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Software Engineering Technology

A Perspective on Emerging Industry SOA Best Practices©

Larry Pizette, Salim Semy, Geoffrey Raines, and Steve Foote
The MITRE Corporation
Using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach allows organizations to become both more efficient in meeting their cur-
rent needs and more agile in meeting future—and possibly unknown—challenges. SOA, however, is not a panacea. As with
any large-scale systems integration effort, there are challenges with employing SOA techniques effectively. This article presents
industry best practices to deal with key SOA challenges.

G iven the anticipated benefit of deliv-

ering business and operational value
improvements—such as cost savings, bet-
specialized security requirements, an orga-
nization’s inherent network limitations, or
high bandwidth data feeds can be impedi-
You can build a much stronger
conversation around doing SOA
on a project if you focus conversa-
ter business processes, and increased ments to applying industry-standard con- tions on the business’ high-priority
accessibility to information—SOA has temporary SOA technologies. process pain points and opportuni-
become a high-priority focus area for the It is possible to employ custom tech- ties. [1]
federal government. As various organiza- nologies to meet specialized needs; howev-
tions in the government research adopting er, there is significant value in using industry Contemporary SOA approaches facili-
an SOA, they often struggle with funda- standards when establishing an SOA port- tate a reduction in an organization’s IT
mental questions: folio. Implementations that need to deviate portfolio by providing services that are
• Why should we adopt an SOA commonly used across many business
approach for our IT portfolio? Is it processes. These business process services
the best approach for our organiza-
“As the government enable an organization’s needs to be reli-
ably met by another organization’s capa-
• What are the inhibitors to an SOA evolves their bilities. Gene Leganza writes:
approach? What causes the failure of
SOA initiatives and how do we avoid architectures to a As government agencies re-engi-
these pitfalls? neer their business processes to
• How do we reduce risk? What are service orientation provide horizontal integration to
the approaches for reducing risk, given improve services to citizens, other
various implementation techniques, on a large scale, government agencies, and their pri-
standards, and commercial products? vate-sector partners, SOA allows
• What results should we expect from leadership will look for the agencies to design application
implementing an SOA? How should components that instantiate the
the organization govern its SOA to
the lessons learned atomic elements of business ser-
maximize the business value of its vice delivery in explicit pieces. [2]
by industry and other
As the government evolves their archi- When used properly, an SOA enables
tectures to a service orientation on a large
government IT to support business goals. By focusing
on services that provide business process
scale, leadership will look for the lessons
learned by industry and other government
organizations.” capabilities reused across the enterprise, it
organizations. While practical experiences is more likely that the enterprise will real-
from standards are less likely to benefit ize the value of the SOA investment.
clearly demonstrating the benefits of an
from interoperability and later improve-
SOA approach will continue to emerge,
ments in standards-based technology. 3. Examine your data, realizing
research into initial experiences suggests
Before embarking on an SOA imple- that an SOA does not solve data
that the following set of eight best prac- mentation, consider whether your under-
tices can enable an effective SOA adop- problems—and it may expose
lying business and technical requirements them [3]
tion strategy. can be met with contemporary SOA tech- The flexibility of SOA in decoupling
nologies and standards. applications from data may expose issues
1. Determine if an SOA is the best
approach with semantic differences in data, data
2. Start SOA activities with the focus quality, and ensuring data availability.
When used appropriately, an SOA of solving business and operational Fundamentally, services share data
approach can provide significant value to
challenges and, unless providers and consumers have
an organization—but it is not always the Federal leaders should employ services to a common understanding of the data that
right approach or the best fit. In many sit- support key business processes and SOA constitutes the payload of a service,
uations, underlying business requirements efforts should be driven by the organiza- shared services will not be possible. When
make the adoption of contemporary SOA tion’s business and operational goals. deploying an SOA, it is important to con-
technologies impractical. For example, Randy Heffner explains that an SOA is sider your data by defining a common data
© 2009 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. always best with a business process focus: or abstraction layer, developing mappings

