Craggs, (1991) - Measuring The Noise Level of Loaded Electric Motors

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Siemens Energy 6i Automation, Inc.
4620 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio 45212
Abstract - Traditionally, electric motor utilize this information in studying the
noise level is specified and measured at overall noise characteristics measured at the
no-load conditions. This is primarily due to site.
the difficulty of separating motor noise from
driven machine noise and other environmental 11. BACKGROUND
noise when motors are loaded. However, when
motors are placed in service they are always As background for the noise testing informa-
loaded, and any regulatory requirements for tion which follows, the various means of
noise levels in the workplace are based on expressing sound are reviewed in Appendix B.
the noise levels which prevail when all
equipment is in full operation. To address 111. MEASURING THE NOISE PRODUCED
this situation, methods have been explored BY A LOADED MOTOR
for measuring the noise level of loaded
motors on the manufacturer's test floor. There are significant problems associated
Methods considered include quieting the with measuring the noise of loaded motors.
loading device, utilizing a noise testing These include high ambient noise levels which
enclosure at the load test area, and can be due to the loading equipment or other
utilizing the sound intensity measuring noise sources in the shop areas. Also a poor
technique. Each method is examined, and the acoustical environment can amplify noise
merits of each are reviewed. Test data is levels as a result of reverberations and
evaluated for a specific situation where the sound reflections from nearby structures and
use of the sound intensity testing method equipment.
proved to be the preferred solution.
To address these problems in a motor manu-
I. INTRODUCTION facturing area, three basic approaches are
considered. They include:
For many years it has been the practice in
the electric motor industry to specify motor Quieting of the loading equipment and
noise levels and testing of noise levels with other sources to reduce the ambient
the motor running idle at rated voltage. noise level around the motor being
This approach was taken due to difficulties tested to a level conducive to making
in using loading devices in a sound testing conventional sound pressure level
area. Thus testing was for the noise emana- readings of motor noise.
ted from the motor alone, without extraneous
influences such as mounting arrangement, Construction of a noise testing room or
noise contribution from loading equipment, enclosure around the machine being
etc. NEMA, ANSI and IEEE standards presently tested. This enclosure would shelter
deal with noise levels and testing procedures the motor from noise produced by the
for unloaded electric motors only. load machine or other sources, and would
provide a suitable internal environment
The shortcoming of this approach is that the for performing noise tests on a loaded
user of an electric motor almost never motor.
operates it without load. Thus, his concern
is only with noise levels of loaded motors. Employ a relatively new noise measure-
Literature has been written, based on testing ment technique which uses sound intens-
programs, which provides general guidelines ity measurement as a means of determin-
to the effect that motor noise will increase ing the motor noise level. This
approximately 0 to 3 or 4 dB(A) when load is approach is considered because it can be
applied 111. However, magnetic noise under performed in the presence of high
load may increase more than this, resulting ambient noise sources and/or a poor
in misunderstandings and sometimes conflict acoustical environment.
between motor manufacturers and users.
A. Quieting the Load Machine and other Test
The noise level measured at the jobsite is Equipment.
further complicated by the noise produced by
the connected load and any other noise A dynamometer or loading generator is often
sources in the area. Also, noise can be the most severe noise source in the vicinity
amplified due to effects of the acoustical of a motor being tested under load. However,
environment itself, such as reflected noise, ambient noise from other sources must also be
reverberations, etc. considered. For instance, in many cases, one
or more auxiliary motor-generator sets must
This paper addresses means of measuring the be in operation in conjunction with a dyna-
noise output of loaded electric motors by the mometer when it is in use.
motor supplier at the factory in a manu-
facturing environment. By taking this To evaluate this approach it is necessary
approach, the noise attributed directly to that the ambient noise level be measured with
the motor at the final jobsite can be a known the dynamometer and all necessary auxiliary
entity, and thus noise evaluations there can equipment run-ling. This can then be compared
239 CH2973-6 91 0000-0239 $1 00 c 1991 IEEE
to the expected noise levels of the motors to Must be large enough so that its pres-
be tested, and from this it can then be ence will not distort noise readings
determined whether this approach to noise taken inside of it.
testing under load is feasible. 0
Must be portable or provided with
In Table I examples are shown of the noise openings to enable access for motor
levels produced by two different dynamo- entry and test setup.
meters and their auxiliary equipment in their 0
test areas as compared with the no-load noise Must be ventilated to avoid overheating
level of a typical large electric motor. A 3 the motor being tested.
dB margin over ambient noise level is normal-
ly needed for meaningful sound pressure level IEEE 8 5 defines the requirements of test
testing [ 2 ] . Thus it can be seen that the enclosures needed for noise testing of
ambient noise levels in both areas are too electric motors. Table I1 lists some of the
high to enable acquiring accurate sound requirements [ 2 ] . The specific enclosure
pressure levels produced by the motor either design would be determined by these needs
with or without load. Options could include plus geometric details of the line of motors
quieting of the test area and equipment or to be tested within it.
the use of a different approach.
C. Testina via the Sound Intensity Method.
B. Constructina a Noise Testing Enclosure
Around the Motor beincr Tested. The sound intensity method of measuring the
noise produced by a piece of equipment has
An enclosure for enabling the noise testing been substantially developed and refined
of a loaded motor must have several qualities within the last fifteen years. It utilizes a
which include: two microphone probe which measures both
magnitude and direction of the flow of sound
Walls must have high enough transmission energy. As a result it has the advantage
loss to limit the entry of surrounding that it can compensate for a relatively poor
noise from the dynamometer and other acoustical environment with reverberations
sources. and reflecting surfaces, and it can also
compensate for an ambient sound pressure

