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I. Listen to Adam telling Hailey about Alisha, choose the correct answers.

1. Which of these sentences is a fact?
         A. Alisha hadn't arranged a birthday party before Friday. 
         B. Alisha didn't feel like having a party. 
         C. Alisha had a lot of schoolwork to do.
        D. Alisha's parents didn't want her to have a party. 
2. Why did Alisha announce the party on Facebook?
         A. She didn't know her friends' email addresses. 
         B. Her friends didn't answer her text messages. 
         C. It was too late to send invitations.
        D. She wanted a lot of people to come to the party. 
3. What bad mistake did Alisha make in her announcement?
        A. She put the wrong address. 
        B. She put the wrong time. 
        C. She allowed everyone to see her Facebook page.                                     
D. She only put the announcement on Facebook the day before the party. 
4. How many of her friends came to the party?
        A. About 200.                                  C. About 20. 
        B. About 180.                                   D. None.
5. What has happened to Alisha as a result of the incident?
       A. Her parents have banned parties in the house. 
       B. Her parents have banned her from using the computer.                                           
C. She has made a lot of new friends. 
       D. She has stopped using Facebook.
II.For questions 1-10, listen to a recording about lifelong learning and the future of work and
complete the summary below using words taken from the recording. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS in each blank.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
- With the world experiencing fundamental and (1) ____________ change, the future of work faces new
- Because of the profound impact that (2) __________ are making, the skills that you learn today may no
longer be relevant.
- Although lifelong learning is not a new concept, it is being redefined as given a new importance by the
ongoing (3) __________ .
- Lifelong learning helps us handle the (4) __________ of our life cycle, from early and basic education
to adult learning as well as (5) __________ to benefit from change.
- There is no (6) __________ strategy to adapt lifelong learning to our new reality, but there are actions
we can take such as developing essential work skills, providing financial and non-financial (7)
__________ that are coherent, ensuring (8) __________ to learning, etc.
- Today, lifelong learning has received (9) __________, becoming a major goal in the United Nations
Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- The Global Commission on the Future of Work has also called for (10) ___________ of an entitlement
to lifelong learning.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. Dutch B. butcher C. clutch D. crutch
2. A. slumber B. doubter C. dumbly D. debtor
3. A. coverage B. massage C. heritage D. message
4. A. athlete B. ethnic C. asthma D. breath
5. A. champion B. change C. flame D. chamber
Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others in the list.
6. A. devastate B. departure C. desolate D. desperate
7. A. October B. radius C. octopus D. Occident
8. A. metallic B. momentum C. medieval D. monastery
9. A. supposedly B. curriculum C. surprisingly D. supernatural
10. A. invaluable B. investigate C. intimacy D. intensity
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. The news of his death was like a bolt _____
A. from the red B. from the blue C. from the black D. from the white
2. Many books were not available to the public because of government _____
A. omission B. inhibition C. compensation D. censorship
3. My car was so old that I could only sell it for _____
A. rubbish B. scrap C. debris D. waste
4. This isn’t a _____, isn’t it? If I lend you my car, you will bring it back, won’t you?
A. trick B. cheat C. rip off D. deceit
5. I___________ him once or twice in town.
A. have seen B. see C. had seen D. saw
6. I am writing in connection with the volunteer opportunities ________ on 10 November.
A. appeared B. were appearing C. appearing D. to appear
7. ________ a game I used to play with my father when I was small.
A. Dominoes is B. Dominoes are C. The dominoes is D. Domino are
8. Due to financial conflict over years, they decided to get_______.
A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed
9. The government has __________ new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.
A. brought over B. brought through C. brought round D. brought forward
10. It's absolutely vital that your son ___________ a rest and _____ hard.
A. takes/doesn’t study B. take/not study C. takes/studies D. should take/study
11. The organizers said that if it continued______, they might have to cancel the outdoor concert.
A. to rain B. rained C. to raining D. rain
12. I remember you have told me that I am your best friend, _________?
A. don’t I B. haven’t you C. aren’t I D. all are correct
13. The young girl sings _______ .
A. amazing good B. amazing well C. amazingly good D. amazingly well
14. My wife would much rather have our baby at home than in ________ hospital.
A. the B. a C. no article D. an
15. In 2002 in UK, there were ________ 350 community recycling initiatives linked to the Community
Recycling Network.
