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Question TRUE FALSE Answer

the scheme of transmitting data by digitalizing and then using pulse codes to transmit the digitalized data is known as PCM TRUE
the sampling theorem is very important because it allows us to replace a continuous time signal by a discrete sequence of numbers TRUE
in the field of communication the transmission of a continuous time message reduces to the transmission of a sequence of pulses FALSE
a binary digit is called a bit TRUE
we can convert an L - ary signal into a binary signal by using pulse decoding FALSE
•a continuous-time waveform signal used in any form of digital communication. TRUE
opjective of channel incoder is increase relapilty of transmitted data FALSE
A\IVGN Channel vvith Unlmovn1 Phase In this case, the transn1itted signal also experiences an unknown phase shift TRUE
To transmit a message in continuous time signal, we only need to transmit its samples. TRUE
We then approximate (round on) the amplitude of each sample to the nearest level. FALSE
A digital signal is a quantified discrete-time signal TRUE
a pulse train signal that switches between a discrete number of voltage levels or levels of light intensity, also known as a a line coded signal TRUE
opjective of source encoder increase relapilty of recived data FALSE
opjective of channel incoder is increase relapilty of recived data TRUE
During each sampling interval, we send one quantized sample, which has one of the L values. TRUE
imperaments of physical chennal is noise from electronic co1nponents in trans1nitter and receiver TRUE
imperaments of physical chennal is amplifier linearities FALSE
The transmitted signal is only attenuated (alpha < 1) and impaired by an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGn ) process n(t) TRUE
imperaments of physical chennal is linear distortions because of bandlimted channel TRUE
If both the amplitude and the phase are varied proportional to the information signal (QAM) TRUE
to transmit a message in discrite time signal, we only need to transmit its samples. FALSE
in fact ,all digital communcation today is binary TRUE
the frequncy spectrum of asignal showes relative magnitudes of various frequncy components TRUE
asimiler to standard amplite modulation execet FALSE
in a BPSK modulator , the carrier input signal is multipied by the binary date TRUE
Baud refers to the rate of change of a signal on the transmission medium before encoding FALSE
The transmission medium can be a metallic cable, optical fiber cable, Earth's atmosphere, TRUE
or anumber of bitsofnecessary
combination to produce
two or more types ofatransmission
given number of conditions is expressed mathematically as N = log2 M
systems TRUE
the ideal Nyquist bandwidth =1-B TRUE
in fact all digital communication today is binary TRUE
Digital signal represents a continuous physical values FALSE
The channel encoder increases the reliability of the received data TRUE
Baud refers to rate of change of a signal TRUE
In ASK modulation the carrier signal is an discrete signal while the message signal is analog FALSE
Sampling is the converssion of discrete signal into a continuous signal FALSE
to transmit a message in continuous time signad , we only need to transmit its sample. TRUE
To convert an analog signal into a digital signal: – We divide the amplitudes of the signal into several levels. – We then approximate (round off) the amplitude of each sample to the nearest level. This process is called quantization.
