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What makes up happiness?

Happiness is commonly known as a positive or pleasant emotion that most people

pursue in life. There are several configurations of things that are thought to contribute to
human happiness akin to living a protracted life, earning plenty of money, receiving social
edges or freely selecting life (Hopkins, 2020). Nevertheless, people around the world have
different opinions about the factors that make up happiness. Thanks to a couple of scientific
researches, happiness is formed of 2 main factors: social elements and individual aspects.

At first sight, researchers claim that economic wealth, environment and governance
belong to social factors that form up happiness. According to the World Happiness Report
(WHR), produced by the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, ranks the level
of happiness in 156 countries, and economic wealth is one of the aspects levels of
government corruption decide (Hopkins, 2020). This research found that Americans should
be happier now, as they never relate to violent and violent crime rates, improving the
standard of life and income levels (Hopkins, 2020). Developing equitably and sustainably
socio-economic is a major pillar of Gross National Happiness (GNH) in Bhutan (Ponsner,
2015). Moreover, there was a survey of millennials asking about their top life goals and more
than 80 percent said one of their top life goals was getting rich (Ing,2014). Nevertheless,
wealth does not contribute much to happiness all over the world. Wiking said that the gap
between rich and poor is also eroding the cohesion and trust between people that are so
crucial to the sense of security and thus the general happiness of the American people
(Hopkins, 2020). Besides, the environment is of course indispensable to determining human
happiness, environmental conservation is also listed in GNH (Ponsner, 2015). A clean
environment makes human feelings become comfortable and ease from which to create
happiness. Finally, governance is a factor that much influences the level of happiness of
many worldwide. The idea was that good governance should contribute to a happy nation.
For instance, the concept of GNH is currently being pursued by the world organization and
by varied alternative countries (Posner 2015). It proved that Bhutan was successful in
organizing these pillars and they bring shape efficiency. Another research by Hopkins (2020)
has found that social support and levels of government corruption are also the conditions to
make the WHR possible.

The next factors that make up happiness are individual elements including
relationships and personal freedom. It can be claimed that relationships significantly
contribute to global happiness. When social connections are built, people who are more
socially connected are happier, have better physical health, and live longer (Ing, 2014).
Besides, Ing (2014) found that people who are more isolated from others than they want to
find that they are less happy, their health deteriorates earlier in middle age, their brain
function deteriorates earlier, and they live shorter lives than people who do not sit down
alone. The most basic relationship is friendship which should be cultivated and preserved.
According to Ware (2011), keeping in touch with friends is one of the Top Five Regrets Of
The Dying. Many were so entangled in their own lives that golden friendships had slipped
away from them over the years and, when they are dying, they usually miss their friends
(Ware, 2011). An important thing that should be remembered is that everyone ought to value
​the quality of a relationship instead of the quantity. This can limit the occurrence of conflict
because conflict is harmful to health (Ing, 2014). So, that also affects human happiness.
Health and relationships are inextricably linked, good relationships not only protect our
bodies protect our brains (Ing, 2014). And of course, when we are healthy, we can feel
happiness. Furthermore, another individual factor is personal freedom. According to Top Five
Regrets Of The Dying, there are four of five wishes regarding personal freedom. First,
people would like they had had the courageousness to live a life true to themselves, not the
life others expected of them (Ware, 2011). Ware (2011) found that once folks realize that
their life is nearly over and look back clearly on it, it's simple to check what number of
dreams have gone unrealized. The next popular wish is that everybody wishes that they had
not worked so hard because they lost their children's youth and their partner's
companionship in that period (Ware, 2011). Many people suppressed their feelings to stay at
peace with others, and their wish is to be courageous to express them (Ware, 2011). Finally,
a thing that everyone is making up, people want themselves to be happier in their life (Ware,
2011). Nonetheless, electronic devices and social media are controlling people's lives
excessively, which have led to low in-person social interaction and minimized sleeping time
(Hopkins, 2020). This impacts the level of happiness, so if possible, improve this to make life

To sum up, a wealth of scholarly research has demonstrated that happiness is made
up of two main aspects namely social influences and individual elements. If nations all
around the world want citizens happier, then the above social factors should be considered
and constructed appropriately. In terms of individual factors, those are the factors that help
people feel happy. Hence, choose how you live to get happy simply because happiness is a
choice (Ware, 2011).


Hopkins. (2020). World Happiness Ranking

Posner. (2015). Gross National Happiness.
Ware. (2011). Top Five Regrets of the Dying
Ing. (2014). What makes a good life?

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