A. approximate B. approximation C. approximately D. approximated
16. I think we’ve kept everybody in the _____ about the arrangements for far too long.
A. gloom B. dusk C. dark D. night
17. He was wounded in the _____ stages of the battle
A. end B. middle C. intermediate D. closing
18. He is a (an) _____ authority on the subject.
A. prominent B. expert C. eminent D. quality
19. You need to support your ideas with facts and _____
A. numbers B. informations C. figures D. material
20. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but to
_____ her
A. export B. deport C. expel D. eject.
21. Italy was knocked _____ the World cup
A. out of B. away from C. into D. forward to
22. The argument is centered _____ whether or not to lower the age limit.
A. of B, towards C. on D. about
23. He wasn’t short, he wasn’t tall. He was _____ average height.
A. in B. of C. at D. with
24. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _____ a good answer.
A. came up to B. came out at C. came up with D. came out of
25. The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will have _____ by 2015.
A. run out B. taken over C. caught up D. used off
26. Although not as important as they once were, _____ a major form of transportation in North America.
A. there are still railroads . B. railroads, which are still
C. railroads are still D. railroads still being
27 _____ team sports require cooperation.
A. Of all B. They are all C. All D. Why are all
28. Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, _____ to float on the surface of the water.
A. allowing them B. allows them
C. they are allowed D. this allows them
29. Centuries of erosion have exposed _____ rock surfaces in the Painted Desert of northern Arizona.
A. in colors of the rainbow B. colored like a rainbow'
C. rainbow-colored D. a rainbow’s coloring
30. _____ make a good impression on her.
A. Only by doing so can I B. Only so doing can I
C. Only by so doing I can D. Only by doing so I can
31. This savage war had ________ this beautiful country waste and left many of its inhabitants homeless.
A. cast B. grown C. laid D. set
32. Your leftist ________ in the face of our party programme, so you d’ better drop them or find another
party for yourself.
A. fly B. run C. turn D. look
33. A lot of scorn has been ________ on the Canadian seal hunters for their merciless practices
A. blamed B. launched C. poured D. fixed
34. We ‘ve had to quit our coopertaion with this wholesaler as we could never ________ a bargain. He
asked for more than we could offer.
A. strike B. hit C. beat D. knock
35. The final decision has already been taken, so there’s no use in your ________ the toss.
A. arguing B. disapproving C. dismissing D. quarelling
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the questions.
1. After months lying in bed because of a serious disease, now she looks so shabby, which is really
different from her being animate before.
A. alive B. tired C. exhausted D. active
2. We’re missing the boat on improving relationship with our partners because you were late for the
meeting which made them really angry. It is you who have to take the responsibility for this.
A. having a field day B. making hay while the sun shines
C. being laughed out of court D. closing the door
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the questions.
1. One journalist has commented, "Ordering a frozen embryo is a little more emotionally complicated
than ordering a home-delivered pizza - but not so different logistically".
A. in theory B. in practice C. in fact D. in deed
2. I heard it through the grapevine that they were enemies and had never been on good terms.
A. gave it the low-down B. put it in the picture
C. heard it straight from the horse’s mouth D. kept it in the loop
Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. He was arrested (A) because he answered to (B) the (C) description of the wanting (D) man.
2. My history teacher (A) said that Belize became (B) fully (C) independent of (D) Britain in 1981.
3. If (A) you to take good (B) care of it, the car wouldn't break (C) down so often.(D)
4. The signing of the peaceful treaty was an event of major importance.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5. Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant
(A) (B) (C) (D)
on unproductive land, and rotating crops.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.
1. Two students are talking with each other about the weekend picnic:
-Student 1: "Can you come with us?" - Student 2: “________________________.”
A. Whether my parents will let me or not is the question.
B. The teacher is asking us to submit the paper next week.
C. The weather is so nice for a picnic.
D. Well, I thought it was yesterday.
2. Two students are talking with each other:
-Student A: "Do you believe that your parents should be you friends?" -Student B: “___________.”
