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9. slips truckloads of. Eq Sunray transport C four mills, The grain from three silos to ragdel seeks the miniroun cost shipping échedule between Vhe silos and mills. Mills Dem, 5 Ip Ie 1D Tho basic steps of the transportation algorithm are exactly yhose of the simplex methods Scanned with CamScanner _ Stacting Tteratien He / Determination of the Starling Solukion (basic soln.) © Northwest Commer Hethod - vi a 1 a eK supp. aoe 20 " nitiok io Basie solni 20) . 1a : & ae a e mb) 8 ma2'0 10 Qa 7 to com Dem. Oe i= gy, => z+ (5)lio) + (10)(2)+ Eade ede lsNewlOd may ie step 2/ Compute the nen—basic coeddici ents m the 2-fow using tre method of multipliers. @ Th dhe method of multiplies, we associate the multipliers uy; and yy with row } and column | of the tranoportatien tableau, . For each current basic variable agp mule - u, and y sahiefy yhe following aquaatiens | liers uy +; 2 ij , for each basic 7 Scanned with CamScanner Basic variable wena 2 To solve these equations ,yhe method of roulH phers calls doc ong ary of yhe mullipliers equal 10 P- We arbitrarily set uy =B, then solve dor the ternal - ning Vaciables « TABLES22 eration 1 Calculations = w=? ed IS Sumply 7 TT a 7 0 | 0 15 [is 4 | T 7 7 0 5 1s s |s + 7 ie © wes 4 w jw (ED BS Demand 5 5 w = For each non- basic coeppicient : wpe = Se JY “The results ofthese evaluations are shown inthe following table. onbasie variable Scanned with CamScanner step 3 Determine the entering variable | . 0 yaost positive 4 n | eae au a gy Mo Mao Mee Man | Palo. as “24 2 Do b 4 3 0 6 0 191% 7 oO » Since transportation moolel is a min. peoblem, ie. tering variable io yhe one hoving the regst positive coed dicient jn Yhe w-r0w- Scanned with CamScanner srep 4/ Determine the Leaving varigble | : Shipping dhrough My D shipping ‘through this route reduces fotal shipping cost. e What is Yhe mon, we ean ship through the new route 7 (Assume we ship & unite ) Consider the 2 conditions : one eee eee @ . 4. Supely cud demand remain satisfied , Ze Shipments through all routes remain nen-nega— tive, « Conotruck o loop Yhot storte and ends at he ie entering variable , cel (3, 1) a \ 4% 3 4 yp ew Scanned with CamScanner TRBLE523 Determination of Closed Loop for 5, vets Supply vat vend was 7 Z By 7 1s w= s-0-<-|~ 1060 = A ae] 2 and qo alternate => keep 9 supp! , Signs have 7 : dernand Hs ied. For & BO, values of yoriables ms remain non negative id: ays 5-720 ce Alyy 2 5-820 @ Hig 2 1- o>0. 2 : Both %, and yg wach zerd. Either %, and %o. is is the leowing variable, We acbitrasily choose 7h as the eoving varia ble. New z-value = 390 - (5)(4) = ATT RY Hey lenteing coed ficient var) ot 5 Scanned with CamScanner Basic soln. Basic som x ew ze (eo dx oo oer Ol 19) aay? =I ep 2/3 ermine pre non- basic coefficients : Ca cree > age lb cya 74 €n,= 4 C53 -4 @ sep3/ Delermme the entering vyorria ble Cy 1 Ye most positive coeff. => 7y enter? He. basis . yanable. Construct ohep 4) Delermine the leaving d ands at E a loop Yat starls an en fering variayle cell yy). Scanned with CamScanner TABLE S24 Heration 2 Calculations mel mad =4 = 15 Supaly 0 ano > =p = = 2 mes orem mol + S 4 7 ie = wes 5 5 0 = = Demand 5 6 15 5 Nyy =10-8 20 = fs G10. ayy 2-6 %O @e . | + 7%, 15 the leaving variable becouse it reaches 9. New Z-volve; 2%, =10 @ Fu75- (aio) 24 435- Cee TABLE S.25 eration 3 Caleuations (Optimal) wes me? med meth Soy 7 B Ey ir ano 5 w | os a ie @ 2 7 . @ nas w 1s a a = + 7 6 we? s 5 0 Demand 3 % ® = s . Ie: Ane ace no % 4 von-hosic coedi cients eft, => optimal soln. ho» baan reached. Scanned with CamScanner Optimal Solution From silo To mill & of truckloads 1 2 > ! 