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Journal of


Natural Frequencies of Mindlin Circular Plates

T. Irie, 1 G. Yamada, 2 and S. Aomura 3

The natural frequencies of vibration based upon the Mindlin plate

theory are tabulated for uniform circular plates with free, simply
supported, and clamped edges for the first several tens modes.
-"M^ D
MrS = - (1 • (Cont.)
The natural frequencies of uniform thin circular plates of a ho- • ! » ) • -

r \ dd V
) dr
mogeneous isotropic material are usually calculated by the classical
plate theory, in which the rotatory inertia and shear deformation are and
not considered. Leissa [1] have presented the numerical values in his
monograph and, recently, Itao and Crandall [2] have also presented
the values for the first 701 modes of vibration of circular plates with
free edges. However, the numerical values obtained by the classical
theory cannot present accurate values for the higher modes' vibration.
For obtaining more accurate values, one should calculate numerically
< Gh 2
V;^ (3)

in terms of the transverse deflection W and the angular rotations \pr

on the basis of the Mindlin plate theory in which both of the rotatory and ipe of the normal to the neutral surface in radial and circumfer-
inertia and shear deformation of plate are taken into consider- ential directions, respectively. E is Young's modulus, v is Poisson's
ation. ratio, and D is the flexural rigidity of the plate expressed by D =
The design data present the natural frequencies (the dimensionless Ehs/I2(l - v2). G is the shear modulus and K2 = ir 2 /12 is the shear
frequency parameters) of uniform Mindlin circular plates with several coefficient. The appropriate solutions of (l)-(3) have been obtained
plate thickness under free, simply supported, and clamped edge for the deflection and rotations by Mindlin and Deresiewicz [3,4] as
conditions up to the higher modes. follows: *
The equations of free vibration of a Mindlin circular plate are
written as [3,4] dw2 1 dws
tr = ((71 - 1) —1+ (<72 •
dr dr r d0
dMr^ldMr0 Mr-Ms Ph\
1 dwi 2 dw3
dr r d0 r 12 \pe= ( ( 7 i - l ) - — — + (<72- i - i l i ^ . .
2 r W r d8 '
dMr« l d M » '2M r 9 n , 2r- M_ , _
—H — H Qe + ai! 2 -^-i/'e = 0 W = W\ + U)2 (4)
dr r d0 12
dQr ldQ„ Q ,z using the functions
1 —H 1- u phW = 0 (1)
dr r do r
Wl = AyjAbA
where p is the mass per unit volume, h is the plate thickness, and o>
is the radian frequency. The components of the moments and shearing
forces are

Mr = D (2)
U>2 = A2J,

U>3 = A3J,
-(4 (5)
dr • ; ( * • $

where At are arbitrary constants and Jn(x) expresses Bessel function

of the first kind. For simplicity of the analysis, the following dimen-
sionless parameters have been introduced:
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido
University, North-13, West-8, Sapporo 060, Japan. 5i 2 , S22 = - X4[fl + S ± |(fl - S) 2 + 4 X-*! 1/2 ]
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Hokkaido University, North-13, West-8, Sapporo 060, Japan. 532=2(i?X4-S-i)/(l-y)
Graduate Student, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, North-13,
West-8, Sapporo 060, Japan. (7i, 0-2=•• (82\ 8i>) (R\* - S-1)-1
Mansucript received by ASME Applied Mechanics Division, December, 1979; 2
final revision, March, 1980. R=(h/a) /12, S = D/K2Ga2h • {2/wHl - v)\{h/a)2 (6)

652 / VOL. 47, SEPTEMBER 1980 Transactions of the ASME

Copyright © 1980 by ASME

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Table 1 Frequency parameters \ n s 2 of uniform Mindlln circular plates with free edge; v = 0.3


n s 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

0 1 9.003 8.969 8.868 8.710 8.505 8.267

2 38.443 37.787 36.041 33.674 31.111 28.605
3 87.750 84.443 76.676 67.827 59.645 52.584
4 156.818 146.758 126.274 106.397 90.059 76.936

1 1 20.475 20.260 19.711 18.917 17.978 16.979

2 59.812 58.215 54.257 49.341 44.434 39.948
3 118.957 112.984 99.935 86.235 74.331 64.462
4 197.872 182.271 152.750 126.047 105.033 88.312

2 0 5.358 5.330 5.278 5.205 5.114 5.008

1 35.260 34.598 33.033 30.942 28.668 26.427
2 84.366 81.185 73.875 65.510 57.722 50.956
3 153.306 143.557 123.771 104.471 88.530 75.651