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Software Engineering Technology

between internal schemas and a common needs. Heffner recommends to: fully conquered by dividing it into three
vocabulary across the community, and major areas and systematically tackling
paying special attention to the governance ... craft your SOA strategy so that each one: empowering unanticipated users
for maintaining data quality. investments are made: 1) in line (if an SOA will be used to implement an
A proper focus on data will enable with work done and business value information-sharing strategy, which
interoperability among consumers and delivered today on each business requires access privileges for unanticipat-
providers and lower implementation risks technology solution delivery pro- ed users), establishing trust across organi-
for the enterprise SOA. ject, and 2) as investments across a zational boundaries, and mitigating newly
portfolio of projects, maintaining a exposed vulnerabilities. Federal leaders
4. Start small, learn, and evolve significant trajectory ... toward your and security architects may need to estab-
Employing the big-bang approach to SOA long-term goals. [1] lish enterprise-wide authentication and
adoption is unlikely to be successful due authorization mechanisms in order to sup-
to the inherent risks of very large-scale SOA implementations should be de- port access by unanticipated users.
software development, requirements com- signed with the expectation that require- Attribute-based access control and other
plexity, and the challenges of establishing ments will evolve and should be built to modern security techniques can be lever-
a new architecture across large organiza- allow for scalability and new capabilities. aged to provide this capability.
tions with significant legacy infrastructure The successful implementation of an
and diverse computing needs. 6. Governance is a key component SOA requires that the right security mech-
These factors, coupled with the risk of of the SOA anisms are applied to the right services.
a large deployment, point us towards SOA technologies can be applied to indi- Also, security should be balanced with
starting small, learning, and evolving. vidual projects, but the changes necessary other considerations, such as performance
SOA initiatives should begin by address- for an enterprise-wide adoption can only and scalability.
ing a business problem constrained in be achieved by putting the right policies
scope, focusing on piloting the architec- and processes in place to bridge the enter- 8. Set realistic ROI expectations
ture, ensuring that clearly defined success prise architecture with the business strate- during SOA implementation
criteria exist, and capturing the lessons One motivation for moving to an SOA is
learned to educate the enterprise and the promise of cost reduction in opera-
Governance is an essential element of
improve future SOA implementations. tions, reuse, and future systems integra-
an SOA; it is the vehicle for creating, com-
Ron Schmelzer indicates that organiza- tion.
municating, and enforcing SOA policies,
tions should start with a small business While cost savings can be a realistic
roles, and responsibilities across the enter-
problem, adding: expectation, an organization should
prise. The Organization for the Advance- expect upfront costs when implementing
Service-oriented architects must ... ment of Structured Information Stan- SOA techniques for the first time. Causes
maintain a pragmatic mental pic- dards (OASIS) states that: of upfront costs can be the learning curve
ture for how the organization can associated with modifying legacy applica-
evolve iteratively while still main- SOA governance should be consid- tions to create service offerings, the lack
taining a single, cohesive vision of ered an extension of existing IT of technical staff familiarity with the tech-
the organization’s architecture. [4] governance that deals with the nologies, and the need for new infrastruc-
decision rights, processes, and poli- ture. Infrastructure costs may include mid-
Narrowing the initial scope of an SOA cies that are put into place to dleware (e.g., an enterprise service bus),
implementation to one or two business encourage the adoption and opera- security components, quality of service mon-
processes will help keep the SOA at a tion of a SOA that may cross own- itoring software, and hardware and net-
manageable and realistic size. ership boundaries. [5] work upgrades. James Kobielus articulates
Employing a start small, learn, and evolve the investment consideration well:
strategy will minimize risk and reduce the Example process areas that should be
time it takes an organization to realize governed include service life cycle, service The upside of SOA is that the mar-
value from its SOA investment. versioning, service monitoring, service ginal cost of building new applica-
registries, and service testing [6]. tions will continue to drop as the
5. When establishing an SOA, have a Governance is necessary for establish- service-reuse rate climbs. The
long-term vision ing trust so that consumers and producers catch is that there’s a significant
The long-term vision for an SOA imple- have a set of established expectations for ramp-up cost, because adopting an
mentation is frequently organizational IT services essential to meeting their busi- SOA means you’re going to need to
agility and reduced cost, allowing an orga- ness needs. rethink many of your traditional
nization to respond to changing needs approaches to application model-
quickly and utilize IT resources more 7. Integrate security throughout the ing, development, integration,
effectively. These objectives can be real- SOA life cycle deployment and management. [8]
ized through service reuse, ease of inter- A primary objective of applying service
operability, reduced integration and main- orientation to a system’s architecture is to Cost savings may occur at the enter-
tenance costs, and the ability to deploy facilitate broader user access to informa- prise-level eventually, but not necessarily
new capabilities quickly. tion stored within that system. A challenge at the project level.
An initial SOA implementation that is is enabling information sharing while pro- An organization adopting SOA
scalable and capable of expanding in tecting and securing the information being approaches needs to have a realistic expec-
scope and requirements will ensure its shared [7]. tation on how much investment is needed
growth to meet future and unanticipated This security challenge can be success- and the expected ROI.

30 CrossTalk The Journal of Defense Software Engineering July/August 2009

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A Perspective on Emerging Industry SOA Best Practices

Conclusion 5. OASIS. “IT Governance and SOA -arch-20040211/>.

