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Received: 23 June 2020 Revised: 13 July 2020 Accepted: 26 July 2020

DOI: 10.1002/sd.2119


Promoting effective construction and demolition waste

management towards sustainable development: A case study
of Hong Kong

Zezhou Wu1,2 | Ann T.W. Yu3 | Chi Sun Poon4

Sino-Australia Joint Research Centre in BIM
and Smart Construction, Shenzhen University, Abstract
Shenzhen, China Construction and demolition (C&D) waste accounts for a large proportion of solid
Key Laboratory of Coastal Urban Resilient
waste, thus effective C&D waste management is essential for promoting sustainable
Infrastructures (MOE), Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen, China development. In Hong Kong, the government has promulgated a series of policies to
Department of Building and Real Estate, The encourage related stakeholders to implement effective C&D waste management.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon,
Hong Kong However, the overall status remains not satisfactory and has a great potential for fur-
Department of Civil and Environmental ther improvement. In this circumstance, the aim of this study is proposing solutions
Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
for further improvement of effective C&D waste management in Hong Kong. Based
University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
on a comprehensive content analysis of seven selected countries and two rounds of
focus group meetings with local experienced professionals, prevailing C&D waste
Chi Sun Poon, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong management policies and successful practices were identified and their feasibility of
Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
implementation in Hong Kong was discussed. Results revealed that non-inert waste
recycling is a key for improving the C&D waste management in Hong Kong to a
Funding information
higher level. A “3R + I” principle was suggested to be implemented in Hong Kong
Construction Industry Council of Hong Kong;
Foundation for Basic and Applied Basic instead of the currently employed “3R” principle. Four solutions, namely promulga-
Research of Guangdong Province, Grant/
tion of more specialized regulations, adoption of advanced recycling technologies,
Award Number: 2019A1515110247; Research
Start-up Funding of SZU; The Hong Kong development of mature recycling markets, and implementation of high landfilling
Polytechnic University (Project of Strategic
costs, were identified as the key directions for future improvement of C&D waste
Importance) and G-YBQD
management in Hong Kong. The identified C&D waste management policies and the
research methods used in this study can be employed in other countries or regions
which are at different C&D waste management levels and economic status to form
their own applicable policy framework.


construction and demolition waste management, environmental policy, non-inert waste,

sustainable development

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N utilized as secondary resources (Cardoso, Silva, Brito, & Dhir, 2016;

Chen, Hua, & Liu, 2019; Hossain & Poon, 2018; Park & Tucker, 2017).
As a by-product of construction activities, construction and demolition Under this background, establishing an effective C&D waste manage-
(C&D) waste has a great potential to make contributions to the environ- ment system has become a globally important research topic, which
mental pollution (Bakshan, Srour, Chehab, El-Fadel, & Karaziwan, 2017; attracts the interests of not only academia but also local government.
Jin, Yuan, & Chen, 2019; Lu, 2019; Yuan, 2017; Yuan & Shen, 2011). Governmental policies can guide producers' waste management
Nevertheless, if C&D waste receives appropriate treatment, it can be behavior (Bao, Lu, Chi, Yuan, & Hao, 2019; Halkos & Petrou, 2018;

Sustainable Development. 2020;1–12. © 2020 ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1

