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Makalah ini disusun guna memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris dengan

Dosen Pengampu : Yuspik,M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:
1. Aminah Zahara
2. Risna Wati



TAHUN 2021/2022

All praise belongs only unto God who has bestowed all his infinite gifts,
especially the na’mat of faith and Islam. Which with both the happiness of the
world and the hereafter.

Sholawat and Salam my always be poured out on the Prophet Muhammad

SAW, and on his family and friends and those who follow their footsteps until the
end of time.

By giving to Allah SWT this paper we have been able to finish, with a
predetermined theme. Do not forget to say thank you as much as possible to Ma.
Riska Damayanti, M.Pd a lecture of English course, for guidance so that this paper
can be completed in a timely manner.

The author realize that this paper is far from perfect, and full of
shortcomings, hopefully, more refined in the future.

Finally, hopefully, our work is rewarded by Allah SWT. Amin.

Lampung Selatan , 11 Desember, 2021



TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY.....................................................................4
A. Background....................................................................................4
B. Formulate of the problem...............................................................4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ......................................................................5
A. Understanding Causative verb.........................................................5
1.1Formula Or Sentence Patterns Causative Verb..........................5
1.2Examples of use of the causative verb in the sentence .............6
B. Various Causative Verbs ................................................................8
1.1 Active Causative Verbs.............................................................8
1.2 Passive Causative Verbs............................................................9
CHAPTER III CLOSURE............................................................11
A. Conclusion.......................................................................................11
B. Suggestion.......................................................................................11
REFERENCE ................................................................................12



A. Background

English is a very global language and very commonly used in international conversation.
Until now English is still in the firs position as an international language. Our insights and
knowledge for the progress of our nation and country, because we can read English literature,
listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and watch other science movies related to English. Thus,
finally we can master the science in all fields.

Language, in general, has rules or we often call each other’s grammar, as well as English
many rules to be considered in its use, especially in the field of writing. Therefore, we try to
present some English grammars from many English grammars, in addition to fulfilling the tasks
of collage is also expected that this paper can add our insight in to the English language. The
point is to learn English in order to be used in formal conversation and writing so that the person
who hears and hears is not wrong or does not mean what we say.

From many different grammars is English we will review the “Causative Verb”. In
connection there are many kind to be learned and understood, the use of verb is very important of
writing and speaking. Because the conjunction is the verb from used to declare the current action
or event, the plan in the future, and in the past.

B. Formulate of the problem

The issues that will be discussed in this paper as follows :

1. What is the definition Causative Verb, its formula, is division and its examples ?
2. How to use Causative Verb in everyday life ?
3. What are the Causative Verb types ?




Causative verbs are the verbs we use to order or someone to do something in a subtle way (asking
politely to rule) and rude or coercive ways. The verb or causative verb in question is make, get, have,
and let. In addition to these 4 verbs, there is also causative by using action verbs that are bare infinitive
and to infinitive.

1.1 Formula Or Sentence Pattern Causative Verb

Causative verb has 2 types, namely active causative and passive causative. Here is a sentence pattern or
formula for the use of causative verb (let, make, have, get).


Causative 'let' is used to indicate if someone allows or permits a subject to do something.


S + (Let / Lets) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive)


Causative 'make' is used to indicate if someone is asking or forcing the subject to do something. 'Make'
can only be used in active form (active causative)


S + (Make / Makes / Made) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive)


Causative 'have' is used to indicate if someone is giving the responsibility to the subject to do
something. 'Have' can be used in both active and passive forms.

The active causative formula:

S + (Has / Have / Had) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive) + Object

Passive causative formula:

S + (Has / Have / Had) + Object + Action Verb (V3)


Causative 'get' is used to indicate if someone convinces a subject to do something. Similar to causative
'have', but 'get' has a different sentence pattern. 'Get' can be used in the form of active sentences as
well as passive sentences.

The active causative formula:

S + (Get / Gets / Got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)

Passive causative formula:

S + (Get / Gets / Got) + object + action verb (V3)

1.2 Example Of Use Of The Causative Verb In The Sentence

Below are some examples that friends can make reference in learning causative verb.


My mother lets me choose the dress.

Gino lets Gito borrow his pen.

Miss. Hermina will let me take the day off.

I let my sister take the present.

Please, never let him go.


I made my computer work.

Habibie and ainun movie makes me cry.

Tio make his sister do his homework.

Mr. Pradikta always makes the students happy.

Anggi makes her fiance carry her shopping bags.


Active causative:

I have her clean the house.

Robb had his son take the glass.

Mr. Crab had the interior designer decorate his house yesterday.

Joni have Heri wash his motorcycle.

Nia had her mother take her student report book.

Passive causative:

I have the house cleaned by her.

Robb had the glass took by his son.

Mr. Crab had his house decorated by the interior designer yesterday.

Joni has his motorcycle washed by Heri.

Nia had her student report book by her mother.


Active causative:

Hendro got his brother to buy him a burger.

Rianti gets Lionel to wash her car.

Lyanna got her dog to chase the boy.

I get you to do my homework.

My father gets me to finish the job.

Passive causative:

Hendro got his eaten burger by his brother.

Rianti gets her car washed.

Lyanna got the boy chased by her dog.

I get my homework done.

My father gets the job finished.

B. Various kinds of causative verbs

1.1 Active Causative Verb

Active Causative Verbs is one of the causative verbs that have an active object in sentence arrangement,
which is included in the active causative verb, among others:

a. Causative "Help"

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Make + Complement + Bare Infinitve

(any tense) (person/noun)

b. Causative “make”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Make + Complement + Bare Infinitve

(any tense) (person/noun)

c. Causative “let/allow/permit”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Let + Complement + Bare infinitive/to infinitive

(any tense) (person/noun)

d. Causative ”Get”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Get + Complement + To Infinitive

(any tense) (usually person)

e. Causative “Have”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Have + Complement + Bare Infinitive

(any tense) (usually person)

1.2 Pasiive Causative Verbs

Pasiive Causative Verbs is one of the causative verbs that have a passive object in the order of
sentences, In the form of Pasiive Causative Verbs (The word pacific Causative form there are only a few
words that can be followed by passive objects, among others:

a. Causative “Have”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Have + Complement + Past Participle

(any tense) (noun)

b. Causative “Get”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Get + Complement + Past Participle

(any tense) (noun)

c. Causative “Want”

For more details note the sentence pattern below:

Subject + Want + Complement + Past Participle

(any tense) (noun)



A. Conclusion

Causative Verb serves to the verbs used to attract attention or give emphasis to the
recipient of the action. Causative Verb can be divided into four based on the formation of each,
namely: Present Causative Verb, past Causative Verb. Future Passive Voice and Modal
Auxiliary Causative Verb. Each of these sections is used based on the use of Tenses.

B. Suggestion

Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of course, there
are still many shortcomings and weaknesses because they lack the knowledge and the lack of
reference has to do with the tittle of his proposal. Author much hope dear readers, providing
constructive criticism and suggestion for the perfect proposal to the authors in the writing of the
proposal in the next opportunities.

Hopefully, this paper is useful for writers, in particular, are also dear readers in general.
Such review this time may be useful for you and also inspire.


Causative Verbs.

Accessed on May 28, 2013.

Causative Verb.

Accessed on December 1, 2013.

Causative Verbs.

The Causative.



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