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Suez Canal University

Faculty of engineering

(6)Different types of pipes and valves

used in water distribution network

Student name ‫عمرو عبد الرؤوف محمود علي‬

Faculty ‫الهندسه‬

Level ‫المستوي الثالث‬

Department ‫الهندسه المدنيه‬
National ID 92222912212992
Student code 800122767
Program ‫الساعات المعتمده‬
Subject ( CEL211( ‫هندسه امداد مدن بالمياه‬

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

1. Introduction
water pipe : is any pipe or tube designed to transport water with good quality
from the source to the consumer. In well planned and designed water distribution
networks, water is generally treated before distribution and sometimes also
chlorinated, in order to prevent recontamination on the way to the end user.

Valves : A valve is a mechanical device that controls the flow and pressure of
fluid within a system or Process. Playing a critical role in a water distribution
system for subsystem isolation and flow or pressure control.
To improve the reliability of a water distribution system depend on placing
valves efficiently.

2. Research objectives
 pipe network components.
 pipe network system.
 Types of pipes.
 Types of valves.
 Valves Functions.

3. Research

1- Pipe network components:

For transporting water within a distribution system, pipelines laid within

the public right of way, called water mains are used. Large diameter

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

water supply systems called primary feeders are used for connecting
water treatment plants to service areas. Secondary feeders are connected
between sub-mains and distributors. Distributors are water mains that
are located near to the water users, which also supply water to individual
fire hydrants. A service line is a small diameter pipe used to connect
from a water main through a small tap to a water meter at user's location.
There is a service valve on the service line located near street curb to
shut off water to the user's building.
 the main pipe.
 the sub-mains.
 minor distributor.
 fittings
(Elbows, Tee Connections, Taper, Flexible joint ).

2- Pipe network system:

 Install valves on main lines = (n - 1).
 On the feeders, put two valves, one at the beginning and the second at
the end.
 The diameters of the main lines range from 200 mm or more in small
cities and villages and 250 mm or more in medium and large cities. 300
mm or more in capitals, governorates, and cities with a population of
over one million.
 The lengths of the main lines range from (400-1500) m depending on the
size of the city.
 feeders lengths range from (400-800) m.
 The water lines are installed below the surface of the earth at depths
ranging from (1.00 - 2.20) m, and are installed on the main lines,
including an air trap at the highest point and a trap in the lowest point.
 When installing a drinking water pipe under the surface of the ground,
take into consideration that it is parallel to the levels of the earth as much
as possible.

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

3- Types of pipes :
 (Pre-stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe) is a
composite pipe made of steel plate, steel
pre-stressing wire, concrete and cement
mortar under the manufacturing process
of cylinder forming.

 (Polyethylene) are used for public, private and industrial water supply
systems, including construction of
underground, underwater and surface
pipelines and water systems inside and
outside buildings.

 (Cast iron) are fairly stable and suitable for high water pressure. But their
weight generally leads to an
increase in the cost of layout and
joining in short lengths.

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

 (Reinforced concrete) are by their

nature expensive but non-corrosive.
Their advantage is they're
extremely robust and durable.
However, being bulky and heavy,
they are more difficult and more
expensive to handle, install and

 (Steel) are comparatively costly,

but of all water supply pipes they
are the strongest and most reliable.
They can withstand high water
pressure, come in convenient
lengths and thus incur lower
installation / transportation costs.
They can be welded easily too.

4- Types of valves :
The valve is a mechanical device that blocks the tube either partially or completely
to change the amount of fluid that passes through it and has many types as follows
 sluice valve : It is used to control the flow of water, especially during
maintenance times.
 gate valve
 butterfly valve

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

 Non-return valve : Water is allowed to flow in one

direction only and not allowed to return

 Air valve : It allows to get rid of the air in the pipes at

the beginning of the operation of the line.

 Wash valve : Water is allowed to drain while

washing the network.

 Float valve : It is used to close the pipes if the water level reaches the design

 Pressure release valve : It is used to reduce network pressure and release

excess pressure.

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

 Fire hydrant Valve : It is used to draw water in case of


5- Valves functions:
 Stopping and starting a water flow. Rely on whether a valve is open or
 Controlling the direction of a water flow. Multiport valve lets you decide the
way water will go.
 Relieve pressure or vacuum from the piping system and equipment. Pressure
and vacuum relief valve safeguard the process system from overpressure and
during vacuum condition.
 Regulating a flow or pressure within the piping system. Some of the
automatic control valves maintain the flow and pressure within the system
by adjusting opening and closing.

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Suez Canal University
Faculty of engineering

4. Conclusion
 It is very important to select optimally-sized pipes to deliver the highest
pressures and flows, while avoiding both under- and over-sizing, which
both increase capital and operating costs.
 Water distribution system should be based on a pipe layout that is suitable
and have no or less water stagnation within the pipe to avoid
 water supply to consumers is achieved not only by increasing production,
but also through maintaining an efficient distribution network.
 The design speed of the water inside the pipes should be ranges from
(0.6:1.5 m / sec).

5. References

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