Liu, Gong, Wang, Lai, & Zhu, 2019; McCauley, 2015; Wei, Li, Liu, & contributor (i.e., 27%) (EPD, 2019). In addition, the reused or recycled
Wu, 2019; Yuan & Yang, 2020; Zhang et al., 2019). To promote C&D C&D waste was mainly inert materials, thus it is of great significance
waste management, relevant policies have been implemented in many to increase the reuse and recycling rates of non-inert C&D waste so
countries (Ajayi & Oyedele, 2018; Bao & Lu, 2020; Chen & Lu, 2017; as to improve C&D waste management in Hong Kong to a higher
Di Maria, Eyckmans, & Van Acker, 2018; Tam & Lu, 2016; Wang, Wu, level.
Tam, & Zuo, 2019; Wu et al., 2020; Wu, Zuo, Yuan, Zillante, & The aim of this study is to propose potential solutions, which can
Wang, 2020). In literature, C&D waste management policies in differ- facilitate the promotion of C&D waste management in Hong Kong.
ent countries or regions have been studied. Calvo, Varela-Candamio, The next section introduces the research methods used in this study.
and Novo-Corti (2014) revealed the driving C&D waste management This is followed by presenting the research findings regarding C&D
policies in Spain were based on economic incentives and tax penalties. waste management situations in the selected countries and suggested
Yuan and Wang (2014) investigated the waste disposal charging pol- solutions. Furthermore, a policy framework and discussions are made
icy in Shenzhen. Seror, Hareli, and Portnov (2014) evaluated the in relation to the derived outcomes. Finally, this paper ends with a
effectiveness of vehicle impoundment policy in Israel. Arm et al. (2016) conclusion.
assessed the effect of European Recovery Target on C&D waste man-
agement. Ajayi and Oyedele (2017) explored the policy directions for
C&D waste minimization in the UK. Liu, Teng, Jiang, and Gong (2018) 2 | RE SE AR C H ME T H OD S
suggested several policy proposals for promoting C&D waste reuse
and recycling in Guangzhou. Besides, a number of studies claimed the The research methods used in this study involved two rounds of focus
important role of government in effective C&D waste management group meetings with experienced professionals from different parties
(Duan, Li, & Liu, 2017; Liu, Nie, & Yuan, 2020; Udawatta et al., 2018; and a comprehensive content analysis of the official websites of the
Wu, Zuo, Zillante, Wang, & Yuan, 2019). selected countries.
In Hong Kong, C&D waste management has been emphasized by In the first round of focus group meeting, the invited participants
the local government for several decades (Wu, Yu, Wang, Wei, & included industrial practitioners, academia scholars and government
Huo, 2019). To increase the recycling rate of C&D waste, the Environ- officers, as shown Table 1. The industrial practitioners involved repre-
mental Protection Department (EPD) divided C&D waste into two sentatives from developers, contractors and designers, while the
categories: inert waste and non-inert waste. The inert C&D waste invited government officers were from the Environmental Protection
(e.g., concrete, earth) refers to the waste streams that are inactive in Department (EPD), which is responsible for non-inert C&D waste
chemical reactions, while the non-inert substances include bamboo, management, the Civil Engineering and Development Department
timber, packaging waste, etc. (EPD, 2015). The non-inert waste is (CEDD), which is responsible for inert C&D waste management, and
supposed to be not suitable for land reclamation, thus it is disposed the Development Bureau (DB), which is responsible for promulgating
of at landfills. A series of policies have been implemented by different C&D waste management policies. All the participants had rich experi-
governmental departments. In 1980, the Waste Disposal Ordinance ences in C&D waste management. A brainstorming session was con-
was proposed to guide an environmental manner of waste disposal. ducted to discuss the current situations and problems of C&D waste
In 2005, a Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme was management in Hong Kong and to identify the countries, which are
launched to encourage the reduction and recycling of C&D waste. It regarded having good performance in C&D waste management. After
was revealed that the charging scheme was effective in the early the brainstorming session, it came into a consensus that the level of
years of its implementation, however, its effect was found to be not
so satisfactory after several years' implementation because construc-
tion practitioners had got used to the charging standards (Hao, TABLE 1 Participants of the focus group meeting
Hills, & Tam, 2008; Poon, Yu, Wong, & Yip, 2013; Yu, Poon, Wong, Number of
Yip, & Jaillon, 2013). Thus, the charging scheme was further Category Affiliation participants
improved by increasing the charging standards (e.g., the landfill dis- Industrial Fraser Construction Co., Ltd. 1
posal fee was increased from 125 Hong Kong Dollars to 200 Hong practitioner Hong Kong Construction 2
Kong Dollars for each ton of C&D waste) (EPD, 2017). In addition, Industry Council
other policies were also employed by the Hong Kong government to Hong Kong Green Building 1
improve C&D waste management, such as waste management plan, Council
trip ticket system, pilot recycling plant. (Chen, Lu, Xue, & Xu, 2018; Academia The Hong Kong Polytechnic 3
Lu & Tam, 2013). scholar University

Though great efforts have been paid on C&D waste management Government Environmental Protection 1
officer Department
and the reuse/recycling rate of C&D waste has reached 92% in 2017,
Hong Kong is still facing a serious situation of running out of landfill Civil Engineering and 1
Development Department
space (EPD, 2019). Each day, a total of 15,516 tons of solid waste was
Development Bureau 1
discharged at landfills, and C&D waste was regarded as a main