The ability to leverage IT resources across Governance.” 4 Apr. 2007 <http:// 8. Kobielus, James. “The ROI of SOA:
the network—to adapt to evolving m/The The more you reuse, the more you
requirements and to rapidly deliver new Architecture/Governance>. save.” Network World. 10 Oct. 2005
functionalities to meet users’ needs—is at 6. Woolf, Bobby. developerWorks. IBM. <
the core of a networked enterprise. “Introduction to SOA Governance.” /2005/101005-roi-of-soa.html>.
SOA practices can help realize this July 2007 < 9. Rosenberg, Barry. “Interview: John
vision by establishing shared and compos- works/ibm/library/ar-servgov/>. Grimes.” Defense Systems. 17 Nov.
able services. For example, DoD Chief 7. World Wide Web Consortium. “Web 2008 <
Information Officer John Grimes stated: Services Architecture.” 11 Feb. 2004 /Articles/2008/11/Interview-with
< -John-Grimes.aspx?Page=1>.
One of our challenges, which is
true for most large organizations— About the Authors
both public and private—has been
the transition from an era where
local commands built local-area Larry Pizette is a princi- Salim Semy is a lead
networks and developed local pal software systems software systems engi-
applications for customer require- engineer for The MITRE neer for The MITRE
ments to where organizations have Corporation’s Command Corporation’s Command
to work together for interoperabil-
and Control Center, sup- and Control Center.
ity to get the right information to
the right person at the right time porting a variety of gov- Most recently, he focused
around the globe. [9] ernment sponsors. Previously, he held on developing a framework and identify-
software engineering management posi- ing design patterns to deliver service-ori-
The SOA best practices described in tions of increasing responsibility at firms ented solutions to constrained network-
this article are intended to serve as a base- developing enterprise-scale commercial ing and computing environments. Semy
line for successful SOA implementations. systems. Pizette has a bachelor’s degree has a bachelor’s degree in software engi-
They illustrate that an SOA is more than a in computer science from the University neering from the University of Toronto
group of systems or purely a software of Massachusetts and an MBA from and a master’s degree in biomedical sci-
architecture; SOA changes the character New York University. ences from Boston University’s School
and agility of the underlying IT infrastruc-
ture that is available to an organization’s of Medicine.
The MITRE Corporation
senior leadership team and decision-mak-
ers. While technology is a key part of 202 Burlington RD The MITRE Corporation
employing SOA techniques, other IT man- Bedford, MA 01730-1420 202 Burlington RD
agement issues—such as changing the E-mail: Bedford, MA 01730-1420
organization’s culture toward providing E-mail:
and consuming services and implementing
effective governance processes to contin- Steve Foote is a director
ually align the IT portfolio with business of engineering for The
requirements—are equally important.◆ Geoffrey Raines is a MITRE Corporation’s
principal software sys- Command and Control
References tems engineer for The Center, supporting DoD
1. Heffner, Randy, et al. “Pursuing SOA MITRE Corporation’s acquisition programs.
In Hard Times: Adjusting Best Prac- Command and Control Most recently, he served as chief archi-
tices for SOA When Resources Are Center, supporting a
Tight.” Forrester Research. 11 Nov. tect for the Air Force’s Electronic
2008 < variety of government sponsors. Systems Center, where he facilitated the
Document/0,7211,47474,00.html>. Previously, he was the vice president and adoption of net-centric technologies by
2. Leganza, Gene, et al. “Why Is SOA chief technical officer of Electronic creating the Net-Centric Momentum
Hot in Government?” Forrester Re- Consulting Services, Inc.—an informa- Series. Foote has a bachelor’s degree in
search. 12 Dec. 2006 <www.forrester. tion technology and engineering consult- electrical engineering and a master’s
com/Research/Document/0,7211,40 ing professional services firm, where he degree in advanced information systems,
673,00.html>. developed engineering solutions for fed- both from Northeastern University, and
3. Friedman, Ted, and Craig Muzilla. eral clients. He has a bachelor’s degree in is currently working toward an advanced
eBiz. Webinars. “Where Data Meets computer science from George Mason degree in computer science.
SOA: Data Services.” 28 June 2006
The MITRE Corporation
The MITRE Corporation 202 Burlington RD
4. Schmelzer, Ronald. “Right-Sizing Ser-
vices.” ZapThink. 15 Nov. 2005 7525 Colshire DR Bedford, MA 01730-1420
< McLean, VA 22102-7539 Phone: (781) 266-9521
ZAPFLASH-20051115>. E-mail: E-mail:

July/August 2009 31

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