The Teaching Profession Output For Final

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Daisy A.

Denial BSED English 3

Educ 412 final exam


1. Continuous
2. Collaborative
3. Focus on a teacher need
4. Job-embedded
5. Given enough time
6. funded


Seven philosophies of education

1. Constructivism-learners are not tabularasa, but instead they are full of knowledge that needs to
be assist by the teachers to unlock it. Students are not passive but rather there are active
learners. Students learn a new lesson and form a new meaning based on their own experience.

2. Essentialism- This theory is more on subject matter oriented rather than learners centered. It
focused is mastery of subject matter. Teachers are mostly dependent in using of textbook are
mode of teaching.
3. Perennialism- Teacher’s centered theory. Students are treated equally. Accepting that students
are diverse, and teachers needs to respect them, no to bias and discrimination. Whether
students like the lesson or not, they are dependent to teacher’s coz teachers knows what’s best
for them.
4. Existentialism- this theory aims to assist students to accept who are they and embrace
themselves as unique individual, learners are responsible of their own actions. In everything
they do, there is corresponding consequences. Students are assessing by teachers to know
themselves and what their place in the society. Teacher’s must morally upright and taught a
good moral to the students. Teaching students not only to become a knowledgeable but be
good citizen in their community is a must.
5. Linguistic philosophy- students are taught on how to communicate clearly, constructing correct
grammar. Learning to use and apply nonverbal and verbal communication. Linguistic philosophy
is student centered resource that it recommends students to learn how to communicate,
construct grammar and correct usage of words.
6. Behaviorism- behavioral psychology. Student’s behaviors are learned by interacting to others. In
this theory, our response to environment affects our actions. Learners need to assess well
because they can easily imitate what they saw in the environment. Students can’t easily
understand language by simply reading textbooks, but they can easily learn language by
interacting to environment.
7. Progressivist – this theory believes that change is constant, there is no permanent. Learners can
easily understand the lesson by doing it or experiencing. Learning by doing that students can
easily learn by having a freedom to choose their own way of learning, pursuing their own
interest and compensate their own interest.

44-46. ways by which professional teachers can earn credit units

1. Professional tract
2. Academic tract
3. Self directed tract
4. productive scholarship

47-50 my own plan for continuing professional development

Training objective activity Resources needed Time frame Expected Expected

need output outcome
What do I What What Human Material When am I What
need to should I do activity Whose What supposed results
finish my to finish should I do help do materials to have does this
studies my undergo I need or how addressed activity
studies? to address to much my need? have on
my need? address cash do I my
my need to teaching
need address and my
my students
need? learning ?
Study Always Work, Help Books, By 2023 I Pass all my
hard, be seek GOD from laptop, will finish subject
goal first to my cellphon my degree and
oriented achieve parents e graduate
your goal on time.

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