C&D waste management in Hong Kong still has a great potential for 3.1.1 | United States
improvement, and increasing the recycling rate of non-inert waste is a
key for future improvement. In addition, seven developed countries In the United States, C&D waste management is supervised by the
which may exert insightful inspirations to Hong Kong were deter- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Specifically, a website is
mined, namely United States, Sweden, the Netherlands, Japan, Singa- designed for C&D waste management. According to the definition
pore, Korea, and Australia. given by EPA, C&D waste is “generated when new building and civil-
After the first round of focus group meeting, the governmental engineering structures are built and when existing buildings and civil-
official websites (see Table 2) of these selected countries were engineering structures are renovated or demolished” (EPA, 2018c).
thoroughly investigated to identify relevant policies and successful Examples of C&D waste include concrete, wood, asphalt, gypsum,
practices concerning C&D waste management. Through the compre- metals, bricks, glass, plastics, salvaged building components, trees,
hensive content analysis, it was found that C&D waste management stumps, earth, and rocks. In the most recent report, it was stated that
is generally in charged by the government departments relating to the generated C&D debris was 548 million tons in 2015, of which
environmental protection; however, the construction-related govern- demolition waste accounted for more than 90% EPA (2018a).
ment departments could also play an important role. For example, the There is a specific website designed for sustainable management
Building and Construction Authority of Singapore also paid extensive of C&D waste on the official website of EPA; however, there is no
attentions to C&D waste management. Based on the thorough inves- regulation for C&D waste management at the national level. Relevant
tigations, the successful experiences in the selected countries were regulations are different from state to state due to the varying geo-
identified and summarized, a comparison was further made between graphic and economic development situations. Because of the same
the selected countries and Hong Kong in terms of C&D waste man- reasons, the attentions paid on C&D waste management vary
agement practices. between different states. For example, Massachusetts has published
Based on the outcomes derived from the content analysis, two specific reports for C&D waste management while Louisiana
another round of focus group meeting was held with the same partici- has none.
pants of the first round to discuss the identified experiences. The The EPA suggested four principles for C&D waste minimization:
potential solutions to Hong Kong were suggested and their possibili- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rebuy (EPA, 2018c). Some technical strat-
ties of implementation were discussed. egies were recommended, such as source reduction and deconstruc-
tion. Source reduction is recommended because it can prevent waste
before it is actually generated. Particular suggestions include preserv-
3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ing existing buildings rather than constructing new ones, designing
new buildings for adaptability to prolong their useful lives, etc. To facil-
3.1 | Overview of C&D waste management in itate C&D reduction waste through proper design, several innovative
selected countries pilot projects were provided on the EPA official website (EPA, 2018b).
Due to the large contribution of demolition activities to waste
The C&D waste management situations of the selected countries generation, deconstruction is highly recommended. Two manuals have
were examined by comprehensively investigating the governmental been published for guiding the implementation of deconstruction,
official websites. The C&D waste generation and recycling situations, such as “Design for Deconstruction Manual” (EPA, 2015) and “Resi-
relevant policies and practices were investigated. dential Deconstruction Manual” (EPA, 2005). Some commonly reused
C&D materials and applications during the deconstruction process
were suggested. For example, reusing scrap wood as mulch or ground-
TABLE 2 Official websites of C&D waste management cover (EPA, 2018c).
Region Official data source Website In the situation that “Reduce” and “Reuse” principles cannot be

United Environmental Protection

implemented, the EPA suggested “Recycle” and “Rebuy” principles. For
States Agency single family homes, a report was published to indicate how to recover
Sweden European Commission C&D materials (EPA, 2013). The markets for buying and selling reus-

Netherlands European Commission able and recyclable materials are mature in the United States. Both
physical warehouses and virtual websites that connecting buyers and
Japan Ministry of the Environment
sellers can be utilized for C&D waste trades. For example, a website
Singapore National Environmental Agency
Building & Construction has been established for seeking proper recyclers (CDRA, 2016).
South Ministry of Environment
Korea 3.1.2 | Sweden
Australia Department of the www.
Environment and Energy environment. Exact definition and amount of C&D waste was not found on the gov-
ernmental websites of Sweden; however, relevant information could

be found on the official website of the European Commission (EC). The Japan Ministry of the Environment (JME) attributed the high
According to the EC, the amount of C&D waste generated in 2012 recycling rate of C&D waste to the implementation of the “Construc-
was 7.7 million tons, which was decreased by 18% compared to the tion Material Recycling Act” which was enacted in May 2000
generation in 2010 (9.4 million tons) (EC, 2015a). (JME, 2014). The law specified the roles of stakeholders for C&D
Waste sorting is implemented well in Sweden. As the Ordinance waste management in details: contractors are required to sort and
on Landfilling of Waste required, combustible waste fractions are recycle demolition waste, and the relevant costs must be prescribed in
prohibited to be disposed of at landfills. Meanwhile, the Building Code the contract agreement. A guideline for the flow of sorting and
requires an inventory of hazardous waste before buildings can be recycling waste was suggested in the law.
demolished. These requirements promoted the sorting of C&D waste Recycling technologies are highly emphasized by the government.
in Sweden. JME (2016) lists a total of 32 technologies for construction related
In addition to regulation requirements, there are also non- waste, such as “3R promotion and solid waste management consulting
legislative initiatives (e.g., high charge of landfilling, implementation of and engineering technology”, “Mixed waste recycling system
BREEAM, pre-demolition audits). High charge of landfilling is regarded (Construction mixed waste residue sorting system)”, “Crushing of
an effective solution for improving waste recycling. As Ger- waste”, and so forth. The technical information of each listed technol-
shman (2013) estimated, the charge for landfilling was roughly US$ ogy is presented in a specific sheet, explaining the technology from
193 per ton in Sweden, thus landfilling is the most expensive option the aspects of technology type, description, classification, and so
compared with other alternatives. forth. The information of companies which are relevant to the listed
technologies is also given on the JME official website (JME, 2016).