(All values are Sound Pressure Level, Ref. 2 0 x Pascals)
Octave Band Center Frea. Overall

125 250 500 1 0 0 0 2000 4000 8000 A Lin

Ambient in test )
area with ) Test Area A 84 83 80 80 76 74.5 70 84.5 89
and aux. ) Test Area B 90 88.5 83 8 2 . 5 84 83 81 89.5 94 . 5
running 1
Noise level of
typical quiet
motor at 1 meter
in a free field 81 87 78 13 76 76 65 83 89

A. Reverberant Room

1. 180 m3 is minimum size ( 6 3 5 7 ft3)

2. Proportions are 1 : ( 1 . 1 7 to 1 . 4 5 ) : ( 1 . 4 7 to 2 . 1 )

3. Machine tested cannot be closer than 1 m to the ceiling or any wall.

4. Measurements must be made at a distance from t motor surface of at

least one maximum machine dimension or 2/3 (V)’” whichever is great-
er, where V is the volume of the test room.
B. Semi-Reverberant Room

1. Microphone cannot be closer than 1 m to ceiling or any wall, or any

reflecting surface.
2. Microphone must be no closer than 1 m to the motor surface for medium
and large machines, or 0.3 m for small machines.
level higher than that produced by the with amblent noise levels up to approxi-
machine being tested. These characteristics mately 10 dB higher than that of the
make the sound intensity method attractive object being tested if the source is at a
for performing noise tests in adverse condi- distance (15 to 20 ft.) from the motor,
tions such as for loaded motors in a shop and up to 5 dB higher if the source is
area or in a field installation. very close (3 to 6 ft.) to the test
object. It should be noted from the above
1. Description of Sound Intensity: Sound that in both cases the sound intensity
intensity describes the rate of flow of method is applicable when the ambient
sound energy through a particular area [31. noise level is higher than that of the
Sound intensity is measured in watts per object being tested.
square meter of surface and is expressed in
decibels with reference to watts (one 2. Shop Tryout of Sound Intensity Method:
picowatt) per square meter. Thus [4] The first tryout of the sound intensity
method in a shop environment involved
LIn = 10 loglo
9 dB