A. Actually, parents are now my best friends.
B. Indeed, parents are giving us best advices.
C. Sometimes, parents are too busy to take care of you.
D. My parents take very good care of me and my sister.
Put the verbs in the correct forms.
1.    I suggested you (try) ............. to get some sleep.
2.    Before leaving the house in the morning she (tell) ............. her mother she (work) ............. in the
hospital that afternoon.
3.    If there are not any tickets left when we reach the front of the queue, we ( wait) ............. all this time
for nothing.
4.    The news left me (wonder) ............. what would happen next.
5.    When my father (retire) ............. next month, he (teach) ............. for 30 years.
6.    He heard the clock (strike) ............. six and knew that it was time for him (get) ............. up.
7.    We had better wait till the end of the month; he (have) ............. his exams.
Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the following passage. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes
There is little to disagree about in the notion that a good voice, whether in opera or rock music, is one
which moves its audience and brings a sense of release and (1. FULFIL) _____ to the singer. But
contemporary pop and rock music have come about due to (2. SUBSTANCE) _____ advances in
technology. Here, the impact of the microphone should not be (3. ESTIMATE) _____, as it has enabled
the (4. MAGNIFY) ________ of quiet, intimate sounds. This, in turn, allows the singer to experiment with
the emphasis on mood rather than on strict (5. ADHERE) _____ to proper breathing and voice control.
Donna Soto - Morettin, a rock and jazz vocal trainer, feels that (6. ANATOMY) _____ reasons may
account for the raspy sound produced by certain rock singers. Her (7. SUSPECT) _____ is that swollen
vocal chords, which do not close properly, may allow singers to produce deeper notes. She does not,
however, regard this as detracting (8. NOTICABLE) _____ from the value of the sound produced.
Singing, she maintains, has an almost (9. SEDUCE) _____ quality and so our response to it has more (10.
SIGNIFY) _____ than its technical qualities.
For questions 1-10. Read the following passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each
gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes.
It only (1)_______ the completion of the reconstruction of the human genetic map for a whole
host of hereditary diseases to be (2)_______ . Originally, it was forecast that the venture would take until
the beginning of the 21st century to be (3) _______. At present, it is clear that the task can be finished
much earlier.
Hundreds of scholars have gone to (4)_______ to help unravel the mystery of the human
genetic structure with an ardent hope for insulating mankind from disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis
or arthritis.
The progress in this incredible undertaking is (5) _______ by an accurate interpretation of the
information involved in the chromosomes forming the trillions of the cell in the human body. Locating
and characterizing every single gene may (6) _______ an implausible assignment, but very considerable
(7)_______ has already been made. What we know by now is that the hereditary code is assembled in
DNA, some parts of which may be diseased and conducive to be uncontrollable transmission of the
damaged code from parents to their children.
Whereas work at the completion of the human genome may last for a few years more, notions
like gene therapy or genetic engineering don’t (8)_______ much surprise any longer. Their potential
application has already been (9)_______ in the effective struggle against many viruses or in the genetic
treatment of blood disorders. The hopes are, then, that hundreds of maladies the humanity is (10)_______
with at present might eventually cease to exist in the not too distant future.
1. A. expects B. anticipates C. requires D. remains
2. A. eradicated B. interfered C. terminated D. disrupted
3. A. dismantled B. discharged C. accomplished D. exterminated
4. A. maximum B. extremes C. supreme D. utmost
5. A. dependent B. reliant C. qualified D. conditioned
6. A. perceive B. hear C. voice D. sound
7. A. headline B. headway C. heading D. headship
8. A. evoke B. institute C. discharge D. encourage
9. A. examined B. inquired C. corroborated D. accounted
10. A. aggravated B. plagued C. persecuted D. teased
Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided below the passage.
How can I cope better with stress?
Recent research found that having higher levels of self-esteem, a more positive way of explaining why
things happen, and avoiding perfectionist thinking were strongly 1._________ to bouncing back when
things go wrong.
To begin with, according to Dr Judith Johnson self-esteem was shown to be 2. __________ in two thirds
of the studies in mediating the link between failure and distress. All we need to do is write a list of our
positive qualities and examples of when we have 3. _______them.
Secondly, how we explain things also 4.______. If we can brush off a disappointment by
5.____________ it to external factors, then we have the equivalent of emotional armour.