3.1.3 | The Netherlands

3.1.5 | Singapore
In the Netherlands, similar with Sweden, C&D waste amount informa-
tion could not be found on the national governmental websites; how- In Singapore, both Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and
ever, this information was available on the EC's official websites. National Environment Agency (NEA) provide information for C&D
According to the report published by the EC, a total of 25.71 million waste management. As early as 2008, the BCA published a report on
tons of C&D waste were generated in the Netherlands, of which 93% using of recycled materials. In this report, C&D waste was defined as
was recovered (EC, 2015b). “the materials resulting from construction, alteration or demolition of
In the Netherlands, the Environmental Protection Act was carried buildings and other structures” (BCA, 2008). The majority of C&D
out and a national waste management plan was established. It was waste examples given by the BCA overlapped the ones provided by
stipulated that C&D waste sorting is the minimum requirement for the EPA in the United States; however, it was noted that the earth
processing; waste cannot be landfilled there is another way for waste excavated during foundation work is not included in C&D waste in
processing. In addition to the regulations, the high charge of waste Singapore. The C&D waste generation and recycling information was
disposal at landfills can also facilitate C&D waste sorting. As provided by the NEA. In a recent report, it was stated that the total
EC (2015b) reported, the renting fee of a C&D waste container was generation of construction debris was 1,609,300 tons of which
US$ 376. In this circumstance, source sorting is preferred by the con- 1,599,900 tons was recycled in 2017, exceeding 99% of the total
tractors with the aim of reducing logistics cost. amount (NEA, 2018). Besides the high recycling rate, it should also be
The markets for reusing and recycling C&D waste are well noted that steel re-bars, wood and glass wastes were excluded from
established in the Netherlands. Project clients and contractors are not counting of construction debris; as they were accounted under sepa-
reluctant to use recycled materials because there are quality labels to rate item headings called “Ferrous Metals”, “Wood,” and “Glass,”
ensure the quality of recycled materials. In addition, using of recycled respectively.
materials can facilitate in obtaining green building certificates The recycling rate of C&D waste in Singapore is very high, how-
(EC, 2015b). ever, little information of successful experiences can be found from
the governmental official website. Limited information can be found
on the National Environmental Agency (NEA) website for describing
3.1.4 | Japan the recycling process of C&D waste. It is specified that aggregates
derived from crushed concrete can be recycled for producing recycled
In Japan, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment (JME) is responsi- aggregates for structural and non-structural applications (NEA, 2016a).
ble for supervising C&D waste management. Similar with Sweden and Though C&D waste management is not specifically focused on
the Netherlands, the exact C&D waste definition could not be found the NEA website, the management of general waste is introduced. It
as well. However, there was a report stating the status of waste man- is stated that illegal dumping of any kind of waste is a serious offence
agement in Japan. It was reported that the C&D waste recycling rate in Singapore; contracts for reporting illegal dumping are provided on
was 93.8%, while the recycling rates of asphalt-concrete blocks and the NEA website (NEA, 2016b). Furthermore, the NEA provides a
concrete blocks were 98.4 and 97.3%, respectively (JME, 2014). “General Waste Collection System” for waste recycling. In the system,

