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Uttarayan (known as
Makar Sakranti in other
parts of India) is the day
when the sun starts to
travel northwards
marking the decline of
winter. The days become
longer, the skies clearer
and the breeze cooler. A
feeling of anticipation,
joy and jubilation grips
all who celebrate the
occasion of thanksgiving
and merry-making.
Makar Sankranti is one of the
most auspicious day for the
Hindus, and is celebrated in
almost all parts of the country
in myriad cultural forms, with
great devotion, fervor &
gaiety. The festival of Makar
Sankrant traditionally
coincides with the beginning
of the Sun's northward journey
(the Uttarayan) when it enters
the sign of Makar (the
Capricorn). It falls on the 14th
of January every year
according to the Solar
Calendar. Lakhs of people
take a dip in places like
Ganga Sagar & Prayag and
pray to Lord Sun.
Kite festivals encourage
people to go to the roof tops or
to the open grounds to take
sun bath. people involved in
kite festival keep their back to
the sun. This saves their eyes
and face from direct sun rays.
All of us know that direct
contact of sun rays to our eyes
are harmful and dangerous.

Kites have different sizes,

colors and qualities. It looks
very nice and pleasant when
kites of various colors fly in the
sky. It is really colorful. Even
trees are looked ornamented
with kites fallen over these
trees. These scenes fill the
mind with joy and happiness.
kite flying in Patang
utsav also
strengthens arm
muscles. It is also a
good exercise for legs
and eyes.
People keep their
eyes on the flying kite
(Patang) continually.
It enhances their
vision and strengthen
their eyes.
All these have a
positive effect on
Makar Sankranti marks
the movement of the
sun into the Northern
Hemisphere. It is a
belief that the gods who
are believed to have
slumbered for six
months are now awake
and the portals of
heaven are thrown
open. Devoted people
swarm the temples and
distribute alms freely.
Regions like
In Gujarat grain
Rajasthan, Uttar from the new
Pradesh, and harvest is used
Delhi etc. also to cook
celebrate this 'khichdo'.
kite festival with Typical food
great like Undiya,
enthusiasm. The sugar cane
Kite Festival of juice and local
Rajasthan holds sweets are
special served to
importance as a celebrate the
day. Cows and
number of
trees are also
tourists visit this offered pujan
festival every since man's
year to existence
participate and depends on
see the state at them
its colourful best.
The day of Uttarayan has special importance and is
regarded as very auspicious. It is also believed that
the Gods sleep for six months closing the doors of
heaven, which open at the entrance of the sun in
northern zone, i.e. in the orbit of Makara , when the
Gods awake from a long slumber.

Uttarayan also has a significant relationship with the

agricultural economy of the state. By this time, the
Kharif crops are ready and are brought home. In an
economy which is purely agricultural, domestic
animals are not forgotten and grass is freely
distributed to the village cattle. Uttarayan, thus,
becomes a harvest festival in the true sense of the


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