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Enforcement Scout Papers

Arranged by:
Name : Amanda Majori
Address: nyelanding village
Kwaran : water rush
Kwarcab : South Bangka

year 2021

Praise be to Allah who has helped us to complete this paper with ease. Without His help, the author
might not be able to complete it properly. Shalawat and greetings may be bestowed upon his
beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.
This paper is structured so that readers can expand their knowledge of scouting activities, which we
present based on observations from various sources. The paper was collated by the authors with
many obstacles. Whether it comes from the composer's self or from outside. However, with
patience and especially the help of God, finally this paper can be completed.
This paper contains about “SKU Bantara, Laksana and Pandega” which is very important for
members. Although this paper may not be perfect but it also has details that are clear enough for
the reader.
Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages. The authors implore for advice and criticism. Thank you.

Nyelanding, 15 November 2021



A. Problem Background 1
B. Problem Formulation 1

A. Bantara Enforcer 2
Definition of Bantara Enforcer 2
Requirements to Become an Enforcer of Bantara 2
B. Enforcement Act 4
Definition of Enforcer Implement 4
C. Pandega 6
Understanding Pandega 6
Pandega Scout Honor Code 6
Tri Satya and Dasa Dharma 7
Scout Proficiency Marking System Pandega 8


A. Conclusion 9
B. Advice 9



A. Background
Scouting is a very good positive thing to do because in scouting activities a personality is formed. In
Scouting activities we are taught to do good things. Scouts shape the character of students who
make life disciplined.
If we study the history of scouting education we cannot be separated from the biography of the
founder of the world scouting movement Lord Robert Baden Powell of Gilwell.
This is because it is his experience that underlies youth development in the UK. This youth
development then grew into a scouting movement.
Scouting is an educational process outside the school environment and outside the family
environment in the form of interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, practical activities carried
out in the open with the Basic Principles of Scouting and Scouting Methods, whose ultimate goal is
the formation of character, morals and character. sublime. Scouting is a scouting education system
that is adapted to the circumstances, interests and development of the Indonesian people and

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is Bantara Enforcer?
2. What are the requirements to become a Bantara Enforcer?
3. What is Enforcer?
4. What are the requirements to become an enforcer?
5. What is Pandega?

A. Bantara Enforcer
Definition of Bantara Enforcer
Bantara Enforcer is the first General Skills Requirement level in the Enforcement Scout unit before
the Execution Enforcer. Enforcement Scouts who have not completed the General Proficiency
Requirements (SKU) for Enforcement Bantara have not been considered as Enforcement Scouts and
are referred to as "Guests of Ambalan", or "Guests of Enforcement".
Requirements that must be met To reach the Bantara Enforcement level, prospective Enforcers
must meet the following requirements:
• Diligently and actively participate in Ambalan Enforcement meetings.
• Have studied and approved the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement.
• Understand and earnestly practice the Dasa Darma and Tri Satya in their daily lives. Can give
Scout Greetings and know what it means and how to use it.
• Know the identification signs in the Scout Movement. Know the organizational structure and the
Scout Movement and the Enforcement and Pandega Work Council.
• Know the meaning of the symbol of the Scout Movement. Know the meaning of Pancasila.
• Know the history and figurative meaning of the colors of the Indonesian national flag, and can
raise and lower them in ceremonies.
• Can memorize the first verse of the national anthem Indonesia Raya in front of a crowd, and know
what to do if the national anthem is played or sung at a ceremony.
• Know the meaning of the symbol of the Republic of Indonesia. Usually speak Indonesian when
attending Enforcement meetings.
• Know the meaning and history of the Youth Pledge.
• Know the struggle of the Indonesian people and the Government's development plans.
• Know the composition of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia from the Center to the
• Can line up.
• Always dress neatly, maintain physical health, and maintain a clean environment.
• Knows the importance of nutritious food ingredients, and can cook meals at the campsite for at
least 5 people.
• Know about the most important folk diseases, and about ways to prevent them.
• Do one of the athletic sports or one of the swimming sports.
• Know the customs of Indonesian social manners. Have the Tabanas book.
• Loyal in paying dues to the front group, as much as possible with the money he gets from his own
• Mastering a skill in agriculture, industry, or other fields of his own choosing, but which can be
expected to be useful in his life.
• Can read the clock and use a compass.
• Have been camping for at least 4 consecutive days.
• Have participated in mutual assistance work assigned by the supervisor.
• Religion (according to their respective religions)
• For enforcers who are Muslim:
- Can say the Creed and know its meaning.
- Understand the Pillars of Faith and the Pillars of Islam.
- Perform congregational prayers.
- Know the history of the Prophet Muhammad.
• For Catholic Enforcers:
- Know the sacrament of Baptism, the sacrament of Confirmation, the Blessed Sacrament, the
sacrament of Confession (Repentance).
• For Protestant Enforcers:
- Can memorize 4 Christian hymns by heart.
- Can say a simple prayer on certain occasions.
- Willing to lead a Bible study group.
- Knowing just the rules of the Church

