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Used to - Would / Be Used to - Get Used to / Be Accustomed to

“Used to” ifadesi geçmişte yaptığımız, ama şu anda yapmayı bıraktığımız alışkanlık / düzenli davranışları
ifade eder ya da geçmişte var olan artık geçerliliğini yitirmiş bir durumdan bahsederken kullanılır.
Devamında infinitive bir yapı kullanılır.

I used to bite my nails when I was a little child ( Küçük bir çocukken, tırnaklarımı yerdim)(artık

She used be a teacher before the war. ( O savaştan önce bir öğretmendi)(artık değil)

“Used to” ifadesinin olumsuzu “didn’t use to” ya da “used not to” şeklinde ifade edilir, fakat ikincisinin
kullanımı çok nadirdir.

People didn’t use to eat fast food in the past as much as they do now.

Although he is a heavy somoker now, he used not to smoke when he was a teenager.

“Would” yapısı aynı “used to” gibi kullanılabilir ve anlamca birebir aynıdır. Fakat, durum bildiren fiiller
(stative verbs: know, have, be...) ile would kullanamayız. Sadece eylem bildiren fiiler (action verbs) ile
“would” yapısı kullanılabilir.

She used to be plump when she was in college.

My best friend and I would/ used to run every morning when we were in high school

“Be used to” ve “be accustomed to” aynı anlamda olup, “alışkın olmak” anlamını taşır ve daima bir isim
ya da gerund ifade ile devam eder.

I am used to / am accustomed to cold weather

I am used to walking in cold weather

Long distance runners are used to doing long workouts.

Long distance runners are used to high volume workouts.

“Get used to” ise “alışmak” anlamını taşır ve peşinden bir isim ya da gerund ifade gelir.

After two half marathons, I am getting used to running long distances

People from countryside can’t get used to noise in city centers.

Aşağıdaki Örnek Cümleleri İnceleyin

I used to have long hair (but now I have short hair).

He used to smoke (but now he doesn't smoke).

They used to live in India (but now they live in Germany).

Did you use to be a teacher?

Did he use to study French?

She didn't use to like chocolate, but she does now.

I didn't use to want to have a nice house.

When I was a student, we would often have a drink after class on a Friday.

When I lived in Italy, we would go to a little restaurant near our house.

I'm used to getting up early, so I don't mind doing it (= getting up early is normal for me, it's what I usually

My little daughter is used to eating lunch at noon. So she was grumpy yesterday when we didn't eat until

Lucy isn't used to staying up late, so she's very tired today.

Are your children used to walking a lot?

I've lived in the UK almost all my life, so I'm used to rain (= rain is normal for me).

That football team always lose, so they're used to disappointment!

It was difficult when I first started university, because I wasn't used to the amount of work we had to do.

Soon I'll be used to driving in London and I won't be so frightened!

Don't worry if your new job is hard at first. You'll get used to it.

It took me a while, but I got used to speaking another language every day.

It took me a few months to get used to living in Japan. At first everything seemed very different, but then
gradually it became normal for me.

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