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“New techniques of waste
water management”

Presented by
Abhishek Anand

Under Guidance of
Mrs. Shruti Shivdekar Pande


D Y Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi,Pune
Content of Seminar Report

1. Introduction
2. Aim
3. Objective
4. Literature Review
5. Case Study
Introduction :-

1. Wastewater is any water that requires cleaning after it is used.

2. Wastewater or sewage is the byproduct of many uses of water. There are the
household uses such as showering, dishwashing, laundry and, of course, flushing
the toilet.
Aim :-

The goal of wastewater management is to clean and protect water. This means that
water must be clean enough so that it can be used by people for drinking and
washing, and by industry for commercial purposes.
Objective :-

1. To improve quality of wastewater

2. Elimination of pollutants, toxicants and many such
3. Preservation of water quality of natural water resources
4. To make wastewater usable for other purposes
5. Prevention of harmful diseases
Literature Review :-
Ashok K. Sharma et al, studied the “Urban Water Management”.
Water management in urban areas is more complex due to the dynamic hydrological
behaviour because of dynamic land use/land cover change, more human
intervention, concentrated water demands, increased waste water volumes and other
industrial pollutions. Historical and current water management practices in urban
areas primarily focuses on supply management where supplies augmented from
various sources including imported supplies and excess groundwater withdrawal.
An integrated approach to urban water resources management calls for new
objectives that recognize the mutual benefits of water resources, energy, and land
use management. Regulatory agencies/departments recognize the importance of
adopting such an approach to address the urban water resources related challenges.
Udai P. Singh et al, studied the “AGRICULTURAL WATER RESOURCES
Irrigation and agricultural development have played prominent roles in India's
development during the last three decades. Despite reaching self-sufficiency in food
production in recent years, India faces several major challenges in agricultural
development, especially pertaining to water resources management. The writer
contends that better results would have been achieved in a shorter time-span if the
challenges cited here had been addressed in a more effective manner.
Glen T. Daigger , et al, studied the “Urban Water and Wastewater Management
in 2050”.
These 21st century approaches incorporate (1) increased water conservation and
efficiency, (2) distributed stormwater management which captures and uses rainfall,
(3) source separation, (4) water reclamation and reuse, (5) distributed water
treatment, (6) heat recovery, (7) organic management for energy production, and (8)
nutrient recovery. To achieve full benefit, these approaches must be developed into
integrated urban water management systems where a variety of qualities of water are
produced and used and collected for reuse. The transition from linear 20th century to
closed loop 21st century approaches can be implemented by aggressively
incorporating 21st century approaches into new development and as redevelopment
occurs. The modular nature of these technologies facilitates incremental additions in
response to growing demand. Changes in professional practice and our educational
system are required to develop practitioners capable of developing and
implementing these integrated systems. Economics must be carefully examined,
often considering marginal cost impacts. Collaboration between utilities will be
required, including approaches to financing them.
Pradnya Gaonkar et al, studied the “challenges and Opportunities of
Automation System for Water and Waste Water Applications”.
ICTs have been constantly looked upon as options to revolutionize processes in
industry and make conscious efforts towards making them environment friendly.
Water management systems have also been quite influenced by the same. But as
mentioned previously, the various challenges on socio- economic, technical and
environmental fronts have fairly slowed down the expansion of ICTs in emerging
markets. But in- depth research to enable the transition from conventional water
systems to intelligent systems is being encouraged. Renewables like solar and wind
energy harvesting solutions are explored extensively for meeting the power
requirements of devices on open fields. Automation at all levels from measurement
devices to remote monitoring centers is being strengthened. But the gap between the
theoretical models and actual on-field installations needs to be bridged. The reasons
why this transformation is not happening till date is to be studied thoroughly
through the argument put forth by the constraint model generated in the previous
sections of the paper. With more innovative technical tools available today,
sustainable solutions need to be designed in order to manage our water resource
Craig J, Talbot et al, studied the “Storm Water Management for Fossil Power
Generation Facilities”.
The design and development of storm water management plans for fossil power
generation facilities presents unique challenges that are not usually encountered for
other types of development. The challenges associated with site locations in remote
and industrialized areas along with the specialized designs for runoff from fuel and
waste areas and the construction issues all require individualized attention. The
engineer preparing storm water management plans for power plants must be able to
apply many different hydrologic and hydraulic principles to develop a successful
plan. Standardized design and cookbook methods promulgated by many regulatory
agencies are not sufficient for this type of development. As highlighted in this paper,
careful analysis and scrutiny are required at many points in the design process from
selection of the design rainfall storm and the runoff analysis method to the design of
appropriate storm water management measures.
Philip B. Bedient et al, studied the “GROUND-WATER TRANSPORT FROM

