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MAINLY CLEAR SKY. SHALLOW TO MODERATE Centre’s five-fold Ludhiana court complex
blast kills 2, many injured
strategy for states STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Omicron tally climbed to 236; states asked to ramp up vaccination CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER

Max: 94% Min: 45% SNS & AGENCIES Inoculation exceeds 60 A blast inside a court complex
TEMPERATURE NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER PM Modi chairs Covid pc: Over 60 per cent of the in Ludhiana on Thursday
review meeting country’s total eligible afternoon killed two and left

Max: 23.1°C (2) Min: 05.5°C (-2)
SUN RISES SUN SETS he Centre on Amid the concerns over population is now dou- several injured.
07:12 hrs 17:31 hrs Thursday
advised states
the spread of the Omi-
cron variant of coron-
3,47,65,976 ble vaccinated, the gov-
ernment said on Thurs-
The blast reportedly took
place at 12:22 pm inside a bath-
and UTs to not let avirus, Prime Minister day. room on the second floor of
22:07 hrs 11:31 hrs
their guard down and
maintain their pre-
Narendra Modi is hold-
ing a meeting on Thurs-
78,291 Union health minis-
ter Mansukh Mandaviya
the building, damaging walls,
shattering glass panes in near-
paredness in fight against day with officials to lauded public health by rooms and ripped through
THUMBNAILS pandemic and follow
five-fold strategy in view
review the pandemic
situation in the coun-
7,495 workers, medical pro-
fessionals, and citizens
a part of the building.
Two women and three
of Omicron. try. ANI for the new milestone. men were injured as police Police inspection after a blast at a court complex, in Ludhiana
The states have been
asked to put in place the be enforced for mini-
6,960 Meanwhile, vaccina-
tion coverage has exceed-
rushed to the spot and tried
to shift people for treatment.
on Thursday. � ANI

local containment mea- mum of 14 days. As syn- ed 139.70 crore with the Ludhiana Police Commi- ister and Punjab Lok Congress
sures by the District and dromes of Omicron vari- administration of ssioner Gurpreet Singh Bhullar chief Captain Amarinder Singh
local administration when ant closely mimic com- 4,78,759 70,17,671 doses in the last said a person whose body said Punjab police should
either the test positivity mon cold with a higher UNION HEALTH MINISTRY 24 hours as per provi- was found at the place where investigate the incident thor-
increases beyond 10 per rate of transmissibility, FIGURES AS OF sional reports till 7 am on the blast took place was pr- oughly.
cent or occupancy of syndromic approach for 23 DECEMBER 2021 Thursday. obably “either carrying explo- Channi visited the hospi-
oxygenated beds increas- containment can be sive or was very near to it”. tal to meet the injured earli-
es beyond 40 per cent. employed, said Bhushan. presently at 78,291. Omicron fastest-spre- Connecting sacrilege atte- er today, and said that an
The states have been The states have also Meanwhile, the Omi- ading: Omicron is prob- mpts and bomb blast, Chief investigation is underway.
advised to follow the been informed that the cron infections has ably the fastest-spread- Minister Charanjit Channi A team of National Secu-
five-fold strategy of Con- existing National Clini- climbed to 236 in the ing infectious disease said, “Everybody knows the rity Guard has also been called
Resident doctors participate in a protest called tainment, Testing & Sur- cal Management Proto- country. known to man, medical timing and the handiwork of in connection with the explo-
by the Federation of Resident Doctors' Associa- veillance, Clinical Man- col remains unchanged Karnataka reported expert and Maharash- those forces as the Assembly sion, informed local police offi-
tion outside Nirman Bhawan, in the Capital on agement, Covid Safe for Omicron. 12 new Omicron cases, tra government’s Covid polls are drawing nearer, cials.
Thursday. SUBRATA DUTTA Behavior and Vaccina- On Covid Safe Behav- taking the total to 31, Task Force member, which were hell bent upon to “Bomb disposal squad is
tion. iour, states have been informed state health Shashank Joshi, said here hatch such conspiracies to dis- at the site. Police are con- Chief Justice of Punjab and
Firhad Hakim remains Kolkata Mayor: West On containment, the asked to ensure advance minister Dr Sudhakar K on Thursday. turb the hard earned peace and ducting a search at the Court Haryana High Court, Justice
Bengal transport minister Firhad Hakim has states have been advised engagement and infor- on Thursday. While for Measles harmony in the state.” complex. A team of NSG is also Ravi Shankar Jha, and enquired
been appointed as Kolkata Mayor. Atin Ghosh to impose night curfews mation to avoid misin- Tamil Nadu reported rapid generation time is Channi questioned why coming here,” said Bhullar. about the development.
will be Deputy Mayor of the corporation. TMC and ensure strict regu- formation or panic. The 33 cases of the Omicron 15 days, for Omicron it such a horrendous incident Ministry of Home Affairs An alert has been issued in
supremo Mamata Banerjee said to the elected lation of large gather- states have been asked today while Gujarat is less than 5, with a dou- occured after Majithia was cor- has sought a report from Pun- a crowded place, said Punjab
councillors that in order to ensure effective ings, especially ahead of to ensure 100 per cent reported nine. bling time of 1.5-3 days, nered by the law. jab chief secretary on the DGP Siddharth Chattopad-
working on councillors part, the work of the forthcoming festiv- coverage of left out first Two minor girls have Joshi, a diabetologist and Contending that there are explosion, said sources. hyaya on Thursday adding that
Kolkata Corporation will be reviewed every six ities. and second dose eligible tested positive for Omi- endocrinologist, said in some anti-Punjab forces who Union home secretary Ajay the public should also be
months. The states need to beneficiaries rapidly. cron in Odisha, taking the a tweet. want to disrupt the peace of Kumar Bhalla after speaking careful. Chattopadhyaya
have keep strict watch on total to four. the state, he also said why all to Punjab officials briefed added that only experts can
number of Delta and 7,495 new cases: India Omicron tally in Ker- Delhi cases: The count beadbis (sacrilege) and blasts Union home minister Amit tell the kind of explosives
Punjab poll bonanza: Just ahead of Assembly Omicron cases in all dis- registered 7,495 fresh ala reached 29 with five of Covid-19 positive cases are happening just after Shah on the explosion. used in the blast.
polls, Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Channi on tricts, and case positiv- cases and 434 deaths in new cases. on Thursday dipped Majithia was booked. Chief Justice of India N V “We cannot comment on
Thursday announced release of Rs 1,200 crore ity on a day-on-day and a span of 24 hours, Union The recovery of 6,960 slightly to 118 from 125 “We are also probing this Ramana said on Thursday anything. Only the experts can
funds to clear loans, up to Rs 2 lakh, of about week-on-week basis. health ministry said on patients in the last 24 on Wednesday, accord- angle to the recent dastard- that he is deeply shocked to tell the kind of explosives
1.09 lakh small and marginal farmers, having Union Health Secre- Thursday. Nationwide hours has increased the ing to the Delhi govern- ly acts that have been perpe- hear about the news of explo- used, but the district, state, and
land up to five acres, under the existing debt tary Rajesh Bhushan said toll stands at 4,78,759. cumulative tally to ment's latest health bul- trated,” said the CM. sion. Justice Ramana, who is central forensics are on it,” said
waiver scheme. that any restriction must Active caseload is 3,42,08,926. letin. Former Punjab Chief Min- in Hyderabad, called up the the DGP. (MORE REPORTS ON P3)

RS Chairman actively tried to resolve MHA conducts
high-level meet
stalemate over suspension, says SG on J&K security
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE suspension.” among the suspended would NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER
NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER “Chairman could not have disagree with LoP in case he
forced any section of the expressed regret on behalf of Ministry of Home Affairs
Rajya Sabha Secretary Gen- House to take a particular view all the suspended, Mody said. (MHA) on Thursday con-
eral P C Mody today said “it in the matter of suspension The Chairman suggested ducted a high-level meeting
was incorrect and misleading” to resolve the stalemate over that the best course would be on the security situation in
to suggest that Rajya Sabha it even as he consistently to talk to all concerned par- Jammu and Kashmir in the
Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu engaged himself with both ties before expressing regret wake of recent targeted
did not take initiative to sides of the House to find a for the incidents of 11 August killings reported from the
resolve the stalemate over way forward for normal func- that led to suspension. region, sources said. Union
the suspension of 12 Oppo- tioning of the House uphold- It was even suggested that Home Secretary Ajay Bhal-
sition members in the just- ing its dignity and decorum,” if all parties concerned were la chaired the meeting here
concluded Winter Session of Mody said. not on board, regret could be at his North Block office with
the House. The Chairman, during his expressed on behalf of the par- the top brass of Police and
In a clarificatory state- conversations with leaders of ties willing to do so. Intelligence agencies per-
ment on some media reports, both sides on several occasions But nothing happened, sonnel as well as senior
Mody said the Chairman was in the House, urged the two he said. Home Ministry officials
actively engaged in resolving sides to resolve the matter ami- Regarding adjournments responsible to look after
the stalemate over the sus- cably, Mody said. of the House, the Chairman security scenarios in Jammu
pension issue “but there was It was initially proposed to soon after assuming office in and Kashmir.
no progress due to shifting the Chairman that the Leader 2017 made it clear that if in In the meeting that was
positions of the concerned and of the Opposition (LoP) would his assessment the intention held in the first half of the day
perhaps, due to unwillingness express regret on behalf of all of the protesting parties and and lasted for over an hour,
to regret the misconduct of the 12 suspended Members Members was clearly not to Bhalla is learnt to have dis-
suspended Members and on the Floor of the House. But allow the functioning of the cussed the current security
lack of agreement among the subsequently an issue was House, he would be left with scenario in the Valley where
concerned parties on regret- raised that what if some par- no option but to adjourn the several targeted attacks by ter-
Tourists enjoy in snow as the Tangmarg area receive fresh snowfall in north Kashmir's Baramulla district on Thursday. IANS ting the incidents that led to ties whose members were House, Mody said. rorists on Jammu and Kash-
mir Police (JKP) personnel,
armed forces, and civilians

India urges Myanmar to maintain Previous govts did little for UP progress: Modi were reported.
The meeting was both in
physical and digital mode and

peace and stability in border areas STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE

NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER PM dedicates slew of projects to Varanasi
Directors General of vari-
ous CAPFs and their repr-
esentatives, Jammu and
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE India’s North Eastern Region. manner, based on the five- Kashmir DGP Dilbag Singh
NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER Foreign Secretary Harsh point consensus. Prime Minister Narendra STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE multiple projects including of the country is run by such and senior officials in Intel-
Vardhan Shringla, who is on He handed over one mil- Modi on Thursday without NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER developmental projects worth livestock. Today, UP is not only ligence Bureau took part in
India has impressed upon a working visit to Myanmar, lion doses of “Made in India” naming his political opponents over Rs 1,500 crores in Varanasi the largest milk producing the meeting.
the military leadership in called on the Chairman, State vaccines to the Myanmar Red charged the previous ruling To strengthen the rural econ- besides distributing rural state in the country it is also It is learnt that the func-
Myanmar the need to put an Administrative Council and Cross Society and co- regimes with doing little for omy and help farmers of the residential rights record ‘Gha- significantly ahead in the tioning of the newly creat-
end to violence and maintain other senior representatives mmunities living along Myan- the development of Uttar region, Prime Minister Naren- rauni’ to over 20 lakh residents. expansion of the dairy sec- ed State Investigation Agency
peace and stability in the and held meetings with mem- mar’s border with India will Pradesh except for indulging dra Modi on Thursday laid the Modi paid tributes to tor,” he said. The proposed (SIA) in Jammu and Kashmir
border areas in view of the bers of civil society and polit- receive part of this consign- in dynastic politics, promot- foundation stone of ‘Banas farmers’ leader Chaudhary Banas Dairy Sankul’ will on the lines of the National
recent incident in Churac- ical parties, including the ment. ing mafia rule and illegally cap- Dairy Sankul’ in his Lok Sabha Charan Singh on ‘Kisan Diwas’. come up at the UP State Investigation Agency (NIA)
handpur district in southern National League for Democ- A grant of 10,000 tonnes of turing land and houses. constituency Varanasi. “People who make fun of Industrial Development was taken up in the meeting.
Manipur. The two countries racy, the Ministry of External rice and wheat to Myanmar In a series of tweets, after Modi also inaugurated cow,buffalo forget that the Authority Food Park, Karkh- Besides, various issues
reiterated their commitment Affairs (MEA) said. was also announced. inaugurating and laying the and laid the foundation of livelihood of 8 crore families iyaon, Varanasi. (See pg 5) related to modernization of
to ensure that their respective During his meetings, Shringla expressed India’s foundation stones for multi- Police Stations and Police
territories would not allow Shringla emphasised India’s continued support for people- ple projects covering the diary, Posts and misuse of certain
activities inimical to the other. interest in seeing Myanmar’s centric socio-economic devel- infrastructure and housing sec- Modi tweeted. “These people of double engine, doubling of under Yogi Adityanath’s rule prisons by the terrorists were
Last month, as many as return to democracy at the ear- opmental projects, includ- tors in his Lok Sabha con- never wanted Uttar Pradesh development efforts with has been witness to rapid also discussed. The meeting
seven, including the comman- liest; release of detainees and ing those along with the India- stituency Varanasi, Modi said to develop, have a modern ide- double energy in Kanshi and development. He said people comes in the wake of recent
dant of the 46 Assam Rifles (AR) prisoners; resolution of issues Myanmar border areas, as words like ‘Sabka Sath, Sabka ntity,” he said. “For school, col- Uttar Pradesh, it greatly pains of the state can make a clear attacks on civilians, Jammu
Colonel Viplav Tripathi, his through dialogue; and com- well as commitment for expe- Vikas, Sabka Viswas’, and lege, hospital, road, water, a section of people who distinction between what and Kashmir Police and secu-
wife, son and four jawans, were plete cessation of all violence. ditious implementation of ‘Sabka Prayas’ were out of their electricity, cooking gas conn- have always seen the politi- they had got during the rule rity personnel in the UT.
killed in Churachandpur dis- He reaffirmed India’s strong ongoing connectivity initia- syllabus. ection, toilets don’t fall under cal landscape of Uttar Pradesh of previous governments and Terrorists on Wednesday
trict of Manipur. support of the ASEAN initia- tives such as Kaladan Multi- “Their syllabus compris- development,” he added. through the prism of caste, the present BJP government. shot dead a civilian and inju-
India shares a 1,700 km- tive and expressed hope that modal Transit Transport Pro- es Mafiavad and Parivarvad Taking a dig at the oppo- creed and religion and opin- He claimed that UP was mov- red a policeman in two sep-
long border with Myanmar progress would be made in a ject and the Trilateral High- and illegal occupation of sition in the state, he said, ion.” ing on the path of develop- arate incidents within min-
bearing a direct impact on pragmatic and constructive way. other lands and homes,” the “Whenever I talk of the power, Modi claimed that UP ment. utes in Kashmir valley.
Buoyed by KMC poll results, TMC is ready to take on others
in the SMC elections

Omicron threat: Kejriwal reviews preparedness; says focus will be on home isolation
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE conference, Kejriwal said he from 60,000-70,000 tests a The Chief Minister appealed He said, “If there are mild stocking medicines for the ple have been administered already converted four private
NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER held this morning a meeting day as the situation existed till to people not to rush to a hos- symptoms, we will treat such coming few months and was their first vaccine dose and over hospitals into dedicated Omi-
of the officials concerned to now. pital in case of an Omicron patients in the comfort of making arrangements for ade- 70 per cent have got both cron-treatment centres besides

elhi Chief Minister review the government's pre- He said, “Very few Omi- infection, but to remain at their homes. We are strength- quate supply of medical-grade vaccine doses. the government-run Lok Nayak
Arvind Kejriwal on paredness in this regard. cron-infected persons need to home. A Delhi government ening our home isolation sys- oxygen. The government will "Therefore, there is very lit- Jaiprakash (LNJP) Hospital. The
Thursday said that He pointed out that Omi- be hospitalised and there are team will visit a patient quick- tem. Every patient will receive get delivered 15 oxygen tankers tle chance of Omicron or private hospitals include Sir
his government had cron had two characteristics: fewer deaths due to this strain ly and provide him medi- a medical kit from the Delhi in around three weeks. other Covid-19 infections Ganga Ram Hospital, Max
made all kinds of preparations Its infections can spread fast of Covid-19. So, we have cines, an oxymeter and other government's health author- He quoted a recent sero- spreading very fast. But if this Hospital at Saket, Fortis Hos-
to effectively handle the sit- but the disease was not life- enhanced our capacity to things to help get cured in the ities with the facility of tele- survey to point out that a vast happens, the government is pital at Vasant Kunj and Batra
uation that might arise due to threatening. conduct 3,00,000 tests daily. comfort of his home. Arrange- counseling for 10 days or majority of Delhi’ites have ready to handle the situation Hospital.
the feared spread of Omi- Keeping this reality in view, Till now, the Delhi government ments were being made for suf- more. Various agencies are already been infected by the effectively. There is no need The is also an arrange-
cron, the new variant of Covid- the Delhi government has had arrangements for con- ficient manpower to reach at being engaged for the purpose.” deadly virus and hence they to worry about it." Kejriwal ment to send all Covid-19-pos-
19, in the national capital. increased its testing capaci- ducting 60,000-70,000 tests least one lakh affected fami- Kejriwal informed that the are having anti-bodies. Besides assured. itive samples for genome
Addressing a digital press ty to three lakh tests daily daily.” lies daily. Delhi government had been this, at least 99 per cent peo- The government has sequencing on a daily basis.