Where IInI = Sound intensity normal to the

surface being considsred
testing a reasonably quiet large motor
direct coupled to a dynamometer which was
quite noisy. The test motor was initially
tested at no load per IEEE 8 5 in a sound
laboratory, to establish its sound power
level. Then it was coupled to the dynamo-
= Reference level of 1 pW/m
Io meter in test area B, but with no shaft
The sound power emitted through a portion of load, since the dynamometer losses were
supplied by a DC machine which was also
a surface is then [4] coupled to the dynamometer. This sound
Pi = Ini si intensity test provided very poor results
with errors in excess of 10 dB in some
octave bands. The noisy dynamometer locat-
Where Ini = the signed magnitude of the ed very close (directly coupled) to the
normal sound intensity component
measured at position i of a test motor was believed to be the cause.
measuring surface In a second test sequence a reflective
Si = area of segment i of the sound barrier was inserted between the
measuring surface motor and dynamometer as shown in Fig. 1 6r
2. This barrier blocked the direct high
Using this approach, a measuring surface can noise level impingement onto the testing
be established around the object being area from the dynamometer, and it provided
tested (in this case, an electric motor). a second reflecting plane which eliminated
The total measuring surface can be divided the need to make measurements between the
into several convenient parts for testing, dynamometer and the test motor. The
and the sound power can be measured for each coupling between the motor and dynamometer
individual portion of the measuring surface operated with a small radial clearance
via sound intensity measurements. The total within a hole in the barrier to avoid
sound power level of the source is then significant sound leakage. See Fig. 3.
expfzssed in decibels with reference to Sound intensity tests were taken on a
10 watts. Thus [4] measuring surface (as in Fig. 1) which was
(3) 10 inches from the motor. Measurement
points were spaced 18 inches apart on this
surface. The results of this testing
showed good correlation with the sound
Where N = total number of measuring sur-
face segments
Reference level of 1pW
Po =
The sound intensity as measured includes
reflected sound from closely located reflec-
tive surfaces (such as the floor) as part of
its input. More than one reflective surface
can be used and still allow correct results
to be achieved.
a) Several standards for measuring the
sound power level of an object are in the
draft stage both in Europe and in the USA
at the time of writing this paper. They
are :
ISO/DIS 9614-1 [4]
ANSI S12.12-198X [5]
Both dwell heavily on measuring techniques
and on evaluations to determine that
sufficient accuracy is being obtained.

b) Present experience indicates that the Fig. 1. Arrangement of reflecting barrier.

sound intensity measurements are accurate
Fig. 2 . Motor on test with barrier in place Fig. 3 . Sealing aroundcoupling where it
passes through barrier

(All values are Sound Power Level, Ref. watts)
(Sound Pressure Level at 1 meter in a free Field is 1 2 . 4 dB lower)

Octave Band Center Frea. Overall

125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A Lin
Tested at No-Load in a
Reverberant Sound Lab 94.6 95.5 91.9 87.7 89.1 83.7 72.2 95.3 100.5

Tested w/o shaft load while )

coupled to dynamometer 1
with barrier in place, using) 93.2 96.9 9 2 . 6 88.2 89.1 83.9 73.0 95.5 100.2
sound intensity method 1
(Test area B). 1
Tested at 1 . 1 5 SF load ) 92.7 97.2 91.6 87.8 91.9 88.2 71.9 96.8 100.5
while coupled to dynamometer)
with barrier in place, using)
sound intensity method 1
(All Values are Sound Power Level, Ref. watts)
(Sound Pressure Level at 1 meter in a free Field is 1 1 . 2 dB lower)

Octave Band Center Frea. Overall

125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A Lin
Tested at No-Load in a
Reverberant Sound Lab 85.5 91.4 95.4 95.6 94.8 92.9 86.2 101.2 101.6

Tested coupled to dynamometer

with barrier in place, using
sound intensity method
(Test Area A)

Load from Motor Spacinq

None 10" 18" 8 8 . 1 92.6 94.2 94.3 94.5 93.5 85.7 100.8 101.7
None 24" 24" 89.0 94.3 95.7 95.9 9 4 . 0 92.6 84.6 100.9 102.3
None 36" 36" 90.5 92.2 9 4 . 0 93.7 93.6 92.4 85.7 99.9 101.3
Full Load 10" 18" 87.8 92.5 94.2 90.8 87.4 99.6 100.9
Full Load 24" 24" 89.0 91.6 93.4 92.9 91.3 89.6 85.7 9 8 . 1 100.0

I , 1
power levels obtained in the sound labora- References
tory. A comparison is shown in Table 111.
When this particular motor was tested at a [l] R. Brozek, "NO Load to Full Load Airborne
1.15 service factor load there was an in- Noise Level Change on High Speed Poly-
crease of 2.8 dB and 4.8 dB in the 2000 Hz phase Induction Motors," IEEE/PCI Confer-
and 4000 Hz octave bands respectively, but ence Paper No. PCI-72-8, Fig. 21 through
due to the distribution of sound frequencies 27.
this resulted in an overall increase of only
1.3 dB(A). Note that the results are tabul- [2] The Institute of Electrical & Electronic
ated in sound power level. For this size Engineers, Inc., IEEE Test Procedure for
machine the sound pressure level in a free Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotatinq
field at a distance of 1 meter from the motor Electric Machinery, IEEE Standard 85-1973
would be 12.4 dB lower. (R 1980).