Ground-water quality samples were collected from adjacent wells at a municipal

wastewater infiltration system. Conductivity data and trace level organics analysis
indicated a distinct trend in ground-water contamination in the shallow aquifer
under the Ft. Devens, Massachusetts site. Ground-water flow rates were calculated
using a two-dimensional compared well with measured levels. The average seepage
velocity was 1 ft/day (0.3 m/day) with a hydraulic conductivity of 10~2cm/s (28 ft/
Glen T. Daigger et al, studied the “Wastewater Management in the 21st
A dialogue concerning potential future directions for the wastewater profession is
initiated by identifying four principal challenges. The first is the perception by
many at least in the United States that water pollution and water quality problems
have largely been solved. Dramatic improvements during the 20th century by the
founders of our profession, not by us! have eliminated many of the obvious public
health and environmental issues associated with wastewater management. The
second is population growth and the associated added stress on water resources.
The third is the potential at least perceived conflict between providing improved
water and wastewater service to the poor especially in developing countries and
reducing the environmental impacts of our systems. The fourth is to determine
whether we are wastewater managers, or more broadly water managers. These
challenges can be addressed by adopting a broader, more holistic view of urban
water management incorporating water supply, wastewater management, and storm
water. A toolkit of existing and evolving technologies could be assembled and
grouped into example systems. Improved methods for evaluating alternate urban
water management systems based on sustainable development principles need to be
developed. Achieving the vision of more sustainable urban water management
systems requires that our professional organizations speak with one voice. Our
profession must also reach out and engage a wide range of interests in defining and
implementing dramatically improved solutions.
Thi Thuc Quyen Nguyen et al, studied the “Removing arsenate from water using
modified manganese oxide ore: Column adsorption and waste management”.
As(V) was effectively removed from water in columns packed with the original
VMO or modified VMOs. The As(V) adsorption capacity and the number of B.V. of
contaminated water that can be treated to maintain the As(V) concentration below
the WHO guideline concentration (CWHO = 10 μg/L) increased in the order, VMO
< Zra-VMO < Fea-VMO. An increase in the initial As(V) concentration increased
the adsorption capacity, but an increase in the flow rate of As(V) solution through
the column reduced the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent. The results indicated
that higher volumes of treated water could be produced by reducing the flow rate.
The Thomas model satisfactorily described the column breakthrough curves. The
solidification/stabilisation method of disposing of the As(V) waste in the exhausted
adsorbents was applied successfully by encapsulating the exhausted adsorbents with
concrete made from cement, sand, and gravels. This solidified material had
satisfactory compressive strength, RCPT, and VPV, which demonstrated good
stability of the material, and therefore it can be used as a building material in
construction work. The amount of As(V) leaching from these materials into the
environment was found to be very negligible.
Case Study :-
A case study – “Reuse of Domestic WasteWater for industrial purpose”
Dr.Komal P.Mehta
(HOD and Professor, Civil Engineering Department, ITM Universe, Vadodara)
Because of not having access to a safe water supply and sanitation affects the health
of 1.2 billion people annually (WHO and UNICEF, 2000). Water is a very precious
source and also basic requirement for survival of mankind. so it is necessary to meet
with requirement of water availability according to increase in population.
Appropriate ‘BALANCING ACT’ would be ‘RECYCLE and REUSE’ of
wastewater. This will bring water back for use rather than disposing it considering as
a ‘waste’. In this paper, case study of domestic sewage treatment plant at Vadodara
City is discussed. Treatment on secondary effluent treatment plant shows acceptable
quality for reuse for industrial purpose. Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,
filtration, ion exchange, chlorination treatments are tried in sequence and for
application design are provided for reuse of wastewater.
Keywords: domestic wastewater, treatment, reuse, design
Introduction :-
Reuse of treated sewage after necessary treatment to meet industrial water
requirements has been in practice for quite some time in India. Disposal of sewage
from the rapidly growing cities of India has become a nightmare for civic authorities
and planners. Untreated domestic waste has become the single most important
reason for the spread of water borne diseases.
Methodology :-
The experiments and designing works carried out for exploring the possibility of
reuse of the treated sewage water for industrial uses is done as follows:
Sample Collection.
Analysis of the Samples
Treatability Studies on the sample collected
Basic Designs
Treatment to waste water :-
1. Coagulation, Flocculation and Sedimentation
2. Filtration
3. Ultra-violet rays treatment
For the present study, the analysis of treated effluent from the New sewage
Treatment Plant was carried out and studying the results, the various treatments
were given in the laboratory with reference to the reuse possibilities for the
industries on the down stream of the plant.
1. If the treated effluent is treated by coagulation and sedimentation using alum 20
mg/lit of optimum dose and 30 min. detention time, the turbidity remains less
than the permissible limit and as the PH of the treated effluent gives the
optimum results, here PH adjustment is not required.
2. If this treated effluent after filtration is required to be reused for boiler feed
purpose where hardness required is < 50 mg/lit, then ion exchange treatment
gives the hardness below 20 mg/lit which is fit for boiler feed purpose. The
hardness removal by lime treatment also reduces the hardness by about 50 %.

The successful implementation of wastewater reuse options in a water resources

management programe requires careful planning, economic and financial analyses,
and the effective design, operation, and management of wastewater reclamation,
storage, and distribution facilities. Technologies for wastewater reclamation and
purification have developed to the point where it is technically feasible to produce
water of almost any quality, and advances continue to be made. Current water
reclamation strategies incorporate multiple measures to minimize the health and
environmental risks associated with various reuse applications.

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