7290078768 Email- IN THE COURT OF of your appearance on the tuted a suit against you for Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Delhi applicant, he may appear and 2022. Notice is hereby given SE-67, Tethar (222) Gurgaon- SH. INDER PREET SINGH day beforementioned, the suit recovery of Rs. 19,31,362.00 Secretariat, I.P. Estate, New file objections in writing, in that any person having any 1212101.
—Plaintiff JOSH will be heard and determined you are hereby summoned Delhi-110002. person or through duly interest in the Administra- Also at : H. No. A-53, Nehru
Versus Presiding Officer, in your absence. to appear in this Court in per- 2. Sh. Hari Chand, s/o Late appointed pleader, on the tion of the Estate of the said Vihar Kalyan Pur, Teh-Luc-
— Defendant Commercial Court, Gutam Given under my hand and son, or by a pleader duly Sh. Chander Mal. said date and time. deceased may if he/she know, UP-226022.
M/s. Guptaji Snacks & Food, Budh Nagar the Seal of the Court, this 21- instructed, and able to answer 3. Sandeep, s/o Late Sh. Given under my hand and desires to appear in this court Also at - Office at - Mace
IT IS hereby notify that
a Proprietorship Firm having Original Suit No. 134 of 2018 12-2021. all material questions relating Prem Chand. Seal of the Court on this 16th of the said 05-02-2022 and see Project & Cost Management
to the suit, or who shall be 4. Sh. Mandeep @ Monu, day of November, 2021. the proceedings before the Pvt. Ltd., 703, Vatika City Point Vidyasagar Teachers
its Office at Shop No. 91, Plot SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT By Order
accompanied by some per- s/o Late Sh. Prem Chand, Commercial Civil Judge Grant of Probate (or for Letter MG Road, Gurgaon, Haryana- Training College, maintain-
No. 22 Assotech Business OF ISSUES Munsiram, Commercial
Cresterra Sector 135, Noida sons able to answer all such Respondent No. 2 to 4, r/o cum Addl. Rent Controller of Administration). 12200022. ing all the rules & regula-
(Order. 5 Rule 1&5) Court
mail-guptajee121@ questions, on the 31-01-2022 at 169, Aliganj Kotla Mubarakpur, cum Administrative Civil Given under my hand and The Defendant abovenamed. tions of NCTE, is going to
The Nainital Bank Ltd. a Gautam Budh Nagar
& through Seal of the Court
10-00 O'Clock in the Morning, Kasturba Nagar, South Delhi, Judge, the Seal of this Court on this Whereas you are inten- recruit Teachers for the
Company registered under to answer the claim and fur- Delhi-110003. South District, 22-12-2021. tionally evading service of
its Proprietor Smt. Rajni Gupta, post of Principal, English,
the Companies Act. & sched- THE COURT OF ther you are hereby directed — Respondents Saket Courts Complex, Additional District Judge- summons, it is hereby notified
w/o Sh. Pusp Kamal Gupta, Education, Mathematics,
uled Bank under The Reserve SH. INDER PREET SINGH to file on that day a written Whereas, the petitioner New Delhi 02 that if you shall not defend the
r/o Hosue No. 5216/A, First Physical Science,
Bank of India Act 1934 having JOSH statement of your defence abovenamed has applied by a Seal of the Court Dwarka Courts, case on the 17-01-2022, the
Floor, Shora Kothi, Swami Geography, Art & Craft.
its registered Office at G.B. Presiding Officer, and to produce on the said petition under Section 218 of New Delhi. day fixed for the final dis-
Ram Tirath Nagar, Basant IN THE COURT OF Interested candidate apply
Pant Road, Nainital-263001 Commercial Court, Gutam day all documents in your the Indian Succession Act, SH. V. K. KHANNA
Seal of the Court posal, it will be heard and
Road, Pahar Ganj, New Delhi- within 7 days. Contact No.-
and Branch Office at Reliance Budh Nagar possession or power upon 1925, for grant to letters of Officiating Principal District PROCLAMATION REQUIRING determined ex-parte.
110055, email- 7797034959.
Plaza-1, Plot No. 3, Sector 4, Original Suit No. 10 of 2020 which you base your defence Administration, or Probate or & Sessions Judge (South) ATTENDANCE OF Given under my hand and Mobile SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT or claim for set-off or counter- Succession Certificate in the Seal of the Court on this
9999095720 & 9999095721. Vaishali, Ghaziabad through Room No. 300, Third Floor, DEFENDANT
Sh. S.R. Gupta, s/o Sh. S.P. OF ISSUES claim, and where you rely on respect of the estates left by Saket Court Complex, (Order 5, Rule 20 of the Code 17-12-2021.
2. Pusp Kamal Gupta, s/o (Order. 5 Rule 1&5) any other document whether the deceased Late Smt. Bir- District Judge
Sh. Pati Ram Gupta, r/o House Gupta, Constituted Attorney, New Delhi of Civil Procedure)
The Nainital Bank Ltd. Reliance The Nainital Bank Ltd. a in your possession or power or wati, w/o Late Sh. Mangal CIS-MHA No. 2/2021 SUMMONS FOR (Commercial Court)-06
No. 5216/A First Floor, Shora Banking Company registered not, as evidence in support of Singh, s/o Late Chander Mal, Central,
Kothi, Swami Ram Tirath Plaza-1, Plot No. 3, Sector-4, CNR-DLST01-002886-2021 SETTLEMENT OF ISSUES
under the Companies Act. & your defence or claim for set- died on 06-11-2021, he was Ms. Neeru Agarwal, Through In the Court of Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi
Nagar, Basant Road, Pahar Vaishali, Ghaziabad. I, ANAL Haldar, S/o. late
scheduled Bank under The off or counter-claim, you shall the owner of the immovable Next Friend (Blood relative) Sh. Pawan Singh Rajawat
Seal of the Court
LEGAL NOTICES Ganj, New Delhi-110055,
Also at: Flat D-1101, Type Versus
Reserve Bank of India Act enter such documents in a Property: 1/3rd share admea- Poonam Gupta. Addl. District Judge-08 PROCLAMATION REQUIRING Nitai Haldar, Mangalbari,
1934 having its registered list to be annexed to the writ- suring 75 SQ. Yds. in the Ances- — Petitioner (West) ATTENDANCE OF Old Malda, Malda, do here-
IC, Eleventh Floor, The Jewel — Defendant Office at G.B. Pant Road, Naini- ten statement. tral House/Property Bearing Versus Room No. 346, DEFENDANT by declare that my daughter
Tower D, Plot GH-14, Sector 1. Akshay Budhiraja, s/o tal-263001 and Branch Office Take notice that, in default No. 169, Aliganj, Kotla
Surendra Pal, r/o House No. State NCT of Delhi. Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi (Order 5, Rule 20 of the Code name is wrongly recorded
75, Noida Mobile 9811809410 & at 35, Additional Sihani Gate of your appearance on the Mubarakpur, Kasturba Nagar,
KC/C-22, Kavi Nagar, Ghazi- —Respondent Ex-49/2020 of Civil Procedure) as Swan Halder in her class
9210883883 & email- Scheme, Near Maliwara day beforementioned, the suit South Delhi, Delhi-110003. Petition Under Section 14 U/S: Civil Lines In the Court of 10th’s ICSE registration cer- & abad-2021002. Chowk, Ambedkar Road, will be heard and determined You are hereby summoned of the Rights of Persons with Harleen Kohli and Ors. Sh. Deepak Jagotra tificate. My daughter actual
gpushp762@ 2. Surendra Pal, s/o Sh. Har- Ghaziabad-201001. (Through in your absence. to file reply/written state- disabilities Act, 2016 ("PWD - DH Principal District & Sessions name is Swan Haldar. So, & gupta- ish Chander, r/o House No. Sh. Dayal Singh, s/o Late Sh. Given under my hand and ment to petition of present Act") Read with Rule 7 of Versus Judge (East) KC/C-22, Kavi Nagar, Ghazi- Kunwar Singh, Constituted the Seal of the Court, this 21- notice and to appear in this Swan Haldar and Swan
Chapter III of the Delhi Rights Iqbal Bahadur Singh Baweja Room No. 1, 3rd Floor
Whereas the plaintiff Punjab abad-201002. Attorney of The Nainital Bank, 12-2021. Court in person or by a Halder both are same and
of persons with disabilities and Anr. Karkardooma Courts, Delhi
National Bank, has institut- 3. Dharmendra Pal Singh, Ltd. Aadhar No. 533055495450 By Order pleader duly instructed and Rules 2018 ("Delhi Rules") - JD Suit No. 349/2021 one identical person, vide
ed a suit against you for recov- s/o Sh. Chattra Pal Singh, r/o Mobile: +917835099051 & email Munsiram, Commercial able to answer all material Whereas Mrs. Poonam To, Vikas Khurana affidavit before the 1st
ery of Rs. 8,86,604/- you are J-208, Sector-12, Pratap Vihar, Court questions on 15-02-2022 relat- Gupta Next friend (Blood rel- 1. Sh. Iqbal Bahadur Singh Versus Class Judicial Magistrate
hereby summoned to appear Ghaziabad-201009. —Plaintiff Gautam Budh Nagar ing to letters of Administra- ative has moved a petition Baweja, s/o Lt. S. Ranjit Singh Sachin Jain Court, Malda on 21.12.2021.
Versus Seal of the Court tion/Probate/Succession Cer-
in this Court in person, or by a Whereas the plaintiff The Under Section 14 of the Rights Baweja, r/o M-21, Second Floor, To,
pleader duly instructed, and —Defendant IN THE COURT OF tificate of the estate of the of People with Disabilities Rajouri Garden, New Delhi- Sachin Jain, s/o Shri Suresh
Nainital Bank Led. has insti- MY 10th Board Exam cer-
able to answer all material 1. M/s. Akanksha Decor, a MS. SHELLY ARORA above power upon which you Act, 2016, r/w Rule 7 of the 110027, Also at: J-13/18, Rajouri Chand Jain, r/o 11/279, Block-
tuted a suit against you for base your claim or defence tificate my name is Ashoke
questions relating to the suit, Proprietorship Firm having Addl. District Judge-01 Delhi Rights of persons with Garden, New Delhi-110027, 11, Geeta Colony, Delhi-110031.
recovery of Rs. 3,48,209.00 you Office at 972/3, Sahajyog and where you rely on and Sarkar but my Aadhaar,
or who shall be accompanied are hereby summoned to South-East Delhi Disabilities Rule, 2018, to Also at : J-12/31, Rajouri Gar- Whereas you are inten-
Mandir Bhgwati Market, Dnda- other document whether in PAN, Bank Account includ-
by some persons able to appear in this Court in person, Room No. 616, 6th Floor appoint her as the guardian of den, New Delhi-110027. tionally evading service of
answer all such questions, hera, NH-24, Vijay Nagar Bye South-East, Delhi you possession or your power Ms. Neeru Agarwal. 2. Sh. Parmeet Singh Bawe- summons, it is hereby notified ing my wife, two son’s in all
or by a pleader duly instruct- Pass, Opposite Crossing or not as evidence in support their documents my name is
on the 24-02-2022 at 10-00 ed, and able to answer all Saket Courts, The 17th day of January, ja, s/o Sh. Iqbal Bahadur Singh that if you shall not defend the
Republic, Ghaziabad-201016 New Delhi of your defence or claim, you 2022 has been fixed for hear- Baweja, r/o M-21, Second Floor, case on the 28-01-2022, at Ashok Sarkar. I want to
O'Clock in the Morning, to material questions relating through its Proprietress Ms. GP/6/2021 shall enter such document ing of the application and Rajouri Garden, New Delhi- 10.00 A.M. fixed for the final change my name from
answer the claim and further
to the suit, or who shall be Akanksha Chodhary, d/o Sh. in a list to be annexed to the
you are hereby directed to Yajas Kumar Kaim, s/o Late notice is hereby given to Gen- 110027, Also at : J-13/18, disposal, it will be heard and Ashoke Sarkar to Ashok
accompanied by some per- Ran Pal Singh. Gajender Singh, r/o H. No. written statement, before the eral Public that if any other rel- Rajouri Garden, New Delhi- determined ex-parte.
file on that day a written grant of Letters of Adminis- Sarkar my date of birth 25th
sons able to answer all such 2. Ms. Akanksha Chodhary, 11/4, Bhogal Road, Opposite ative/friends, Kinsman or well 110027, Also at : J-12/31, Given under my hand and
statement of your defence d/o Sh. Ran Pal Singh, r/o tration/Succession Certifi- April 1977 as per my
questions, on the 31-01-2022 at Bhagat Box Maker, Jungpu- Wisher of Ms. Neeru Agarwal Rajouri Garden, New Delhi- the Seal of the Court on this
and to produce on the said House No. 560, Diamond Place, cate. Aadhaar No. 344671674191.
day all documents in your 10-00 O'Clock in the Morning, ra, Bhogal, South Delhi-110014. desire to adopt, be appointed, 110027. 29-11-2021.
to answer the claim and fur- Razapur, Ghaziabad. Take notice that in default of Both the name Ashoke
possession or power upon Versus declare as guardian of the 3. M/s. PSB Electronics Principal District &
ther you are hereby directed Also at: House No. 321, Gali your appearance on the day Sarkar and Ashok Sarkar
which you base your defence Yagnya Kaim, d/o Late person or desire to appose Through its proprietor, Iqbal Sessions Judge (East)
to file on that day a written No. 2, Pandav Nagar, Ghazi- Gajender Singh, r/o H. No. aforementioned, the petition the application of the Peti- Bahadur Singh Baweja, J-12/31, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi pertain to one and the same
or claim for set-off or counter- abad-201001. will be heard and determined person, vide Affidavit No.
claim, and where you rely on statement of your defence 11/4, Bhogal Road, Opposite tioner aforesaid. Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-
3. Sh. Ran Pal Singh, s/o Sh. Bhagat Box Maker, Jungpu- in you absence. He/She should enter appear- 110027, Email: psb.electron- 52263 before the Notary
IN THE COURT OF any other document whether and to produce on the said Seal of the Court
Har Saran Singh, r/o House ra, Bhogal, South Delhi-110014. Given under my hand and ance in person in this court on Public at Barasat on
SH. INDER PREET SINGH in your possession or power or day all documents in your No. 560, Diamond Place, Raza- the Seal of the Court on this
possession or power upon Whereas, a petition under the aforesaid date and be 4. M/s. J. K. Sales Corpora- COURT NOTICE 22.12.2021.
JOSH not, as evidence in support of pur, Ghaziabad. 22-12-2021. (U/O 5 Rule 20 CPC)
which you base your defence Section 7, 8, 9, 10 and 25 of the prepared to adduce on that tion, Through its Proprietor,
Presiding Officer, your defence or claim for set- Also at: H. No. 321, Gali No. Addl. District Judge-07 IN THE COURT OF
or claim for set-off or counter- Guardian and Wards Act. 1890 day any documentary or oral Ms. Jasneet Kaur, Also at : J- I, MAYA spouse of Sanat
Commercial Court, Gutam off or counter-claim, you shall 2, Pandav Nagar, Ghaziabad- (South-East), MS. SHIVANI
Budh Nagar claim, and where you rely on read with Secion 6 of the evidence. Which he/she may 13/18, Patel Market, Rajouri Chattopadhyay resident of
enter such documents in a 201001. Saket Court, Complex Civil Judge
Original Suit No. 30 of 2020 any other document whether Hindu Minority and Guardian- desire to adduce in support of Garden, New Delhi-110027.
list to be annexed to the writ- 4. Ms. Neelam Samari, d/o New Delhi (Junior Division), Vill.: Raghunathpur, P.O.:
SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT ship Act. for appointment as his/her opposition to the apli- Email: jksalescorpora-
ten statement. in your possession or power or Sh. Santosh Kumar Sharma, Seal of the Court
Gurugram Nangulpara, P.S.: Khanakul,
OF ISSUES guardian for the minor girl cation of the petitioner afore-
Take notice that, in default not, as evidence in support of r/o KH-152, Kavi Nagar, Ghazi- namely Yagnya Kaim, d/o Late IN THE COURT OF said. 5. Ms. Jasneet Kaur, w/o Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Dist.: Hooghly (W.B.), Pin-
(Order. 5 Rule 1&5) of your appearance on the your defence or claim for set- abad-201001. Versus 712406 have changed my
Punjab National Bank, A Gajender Singh, aged about 14 SH. ROHIT GULIA Given under my hand and Parmeet Singh Baweja, Pro-
day beforementioned, the suit off or counter-claim, you shall —Defendants years, r/o H. No. 11/4, Bhogal Commercial Civil Judge cum the Seal of the Court on this prietor, M/s. Sales Corporation, Anil Kumar Yadav name from Maya to Maya
Banking Company under the will be heard and determined enter such documents in a Whereas the plaintiff The CNR No. HRGR02-000289-
Banking Companies (Acqui- Road, Opposite Bhagat Box Addl. Rent Controller 21st December, 2021. Also at : J-13/18, Patel Market, Chattopadhyay and my gen-
in your absence. list to be annexed to the writ- Nainital Bank Led. has insti- Maker, Jungpura, Bhogal, cum Administrative Civil Officiating Principal Dis- Rajouri Garden, New Delhi- 2018
sition & Transfer of Under- uine & authentic date of
Given under my hand and ten statement. tuted a suit against you for South Delhi, has been filed Judge, itrict 110027, Also at : M-21, Sec- Next Date: 03-02-2022
takings) Act. 1970 having its recovery of Rs. 3,34,847.00 you birth 29.10.1970 in place of
the Seal of the Court, this 21- Take notice that, in default by the petitioner before this South District, Room No. 204 & Sessions Judge (South) ond Floor, Rajouri Garden, Publication Issued to: Def. 2
Branch Office at Hazipur Main are hereby summoned to 22.10.1969, vide Affidavit No.
12-2021. of your appearance on the Court. Saket Courts Complex, Saket Court Complex, New Delhi-110027. and 3.
Road, Sector 104, Noida, Dis- appear in this Court in person, 2414 dated: 22.04.2021
By Order day beforementioned, the suit Notice is hereby given to New Delhi New Delhi The Defendant abovenamed. 2. Jai Kishan
trict Gautam Budh Nagar- or by a pleader duly instruct- before the Court of the Ld.
201301. (Through Constitut- Munsiram, Commercial will be heard and determined the General Public having any Succ. Petition No. 107/19 Seal of the Court Whereas you are inten- Father : Tara Chand, House
Court ed, and able to answer all interest in the abovemen- NDOH : 25-01-2022 tionally evading service of No. 538/23, Laxmi Garden, Executive Magistrate at
ed Attorney of Punjab Nation- in your absence. material questions relating IN THE COURT OF
Gautam Budh Nagar tioned Hindu Minority and 1. Smt. Sangeeta Kumar summons, it is hereby notified Gurugram Haryana, Haryana. Hooghly (Sadar), Chinsura.
al Bank Ms. Aarti Rani, w/o Given under my hand and to the suit, or who shall be SH. SACHIN JAIN
Sh. Priyanshu Gangwar Aad- Seal of the Court Guardianship petition may (Daughter), d/o Late Sh. Viren- that if you shall not defend the 3. Ritesh Jain
the Seal of the Court, this 21- accompanied by some per- Additional District Judge-02
har No. 678306398878 Mobild if he/she desires, appears in dra Kumar, r/o C-2/40, Saf- case on the 28-01-2022, the Father : Sh. Ravinder Nath IN MY Army Service
IN THE COURT OF 12-2021. sons able to answer all such Room No. 605, 6th Floor
7290078768 Email- this Court on 15th day of Jan- darjung Development Area, day fixed for the final dis- Jain, r/o H. No. 161/1, Adarsh records my wife name Keya
SH. INDER PREET SINGH By Order questions, on the 31-01-2022 at Dwarka Courts Complex, Nagar, Gurugram, Haryana. uary, 2022, and participate in New Delhi-110016. posal, it will be heard and Sarkar is wrong. Written
JOSH Munsiram, Commercial 10-00 O'Clock in the Morning, New Delhi. In above titled case, the
—Plaintiff the proceedings before the 2. Sh. Ashish Kumar (son), determined ex-parte. their correct name is Keya
Presiding Officer, Court to answer the claim and fur- PC No. 53/2021 defendant(s)/respondent(s)
Versus grant of guardianship. s/o Late Sh. Virendra Kumar, Given under my hand and Sarkar Roy respectively.
Commercial Court, Gutam Gautam Budh Nagar ther you are hereby directed Mrs. Nidhi Chandola could not be served. It is
—Defendant Given under my hand and r/o C-2/40 Safdarjung Devel- the Seal of the Court on this
Budh Nagar Seal of the Court to file on that day a written Versus ordered that defendant(s)/ Army No.- 10275073P, NK
M/s. Barbeque Express, a the Seal of this Court on this opment Area, New Delhi- 22-12-2021.
Original Suit No. 337 of 2018 statement of your defence State respondent(s) should appear Tapas Sarkar.
Proprietorship Firm having THE COURT OF the 21st day of December, 110016. Addl. District Judge-08
SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT and to produce on the said CITATION UNDER INDIAN in person or through coun-
its Office at Shop No. 26, SH. INDER PREET SINGH 2021. Versus (West)
OF ISSUES day all documents in your SUCCESSION ACT, 1925. sel on 03-02-2022 at 10-00 a.m. I, ANJANA Biswas, spouse
Ground Floor, City Galleria JOSH Addl. District Judge-01 1. State Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi
(Order. 5 Rule 1&5) possession or power upon South-East Delhi Whereas an application Seal of the Court For details logon to of Army No. 6941460X, Rank
Market, Gaur City II, Sector-4, Presiding Officer, Through its Chief Secretary,
The Nainital Bank Ltd. a which you base your defence Saket Courts, under Section 376 read with NK, Ramendra Nath Baksi,
Greater Noida West, through Commercial Court, Gutam Delhi Secretariat, I.P. Estate, PROCLAMATION REQUIRING
its Proprietor Sh. Devesh Company registered under or claim for set-off or counter- New Delhi Section 278 of the Indian Suc- rs=district_notice&dis-
Budh Nagar New Delhi. ATTENDANCE OF R/o. Vill.: Manoharpur, P.O.:
Yadav, s/o Sh. Mahesh Chand, the Companies Act. & sched- claim, and where you rely on Seal of the Court cession Act, 1925, for grant trict=gurugram.
Original Suit No. 66 of 2021 — Respondents DEFENDANT Joyghata, P.S.: Krishnaganj,
r/o House No. A-382, Near uled Bank under The Reserve any other document whether of Probate/Letter of Admin- Dated, this day of 23-12-
IN THE COURT OF To, (Order 5, Rule 20 of the Code Dist.: Nadia (W.B.) have
Mittal General Store, Vijay Bank of India Act 1934 having SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT in your possession or power or istration to the estate Late 2021.
MR. THAREJA The State/General Public. of Civil Procedure) changed my name from
Nagar, Sector-9, Ghaziabad, its registered Office at G.B. OF ISSUES not, as evidence in support of Whereas, an application Sh. Avishekh Chandola, s/o Civil Judge
(Order. 5 Rule 1&5) your defence or claim for set- Addl. District Judge-07 B D Chandola, who died on 21- In the Court of (Junior Division), Anjana Biswas to Anjana
Mobile 9311858286 & Pant Road, Nainital-263001 U/S 372 of the Indian Succes-
The Nainital Bank Ltd. a off or counter-claim, you shall Room No. 13, Ground Floor 07-2018 petition has been Sh. Manmohan Sharma Gurugram Baksi, vide affidavit dt:
8800365276, email-deveshya- and Branch Office at Reliance sion Act, 1925 has been made Banking Company registered enter such documents in a (South-East), made by Mrs. Nidhi Chan- District Judge 18.12.2021 before the Notary
Plaza-1, Plot No. 3, Sector 4, by Smt. Sangeeta Kumar &
Whereas the plaintiff Punjab under the Companies Act. & list to be annexed to the writ- Saket Court, Complex dola, w/o Late Avisekh Chan- (Commercial Court)-06 Public (Govt. of W.B.) at
Vaishali, Ghaziabad through Anr., claiming to be successor Seal of the Court
National Bank, has institut- scheduled Bank under The ten statement. New Delhi of Late Sh. Virendra Kumar, for dola, and Mr. Tanishq Chan- Central, Room No. 102 Krishnagar, Nadia and my
Sh. S.R. Gupta, s/o Sh. S.P. Take notice that, in default PC No. 76/2021 Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi IN THE COURT OF
ed a suit against you for recov- Reserve Bank of India Act grant of Succession Certifi- dola, Both r/o C-53, DGS Soci- actual ND.O.B. is 01.01.1986.
Gupta, Constituted Attorney, of your appearance on the Date of hearing : 15-02-2022 CS Comm-2334/2019 SH. SUNIL RANA
ery of Rs. 5,09,446.00 you are 1934 having its registered cate in respect of debts/secu- ety Sector 22, Plot 6 Dwarka,
The Nainital Bank Ltd. Reliance day beforementioned, the suit CITATION/NOTICE New Delhi-110077, in respect ICICI Bank Pvt. Ltd. Addl. District Judge-05
hereby summoned to appear Plaza-1, Plot No. 3, Sector-4, Office at G.B. Pant Road, Naini- rities of said deceased. I, SAILAINDRRA Kanojia,
in this Court in person, or by a will be heard and determined 1. Smt. Sanju, w/o Sh. And whereas the said appli- of immovable property with — Plaintiff (Central) Room No. 317
Vaishali, Ghaziabad. tal-263001 and Branch Office in your absence. Versus S/o. Kashinath Kanojia, age
pleader duly instructed, and Mahesh Kumar Verma, r/o cant shall come for hearing on will annexed dated 08-01-2018 Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi
—Plaintiff at Ground Floor, Plot o. B- Given under my hand and 169, Aliganj, Kotla Mubarakpur Ajay Srivastava about 44 yrs., Aadhaar Card
able to answer all material 25th of January 2022 at 10-00 bearing no. Property bearing PC No. 29/2021
Versus 1/42, Central Market, Sector 50, the Seal of the Court, this 21- Kasturba Nagar, South Delhi- — Defendant N.D.O.H. - 13-04-2022 No. 587618071618, Address:
questions relating to the suit, a.m. Registration No. 23657 of Flat
—Defendant Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar 12-2021. 110003. To, Smt. Sweety Antil and Ors. 87/12/497E, Raja S.C. Mullick
or who shall be accompanied Therefore, the public at No. 1102 Tower OC-11, Orange
1. Akshay Budhiraja, s/o (Through Sh. Tara Datt Tri- By Order —Petitioner large is hereby given notice if County Abhay Khand-1, Indi- Ajay Srivastava, s/o Sh. Versus Road, P.S.: Netaji Nagar,
by some persons able to pathi, s/o Late Sh. Kanti Bal-
Surendra Pal, r/o House No. Munsiram, Commercial Versus any person has objection to rapuram Ghaziabad-201010. Yogeshwar Nath Srivastava, State and Ors. Kolkata-700047, vide affi-
answer all such questions, labh Tripathi, Constituted
KC/C-22, Kavi Nagar, Ghazi- Court 1. The State, (NCT of Delhi) the grant of succession cer- Whereas the case has been r/o A-304, Basetech Park View CITATION UNDER SECTION davit at 1st class Judicial
on the 24-02-2022 at 10-00
abad-2021002. Attorney of The Nainital Bank, Gautam Budh Nagar Through its Chief Secretary, tificate in favour of the said fixed for hearing on 05-02- SPA Next near Badshahpur 271 OF THE INDIAN Magistrate, Alipore Court on
O'Clock in the Morning, to Seal of the Court
2. Surendra Pal, s/o Sh. Har- Mobile: 7835099761 & email SUCCESSION ACT 03.11.2021 that Sailaindrra
answer the claim and further
you are hereby directed to ish Chander, r/o House No. THE COURT OF Whereas an petition under Kanojia & Sailendra Prasad
file on that day a written KC/C-22, Kavi Nagar, Ghazi- —Plaintiff SH. INDER PREET SINGH Section 276/278 of the Indian Kanojia is the same & one
statement of your defence abad-201002. Versus JOSH Succession Act 1925 for grant identical person, in all
and to produce on the said 3. Dharmendra Pal Singh, —Defendant Presiding Officer, of Probate/Letter of Admin- respect I will be known as
day all documents in your s/o Sh. Chattra Pal Singh, r/o 1. Sh. Vikrant Chauhan, s/o Commercial Court, Gutam istration in respect of the Sailaindrra Kanojia.
possession or power upon J-208, Sector-12, Pratap Vihar, Om Prakash Chauhan, r/o Budh Nagar Estate of deceased Lt. Sh.
which you base your defence Ghaziabad-201009. House No. 97, Village Gijhore, Original Suit No. 9 of 2020 KOLKATA Burdwan Road MUMBAI Narender Singh, s/o Lt. Sardar
Whereas the plaintiff The Sector 53, Noida, Gautam Budh SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT Singh, r/o H. No. 1157, 1st Floor
or claim for set-off or counter-
Statesman House, Above Vishal Mega Mart 5, Kasturi Buildings, Jamshedji Kucha Mahajani Chandni
claim, and where you rely on Nainital Bank Led. has insti- Nagar-201301.
2. Smt. Aruna Chauhan, w/o (Order. 5 Rule 1&5) 4, Chowringhee Square Siliguri-734005, West Bengal Chowk, Delhi-110006. Who BENFISH
any other document whether tuted a suit against you for
Kolkata-700 001 Tata Road, Mumbai-400 020
in your possession or power or recovery of Rs. 9,92,787.25 you Sh. Vikrant Chauhan, r/o House The Nainital Bank Ltd. a Ph.: 9832082429 died on 03-10-2019 at Delhi, has G.N. 31, Block, Sector-V
not, as evidence in support of No. 97, Village Gijhore, Sector Banking Company registered Tel: (033) 22127070-76, Tel: (022) 2202 1045, been made by 1. Smt. Sweety Salt Lake City
are hereby summoned to Email:
under the Companies Act. & Email: Antil, w/o Sh. Sanjeev Antil, r/o
your defence or claim for set- appear in this Court in person, 53, Noida, Gautam Budh (033) 41071700 Kolkata-700091
off or counter-claim, you shall or by a pleader duly instruct- Nagar-201301. scheduled Bank under The
Fax: (033) 2212-6181 / 7107-
DA-177, SFS Flats, Shalimar
Notice Inviting Tender
enter such documents in a Reserve Bank of India Act Bagh, Delhi-110088, Mob. No.
ed, and able to answer all 3. Sh. Shan Mohammad, s/o SHIMLA
list to be annexed to the writ- Mohammad, r/o Village
1934 having its registered 1780 9811393936, 2. Smt. Kirti Devi, REF. NO. BENFISH/MD/
material questions relating Office at G.B. Pant Road, Naini-
ten statement. to the suit, or who shall be Gijhore, Sector 53, Noida, Gau- Email: Cabin No. 305, P. C. Chambers w/o Late Sh. Rampal, r/o H. No. NIT-17(e)/2021-22
tal-263001 and Branch Office 359, Gali No. 15, Village Dhirpur,
Take notice that, in default accompanied by some per- tam Budh Nagar-201301. at 35, Additional Sihani Gate Near Jodha Niwas Memo No.: 1320/IV-291/11
of your appearance on the CHENNAI Model Town, Delhi-110009,
sons able to answer all such —Defendants Scheme, Near Maliwara The Mall Shimla-171001, H.P. Mob. No. 8859651627, 3. Smt.
Date: 22.12.2021
day beforementioned, the suit Whereas the plaintiff The MD, Benfish invites the e-
will be heard and determined
questions, on the 31-01-2022 at Chowk, Ambedkar Road, Tel: 0177-2815000 Fagun Mansion (4th floor), 26, Vijay Mlaik, w/o Lt. Sh. Attar
10-00 O'Clock in the Morning, Nainital Bank Led. has insti- Ghaziabad-201001. (Through Singh, r/o H. No. 359, Village tender for construction of 5
in your absence.
to answer the claim and fur- tuted a suit against you for Sh. Dayal Singh, s/o Late Sh. DELHI Email: Ethiraj Road, Chennai-600 008, Dhirpur, Model Town, Delhi- MT ICE plant at Alal under
Given under my hand and Kunwar Singh, Constituted
the Seal of the Court, this 21- ther you are hereby directed recovery of Rs. 7,41,810.00 you Statesman House, Tel: (044) 28278037, 28224800 110009, Mob. No. 9871500711, Gazole Block, Malda from
to file on that day a written are hereby summoned to Attorney of The Nainital Bank, the reliable, reputed
appear in this Court in person, Ltd. Aadhar No. 533055495450 148, Barakhamba Road, Email: 4. Smt. Sushma, w/o Sh. Jag-
statement of your defence mander, r/o Village Nahra companies, publishing date:
By Order
and to produce on the said or by a pleader duly instruct- Mobile: +917835099051 & email New Delhi-110 001 m (227), District Sonipat, 22.12.2021. Details at
Munsiram, Commercial Tel: (011) 2331 5911
Court day all documents in your ed, and able to answer all Haryana, Pincode 131103, Mob. Notice Board
—Plaintiff HYDERABAD
Gautam Budh Nagar possession or power upon material questions relating
Versus Hiten Rathore No. 8930905450, 5. Smt. Krish- (
to the suit, or who shall be The Statesman Limited, 2nd LUCKNOW na Srivastava, w/o Sh. Akhilesh
Seal of the Court which you base your defence — Defendant
or claim for set-off or counter- accompanied by some per- Srivastaa, r/o S-575, School
IN THE COURT OF 1. M/s. Pharmage India, a Mob: 9212192123 Floor, UNI Building, 2/2, Butler Palace (Near Jopling Block, Shakarpur, East Delhi,
claim, and where you rely on sons able to answer all such Proprietorship Firm having BENFISH
any other document whether questions, on the 31-01-2022 at Office at Raj Nagar Extension,
Tel: 011-43043793 A.C. Guards, Hyderabad-500004, Road), Lucknow-226 001, Delhi-11002, 7. Smt. Sheetal, G.N. 31, Block, Sector-V
JOSH w/o Sh. Inderjit Singth Dahiya,
Presiding Officer, in your possession or power or 10-00 O'Clock in the Morning, NH-58, Ghaziabad, BHUBANESWAR Mob: 9866323009 Ph.: (0522) 2206705 Salt Lake City
to answer the claim and fur- Also at: T-22, SF, Eldeco Res- r/o 2398, Ranjeet Nagar,
Commercial Court, Gutam not, as evidence in support of Plot 3A, Zone B, Sector A, Email: Email: Shadipur, Patel Nagar, Delhi-
your defence or claim for set- ther you are hereby directed idency, Sector 32, P-1, Greater
Budh Nagar
to file on that day a written Noida, GB Nagar through its Mancheswar Industrial Estate, 110008, Mob. No. 9999284999. Notice Inviting Tender
Original Suit No. 29 of 2020 off or counter-claim, you shall REF. NO. BENFISH/MD/
statement of your defence Proprietor Sh. Satish Dixit, Bhubaneswar-751 010. Whereas the 13/04/2022 has
SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT enter such documents in a been fixed for hearing of the NIT-16(e)/2021-22
OF ISSUES list to be annexed to the writ- and to produce on the said s/o Sh. Ramesh Chand, Email- Tel: (0674) 2588060/61/62/
day all documents in your
2586371, Telefax: 0674-2588061 BANGALORE RANCHI
case, notice is hereby given so Memo No.: 1319/IV-291/11
(Order. 5 Rule 1&5) ten statement. that any person having any Date: 22.12.2021
possession or power upon 2. Sh. Satish Dixit, s/o Sh. No. 68, First Floor, Gold Tower,
Punjab National Bank, A Take notice that, in default Ramesh Chand, r/o Flat No. Q- Email: 11/C, Road#1, Ashoknagar, interest in the probate/Let- MD, Benfish invites the e-
Banking Company under the of your appearance on the which you base your defence
604, VVIP Addresses, Raj 50 Residency Road, Bangalore- ter of Administration of the tender for construction of
Banking Companies (Acqui- day beforementioned, the suit or claim for set-off or counter- Nagar, Extension, NH-58, m 560025. Ranchi - 834 002 estate of the said deceased if 10 MT Blast Freezer at
sition & Transfer of Under- will be heard and determined claim, and where you rely on he/she desire to be heard
any other document whether
Ghaziabad. Email- Tel.; 080-22229129, 080-22234813 Fax: (0651) 2247054 Diamond Harbour, South 24
takings) Act. 1970 having its in your absence. shall appear before this court
in your possession or power or Email: Email: Parganas (24 Parganas
Branch Office at Hazipur Main Given under my hand and 3. Smt. Asha Dixit, w/o Sh. on 13/04/2022 before the grant
Road, Sector 104, Noida, Dis- the Seal of the Court, this not, as evidence in support of SILIGURI of letter of Administration.
Southern CFCS Ltd.) from
Sh. Satish Dixit, r/o Flat No. Q- the reliable reputed
trict Gautam Budh Nagar- 21-12-2021. your defence or claim for set- 604, VVIP Addresses, Raj Spencer Plaza, 18/19, 1st Given under my hand and the Seal of this Court, this companies, publishing date:
201301. (Through Constitut- By Order off or counter-claim, you shall Nagar, Extension, NH-58, Floor 22.12.2021. Details
ed Attorney of Punjab Nation- Munsiram, Commercial enter such documents in a Ghaziabad. 21st day of December, 2021.
al Bank Ms. Aarti Rani, w/o Court list to be annexed to the writ- — Defendant AIR-SURCHARGE; Kathmandu - Re. 2, Eastern Region - Re. 1 Addl. District Judge-05 at Notice Board
Sh. Priyanshu Gangwar Aad- Gautam Budh Nagar ten statement. Whereas the plaintiff The All other stations in India - Re. 1 Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi (
har No. 678306398878 Mobild Seal of the Court Take notice that, in default Nainital Bank Led. has insti- Seal of the Court
No wonder no data available since the govt, fearing an elec-
toral loss in the upcoming state elections in Punjab and UP,
repealed the controversial farm laws

SAD asks Channi not to resort
to cheap politics over inci-
Court complex blast: Disturbance created in
Punjab ahead of Assembly polls, says Channi
dents: The Shiromani Akali Dal
(SAD) on Thursday asked Chief
Minister Charanjit Singh Chan-
ni to recognise his responsibili-
ty towards Punjabis and not
resort to cheap politics of The explosion damaged the walls of the bathroom and ripped through a section of the building, besides shattering glass in nearby rooms
alluding recent spate of hor-
rendous incidents to political “We are also probing this Parkash Singh Badal said inci- being hatched to destabilise
rivals to hide his own failures.
Cheema said maintaining law
‘Channi’s laxity & Sidhu’s love for angle to the recent dastard-
ly acts that have been perpe-
dents of sacrilege and violence
in the state had a direct link
the peace of the state.
"First sacrilege, now blast.
and order was the responsibil- Pak responsible for Ludhiana blast’ trated”, said the CM. with the writing on wall about Some people want to destroy
ity of the CM and Channi Former Punjab Chief Min- the outcome of the 2022 the peace in Punjab but we
could not escape this respon- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE gress party agenda of the ister and Punjab Lok Congress Assembly polls. will not allow such plans to
sibility. SNS CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER 1980s to push Punjab in chief Captain Amarinder The SAD president Sukhbir succeed. We should stand
black era when Congress Singh said Punjab police Singh Badal said the bomb together," tweeted Aam Aadmi
Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) benefitted from black days should investigate the incident blast at Ludhiana was a direct Party leader and Delhi Chief
AAP questions declining law Sikh leader Manjinder Singh and got power while thou- thoroughly. Former CM fallout of the conspiracies Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
& order under Channi govt: Sirsa on Thursday said laxi- sands of innocent lives were
The AAP on Thursday con- ty on part of Chief Minister lost in that era.
demned the blast in Ludhiana Charanjit Singh Channi and The BJP leader said peo-
Court Complex and questioned STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE sioner Gurpreet Singh Bhullar Punjab Congress chief Navjot ple of Punjab were in shock
the Congress government of CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER said a person whose body was Singh Sidhu’s love for Pakist due to the Ludhiana blast and
found at the place where the an were directly responsible were surprised to see their CM

Punjab about the declining law
and order situation in the ays after sacrilege blast took place atLudhiana Dis- for the Ludhiana bomb blast. performing Bhangra on stage
state. AAP Punjab president incidents, an anoth- trict and Sessions Court com- Sirsa said it was shocking and Sidhu embracing Pakistan
and MP Bhagwant Mann said, er blast took place plex was probably “either car- to see that CM is linking the Prime Minister, Imran Khan.
“Such incidents seem to be inside a court com- rying explosive or was very attack with elections and “Channi should also tell
part of a deep conspiracy to plex in Ludhiana on Thursday near to it”. claiming the blast took place people if he had prior info on
break our communal peace. afternoon killing two and left Connecting the sequence of to divert attention from the such an attack then why no
There should be an investiga- several others injured. unfortunate attempt of recent drug case. He said this is a arrest was made and if not,
tion to catch the mastermind The blast reportedly took incidents of sacrilege and bomb highly irresponsible and was he sleeping ?,” he asked.
behind these attempts of sac- place at 12:22 pm inside a blast in Ludhiana court com- shameful statement from a Sirsa said Punjab contin-
rilege and blast.” SNS bathroom on the second floor plex, Chief Minister Charanjit person who has the respon- ues to suffer as the Congress
of the building. The explosion Channi said all this indicates sibility of ensuring safety of government puts state’s secu-
damaged the walls of the bath- to several forces actively involved people and state. rity at risk. He also said that
Mumbai to host 'Fabric fair- room and ripped through a sec- to create disturbances in the bor- Sirsa said Channi should law and order situation at its
2021': Mumbai to organise tion of the building, besides shat- der state for their vested inter- tell people if this blast was the worst while Congress lead-
B2B ‘MTMM Fabric fair 2022’ tering glass in nearby rooms. ests. result of intelligence failure ers and their CM busy play-
from 10 to 11 January. The district court was crowd- “Everybody knows the tim- or he was pursuing Con- ing blame game.
Mumbai Textile Merchant’s ed and functioning when the ing and the handiwork of those
Mahajan (MTMM) president explosion took place. forces, as the Assembly polls are the registration of an FIR against by the law.
Kanubhai P Narsana In visuals, injured people drawing nearer with every the Shiromani Akali Dal leader Contending that there are
informed that all 185 stalls were carried out of the build- passing day, which were hell bent Bikram Singh Majithia and the some anti Punjab forces who
are fully booked ahead of ing and police were trying to upon to hatch such conspira- bomb blast as well as the recent want to disrupt the peace of
the fair. One stall would be remove people from the com- cies to disturb the hard earned sacrilege incidents, Channi the state, he also said why all
kept for MSME, where guid- plex. Two of the injured peo- peace and harmony in the questioned as to why such a hor- beadbis (sacrilege) and blasts
ance and information will be ple are women and three men. state,” he said. rendous incident took place only are happening just after
provided to all visitors. SNS Ludhiana Police Commis- Drawing a parallel between after Majithia was cornered Majithia was booked.