3 0 12.439 12.311 12.064 11.722 11.314 10.866

1 53.008 51.537 48.227 44.116 39.960 36.110
2 111.945 106.405 94.531 81.930 70.862 61.613
3 190.692 175.921 147.991 122.486 102.270 86.155

4 0 21.835 21.492 20.801 19.871 18.816 17.724

1 73.543 70.799 64.891 58.043 51.545 45.819
2 142.431 133.628 115.957 98.446 83.801 71.918
3 231.031 209.863 172.453 140.255 115.568 96.464

5 0 33.495 32.766 31.270 29.334 27.255 25.221

1 96.755 92.172 82.722 72.464 63.253 55.458
2 175.735 162.643 137.951 114.962 96.513 81.864
3 274.252 245.198 197.055 157.766 128.421 102.979

6 0 47.378 46.031 43.255 39.831 36.351 33.113

1 122.570 115.473 101.480 87.201 74.982 64.981
2 211.789 193.265 160.361 131.416 108.984 91.436
3 320.299 281.762 221.721 175.011 140.806 112.962

As a frequency parameter Cu = (er; - Wn"(8i) + vJm'(Si) - vn*Jn(8i)\

X4 = pha4(M2/D (7) C2i = -1n(ai - l)|J„'(Si) - J„(5;)l
is adopted here. Cm = OiJn'(bi)
The boundary conditions at the edge r = a are written as
Cis=>n(l-»)U B '(8 8 )-J B (5s)}
Mr = Mro = Qr = 0 for a free edge C23 = -\Jn"(h) ~ Jn'ih) + n*Jn(h)\
Mr = Mro = W = 0 for a simply supported edge CS3 = nJn(S3) (10)
</v = i>e = W = 0 for a clamped edge
for a circular plate with free edge,
By eliminating the coefficients Ai of (5) from the equation which is
obtained by substituting (2)-(5) into the boundary conditions (8), one Cu = (a - D\Jn"(k) + vJn'(bi) - vn* Jn(h)\
can obtain the frequency equation C2i=-2n(<Ti-l)\Jn'(&i)-Jn(Si)\
Cll Cl2 C13. Cm = Jn(8i)
C21 C22 C23 (9) C13 = n(l-V){Jn'(S3)-Jn(d3)}
C31 C32 C33
C23 = -\Jn"(h) - Jn'ih) + nV„(53))
Elements of the determinant of (9) are C33 = 0 (11)

Journal of Applied Mechanics SEPTEMBER 1980, VOL. 47 / 653

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Table 2 Frequency parameters A n s 2 ° f uniform Mindlin circular plates with simply supported edge; v = 0.3 Table 3 Frequency parameters X„s 2 of uniform Mindlin circular plates with clamped edge; v = 0.3

h/a h/a

n s 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 n s 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

0 0 4.935 4.925 4.894 4.844 4.777 4.696 0 0 10.216 10.145 9.941 9.629 9.240 8.807
1 29.720 29.323 28.240 26.715 24.994 23.254 1 39.771 38.855 36.479 33.393 30.211 27.253
2 74.156 71.756 65.942 59.062 52.514 46.775 2 89.104 84.995 75.664 65.551 56.682 49.420
3 138.318 130.349 113.574 96.775 82.766 71.603 3 158.184 146.400 123.319 102.089 85.571 73.054

1 0 13.898 13.784 13.510 13.109 12.620 12.080 1 0 21.260 21.002 20.232 19.116 17.834 16.521
1 48.479 47.411 44.-691 41.174 37.537 34.127' 1 60.829 58.827 53.890 48.002 42.409 37.550
2 102.773 98.238 87.994 76.847 66.946 58.701 2 120.079 112.976 97.907 82.861 70.473 60.748
3 176.801 164.109 139.270 116.170 97.873 83.782 3 199.053 181.210 148.698 120.840 100.115 84.801

2 0 25.613 25.215 24.313 23.079 21.687 20.270 2 0 34.877 34.258 32.406 29.890 27.214 24.670
1 70.117 67.875 62.552 56.212 50.126 44.751 1 84.583 80.933 72.368 62.929 54.557 47.650
2 134.298 126.681 110.658 94.501 80.950 70.104 2 153.815 142.684 120.551 100.008 83.937 71.715
3 218.203 199.363 165.020 135.120 112.427 95.391 3 242.721 217.303 174.049 139.223 114.238 96.109

