Muscles of Superior Extremity

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Upper Limb to he lhorocic Wall:-

1.Muscles Lonneetng

Mus cles Nerve Supp: Roors Action

Onigin nsexhon
Abducts opm omd
ectoralis mojon Clavicle, Sternum, Laferal lip a bicipitad Medial ond lalenal,
nepves irom notafes it medial
Vppen Six costak o humenus pectonal
aroove Clavicular dibers
bpochial pexus.
Cortlage also Hex ovm

pomt a
ectoralis Tmin0P 3Pd,4th,5th pibs CorOcoid process ot Medalpecfopal venve Depresses
bracho plexus Shoulden, id te
Scapula oPom it
is iged,
C.7,8 elevates t e ibs

o onijain
Nenve to subelavivSDeppsses he
Subclawius 1st Costa cortila Cloicle pom upper runk clavicle and steodis
brachial plexus his bone
77movements dhe
Shouldep mdle.
Mediol bonden ond Long lhonacic Procs the dopaJod
t pibs
Sepraws antemiopep inderion oyae of seoptla nerve antenio aPound
C5.6,7 the thonocic wal,
RoTures Scapula
Muscles Conneei he Uppen Limb toheVepfebpol Colmn:

Muscles Oniin nseption Neve SwPP: fools Action

Occipital bone, Uppen bens nto Spinal poot dd occesaeper ibers ecvote
ligamentmnuchae lateral end of nepve(moton)ond the scopula; middle
rapezius Spine of h cervio claviele; mddle and Casenso) Hbens pull seopvla
venfebra, spme of alland lowen bens XI cronigl nee medial lowen
oracie veptebra nto acnomion and spino pot) ibens pull metad
Spine Sapula bcander sopvla
JIbac cnest, lumban
FiDon 06 bieipitfa lhoracodorsal nepye Ecends, aodvefs,
doseia spines o laue
Lotissimvs six thanocie venfebme 0ove
of humens C 7, 8 and medial rotates

donsi Hhe opm

ooven hpee on dovn
ibs and imderio
anole od scapvla

ans vePse process- Medial bordern o CandCq and dorsa Raises medial bopaler
scapulan NEPVe
es d T burn Scapula afScapul
Cervcad venfebrae C 1.5
Muscles Opigin Tnsestion Nanve Sypp Rools Action
Legpmentum nvchae Medial bonder ot Dorsal seapulan Kaises medal bonde

Cnd sphes o h
Khomboid minop Scapvla Ot stapula ypawand
Cervical md ord
and medialy

Second to 5th Medial borden o Dorsal scapulan Kaises mediak borden

Rhomboid majon honacic spines Seapula nenve oscapvla upavard
Cq, C5 nd medialy
he Scopula o he fumerUs:
3. Muscles Connecting

Muscles Origin nsertion Neve Supphy; Roots Acion

Lafenal ind o Middle ot ladernodAxily nerve Abdvets anm, antewio
Detoid Clavicle, acnomion. Suntote shat C5. beps HeR nd medialy
rotate onm pastenion
Spine ot seopvla humePUS
ibers exfend and late
rotote aom
Abauots anm and
upraspinous doss o Gnpeatentuberas Suprascopulan
ohumerus; Capsu nenye stabilizes shoulde»
Suppaspinatus Ot Stopula
shoulder jont. C5, 6 joint
SnDl Root Aeton
Musdles Origin nsetiorm Nee Supey koats
nbnaspinatus IninaspmoUs tosSa Cineater wberosity
Supnascapulare nenve Losendy otutes
od Seapula at humeUS ; Capsul
ashoulden joint Ca.5,6 em ond stubivzed

Lowen od o Shovlder jot

leres majon Medip bieipital
lastepa bondlen ot Ot
poDve humerUS erve
svbsenpulan Medialy otates
rotates cnd
S0apula Odducts aom and
stubibzes shoulden join
Upper tuwo thinds
Gineaten tubenosit
enes mnon ladenal borden a humenus Axil apy nerve
Axillany Laterally rotates orm-
ond shoivzed shouaer
ot sCapula Capsul at shovlden Cq, CgC 7oint

Subscopuloris Subscopulan Lhnosi

esser tvberosi ppen and bwe Medioly Pofates anm
0SSA ohumenus Subseapulan nenves and sabilizesS
C5 6,7 shoulden oint.
Snala, Doant Aekon
4. Museles of the Arm
Anterion ompaptment

Muscles Oeigin nsention Nepve Spy Roors Aebion
Lon heod Supraglenoid Tub enasity ot radius
Musculo cutoneous
fubencle B seapua and bicipital oponeu- nenve Supinati 0t_ oeoPm
epsis into deep ond ilexop of dbow
C5.6 oint weak ieon
Joascia o Joneorrm
o shoulder jomt,
Shont head Conacdid processS
of scopula 99