Himachal govt committed for farmers’ welfare: Jai Ram ‘Pb cops’ hands
tied, Congress
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Besides, special sorties of
SHIMLA, 23 DECEMBER state chopper were made to politicising
Himachal Pradesh Chief Min-
carry vaccines to remote
areas of Bara Bhangal of Kan-
national security’
ister Jai Ram Thakur on Thurs- gra district and Malana vil- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE
day said the state govern- lage in Kullu district, the CM CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER
ment is committed to ensure said.
welfare of the farming com- The CM further stated that The Bharatiya Janata Party’s
munity as about 90 per cent Himachal effectively ensured (BJP) national general sec-
of population of the state management of the Covid retary Tarun Chugh on
lives in rural areas with agri- pandemic and the initiatives Thursday said the Punjab
culture as their main avoca- of the government were even police was working with
tion. appreciated by PM Modi. hands tied at the back and
After inaugurating 500 Congress government only Thakur stated that due to Himachal has also pioneered had been keeping infor-
LPM Pressure Swing Absorp- made tall claims regarding the able and strong leadership the first dose of Covid-19 mation about drones and tif-
tion Plant (PSA) at Govern- development of Sundernagar of Prime Minister Narendra vaccination of people of the fin box bombs under the car-
ment Civil Hospital Sunder- area but actually did nothing. Modi, a biggest vaccination eligible age group and now the pet.
nagar in Mandi district, Thakur On the other hand, the pre- campaign was going on in the State has also become the first While condemning the
said that the state government sent state government believes country. Himachal Pradesh has state of the country to achieve incident of the bomb explo-
during the last four years had in ensuring that benefits of also achieved a unique target the target of cent per cent sec- sion in Ludhiana, Chugh said
laid special emphasis on development reach out to of cent per cent vaccination ond dose or Covid-19 vacci- anti-national forces were tak-
development of the assem- the person living at the low- of the eligible population in nation of all the eligible pop- ing advantage of the situa-
bly segment. The previous est ebb, he added. the State. ulation. tion as the state govern-
ment has completely failed
to give security any priori-
'Krishi Sakhis' become messengers of natural farming in HP He said drones and
bombs are being constant-
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE ly, have become the messen- culture, income, environment Panchayat in Kandaghat block ly pushed in Punjab by the
SHIMLA, 23 DECEMBER gers of this non-chemical, and nutrition in focus. in Solan district for one year. Pakistan ISI and it was the
low-cost and climate-resilient “Natural farming is a very A graduate, Chitra Rekha is duty of the state government
'Krishu Sakhis' are turning farming technique now. good concept. It will help us a ‘Krishi Sakhi’ for the past one to remain extra vigilant
out to be the real friends of nat- The hands-on training in in reducing costs and improv- year and is committed to against it.
ural farming in Himachal natural farming technique by ing nutrition and every farmer spread the natural farming Chugh said some senior
Pradesh. the Agriculture Technology wants that. Anyone is appre- technique among the Self Congress leaders like Navjot
Select rural women, picked Management Agency (ATMA) hensive to adopt a new thing Help Groups andVillage Level Singh Sidhu keep singing
up as ‘Krishi Sakhis’ under staff working under the super- when it is about livelihood.We Organisations of women. She praise for Pakistan Prime
the National Rural Livelihoods vision of the State Imple- have to break that psyche and is more confident about the Minister Imran Khan and the
Mission (NRLM), who were menting Unit (SPIU), PK3Y is create awareness among farm- concept because she shifted Pakistan Army chief Bajwa
associated for training in nat- empowering them with knowl- ers to take to non-chemical to the technique on one bigha calling them as their friends
ural farming technique by HP edge in the fields and is prepar- farming for best results in all (out of two) after training two without realising that they
Prakritik Khushhal Kisan (PK3Y) ing them to change their mind- times to come,” said Chitra years and the results are good. had become a security threat
yojana across the state recent- sets, with sustainable agri- Rekha, 44, Pradhan of Tundal to the country.

Ludhiana jail inmates get Haryana govt continuously running

exclusive radio station anti-drug campaign, says Khattar
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE drug addiction menace,”. family, they start spending
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE said radio system in prisons CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER Addressing students, Khat- their hard-earned money on
CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER is being set-up in association tar said drug addiction is a drugs and start distancing
with India Vision Foundation, Haryana Chief Minister, menace and anyone who themselves from their fam-
With an exclusive radio sys- which is a pioneer in con- Manohar Lal Khattar on starts taking drugs fails to ilies and society, added the
tem for prisoners, “Radio ducting various reformato- Thursday said the state gov- understand the difference CM.
Ujala Punjab” was inaugu- ry projects in prisons. ernment is continuously run- between good and bad. He Making the youngsters
rated on Thursday at Central Radio will be an internal ning an anti-drug campaign. said that misuse of various aware of the drug menace is
Jail, Ludhiana. system of the jail which will Administering an anti- types of drugs cause a lot of need of the hour and for this,
This initiative will be repli- be run by prison inmates only. drug oath to the students harm to the abuser. a drug de-addiction campaign
cated in six more prisons in Inmates of all seven prisons during a Sankalp Samaroh Along with deterioration should be launched by every
coming days, the addition- who will work as radio jock- organised under the drug of physical strength anyone section of the society in which
al director general of police eys underwent a training of de-addiction campaign in who takes drugs becomes maximum awareness about
(prisons) Praveen Kumar three days organized by India Karnal on Thursday, the CM prone to several other ailments drug misuse should be spread
Sinha said. Vision Foundation, the said,” We should try our best like cancer etc. Not only this, among the youth, said Khat-
An official spokesperson spokesperson said. to completely eradicate the instead of taking care of their tar.

SJVN inks pact for harnessing solar energy

STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE in the presence of senior offi- and DVC will explore the for-
SHIMLA, 23 DECEMBER cials of SJVN and DVC. mation of a joint venture
SJVN chairman and man- company for development
SJVN on Thursday signed a aging director Nand Lal Shar- of renewable energy projects
Memorandum of Under- ma said this initiative is in line at different locations within
standing with Damodar Val- with the target set by the the command areas of SJVN
ley Corporation (DVC) for Union government and it and DVC.
harnessing potential solar would enable SJVN in expand- DVC has large water bod-
energy of about 2000 MW ing its footprint Pan India, as ies under its management,
available under the DVC Com- well as, achieving its shared which can be harnessed for
mand Area. vision of capacity addition of Solar Power by setting up
SJVN and DVC will joint- 5000 MW by 2023, 12000 MW floating Solar Energy Farms.
ly identify suitable water bod- by 2030 and 25000 MW by The Government of India
ies and available land under energy projects. (Finance), SJVN and M Raghu- 2040. has envisaged vision of unin-
the SJVN and DVC command The MoU was signed by ram, Member (Technical) Sharma stated that under terrupted and affordable clean
area for setting up renewable Akhileshwar Singh, Director Damodar Valley Corporation the MoU signed today, SJVN power to all 24X7.
The matter concerns the faith and senti-
ments of crores of people.

K’taka Assembly passes TENDER

anti -conversion Bill

The Bill bans forced conversions from one religion to another
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE posed law was first drafted term ranging between three tice and propagate religion,”
BENGALURU, 23 DECEMBER: when Congress leader, Sid- to five years besides a fine of the journal said.
daramiah, was the chief min- Rs 25, 000. In the event the The CPI (M) editorial said

he state assembly ister in 2016. This forced the converted person is a woman, the `Karnataka Protection of
today passed the Pro- opposition leader to claim minor or from the SC or ST Right to Freedom of Religion
tection of Right to that the bill that was drafted community , the act provides Bill’ follows the pattern set by
Freedom of Religion at that time was “ a world apart a jail term extending to ten similar laws passed in other
Bill, 2021, also known as the from the one you've brought.” years besides a fine of up to BJP-ruled states.
anti conversion bill, by a voice While state law minister, Rs 50,000. The Karnataka Bill pro- HIMACHAL PRADESH
vote amid stiff opposition Madhu Swamy , denied alle- vides for three to five years PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
from the Congress and the JDS. gations that the government Direct attack on religious imprisonment for forced con- E-PROCUREMENT NOTICE
It bans forced conversions was seeking to target the minorities rights: The Kar- versions; however, if such a
from one religion to another Christian community, Sid- nataka anti-conversion Bill forced conversion takes place INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
or under influence or , for that daramiah argued that con- passed by the State legislative with a minor, woman, or an 1. The Executive Engineer, Nerchowk Division, H.P.PWD., Nerchowk H.P on behalf of Governor of H.P invites for the online bids on percentage rate in electronic ten-
dering system in 2 cover system for the following work from the eligible and approved Contractors/Firms registered with H.P.PWD., Department.
matter ,any fraudulent means versions were not undertak- assembly is a direct attack on SC/ST person, then the jail
Sr. Name of Work Estimated EMD Cost of Eligible Time
,including promise of marriage. en due to allurement. the rights of religious minori- term will be from three to ten No. Cost tender Class of limit
It will become law once it is The ruling party, however, ties and religious freedom, CPI years, the CPI (M) said. Contractor
passed by the legislative coun- countered the criticism while (M) journal People’s Democ- The Bill has come in the 1. Addition and Alteration work in minor operation theatre to convert it into MajorTrauma Operation Rs.27,85,503/- Rs.50,000/- Rs. 1500/- "C& D" Six
cil ,making Karnataka the 9th arguing that the government racy said today. background of widespread Theatre (OT) in the Trauma Complex of SLBS Govt. Medical College & Hospital at Nerchowk, Months
state to enact the law. The bill was not targeting any com- In an editorial, the journal attacks on Christians and Mandi (SH:-Providing and Fixing ceiling panels, Wall Panel, Hermatically sealed automatic slid-
ing door, Camera with wiring HD Quality etc.) Job No. I
makes it mandatory for peo- munity. According to the law said such laws have been their places of worship in the 2. Addition and Alteration work in minor operation theatre to convert it into MajorTrauma Operation Rs.15,10,256/- Rs.30,000/- Rs. 500/- "C& D" Six
ple converting to other reli- minister, there were instances passed in other BJP-ruled state. If the bill becomes law, Theatre (OT) in the Trauma Complex of SLBS Govt. Medical College & Hospital at Nerchowk, Months
gions to declare their inten- of conversions from Islam to states like Uttarakhand, Uttar then it will be a constant Mandi (SH:-Providing and Fixing ceiling panels, Wall Panel, Hermatically sealed automatic slid-
tion at least 30 days in advance Christianity with some organ- Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh threat to the Christians, as ing door, Camera with wiring HD Quality etc.) Job No. II
3. Addition and Alteration in Landscaping of courtyard in front of Hospital, Administration, Auditorium Rs.8,83,775/- Rs.17,700/- Rs. 350/- "C& D" Six
to the district magistrate or isations also converting Chris- and earlier in Gujarat. along with vigilante actions and Nursing College of Shri Lal Bhadur Shastri Govt. Medical College & Hospital at Nerchowk, Months
the additional magistrate in tians. So there was no ques- Though named as `Free- against places of worship, Mandi Himachal Pradesh (SH:-Providing and Laying Neelgiri/Mexican Grass Turf).
their place of birth within the tion of singling out or target- dom of Religion Act’, these laws the law can be invoked by a 2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The bid document is available online and bid should be submitted online on website
state. ing any religion. do the opposite of curbing the compliant administration to would be required to register in the website which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature
The government also Incidentally, those fundamental right provided target and penalise normal reli- Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). "Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tender-
ing in HPPWD may obtain the same from the website: Digital signature is mandatory to participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already possessing
sought to embarrass the Con- indulging in forceful conver- in Article 25 of the Constitu- gious activities, the CPI (M) the digital signature issued from authorized CAs can use the same in this tender.
gress by arguing that the pro- sions would face a prison tion to “freely profess, prac- editorial said. 3. Key dates:-
1 Date of online publication 30-12-2021 at 11:30 A.M.
2 Document download start and end date 30-12-2021 at 11:30 A.M. up to 07-01-2022 at 10:30A.M.

T’gana HC directs govt to impose restrictions on upcoming festivals 3

Bid submission start and end date
Date of technical bid opening
30-12-2021 at 11:30 A.M. up to 07-01-2022 at 10:30A.M.
07-01-2022 at 11:30 A.M.
5 Physical submission of original documents i/c original EMD & Cost of Tender documents etc. 07-01-2022 at 11:00 A.M.
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE with the directive. were from non risk catego- December. 4. Tender Details:-
HYDERABAD, 23 DECEMBER The bench comprising ry countries and were detect- The court has time and The tender documents shall be uploaded on line in 2 cover.
the Chief Justice Satish Chan- ed only because of random again taken the government i) Cover 1: shall contain scanned copies of all "Technical Documents Eligibility" information.
Telangana High Court today dra Sharma as well as Justice sampling. It was noted that to task for failing to take ii) Cover 2: shall contain "BOQ/Financial bid" where contractor will quote his offer for each item.
5. Submission of Original Documents: The bidders are required to submit (a) original demand draft towards the cost of bid document and (b) original bid
directed the state govern- Mr N Tukaramji also direct- despite the increasing num- action to tackle the situation. security/Earnest money Deposit (EMD) and other Technical Documents with this office as specified in key dates at Sr.No.5.failing which the bids will be declared nonre-
ment to impose restrictions ed the state government to ber of Omicron cases people The state government took sponsive.
in order to prevent public consider setting up screen- were still not wearing masks the decision to impose the 6. Bid opening Detail: The bid shall be opened on 07-01-2022 at 11:30 HRs in the office of Executive Engineer, Nerchowk Division HP.PWD., Nerchowk. If the office
happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bid as specified the bid will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
gatherings during Christ- ing facilities at the state bor- or adhering to COVID-19 second lockdown only after 7. The bid for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than 90 days after the deadline date for bid submission.
mas, New Year and Sankran- ders, similar to those that exist protocols. the court had said otherwise 8. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer inviting tender shall not be held liable for any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even
ti festivals in the wake of at the airport. There is grow- The bench directed the it will do the needful. It has though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the bidders'
increasing number of Omi- ing concern about the very state government to strictly also pulled up the state gov- responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to the tender.
9. As per Govt. Notification No.PBW (B)A(3)1/2020-I dated 07.10.2021, in case the tendered amount of the lowest bidder comes more than 5% in 1st call the negotiation
cron cases. It cited the restric- infectious new variant, par- comply with the directives ernment several times about can be conducted with him but the negotiated amount should remain within 5% of the amount put to tender (on market rate) and tendered amount below 30% of the esti-
tions imposed by Delhi and ticularly after 14 people test- issued by the Union govern- issuing regular bulletins as mated cost will be summarily rejected.
Maharashtra and gave the ed positive for Omicron on ment to prevent the spread well as to take action against
state three days to come up a single day. Most of them of Omicron variant on 21 errant private hospitals. Executive Engineer,
HP.PWD Division,
5783/2021-2022 HIM SUCHNA AVAM JAN SAMPARK Nerchowk.

Omicron cases rising in West Bengal HIMACHAL PRADESH

KOLKATA, 23 DECEMBER 29 students test +ve in Kalyani: At least 29 out of 213 stu- tive samples from eight cities, NOTICE INVITING TENDER
dents of a residential Central school at Kalyani in Nadia have including Kolkata, owing to the
Sealed item rate tenders are hereby invited by the Executive Engineer, Bhoranj Division HPPWD., Bhoranj in form No. 6 & 8 on behalf of Governor of H.P. For
Within a gap of hardly 10 days tested positive for Covid. All the infected students are from surge in counts of Omicron the following works from the contractors of appropriate class enlisted with HP.PWD. The tender shall be opened in the presence of the contractors / firms or their repre-
after the first Omicron variant class IX and class X of Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalaya in Kalyani. cases with neither travel nor sentative who wish to be present.
positive case reported in Ben- Most of the guardians have already taken them back home any apparent contact history. TIME SHEDULE OF TENDER:-
gal on 12 December three more after the panic gripped in the locality and the school The NCDC has directed local 1. Date and time of receipt of application for tender form:- 07/01/2022 up to 5.00 P.M.
2. Date and time of issue of tender form: - 10/01/2022 up to 5.00 P.M.
cases were found in the state authorities asked the guardians to take their children back health authorities to send all 3. Date and time of receipt of tenders: - 11/01/2022 up to 10.30 A.M.
during the past four days press- home. According to the school authorities, two students were Covid-19-positive samples 4. Date and time of opening of tenders: - 11/01/2022 at 11.30 A.M.
ing an alarm button in the recently suffering from cold and cough. They then under- from Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, The tender forms will be issued to only those contractors who qualify the criteria after the scrutiny of application forms by the Committee constituted for this
state health department. went rapid test and they were found to be Covid positive. Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi, Hyder-
On Wednesday, two foreign The school authorities then brought all 211 residential stu- abad, Mumbai and Pune for Sr. Name of Work Estimated Earnest Time Limit Cost of Eligible class
returnees, who had tested pos- dents to the College of Medicine and JNM hospital for rapid sequencing to determine No. cost Money tender of contractor
itive for Covid at the NSC Bose test a few days ago. The students found positive were advised whether the new variant was 1 C/O Martyr Raj Kumar Ambulance road to village Daboh GP Bagwara Mauja Bamsom (SH:- C/O C.C 3,94,900/- 8,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
rigid pavement at RD 0/0 to 0/160) (Deposit)
airport earlier in this week, home quarantine as they have symptoms of cough and cold. already circulating in their
2 A/R & M/O link road to village Parol Km. 0/0 to 1/300 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 0/225 to 0/245). 2,89,526/- 6,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
were found to have been infect- The health authorities are now testing other staff and populations. 3 C/O link road to Martyr Pawan Kumar House from Ghran Kanchi Mauja Bamson (SH:- C/O C.C rigid 3,94,817/- 8,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
ed by the Omicron variant. teachers of the school for the viral disease, sources said. A pavement at RD 0/0 to 0/098) (Deposit)
Their swab samples sent to the guardian said, “This infection should not be ignored and 4 C/O link road to village Tikkri Km. 0/0 to 2/300 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 0/0 to 0/015)(Deposit work ) 2,79,044/- 6,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
National Institute of Biomed- all infected students should be kept in home quarantine 5 R/R damage on Patta Awah Devi road Km. 0/0 to 17/0 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 16/630 to 16/637 in 1,66,918/- 3,500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
ical Genomics (NIBG) in Kalyani, properly to prevent the spread.” SNS C.C 1:5:10).
Nadia district, were tested Omi- 6 C/O link road Kakrot to Bhour via Badehar to house of Shri Kamlesh Bhardwaj in GP Badehar Km. 4,95,346/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
0/0 to 0/150 (SH:- C/O C.C pavement at RD 0/040 to 0/150 and R/wall at RD 0/130 to 0/135).
cron variant positive. 7 R/R damage on Patta Awah Devi road Km. 9/600 to 17/500 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 10/900 to 10/910 2,07,634/- 4500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
One of them, a 19-year-old from Bengal was also infected old boy who had returned to in C.C 1:5:10).
boy, came from London on Sun- with the new variant of Covid the state from Abu Dhabi via 8 R/R damage on Patta Awah Devi road Km. 9/600 to 17/500 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 10/670 to 10/985 2,42,702/- 5000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
day, said an official of a private . Hyderabad on 10 December, in C.C 1:5:10).
hospital where he is admitted. “In all four Omicron posi- had tested positive for the 9 C/O boundary wall in Police Post Jahu.(Deposit work). 2,97,996/- 6000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
"His condition is stable, he tive patients have been report- Omicron strain. He is a resident 10 C/O link road from Awah Devi Taxi stand to village Bhogon via Dadliyan Km. 0/0 to 2/500 (SH:- 4,98,772/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
Improvement of road various reaches including providing and laying GSB and WMM at RD 0/620 to
has cough and cold,” said the ed in our state so far,” Dr Ajay of Farakka in Murshidabad 0/879)(under OTMNP).
official. The other patient is also Chakraborty, director of health district. 11 C/O link road to Nablakh (SH:- C/O cement concrete pavement at RD 0/0 to 0/128)(Under MMGSY) 4,99,304/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
an 11 year-old minor, it is services (DHS), said. The National Centre for 12 R/R damages on Dasmal Kot Kangri road Km. 0/0 to 2/0 (SH:- P/'F W beam metal railing at RD 0/150 3,94,523/- 8000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
learnt. Earlier to these two The first patient was report- Disease Control (NCDC) on to 0/218 & 1/800 to 1/850).
cases, another person hailed ed in the state after a seven year- Wednesday asked for genome 13 C/O link road to village Lapodu Gasian Mata Mandir Km. 0/0 to 0/750 (SH:- C/O C.C pavement at RD 4,95,973/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
0/132 to 0/195 & 0/380 to 0/400)( under OTMNP).
14 C/O link road from Awah Devi Taxi stand to village Bhogon via Dadliyan Km. 0/0 to 2/500 (SH:- 4,98,779/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
Improvement of road various reaches including providing and laying GSB and WMM at RD 0/350 to
DRDO holds second ‘Celebration will 0/620)( under OTMNP).
15 A/R & M/O various road under Bhoranj Section HPPWD Sub-Division Bhoranj (SH: - Repair of pot 3,42,666/- 7,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
successful flight test begin 10 days ahead holes).

of ‘Pralay’ of Durga Puja in WB’ 16 C/O ITI Building Bhakreri Distt. Hamirpur (SH:- P/F fire extinguisher).
17 C/O link road to village Duhka (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 0/380 to 0/394) (MMGSY).
Two months.
Two months.
Class D
Class D
18 A/R and M/O Una Aghar Mandi road Km. 67/0 to 79/0 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 76/585 to 76/595). 4,99,284/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
19 C/O link road Chattraill to Dadu Km. 0/0 to 1/200 (SH:- ROFD in various RDs)(Under SCSP). 1,64,753/- 3500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
20 C/O link road Dhirar via Dadu Badoh Km. 0/0 to 3/275 (SH:- P/L Cement concrete pavement at RD 2,72,769/- 6000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
To celebrate United Nations 2/475 to 2/500 and R/wall at RD 1/355 to 1/358).
Defence Research and Devel- Educational, Scientific and 21 C/O link road HB Balokhar (Balh Balet) road Km. 0/0 to 2/0 (SH:- C/O R/wall at 0/297 to 0/315). 3,36,549/- 7000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
opment Organisation (DRDO) Cultural Organization 22 C/O link road HB Balokhar (Balh Balet) road Km. 0/0 to 2/0 (SH:- C/O R/wall at RD 0/270 to 0/297). 4,98,708/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
today successfully conducted (UNESCO) recognition to 23 C/O link road to Police Quarter at Bhoranj(SH:- P/L MT in Km. 0/0 to 0/100).(DC Deposit) 1,50,000/- 3000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
the second flight-test of indige- "Durga Puja in Kolkata", West 24 C/O link road to HB Balh Bag (SH:- C/O 900 mm dia Hume pipe culvert with wing wall at RD 0/275) 4,68,419/- 9500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
nously developed conven- Bengal will begin the cele- (SCSP)
25 Micro surfacing on link road Doh to Dhoh Km. 0/0 to 2/0(SH:- Repair of pot holes) 77,225/- 2000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
tional Surface-to-Surface mis- bration 10 days ahead of
26 A/R & M/O (i)Panjot to Bagwara via Lalyar road Km. 0/0 to 2/700 (ii) Samirpur to Bagwara via 1,74,304/- 3500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
sile ‘Pralay’ from Dr APJ Abdul Durga Puja next year. Samlehra road Km. 0/0 to 2/500 (SH:- C/O unlined drain, maintenance of earthen shoulder & trimming
Kalam Island off the coast of "Celebrations will begin of grass).
Odisha. For the first time, two 10 days before Durga Puja 27 A/R and M/O A.E office building at Samirpur (SH:- P/F wooden panelizing, Almirah, Computer table in 98,311/- 2000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
consecutive flight tests of a bal- starts as we got recognition HPPWD Sub- Division Samirpur in Senior Assistant and Junior Engineer room).
listic missile have been con- from UNESCO, said West Ben- 28 R/R damage on Bhoranj Dialari Sadhiryan road. (SH :- P/L interlocking paver block at RD 0/0 to 4,13,591/- 8500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
ducted successfully in two gal Chief Minister Mamata 29 C/O link road Bhiar to Kot Km. 0/0 to 2/0.(SH:- M/T in Km. 0/0 to 0/250)(from Tikkar Bharaian Side) 2,03,690/- 4200/- Two months. 350/- Class D
successive days. The flight Banerjee said on Thursday. (OTMNP)
test met all the mission objec- United Nations Educational, 30 Improvement of blind curve on Patta Awah Devi road Km. 9/600 to 14/0 (SH:-Improvement of blind 3,53,148/- 7500/- Two months. 350/- Class D
tives. Scientific and Cultural Orga- curve on various RD 12/885 to 13/105).
This launch proves the nization (UNESCO) on 31 Panjot to Kanjian via Dharyara Km. 0/0 to 4/500 (SH:- P/L hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 4,96,188/- 10,000/- Two months. 350/- Class D
mm in Km. 0/0 to 3/600).
system in both the configu- Wednesday inscribed "Durga
rations of the missile, the Min- Puja in Kolkata" on the "Rep- 1. The earnest money in the shape of National Saving Certificate, Time deposit account in any of the post office in HP / FDR of any Bank duly pledged in favour of
istry of Defence said. In today’s resentative List of the Intan- Executive Engineer, Bhoranj Division, HP.PWD. , Bhoranj must be accompanied with the application for receipt of tender form along with cost of form. Tender
application received without earnest money will be rejected.
launch, the ‘Pralay’ missile gible Cultural Heritage of 2. The contractors / firms should possess the following documents (photo copy to be self attached with application for obtaining the tenders documents):-
was tested for heavier payload Humanity". Celebrated in (i) Latest enlistment / renewal orders with application for obtaining the tenders documents.
and different range to prove Shukla Paksha of the month (ii) GST Number issued by the Sale Tax Department.
(iii) PAN (Permanent Account Number) issued by the Income Tax Department.
the precision and lethality of Ashwin in the Hindu calendar Shall contain scanned copies of EPF issued from competent authority.
the weapon. (September-October), Durga 3. The Executive Engineer, Bhoranj Division HPPWD., Bhoranj reserves the right to reject any tender without assigning any reasons(s).
This launch was moni- Puja is the major annual fes- 4 The Cess Charges @ 1% will be deducted from the gross amount of work done of the Contractor.
tored by all the range sensors tival in West Bengal. It is also 5. The work will be completed by the contractor within the stipulated period.
6. The contractor /firms are required to insert the rate of each item in wards as well as in figures failing which Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept/rejects
and instruments, including celebrated in other parts of any overall tender.
Telemetry, Radar and Elec- India and especially amongst 7. The tender shall be issued to only those contractor /firms who are eligible, suitable and competent.
tro-Optic Tracking System the Bengali diaspora. 8. The tender forms shall be issued to eligible contractors depending upon their past performance and work experience which shall be duly evaluated by the technical
deployed across the eastern The ten-day festival marks evaluation committee.
10. The Contractor/firm having necessary documents, and past adequate experience shall be preferred.
coast and the down range the worship of Goddess Durga. 11. The Contractor who has failed to start/Complete the work already allotted in his favour with in stipulated period shall not be issued tender forms.
ships positioned near the Months before the festival, arti- 12. A contractor enlisted in a particular class shall be eligible to tender for his own class and one step below.
impact point. sanal workshops in Kolkata 13. Only two No. tender form will be issued to the eligible contractor.
14. If 11/01/2022 happens to be holiday the tender shall be opened on next working day at 11.00.A.M.
Defence Minister Rajnath sculpt idols of Durga and her 15. GST will be deducted as per rates fixed by the Govt.
Singh has congratulated DRDO children (Lakhsmi, Saraswati,
& associated teams for this con- Kartik and Ganesh) using
secutive successful develop- unfired clay from the river bed Executive Engineer,
Bhoranj Division,
ment flight trial. of Ganga. ANI
Kerala displays India at its cultural and
harmonious best.

