Work Values/Work Ethnic in Vietnam

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Group work Assignment

Rosa Sapaat Singa Dipraja/031119014

Moh. Septi Diana/031119008
M. Raihan Arifian/031119021



1. Hard working

Vietnamese works hard to support them and their family. It’s a same phenomenon in most of
countries around the world.
We know that working hard does not make you rich, working smart does. But the majority
of Vietnamese workers do not have too much choice at all, they have to work hard to
sustain the community and help to grow the economy. Vietnam’s GDP growth now is
relatively high and steady, it’s a positive outcome for the average Vietnamese. In the
future, when Vietnam will be more wealthy, then the social programs will be the plans to
support back the old retire workers who have helped the nation devoutly.

Every business needs a strong degree of commitment from its employees. Employees who
feel passionate about what they’re doing and make a personal investment in the business's
success. Committed employees do whatever it takes to excel, even if it means taking on
extra tasks, or staying with the task until it’s completed.

The Vietnamese are famous for their strong work ethic. Over half the population (almost 90
million) is 25 years or younger. To industry, this means there is an extraordinary amount of
recently educated people available for the workforce and they are highly motivated hard
working. To understand why this occurs we need to recognize how the education structure
2. Highly dedicated

Vietnamese people having a dedication to work means that they want to produce
high-quality results for the company. When they are dedicated to their job, their
own goals align with those of the company. They have strategies to stay motivated
during the workday, attempting to get all of their tasks done on time. Dedicated
employees can inspire their team members to strive for success, creating a more
productive work environment. By showing that they genuinely care about their role,
the manager or employer may notice and reward them with career advancement

Vietnamese love to study and are dedicated professionals when entering the
workforce. They are taught that the harder they work, the more successful they will
become, and the literacy rate of more than 90%, the Vietnamese are equipped with
a high level of education and are prepared to serve in high-skilled industries like
information technology, pharmaceuticals, and financial services, at a more
competitive cost than other countries in the region.
Possessing the qualifications to do the job well, highly-skilled, young Vietnamese
workers have an extraordinary work ethic. As youth is the outstanding characteristic
of Vietnam’s human resources they are healthy and eager to improve their skills and
meet the challenges of the new technological age we live in.

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