C&D waste is categorized into “Type A" (i.e., inorganic waste), which 3.1.7 | Australia
also includes excavated earth, discarded furniture, appliances. A high
solid waste disposal fee of US$ 57/ton is imposed in order to increase In Australia, C&D waste is supervised by the Department of the Envi-
the waste recycling rate (NEA, 2016a). ronment and Energy (DEE). It was defined as “waste produced by
Compared with NEA, the Building and Construction Authority demolition and building activities, including road and rail construction
(BCA) official website provides more C&D waste management infor- and maintenance and excavation of land associated with construction
mation. In the “Sustainable Construction” category, a site segregation activities” (DEE, 2018). C&D waste was regarded as a main waste
plan is suggested for sorting different kinds of materials (BCA, 2016b). stream in Australia, a total of 20.4 Mt of C&D waste was generated
Additionally, a Construction Productivity Capability Development from 2016 to 2017, of which 43% was recovered (DEE, 2018).
Fund was established for encouraging the purchase of demolition In Australia, C&D waste management is supervised by the
equipment that facilitates concrete recovery (BCA, 2016a). The BCA Department of the Environment and Energy (DEE). In 2011, the DEE
also published a series of Green Mark Schemes to motivate construc- commissioned two consultancy companies (i.e., Hyder Consulting
tion stakeholders to promote their green behavior including waste (HC) and Edge Environment Propriety Limited (EEPL)) to investigate
management (BCA, 2016b). the status of C&D waste management throughout the whole country
Recycling of C&D waste is particularly introduced by the BCA. and to provide guidance on C&D waste reuse and recycling across its
The process of crushing and recycling structural concrete components supply chain.
was presented (BCA, 2017). A guide book on the use of recycled According to HC's report, there is no specific regulation on C&D
materials was published by the BCA, specifying the types of waste waste management at national level, however, each state has its own
materials and applications of recycled materials (BCA, 2008). An regulations for supervising C&D waste management. As the circum-
accreditation scheme was introduced for recycled aggregate suppliers. stance in each state, the targets for C&D waste recycling rate are dif-
Meanwhile, recycling plants for different waste streams and suppliers ferent between states. For example, in 2011, Victoria aimed to
of recycled products were recommended (BCA, 2008). achieve a recovery rate of 80% by 2014 while Queensland's target
was 50% by 2014 (HC, 2011).
Market demand was recognized as the primary driver for promoting
3.1.6 | South Korea the C&D waste recycling status. Currently, the market for masonry
products has been well established in Australia, it is expected the
In South Korea, the responsible governmental department is the Min- demands for other recycled produces can also be stimulated (HC, 2011).
istry of Environment (ME). From the internet search, no specific defi- The recycling potentials of mainstream construction materials have been
nition was given to C&D waste, but the generation and recycling identified and successful cases have been examined for future develop-
information was provided. It was reported that the amount of C&D ment of C&D waste recycling market (EEPL, 2011; HC, 2011).
waste reached 186,627 tons per day, of which 97.2% (i.e., 181.493
tons) were recycled (ME, 2018). However, due to negative perception
and reluctance to use recycled products, the recycling rate of high- 3.1.8 | Summary of the identified successful C&D
value-added waste (e.g., aggregates and asphalt) remained at a low waste management experiences
level of 32.3% (ME, 2018).
In order to increase the waste recycling rate, the Ministry of Envi- Based on the in-depth examination of the official websites of the
ronment (ME) of South Korea promulgated the “Construction Waste selected developed countries, the major successful C&D waste man-
Recycling Promotion Act” in January 2005. This Act has provided a agement experiences have been identified, as listed in Table 3. From
legal basis for promoting C&D waste management in the past years. Table 3, it can be seen that some policies and practices were
According to the Act, recycled aggregates are mandatorily required to implemented in different countries, such as promulgating particular
be used in the construction of roads, industrial complexes and envi- regulations on C&D waste management. Thus, the identified policies
ronmental infrastructure (ME, 2018). To enhance the requirements in and practices were further integrated and compared with the current
the Act, revisions concerning the treatment methods were made C&D waste management in Hong Kong, as shown in Table 4. From
in 2013. Table 4, it can be seen that Hong Kong has paid efforts on C&D waste
To help the information exchange between waste suppliers and management; however, there are successful experiences that Hong
waste consumers, an online market, which is named “Exchange of Kong may learn from the other countries.
Resources used by the Circulation” was established (ME, 2018). The
online system contains several assistance functions, such as GIS-based
search, bidding for waste. Through this system, users can exchange 3.2 | Suggested solutions for C&D waste
waste information (e.g., waste type, quantity and quality, prices) con- management improvement in Hong Kong
veniently. The government also implemented quality standards and
introduced a quality certification system for the recycled aggregate Based on the discussions of the professionals in the second round of
products to enhance the confidence of potential consumers. focus group meeting, four directions, such as promulgation of relevant

TABLE 3 Identified successful experiences in the selected were regarded playing a determinant role in C&D waste minimization
countries in the two countries (JME, 2014; ME, 2018). In United States and
Country Identified successful experience Australia, though there is no national law for C&D waste manage-

United National official guideline for C&D waste ment, there are relevant regulations, which are promulgated based on
States management; geographic and economic development situations at state level.
C&D waste regulations in different states; The compulsory requirements in regulations can play the role of
Implementation of source reduction;
governing stakeholders to mandatorily adopt actions that are effective
Implementation of deconstruction;
Illustrative manuals and practical cases; to better C&D waste management. For example, in South Korea, it is
Mature C&D waste trade market. mandatorily required to use recycled aggregates for the construction
Sweden Implementation of Ordinance on Landfilling of Waste; of roads, industrial complexes and environmental infrastructure
High charges of C&D waste disposal at landfills; (ME, 2018). Meanwhile, regulations can also indirectly motive stake-
Ban on landfilling of combustible waste fractions; holders to perform better C&D waste management from the eco-
Advanced technologies for C&D waste incineration;
nomic perspective. For example, a high charging fee can be enacted
Implementation of pre-demolition audits.
for landfilling of mixed C&D waste, thus contractors are stimulated to
Netherlands Implementation of Environmental Protection Act;
High charges of C&D waste disposal at landfills; sort waste at source.
Mature C&D waste reuse/recycling markets; In Hong Kong, there is a good practice that a website has been
Improved and better controlled quality of C&D waste; established particularly for C&D waste management (EPD, 2009).
Stimulation from green building rating system.
Management strategies and good examples of C&D waste manage-
Japan Implementation of Construction Material Recycling ment have been introduced and recommended to the C&D waste
management stakeholders on this website. However, the waste mini-
Mature C&D waste recycling technologies and
facilities; mization strategies listed on the website are just suggestive rather
List of recycling companies. than compulsory. In addition, the latest updates of the suggested
Singapore Strict supervision on illegal dumping; strategies and case studies were mainly made in 2009, which has been
Implementation of General Waste Collection System; ten years before. According to the industrial professionals who
High charges of waste disposal fee;
attended the second focus group meeting, these strategies have not
Efficient waste sorting;
been emphasized in practical construction processes because they are
Implementation of Green Mark Schemes
Mature C&D waste recycling technologies and not compulsory and stakeholders can earn few benefits from imple-
facilities; mentation of these strategies. Thus, the Environmental Protection
List of recycling companies. Department suggested that, just like Japan and South Korea, specific
South Implementation of Construction Waste Recycling regulations should be promulgated specifically focusing on C&D waste
Korea Promotion Act;
management in Hong Kong. It is expected that, through the promulga-
Mandatory use of recycled aggregates;
Quality certification system for recycled aggregates; tion of specific regulations, the practitioners can be forced to imple-
Information management system for waste exchange. ment the currently suggestive waste management measures.
Australia C&D waste regulations in different states;
Comprehensive understanding of the C&D waste
management status of each state; 3.2.2 | Adoption of advanced recycling
Mature market for recycled masonry products;
Introduction of successful C&D waste management
According to the hierarchy model proposed by Peng et al. (2018),
“reduce”, “reuse,” and “recycle” are the three most favorable principles
specific regulations, adoption of advanced recycling technologies, for C&D waste management. The first two principles can minimize
development of mature recycling markets, and implementing a high C&D waste to a certain extent; however, waste generation is unavoid-
landfilling cost, were highlighted by the professionals. able due to procurement plan and other reasons (Bakchan &
Faust, 2019). In other words, C&D waste is always generated regard-
less of how well the “reduce” and “reuse” principles are implemented.
3.2.1 | Promulgation of specific regulations Thus, advanced recycling technologies are important for minimizing
the environmental problems caused by C&D waste.
Relevant regulations are important for driving stakeholders to act Recycling technologies have been emphasized in some of the
good C&D waste management behavior (Wu, Yu, & Shen, 2017). In investigated countries. In Singapore, the Building and Construction
the investigated countries, Japan and South Korea have their national Authority illustrated the typical process of reclaiming recycled con-
regulations particularly for dealing with C&D waste, such as the “Con- crete aggregates and specified the conditions for potential use
struction Material Recycling Act” in Japan and the “Construction (BCA, 2008). In Japan, a list of potential recycling technologies with
Waste Recycling Promotion Act” in South Korea. Both regulations detailed specifications was provided (JME, 2016). In Australia, the