Finally, if we have perfectionist tendencies, lower them. Perfectionists hold rigid standards that don’t
bend in the stormy 6. _________of life. Johnson says we need to set more realistic 7. ___________.
She also advises self-awareness and noticing when we are stressed. If you feel stuck, do something that
8._________ you up. You need to plan these things into a schedule – doing them will chip away at your
negative 9. ________, even if you do enjoy them a bit less than usual. Other research shows that the 10.
__________ of friends or family also helps emotional resilience, as does being physically active.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the contribution of
women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed United States. Lacking the
right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not considered an important force in
history. Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren
produced the best contemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned
important letters showing that she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the second
President of the United States. But little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these
centuries, women remained invisible in history books.
Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of female
authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were amateur
historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use
of sources.
During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping
records of activities in which women were engaged. National, regional, and local women’s organizations
compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were
saved and stored. These sources form the core of the two greatest collections of women's history in the
United States - one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe College, and the other the
Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have provided valuable materials for later
generations of historians.
Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth century, most,
of the writing about women conformed to the “great women” theory of history, just as much of
mainstream American history concentrated on “great men”. To demonstrate that women were making
significant contributions to American life, female authors singled out women leaders and wrote
biographies, or else important women produced their autobiographies. Most of these leaders were
involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women’s right to vote, or authors, and were not
representative at all of the great mass of ordinary women. The lives of ordinary people continued,
generally, to be untold in the American histories being published.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss ?
A. The role of literature in early American histories.
B. The place of American women in written histories.
C. The keen sense of history shown by American women.
D. The “great women” approach to history used by American historians.
2. The word “contemporary” in the passage is closest in meaning to .
A. past B. temporary
C. written at that time D. belonging to the present time
3. In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that _____.
A. a woman's status was changed by marriage
B. even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored
C. only three women were able to get their writing published
D. poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women
4. The word “celebratory” in the passage means that the writings referred to ' were _____.
A. related to parties B. religious C. serious D. full of praise
5. The word “they” in the passage refers to _____.
A. counterparts B. authors C. efforts D. sources
6. In the second paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author point out?
A. They put too much emphasis on daily activities.
B. They left out discussion of the influence on money on politics.
C. The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.
D. They were printed on poor quality paper.
7. On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following would most likely have
been collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?
A. Newspaper accounts of presidential election results
B. Biographies of John Adams
C. Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem
D. Books about famous graduates of the country’s first college
8. What use was made of the nineteenth-century women’s history materials in the Elizabeth and Arthur
Schlesinger Library and the Sophia Smith Collection?
A. They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia about women.
B. They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth-century.
C. They provided valuable information for twentieth century historical researchers.
D. They were shared among women’s colleges throughout the United States.
9. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles of nineteenth-century
“great women” EXCEPT _____.
A. authors B. reformers
C. activists for women’s rights D. politicians
10. The word “representative” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. typical B. satisfied C. supportive D. distinctive
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. DO NOT CHANGE the word given. You must use between THREE and EIGHT words,
including the word given.
1. The Prime Minister felt it appropriate to make a statement. (FIT)
 The Prime Minister ___________________________________________ a statement.
2. Trudy was quite relieved when she found out the truth. (RELIEF)
 It was something _______________________________________________ when she found the truth.
3. I promised him that the situation would not be repeated in the future. (WORD)
 I ________________________________________________________ no repetition of the situation
in the future.
4. They believe that Oliver failed his exam because he was nervous.
 Oliver’s failure _______________________________________________________
5. The inhabitants were far worse-off twenty years ago than they are now.
=> The inhabitants are nowhere ___________________________________________
6.I’ll have to wait before I know whether he’ll keep his promise or not.
 It remains ___________________________________________________________.
7.There is a risk that the black rhino will become extinct. THREATENED
8.Andrew doesn’t claim to have a lot of musical talent. PRETENCE
9. The firm had a lot of success in the soft drinks market. (KILLING)
The firm…………………………………………………………….. market. 
10. Sergeant Tucker is away until the end of the month. (LEAVE) 
Sergeant Tucker……………………………………........ of the month. 

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