Grey Something Playing Something: Slippery

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Idiomatic collocations

Lost cause is that cannot succeed

a :
something ,

any attempt to
change it is hopeless .

• Final straw : is the last of a series of annoyances that

leads one to a final loss of patience or temper

Grey area : used to talk about a situation in which
is not clear so that people are not sure how to deal with it .

level field compete fairly

playing :
a situation in which

has fair and equal chance of succeed

everyone a .

Slippery slope : a course of action likely to lead to
bad or disastrous .

up call
that to
• : Sth that makes you realize you need take

action to change a situation .

• Fine line : if you say that there is a fine line between two different

things , you mean that they are so similar that one can

easily become the other .

Itchy feet : if you have itchy feet , you want to

somewhere new or start doing Sth new .

Long shot : an
attempt or a plan that is worth

trying , even though you think it is unlikely to succeed .

• Raw deal : an instance of unfair treatment .

Idiomatic collocations

• Sore point : something that

likely to make

talk about it
someone upset or
angry when you


thinking : when
you believe that what you want

to happen will happen , when in fact it is not possible .

Foregone conclusion : to be certain about the result or

to be certain that Sth will happen it has not happened

even though

yet .

• Last resort : the only choice that remains after all others

have done works

been tried .
l Sth
only if
nothing else .

• Second thoughts : to start having doubts about a decision

you have made .

Saving grace
: the one
good thing that makes someone or

something acceptable .

• Mixed blessing : a
thing that has disadvantages as well

as advantages .

• Cold feet : to suddenly feel that you are not

brave to
enough do
something you planned to do .

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