employees to certain

work positions.
● This is especially for new employees, for old employees who
have held positions or jobs, including the target function of
employee placement in the sense of maintaining their position
or transferring to another position.
● The purpose of employee placement is to make the employee
more efficient in carrying out the work assigned, as well as to
improve abilities and skills as the basis for a smooth tasks.
Compensation is the total cash and non-cash
payments that an employee gets in exchange for
the work they have done over a fixed period.
To gain
employees who
meet the

Comply with
Retain existing

The Purpose
Controlling Guarantee of
costs. justice.

Compensation Giving rewards

to employees
with compatible
Types of
● Direct financial, such as basic salary.
● Indirect financial, such as insurance,
retirement fund.
● Non financial, such as acknowledgement.

Indonesian Labor Law - Act 13 of 2003

What is meant by employee termination is termination of

employment relationship due to a certain matter which results
in the termination of the rights and obligations between the
worker/ laborer and the business person.
Employee termination should not be done unilaterally and arbitrarily, termination
will occur only for certain reasons after efforts have been made that termination do
not need to occur. In article 151 of Law no. 13 of 2003 is stated as follows:

In every effort that has

been made and
In negotiations as referred
termination of employment
to subsection (2); do not
is unavoidable, then the
Employers, workers/ result in an agreement, the
intention of terminating
laborers, trade unions/ business person can only
the employment
labor unions, and the terminate the employee
relationship must be
government, with all relationship with the
negotiated by the business
efforts must try to prevent worker/ laborer after
person and the trade
termination of obtaining a determination
union/labor union or with
employment. from the industrial
the worker/laborer if the
relations dispute
worker/laborer concerned
settlement institution.
is not a member of the
trade union/labor union.
Termination under normal conditions (voluntary)
• Under normal conditions, termination of employment will result in a
very happy state. After carrying out duties and roles in accordance with
the demands of the company, and dedication to the company, it is time
for he/she gets a high appreciation for his/her hard work and efforts.
Termination under abnormal conditions (non voluntary)
TYPES OF • Demands that come from inside and outside (Stakeholder), and can force
EMPLOYEE companies to make changes, including in the use of labor. The impact of
this change in the composition of human resources, among others, is
termination of employment.
TERMINATION Termination because of Law
• Termination happens because the company closed (liquidation) due to a
loss (Article 164 subsection (1)).
• Termination due to the death of the worker/labourer (Article 166).
• Termination by the court can occur with a reason/cause.
• Employees who experience this type of termination will most likely have
difficulty getting a new job at another place or company. From the
discussion above, employee termination can be caused by two parties.
Permanent employees
Health Insurance Employee Working Hours In Field Workers
• Employees are human • The company must be • Employee working hours • In field employees are
resources who are quite able to provide health are regulated in Article 77 employees who usually
influential in the business care insurance as it paragraph 1, Law No. work directly on products
field. Various activities in should, while avoiding the 13/2003 which obliges owned by a company.
a place of business will be risk of an increase in every business person to Example: Employees at
handled by employees, health costs above the implement the provisions "PT Coca-Cola Company".
such as areas that are normal limit. of working hours. Every Field employees here
quite influential in the worker has the right to have the task of directly
company, for example the have a rest hour in a day supervising production
HR manager, finance, at least 1/2 hour after and observing product
accounting, and others. working 4 hours cleanliness and also
another. continuously. If the break distributing products
time does not include directly to markets or
working hours, Article 80 customers.
of Law 13/2003
concerning employers is
obliged to provide
sufficient time for
workers to carry out
• Hariadja, Mariot Tua E. Human Resource Management. 2002. Jakarta: Grasindo
• Mondy, W, R. (no year). Human Resource Management. Erlangga Publisher.
• Kosim, R. (2015). Human Resources in the Field of Entrepreneurship (Employees),
accessed on November 14, 2020, at the link
dalam field-wirausaha-karyawan
• Zaima, A. et al. (2011). Resource Management And Motivation In Entrepreneurship.
Padang : Andalas University.
• Faculty of Economics and Business. (2017). Human Resource Management. Jakarta :
Mercu Buana University.

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