TABLE 4 Comparison of identified C&D waste management in Hong Kong and the selected countries

United The South Hong

Successful experience States Sweden Netherlands Japan Singapore Korea Australia Kong
Specific regulations for C&D waste √ √ √ √
Recommendation of source reduction √ √ √
Recommendation of deconstruction √ √ √
Recommendation of waste sorting √ √ √ √ √ √
Illustrative manuals and practical cases √ √ √
Mature C&D waste trade market √ √ √ √ √
High charges of C&D waste disposal at √ √ √
Ban on landfilling of combustible waste √ √
Advanced mature technologies for C&D √ √ √ √
waste recycling
Controlled quality of recycled C&D waste √ √
Stimulation from green building rating √ √ √
Information management system for waste √

EEPL (2011) conducted case studies of how C&D waste can be 3.2.3 | Development of mature recycling markets
recycled, such as recycling glass into insulation materials.
Besides waste recycling, combustion technologies should also be From the economic perspective, mature markets play an important
considered. Peng et al. (2018) regarded “incineration” as a low-priority role in sustainable development of the construction industry (Wang,
strategy due to its unanswered questions about the environmental Li, & Wu, 2019). At the generation stage, a mature market can pro-
impacts (e.g., emissions of acid gases and other pollutants). However, mote building contractors to carry out on site sorting as they are able
after twenty years' development, most of the uncertain environmental to sell the recyclables. At the trading stage, effective information
impacts of combustion technologies could be well controlled. In Singa- exchange can be achieved through supporting online systems. At the
pore, due to the limited land spaces, there is only one landfill, the recycling stage, purchasers of recycled products in a mature market
other disposal facilities are incineration plants, which are also known can avoid questions raised from potential clients.
as waste-to-energy plants. In Sweden, it is prohibited to disposal of Waste information (e.g., waste category, amount, location, etc.)
unsorted combustible waste at landfills. The combustible C&D waste exchange is important for waste trading (Lu, Webster, Peng, Chen, &
are transformed into energy by using of advanced incineration Zhang, 2017). Good examples of waste trading can be found in the
(or waste-to-energy) technologies. investigated countries. For example, in United States, the information
In Hong Kong, as argued by the invited professionals, the of both physical warehouses and virtual websites has been provided
recycling status of C&D waste was far from satisfactory, thus the on the official websites for seeking proper recyclers (CDRA, 2016). In
adoption of advanced recycling technologies was recommended by South Korea, an online system has been established for information
the academic scholars for further improvement. In recent years, exchange between waste producers and recyclers. Japan and Singa-
though researchers have paid efforts on using construction waste pore also listed relevant recycling companies on their official
to produce recycled materials, such as Duan and Poon (2014), Lu websites.
et al. (2019), the industrial implication has not attracted attentions. Besides information exchange, to promote the development of
Since 2005, the Hong Kong EPD has issued a charging scheme to recycling markets, a certification system authorized by the govern-
encourage sorting of the inert waste and the non-inert compo- ment or industrial association is very essential for increasing market
nents, however, the sorted non-inert waste was generally dis- demand of recycled products. In many cases, the public are reluctant
charged at landfills other than recycling at plants. As timber to use recycled products because they are produced by so-called
formwork is very popular in Hong Kong, the industrial profes- “waste” (He & Yuan, 2020; Peng et al., 2018). A government or indus-
sionals suggested that incineration strategy of the waste manage- trial association authorized certification for a recycled product can
ment hierarchy model should be enhanced. Through the adoption reduce the anxiety of public to a large extent. In South Korea, an offi-
of advanced technologies in both recycling and incineration cially recognized quality certification system has been introduced for
aspects, it is expected that the pressure of landfill spaces can be recycled aggregates. In Australia, wasted masonry has been well
reduced significantly. recycled because the recycled masonry products are supported by