PM Modi lays foundation stone of NIA files charge sheet in

Darbhanga Railway blast
various development projects in UP
UP CM Yogi Adityanath & Union Minister Dr Mahendra Nath Pandey were present on the occasion
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Sankul’ will come up at the UP of purity will be easy and the tion Centre at Central Insti-
NEW DELHI,23 DECEMBER State Industrial Development credibility of India's milk tute of Higher Tibetan Stud-
Authority Food Park, products will also increase,” ies, built at a cost of over Rs

s part of efforts to Karkhiyaon, Varanasi. Spread Modi asserted. 7 crore. He also inaugurated
strengthen the rural across 30 acres of land, the Further stressing on nat- residential flats and staff quar-
economy and help dairy will be built at a cost of ural farming, the Prime Min- ters at BHU and ITI Karaun-
farmers of the region, about Rs 475 crores and will ister said with the passage of di. A Doctors hostel, a Nurs-
Prime Minister Narendra have a facility for processing time, the scope of natural es hostel and shelter home
Modi on Thursday laid the 5 lakh litre of milk per day. farming was reduced and built at a cost of Rs 130 crore,
foundation stone of ‘Banas The Prime Minister also dig- chemical farming became at Mahamana Pandit Madan
Dairy Sankul’ in his Lok Sabha itally transferred about Rs 35 dominant. “For the rejuve- Mohan Malviya Cancer Cen-
constituency Varanasi. crore bonuses to the bank nation of mother earth, to pro- tre, were inaugurated by
Modi also inaugurated and accounts of more than 1.7 lakh tect our soil, to secure the future Narendra Modi. He also inau-
laid the foundation of multi- milk producers associated of the coming generations, we gurated a 50 bed Integrated
ple projects including devel- with Banas Dairy. He also must once again turn to nat- Ayush Hospital at Bhadrasi and
opmental projects worth over laid the foundation stone for ural farming. This is the need laid the foundation stone of
Rs 1500 crores in Varanasi the Biogas based Electricity of the hour today”, he said. He Rs 49 Cr Government
besides distributing rural res- generation plant for the Milk Underlining the impor- in the role of the dairy sector, also appealed to the farmers Homoeopathic Medical Col-
idential rights record ‘Gha- Producers Cooperative Union tance of livestock, Modi said, animal husbandry and the new to adopt natural farming and lege in tehsil Pindra under the
rauni’ to over 20 lakh residents Plant, Ramnagar, Varanasi. “talking about cows can be a push in white revolution for organic crops. “This will go a Ayush Mission. INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE planned huge loss of life of
of the State. He launched a Portal and crime for some people, cows transforming the lives of farm- long way in making our agri- Modi later laid the foun- NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER innocent people and damage
Speaking on the occasion, Logo dedicated to the Con- are revered as mothers by us. ers, Modi said animal hus- culture AtmaNirbhar,” he dation stone of two (4 to 6 lane) to the public property. Hafeez
the Prime Minister paid his formity Assessment Scheme People who make fun of cow- bandry can become a huge added. road widening projects for The National Investigation Iqbal alias Kana, the Pakistan
tribute to former prime min- of milk products, developed buffalo forget that the liveli- source of additional income On the occasion the Prime Prayagraj and Bhadohi roads. Agency (NIA) on Thursday based handler was operating
ister and farmers’ leader by the Bureau of Indian Stan- hood of 8 crore families of the for the small farmers of the Minister virtually distributed In a bid to give fillip to the charge sheeted five LeT ter- the whole incident.
Chaudhary Charan Singh on dards (BIS) with the help of country is run by such live- country, whose number is the rural residential rights tourism potential of the holy rorists in connection with He was giving instructions
the occasion of his birth National Dairy Development stock.” more than 100 million. record ‘Gharauni’ under the city, the Prime Minister inau- Darbhanga Railway Station to the other LeT terrorists
anniversary, being celebrat- Board (NDDB). He mentioned about the “India’s dairy products Swamitva scheme of the Union gurated the Phase-1 of Tourism Blast case before a special who were in India.
ed as ‘Kisan Diwas’. In another effort to resolve nationwide immunization have a huge market abroad, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, to Development project related NIA Court in Patna, Bihar. "Mohd Nasir Khan and Imran
“People who make fun of the land ownership issues at programme for foot and in which there is a lot of over 20 Lakh residents of to Shri Guru Ravidas Ji Tem- The charge sheet was filed Malik made an IED using
cow-buffalo forget that the grassroots level, the Prime mouth disease among cattle potential to grow. Animal Uttar Pradesh. He said this will ple, Seer Govardhan, Varanasi. against Mohd Nasir Khan alias locally procured chemicals
livelihood of 8 crore families Minister virtually distributed population. husbandry is a great way for open new vistas of develop- He inaugurated Speed Breed- Nasir Malik, Imran Malik, and placed the same in a par-
of the country is run by such the rural residential rights “The milk production in the the economic uplift of women, ment and dignity for rural poor ing Facility at International Rice Saleem Ahmed alias Haji cel of clothes. The parcel was
livestock. Today, UP is not only record ‘Gharauni’, under the country has increased by to further their entrepre- and will make them part of the Research Institute, South Asia Saleem, Kafil Ahmad alias booked in Secunderabad-
the largest milk producing Swamitva scheme of the Union about 45 per cent as compared neurship. The livestock is also development growth story. Regional Centre Varanasi and Kafil and Iqbal Mohammed Darbhanga Express. They
state in the country it is also Ministry of Panchayati Raj, to to 6-7 years ago. Today India a big basis for biogas, organ- a Regional Reference Standards alias Iqbal Kana under sections chose this train since it depart-
significantly ahead in the over 20 Lakh residents of the produces about 22 percent of ic farming and natural farm- The Prime Minister also Laboratory at village Payakpur 120B, 468 and 471 of the IPC, ed at night. Their intention was
expansion of the dairy sector. State. Inaugurating and lay- the world's milk. I am happy ing. The Bureau of Indian inaugurated projects in the and an Advocate building at sections 3, 4 and 5 of the to trigger the incendiary IED,
Dairy sector, animal hus- ing the foundation stone of that today UP is not only the Standards has issued a uni- education sector. The projects Tehsil Pindra. Explosive Substances Act, the cloth parcel would ignite
bandry and the new push for developmental projects worth largest milk producing state fied system for the country. An include Union Education Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi read with sections 16, 17, 18, and further spread fire in
white revolution has a big over Rs 1500 crores in Varanasi, in the country, it is also sig- integrated logo featuring Ministry’s Inter University Adityanath and Union Min- 18B, 20, 23, 38, 39 and 40 of other parcels booked in the van
role in transforming the lives Modi said it would further nificantly ahead in the expan- Kamdhenu cows has also Centre for Teachers Education. ister Dr Mahendra Nath the UA(P) Act. The NIA offi- converting it into a large con-
of farmers,” the Prime Min- strengthen the ongoing 360 sion of the dairy sector”, Prime been launched for certifica- It is build at a cost of around Pandey were among the cial said that Iqbal Kana is flagration," said an NIA offi-
ister said. degree transformation of Minister Modi said. tion. If this proof, this logo is Rs 107 crore. He also inau- prominent personalities pre- presently living in Lahore, cial.
The proposed Banas Dairy Varanasi. Expressing his firm belief visible, then the identification gurated a Teachers Educa- sent on the occasion. Pakistan. Investigation also revealed
In June this year a blast took that accused Nasir Khan had
place at Darbhanga Railway travelled to Pakistan and was
We celebrate victory of all
farmers: Mamata on Kisan Divas
SAD demands HC judge monitor BJP, Cong
spar over OBC
Station after which a case was
lodged. A few days later, the
case was transferred to the NIA.
trained in espionage, han-
dling of arms and ammunition
and fabricating IEDs. He also


Repeal Bill was passed within
minutes of its introduction in
investigation into sacrilege cases reservation in
The NIA investigation
revealed that LeT operatives
had planned to set ablaze a
received funds from Pakistan
on various occasions. The
official said that they were still
both the Houses of the Parlia- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE later, Sukhbir Badal said responsible for throwing the moving long-distance train probing the matter.
West Bengal Chief Minister ment without any discussion. CHANDIGARH, 23 DECEMBER “Sikhs and Punjabis do not holy Gutka Sahib into the MP Assembly by placing incendiary Impro-
Mamata Banerjee, today, on “When questions were asked have any faith in the Congress ‘sarovar’ at Sri Darbar Sahib vised Explosive Devices
Kisan Day said,“We remember about compensation to the kin The Shiromani Akali Dal government and its home to the police. "Had this case BHOPAL, 23 DECEMBER (IEDs)/parcel bomb in the
the sacrifice of each and every of farmers who lost their lives (SAD) on Thursday demand- minister. They are convinced been investigated properly, train so that the whole train
farmer who fought for their during the year-long protests, ed a sitting judge of the Pun- the Congress government is the subsequent ghastly event A war of words broke out catches fire.
right, and we honour their spir- Union agriculture minister jab and Haryana High Court bent upon saving those of December 18 in the sanc- between the ruling BJP The Let terrorists had
it and salute their courage. We Narendra SinghTomar claimed to monitor the probe into the behind the heinous cases of tum sanctorum of Sri Har- and the Opposition Con-
celebrate the victory of all our that the government had “no recent cases of sacrilege. sacrilege and does not have mandar Sahib would have gress in the State Assem-
farmers!” data” on the number of farm- The SAD also announced any interest in uncovering the been averted,” he said. bly on Thursday after for-
Meanwhile, TMC Rajya ers who had lost their lives and a protest at Sri Darbar Sahib conspiracy behind them. On the bomb blast at Lud- mer chief minister and
Sabha MP Derek’O'Brien alleged hencethere is noquestionof pro- complex in Amritsar on 2 They have also rejected the hiana, the SAD chief said, “We the Leader of Opposition
that there is‘jumlacracy’ on the viding any compensation to January 2 against police inac- low level policy inquiry had said earlier that people Kamal Nath accused the
pretence of repealing the farm their families." tion in the cases of sacrilege. ordered by the government will be provoked by com- state Election Commis-
laws. He said, "No wonder no He alleged that this is not the A decision to this effect was into the case and want a munal incidents. This has sion of issuing confusing
data available since the gov- first time the central government taken at a meeting of the high level inquiry monitored happened with sacrilege also notifications regarding
ernment, fearing an electoral loss has cited non-availability of party’s core committee which by the high court”. being committed at a tem- the reservation for Other
in the upcoming state elec- data to evade public scrutiny. was presided over by party Sukhbir said the state gov- ple after the desecration of Backward Classes (OBCs)
tions in Punjab and Uttar “In the past too, the Centre president Sukhbir Singh Badal ernment had failed to unrav- Sri Harmandar Sahib. Now a in Panchayat elections in
Pradesh, repealed the contro- has claimed that it lacks data on and attended by party patron el the conspiracy behind bomb blast has also occurred”. the state.
versial farm laws on the open- issues pertaining to migrant Parkash Singh Badal besides such cases despite the fact that He said the state govern- As the proceedings of
ing day of the recently-con- workers’ death, healthcare staff others. the Shiromani Gurdwara Par- ment & especially the State the Assembly began, Nath
cluded winter session.” The who died during the Covid Announcing this decision bandhak Committee (SGPC) police chief should also focus raised the OBC reservation
MP further said the Farm Laws wave.” while talking to newsmen handed over the person on maintaining law and order. issue and asked the gov-
ernment to clear its stance.
" Ev e r since the

Tension in U’khand Congress: MP Assembly passes Property Bill

and OBC reservation resolution
Supreme Court's order
came, the state election
commission has been issu-

Priyanka speaks to Harish Rawat STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE

The resolution was passed
unanimously, also accom-
ing different notifications
at different times which are
creating confusion. I would
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE we have to swim in the sea of CM said. According to sources panied by bedlam on the request the government to
NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER election, the party organisa- in the know of things, Rawat The Madhya Pradesh State fourth day of the ongoing five- clear its stand on the OBC
tion should extend support- is upset over the ticket dis- Assembly today passed the day winter session of the reservation issue," Kamal
A day after party veteran and ing hand, but has rather tribution and that he wants ‘Madhya Pradesh Damage to Assembly. Nath said.
Uttarakhand campaign com- turned its face the other way more say in the party affairs. Public and Private Property The Congress alleged that In response, state Home
mittee chief Harish Rawat and is playing a negative role. The Congress has not Recovery Bill, 2021’ and a res- Leader of Opposition, Kamal Minister Narottam Mishra,
targeted the Congress for not I have to swim in the sea declared Rawat as the chief olution stating that there Nath was not given an oppor- who is also Parliamen-
giving him a "free hand", where the ruling party has ministerial candidate which would be no Panchayat polls tunity to speak on the reso- tary Affairs Minister, said
General Secretary Priyanka released many crocodiles and is the prime demand of his in the state without reserva- lution for OBC reservation. that the government has
Gandhi Vadra on Thursday my hands and legs are tied. supporters. Rawat is sched- tion for the Other Backward The Congress and ruling filed a petition in the
spoke to the former Union "Sometimes it feels that I uled to meet former Con- Classes (OBC). BJP MLAs also traded heat- Supreme Court and a date
Minister to pacify him, sources have worked too much and gress president Rahul Gand- The bill was passed by a ed accusations over the reser- for hearing on the matter
said. On Wednesday, in a now it's time to rest. I am in hi on Friday. Meanwhile, voice vote without a debate vation issue. Speaker Girish will be fixed by the court
series of tweets, Rawat had said dilemma, the new year may some leaders Pradeep Tamta, amidst the opposition Con- Gautam had to adjourn the soon.
that "it's time to rest, it has show me a way, and Lord Rajya Sabha MP, and Harish gress walking out over anoth- house thrice for different After Mishra's state-
been enough." Kedarnath will show a path Dhami, an MLA, have come er issue, related to the OBC periods during the din over ment, MLAs of the Con-
"Is this not strange? When to me," the former Uttarakahd out in Rawat's support. reservation. the OBC reservation. gress accused the Shivraj
Singh Chouhan govern-
ment of being anti-OBC.
This led to a chaos

125-year-old renovated St. Luke’s Church reopens in Srinagar prompting Speaker Girish
Gautam to adjourn the
Assembly for 15 minutes.
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE landscape has also been society can survive in isola- St Luke's Church is a sin- Since the first day of the
JAMMU, 23 DECEMBER attended to including access tion. Our dependence on gle-storey building constructed winter session of the
to the Church, lighting and the each other, our connect with on a cruciform plan. The Assembly (December 20),
The 125 years old St. Luke's allied components. The inside each other has increased sub- Church follows the Gothic both the ruling (BJP) and
Church in Srinagar was on of the Church has also been stantially, the Lt Governor Style of Architecture which is the Opposition (Congress)
Thursday reopened after its redone with construction of said. On the occasion, the Lt distinct from the other impor- have been accusing each
massive restoration. Alter, wooden flooring, seat- Governor remembered Dr. tant monuments dotted in the other of being anti-OBC.
Lieutenant Governor ing, window panes, access Arthur Neve, and threw light landscape of Srinagar. Attached Earlier on Tuesday,
Manoj Sinha inaugurated the gate and porch. on his life. Dr. Arthur served to the porch, there is a bell Chouhan had stated that
reopening ceremony of his- the St Luke's Church is a India is home to diverse reli- the people of J&K for three tower which is three-story in the state gover nment
toric St Luke's Church that has unique symbol of J&K's com- gions and cultures for cen- decades, by establishing this height, mounted by a high s h o u l d e x p l o re l e g a l
been fully renovated, con- posite culture, which was turies. But, despite much Church as well as saving many pitched CGI roof with dormer options against the
served and opened for the pub- built in 1896 on the southwest diversity, we are living in unity lives as a doctor, he added. gables on each side. Supreme Court's Decem-
lic to offer prayers. slope of Shri Shankaracharya without any discrimination, The Lt Governor also Before the restoration ber 17 order that stayed
Addressing the gathering Hill. observed the Lt Governor. extended his warm wishes to works, the Church was lying polling on all OBC-
through virtual mode, the Lt The Lt Governor congrat- The Lt Governor urged the people for the upcoming in a dilapidated condition, with reserved seats.
Governor said that the lost ulated the citizens of J&K, the people to inculcate the spir- Christmas festival. Special the structural members suf- The ruling follows a
glory of the oldest Church in especially the Christian com- it of social harmony and prayers were recited to mark fering major damage. The similar order by the apex
Srinagar has been restored. munity and all the artisans strengthen the values of broth- the day, while a documentary CGI roofing was completely court for the Maharashtra
“Reopening of St Luke's involved in the renovation erhood, peace and selfless on the history and restoration damaged, the rainwater intru- municipal elections.
Church in Srinagar after and conservation, besides service. of the church was also show- sion from the roof aggravat- Chouhan and Nath
restoration is a historic occa- the officials associated with St. Luke's message of peace cased on the occasion. ed the decay of important were arguing over the apex
sion to celebrate and imbibe the Smart City program. The and harmony to all human The Christian communi- components. court staying the election
Lord Christ's message of sac- restoration and conservation beings is more relevant today ty of Srinagar has expressed Chief Priest of St. Luke's on seats reserved for OBC
rifice, service, redemption, work of St Luke's Church has than ever before. While fac- happiness at the govern- Church, Father Eric and peo- candidates and directed
love and compassion”, been carried out under the ing the challenges of Covid ment’s initiative to renovate ple from all walks of life were the state election com-
observed the Lt Governor. ‘Smart City Project’. The up- pandemic, the whole world and reopen the Church ahead present to witness the re- mission to re-notify these
The Lt Governor said that gradation of the surrounding is realizing that no nation or of Christmas. opening of the Church. as general seats.

Incorporating and directly descended

Reminiscences A MEMBER

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818

In 1957, Sheikh Mujib, as a young minister, had set up the Film Development Corporation ASIAN VOICES
Omicron scanner on behalf of which Matiul Islam later came to Calcutta to import twelve Bengali films.
E ight Indian cities are to come under the scanner
He met Satyajit Ray, and the maximum price was paid for Apur Sansar — Rs 25,000!
of the apex disease surveillance agency for a sci-
entific survey of the spread of coronavirus and needs urgent
the reasons thereof. This will include the increasing
cases of Omicron, especially among those with nei- solution to
ther any history of travel nor contact. Unlike last year,
when ministers (aka the political class) and bureau- dust pollution
crats were monarchs of all they surveyed in matters of
public health, this year the National Centre for Dis-
ease Control (NCDC) has been brought into the loop.
This is as it should be considering that the medical
fraternity was accorded a relatively minor rating in
C hattogram is well known due to
its diverse natural aesthetics ~
with its mountainous terrain,
flowing rivers and coastal plains. How-
ever, rapid urbanisation has been tak-
2020, when first reports of the virus were highlighted ing a toll on this city, home to the
in “breaking news”. And this short shrift to the medical biggest seaport in Bangladesh. Various
fraternity was not unique to any state. The NCDC has important establishments, diversifica-
reportedly asked state authorities to send all Covid- tion of trade and commerce, rise in
positive samples from Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Banga- population, and expansion of housing,
lore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune businesses and industries continue to
for genome sequencing. This will determine whether take place in the city every day. As an
Omicron is already circulating in these cities. Accord- adverse effect of this "industrialisa-
tion," which is being done without fol-
ing to the health ministry’s prognosis, one of the
lowing proper rules and regulations,
major epidemiological issues at this stage is whether the city and its residents have been
Omicron is already in the stage of community trans- suffering from excessive pollution for a
mission in the large metropolitan cities. And the

long time. The air of Chattogram is
sequencing will help the government to monitor the he fiftieth anniversary of to face while steering the nation unfolds! The tender side of Islam's now thick with dust and smoke. The
feared community transmission of Omicron. Misgiv- the independence of through, and his grateful remem- But life was not easy. As he personality gets reflected in his increased presence of toxic particles
ings that there are early signs of Omicron circulating Bangladesh is being cele- brance of people, including from reminisces, “The Governement fond remembrances of people in the air has led to a spike in various
unnoticed in the community are not wholly unfound- brated all over. Numer- India, who had left a deep imp- coffer was empty, the foreign ex- who mattered the most in his life. diseases ~ particularly respiratory
ed. The praxis of physicians will hopefully determine ous books and articles have been ress on his mind. Also, about the change reserve was zero (except Other than his close family mem- problems like asthma. The quality of
published by scholars and practi- role of providence in human life. for US $5 million deposited by bers including his mother [My air in an area or a region depends on
the finding. There has been an increase in the number tioners from India, Bangladesh Islam met Sheikh Mujib for the Government of India with the Gateway To Heaven], he recalls, the amount of fine dust ~ particulate
of Omicron patients with no history of international and even Pakistan. On the Indian the first time in 1957, when he RBI, in the name of Bangladesh among others, Dr S R Sen, the matter ~ in it. The amount of particu-
travel or contacts with “known cases”. side, books by former ambas- was in Harvard pursuing a mas- Government) and all foreign noted economist. late matter is measured in micrograms
As many as 222 Omicron cases had been docu- sador Chandrashekhar Dasgup- ters’ degree in public administra- exchange earnings arising out of About his mother, “She was per cubic metre or parts per million
mented in India till Wednesday. The potential source ta India and the Bangladesh Lib- tion and Mujib, having resigned exports from the then East Pak- like an island of peace and an (ppm). The Air Quality Index (AQI) is
of infection is as yet unknown. Suffice it to register eration War ( Juggernaut, 2021) as a minister in order to devote istan until 16 December 1971 oasis of hope and love. At the age measured based on the presence of
that there are 30 in Delhi, eight in Maharashtra, six in and retired colonel G S Batabyal time for party work, went to the were pre-empted by the Govern- of 16, I left home for Calcutta for PM2.5 and PM10 (PM2.5 means parti-
Telangana, five in Karnataka, four in Kerala and three Politico-Military Strategy of the US under a leadership progra- ment of Pakistan... The cost of higher studies but never missed cles are 2.5 micrometres in diameter
each in Gujarat and Jammu and Kashmir. Citywise Bangladesh Liberation War, mme and was admitted to Bos- running the Government had to the opportunity to come to
1971(Routledge, 2020), among ton General Hospital for surgery. be met without the benefit of a Barisal to be with her. The hard-
sequencing can help detect Omission transmission
others, analyse the history and This marked the beginning of an budget, new departments and ship of the journey, the sleepless
in the community. This will enable the health author- experience of India's political, association that continued till the ministries created, foreign mis- night in the steamer from Khulna and smaller, and PM10 means they are
ities to undertake preventive and containment mea- diplomatic and military actions. latter's brutal assassination in sions opened...” The list is end- to Barisal, was all forgotten the 10 micrometres and smaller), as well
sures before any large outbreak. This, in the reckoning Noted authorities from Bangla- 1975. Islam describes lovingly, less, including the need to de- moment I reached home to my as the presence of pollutants like sul-
of the sequencing laboratories, is a “good step”. The desh like Junaid K. Ahmad and but with the impartiality of a sea- monetise Pakistani currency mother...” phur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
average counts of new cases each day are said to be Ishrat Husain, in their articles, soned bureaucrat, the sterling notes in circulation! Islam shows an amazing nitrogen dioxide. The higher the AQI
low enough to “sequence all samples found positive”. focused on the course of socio- qualities of the Bangabandhu In layman's language, Islam facility in dealing with complex score of a city is, the worse its air qual-
The sequencing effort that has been proposed will economic regeneration in Bang- whom he first saw in Calcutta in chronicles the process of bring- issues like ‘Realities of Division ity. Air with the AQI score above 100 is
necessitate a streamlined supply of samples to labs. ladesh, especially during the last 1946. Islam went to Calcutta to ing the economy back to the rails, of Assets between Pakistan and "mildly harmful," while air with AQI
Apart from coordinated distribution of samples for few decades, that is now being begin his college under the guidance Bangladesh’ as with emotional score above 150 is "unhealthy," above
globally acknowledged. From education when of enlightened and ones like his last meeting with 200 is "very unhealthy," and above 300
sequencing, funds and technical staff might be need- Pakistan, one reads accounts of Mujib was a final pragmatic leaders Sheikh Mujib. is "extremely unhealthy."
ed to scale up the process. India’s overall epidemic how the discredited defence per- year student in like Sheikh Mujib The seamless manner in Typically, the tolerable level of
load has declined since the country’s first case of Omi- sonnel were treated and how the Islamia College. and Finance Minis- which the official matters and the dust per cubic metre of air is 150 mic-
cron was detected in Bangalore on 22 November, but country is yet to come to terms Briefly, Islam also ter Tajuddin Ahm- personal issues are discussed, as rograms. But data from the Depart-
there has been a rise in new infections in December in with the debacle. narrates what he ed. Islam's story of also the warmth and empathy ment of Environment (DoE) shows
Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. Several In this context, a book Recol- witnessed on Direct those heady and the book exudes combine to that as of November this year, the am-
clusters have been surveyed in various states, but lections of a Civil Servant-Turned Action Day, 16 difficult days, in- make it a delectable read. There ount of dust in the air of different parts
these have not been linked to Omicron. Once the Banker (Pathak Shamabesh Ban- August 1946. With cluding 'An Eyewit- are beautiful, some historically in Chattogram city averages more than
case-count exceeds the threshold number, risk of an gladesh, Dhaka, 2019) by Md. life turning uncer- ness Account of significant, photographs too. At 300 micrograms. There was a time
Omicron-fuelled wave are frightfully real and it is this Matiul Islam, a distinguished tain, he left Calcut- Indira-Mujib Talks around ninety and still active in when the haze of dust was visible only
bureaucrat who spent seventeen ta after the an- AMITABHA on Bilateral Issues, Dhaka as the Chairman of a in the big streets, but now dust-filled
risk that is sought to be addressed. years in the Civil Service of Pak- nouncement of BHATTACHARYA February, 1972', prominent financial institution, air can be found in the alleys as well.
istan, two years in the private partition. Being sel- The writer is a retired provides a nuanced Islam is among the last surviving The air is so polluted that it is some-

