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Septi Diana/031119008
Rosa sapaat Singa Dipraja/031119014
Muhammad Raihan Arifian/031119021
Narrative Text
Talking about the narrative text, of course, cannot be separated from stories and past
experiences. The narrative text is a non-fiction story that can be in the form of fairy tales,
myths, folk tales, animal stories, and so on.
The narrative text has three elements that must be in a story or writing,
First, orientation is the initial paragraph that contains an introduction to who the characters
are involved in the incident. It also contains the place and time of the incident. Second,
complications consist of paragraphs that explain the beginning of the event or occurrence.
The beginning of this event became a series of storylines that continued to conflict, climax,
and anti-climax.
And the end of the story is called resolution. In this section, there is a settlement that
makes the storyline end. Every problem that arises must have a solution, it can end
happily or sadly.
Septi: For me, narrative text can tell a story that they experienced. Not only that, reading a
narrative story makes us rich in vocabulary knowledge where narrative text requires a
second verb.
Rosa: A narrative is a form of discourse that tries to narrate an event or event so that it
looks as if the reader has seen or experienced the event. The narrative text is also a non-
fiction story that describes a past with that, of course, we will know about the history that is
Raihan: However, the narrative text also has its drawbacks or negative side, namely when
we feel interested in a story, there is a possibility that we can imagine as if we were in the
story and if this imaginative mind is allowed, the reader will lose focus on activities in the
story. because only the imagination of this text he thought of.
Narrative text is a type of reading in the form of imaginary stories, engineered true stories,
or fairy tales. In contrast to recount text, it is a reading that has to retell events or
experiences in the past.
So, we can conclude that the purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader with a
story that is made in such a way that it is interesting.

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