Austroads which is the association of Australian road transport and options. The purpose of this charging scheme is to encourage contrac-
traffic authority. In the Netherlands, quality labels could be issued to tors to implement waste sorting before disposal, and the charging
the secondary materials to guarantee their quality, and the secondary standards have been increased in 2017 in order to enhance the pur-
materials which obtain quality labels have higher chances to be pose. However, the contractor representative participating in the
selected by project clients and contractors with the aim of complying group meeting argued that the differences between the charges
with green building rating requirements (EC, 2015b). To facilitate would hardly be the key reason of stimulating them to perform waste
waste recycling, the information of potential recyclers of C&D waste sorting, because the waste sorting cost is much higher due to the lim-
has been posted on the official websites in several countries, such as ited site spaces and labor cost in Hong Kong. In this circumstance, the
United States, Japan, and Singapore. academic experts suggested that increasing the landfilling cost may be
In Hong Kong, there is also a website that lists potential waste the solution of improving stakeholders' waste sorting behavior. It is
recyclers. However, the contractor representative participating the expected that the practitioners would improve their waste manage-
focus group meeting argued that they seldomly use this website to ment practices to reduce waste generation at source and send the
identify the potential C&D waste recyclers as the listed material col- produced C&D waste to appropriate recycling facilities or incineration
lection points mainly focus on general waste streams that are not pop- plants.
ular at construction sites (e.g., computer electronical appliances,
paper). In addition, though the green building assessment tool in Hong
Kong (i.e., HK-BEAM) also has requirements to encourage using of 3.3 | Discussions
recycled materials, as there is a lack of an officially authorized quality
certification system and the assessment scores could be obtained Based on the results of the second focus group meeting, a framework
from other requirements, the contractors had no willingness to use was formulated to illustrate the suggested directions of promoting
recycled products proactively. Thus, the development of more mature more effective C&D waste management in Hong Kong, as shown in
recycling markets is essential to stimulate industrial practitioners' will- Figure 1. From Figure 1, it can be seen that, instead of the currently
ingness to adopt waste sorting actions and to use recycled products. implemented “3R” principle, a “3R + I” principle was suggested to be
adopted in Hong Kong. Compared with the traditional “3R” principle,
the strategy of incineration is also emphasized in the “3R + I” princi-
3.2.4 | Implementation of high landfilling costs ple. In Hong Kong, the “3R” principle has been recommended for sev-
eral decades and the inert components have been minimized to a
Mak et al. (2019) conducted an investigation of C&D waste recycling large extent; however, the non-inert components in C&D waste were
in Hong Kong and found that economic incentive is a key factor of not sufficiently utilized (EPD, 2019).
influencing stakeholders' recycling behavior. For example, contractors From the focus group meeting, the professionals claimed that
may be not very positive to implement on-site waste sorting as the contaminated timber which is not recyclable is the main contributor
payback is not so optimistic. In this circumstance, the invited profes- of non-inert waste. This argument has been proved by Wu, Li, Feng,
sionals argued that a high landfilling cost may be helpful for improving Luo, and Chen (2019) who conducted empirical investigations of the
C&D waste management behavior. C&D waste composition in Hong Kong. The results showed that
The cost for landfilling in some of the investigated countries are wood & timber was the largest contributor of non-inert waste in the
very expensive. In Sweden, the cost for landfilling involved two current construction projects, while paper, plastic, and rubber also
aspects: disposal fee and tax. In 2011, the landfilling cost for each ton took larger proportions than other waste streams. Thus, the incinera-
of waste was appropriately US$ 193, including US$ 126 for disposal tion strategy, which has been well implemented in Sweden, the Neth-
fee and US$ 67 for landfilling tax. It is much higher than sending erlands, Japan, and Singapore, was recommended to be emphasized in
waste to waste-to-energy plants (US$ 84 per ton). In the Netherlands, Hong Kong for better C&D waste management.
though the landfilling tax (US$ 16) is not as high as Sweden, however, As for what proportion to be incinerated and whether incinera-
the logistics cost is very high. For example, the average renting fee of tion strategy is economically worthy, more efforts are suggested to be
a C&D waste container reached US$ 376. In this circumstance, con- paid to find out the thresholds. However, though the incineration
tractors are more willing to sort and reuse waste in order to reduce strategy may be not economically feasible, it brings along environmen-
logistics cost. tal and social benefits (Yolin, 2015). In some countries (e.g., Sweden),
In Hong Kong, a charging scheme, which was enacted in January the combustible waste is banned from discharging at landfills regard-
2005, has been established for C&D waste disposal. According to this less of economic costs (AvfallSverige, 2019).
scheme, C&D waste could be categorized into three types (i.e., public Currently, the C&D waste management strategies in Hong Kong
fill reception facilities, sorting facilities, landfills), which determines the are mainly suggestive rather than compulsory. As the invited profes-
destinations of the collected waste (see Table 5). The public fill recep- sionals argued, in practice, the construction stakeholders usually focus
tion facilities only receive inert waste and the charge is the lowest. In more on economic benefits, thus C&D waste management could
case that the proportion of non-inert waste exceeds 50%, waste must hardly be emphasized because it cannot provide attractive profits. An
be disposed at landfills, which cost more money than the other two example is that, though a waste management plan is generally