In a third test sequence, another motor was [3] Gunnar Rasmussen, "Intensity - Its
tested at no-load first in the sound lab per Measurement and Uses," Sound and
IEEE 85, and then in test area A, using a Vibration, Vol. 23, Number 3, March 1989,
barrier between the motor and the dynamome- p. 12-21.
ter. In this case sound intensity measure-
ments were made on measuring surfaces at [4] International Organization for Standard
lo", 24", and 36" from the motor being ization, Acoustics - Determination of
tested, with spacings between readings being Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources usinq
at l8", 24"' and 36" respectively. Results Sound Intensity - Measurement at Discrete
are tabulated in Table IV. In addition there Points, Draft International Standard
were extensive evaluations of the various ISO/DIS 9614-1.
indicators as defined by the draft of ISO/DIS
9614-1 [4], and these results are included in [5] American National Standards Institute,
Appendix A. Again, there is good agreement Enqineerinq Method for the Determination
between measurements per IEEE 85 and those of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources
made by the sound intensity method. The using Sound Intensity, Proposed ANSI
sound intensity values taken closest to the S12.12 - 198X (ASA XX).
motor (on the 10" surface) show slightly
better agreement, particularly in the 125 Hz [6] National Electrical Manufacturers
octave band, but the overall readings show Association, Motors and Generators, NEMA
good consistency as the distance of the Publication No. MGl-1987.
measuring surface from the machine is in-
creased. Note that the sound power of the [ I ] American National Standards Institute,
motor actually decreased slightly at full Inc., American National Standard for
load due to a noticeable decrease in windage Polvphase Induction Motors for Power
noise when the motor speed decreased due to Generatinq Stations, ANSI C50.41-1982.
slip. This reduction in noise output would
not have been known prior to having a noise
testing method for loaded motors. Also note
that the results of this testing sequence are
again expressed in sound power level. For
this motor the sound pressure level in a free
field at a distance of 1 meter from the motor
would be 11.2 dB lower.
In the tests described the results at no-load
using the sound intensity test method were
consistently close to those achieved when
testing per IEEE 85. This is noteworthy when
considering that the accuracy of the IEEE
method itself is stated to be within 2 3 dB.

Based on the testing performed and the

investigations made, it is concluded that
testing the noise level of loaded electric
motors is feasible by any of the three
methods examined. The choice of test method
is dictated primarily by the nature of
prevailing conditions in the manufacturer's
shop, along with considerations of economics
and convenience of usage. In the case
history outlined in this paper, these factors
point toward the use of the sound intensity
method. The test results and evaluations
made using the sound intensity approach show
that very good accuracy is achievable, and
that the method lends itself well to applica-
tion in a shop environment.

APPENDIX A sinned values of intensity readings are used
in the evaluation. - F exceeds a
Evaluation of Field Indicators value of 3.0, there :f,"ae a 2eed for a
Per June 29, 1989, higher density of test points, or to make the
draft of ISO/DIS 9614-1 [4] measuring surface at a closer distance to the
motor. Test values of F3 are tabulated in
Table A-2.
The June 29, 1989, draft of ISO/DIS 9614-1
was the latest available when this paper was Indicator F is a check to determine if an
being drafted. This standard proposes the adequate n d b e r of points was used in making
use of a number of factors and sound field sound intensity measurements. In general, it
indicators which are aimed at assuring is required that
certain levels of accuracy when specified
criteria are met. The field indicators were N > CF42 (4)
determined by test when test sequence 3 was
being performed using the sound intensity Where N = the total number of test locations
method. used on the entire measuring
The first factor is merely a check of the F4 = a factor determined by test
instrument being used, wherein the probe is
reversed and a repeat reading is taken. ''C" for Engineering Octave Band
Equal and opposite values are expected here, (Class 2) Measurements Center Frequency
within 1.5 dB, and this was found to be the
case. 8 63-125
15 250-500
Indicator F , the surface pressure-intensity 28 1000-4000
indicator, %wolves determining the differ- 10 6300
ence between the sound pressure level and the
unsigned sound intensity level on the measur- In some test tryouts where this category was
ing surface for each octave band. This value not met, it was found that accurate results
must then be compared to the capability of were still achieved. Thus, it is not certain
the equipment being used for testing. This that this criterion is always necessary for
comparison is shown in Table A - 1 . Note that testing electric motors. Test values for
the pressure-intensity indicator is not well indicator F4 are shown in Table A-3.
defined in the 8K octave band. The litera-
ture from the instrument supplier indicates Indicator F is a check of the averaging time
that an additional error of 1-2 dB could required w h h making sound intensity read-
occur in this octave band with the microphone ings. There seemed to be quite a range of
spacing used in this testing program. values found at the lower frequency 125 Hz
octave band. Results are shown in Table A-4.
Indicator F3 is similar to F2 except that Tests reported in test sequence 3 were all
taken with an averaging time of 8 seconds.


