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What is Darakaraka Planet

Darakaraka is the Planet which gets the Lowest Degree in Horoscope. It represents our spouse in
Kundali. This is a Unique Process to Predict about your Spouse or Life Partner. It is a completely Different
technique than the widely used traditional process.
The Darakaraka shows the atma of the partner. It shows what type of soul the person has and issues
related to that level. It has nothing to do with female or male because even male planet can become
darakarak in a male’s chart.
Analysis of Marriage With Jaimini Astrology
Vedic Astrology has Many Branch and Many Technique to Analyse Horoscope. Parashari Technique and
Jaimini Astrology are two most prominent Branch of Astrology. Maharshi Jaimini Had taught us about
this Branch of Astrology and that is why it is known as Jaimini Astrology.
In Vedic Astrology, There are Two types of Karakas-Naisargik Karaka or fixed Karaka and Chara Karaka or
dynamic Karaka.
In case of Sthira Karaka or Fixed Karaka the significators are fixed like Sun is the Karaka for Soul, Moon is
the Karaka for Mind, Venus is Karaka for marriage and Spouse etc. But in case of Chara Karaka, these
significators changes in each Horoscope. Like the planet which is having highest degree is Called
Atmakaraka, the next highest degree planet is known as Amatya Karaka etc.
There are total 7 Chara Karakas –
1-Atmakaraka- Significator of Soul.
2-Amatyakaraka- Significator of Profession and Status
3 Bhatrukaraka- Significator of Sibling, Courage and Hard work.
4 Matrukaraka- Significator of Mother, Education, Home etc.
5- Putrakaraka- Significator of Child, Intelligence etc.
6 Ganti Karaka- Significator of Enemies, Disease and Relatives
7. Darakaraka- Significator of Spouse.
In these Karaka, Rahu and Ketu are not considered. Though Some people Use them. But I do not use
them in my Analysis and I will also Suggest my readers to Stick to 7 Karakas only.
When Different Planets become Darakaraka (DK), spouse nature can be according to that planet only.
Now Lets Discuss the Effects of Each and Every individual.
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Sun
Darakaraka Sun Means Sun has the lowest degree in your birth chart. When Sun is your darakaraka, Your
Spouse can be a person with good leadership quality, confident, steadfast and with high self-respect.
The qualities of the Sun will be prominent in Your Wife or Husband.
Sun indicates Status, Ego and Position. So Darakaraka Sun also indicates Your Desire for a Partner from
High Social Status and Position.
We have to see the Aspect of the Planets also during spouse prediction. If Sun is aspected by its friends
like Mars, Jupiter, Moon, the partner will add value to the life of the native. But if it is aspected by its
enemy like Rahu or Saturn, Your Life Partner will be unhappy.
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Moon
Darakaraka Moon Means, Moon has the lowest degree in your birth chart. When Moon becomes the
Darakaraka, Your Life Partner can be emotional, caring, home loving and soft hearted. They will be very
flexible. If Saturn or Rahu afflicts this moon, it will give the selfish tendency, meanness of mind etc.
If Jupiter aspects, it will give wisdom and knowledge to the person. Moon Rules our Emotions, Sensitivity
etc. Moon is also Family Oriented Planet. So Darakaraka Moon will make your Partner Adaptable.
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Mars
Darakaraka Mars Means, Mars has the lowest degree in your birth chart. When Mars becomes Your
Darakaraka Planet, Your Spouse can be very head strong and competitive nature. He/she will always be
ready to fight. If Mars is afflicted by Planets like Saturn or Mars the dark side of Mars Like fighting,
abusing etc will be more prominent. But if it is being aspected or conjunct by friends like Jupiter or
Moon, it will show its courage and dynamism in good work. You will be happy with spouse.
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Mercury
Darakaraka Mercury Means, Mercury has the lowest degree in your birth chart. Mercury indicates a very
talkative, friendly and Fun Loving Spouse. Mercury is the Planet of Youthful energy. So Darakaraka
Mercury will make your Spouse very Energetic and enthusiastic.
But this is not good for Loyal Partner. When you have Mercury as your Darakaraka, it can make your
Partner very Fickle minded. He/She will not make commitment easily. They will always try to experiment
something new. This tendency of Something New can Sometime drag them to relationship Outside
Marriage also. When Jupiter aspects the Mercury, this tendency is controlled Largely.
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Venus
Darakaraka Venus Means Venus has the lowest degree in your birth chart. When a Person has got
Darakaraka Venus, the spouse will be very romantic, artistic and refined in Nature. He or she will be very
much interested in Look and Beauty. This indicates that your Life Partner will be Very easy going and
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Jupiter
Darakaraka Jupiter Means Jupiter has the lowest degree in your birth chart. When a person has Jupiter
as Darakaraka, the spouse can be very Loyal, religious, optimistic and status driven. You will be very
fortunate Regarding your Life Partner with this.
This is also good for a Honest and Loyal Life partner. When you have Jupiter as Darakaraka, you will give
More importance to the character of your spouse than Look or any other things.
Spouse Details for Darakaraka Saturn
Darakaraka Saturn Means Saturn has the lowest degree in your birth chart. You Will get serious kind of
older partner who is very committed in relationships with Darakaraka Saturn.
It also mean, With Darakaraka Saturn, you want a Partner With the qualities of Saturn. They are least
romantics people but very loyal to partner. Saturn is the Planet of Maturity and Practicality. So with
Saturn as Darakaraka Planet, you can expect your partner to be very Grounded, Humble and Practical.
But this Does not mean that you will always get an older Spouse or Life Partner. Your Spouse will have
the Qualities of Saturn more prominent. Saturn as Darakarka mean Your Spouse Will be sincerely
committed and dutiful. It is Good for long term relationship.

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