3 0 39.957 39.023 36.962 34.319 31.547 28.900 3 0 51.030 49.782 46.178 41.618 37.109 33.083
1 94.549 90.509 81.526 71.610 62.675 55.147 1 111.021 105.028 91.712 78.077 66.667 57.624
2 168.675 156.897 133.769 111.999 94.597 81.102 2 190.304 173.973 143.504 117.018 97.152 82.414
3 262.485 235.948 190.767 153.683 126.530 * 3 289.180 254.556 199.359 157.302 128.023 *

4 0 56.842 55.034 51.158 46.495 41.908 37.762 4 0 69.666 67.420 61.272 54.038 47.340 41.657
1 121.702 115.122 101.372 87.219 75.137 65.341 1 140.108 130.948 111.742 93.368 78.733 67.493
2 205.851 188.707 157.198 129.327 107.940 91.772 2 229.519 206.693 166.686 133.899 110.161 92.895
3 309.607 273.713 216.469 171.904 140.254 * 3 338.411 292.845 224.611 175.119 141.525 ft

5 0 76.203 73.097 66.647 59.358 52.587 46.738 5 0 90.739 87.022 77.454 66.960 57.793 50.331
1 151.518 141.537 121.898 102.941 87.491 75.354 1 171.803 158.532 132.309 108.747 90.747 77.264
2 245.778 221.944 180.844 146.480 121.018 103.101 2 271.428 240.698 190.029 150.657 122.988 *
3 359.532 312.522 242.091 189.820 153.646 * 3 390.390 332.051 249.791 192.703 155.783 *

6 0. 97.995 93.072 83.214 72.724 63.462 55.757 6 0 114.213 108.445 94.527 80.252 68.396 59.063
1 183.948 169.592 142.951 118.708 99.729 85.204 1 206.071 187.627 153.295 124.172 102.698 86.939
2 288.414 256.460 204.632 163.458 133.865 112.182 2 316.002 275.853 213.483 167.294 135.650 *

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3 412.221 352.249 267.612 207.460 165.852 * 3 445.089 372.068 274.887 210.074 160.619 *

for a plate with simply supported edge, and of the order of 1/S. In this case, (9) reduces to the determinant with
2 X 2 elements representing the frequency equation [1] of thin plate
•CU = (o-, - 1) «/„'(«;), C2i = n((Ti - 1) Jn(&i) derived by the classical plate theory where the rotatory inertia and
C3i = Jn{bi), C13 = nJn(h), C23 = Jn'{h) shear deformation are not taken into account. The eigenvalues of thin
plate are also written on the left-most columns of Tables 1-3 for ref-
C33 = 0 i = 1, 2 (12) erence.
One can quote the natural frequencies of circular plates which given
for a clamped plate.
boundary conditions and dimensions from the tables.
Though the values of <5i2 are always positive in sign, the values of
^2 and $32 become negative and hence 82 and 83 have imaginary values

for X4 < l/RS. Within this range of X, the function Jn {x) in the pre- References
ceding equations should be replaced with modified Bessel function 1 Leissa, A. W„ "Vibration of Plates," NASA SP-160, U.S. Gov't. Printing
In(x) of the first kind. Office, 1969, pp. 7-36.
2 Itao, K., and Crandall, S. H., "Natural Modes and Natural Frequencies
Tables 1-3 present the frequency parameters X„s2 obtained by the of Uniform, Circular, Free-Edge Plates," ASME JOURNAL OP APPLIED ME-
Mindlin theory for uniform circular plates of Poisson's ratio v - 0.3 CHANICS, Vol. 46, 1979, pp. 448-453.
with several thickness ratios h/a. In the columns marked with an as- 3 Mindlin, R. D., and Deresiewicz, H., "Thickness-Shear and Flexural Vi-
terisk, many intricate frequencies appear under the influence of the brations of a Circular Disk," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 25, 1954, pp.
rotatory inertia and shear deformation of plate. When the thickness 4 Deresiewicz, H., and Mindlin, R. D., "Axially Symmetric Flexural Vi-
ratio h/a tends to zero, the quantities R, S; a\, a<i are all zero, and Si brations of a Circular Disk," ASME JOURNAL OP APPLIED MECHANICS, Vol.
-* \\,hi -*• J X 0' = V—l) and 83 becomes an infinite imaginary number 22,1955, pp. 86-88.

Journal of Applied Mechanics SEPTEMBER 1980, VOL. 47 / 655

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