Easing of sanctions sector there, six years in the Gov-

ernment of Bangladesh (being its
ected to the Civil
Service of Pakistan
IAS officer perspective of these
historical events,
members of the old guard who
had been instrumental in the
times difficult to tell the difference be-
tween dust and fog during the winter

first Finance Secretary) and six- in 1952 (qualifying simultane- interspersed with humorous inci- momentous transformation of season. School-going students and pe-
he US sanctions, that have had a crippling effect teen years thereafter in the World ously as a chartered accountant), dents. Heroes of the war for free- their motherland. destrians suffer the most. It is so bad
on the Taliban government in Afghanistan, are Bank and the UNIDO, deserves he had his run of usual postings, dom are rightly remembered, but On the killings of Ahmadias that the leaves of trees on the side of
set to be eased with Washington’s Treasury special mention. I met this gen- having worked as a District Mag- rarely are those who worked in 1952 at Lahore, Sheikh Mujib the roads look grey because they are
department on Wednesday issuing what they call tleman in 1990 when he was istrate of Chittagong and for a behind the scenes in developing observed: “I know at least this covered in dust. The most dangerous
“new general licences’’. This theoretically will make it serving as the Country Director long spell in the Department of a free nation. much that no one shall be mur- particle is PM2.5. It not only causes
easier for non-government organizations, interna- of UNIDO in Delhi and I joined Finance in East Pakistan. In 1957, While Islam's respect for dered because he holds views dif- haze, but it also affects temperature.
the UNDP office, on secondment Sheikh Mujib, as a young minis- Sheikh Mujib is understandable, ferent from mine. That certainly According to the available data, 65
tional aid groups and the US government to provide
from the IAS. ter, had set up the Film Develop- his account of the post-Mujib era was not what Islam taught and percent of the polluting substance in
relief to the Afghan people in general. Economic pres- Islam's book is a collection ment Corporation on behalf of under Ziaur Rahman, especially such an action was tantamount Chattogram's air is dust. Environmen-
sure on the Taliban will be maintained, however. It is of essays, some published and a which Islam later came to Calcu- in development of the private to a crime in the religion.” talists say that dust pollution is
open to question how the Biden administration will few unpublished, divided into tta to import twelve Bengali sector, also deserves notice. Ziaur While returning from their exceeding the pollution caused by
maintain a deft balance between the two. The people eight parts, that broadly covers films. He met Satyajit Ray, and was assassinated by his own first visit to the USSR, “I was brick fields. Dust pollution is mostly
of the country, more than the rulers in Kabul surely, his personal life and career tra- the maximum price was paid for army colleagues in Chittagong. summoned by the Prime Minis- caused by development work ~ espe-
need assistance as their country countenances a tor- jectory. Though not written in the Apur Sansar ~ Rs 25,000! When rumours were rife that ter in the VIP cabin. The Prime cially during the dry season. The
pid economy. Notably, America is the largest single style of a memoir, the parts After the problem started in General Ershad was planning a Minister made a very unusual authorities overseeing the develop-
provider of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. somehow fall into place and cre- 1969 with Yahya Khan imposing coup and that Islam was likely to request. He asked me to sing a ment work do not adhere to the rules
“We are committed to supporting the people of ate a narrative that is rich in de- Martial Law and ousting Presi- be made Finance Minister, he left Tagore song for him. With the set to control pollution ~ i.e. sprinkling
tail and compelling to read. It tra- dent Ayub Khan, Islam faced the for Vienna to join the UNIDO. noise made by the four engines water regularly, for one.
Afghanistan, which is why the Treasury department is ces the turns in his evolution as a worst humiliation for a civil ser- The book contains interest- as the background music, I did
taking these additional steps to facilitate assistance,” multi-dimensional person who, vant, on trumped up charges, ing snippets from Islam's stint as my best to carry out the com-
was the raison d’etre proffered by Wally Adeyemo, the IN MEMORIAM
despite achieving a great deal as that virtually ended his career in Alternate Executive Director of mand of a great man...”
deputy Treasury secretary. The United States does not an administrator, retained good- Pakistan government. the World Bank during 1973-77, During a visit to Dhaka,
recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government ness of heart and simplicity of The forced retirement when including encounters with its while serving with the World BANIK SUNIL BHUSAN — In the
of Afghanistan. In the aftermath of the militant outfit’s spirit. More than that, the book he was still in his thirties made President, Robert McNamara. Bank, Islam called on Sheikh loving memory, who left us this day
takeover of the country in August, the Biden adminis- throws important insights into him work for the private sector Islam's long tenure at the Finan- Mujib on 7 August 1975, to take on 1997. — Debasis, Suvashis, Rina,
tration froze $9.5 billion of Afghanistan’s foreign the working of the higher burea- for two years. Interestingly, a day ce and Industry departments and leave of him. What the Prime Ila (wife), Ranjeeta (daughter-in-law).
reserves, stopped sending shipments of dollars to the ucracy in Pakistan and Bangla- after Bangabandhu was sworn- his qualification as a chartered Minister said in parting shocked
desh, the enormity of problems in, Islam was appointed as the accountant equipped him to play him, “Come to my Janaza”. He CHAKRABARTI PURABI — In fond
embattled country’s central bank, and even exerted
that as a trusted lieutenant of Finance Secretary of the new an important role as a banker in was assassinated eight days later. remembrance on her 96th birthday
pressure on the IMF to delay plans to transmit emer- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman he had Government. This is how destiny his later life. Did he have a premonition? today. — Relatives, friends.
gency reserve funds to the country. The humanitarian
crisis has placed the Biden administration on the
defensive three months after the Taliban assumed
power and US boots on the ground left the country. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Sanctions can have a crippling effect; but such curbs
can scarcely dislodge a government; Iran still makes
do with an administration seemingly committed to Boric should show the way witness two different dispensa-
nuclear proliferation. In Afghanistan, the economic According to the United
SIR, This refers to your editorial the presidency. Nations, one per cent of the popu- SIR, Apropos the Election Amendment bill 2021 which seeks to link
crisis has been compounded by the pandemic, a “Chile turns Left” ( 22 December). About Chile, one remembers lation owns 25 per cent of the Aadhaar details with the voter card to identify bogus voters, the argu-
severe drought, the loss of foreign aid and frozen cur- The Latin American country, Chile, the last liberal President and Marx- country’s wealth, reflecting high ment does not hold good as votes are cast by citizens while Aadhaar is
rency reserves. has created history by electing ist Salvadore Allende who was income gaps. President Boric has not proof of citizenship but of residentship.
It becomes imperative, therefore, for the Taliban Gabriel Boric of the Social Conver- overthrown in a coup and commit- the responsibility to expand eco- Moreover, Aadhaar is not free from wrong enrolment issues, so
government to enhance its acceptability. An unrec- gence defeating Jose Antonio Kast ted suicide. nomic and social rights of the vast how would you identify bogus voters? It also fails test of proportional-
ognized dispensation cannot readily expect assistance of the Republican Party by a com- Then came President Augusto populace and render justice and ity where not giving valid reasons for delinking Aadhaar details with
from the comity of nations or even a section thereof. fortable majority. Pinochet who ruled till 1990; semblance of equality and stability. voter ID card might lead to disenfranchisement. It would cause incon-
In other words, it must of necessity meaningfully join The 35-year-old Boric is a stu- reports said about 3000 people Outgoing President Sebastian Pin- venience to valid voters who are unable to present their Aadhaar
dent activist and has now joined were either murdered or disap- era has said that Boric will deliver details. The continuous threat of misuse of data is always there.
the global order if it seeks a helping hand. Just as the
young leaders in about eight coun- peared during the iron-fisted the best of himself and his defeat- Such bills need more debate, not fast and furious enactment by
economic crisis is a matter humanitarian concern, so tries, including France. Boric regime of the dictator. Chile is the ed rival has extended his good mocking the legislative mechanism. There are other ways of ensuring
too must be the attitude towards its people, most par- deserves all good luck in handling first country in Latin America to wishes. fair elections with authentic votes using, for instance, block chain
ticularly women and children. Children, including Boric must stand for all technology used in the elections of Sierra Leone in 2018.
girls, reserve the right to be educated and not suffer Chileans and fulfill expectations of Yours, etc., Taruna, Mukerian, 22 December.
the fate of Malala Yousufzai a few years ago. A decid- the youth. Though the broad front
edly more liberal attitude must influence the hard- “Approve Dignity” has commu-
liners’ dealings with people, especially women. For nists, it may be prudent to go for a pathetic first due to the pandemic of being upholders of radical ideas,
far too long have women led a cloistered existence, social democratic experiment in and secondly, the impact of dep- human values and dignity, which
especially in Afghanistan. The cloister and the hearth Chile, by giving people freedom ression on the democratic space we have lost with the advent of
and challenging inequality. Boric largely due to triumph of conserv- meaningless narratives imposed
are equally antediluvian in this day and age. Women has pledged to fight the ongoing ative ideas. There is pain every- by regimes. President-elect Boric
do deserve the right to work, if not drive to the place Covid pandemic. where and in everybody. But the must not miss the opportunity to
of employment. The Taliban should not expect the Results of the election in Chile youth is evergreen, vibrant, and bring on centre stage lost values of
world’s sympathy if it is unable to accommodate its will definitely enthuse Latin Amer- the only force that wants to change equality, freedom, fraternity and
concerns. At the same time, it must know that sac- ican people and all progressive the world for a better life on earth. justice.
charine assurances alone will not work; after all, the forces the world over. Today, the As an optimist, my feeling is Yours, etc., Parthasarathy Sen,
outfit has a brutal record to address. situation all over the globe appears that the youth will fulfill the task New Delhi, 22 December.
50-year-old memories

The Indian National Congress is meeting
at Ahmedabad under a sentence of death.
SITARAM SHARMA mood and seemed in no hurry. Shar- lishing a photograph of a receipt by The expression is not ours, but that of Mr.
da Prasad was also present. I remem- the Eastern Pakistan Rifles acknowl- Gandhi, who, writing in Young India last

ven as Indira Gandhi was try- ber asking her, ‘How do you propose edging our material, in Jan Sansar. June, took pains to impress upon his fol-
ing to get a hold on domestic to implement your progressive and I was also a member of the first lowers the vital necessity of obtaining
matters, across the borders in socialist programmes with a bureau- press party to visit the border after Swaraj by the end of the year. Certain pas-
Pakistan, a major crisis was cracy so deeply entrenched against the liberation of Bangladesh. Escort- sages in this pronouncement are certainly
brewing. In December 1970, Pakistan such policies?’ She gave a very ed by the Eastern Command, we left prophetic. "My sanguine temperament,"
held its first general election based straightforward and direct answer, ‘All Calcutta early on 19 December, three he wrote, "cannot visualise Swaraj by
on adult franchise. In West Pakistan, will have to change and will change. days after the surrender of the Pak- August 1, next." The event has so far justi-
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s For this I need your support.’ She was istani forces. Our first stop was the fied Mr. Gandhi's presentiment, or, as he
Party dominated. In the east, it was obviously disappointed with big Jessore cantonment where 93,000 prefers to call it, his temperament. He
the National Awami League, led by newspapers and wanted to encour- Pakistani prisoners of war were went on, however, to make certain defi-
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Yahya age the small ones. detained. I remember they were eat- nite, if sweeping statements, one of which,
Khan, who succeeded Ayub Khan as Subinoy Das, a press photogra- ing bananas and listening to transis- as already remarked, affects the very life
President and martial law adminis- pher friend who was with us, wanted tors. We also went to the Khulna port, and continuance of the Indian National
trator, had expected that Bhutto to be photographed with her. She which had been devastated by the Congress. "By strenuous efforts," he pro-
would win the elections and that he agreed, saying, ‘Normally I have a Indian navy. On the way we saw ceeded, "it is certainly possible to estab-
would continue as President. The photograph with pressmen once a many bodies of Pakistani soldiers. lish Swaraj on the first day of October
results were a shock to both Yahya year on my birthday but let it be.’ She Passing by were vehicles carrying next. It must be death to Congress if it
Khan and Bhutto. In West Pakistan, then enquired who would take the Indian soldiers being wildly cheered can't be established on or before the end
the PPP won 68 out of 144 seats while photograph and I offered to do the by the Bangladeshis. I also saw local of December." The "Ideas of March," so
in East Pakistan, which had a much honours. Subinoy, a very old friend, people carrying the heads of Pakista- to say, are now very near at hand, but
larger population, the National preserves the photograph with great nis on rickshaws. We got ourselves Swaraj seems as distant as ever. What is
Awami League won 167 out of 169 pride. All this was taking place while photographed atop a T-72 Indian the inevitable inference? Mr. Gandhi's
seats. she was actually internalizing the tank that was the mainstay of India’s prophecy in June that Swaraj would not
East Pakistan had always been news that India was under military artillery in the Indo-Pak war of 1971. be attained by August 1 has been fulfilled
treated as a colony by the western attack from Pakistan. I have often It was an unforgettable journey to the letter. Are we to assume that he was
part of the country. For both Bhutto wondered with amazement about the and brings back many memories. less inspired when he predicted the down-
and Yahya, the prospect of a Bengali, ability of the lady to deal with such a Jiban Banerjee of the Bengali daily fall of Congress taking place, in default of
Mujibur Rahman, dominating Pak- grave situation with such equanimity, Satyajug was with us as we walked the attainment of Swaraj within one week
istan was unthinkable. Attempts to as she posed for a group photograph the streets of Jessore, which were full from today?
work out a settlement acceptable to Writer first on extreme left Atop T 72 Tank near Jessore with us. Indira Gandhi flew back that of enthusiastic, cheering crowds
West Pakistan were made but Mujib Cantonment as member of first press party night. The Pakistan air force was air- shouting, ‘Sikh Sena Zindabad’ (Long NEWS ITEMS
was not willing to submit. The repres- borne and there was a danger that live the soldiers; the Sikh regiment of
sion that was then unleashed on the
people of East Pakistan is well known.
the Bay of Bengal. India’s response
was quick. On 17 August 1971, the
I recall a story of Indira Gandhi
and the war, of which I was a silent
the Prime Minister’s plane, if identi-
fied, could be shot down. It is report-
the Indian army had been deployed
there); ‘Joy Bangla’ and ‘Joy Mukti TELEPHOTOS OF
Following genocide, no less than 10
million refugees crossed the border
Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friend-
ship and Cooperation was signed. On
observer. I was a member of a delega-
tion of the Small Newspapers Asso-
ed that on landing she told her secre-
tary P.N. Dhar that she had not been
Bahini’. On the day of victory, 16
December, Calcutta went berserk MOUNT EVEREST
to seek shelter in India. The majority 3 December, Pakistan made a pre- ciation, which had an appointment sure of reaching Delhi. with jubilation. Shouts of ‘Joy Bangla’ Sir Francis Younghusband, lecturing at the
was Hindu but there were quite a few emptive strike on India’s air bases in with the Prime Minister in the The report of our meeting was filled the air, throughout the night. Forum Club, showed telephotographs of
Muslims, because all Bengali Mus- an unsuccessful attempt to cripple evening of 3 December 1971 at Raj published in Pupul Jayakar’s 1992 Huge processions came out on the Mount Everest at distances ranging up to
lims, especially the intellectuals, stu- India’s defence capability. The Indi- Bhawan in Calcutta. West Bengal gov- biography of Indira Gandhi: ‘Indira street, disregarding the black-out. 100 miles, and said only a handful of the
dents and those in the Bengali media an army, having tasted the bitter fruit ernor Shanti Swarup Dhawan, a for- was in Calcutta at the time. She had The sight of unknown people con- youngest and most fit of the climbers in
were special targets of attack. They of defeat at the hands of the Chinese mer judge of the Allahabad High addressed a public meeting in the gratulating and embracing each other the 1922 Expedition would scale the last
sought shelter in West Bengal, Tripura and learnt its lesson, was able to trap Court, was briefing us on what points evening and was later on present at a is etched in the memory. 2,500 feet of the summit, and they would
and Meghalaya. The number of those the bulk of the Pakistani forces in needed to be mentioned when we gathering of writers, artists and liter- It is often said that victory does return the same day in consequence of
killed ran into thousands. Bangladesh and force them to sur- met the Prime Minister. Governor ary personalities. Frantic efforts were not spare the victor. Hardly a year had the risky altitude. He said Mr. Mallory, of
The cost of providing shelter and render. On 16 December, the Pak- Dhawan was a progressive person made to contact her. It took two passed since the war victory and the the recent expedition, had opened out a
food to these refugees was a burden istani forces surrendered in Dhaka to and sympathetic to our cause and hours to locate the Prime Minister triumph of the Congress in the 1971 nasty little bit at the top, but at present
that the Indian economy could ill Lt General Jagjit Singh Arora, Com- would have continued talking had and give her the message. Her polls - including in West Bengal – the difficulties were not insuperable, as
afford to bear. Resistance to the Pak- mander-in-Chief of the Eastern Com- not Indira Gandhi’s press adviser, H.Y. demeanor did not alter and she did before widespread social and eco- the surface was probably thick ice into
istan army and its local auxiliaries, mand. Sharda Prasad, called us in. During not immediately react or end the nomic discontent rapidly engulfed which a clamp could be driven. The
the Razzakars, started with units of Bangladesh, a new state, was our meeting with the Prime Minister, meeting.’ the country. Before examining the recent expedition found that the mon-
the East Pakistani army deserting and born. Indira Gandhi’s handling of the a slip was passed to her. She read it, I was involved, albeit in a small consequences of that discontent, it is soon clouds stopped altogether at a cer-
forming the core of a Mukti Bahini situation and her courage in taking did not react, and continued in her way, with the post-war rehabilitation necessary to understand the extent tain line, after which there was beautiful
(liberation army). Disturbed by these on Pakistan, despite threats from the affable style. We later learnt that the effort. Along with some friends, I had of the victory scored by Indira Gandhi sunshine. Sir Francis Younghusband
developments, US President Richard US and China, were hailed by her note contained the news that Pak- gone to the Indo-East Pakistan border in the elections. Without this massive anticipated that the difficulty of obtain-
Nixon dispatched his secretary of own party and the opposition alike. istan had started a war by attacking at Benapole on two occasions by victory she could not have had the ing coolies could be overcome.
state, Henry Kissinger, to Beijing to Within her own party there was effu- five of India’s main air bases! local train from the Sealdah station, confidence to take the bold decision
formally establish relations with
China. The US-Pakistan-China trian-
sive praise for the Prime Minister and
even Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the senior
Before we went in to meet her,
we were warned that the Prime Min-
to hand over support materials to the
Eastern Pakistan Rifles soldiers or the
that she did over aiding the dismem-
berment of Pakistan and the forma- BENGAL CHAMBER
gular axis was emerging as a threat to
most leader of the opposition party,
the Bharatiya Jan Sangh and a Rajya
ister had only a few minutes for us.
As soon as the introductions were
Mukti Bahini, as it was known. I met
senior journalist Barun Sengupta at
tion of Bangladesh.
To make the threat even more
explicit, the US government dis-
Sabha member, spoke of her as
‘Durga’, the all-conquering goddess
over she asked, ‘If you do not mind,
can I sit in a relaxed manner?’ She
Benapole, whose dispatches from the
border in the Ananda Bazar Patrika
These are edited excerpts from ‘West Bengal:
Changing Colours, Changing Challenges’ by
Sitaram Sharma published by Rupa
patched a nuclear aircraft carrier to of Hindu mythology. was in a very relaxed and friendly were very popular. I remember pub- Publication, New Delhi. The second general meeting of the mem-
bers of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce
Trust will be held at the office of the

Omicron may be last variant of concern

Chamber, Royal Exchange, Calcutta, on
Friday, to receive the report of the Com-
mittee of Management for the past year.
The Bengal Chamber of Commerce Trust
BEN KRISHNA can stick to the outside of cells. Other allowing waves of reinfection. was founded by Mr. Shirley Tremearne
factors will limit virus spread, such as We might have Covid season each who made over to the Chamber the sum

t is controversial whether viruses how fast the genome can replicate, winter in the same way we have flu of one lakh of rupees with which to estab-
are alive, but – like all living how quickly the virus can enter the season now. Influenza viruses can also lish it. Mr. Tremearne hoped that ulti-
things – they do evolve. This fact cell via the protein TMPRSS2, and have a similar pattern of mutation mately there would be created a large
has become abundantly clear how much virus an infected human over time, known as “antigenic drift”, trust fund for the benefit of the European
during the pandemic, as new variants can shed. In principle, all of these leading to reinfections. Each year’s British members of the Chamber. The
of concern have emerged every few should eventually evolve to peak per- new flu viruses are not necessarily bet- Trust might, he thought, follow more or
months. formance. ter than last year’s, just sufficiently dif- less the lines of the Funds of the Livery
Some of these variants have Has omicron reached this peak? ferent. Perhaps the best evidence for Companies of the City of London. It
been better at spreading from person There is no good reason to assume this eventuality for SARS-CoV-2 is that would consist, that is to say, of sums of
to person, eventually becoming dom- that it has. So-called “gain-of-func- 229E, a coronavirus that causes the money given by the wealthier members
inant as they out-compete slower tion” studies, which look at what common cold, does this already. of the Chamber.
versions of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that mutations SARS-CoV-2 needs to handle the human immune system. as to previous variants, which aligns Omicron will therefore not be
causes Covid-19. This improved
spreading ability has been ascribed
spread more efficiently, have identi-
fied plenty of mutations that improve
After infection with any virus, the
immune system adapts by making
with the observation that omicron
has a lower fatality rate in South
the final variant, but it may be the
final variant of concern. If we are GERMANY
to mutations in the spike protein –
the mushroom-shaped projections
the spike protein’s ability to bind to
human cells that omicron doesn’t
antibodies that stick to the virus to
neutralise it, and killer T-cells that
Africa, where most people have
lucky, and the course of this pandem-
ic is hard to predict, SARS-CoV-2 will MUST PAY
on the surface of the virus – that allow have. Besides this, improvements destroy infected cells. Antibodies are Importantly for humanity, past probably become an endemic virus After the final meeting of the French and
it to bind more strongly to ACE2 could be made to other aspects of the pieces of protein that stick to the spe- exposure still seems to protect that slowly mutates over time. British Premiers this morning, M. Briand
receptors. ACE2 are receptors on the virus life cycle, such as genome repli- cific molecular shape of the virus, against severe disease and death, The disease might very likely be stated that agreement had been reached
surface of our cells, such as those that cation, as I mentioned above. and killer T-cells recognise infected leaving us with a “compromise” mild as some past exposure creates on practically all points. It is understood
line our airways, that the virus But let’s assume for a second that cells via molecular shape as well. where the virus can replicate and immunity that reduces the likelihood that whatever ideas were entertained in
attaches to in order to gain entry and omicron is the variant with max- SARS-CoV-2 can therefore evade the reinfect, but we do not get as severely of hospitalisation and death. Most responsible quarters regarding the even-
start replicating. imised spreading ability. Perhaps immune system by mutating suffi- sick as the first time. people will get infected the first time tual summoning of a European financial
These mutations allowed the omicron won’t get any better because ciently that its molecular shape Herein lies the most probable as a child, which could occur before conference, which would include Ger-
alpha variant, and then the delta vari- it is limited by genetic probability. In changes beyond the immune sys- future for this virus. Even if it behaves or after a vaccine, and subsequent many and Russia, they have now been
ant, to become globally dominant. the same way that zebras haven’t tem’s recognition. like a professional gamer and eventu- reinfections will barely be noticed. definitely abandoned. The Cannes meet-
And scientists expect the same thing evolved eyes at the back of their This is why omicron is so appar- ally maxes out all its stats, there is no Only a small group of scientists will ing will pay close attention to the eco-
to happen with omicron. heads to avoid predators, it’s plausi- ently successful at infecting people reason to think that it won’t be con- track SARS-CoV-2’s genetic changes nomic restoration of Europe, and there-
The virus cannot, however, ble that SARS-CoV-2 can’t pick up the with previous immunity, either from trolled and cleared by the immune over time, and the variants of con- fore a separate conference is deemed
improve indefinitely. The laws of bio- mutations required to reach a theo- vaccines or infections with other vari- system. The mutations that improve cern will become a thing of the past – unnecessary. Moreover, Germany and
chemistry mean that the virus will retical maximum as those mutations ants – the mutations that allow the its spreading ability do not greatly at least until the next virus jumps the Russia may be consulted diplomatically
eventually evolve a spike protein that need to occur all at once, and that is spike to bind to ACE2 more strongly increase deaths. This maxed-out virus species barrier. as occasion requires, while the American
binds to ACE2 as strongly as possible. just too unlikely to emerge. Even in a also reduce the ability of antibodies would then simply mutate randomly, ambassador, Mr. Harvey, attends officially
By that point, the ability of SARS- scenario where omicron is the best to bind to the virus and neutralise it. changing enough over time to The writer is Postdoctoral Researcher, with a watching brief. A Havas message
Immunology and Virology, University of
CoV-2 to spread between people will variant at spreading between Pfizer’s data suggests that T-cells become unrecognisable to the Cambridge. This article was published on from Paris says that France, Britain and
not be limited by how well the virus humans, new variants will emerge to should respond similarly to omicron immune system’s adapted defences, Italy only are to be represented at the
Cannes conference.
ACROSS 18 More substantial DOWN husband about
1 Moved by (hearing)
volume? More rapid, 1 Vehicle I’d taken
daughter – split’s As a result of the ballot held on December
but not loud (6) improvident (11)
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION SOLUTION FOR 18 DECEMBER 18 15, (one who) 10 round river, upset 13 Excellent account, 21, twenty non-official resolutions have
19 No power in
23 (takes in) 6 17 –
profundity – one
female figure (8) with documentation, been set down for discussion in the Leg-
now? (9,3) 2 Woman pursuing
instead makes expensive cars has to
about movement – islative Assembly on January 19. Nine of
7 Timely song about a vinegary stuff (6,4)
lot of cake (5)
conclusion (5) move on wheels (6-5) 16 Doctor keeping Gloria these resolutions including one by Mr.
22 Zero money 3 Errors student has Seshagiri Iyer, relate to the present unrest
8 Staff claim changes, under treatment,
restricting University avoided in small
in disputatious style
lecturer’s wealth (8) quantities (4)
making a bloomer (8) and suggest a round table conference. Rai
(9) 17 Topics? The writer is
23 Belief is held by the 4 Filmier oil would ruin engaged in most of Sahib Lakshimi Naryan Lal will move for
10 Requires river to pass
through grottoes (6)
opposition? (6) coloured glass (10) the current ones (6) the appointment of a committee to exam-
25 A new church in a 5 A lot of rubbish
11 Backtracking, English picked up in total (3)
20 Furniture item up to ine sections 124A, 153A and 500 of the
valley – location of now reduced (4)
are ready to
mountain tragedy? 6 Endless sin, in that 21 Junior sky pilot Indian Penal Code, and Section 108 of the
impound small, small degree, will engage initially up aboard old Criminal Procedure Code, and to repot in
(9) Rector and other
pieces (8)
14 Washer programme,
27 British actor is ministers (6)
plane (6) what manner these sections should be
keeping working 24 List players
with movable energy 7 Reserve right in supported by United amended so that the rights of the State
after bit of resting company for a
control (5)
(5) (4) and the public or any section or member
15 Agrees those French philosopher (6)
28 Came up about 9 City day out? This is
26 Everything unknown thereof may be safeguarded against abuse
may imprison that disregarded by
man (6)
promotion that’s the worst part (4) supporter (3) of their power by journalists, while at the
simply balanced (4-8) 12 Tired out with same time protection is afforded to the
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) latter against unwarrantable by executive
India has made unprecedented progress in various
domains of technology.