All digial communi cation today is bing . TRUE
The most important of pulse modulation to day is pulse code modulation (PCH). FALSE
one of the advantages of using pulse modulation is thet it allows the simultaneous transmission of many signals. TRUE
A digital signal is a physical signal that is a representation of a sequence of discrete values (a quantified discrete-time signal). TRUE
In modern receivers demodulation and decoding is sometimes performed in an iterative fashion. TRUE
Source Decoder Reconstruct original information signal from input of channel decoder FALSE
Note that the sample values are still not digital as they can have any values in the infinite range. TRUE
in information source the signal is audio signal TRUE
the sample values are still not digital as they can have any values in the infinite range.The number of bits necessary to produce a given number of conditions is expressed mathematically as TRUE
Baud refers
N = log2 M to the rate of change of a signal on the transmission medium before encoding and modulation have occurred. FALSE
The rate of change of the ASK waveform (baud) is the same as the rate of change of the binary input (bps). TRUE
Phase-shift keying (PSK) is another form of angle-modulated,constant-amplitude Analog modulation. FALSE
In a BPSK modulator. the carrier input signal is multiplied by the binary data. TRUE
time sampling t=1/2fm TRUE
ADC is preform sampling and quantizition and encoding TRUE
nygusit rate is R ≥ 2fm TRUE
digital modulator reconstruction transmitted data TRUE
channel encoder in crease relability TRUE
With the sweep mode of modulation, the frequency deviation is expressed mathematically as _f = vm(t)kl TRUE
is binary FSK except the mark and space frequencies are synchronized with the input binary bit rate. TRUE
vfsk(t) = decimal FSK waveform FALSE
Vc = peak analog carrier amplitude TRUE
analog carrier center frequency is volt FALSE
digital signal is not physical signal FALSE
the output block composed of one of five basic of digital communication FALSE
AWGN is the noise of random signal TRUE
the noise signal has high amplitudes with high propabilites FALSE
FDM is the most useful and widely used of all the pulse modulations FALSE
conditions must be fulfilled in a good digital communication system is High fidelity TRUE
The equivalent temperature in a receiver design must be kept is high FALSE
Transmission media used in low frequency band are air TRUE
Matched filter can also be used as least squares estimator. TRUE
Digital communication system can handle 2D signals TRUE
One of digital communication components channel. TRUE
One of digital communication components output. TRUE
Digital communication composed of five basic components. TRUE
Digital communication composed of three basic components. FALSE
receiver is One of digital communication basic components. TRUE
channel is One of digital communication basic components. TRUE
A digital signal is non physical signal. FALSE
A digital signal is physical signal. TRUE
The modulation techniques are categorized into three types they are Binary Signaling, array Signaling, and Quadrature Amplitude modulation TRUE
The transmission bandwidth is as large as possible, the power efficiency is best in polar line encoding, and error detection and error correction capability possible FALSE
The change in amplitude of accordance carrier in the digital message signal is called Amplitude Shift Keying TRUE
The maximum rate of information from transmitter receiver is known as code length TRUE
The frequency of carrier signal is modified in accordance with the message signal then it is called phas Shift Keying FALSE
Channel encoder objective increase the reliability of received data TRUE
Digital demodulator map their input bit sequence to a signal waveform which is suitable for the transmission channel FALSE
Digital signals can be coded boy yield extremely low error rates and high fidelity as well as for privacy TRUE
The minimum theoretical bandwidth necessary to propagate a signal is called the minimum nyquist bandwidth TRUE
Formatting analogue information can be forming using using 1 Step only FALSE
The detection method where carrier’s phase is given importance is called as Coherent detection TRUE
he disadvantages of digital communication Is needs more bandwidth & Is more complex TRUE
The sampling process includes methods such as Filtering FALSE
channel decoder:exploit redundancy into duced by source decoder to increase FALSE
digital modulator:transmit most efficiently over the transmission channel TRUE
coding:is aprocess in analog to digital convert TRUE
the noise signal is mostly high amplitude asignal FALSE
the noise is random signal TRUE
the frequncy spectrum of asignal showes relative magnitudes of various frequncy components TRUE
Digital signal represents a continuous physical values FALSE
In modern receivers demodulation and decoding is sometimes performed in an iterative fashion. TRUE
time sampling t=1/2fm TRUE
A digital signal is physical signal. TRUE
quantization is when we We divide the amplitudes of the signal into several levels.and then we approximate (round off) the amplitude of each sample to the nearest level. TRUE
the most important form of pulse modulation today is puls amplitude modulation (PAM) FALSE
a binary. digital. signal is very desirable because of its simplicity ,economy , and ease of engineering TRUE
an analog signal is characterized by an amplitude that can take on any value over a continuous range TRUE
(AWGN) stands for additive white Gaussian noise TRUE
adigital signal is a physical signal that is a representation os sequence of discrete values TRUE
adigital signal iscontiouous time wave form signal TRUE
in Types of Digital Modulation isFSK (Frequency Shift Keying TRUE
The minimum theoretical bandwidth necessary to propagate a signal is called the minimum nyquist bandwidth TRUE
fsk is sometimes called binary TRUE
Digtal hardware implementation is flexible and permits the use of microprocessor digtal switch,and small scale integrated circuir. FALSE
telephone communication the audio signal BW is about 15 KHZ. TRUE
A binary digtal digits called a bit. TRUE
PCM quantizing is rounding on signal value to one of the closest permissible number or quantized level. FALSE
in FDM various signals are multiplexed by sharing the channel BW. TRUE

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