Conacobpochialis Coracoid ppocess Mediad aspect d Mus culdcwtaneDus Flexes vom nd

o sepula shait f humepus nenve also weak abdvcto
tnot od lbwen Coronoid proeesS Muse uldcvtaneous
Baokislis Aohumenis ouha nenve
Flexon d elbaw
Sunnl. Ront Aetion
nmnmtment o the toneanm
ostenior Lompoyat met
*Imiceps Bnachil t*
Muscles Orjain nserfom Nenve Supply roots
Lomg head Jnedercid uber Action
cle sCopula
Latena head ppen hal o
postenior Sunuce
Olearonon process Resial Nepve
Extenson elbow
Shavt &hvhumerus oint
Medial head lowenholf
posteriop suntace
shoðt at humepus
Nenve Suppy Roots
Onigin nsertion Aefon
Brachiallis Amtepion ospect ot Tubenosit o Muscvlocutonepvs Oweplexorot
humenus medad and
Ulna menye 5,Ca); he imeom ut the
larenal suniote ond Small contnibvtion by elbo Hoint
adjacent intermasevar he podiad nepyec)
to He laterod pont
Septa Of muscle

Appex o corocld Lineon royanening Muscvlo cvtunedvs Flexon v the omm

at the glenohumeno
process On midshodt ov nenve C5, 6, 7)
humenus on medioad oint
Brachionadialis Proxima poant latenok Latenol surioce oi Rediali's nenve Aceesmy iexon
SUpraepicomdyloan widoe alstak end o rodius beone, diislon imo elbow pint
Svpeniciad omd
Of humerus amd ad- Guhen torpeapm iSS
jcent itermuseula
deep bronch
Muscles t h e Anteniop tas eialompntment at he lopeapm

Musdes Onigin nsenion Nevve Suppl Roots Acthon

ronatop lenes Mediad epicondyle Larepa ospect of Median nerve fronation o
Humenak head humenuUS shat Od radius Hexion Ot doneorn
Pronodor lenes Mediad bonden af
Ulnen head Corohoid process ot

Flexor Compi Medial epicondyle bases ot second and Flexes and abdve
Median nepve
Padialis humervs Hhied Tmetacaopal bone C7 4s hond at unist
almonislongus Medial epieondyle Flexon retinaculum Median nenve
Flexes hond
humervs md pamo» cponevrosis Ca8
Fexon Conpi Ulnoris Medial epicondle 4t K'sivopm bone,hook
Humera heod humerus o he hamate bose
UInan nenve
Flexes ond
Flexon Carpi Dinavnis Medial Cg adducts hond
aspecef ot af h metuconpa
at wpist hoint
Ulnor head olecranom process bone
ond postenion popdep
ot Una
Drigin nscn tion Nenve SupPly: Rots Acton
exon digltonum
Meaia episndyle d
humenus; medisd borde Flexes middle pholaye
Humenouman hend Medle phalonx ot Medion nenve
c ingens and assists
CoPonoia process
medi doun maens
Ulna C7.8.T

in dlexina proxima
Flexon digrtor um phalonx Ond hand
Oblique Une on
Suparicalis anterion SuPhae ot
Radial kesd shadt ot rodius
Flexor policis Antepio Surtee Di's tal phalonx at Anterior interosseovs Flexes distak pholovnx
longvs short o wa dius humb bnovch c medion thvmb
Flexop digitovum Antenomedial surince nenvc8 T
Dist pholonges of
produndus of shat Una meia dovn
Ulnon(nedil Flexes distad phauompx
dipgeps ond medion latenad tingers, then
hald nenves ossists in Hexion of
Predra middle and
prpximo phalanaas
Ond onIst
Tnonaton Antevion svnyace od Arterion untoce ot Amrion interosseovsS Rronates
qyadratus slodt af Ulna shatt ot adius bronch o medion orremm

MCalc the losterim tascial Compantment ot the toreanm
Mus cles
NarveSup koots Achon
Museles Onigin nsertion
MJensor Corpi Latenal picondyle od osTeroion Svnaoee dDep bnomeh od Extends ond abdvcfs
Padialis bravis base ot 3hd net adia nenye hond at anist joint
Coompo bone
Extenson digtorum Lakenas cpicongyle. o Middle cnd distad Deep branch o J . dingens ond

humenusS phalunges ot medo Padiad nenve hond

dpu dngens C
Extenson digi minini Laterad epicongyle oExdensoe expansion Deep branch o Ettends metearpad
humenus o UHe gen radial enve
phalamneal oint od (4le
Exlenson compi unavis Latenok epicondyle of Base o 5hmeta- Deep branch od Entends ond edducts
humerUS Conpal bone Padial nepve hand at amist joimt
AnConeus Lateno epicondyle of Lolenalsupace Rad'ad nenve Extends elbou jott
hvmenyUS o decronon
process ot una C3,7
Loderos epicomdle of Neck and shodt Deep branch ot Svpnation of toreanm
Oupoinato huymepus, onulan aoment o pakus nocia henve

of proximm nadio uno0

jom and uma


Onigin Insertion
Nanve. Supp Root Action

Abduetbn policis bstenior suriace oi Base od tnst melo Deep bronch of Abducfs ond exfends

ond COnpol bone padi nenve humb

lopqus shadts of radivs
surfuce o Bose o proximod Deep branoh ot Etends metocarpo-
Extenson polieis ostepion
phaloonx oi humb phcalangeal Hoints od
nadial menve
brevis Shoy onodivs
ExensoP pollcis esteniop svnvaee o Base distal Daep branch ot Ecends dista phalavox
lonqus sho o una phabnx t thumb Tadiad nenve ofhvmb
Exdenson indieis ostepion surtace o Extenso? exponsion Deep branch o Edends metocorpopha-
Shdt vlna or index adrnoep Adiad nenVe langea joint o
C ingen

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