EESL to install 1.6 cr more

Global risk-on sentiment buoys No confidence in govt’s
ability to fathom new crypto
indices; PSU banks' stocks rises
'smart LED' streetlights:
The state-run Energy Effi-
ciency Services Ltd (EESL)is order: Ex-Fin Secy Garg
targeting to install an addi-
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE day. It was also deferred during
Both the indices opened with an upgap and rose for the third consecutive session
tional 1.6 crore 'smart LED'
streetlights across the NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER the Budget Session of Parliament
nation by 2024. The EESL's in February this year.
Streetlight National Pro- INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE According to Gaurav Garg, strong retail participation and With the government once Garg, a pioneer in formu-
gramme (SLNP) was primar- MUMBAI, 23 DECEMBER Head of Research, CapitalVia huge listing gains were the key again failing to table the (much- lating policies around crypto,
Global Research: "Domestic highlights, according to Pranav expected) Cryptocurrency and headed the inter-ministerial

ily rolled out into municipal-
ities or urban local bodies ositive global cues Sentiments are impacted as Haldea, Managing Director, Regulation of Official Digital Cur- committee (IMC) that drafted
of the country with an along with rising risk the risk sentiment improved Prime Database Group. rency Bill, 2021, in the Winter the cryptocurrency bill entitled
objective to install LED taking sentiment globally after a study showed Overall public equity Session of Parliament, former "Banning of Cryptocurrency
lights. IANS buoyed India's key hospital stay risk for the Omi- fundraising crossed the Rs 2 Finance Secretary Subhash and Regulation of Official Dig-
equity indices -- S&P BSE cron variant of Covid-19 is lakh crore mark to reach Rs Chandra Garg said on Thurs- ital Currency Bill, 2019".
Sensex and NSE Nifty50 -- dur- lower than the Delta strain." 2.02 lakh crore in calendar 2021 day that he had no confidence According to him, the gov-
Bajaj Capital: Bajaj Capital, ing Thursday's late-hour trade "Among sectors, Realty which was higher than the pre- in the ability of government to ernment has been buffeted by
one of the investment ser- session. and PSU banks up 2 per cent vious highest amount of Rs figure out the complexities of two forces in this matter.
vices company in India with Initially, both the indices each while bank, financial 1.76 lakh crore in the preceding this new crypto phenomenon. First, "the Reserve Bank of
pan-India presence in more opened with an upgap and rose services and FMCG up by 1 per year. "I expressed serious doubts India (RBI), believing that cryp-
than 100 cities, organised a for the third consecutive ses- cent each." The overall response from when the government had to-technology and businesses
Next Generation Talk-show sion. IPO fund raising all-time high: the public was very good. Of expressed its intent to present are only in the currency busi-
titled 'The FINtastic Talks' in Globally, Asian shares were Sixty three Indian corporates the 59 IPOs for which data is the bill, about the introduction ness, has been constantly ham-
New Delhi. Bajaj Capital modestly higher on Thursday Wednesday's session. tinue to be lower than normal raised an all-time high Rs available as of now, 36 IPOs of the crypto-assets/curren- mering the government to ban
chairman & MD Sanjiv Bajaj after stocks advanced on Wall Consequently, at 3.15 p.m., due to holiday mood. Advance 1.18 lakh crore through main received a mega response of cies bill in the Winter Session the crypto-currencies and statu-
hosted the event giving the Street with encouraging reports the S&P BSE Sensex traded at decline ratio remains positive," board IPOs in calendar 2021. more than 10 times (of which of Parliament. I am, therefore, torily empower RBI to issue dig-
business leaders of the about the potential impact of 57,368.79 points, up 0.77 per said Deepak Jasani, Head of This was nearly 4.5 times 6 IPOs more than 100 times) not surprised to see the present ital bank-notes," said Garg.
financial services industry the Omicron variant of coro- cent from its previous close. Retail Research, HDFC Secu- Rs 26,613 crore raised through while 8 IPOs were oversub- situation where there is zero clar- "The crypto-currency
and other successful advi- navirus and stronger US eco- Similarly, the broader 50- rities. 15 IPOs in 2020 and almost scribed by more than 3 times. ity over what is the Bill," Garg exchanges, applying the force
sors a platform to exchange nomic data. scrip Nifty at the National "Among sectors, Realty, double of the previous best year The balance 15 IPOs were said. from the other side, want the
their experience, views and Similarly, European stock Stock Exchange (NSE) rose to Oil & Gas, Power and FMCG 2017 in which Rs 68,827 crore oversubscribed between 1 to This was the second time that government to treat crypto-
vision on how to take the markets had a higher but fair- 17,085.45 points, up 0.77 per have gained the most while was raised. 3 times. The year witnessed the Crypto Bill 2021 was listed currencies as assets and statu-
industry to higher levels in ly cautious opening on Thurs- cent from its previous close. Telecom and Metals have lost IPOs from new age loss- tremendous response from on the Parliament's agenda torily create a regulatory mech-
the coming years. SNS day, building on gains late in "Volumes on the NSE con- the most." making technology startups, retail investors as well. but did not see the light of the anism for the same," he added.

India & Australia decide Petroleum Sector earned huge revenue even during pandemic
MediBuddy: MediBuddy,
one of the largest digital
healthcare platforms,

to conclude CECA soon

recently recorded a steep
increase in queries con- VIJAY THAKUR This year government has
cerning weight manage- NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER also expedited its ethanol
ment and health issues per- blended petrol and bio-diesel
taining to it. The health- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE both the ministers have Petroleum Sector continues blending programme. Oil
care platform saw an expo- NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER decided to deepen the to be a milching-cow for the Marketing companies have
nential increase of 73% engagement and directed Union Government even dur- already procured 302.30 crore
increase in consultations India and Australia have the officials to speed up the ing Covid-19 pandemic as it litre of ethanol till November
regarding overweight decided to deepen their negotiations to pave the earned Rs 4,55,069 crores for this year, which has not only
issues and a 23% increase engagement by concluding way for a comprehensive the state exchequer when saved foreign exchange but also
in consultations regarding a Comprehensive Economic agreement," it said. Covid-19 was at its peak and helped Indian ethanol indus-
obesity amongst individu- Cooperation Agreement Both the ministers also most of other revenue sources try and sugar cane farmers,
als, said a Press release. SNS (CECA) at the earliest. pitched for a rules-based dried up for the Centre as claimed a senior officer of
Commerce and Industry international trading sys- well as State governments. the Petroleum Ministry
Minister Piyush Goyal held tem. Though the Petroleum Sec- On the similar pattern,
BitMEX: Crypto exchange talks with his Australian Recent years have seen tor as a hole could not perform Government has also intro-
BitMEX announced the counterpart Dan Tehan to remarkable growth in the well and the production data duced Biodiesel Blending Pro-
launch of its token, BMEX. expedite the CECA negoti- t ra d i n g re l a t i o n s h i p of crude oil and natural gases gramme so as Used cooking
New and existing BitMEX ations. between India and Aus- were on the decline, the sec- oil based Biodiesel blended
users are immediately eligi- According to a state- tralia, fuelled by the many tor emerged as a huge tax 15 when Narendra Modi came the ministry said. According in regulatory compliance bur- diesel could be supplied. To
ble for exclusive BMEX air- ment released by the Min- complementarities between earner for the Centre and into power. to the Ministry more than Rs den. further help the bio diesel
drops; tokens will be istry of Commerce and the two economies. State governments, reveals On the production per- 2,75,781 Crore were spent on The Ministry released more sector, government has
awarded for trading and Industry, the two leaders Two-way trade in goods the data of the Petroleum formance front, the Ministry Hydrocarbon infrastructure than 80.5 lakh deposit free gas reduced the GST from 12% to
referral activity and will held talks on 21 December and services has grown in Planning and Analysis Cell Oil Sector, however, could this year, it introduced Indi- connections under Pradhan 5% in October this year.
also be given to all new Bit- through video conference. value from $13.6 billion in (PPAC). not do well due to Covid-19 an Gas Exchange launched, Mantri UjjwalaYojana ( PMUY)
MEX users, said a Press "The ministers appreciat- 2007 to $24.3 billion in The PPAC data reveals that situation. Till December this and installed a total of 83.7 Lakh under PMUY-II scheme Towards its commitment
release statement. SNS ed the progress made in var- 2020. government earned Rs 1,17,348 year, Oil companies produced PNG (Domestic) connections launched on August 10 this to reduce regulatory compli-
ious rounds of talks between In d i a a n d Au s t ra l i a crore more from taxes during 42.65 MTOE (Million metric and 3532 CNG stations. year. Government has already ance burden, the Ministry
the chief negotiators of launched negotiations for 2020-21 (covid-19 pandemic tonnes of oil equivalent), 19.88 But despite Covid pan- given 8 crore deposit free gas has simplified procedures
ITALMOPA: Pure Flour both sides and discussed the the CECA in May 2011. time) than financial year 2019- MMT (Million Metric tonnes) demic, Petroleum Ministry connections to poor women and improve ‘Ease of Doing
from Europe by ITALMOPA way forward for an early There were nine rounds 20. Even during the first quar- crude oil, and 22.77 BCM (Bil- kept its welfare and infra- since the scheme 2016, when Business’ in the Petroleum &
brings some special conclusion of the interim of negotiations before both ter of 2021-22, when the sec- lion Cubic Meter) natural gas. structure development the first phase of the scheme Natural Gas sector. In the
delicacies for Indian agreement," the Commerce countries decided to sus- ond wave of Covid-19 was at This year Ministry award- schemes rolling and exhibit- was launched. In a bid to special campaign launched by
foodies ahead of and Industry Ministry said. pend negotiations in Sep- its peak, the total tax collec- ed a total of 105 exploration ed a remarkable performance develop gas infrastructure, the Government in the year
Christmas. There are many "In this regard, both the tember 2015, pending the tion from the sector was Rs blocks covering an area of whether it was its ethanol government has already laid 2021, a total number of 276
similarities between Indian ministers appreciated that outcome of other multi- 1,52,364 crore almost half of 1,56,580 sq km, while 50 dis- and bio-diesel blending pro- 21,735 kilometers long gas compliances were reduced
Christmas and European bilateral trade talks have lateral regional negotia- what government collected in coveries have been mone- gramme, or giving hassle free pipeline till September this and procedures simplified,
Christmas~ especially it been very progressive and tions. the entire fiscal year of 2014- tized till November this year, gas connections or reduction year. the Ministry claimed.
being the season of
feasting like the
sweetness of the treats,
the bright colours of the
Mumbai tops supply India's service sector export REC gets $169.5 million for Air India wins
increase in data centre grows by 33 per cent in 5 years dispute with
its solar power projects
decorations. SNS

capacity in Asia-Pacific passenger in

PNB tie up: Punjab National
Bank has entered into Co- INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE aging Director at Knight Frank
with the approval granted by
the Department of Econom-
English court
Lending arrangement with MUMBAI, 23 DECEMBER India. ic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, NEWDELHI, 23 DECEMBER
Paisalo Digital Limited and The "collocation" supply India’s service sector export said a senior officer of the
Vedika Credit Capital Limit- Mumbai has recorded high- in Mumbai has increased sig- has registered an increase of Power Ministry. In a significant development for
ed. With these arrange- est supply increase in data cen- nificantly in the first three quar- more than 33 % during the past This was the fifth credit line the law relating to the aviation
ments, the ultimate benefi- tre capacity with 24 per cent ters of this year, and for the five years. dards for various services sec- signed between REC Limited industry a bench of the English
ciaries under MSME and in the Asia-Pacific region, first time the city's total IT While India’s service export tors. “Wherever possible, the and KfW for financing of Court of Appeal, headed by the
Agriculture segment will adding 200 megawatt (MW) capacity has crossed the was mere USD 154311 Million Indian Standards are harmo- Power Sector Projects and Master of the Rolls Sir Geoffrey
get the funds at an afford- in the third quarter this year, gigawatt mark (alongside in 2015-16 it touched to USD nized with international stan- STATESMAN NEWS SERVIVE third credit line for financing Voss, has found in favour of Air
able rate considering the a new report showed on Shanghai and Tokyo in Asia 206,090 Million in 2020-21, dards for ensuring that quali- NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER of Renewable Energy Pro- India Ltd in a contested dispute
lower cost of funds from Thursday, as data consump- Pacific) in Q3 2021, said the said a senior officer of the Com- ty of services match global jects, the Ministry said. with a passenger after a District
banks and greater reach of tion explodes in the country report, published in part- merce Ministry here on Thurs- expectations,” the Ministry India’s leading rural electri- He said the REC was con- Judge originally found against
the NBFCs, said a Press via OTT, IoT devices and nership with data centre day. He said the government has said. fication public sector unit, REC tinuously re-shaping its poli- them. By winning its case, Air
release. SNS social media.Total IT capac- research and analytics plat- also approved an ‘Action Plan The 12 sector which has has entered into an agreement cies to align with market India has prevented a serious
ity in Mumbai jumped from form, DC Byte. for Champion Sectors in Ser- been approved under the Action with KfW Development Bank requirements and developing blow to the international airline
812 MW in Q2 to 1,006 MW The report said that the vices’ to give focused attention plan include Information Tech- here on Thursday for availing financial solutions and mech- industry, which is already suf-
ITC Master Chef partners in Q3, according to Interna- quarterly take-up of IT power to 12 identified Champion Ser- nology & Information Tech- ODA term loan of USD 169.5 anisms. fering from the disruption
Havmor ice cream: ITC Mas- tional Property Consultants in Mumbai has increased vices Sectors. With the identi- nology enabled Services, million under Indo-German REC has been stressing to caused by Covid-19.
ter Chef Frozen Snacks has Knight Frank."Mumbai is from 2.78 MW in Q2 2021 to fication of 12 Champion Ser- Tourism & Hospitality Services, Bilateral Partnership to ven- create scalable and effective Thisisalsooneofthefirstcases
entered into a partnership among the top established 6.42 MW in Q3, the highest vices Sectors, Bureau of Indi- MedicalValue Travel, Transport ture into innovative solar ways of channelizing both where the English Courts have
with Havmor Ice cream data centre hubs in the APAC quarterly take-up on record. an Standards (BIS) has set up & Logistics Services, Account- power generation. Private and Public invest- been asked to determine EU law
owned by the Lotte group, region. As digital transfor- The Indian data centre a dedicated Services Sector ing and Finance Services, Audio The proceeds of the loan ments in the Renewable Ener- post-Brexit. The dispute cen-
a South Korean conglomer- mation accelerates amid the market currently houses an Division Council (SSDC) to Visual Services, Legal Services, would be deployed for part gy space. As a testament to this, tered on the applicability of EU
ate. Around 100 mobile 4th industrial revolution, estimated 445 MW of critical formulate Indian Standards in Communication Services, Con- financing of innovative Solar REC offers the lowest inter- compensation regulations for
carts will sell a range of 15 demand for digital infra- IT capacity in the seven cities various Services Sectors, espe- struction and Related Engi- PV Technology based gener- est rates to the renewable a single booking, where only one
vegetarian frozen snacks structure such as data centres of Mumbai, NCR, Bengaluru, cially Champion Services Sec- neering Services, Environ- ation projects in India at energy sector among all the leg of the booking – the only one
across Delhi-NCR, said a is certain to grow," said Shishir Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad tors, the Ministry said. Present- mental Services, Financial Ser- competitive interest rates. segments being financed by within EU/UK jurisdiction –
Press release. SNS Baijal, Chairman and Man- and Kolkata. ly there are 84 published stan- vices and Education Services. The MoU was in accordance the corporation, he added. was delayed. In this case, the third
leg of the passenger's flight
departed from Heathrow late,

Indian Oil, Adani among top Popularity of OTT platforms rising resulting in delays in her final
arrival at her destination.
The Court of Appeal after a

bidders for city gas licences ASIAN NEWS INTERENATIONAL

ness an increase in the num-
ber of OTT viewers by 2023,
compared to the current 350
full hearing held in favour of Air
India, stating that previous
European Court of Justice case
ASIAN NEWS INTERENATIONAL leum and Natural Gas Regu- OTT platforms like Disney+ million consumers." This law reaffirmed the 'single-unit'
NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER latory Board said in a state- and Netflix disrupt the idea of increase projects nearly 500 mil- principle for a multiple-leg jour-
ment.Other major bidders Indian television with their lion consumers. ney made under the same book-
Indian Oil Corporation Lim- include Bharat Petroleum extensive offerings. Today, How Indians across every cor- ing. Air India successfully argued
ited and Adani Total Gas Lim- Corporation Ltd, Hindustan OTT platforms have changed ner of the country upvoted for that there was no reason why
ited, a joint venture of Adani Petroleum Corporation Lim- the way India views enter- OTT streamingOTT platforms this principle should not be
Group and French firm Total, ited, GAIL Gas Limited, Tor- tainment . have garnered acclaim due to applied to this case, in circum-
are among the top bidders to ding round on September rent Gas Private Limited and The modern-day features their convenience and mini- stances where the Claimant's
get licences for retailing com- 17, 2021, for 65 geographical Indraprastha Gas Limited. of these OTT platforms have mal requirements- reliable journey originated from a non-
pressed natural gas (CNG) and areas (GAs) spread over 215 In order to attract maximum shaken the supreme Indian internet connections and a UK/non-EU destination.
piped cooking gas in differ- districts (212 complete and number of bidders, PNGRB television. ture of OTT platforms. These IndiaThe use of digital tech- viewing device. They acknowledged the
ent cities across the country. 3 part) in 19 States and one organized roadshows in India Entering one of the top entertainment platforms have nology is essential in every sec- However, in India, the pop- principle of passenger protec-
According to data released Union territory covering 26 and abroad (Dubai) during economies and high popula- penetrated the urban crowds tor, and OTT platforms offer ularity of these platforms was tion, but this principle did not
by Petroleum and Natural per cent of India's population November-December 2021. tion lands like India, OTT plat- and are gaining popularity such versatile content. not overnight. OTT platforms mean that passengers should be
Gas Regulatory Board and 33 per cent of its area."This The last date of bid submis- forms continue to transform among the rural population. The pandemic was also like Netflix faced a difficult jour- entitled to compensation in
(PNGRB), the government-run initiative would help in cre- sion was December 15, 2021. entertainment scenarios.Today, Reports suggest, "the OTT responsible for the OTT view- ney to acquire 5 million sub- every circumstance. Article 3(1)
Indian Oil Corporation has ating a robust CGD infra- This round attracted an over- typical TV series that run for market in minutes of con- ership surge in India. The plat- scribers. However, affordable (a) of the EU Regulation was a
made the bid for 53 out of 65 structure and play a signifi- whelming response from years are being replaced by sumption in India has risen forms are mainly popular technology like smartphones territorial gateway to compen-
geographical areas while cant role in transforming to investors with more than 430 short series like Netflix's Money from 181 billion to 204 billion between the 15-35 years pop- and cheap internet access sation and it should not be
Adani Total Gas Limited has a gas-based economy. This bids against 61 geographical Heist, Squid Games, and more. minutes in 2021." These sta- ulation. MICA's Center for through service providers like undermined by the principle of
bid for 52 geographical areas. would bring an investment of areas with no Single Bid in The Indian audience now tistics indicate OTT will be the Media and Entertainment JIO made it possible for OTT passenger protection. The pas-
PNGRB launched the 11th city more than Rs. 80,000 crore and these geographical areas, realizes the value of quality over "new normal" for television. Studies (CMES) reports indi- platforms to garner a rural sub- senger could not "have their cake
gas distribution (CGD) bid- generate employment," Petro- PNGRB said. quantity- a prominent fea- OTT viewership scenario in cate, "India is expected to wit- scriber base. and eat it". IANS
I have tested positive for Covid-19 today.
I am isolating at home with mild symptoms.

Last monument for Tiananmen China puts city of 13 million in Covid-19

lockdown ahead of Winter Olympics
massacre removed in Hong Kong ASSOCIATED PRESS
out every two days to buy
household necessities, a gov-
demic might be worsening in
China will raise questions
Authorities have banned annual Tiananmen candlelight vigils for two consecutive years China plunged a city of 13 mil-
ernment order said.
Other family members
about whether and how it
will manage to welcome thou-
ASSOCIATED PRESS depicts 50 torn and twisted bers of the now-defunct stu- The dismantling of the lion people into lockdown were required to stay at home, sands of athletes, officials
HONG KONG, 23 DECEMBER bodies piled on top of each dent union would wash the sculpture came days after on Thursday to stamp out an although the rule was not and journalists when the
other, was made by Danish statue to commemorate the pro-Beijing candidates scored increase in coronavirus infec- being rigorously enforced, Games open in just weeks on

monument at a sculptor Jens Galschioet to massacre. The city, together a landslide victory in Hong tions, as the country dou- according to social media Feb. 4.
Hong Kong univer- symbolize the lives lost dur- with Macao, were the only Kong legislative elections, fol- bles down on its “zero toler- posts. People who happened On the one hand, there is
sity that was the best- ing the military crackdown on places on Chinese soil where lowing amendments to elec- ance” policy just weeks before to be staying in hotels became a tremendous amount of
known public pro-democracy protesters in commemorations of the crack- tion laws allowing the vetting it is set to host the Winter stuck. national pride and invest-
remembrance of the Tianan- Beijing’s Tiananmen Square down were allowed. of candidates to ensure they Olympics. There was no word on ment riding on the Olympics
men Square massacre on Chi- on June 4, 1989. Authorities have banned are “patriots” loyal to Beijing. The restrictions in the whether the new cases were and few would want a can-
nese soil was removed early ”They are sending a signal annual Tiananmen candlelight Hong Kong leader Carrie northeastern city of Xi’an of the recently identified omi- cellation, postponement or
Thursday, wiping out the city’s to the students that it is over vigils for two consecutive Lam traveled to Beijing this took effect at midnight cron variant that appears dramatic reimagining at this
last place of public com- with the (Hong Kong) democ- years and shut down a private week to report on develop- Wednesday, with no word on more contagious and is dri- late stage.
memoration of the bloody racy movement and that it is museum documenting the ments in the semi- when they might be lifted. They ving surges in many parts of On the other, Chinese
1989 crackdown. over with free speech in Hong “No party has ever obtained crackdown. autonomous Chinese city, are some of the harshest since the world — or the previous authorities have adopted
For some at the Universi- Kong,” Galschioet said of the any approval from the uni- The group that organized where authorities have silenced China imposed a strict lock- version, delta. China has draconian measures through-
ty of Hong Kong, the move monument’s removal. versity to display the statue on the annual vigil and ran the dissent following Beijing’s down last year on more than reported just seven omicron out the pandemic under
reflected the erosion of the rel- The university said it asked campus, and the university has museum, the Hong Kong imposition of a sweeping 11 million people in and cases so far, but none in Xi’an. their policy of seeking to
ative freedoms they have that the sculpture, which had the right to take appropriate Alliance in Support of Patri- national security law that around the city of Wuhan, Though the latest out- stamp out every last case —
enjoyed compared to main- been standing on its campus actions to handle it at any otic Democratic Movements appeared to target much of the where the coronavirus was first break is 1,000 kilometers and it’s hard to see how wel-
land China. for more than two decades, be time,” it said in a statement of China, has since disband- pro-democracy movement detected in late 2019. (about 620 miles) southwest coming so many people from
The 8-meter (26-foot) - put in storage because it could after its removal. ed, with some of its key mem- following mass protests in One person from each of the Olympic host city of Bei- abroad will square with that
tall Pillar of Shame, which pose “legal risks.” Each year on June 4, mem- bers behind bars. 2019. household will be allowed jing, any sign that the pan- strategy.

Turkey, Qatar likely to jointly Imran Khan fails to deliver India, Maldives jointly Taiwan expects US drone deal to be
operate Afghan airports pandemic economic package as launch pilot project on finalised by March next year: Report
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE the agreement is signed, inter- pre-arrival Customs ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL LOA for these deals.
NEW DLEHI, 23 DECEMBER national flights will be opera-
tional for 24 hours a day in promised, says Pak audit report Data Exchange
TAIPEI, 23 DECEMBER "The Defence Ministry
had been able to estimate
A joint delegation comprising Afghanistan, the report said. Taiwan is expecting the US- when it would receive the
Turkish and Qatari officials on The Kabul international air- ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL NEW DELHI, 23 DECEMBER made Sky Guardian uncrewed Sky Guardian LOA because the
Thursday arrived in Kabul to dis- port was significantly dam- ISLAMABAD, 23 DECEMBER drones deal to be finalised by legislature had approved the
cuss their countries' involvement aged during the evacuation A pilot project on pre-arrival cargo March next year, reported drone budget for next year,"
in the operation of Afghanistan's process in August. Pakistan PM Imran Khan has failed to data exchange was jointly launched by local media. said Lee Shih-Chiang, head
five airports, Tolo News report- "No serious problems exist deliver the pandemic economic stim- India and Maldives in a virtual ceremony "A letter of offer and accep- of the Ministry of National
ed. now, readiness has been taken ulus package as promised, as per an audit on Thursday under the MoU signed tance (LOA) for US-made Sky Defense's Department of
The airports in Kabul, Balkh, for flights, and some remain- report. between customs of two countries. Guardian uncrewed drones is Strategic Planning.
Herat, Kandahar and Khost ing problems will be resolved According to details shared in the Pub- This marked the beginning of the elec- expected in March," Taiwan Lee also said that the min-
province will be jointly operated after the agreement," said Abdul lic Accounts Committee (PAC) onWednes- tronic exchange of customs data News quoted Minister of istry received the LOA for
by Turkey and Qatar if they Hadi Hamdan, Director of Kabul day, the Finance Ministry has released between two countries for swifter EXIM National Defence Chiu Kuo- the field information com-
reach an agreement with the airport. only Rs 186 billion out of total of Rs500 Meanwhile, the Secretary Finance clearances. "Mr Vivek Johri, Chairman cheng as saying during a munications systems and
Islamic Emirate's officials. Meanwhile, several avia- billion, which are only 37 percent of the informed the PAC that a total of Rs 1240 CBIC & Mr Abdulla Shareef, Commis- meeting of the Legislative would move forward with
The Islamic Emirate's Min- tion experts believe that inter- total amount promised by the Prime Min- billion were planned to be spent for coro- sioner General, Maldives Customs Yuan's Foreign Affairs and that deal.
istry of Transport and Aviation national airlines will resume ister, according to the Nation. Under PM na-related activities that includes Rs 365 jointly launched Pilot on Pre-arrival Cus- National Defence Committee With regard to LOA for 40
said theTaliban government will flights with full confidence if for- package, relief to daily wagers was billion non cash and Rs 875 billion cash toms Data Exchange in a virtual cere- on Wednesday. Taipei is also M109A6 Paladin self-pro-
fully focus on the country's eign companies operate promised Rs 200 billion but the actual expenditures. mony marking the beginning of an elec- in talks with Washington on pelled howitzers, the ministry
national interests while signing Afghanistan's main airports. release was only Rs 16 billion, funding "As far as the issue related to less spend- tronic exchange of Customs data a deal for Paladin self-pro- said that the deal is under dis-
agreements with Turkish and "Afghanistan's airports will to the utilities stores was Rs 50 billion ing is concerned, the corona relief pack- between two countries for swifter EXIM pelled howitzers. cussion due to disagreements
Qatari companies. meet international norms and but it got only Rs 10 billion, subsidies to age was not for one financial year but it clearances," CBIC tweeted. The US has also promised on price and the specifications
"The contract will be about standards after the agreement," power and gas were Rs 100 billion but is continuing even in current financial "Electronic exchange of Customs data other weapons to Taiwan as of precision aiming parts.
the tower, ground handling said an official, as per the report. the sector received only Rs 15 billion. year," on the real-time basis between India M2A2T Abrams tanks, F-16V However, the ministry said
and some more technical sec- International and local flights However, under the head of relief to "The government had provided Rs 334 and Maldives marks a major initiative Block 70 jets, M142 High that it expected a swift reso-
tions," said Imamuddin Ahma- were suspended at Kabul's vulnerable families and panagahs was billion out of its own budget as supple- by leveraging technology to facilitate Mobility Artillery Rocket Sys- lution of the disagreements
di, a spokesman of the trans- international airport and across Rs 150 billion out of which a consider- mentary grant during financial year trade between the two countries and tems and others. and to receive the LOA for the
port ministry. Afghanistan after the Taliban able amount of Rs145 billion was released 2019-20 while rest is being spent," he improve compliance," CBIC said in But Taipei has so far no deal soon, according to Tai-
The ministry said that after seized power in August. by the finance ministry. added. another tweet. ANI clarity that when it will receive wan News.

