20211011. MON. 云. BOOK 4. Lesson 1

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20211011. MON. 云. BOOK 4. Lesson 1.

Sentence Pattern I.

1. Kathy / smart / Jane /

2. Taiwan / safe / other countries /
3. summer / hot / winter
4. Tom / sad / the other students
5. I / thin / my sister
6. my neighbors / friendly / theirs
7. my classes / early / yours
8. living in a city / convenient / living in a town

* fun → more fun   /  tire →more tired  / tire →more tired

My parents are more worried than I am.

* far
→ farther (更遠-表距離)
It was farther to the shop than I expected.

→ further (更進一步-表程度)
I never got further than the first five pages of "Ulysses".

Sentence Pattern II.

1. my math / bad / my science

2. my car / good / hers
3. Peter / less worries / his parents
4. learning English / less difficult / learning math

* more / less / fewer

1. I have more books than you do.

2. He drank less soup than we did.
3. People use fewer plastic bags than they did before.

Sentence Pattern III.

1. Jack is the taller of the two.

20211011. MON. 云. BOOK 4. Lesson 1.

2. Kelly / rich / of the two

3. 台北市兩個城市裡比較現代的。

Sentence Pattern IV.

much, far, a lot, a little, even, still…

1. 住在台北比住在台中貴多了。
2. 這台車比那台車便宜多了。

Sentence Pattern V.

There more…, the more…

The more book your buy, the more knowledge you get.
The happier you are, the more friends you make.

1. If you do much exercise, you are fit. 

2. If he wrote much, his writing becomes good.  
3. If they travel much, they know about the word good.  
4. If Jack eat much, he becomes fat.  
5. If we start later, we get into many traffic jams.  

Sentence Pattern VI.

… as … as

1. he / fat / my brother
2. this painting / expensive / that one

Sentence Pattern VII.

1. 桌上的那些書是誰的?
2. 地上的這些襪子是誰的?
3. 牆上的那幅畫是誰的?

20211011. MON. 云. BOOK 4. Lesson 1.

1. If I have __________ homework than I did last Sunday, I will go to see a  movie with you.  
     (A) little            (B) less          (C) few         (D) fewer  
2. If COVID-19 keeps spreading, ___________ tourists will visit Taiwan than before, which is not
good for our tourism(觀光業). 
      (A) fewer          (B) few          (C) less         (D) a few  
3. There are __________ slices of cake left over from the party. 
       (A) less           (B) fewer         (C) little         (D) a few 
4. One study showed that even as __________ as ten cigarettes a day can cause  cancer(癌症). 
       (A) fewer         (B) little         (C) few          (D) less 
5. The ____________ friends you make, the more difficult it is to get help.  
       (A)less            (B) little           (C) few           (D) fewer  
6. I don't have as __________ books as you.  
       (A) less           (B) more             (C) many         (D) much  
7. You can keep this dictionary as __________ time as you like.  
       (A) much         (B) more             (C) less            (D) many  
8. He looked ____________ sad yesterday because he failed his math test.  
       (A) more         (B) less             (C) few             (D) a little  
9. Of the two math questions, the first one is _______________.  
       (A) most difficult         (B) the most difficult     (C) more difficult         (D) the more difficult 
10. Most people think traveling is much_____________ than staying at home.  
       (A) the more interesting       (B) more interesting    (C) interesting             (D) most interesting  
11. Your car is far ______________ than my car.  
       (A) faster          (B) more faster       (C) most faster        (D) fast  
12. John is taller than ____________ boys in his class.  
       (A) any other        (B) all the other       (C) any               (D) the others 
13. My sister is smarter than ______________ student in her school.  
       (A) any other        (B) all the other       (C) any               (D) the others 
14. It is ___________ quieter in the library than in market. 
       (A) more           (B) less              (C) much            (D) much more  
15. Dean is ______________ of the two boys.  
       (A) the more brave     (B) the braver        (C) brave       (D) braver  
16. Who is _____________, Oliver or Mike ? 
       (A) richer          (B) more rich        (C) the most rich     (D) the richer  
17. The game between the Tigers and the Lions was _________ than the game  
         between the Tigers and the Elephants.  
      (A) excitingly      (B) more exciting      (C) exciting      (D) more excitingly  