Distance between Octave Band Center Freu.
from Motor Points 125 250 500
10" 18" 5.63 5.97 3.85 3.58 2.66 2.43 3.86

24" 18" 4.11 4.13 3.19 3.42 3.78 4.20 4.07

36" 18" 6.59 5.46 4.29 4.27 3.14 2.92 3.17

Specified Max. Value

for Instrument used 8 11 15 17 17 17 Undefined

Distance between Octave Band Center Freu.
from Motor Points -
125 -
250 -
500 -
1000 -
2000 -
4000 -

10" 18" 6.14 6.25 3.92 3.58 2.67 2.47 3.97

24" 18" 4.11 4.13 3.19 3.42 3.78 4.20 4.07

36'' 36" 6.65 5.46 4.29 4.27 3.14 2.92 3.17

Distance between Octave Band Center Freq.
from Motor Points 125 250 500 ~~~E
10" 18" 1.16 .93 1.07 .81 1.13 1.36 1.18
24" 1 8" .50 .81 .99 .38 .37 .49 .44
36" 36" .90 .64 .54 .29 .82 .96 .71


Number of Average Octave Band Center Freq.

of Trials Time (sec) -
125 250 500 ~~~~

(10 2 .628 .099 .048 .031 .053 .150 .167

No (10 8 .728 .064 .041 .022 .018 .062 .082
Load (10 32 .120 .033 .025 .011 .058 .116 .089

(10 2 .131 .126 ,091 .064 .036 .093 .536

Full (10 8 .126 .145 .076 .020 .035 .051 .482
Load ( 10 32 .091 .083 .023 .063 .031 ,020 .144

APPENDIX B where Lp = sound pressure level in decibels

Review of Terminology to Express Sound p = measured sound pressure
po = referenczg sound pressure of
As a background for the noise testing 20 x 10 Pascals
information in this paper, some of the The sound pressure level observed is depend-
various means of expressing sound should be ent upon distance from the sound source and
reviewed. Basically, a source of sound upon the effects of other sound sources, room
radiates sound power into the surrounding reverberations, reflected sound, and atmos-
atmosphere. The effect of this radiated pheric conditions. However, if the sound
sound power is pressure. This pressure is power level of a sound source is known, its
what is sensed when the ear hears a sound sound pressure level in a free field at any
[31. distance from the source can be readily
Sound power which is radiated from a sound determined.
source is measured in watts. It is a fixed Sound Intensity describes the rate of flow of
entity for a given sound source, and it is sound energy through a particular area [3].
unaffected by environmental considerations. Thus, if one considers a sound source to be
The term "sound power level" is used to completely enclosed by a theoretical surface,
define the wattage being radiated from a the average intensity of the flow of sound
sound source. It is expressed as a ratio to power through that surface would be the sound
a standard reference level. The standard way power divided by the area of the surface.
of expressing this quantity is as 10 times The standard way of expressing this quantity
the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of is as 10 times the logarithm to the base 10
a given sound power to the reference power of the ratio of the sound intensity to the
[21. r i reference intensity [41.
- -
Lw = 10 log
Lw =
I Po I

sound power level, in decibels L'o I


P = total sound power radiated where LIn = sound intensity level in

from a sound source, if2watts decibeIs
Po = reference power of 10 watts, lInl = sound intensity normal to the
or 1pW surface being considered
= reference intensity of IpW/m2
Sound pressure, which is the observable
result of a radiated sound, is what is heard Sound power level is used to define the noise
produced by electric motors in NEMA and ANSI
by the human ear, and also what is measured
by a conventional sound level meter. This standards [6] [7]. However, many users
pressure is expressed as a ratio to a specify the sound pressure level at 1 meter
reference pressure. The standard way of from the motor in a free sound field. IEEE
85 prescribes how to measure the sound power
expressing this quantity is as 20 times the
logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the level of an unloaded motor under controlled
sound pressure to the refe_renc_epressure [2]. conditions, and it shows how to convert that
value into the sound pressure level which
would be observed at a specified distance
from the motor in a free sound field [2].


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