Changing climate parches Afghanistan, exacerbating poverty Japan to offer free HPV vax
childhood ... there was a lot
of snow in the winters, in
The severe drought, now
in its second year, has dra-
For many families in the
If it doesn’t, they won’t. Their
desperation is palpable.
acute food shortages.”
Severe drought has affect-
to women missing jabs
spring we had a lot of rain,” matically worsened the already Sang-e-Atash area, the Red “There is no solution, we ed more than 60% of the INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE as safe, with the WHO setting
Fed by rain and snowmelt said 53-year-old Abdul Ghani, desperate situation in the Crescent aid is their only life- are just destroyed,” said Ghani. country’s provinces, he said, TOKYO, 23 DECEMBER a global target for the 2020-2030
from mountains, this valley a local community leader in country. line for the harsh winter. “We can’t go anywhere, to “but there is no single province period of 90 per cent of girls
nestled among northwest- the village of Sang-e-Atash, in Battered by four decades The organization’s region- a foreign country, we have no not affected since some are fac- Japan's health ministry on being inoculated by age 15.
ern Afghanistan’s jagged peaks the hard-struck province of of war, Afghans have also had al head for western money, we have nothing. In ing serious or moderate Thursday decided to provide Starting from next April, the
was once fertile. But the cli- Badghis. to contend with the coron- Afghanistan, Mustafa Nabikhil, the end we must dig our drought.” free vaccines against cervical free vaccines will be provid-
mate has changed in the last “But since a few years ago avirus pandemic and an econ- said 558 families had received graves and die.” The previous government cancer to women who missed ed to women born between
few decades, locals say, leav- there has been drought, there omy in freefall following the the food over three days: flour, Necephor Mghendi, head drew up a drought risk man- a chance to get shots. April 1997 and March 2006 over
ing the earth barren and its is no snow, there is much less freezing of international fund- rice, beans, cooking oil, sugar, of Afghanistan Delegation of agement strategy, Mayar said, The government, in a deci- three years.The three-year
people struggling to survive. rain. It is not even possible to ing after the Taliban seized salt, tea and high-calorie, vit- the International Federation but with the change of gov- sion since reversed, stopped relief measures will include
Many have fled, heading to get one bowl of water from power in mid-August amid a amin-fortified biscuits. of Red Cross and Red Crescent ernment in August, every- actively promoting inocula- women beyond the age of eli-
neighboring Iran or living in drainpipes to use,” he said, as chaotic withdrawal of U.S. Badghis’s farmers are par- Societies, said drought is lead- thing has stopped. tion in 2013 following reports gibility for the free inocula-
abject poverty in camps for the he observed the Red Crescent and NATO troops. ticularly vulnerable as the ing to “worrying food short- The new deputy governor of adverse reactions. tion. In November, the min-
displaced within Afghanistan Society handing out emer- Millions can’t feed them- region lacks an irrigation sys- ages, with around 22.8 million of Badghis, Taliban special The vaccines against the istry decided to resume active
as repeated droughts parch the gency winter food supplies to selves, and aid groups warn tem, leaving them depen- people — more than 55% of forces fighter Mohibullah human papillomavirus (HPV), promotion of the free inoc-
land and shrivel pastures. farmers whose crops have of rising malnutrition and dent on the weather, Nabikhil Afghanistan’s population — Asad, is well aware of the which causes cervical can- ulation programme targeting
“I remember from my completely failed. a humanitarian catastro- said.If it rains, they will eat. experiencing high levels of severity of the problem. cer, are universally recognised schoolgirls in April.

HOSPITALS 22586262, 22585007 � Punjab Roadways 23867842,
port 011-25671580; Terminal I-
� AIIMS 26588500, 26588900
B 25671576, Palam Road
� Moolchand Medcity (formerly
RAILWAY INQUIRY � Rajasthan Roadways
25671579, 18001803838
General Inquiry 139 23864470
� JET AIRWAYS Flight Inquiry
Hospital) 42000000 & 24-hour � U.P. Roadways 23868709
and Reservation 39841111
Chemist Shop 42000447 � Toll Free Nos. 1800112511
� EMIRATES Flight Inquiry and
� Vidyasagar Institute for Men- � SMS Inquiry Nos. 57886,
FLIGHT INQUIRY Reservation 33773377
tal Health and Neuro-Sciences 54959, 5676747 � Air Canada Flight Inquiry
26924300, 26924304 � AIR INDIA Flight Inquiry and
25656421/25656431 Reserva-
� Batra Hospital & Medical ROADWAYS INQUIRY Reservation 18001801407 tion 41528181
Research Centre 29051280, � ISBT (General Inquiry): � INDIGO AIRLINES New Delhi � Air France Flight Inquiry and
29958747 23868836, 23865181 City Office 43513185, Call Cen- Reservation 23466262 (City)
� Deen Dayal Upadhyay � Haryana Roadways 23861262 tre 09910383838,
25652294 (Airport)
25496320, 25494403 � Himachal Roadways 18001803838, Reservation � Kuwait Airways Flight Inquiry
� Guru Tegh Bahadur 23717473, 23325320 43513186; Indigo Airlines Air- and Reservation 23354373

RED EYE/Bill Yates & Mel Casson SUDOKU

1 Increase in size (4) 1 Foreman (Informal) (6)
3 Shade of red (6) 2 Possessor (5)
9 Sugar and water paste 4 Call to mind (5)
(7) 5 Mimic (7)
10 Yellowish-green (5) 6 Cricket team (6)
11 Wading bird (5)
12 Church dignitary (7) 7 Sacred word (6)
13 Set up (11) 8 Condition (11)
18 Attire (7) 14 Strong cheese (7)
20 Exchange of tennis shots 15 Channel (6)
22 Flying insects (5)
23 View (7)
16 Punctual (6)
17 Young swan (6)
DADDY DAZE/John Kovaleski
24 Bicycle for two (6) 19 Result (5)
25 Small island (4) 21 Non-clergy (5)
7 letter word from the
ACROSS 12 Shield, DOWN 13 Dubai, letters in each row.
Add points of each
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directions at right, 7-
4 Guru (Kanga- 16 Broad 2 Nurture, 17 Alias, letter words get 50- Sudoku is a number-placing
beans, 3 Embed, 18 Ashen, point bonus. "Blanks"
roo), used as any letter puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with
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8 Bun-fight, in The Official object is to place the numbers 1
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Official Scrabble answer to 3x3 box contains the same
By arrangement with The Independent rabble and Scrabble Tiles are registered trademarks. All Words(Chambers).
number. The difficulty level
Figures in parentheses denote
rights in the game are owned in the U.S.A by Hasbro Inc., Judd’s solution previous
in Canada by Hasbro Canada Inc., and elsewhere by J.W. increases through the week.
the number of letters in the words required Spear & Sons Limited, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc.
If I'm in the health I'm in now,if I'm in good health,
then in fact, I would run again.

Putin urges West to act quickly UK government rules out new
restrictions before Christmas
to offer security guarantees
ASSOCIATED PRESS than delta and is more able
LONDON 12 7 H LONDON, 23 DECEMBER to evade vaccines.
DUBAI 28 17 S Given those factors, the
The British government said new variant could still over-
7 H
4 H
The Russian leader welcomed talks with the US that are set to start in Geneva next month Thursday it won’t introduce whelm health systems because
MOSCOW -1 -3 R ASSOCIATED PRESS said they won’t give Russia the He accused the West of any new coronavirus restric- of the sheer number of infec-
S= sunny, CL= clear, MOSCOW, 23 DECEMBER kind of guarantee on Ukraine trying to make Ukraine “anti- tions until after Christmas, and tions. Confirmed coronavirus
H=hazy, R= rainy... that Putin wants. American Russia, constantly beefed up called early studies on the cases in the U.K., where omi-

ussian President officials are conferring with with modern weapons and severity of the omicron vari- cron is now dominant, have
Vladimir Putin urged European allies in advance of brainwashing the popula- ant encouraging. surged by almost 60% in a
THUMBNAILS the West on Thursday the Geneva talks. tion.” Health Secretary Sajid week.Britain’s Conservative
to move quickly to The Russian leader charged Russia can’t keep living in Javid said two studies sug- government this month rein-
meet Russia’s demand for during his news conference anticipation of looming secu- gesting omicron carries a sig- stated rules requiring face
security guarantees preclud- that theWest had “cheated, bla- rity threats posed by possible nificantly lower risk of hos- masks in shops and ordered
ing NATO’s expansion to tantly swindled” Moscow by deployment of Western pitalization than the previously people to show proof of vac-
Ukraine and the deployment offering verbal pledges in the weapons in Ukraine, Putin said. dominant delta strain was cination or a negative coro-
of the military alliance’s 1990s not to expand NATO’s “Should Russia live con- “encouraging news.” But he navirus test before entering
weapons there. presence east and then enlarg- stantly looking back at what’s said it was “not very clear nightclubs and other crowd-
Speaking during a ing to incorporate former going on and what new how much that risk is ed venues in an attempt to
marathon annual news con- Soviet bloc countries in Cen- weapon systems are put there?” reduced.”The U.K. Health slow omicron’s spread.
ference, the Russian leader wel- is that membership is open to sequences” if it attacks Ukraine. tral and Eastern Europe and he exclaimed. “We need to Security Agency is due to Officials also urged people
comed talks with the U.S. any qualifying country. Putin previously denied the ex-Soviet republics in the think about ensuring our publish new data on omicron to get tested regularly and
that are set to start in Gene- “Is it us who are putting mis- having plans to launch an Baltics.Poland, Hungary and security.”He argued that West- later Thursday. It follows two cut back on socializing. Many
va next month, but sternly siles near the U.S. borders?” attack but has described a the Czech Republic joined ern weapons could encourage studies, from Imperial College in Britain have heeded that
warned that Moscow expects Putin said. “No, it’s the U.S. who NATO expansion and weapons NATO in 1999, followed in hawkish forces in Ukraine to London and Scottish advice, leaving entertainment
the discussion to produce came to our home with their deployment in Ukraine as a 2004 by Bulgaria, Romania, Slo- attempt to regain control over researchers, that found and hospitality businesses
quick results. missiles. They are already on “red line.” vakia, Slovenia and the former Russia-backed separatist patients with omicron were reeling at what should be their
“We have clearly and pre- the threshold of our home. Is Asked Thursday if he could Soviet republics of Estonia, regions by force and even try between 20% and 68% less busiest time of the year. The
cisely let them know that any it some excessive demand provide a guarantee that Rus- Latvia and Lithuania. In sub- to reclaim Crimea, which Rus- likely to require hospital treat- govt has offered grants and
further NATO expansion east- not to place any offensive sia will not invade Ukraine, sequent years, Albania, Croa- sia annexed from Ukraine in ment than those with delta. loans to support restaurants
ward is unacceptable,” Putin systems near our home? Putin snapped in response: “It’s tia, Montenegro and North 2014. Data out of South Africa, and other venues, but many
said.Last week, Moscow sub- Moscow presented its you who must give us guar- Macedonia also joined, bring- The Russian leader claimed where the variant was first say it is not enough to stop them
mitted draft security docu- demand amid soaring tensions antees and give them imme- ing NATO’s membership to 30 that Western expressions of detected, have also suggest- going under.
A homeless man smokes in ments demanding that NATO over a Russian troop buildup diately, now, and not have nations. concern about an alleged ed omicron might be milder The government is hoping
his wheelchair during an deny membership to Ukraine near Ukraine that has stoked idle talk about it for decades.” “It’s not us who threaten Russian invasion could be a there. Scientists stress that even vaccine boosters will pro-
event by the Sao Paulo and other former Soviet coun- fears of a possible invasion. “How the Americans would anyone,” Putin said. “Is it us prelude to a possible attempt if the findings of these early vide a bulwark against omi-
Invisible NGO, that hands tries and roll back the alliance’s U.S. President Joe Biden respond if we put our missiles who came to the U.S. or British by Ukraine to launch an offen- studies hold up, any reduc- cron, as the data suggests, and
out food for the homeless
military deployments in Cen- warned Putin in a confer- on the U.S. borders with Cana- borders? No, they have come sive against the rebels in the tions in severity need to be has set a goal of offering
in Sao Paulo, Brazil. � AP
tral and Eastern Europe. A key ence call earlier this month that da or Mexico?” he exclaimed. to us, and they now say that east following two botched weighed against the fact omi- everyone 18 and up a third shot
principle of the NATO alliance Russia will face “severe con- The U.S. and its allies have Ukraine will be in NATO.” attempts in the past. cron spreads much faster by the end of December.
NZ reports 56 new cases
of Delta variant: New
Zealand reported 56 new
cases of Delta variant of
Covid-19 in the community
UK study makes case for AstraZeneca boosters Potter jury to return Thursday for 4th day of deliberations
on Thursday, bringing the INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE serious illness.Christmas con- ASSOCIATED PRESS ongoing.“I think the holiday tions that led to his own death.
total to 10,432 in the LONDON, 23 DECEMBER certs and other events have NETHERLANDS, 23 DECEMBER will put pressure on them to Wright’s death set off angry
country's current commu- been canceled in Greece as part agree,” Joe Friedberg, a Min- protests in Brooklyn Center just
nity outbreak. Among the A third dose of both the of new restrictions that include The jury at the trial of a sub- neapolis defense attorney as nearby Minneapolis was on
new infections, 42 were AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioN- a mask requirement that urban Minneapolis police who is not involved in the case edge over Derek Chauvin’s
recorded in the largest Tech COVID-19 vaccines sig- applies outdoors and in all officer who shot and killed but is following it, said Wednes- trial in George Floyd’s death.
city of Auckland, four in nificantly increased the public areas. Black motorist Daunte Wright day. Potter, who resigned two
nearby Waikato, six in Bay immune response to the omi- Incoming travelers will was to return Thursday for a Jurors gave a hint Tuesday days after Wright’s death, tes-
of Plenty, one in Taranaki, cron variant, according to a also be required to take fourth day of deliberations as of difficulty reaching agree- tified Friday that she “didn’t
one in Tairawhiti and two new study by University of COVID-19 tests on the second the Christmas holiday loomed. ment, when they asked Chu want to hurt anybody” and that
in the Lakes district. IANS Oxford researchers. and fourth days after their The jury weighing Kim what to do if they could not she was “sorry it happened.”
The laboratory study, which arrivals. Potter’s fate got the case Mon- agree. She sent them back to Chu told jurors that the state
hasn’t been peer reviewed The restrictions are set to day following closing argu- keep trying. The court report- doesn’t have to prove Potter
Ethiopia reports 2,992 yet, compared antibody lev- take effect Friday and to ments and has deliberated for sequestered during deliber- ed no questions from the jury tried to kill Wright.
new Covid-19 cases: els in blood samples from boosted following a third vac- remain in effect at least through about 23 hours. ations — meaning jurors on Wednesday. The judge said for first-
Ethiopia has registered people who received two cine dose, meaning that the Jan. 3 as Greece braces for the Potter, who is white, said remain under the court’s During closing arguments, degree manslaughter, prose-
2,992 new Covid-19 cases doses of vaccine with samples campaign to deploy booster expected impact of the omi- she meant to use her Taser on supervision in an undisclosed prosecutors accused Potter of cutors must prove that Potter
in the past 24 hours, tak- from those who had received vaccines should add consid- cron variant of the coron- Wright rather than her gun. hotel and cannot return home a “blunder of epic proportions” caused Wright’s death while
ing the nationwide tally to a third dose. erable protection against omi- avirus. She is charged with first- and until they have reached a ver- in Wright’s death in an April committing the crime of reck-
382,371, the country's While two doses provid- cron infection,” the researchers “Due to the large amount second-degree manslaugh- dict or the judge has deter- 11 traffic stop — but said a mis- less handling of a firearm.
health ministry said. The ed much less protection wrote. of Christmas activity and ter. If convicted of the most mined they can’t reach one. take was no defense. This means they must prove
ministry reported three against omicron than earli- The study also found that crowded conditions that it cre- serious charge, Potter, 49, However, Chu told jurors Potter’s attorneys coun- that she committed a con-
new Covid-19-related er variants, levels of neu- unvaccinated people who ates, the mandatory use of would face a sentence of at the start of the trial that they tered that Wright, who was scious or intentional act while
deaths and 136 recover- tralizing antibodies rose had recovered from COVID- masks is fully justified,” Health about seven years under state would have time off on Christ- attempting to get away from handling or using a firearm that
ies, bringing the national sharply after a third dose, the 19 probably have “little pro- Minister Thanos Plevris said guidelines, though prosecu- mas Eve and over the Christ- officers as they sought to creates a substantial or unjus-
death and recovery study found. tection from reinfection with Thursday during a live- tors have said they will seek mas weekend. She has not indi- handcuff him for an out- tifiable risk that she was aware
counts to 6,880 and “In summary, neutraliza- omicron,” though they may streamed presentation of the more.The judge has ordered cated that she would change standing warrant on a weapons of and disregarded, and that
351,304. IANS tion titres against omicron are have some protection against measures. that the mostly white jury be that plan if deliberations were charge, created the condi- she endangered safety.

Omicron less likely to put you in the hospital, studies say Italy meets EU recovery fund targets, govt
two-thirds less with omicron
than delta. But that study
in the United Kingdom and
other countries may not fare
ready to keep supporting economy: PM
pointed out that the nearly the same way. ASSOCIATED PRESS and grants over the next six targets required," Draghi
Two new British studies pro- 24,000 omicron cases in Scot- Matthew Binnicker, direc- ROME, 23 DECEMBER years. This is its portion of an explained."
vide some early hints that land were predominantly tor of clinical virology at Mayo 806-billion-euro European The major challenge for us
the omicron variant of the among younger adults ages 20- Clinic in Rochester, Min- Italy has achieved the targets Recovery Fund provided is to increase our long-term
coronavirus may be milder 39. Younger people are much nesota, said that in the Scot- required to receive the funds through the Next Genera- growth rate and solve the
than the delta version. less likely to develop severe tish study, the percentage of provided by the European tion EU scheme, which was structural weaknesses of our
Scientists stress that even cases of COVID-19. younger people was almost Union (EU) post-Covid recov- approved in 2020 to help economy, beginning with
if the findings of these early “This national investigation twice as high for the omi- ery programme, and the gov- member states recover from geographical, gender, and
studies hold up, any reductions is one of the first to show that cron group compared with the ernment is still ready to sup- the pandemic. generational inequalities,"
in severity need to be weighed Omicron is less likely to result delta group, and that “could port the national economy in In return, Brussels requires he specified.
against the fact omicron in COVID-19 hospitalization have biased the conclusions case of a new slowdown, all countries to implement a The prime minister
spreads much faster than “Cautious optimism is per- night or more. than Delta,” researchers wrote. to less severe outcomes caused Prime Minister Mario Draghi package of reforms to address recalled the good perfor-
delta and is more able to haps the best way to look at That analysis included all While the findings are early by omicron.” He nonetheless has said. specific economic or sys- mance the Italian economy
evade vaccines. Sheer num- this,” he said.An analysis from cases of COVID-19 confirmed observations, “they are encour- said the data were interesting Speaking at a traditional temic weaknesses and to has overall shown this year,
bers of infections could still the Imperial College London by PCR tests in England in the aging,” the authors wrote. and suggest omicron might year-end press conference, he push digitalisation.Italy has which would end with an
overwhelm hospitals. COVID-19 response team esti- first half of December in which The findings have not yet lead to less severe disease. But specified that "all of the 51 received a first tranche of such expected 6 percent annual
Still, the new studies mated hospitalization risks for the variant could be identified: been reviewed by other experts, he added: “It’s important to targets" needed for the coun- funds -- about 24.9 billion growth after a 9 percent
released Wednesday seem to omicron cases in England, 56,000 cases of omicron and the gold standard in scientif- emphasize that if omicron try to qualify for the next euros -- in August. decline in 2020.
bolster earlier research that finding people infected with 269,000 cases of delta. ic research. has a much higher transmis- installment of European "Currently, the (European) On the pandemic situa-
suggests omicron may not the variant are around 20% less A separate study out of Ascano noted the studies sion rate compared to delta, funds have been met, Xinhua Commission is discussing tion, he reiterated the need
be as harmful as the delta vari- likely to go to the hospital at Scotland, by scientists at the have limitations. For example, the absolute number of peo- news agency reported. the signing of what is called to trust in the ongoing vac-
ant, said Manuel Ascano Jr., all than those infected with the University of Edinburgh and the findings are specific to a ple requiring hospitalization Italy is meant to receive 'the operative agreement', cination campaign.
a Vanderbilt University bio- delta variant, and 40% less like- other experts, suggested the certain point in time during might still increase, despite less 191.5 billion euros ($216.7 bil- which is the step that follows Participation so far has
chemist who studies viruses. ly to be hospitalized for a risk of hospitalization was a quickly changing situation severe disease in most cases.” lion) in low-interest loans the achievements of the 51 been high.

Pope demands humility in new zinger-filled Christmas speech Aussie astronomers

capture black hole eruption
ASSOCIATED PRESS ply with the past but also faith, hope and love; it leads INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE galaxy," said lead author on
ROME, 23 DECEMBER with the future, since they know to an inability to discern the SYDNEY, 23 DECEMBER the study Benjamin McKin-
how to look ahead, to spread truth of things,” he said. ley from the Curtin Univer-
Pope Francis urgedVatican car- their branches, remembering Francis this year took his Astronomers from Curtin sity node of the Internation-
dinals, bishops and bureau- the past with gratitude,” Fran- biggest step yet to rein in the University, as part of an inter- al Centre for Radio Astrono-
crats Thursday to embrace cis told them. “The proud, on traditionalist wing of the national team, have pro- my Research (ICRAR).As the
humility this Christmas sea- the other hand, simply repeat, church, reimposing restrictions duced the most compre- black hole that possesses 55
son, saying their pride, self- grow rigid and enclose them- on celebrating the old Latin hensive images of the near- million times the mass of
interest and the “glitter of our selves in that repetition, feel- Mass that Pope Benedict XVI est active black hole to earth. the sun erupts, it feeds on gas
armor” was perverting their ing certain about what they had relaxed in 2007. The discovery, published and ejects material at near
spiritual lives and corrupting know and fearful of anything He intensified those restric- in the Nature Astronomy light speed, which causes
the church’s mission. new because they cannot tions last weekend with a new journal and released to the "radio bubbles" to expand
As he has in the past, Fran- control it.” set of rules that forbids even public on Thursday, took a outwards.
cis used his annual Christmas The proud who are so the publication of Tridentine deep dive into the black hole "It forms a disc around the
address to take Vatican admin- inward-looking are consumed Mass times in parish bul- at the center of the galaxy Cen- black hole, and as the mat-
istrators to task for their per- with their own interests, the letins.Francis said the proud taurus A, about 12 million ter gets ripped apart going
ceived moral and personal fail- pontiff said. who remain stuck in the past, light-years away. close to the black hole, pow-
ings, denouncing in particu- “As a consequence, they nei- ize the institution and the lic brow-beating ofVatican cler- take off our armor, discard the “enclosed in their little world, Despite being galaxies far erful jets form on either side
lar those pride-filled clerics ther learn from their sins nor broader Catholic Church. ics, who normally are treated trappings of our roles, our have neither past nor future, away, the erupting black hole of the disc, ejecting most of
who “rigidly” hide behind are they genuinely open to for- Those reforms kicked into with the utmost deference social recognition and the roots or branches, and live with extended across a length equal the material back out into
Catholic Church traditions giveness. This is a tremendous high gear this year, and some by their underling and the faith- glitter of this world and adopt the bitter taste of a melancholy to 16 moons placed side by side space, to distances of prob-
rather than seek out the need- corruption disguised as a of the top Catholic hierarchy ful at large. the humility of Naaman,” he that weighs on their hearts as in the night sky. However, it ably more than a million
iest with humility. good. We need to avoid it,” he bore the brunt as Francis Francis told them to stop said.Francis also repeated his the most precious of the devil’s is not visible to the naked light-years," said McKinley.
As they have in the past, car- added.Since becoming pope ordered a 10% pay cut for hiding behind the “armor” call for tradition-minded cler- potions.” eye.The images were created McKinley said this is why
dinals and bishops sat stone- in 2013, Francis has used his cardinals, imposed a 40-euro of their titles and to recognize ics to stop living in the past, “All of us are called to using the MurchisonWidefield the images appear brighter
faced as they listened to Fran- Christmas address to rail ($45) gift cap for Holy See per- that they, like the Biblical fig- saying their obsession with old humility, because all of us Array (MWA) telescope in in the center, as energy is dis-
cis lecture them in the Hall of against the Curia, as the Holy sonnel and passed a law allow- ure of Naaman, a wealthy doctrine and liturgy con- are called to remember and outback Western Australia, sipated as particles are shot
Blessings, which was other- See’s bureaucracy is known, ing cardinals and bishops to and decorated general, were cealed a “spiritual worldli- to give life. We are called to find which is able to detect and out and settle.He said the
wise decked out in jolly twin- denouncing the “spiritual be criminally prosecuted by lepers in need of healing. ness” that was corrupting. a right relationship with our image emitted radio waves. shape it forms, two con-
kling Christmas trees and Alzheimer’s” that some mem- the Vatican’s own tribunal. “The story of Naaman “Seeking those kinds of roots and our branches. With- "These radio waves come nected ovals, is likely the
poinsettias. bers suffer and the resistance On top of that, Francis reminds us that Christmas is reassurance is the most per- out those two things, we from material being sucked result of particles being re-
“The humble are those he had encountered to his added his Christmas greetings the time when each of us verse fruit of spiritual world- become sick, destined to dis- into the supermassive black accelerated by a strong mag-
who are concerned not sim- efforts to reform and revital- in the form of another pub- needs to find the courage to liness, for it reveals a lack of appear,” he warned. hole in the middle of the netic field.
Breaking through the clutter Milestone
along the
Here’s a list of great joys was to watch the amazing
Priya Bapat essay the role of the
escapes the proverbial “curse of the
second season” and how. Raj and D K’s
ically motivated celebrities incited
mobs to go out and take revenge
wisdom that could be taken as border-
line mumbo-jumbo.
the Indian estranged wife to a political activist, The Family Man 2 is a lean, mean, against an entire community for their Set in an imaginary North-eastern
Beadon Street
series on Mahesh Aravale (played well by Addi-
nath M Kothare).
sinewy, dramatic and topical piece of
work that shows organic growth from
beloved Prime Minister’s assassina-
state called Mangchen (that looks
uncannily like Sikkim), this series is a Shubham is
streaming season one. Though it runs into 10 Quality conscious producer Ajay visual treat with cinematographer celebrating its
episodes there is not an ounce of flab, Rai (who has invested in many a sig- Jayesh Nair capturing the local flavours
platforms that as the sprawling yet taut narrative nificant cinematic project, from the and rituals with integrity rather than silver jubilee with
made a mark moves across a luscious labyrinth of Marathi masterpiece Killa in 2014 to touristic curiosity. The mountains, a children’s
global terrorism and domestic warfare. the recent achievement, Fire in The meadows, lakes and streams are
this year Our unlikely hero Srikant Tiwari Mountains) lays bare the wounds of omnipresent, but they never overpow- theatre festival at
is still at it with his wife -- played by 1984. Directed by Ranjan Chandel, the er the characters. Till the end, it Minerva Theatre
SUBHASH K JHA the underused Priyamani-- continu- eight episodes have a consistent remains a study of the afterlife as seen
ing to sulk and his children, Vedant momentum in the storytelling. through the prism of a rapidly chang-