• For Hindu Enforcers:

- Can fulfill the SKU for the Scouts of the Alert group and the Raising group in the field of Hindu
religious education.
- Know the meaning of "Wiweka", "Literature", "Literature", and understand the meaning of "Tat
Twam Asi".

• For Buddhist Enforcers:

- Can fulfill the SKU for the Scouts of the Standby group and the Raising Group in the field of
Buddhist education.
- Understand and can sing these chants in the SKU for the Standby Scouts and Enforcement Groups.

B. Enforcement
Definition of Enforcer
Enforcer Laksana is the second level of General Skills Requirements in the Enforcement Scout unit
after Enforcer Bantara. Enforcement Scouts who have completed the General Proficiency
Requirements (SKU) for Enforcement of Action can take part in the Garuda Scout SKU.
Requirements that must be met To reach the level of Enforcement Officer, a Bantara Enforcement
Scout must meet the following requirements:
• Diligently and actively participates in Ambalan meetings as Bantara Enforcer. Can give an
explanation of Dasa Darma and Tri Satya.
• Know the history of scouting education in Indonesia, and its role in the development of the nation
and state today.
• Know about the world scouting movement, and about the ideals of the world Scout fraternity.
• Know about the United Nations and about some of the agencies within the organization.
• Seriously practice Pancasila.
• Can memorize songs in the crowd at least the songs required for the SKU level of Penggalang
• Know about traditional ceremonies in the area; such as wedding ceremonies, circumcision,
reception of honorable guests, etc.
• Know how to care for and bury the dead.
• Can lead Scout ranks.
• Can provide first aid in accidents.
• If you have a telephone in your place of residence, you can use it well.
• Do one of the athletic sports or one of the swimming sports, and do one of the other sports and
know the rules of the game.
• For daughters: Take care of a household for 2 consecutive days.
• For boys : Walk for 2 days in a row.
• Can perform a kind of cultural arts activities in front of scouts or in front of other audiences.
• Running a productive project in agriculture, industry or other fields, individually or together with
other people, and can show the results of his work.
• Conducting a survey in the kelurahan where he lives to study development problems, prepare a
review report, complete with conclusions and suggestions.
• At least 2 times, have participated in a community service task assigned by the supervisor, at his
school, in his village, in a place of worship, or elsewhere; and has helped institutions such as PMI,
LSD, Bimas, PKK, Youth Organizations, or so on.
• Can plan, prepare, and lead meetings, and can make minutes of meetings.
• Have a Tabanas book, and have been saving money regularly in the passbook for at least 8 weeks
since becoming a Bantara Enforcer, and part of the money is obtained from his own business.
• For boys : Walk for 2 days in a row.
• Loyal in paying dues to the front Cluster, with the money entirely obtained from his own business.
• Has ever assisted in carrying out the financial administration of the Front Group, or other financial
• Assisting the Standby Coaches or Gathering Leaders in fostering the Scouts in the Siaga Siaga or
Raising Troops.
• Have at least one Sign of Special Proficiency.
• Religion (according to each religion)
• For enforcers who are Muslim:
- Know the conditions, the pillars, and those who cancel the prayer, and perform the daily prayers.
- Knowing the history of the Prophet Muhammad.
• For Catholic Enforcers:
- Can lead prayers and sing along.
- Can help the sick spiritually (sacrament of the sick)
- Understand the meaning of death.
- Knows some songs for the souls of the dead.
• For Protestant Enforcers:
- Participate in the witness and service of the Church according to his talents and abilities.
- Willing to follow religious teachings (Catechesasi).
- For Hindu Enforcers: Know the meaning of Dhayana, Yoga, Samadhi.