20211011. MON. 云. BOOK 4. Lesson 1.

18. The cell phone is __________ and _________ of the two.  

       (A) bigger ; more cheaper          (B) the bigger ; cheaper     
        (C) bigger ; cheaper                (D) big ; cheap  
19. What is the cheaper of ____________ bags ? 
       (A) the two      (B) all the      (C) the three      (D) the all 


20. Peter’s comic book is ______ than Randy’s and Gary’s.

(A) the most interesting (B) interesting
(C) the more interesting (D) more interesting
21. Nothing is ________ than safety.
(A) the more important (B) important (C) more important (D) less important
22. Jean is more careful than Tommy _________.
(A) are (B) do (C) does (D) is
23. May made _________ mistakes than everyone else. She’s very careful about what she’s doing.
(A) fewer (B) less (C) more little (D) less few
24. Sam is heavier than __________ in his class.
(A) other boy (B) the boys (C) every boy (D) any other boy
25. I bought ten apples yesterday, but one of them is smaller than ______________.
(A) another (B) all the others (C) other (D) others
26. Louis : How doe John look of the two boys ?
Kent : He looks like _________ one of the two boys.
(A) tall (B) the taller (C) the tall (D) taller
27. Of the two animals, I think the tiger is ___________.
(A) strong (B) the more strong (C) stronger (D) the stronger
28. Between Allan and Billy, Allan is _________ of both.
(A) smart (B) the smarter one (C) the smart (D) the more smart
29. Tokyo is bigger than ________ cities in the world.
(A) all the (B) all the other (C) anyone else (D) other else
30. When running, Jean is slower than Jenny because her legs are ______ than Jenny’s.
(A) less long (B) longer (C) long (D) much longer
31. Susan is not as pretty as her twin sister, Molly. She is ________ than Molly.
(A) more beautiful (B) less beautiful (C) beautiful (D) less more beautiful
32. You look ___________ than I saw you. I guess you must have eaten a lot.

20211011. MON. 云. BOOK 4. Lesson 1.

(A) much heavier (B) less heavy (C) more heavy (D) less heavier
33. Dave’s house is larger than __________.
(A) my car (B) mine (C) I (D) me
34. You are just _________ taller than I am. So you’re not as tall as I imagined.
(A) a little (B) far (C) thirty centimeters (D) much
35. The books I collect are more than ________.
(A) Kathy (B) the Browns (C) Susan’s brother (D) Tim’s
36. There are fewer museums in Taiwan than ____________.
(A) America does (B) America (C) in America (D) America is
37. It is _______ from here to Hsinchu than to Taipei.
(A) fifty kilometers far (B) farther fifty kilometers
(C) fifty kilometers farther (D) fifty kilometers further
38. This is my class, and __________ next to mine.
(A) mine ; are (B) yours; is (C) you ; is (D) yours; are
39. A : Is this your house? B: No, that’s _____. ______ over there.
(A) Johns’ : Yours (B) John’s : Mine’s (C) his : Mine (D) hers :His is
40. David : ________ car is that ?
Linda : That’s ___________.
(A) Whose : Henry’s (B) Who : Dr. Wang’s and Dr, Lin’s
(C) Who’s : Frank’s (D) Whose : the mens’
41. Betty and John bought a car last month. My car is a TOYOTO, but ________ is a BMW.
(A) hers (B) his (C) theirs (D) ours
42. These are your shoes, but where are ___________ ? Did you see _______ ?
(A) my shoes : they (B) mine : them (C) me : they (D) my : them
43 . Look at the painting on the wall. This is one of _______________ .
(A) my mothers’
(B) my mother’s
(C) the painting of my mother
(D) my mother’s painting
44. Albert’s bike is expensive, but mine _________ very cheap.
(A) aren’t (B) is (C) was (D) are
45. Her dog is cute, and so is _________. What’s _______ name?
(A) yours : it’s (B) your dog : it is (C) yours : its (D) you : his


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