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What do you consider more important when choosing food, the taste or the nutrition?

My answer:

             Today, most people have a diversity of food choices than those lived in many years ago. It
has accepted that we are more convenient when buying food whenever we need it, in contrast, there
is a current argument is that the fundamental attention of buyers is about the tasting or the
nutritional ingredients when they choose food products. In my opinion, I support the viewpoint of
nutrition because it will provide essential elements for my health and help me to avoid serious
diseases. First and foremost, I could not be denied the vital role of nutrition because of its benefits. I
always read the nutritional information carefully attached to the new food products before making a
new choice because it will give me several helpful facts. For example, there are several new items of
food are displayed at the supermarket to attract customers so I usually rely on the information about
ingredients inside to have a choice when I am on a diet. Moreover, reading the nutritional elements
will help me avoid consuming unhealthy food containing many harmful factors like stimulants or
carcinogenic substances. These substances will promote the development of cancer in the human
body. As a result, I could maintain my good health and also decrease the risk of serious illnesses
related to food. On the other hand, some people in the conception of they will rely on the delicious
tasting when deciding on food consumption. In this situation, they might be stimulated by the taste
when they have opportunities to eat food, but they do not know clearly about the food source. I
think that is not a smart choice for most consumers because this food will cause many problems in
the consumer's health like diarrhea or vomiting when they cannot absorb the strangled ingredients
in the new food. More addition, some young adults and teenagers can have symptoms of
malnutrition even life-threatening if they do not receive enough essential elements from the food
supplication. In conclusion, the advantages of nutrition are my priority when choosing food products
so this will lead me to have voted for the idea of “Live to eat, not eat to live”.

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