ith people being forced (Atharv Tiwari) and Dhriti (Ashlesha Though it moves through several time ing social structure where the modern
indoors because of pan- Thakur), thinking that their father is a periods, the plot never becomes a and ancient are uneasy bedfellows.
demic-induced restric- bit of a fool. jumble of unnerving jump-cuts as is As the lead character Dev, Karma
tions, streaming plat- This season, the action moves to often the wont of serials about multi- Takapa is so unconditionally convinc-
forms saw huge traffic again this year. Chennai where Rajalaxmi, or Raji, and time passages. ing that he takes viewers along on his
And that is here to stay -- “over-the- � Bombay Begums (Netflix): Like her rebel friends are planning a mas- The story is pronouncedly dra- fascinating and frightening journey.
top”, or OTT content has now taken a them or loathe them, hug them or sive attack. The most gripping matic and that’s how it should be, con- He does most of the heavy lifting in the Samiyana
permanent place alongside traditional spurn them, the five women leave a sequences in the narrative recur each sidering the improbable brutality of plot. But Takapa is more than capable,
forms of entertainment. lasting impression. This is a series like time Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Raji is what transpired on those three fateful conveying a deep sense of hurt pride
Given such a scenario, here’s a no other, replete with plot twists that on screen. She is ominous in her nights. Bokaro was one of the cities to while showing himself to be a natural
personally curated list of a few engag- will keep one hooked till the end. And silences and one knows that when she be most harshly affected and that is product of his culture and ethos.
ing Indian series on streaming web- when the “end” arrives, one wants to erupts, there will be hell to pay. I would where Grahan is set. Shot on location, Many of the roles are played by
sites that stood out from the crowd in know what these ladies will do with love to see a feature film based on Raji! Kamaljeet Negi’s camera captures the talented actors from the North-east
2021. their lives after viewers leave them. Manoj Bajpayee’s Srikant is a frozen-in-time quality of those Indian who infuse a large dose of authenticity
The women in this universe creat- character of immeasurable possibili- towns which have never grown up. to proceedings. Dewashish Lama as
ed by Alankrita Shrivastava stray from ties. He is hopelessly naïve with his As the troubled protagonist, the polio-affected college student with
a solid marriage in search of solid sex. family but devilishly sharp at work. Pavan Malhotra again reminds view- a dark past and Tenzien Choden as the
A recurring image in her cinema is that And his partnership with J K Talpade -- ers why he is one of Indian cinema’s spunky self-employed woman, secret-
of a woman lying inert under a heav- essayed by the outstanding Sharib most brilliant, underrated and under- ly in love with Dev, are worth a special Bheem Bodh
ing, lurching man who clearly isn’t giv- Hashmi -- accommodates some of the utilised actors. Standing frail but tall, mention.
ing his partner the promised paradise. series’ most entertaining episodes. this aging man becomes the living
My favourite woman of this Super-skilled writing and an alert embodiment of and abiding testimony

resplendent bunch is Amrita Subhash’s narration that catches the drama even to all the wrongs that the community f a week is a long time in politics,
Lily, the sex worker who wants a good as it falls, make this a constantly suffered. Malhotra is an actor at par then a quarter of a century of
life for her son. She connives, schemes watchable sequel with actors from with the world’s finest acting talent. eventful existence points to a pas-
and when anyone steps on her every generation pitching in with per- sage through more years for a chil-
dreams, she screams. What a volcanic formances that sweep the storytelling dren’s theatre group. The journey has
performance! Not only her, as a dither- forward into a sinfully winning swoop not been a long series of encores after
ing wife, struggling mother and self- of adventure and drama. Beadon Street Shubham came into
seeking woman, Pooja Bhatt gives her being in 1996 on a November day.
role the kind of menopausal imperi- Solely devoted to children’s theatre,
ousness not seen before in Hindi cine- it operates without a specific rehearsal
ma. The ever-dependable Shahana room. But it marches forward undaunt-
Goswami is bang-on, much like Aad- ed with the girls and boys, who had
hya Anand as the delightfully young � Decoupled (Netflix): A riot of mar- their first brush with theatre there,
but wise narrator. ital discord, carnival of profanities and growing up into names to dot the Ben-
� City of Dreams 2 (Disney+Hot- It is a series that defies the norms fiesta of frank-speak, this series is a gali stage and screen.
star): Directed by Nagesh Kukunoor of gender stereotyping but doesn’t year-end whammy, of a kind never Those children mouthed their first
and produced by Applause Entertain- make a brouhaha about being “bold”. seen before on Indian streaming plat- lines of a play at an open space at
ment, this series is about power, poli- forms. Umesh Datta Lane in North Kolkata.
tics and personal loss, not strictly in � The Last Hour (Amazon Prime The extremely talented R Madha- The space, which had been cleared dur-
that order. It retains its compelling Video): Although the plot may seem van plays a wickedly unfiltered pulp ing the day, was lit up by a bulb in the
core even while introducing new and dense and unnecessarily cryptic to fiction writer who speaks his mind evening. With the night sky their
interesting characters who grow as the begin with, there is plenty to admire even if it means offending everyone canopy, the budding actors spoke the
yawning arc of Maharashtra’s politics in this series. In a cluttered market, it around, including the viewers and his lines of Khirer Putul. It was their maid-
opens to multiple interpretations. dares to venture into the never-never none-too-impressed wife, played by en venture.
Atul Kulkarni is brilliant as world of North-eastern mysticism, Surveen Chawla. The words of a wicked queen
“Saheb” Amey Rao Gaikwad with thereby cracking the code of a gripping Manu Joseph’s writing is witty, sar- together with a neglected one as well
Kukunoor and his co-writer Rohit crime thriller. The narrative moves castic and acerbic. But the series is not as a talking monkey rang out loud and
Banawilkar weaving in and out of fact along at a pace that is never too urgent everyone’s cup of tea as it’s more like clear in the narrow lane. The lively char-
and fiction and creating a riveting � Grahan (Disney+Hotstar): I was but always heedful of the brisk unfiltered black coffee! acters penned by Abanindranath
political pastiche that proves what we a shocked teenager when the 1984 momentum required by the genre. The Tagore became livelier when the play
already know -- absolute power cor- � The Family Man Season 2 (Ama- riots wiped away thousands of Sikhs. writing by Anupama Minz and director The writer is a senior film was staged for a packed house at Girish
rupts absolutely. One of this season’s zon Prime Video): The new season Well-known politicians and even polit- Amit Kumar secretes a sort of primeval journalist based in Patna Mancha.
Thus began the journey of Bead-
on Street Shubham spurred on by the
enthusiasm of Asish Kumar Khan,
Raghunath De and Ashok Das com-
bined with the enthusiasm of the child
actors. Incidentally, Madhurima Pal
and Sourin Sett, from the first batch of
child actors, are still associated with the
group. After a stint with another the-
atre group, Pal has returned to her
Apart from rehearsing under the
night sky amid the occasional street
noises, rain turned out to be a stum-
bling block. The pack up call was
sounded whenever the skies opened.
On the other hand, the group’s elders
ran into a wall when convincing par-
ents from the locality to send their chil-
dren to learn acting in the evening.
Studies being hampered by over-
stretching their powers of concentra-
tion was the standard parental objec-
But somehow the barricade of
objection was breached. It was like
Pandit Kumar Bose with his disciples presenting Tabla Melody achieving what appeared to be a near

impossible task, Khan, the driving force
invocation of Saraswati by Srina Roy. tive support by celebrated musician of the group, feels.
Swami Kripakarananda, a medico Ujjwal Bharati on tabla. Later, the academic excellence of
w it h th e Ra mak r is hn a Mis si on Initially, Pandit Partha Bose Asmita and Anamitro Khan together
(Varanasi), is a well-known classical played steady and tuneful theka, only with that of Sudhir Dhara, Sett and
vocalist. His opening recital blessed to let the melody flower into its full Abhishek Jain helped change the mind-
The three-day Sabarna Roychowdhury Sangeet all with a bouquet of evening ragas
led by Bhupali.
beauty. Once the raga’s romantic per-
sona was finely etched, he moved
set of unwilling parents. The myth of a
clash between studies and theatre had
Sammelan included young aspirants as well as Indrajit Bose, a dedicated police towards melody-oriented rhythmic thus been rubbished.
officer, proved with his flute recital that designs. The tabla rose to the occasion Asish Kumar Khan, one of the
veteran artistes he can handle his official baton and at this juncture, and its jawabi sangat founders of the theatre group, is a crim-
passion for music with equal ease. added thrill. inal lawyer by profession and a theatre
MEENA BANERJEE the raga. based pieces, steeped in melody. The With the vocal recital of Gautam Roy- For medium and fast tempos, enthusiast by choice. He feels that
While remaining firmly rooted on last five minutes were dedicated to fast chowdhry, the first evening came to an he chose a beautiful gat, composed scholastic achievements have gone a

he Sabarna Roychowdhury their assigned swaras, the group began tempo in which all five got engaged in end. by his guruji, the late Pandit Monoj long way in negating parental objection
Sangeet Sammelan, spread their recital with a simple but tuneful sawal-jawab with their guru and Young vocalist Rosy Dutta opened Shankar of the Maihar Gharana. to joining the children’s theatre group.
across three evenings, came melody of a lahara, set to slow teental reached the climax with a thrilling the second evening’s session, which After fast taankari, suitably replied For the last six years, a repertoire
to a scintillating end, with a and simultaneously, elaborated the tihai that was divided between all the also showcased the talent of Dhiman by the tabla, it closed with a neat has been formed comprising actors
brilliantly designed “Tabla Melody”. It raga with a peaceful elaboration. For six participants. Each played his part Chowdhury (vocal) and the dexterity tihai. Finally, he played a brilliant who have grown up in the group. Some
was presented by the celebrated mae- that, each note was sustained by fin- with superb precision to facilitate its of the renowned Violin Brothers -- c o m p o s i t i o n o f Ba b a A l a u d d i n of the children become directors them-
stro and revered guru Pandit Kumar gertip-based quick and continuous pristine execution. Debshankar and Jyotishankar. It was Khan, the founder of Maihar Gha- selves. Small wonder then that new-
Bose and his five senior disciples. This strokes on a particular note assigned to “Tabla Melody” was originally they who crafted the melodic climax rana. It was set to another sweet comers get their mistakes quickly cor-
conference is annually organised by that tabla. conceptualised and presented at to the evening. But earlier, between the raga, Pilu. rected as the director recalls his/her
members of the renowned, music- After seven minutes, Pandit Mahajati Sadan by the maestro Pan- first two vocalists, Pandit Partha Bose’s The third and final evening began own slips in the initial periods of
loving Sabarna Roychowdhury family Kumar Bose’s pakhawaj took an dit Biswanath Bose, late father of the imaginative presentation on sitar stole with Sohini Singha Majumdar’s vocal rehearsal.
at their residential premises in Beha- impressive entry, and the rest revert- Bose Brothers (Kumar, Jayanta and the show. rendition, and also featured sarod Come 29 December this year, a
la, Kolkata. ed to lahara. The majestic sound of Debojyoti). In the earlier days of Perfectly suited to the mood of the maestro Anirban Dasgupta (younger clutch of plays will be staged at Minerva
To facilitate a grand finale, Pandit pakhawaj and its powerful bols added their musical journey, the hugely tal- early evening hours -- the time for son-disciple of the legendary Pandit Theatre to celebrate 25 years of Beadon
Kumar Bose arrived on stage in his soulful depth to the uniquely designed ented trio continued with the unique homecoming and offering prayers -- Buddhadev Dasgupta), before Pandit Street Shubham. In the three-day-long
characteristic regal manner, followed presentation. idea and gave several recitals, but Pandit Partha Bose chose to play an Kumar Bose and his team took the festival, the 25-year-old group will per-
by Rohen Bose, Chiranjit Mukherjee, It was interspersed with the tablas’ later Acharya Jayanta Bose emerged elaborate alap, steeped in the devo- stage by storm. form Bharate Chai, followed by a mime
Arunabha Mukherjee, Dhiman Gangu- melody-based chhandakari, which as a versatile performer-teacher, tional pathos of raga Purvi Kalyan. It The support system of the show. The next day, the opening play
ly and Arkadip Das. The guru, who is a was shared by all in turns. The perfect while Debojyoti Bose focused on was followed with skillful jod and jala, entire fest was quite impressive with will be Bheem Bodh, followed by Gob-
proficient pakhawaj player as well, and coordination between them was sarod. As a result, this concept was but for a detailed gatkari, he selected the active and effective participa- ardanga Naksha’s Gabbu and Chetla
intended to play on the occasion, sat something to be seen and heard. The shelved for decades. Its impressive raga Kafi. tion of Pandit Samar Saha, Bivash Krishti Sansad’s Icchemoto.
in the middle, flanked by his worthy pakhawaj, in the hands of the master, revival is sure to go places and win Without much ado he played the Sanghai, Soumen Nandi, Abhishek The festival will bring down its cur-
disciples on six pairs of tablas tuned came up with superbly crafted com- hearts. key phrase of the raga with a few Chatterjee, Rupak Bhattachar ya tains with the Beadon Street repertoire’s
in different notes of raga Bhinna positions and their percussion- The fest had a well-balanced strokes and loving meends and (tabla), Pandit Deba Prasad Dey and Cap-Char and Samiyana on the con-
Shadaj. Rohen Bose had two tablas mnemonic-based elaboration. After 30 itinerary that included young aspi- revealed its charming persona within Pradip Palit (harmonium) along cluding day.
tuned in the lower and upper tonic, minutes, the laya was increased from rants as well as veteran artistes. Fol- seconds! Thus, keeping the aochar with several others.
while the rest, one after the other, sang slow to fast teental. lowing the traditional ritual, the short and sweet yet effective, he began The writer is a Special Representative, The
out the remaining notes (G-M-D-N) of Then, it was time for some rela- opening day commenced with an the gatkari in slow teental with sensi- The writer is a senior music critic Statesman, Kolkata
Former India head coach Ravi Shastri thinks South Africa are not
pushovers at home but believes India have got the firepower
and arsenal to match the hosts in the three-match Test series
starting from December 26 at SuperSport Park in Centurion. Shas-
tri, whose four-year stint with the Indian team ended after the
Men's T20 World Cup in the UAE and Oman, said he will continue
to back the Virat Kohli-led side. The 59-year-old Shastri has been
featuring in Star Sports' 'First ka Thirst' promo ahead of the mar-
quee series, which will be broadcast on the channel.

For more updates Postal Reg. No. DL (ND)-II/6088/2018/-19-20

Pujara confident of ‘Don’t let Omicron

spoil T20 fun’
series win in S Africa
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE in the past. So, with the
KOLKATA, 23 DECEMBER ‘The third wave of
coronavirus infec-
JOHANNESBURG, 23 DECEMBER experience, I know how to The Board of Control for tions touched off by
prepare, what kind of shots Cricket in India is so deter-

Omicron has already
ndia top-order Test bat- one needs to play and what mined to hold the next Indi-
ter Cheteshwar Pujara shots have to be avoided. You an Premier League at home,
been spoken official-
has expressed confi- get a little clearer with your rather than, say, West Asia, ly of is not ignored
dence that his team has preparation and mindset." it is going to tell the franchises by the BCCI but it is
the capacity to win a series Talking about the prepa- how it proposes to go about also determined to
in South Africa. He added that ration since landing in the its, well, business if the coro- hold the next IPL in
his experience of touring Rainbow Nation on Decem- navirus's Omicron strain
South Africa and Australia will ber 16, Pujara lauded the proves as deadly as epi-
India because it is
come handy in the upcom- support staff for the same. demiologists fear it could not considering the
ing Test series, starting from "We have the best support be. United Arab Emi-
December 26 in Centurion. staff and most of the play- "There is a meeting rates as an option’
Citing the past perfor- ers have played in South scheduled to let the own-
mances of India in Australia Africa in the past. It is an expe- ers of the two new fran-
and England, Pujara said in rienced side and we know c hi ses, Luc kn ow a nd According to the source,
an interview to, "I what is expected out of our Ahmedabad, get to know the board did not relish hold-
think having done well in team. In terms of prepara- their peers in the other out- ing 2021's IPL 11 in West
England and Australia will tion, all of us are ready and fits but it could turn out to Asia as it believed it could have
make a big difference in this know what is expected. Most be mostly about the IPL's carried on with the tourna-
squad's confidence and self- of the teams play well in emergency plans," a source ment despite the breach in
belief that we can win over- their home conditions and in the know of things said its bio-secure bubble. A rash
seas, we can win in any con- same is the case with the today. The talks are fixed for of infections inside it caused
ditions and with our bowl- South African team. They the near future. some players to pull out, NBA gears up for Christmas Day
ing and batting line-up, I am have a very good bowling "That a third wave of much to the BCCI's dis-
very confident that we have
the capacity to win a series
attack and facing them has
been challenging."
coronavirus infections
touched off by Omicron has
The source claimed con-
action with 5 blockbuster games
in South Africa." The 33-year-old signed off already been spoken offi- sistency in the board's ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL Hawks and the New York
Pujara felt that the current by saying that the Irene cially of is not ignored by the approach. MUMBAI, 23 DECEMBER Knicks.
Indian batting order can Country Lodge, where the BCCI but it is also deter- "The board was unflus- The Hawks and Knicks
tackle pace, bounce and lat- Indian team is staying in a mined to hold the next IPL tered when the coronavirus The National Basketball Asso- met in the first round of the
eral movement on South bio-secure bubble, has been in India because it is not invaded India and people ciation (NBA) have a can't- 2021 Playoffs, which saw the
African pitches. "Pace and the best bubble he has ever considering the United Arab started panicking. Sourav miss slate of games prepared Hawks triumph en route to
bounce is there, lateral move- The 33-year-old, who has- again in 2013 and 2017, so I been in. "This is the best bub- Emirates as an option," the Ganguly, as BCCI chief, said for the annual Christmas an Eastern Conference finals
ment is also there. Facing fast n't scored a Test century understood what is expect- ble I have been a part of, source said, insisting on that the IPL would be held Day extravaganza. berth.
bowlers is a big challenge since January 2019 and has ed. With experience you where you can just move anonymity as he was not on time all right. It got This year's Christmas slate The spirited series, which
when we go out of India. I got two half-centuries in learn so many things, I feel around freely and you can get authorised to speak to the de la yed b ut t h a t w a s promises nearly 13 hours of electrified both fan bases,
feel that this is a much more the last ten innings, thinks you start believing in your fresh air. There is a lot of space Press. because of Lockdown One back-to-back basketball could signal a new chapter
balanced batting lineup and that the experience of play- preparation and don't need to go around, that helps in Though the BCCI is fab- " he said. action from the top teams in a rivalry between two fran-
I think we will be able to han- ing in South Africa will keep to change too much." your mental preparation as ulously rich with deep pock- The implication is that the across the league. The slate chises that have played against
dle South Africa's bowling him in good stead. "When I "Because of my tours in you are much more relaxed ets, it minds the resultant fall IPL is more fun even behind of games tip-off at 10:30 PM each other since 1949. Christ-
attack. With out prepara- came here in 2011, Dale South Africa and Australia, and you are in an environ- in the takings when the IPL closed doors when it is held (December 25) with an East- mas night sees them add
tion, I am confident we will Steyn and Morne Morkel I know the conditions little ment where you are close to has to be taken abroad, it was at home and Omicron will not ern Conference rivalry more chapters to this bud-
put up a good show." were at their peak. I visited better than what I had seen the nature." said. be allowed to spoil it. matchup between the Atlanta ding rivalry.

La Liga: Real beat Athletic 18 Indian referees selected in FIFA’s Int’l list for ’22 England name squad for W Indies T20Is;
2-1 to end year on a high ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL
Men Assistant Referees:
Garton, Payne earn maiden call-ups
Sumanta Dutta, Antony Abra-
As many as 18 Indian refer- ham, Tony Joseph Louis,Vaira-
ees have been selected for the muthu Parasuraman, Samar
2022 FIFA Refereeing Inter- erees), and 14 are men (six ref- Pal, Kennedy Sapam, Arun
national Lists. The extensive erees and eight assistant ref- Sasidharan Pillai, Asit Kumar
list includes officials who are erees). Here is the compre- Sarkar
qualified to be Referees and hensive list: Men Referees: Tejas Women Referees: Ranjita
Assistant Referees. Nagvenkar, Srikrishna Coim- Devi Tekcham, Kanika Barman
Out of a total list of 18 ref- batore Ramaswamy, Rowan Women Assistant Referees:
erees, four are women (two ref- Arumughan, Crystal John, Uvena Fernandes, Riiohlang
erees and two assistant ref- Pranjal Banerjee, Venkatesh Dhar.

Ashes: ‘England must be brave with

bat if they wish to make turnaround’
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE tre of the field and laid the INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE bowls really well. The energy preparation might be the rea-
BILBAO (SPAIN), 23 DECEMBER ball for Eden Hazard. MELBOURNE, 23 DECEMBER that you have at the crease to son behind Stokes being away
The ball flicked off a put pressure on the bowling from his usual self on-field.
Karim Benzema scored two defender and fell to Benze- Former Australia all-rounder side is all-important," wrote "I'm racking my brain as
goals as Real Madrid ended ma, the Frenchman making Shane Watson believes that Watson in his column for The to why this would be his game
the year 2021 with a superb no mistake as he swept it past England have to be brave Times on Thursday. plan. I think it is perhaps
away win over Athletic Bilbao, goalkeeper Julen Agirrezabala with the bat if they wish to Watson was also sur- because he has come into the
closing out the year with a 15- to complete his double in the make a turnaround in the prised over the batting series underdone in terms
match unbeaten run. seventh minute. rest of the Ashes. approach of vice-captain of preparation. Maybe he's try-
Real flew out of the blocks That spurred the hosts He added that the tourists Ben Stokes in the Ashes. ing to find his way into the
San Mamés and that result- into life and their first shot have not shown intent with Coming back to the game series by spending time in the INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE Kensington Oval from Janu- will be increased opportunities
ed in three swift goals inside on goal ended up in the back the bat and been defensive after a long break to take care middle. But the Australian LONDON, 23 DECEMBER ary 22-30 while Marcus for the squad in the absence
the first 10 minutes -- two for of the net. with their mindset. of mental well-being and bowlers are just dictating Trescothick has been named of those players who are with
the visitors and one for the Oihan Sancet scored a England are 2-0 down in heal from a finger injury, play. They can bowl wherev- Bowling all-rounder George as assistant coach. the Ashes squad.I have good
hosts. beautiful goal, his long-range the Ashes, losing by nine Stokes has made 34, 12, 5 and er they want. He's not going Garton and left-arm seamer The stand-in coach for memories winning a World
Toni Kroos fired off a effort flying in off the post leav- wickets in the first Test at 14 with the bat. With the ball, to score. At some stage he is David Payne earned their the series explained the deci- Cup in Barbados and I'm
warning shot in the opening ing Thibaut Courtois with no Brisbane followed by a crush- he has registered figures of going to get out and without maiden call-ups as England sion behind the selection, really looking forward to
minute but it was the next chance. The game sudden- ing 275-run loss in the second 0/65, 3/113 and 0/24. having really made an impact on Thursday announced a 16- citing the preparation for the going back there with this
move of the match that yield- ly opened up and Carlo Test at Adelaide. "What has really blown on the scoreboard," he wrote. player squad for the five- ICC Men's T20 World 2022 in squad to face a very good West
ed the first goal. The German's Ancelotti's side had the "If England are to turn me away is to see the defen- "When he is at his best he's match T20I series against mind. "We have selected a Indies who will test all aspects
one-touch lay-off was perfect chance to increase their lead things around in this Ashes sive way in which Ben Stokes got no fear, he's taking the West Indies. strong squad with some seri- of our skills," he added.
for Benzema, who effort- in an end-to-end spell on the series their batsmen are going has batted. I'm gobsmacked. bowling on no matter what the The squad led by Eoin ous batting power and a bal- Squad: Eoin Morgan (c),
lessly whipped the ball into half-hour mark. Hazard cut to have to be braver. So far, and It goes against everything conditions, and he has such Morgan features eleven play- anced attack as we begin Moeen Ali, Tom Banton, Sam
the far corner from the edge in from the right, making especially in the second Test that he is - the person he is, incredible skill that it doesn't ers who participated in the preparations ahead of the Billings, Liam Dawson, George
of the box. his way into the penalty area, in Adelaide, the intent has just the player he is. It is obviously matter whether he's facing spin ICC Men's T20 World Cup ear- T20 World Cup in Australia," Garton, Chris Jordan, Liam
The league leaders knew and pulled the ball back for not been there. They have had a tactic because of his big back- or the quicks. The bowlers have lier this year. Paul Collingwood said Collingwood who led Livingstone, Saqib Mahmood,
one was not enough and Benzema before De Marcos a very defensive mindset. and-across movements to to bowl the perfect ball oth- will take charge as England's England to victory in the Tymal Mills, David Payne,
wasted no time in doubling nicked it from him just when When you are batting at your the quick bowlers; he's just not erwise he's all over it because stand-in head coach for the 2010 edition of the tourna- Adil Rashid, Jason Roy, Phil
their lead. Ernesto Valverde it looked like a goal was on best, you are always looking trying to score." he's got shots all around the five-match series, which is slat- ment. "The World Cup is less Salt, Reece Topley, James
won the ball back in the cen- the cards. to score, even if someone Watson thinks that lack of ground," he said. ed to be played in Barbados' than a year away and there Vince.

India men placed third in year-end Women football team pay emphasis on mental health to sharpen decision-making skills
hockey rankings; women in 9th spot ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL
like open spaces, and it does
affect if you can't take a break
training the mind also becomes
everybody was being affect-
ed by the monotony, and that
sive for us all, and we all want
to do well. But when you're in
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE Australia after winning the from it all and maybe go out "Bubble life is hard.We were was reflecting on the players' a bubble for six months, it
LAUSANNE, 23 DECEMBER Olympic gold medal but a Indian women football team for a walk, or go for a coffee. all happy that we're doing decision-making on the pitch. affects you. You're always
draw and defeat to the Nether- are leaving no stone unturned Giving your mind that rest is what we love, but sometimes So we practised this activity under pressure to perform, and
A historic bronze medal for lands in the FIH Pro League as they prepare forward togeth- important. In terms of general everyone needs a bit of a that is pretty common in when that happens, appre-
the men's team and fourth was enough to see the Red er for the AFC Women's Asian training, we try to do differ- break. We are literally eating, sports psychology, where we hensions creep in and you tend
place for the women's team Lions lose the top spot to Aus- Cup India 2022. From technical ent things that help them in sleeping, and thinking foot- anonymously wrote down to think that you can't do
at the Tokyo Olympics has tralia, the team they beat in to tactical, and strength and that. Fun sessions certainly ball every day. That takes a toll." what we liked about each things that you generally can
ensured India ended 2021 the final in Tokyo. conditioning, all measures help, but the simple parts of said fullback of the Indian player, and then everyone do. After such exercises, when
with their best-ever posi- Australia close the year with are being taken to ensure that everyday training also help women's football team Dal- read out the favourite com- we see everyone saying such
tions in four decades in the four decades, the Indian 2642.25 points, just ten ahead the team is prepared to face build a team. When players ima Chhibber. ments about themselves," positive things about us, it gives
year-end FIH rankings. men's hockey team also of FIH Hockey Pro League and the best in Asia. help each other lift more To overcome such chal- said Dalima Chhibber. us a lot of confidence to make
India are ranked third in bagged a bronze medal in the Olympic champions Bel- One aspect, however, goes weights in the gym or push lenges, Dalima, who apart Winger Soumya Guguloth, those split-second decisions,"
men's rankings and ninth in 2021 Asian Champions Tro- gium, who have 2632.12. mostly unnoticed by the out- each other to do the extra laps from being a footballer, is who is one of the younger play- said India's winger Soumya
women's section in the year- phy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on India sit third with 2296.04, side world - mental training. around the pitch, it's all a also a student of sports psy- ers in the squad, is someone Guguloth.
end rankings revealed on Wednesday. with the Netherlands (2234.33) The team has now stayed part of building the mental chology, had suggested a sim- who especially felt the good The Indian women's foot-
Thursday. Australia men and the and Germany (2038.71) in together for the better part of aspect," said head coach ple exercise that helped gal- effects of such a mental health ball team need to be in the right
Besides the Tokyo Netherlands women topped fourth and fifth positions the year, away from families Thomas Dennerby. ANI vanise the Tigresses. exercise. frame of mind ahead of the AFC
Olympics, where they won an the year-end rankings. respectively, the FIH said in and loved ones. When the players eat, sleep "The team had gone "Sometimes, it gets too Women's Asia Cup 2022 start-
Olympic medal after a gap of Belgium had overtaken a release on Thursday. "Footballers are people who and think football all day, through a difficult phase when much. The Asian Cup is mas- ing next month.

Printed and published by VINOD KUMAR GUPTA for THE STATESMAN LTD, Statesman House, 148 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi ��Editor: RAVINDRA KUMAR ��Executive Editor: ARYA RUDRA ��Printed at Vibha Publication Pvt Ltd, D-160 B, Sector 7, NOIDA 201301 (UP). ��The Statesman Ltd. RNB REG. No. M-8905,RNI No. 507/57

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