4 10 2 2 10 3 a a ¢ 3 * ° 3 i 7 Opt cost = 4 435" eo Scanned with CamScanner ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Y THE HUNGARIAN CREE PROBLEM Y THE HUNGARIAN METHOD Theorem: TP a yumber is added or subjracted from oll of Yhe enteries of any one row o¢ column of a cost matrix, then an optimal assignrnent doc yhe ve- sulting cost matix is also an ophima] assignment jor the original cost matnz, The_wathematical model : Let ¢, be the cost ot assigning the i resource to dhe ot task. We dedine dre cost matrix to be dhe nxn motrin. Cy _ Qn oc %,' Ga ~ --Can Cn) Onam “7 Cnn in a%signment 1 «wet of n entry posihons jn he cost matny, no two od which Vie in dhe same cow of column, An assignment with Yhe smallest noes dle cost i5 called optima | assignment. Scanned with CamScanner ‘he Hungarian Hethod (for an nen mabe) Step | - Subbract the smallest entry In gach mw from all the enteries of its row. step 2- Subtract the smallest entry in each column - deorn all the enteries of ils column, \ btep 3- Draw lines dhrovgh apprpriate rows oud colurans 40 that all p enkeries of the coot matrix are covered and the minimum * of such lines is used. step Am Toot sor ophimelity 1 (¢) Td phe minirnurn Kumber yf covering line is n, an optimal assignment of zeros 12 possible and we are 2 4inished (it) Id the minimum & of cowering lines 76 le99 than n, an optimal assignmerrt ot g's is not yet poss ble, Sep J— Determine the smallest entry not covered ——— 4 by any ling, Subtroet yuis entry trom cach uncovered raw, and then add it to each covered column. Return to Step 3. Scanned with CamScanner A constrelion Co. had 4 large bulldozers Joca ~ bed at sfour differ ent joveges: The bulldozers are fo be meee ty four differnt construction eles. The distances in wife> between the bulldozecs and dhe construction sites are: O* 1 90 TS WF 80 95 65 55 65 2: 3 x 9 90 105 4 HT no 9S NE How should Yhe bulldozers be moved Jo the construction sites in order to minimize he otal distance trovel- a led j step Sublet IF fom rud 35 fom row 2, 40 Prom row %, and 4 trom row 4, Scanned with CamScanner 3 oer’ Subtrack Pam column 4,9 frown column a 3 © from column and 5 from column 1. ® 4G OD 1Jir © 9 9 2/10 50 20 25 3135 5 0 0 410 65 40 65 Step 3- Cover all the zeros of the matrix with dhe minimum F al podzanta) or vertical lines. step y — Since the minimum xe of lines i6 hess than 4y 90 lo step 3° beep F— 5 io the pmallest entry not covered by any line Subbmact from each uncovered row, Scanned with CamScanner © Add !}190 0 58 ‘» 3) 0 >, 202 5p 3/37 0 0 F Return to sep B~ Cover all dhe zecs of the Crmabrix, with the minimum 3 of hotizantal and veh cal lines, Scanned with CamScanner ii, i Step H— Since Yhe minimum jb of lines 16 less than 4, 90 to step 5. Sep T= 20 is the emallest entry nob covered by & ling. Subtract 20 Prom each uncovered row. D 0 0 S 40 30 «40 Reiven Yo step 3. Cover all the J's OL dhe matrix with the minimum #8 of horizantal lines. Shep 4 - Since dhe minimum H% of lines 15 4, an opal aesignment of o's is possi ble. Scanned with CamScanner 4 Ze yo + 46 +95 +60 ae) = 7 Scanned with CamScanner

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