TABLE 5 Charging standards for construction waste disposal facilities (EPD, 2017)

Charge (US$/ton) Charge (US$/ton)

Waste disposal facilities Type of C&D waste accepted before 2017 after 2017
Public fill reception Consisting entirely of inert waste 3.44 9.05
Sorting facilities Containing more than 50% by weight of inert waste 12.75 22.32
Landfills Containing not more than 50% by weight of inert 15.94 25.50

3R+I Principle Policy Directions recommendations have been proposed to enhance the maturity of the
recycling markets in Hong Kong, such as establishing platforms for

Promulgation of waste information exchange, setting up quality certification systems
specific regulations
for recycled products. These suggestions can improve the public
Adoption of advanced acceptance to recycled waste products; however, the key concern of
Effective recycling technologies the developers or contractors is whether they can gain satisfactory
C&D waste
profits from their waste management actions. Thus, there is a poten-
management Development of mature
Recycling tial constraint that the developers or contractors have little willingness
recycling markets
to buy recycled products if they regard the benefits are not so attrac-
Implementation of high tive. In addition, there is another potential challenge that the recycling
landfilling costs
plants cannot receive continuous C&D waste input for recycling.

F I G U R E 1 Policy framework for promoting C&D waste Levying high landfilling costs may be a solution for developers or
management in Hong Kong contractors to actively join in the recycling markets. Though the waste
disposal charging scheme in Hong Kong has been established since
2005, the current disposal charges are relatively low, which limits
required before the commencement of a construction project, the developers' or contractors' intentions for better waste management.
enforcement of the waste management plan is lacking. In this circum- The invited professionals agreed with this argument and further spec-
stance, a specific regulation which lists compulsory requirements ulated that higher landfilling costs would stimulate waste sorting
could be very helpful. For example, the regulations could specify what actions, which could be beneficial for the recyclers. However, there is
C&D waste components to be compulsorily recycled or what penalties a potential constraint of increasing the possibility of illegal dumping if
to be levied to illegal dumping, etc. The invited professionals believed the charges exceed the affordability too much. Thus, reasonable
this policy would reduce the generation amount of C&D waste to a benchmarks should be set up and an effective monitoring system on
large extent. However, this action faces a potential constraint that the illegal dumping should be established.
required standards might be too strict for the stakeholders to follow. It should be noted that the proposed four solutions and the “3R
Thus, it is claimed that the specific requirements should be deter- + I” framework may be not suitable in other regions, as various local
mined very carefully to match the practical construction status in climates and economic development status may be different from
Hong Kong. region to region. For example, the timber waste accounted for a large
The purpose of promulgating specific regulations is minimizing proportion of non-inert waste in Hong Kong, thus the “3R + I” frame-
waste generation at source; however, waste is produced unavoidably. work is proposed from the focus group meeting. Nevertheless, the
Thus, it is suggested that more attentions should be paid on the incineration strategy may be not appropriate in other regions which
recycling principle to reduce generated waste. In Hong Kong, as esti- has low generation of timer waste.
mated by the EPD (2019), the recycling of non-inert waste has a great In addition, though the seven selected countries in this study are
potential for increasing the overall rate of C&D waste recycling. In all developed countries, this does not mean there is no good C&D
recent years, along with the improvement of C&D waste recycling waste management practice in developing countries. For example,
technologies, many waste components can be recycled with low envi- smart technologies have been used to facilitate C&D waste manage-
ronmental impacts. However, there is a potential constraint in Hong ment in China. Wu et al. (2016) proposed an innovative approach
Kong that there are not enough sites to building waste recycling which incorporates GIS to manage demolition waste in Shenzhen. Xu,
plants. In addition, another potential constraint is that the recycled Shi, Xie, and Zhao (2019) used a BIM-based model to accurately esti-
products may encounter poor sales due to the not maturely devel- mated C&D waste generation and proposed suggestions for green-
oped recycling markets. house gas emission reduction. The implementation of smart
Developing mature recycling markets is essential for increasing technologies also has a great potential for improving C&D waste
the use of recycled products and promoting waste reuse. Several management.4.
10 WU ET AL.

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