C. Pandega
Definition of Pandega
Pandega is a Scout group after Enforcement. Scout members included in this group are those aged
from 21 to 25 years. Pandega Scouts have the same types of activities and are carried out together
with Enforcement Scouts. Scouting of Pandega Scouts is carried out starting from the Front Gugus
level in units called Racana, and at the Kwartir level they can join the Work Units and Work Councils.
Pandega Scout Honor Code
The code of honor of a scout pandega is the same as the code of honor of enforcement scouts and
other adult scout members. The code of honor consists of Satya Pramuka (promise) called Trisatya
and Darma Pramuka (moral provisions) called Dasadarma.
The sounds of Trisatya and Dasadarma for Pandega scouts are as follows:
For my honor I promise to mean it:
1. carry out my obligations to God Almighty, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and
practice Pancasila,
2. to help others live and participate in building the community,
3. keep the Dasadarma.
1. Fear of God Almighty.
2. Love of nature and love of fellow human beings.
3. Courteous and chivalrous patriot.
4. Obedient and likes to consult.
5. Willing to help and steadfast.
6. Diligent, skilled, and happy.
7. Thrifty, careful, and unpretentious.
8. Disciplined, brave, and loyal.
9. Responsible and trustworthy.
10. Pure in thought, word and deed.
11. Organizing Pandega Scouts
Pandega scouts are gathered in units called racana. One pandega racana ideally consists of
between 10 - 30 pandega scouts. Racana can be divided into small groups called 'Reka'. Racana
Pandega uses names and symbols that are chosen according to the aspirations of the members and
contain basic tropes that motivate Racana's life. Usually uses the name of the hero but can also use
the name of the character, the name of the type of weapon, the name of the kingdom in the puppet
or the name of a mythical story. While Reka can be called freely according to the wishes of
members or according to the shared interests of members, for example, they are called "Reka Gita
Pesona" because the members both like music.
Racana is led by a leader called Pradana. Pradana was chosen from the deliberations of Racana
members. Racana organizations are arranged according to the organizations found in society in
general, because at that age Pandega was already involved in people's lives. Within the Racana
organization there is a Pandega Racana Council called the 'Dewan Pandega' and the 'Honorary
1. The organizational structure of the Pandega Council consists of the Head of Racana (Pradana),
Kerani (Secretary), Treasurer, Customary Stakeholder (guardian of the Racana code of ethics or
Racana customary procedures), and several members. Meanwhile, the Racana supervisor acts as an
advisor, driver, director, mentor and has the right to make the final decision. The Pandega Council
has the following duties:
2. Designing a program of activities
3. Manage and organize activities
4. Evaluating the implementation of activities
5. Recruiting new members
6. Finding/identifying sources of funds to be submitted to the Chairperson of Gudep
7. Manage funds to run program activities
8. Reporting the implementation of activities to the Gudep Trustees
9. Pandega Honorary Council is a Council formed to assist the Pandega Council. The duties of the
Pandega Honorary Council are:
10. Determine the appointment,
11. Giving awards to Pandega who excel
12. Provide punitive action for violations of the code of honor.
13. Rehabilitation of members of Racana Pandega.
14. Pandega Scout Uniform
Pandega Scout Proficiency Marking System
Pandega scout skills consist of general skills, special skills, and Garuda scouts. General Skills is
achieved by completing the General Skills Requirements (SKU), which consists of one level, namely
Pandega. Special skills are achieved by completing the Special Skills Requirements (SKK) which has
three levels, namely purwa, middle, and major. After completing the Pandega General Skills
Requirements, a Pandega can take the Garuda Scout Requirements (Eagle Scout). The TKU (General
Proficiency Mark) is attached to the shoulder of the garment.

A. Conclusion
Enforcement Scouts are divided into 2 parts, namely:
1. Bantara Enforcer
2. Enforcement
Enforcer Bantara is the level of the first General Skills Requirements in the Enforcement Scout unit
before the Executor Enforcer. Meanwhile, Enforcer Laksana is the second level of General Skills
Requirements in the Enforcement Scout unit after Enforcer Bantara.
Pandega is a Scout group after Enforcement. Scout members included in this group are those aged
from 21 to 25 years. Pandega Scouts have the same types of activities and are carried out together
with Enforcement Scouts. Scouting of Pandega Scouts is carried out starting from the Front Gugus
level in units called Racana, and at the Kwartir level they can join the Work Units and Work Councils.

B. Suggestion
This paper has advantages and disadvantages. The authors implore for advice and criticism. Thank


PP Gugus Front Scout Movement (SK Kwarnas No. 231 Year 2007)
Guidelines for Completion of Pandega SKUs (SK Kwarnas No. 199 of 2011)

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