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On July 20th, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung launched the SDG

Index a
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has issued a policy brief on steps to redistribute income to support
We are not on track to achieve zero hunger – the focus of SDG 2 – by 2030. But agricultural technologies, if applied right, can h
Meningitis and neonatal sepsis are estimated to be the second-largest infectious killer of children under five, with six million n
The UN Secretary-General has announced he will convene a summit on Transforming Education in September 2022. The summ
Women and girls, everywhere, must have equal rights and opportunity, and be able to live free of violence and discrimination
Sanitation for all will not materialize until the 22nd century without greater investment by governments, said UN officials on W
The Planet Budapest 2021 Summit addressed actionable responses to nine key sustainable development challenges facing Cen
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has just issued the text of a Draft Ministerial Declaration on the Advancement of Gender
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published a report on the benefits of integrating su
As the world observes the International Day of Persons with Disabilities today, 3 December, we honor the leadership of person
UN Member States called for renewed attention to the New Urban Agenda and noted its increasing importance during a briefi
Pollution is the largest environmental risk factor for premature death on the planet, responsible for 9 million deaths each year
This past month saw two important decisions on human rights and the environment. One was the recognition of the human ri
Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Goal 14 or SDG 14) is about "Life below water" and is one of the 17 Sustainable Developme
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has released a global assessment of the marine pollution crisis in the lead up to the G
Forests have tremendous potential for climate change mitigation; this much is well known. But halting deforestation and fores
The modern era of international relations is different from anything that has come before. While States may claim to be politic
A year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, the dust has yet to settle on how the balance of power has shifted world-wide
Opening the High-level Dialogue on Energy (HLDE) last month, UN Secretary-General António Guterres reported that three-qu
The pandemic has been a major setback for sustainable development everywhere (Sachs, Schmidt-Traub, and Lafortune, 2020
Measures taken for implementing SDGs in India:NITI Aayog- The NITI Aayog has been in charge of overseeing the national imp
Goal 1: No poverty-By 2030, Goal 1 aspires to eradicate poverty in all of its forms worldwide. This entails not just lifting earnin
Goal 2: Zero hunger-Goal 2 strives to eradicate all forms of hunger, malnutrition, and the structural factors that contribute to i
Goal 3: Good health and well being-The third sustainable development goal, ensuring good health and well-being, begins with
Goal 4: Quality education-Quality education is a bedrock of long-term development, as it promotes economic growth, social m
Goal 5: Gender equality-Six national-level indicators have been identified to monitor India’s progress toward the goal of gende
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation-People are healthier and more productive when they have access to clean water and sanita
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy-Energy plays a key role in fuelling the engine of growth, and its importance in the evolutio
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth-SDG 8 aspires to promote long-term economic growth by increasing productivity a
Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure-Among numerous targets, SDG 9 aims to construct quality, reliable, sustainabl
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities-Inequalities in income and wealth are substantial, and they are expanding over the world. SDG 1
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities-New jobs and possibilities have been created as a result of urbanisation, as well a
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production-SDG 12 strives to guarantee that consumption and production patterns are
Goal 13: Climate action-The goal of SDG 13 is to take immediate action to fight climate change and its consequences. The wor
Goal 14: Life below water-Rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans encompass more than 70% of the earth’s surface and play an import
Goal 15: Life on land-The goal is to maintain, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, as well as sus
Goal 16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions-Sustainable development requires peace, stability, and effective governance ba
Goal 17: Partnership for the goals-The final goal is to form partnerships between governments, business organisations, nonpro
India’s challenges in achieving the SDGs-Defining Indicators:Developing appropriate metrics to adequately monitor the develo
India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy:The twenty-first century economic growth agenda ne
India can strengthen its diplomatic relations by using more sectoral scientific research outcomes in its cooperation efforts. Ind
Performance on Goal1:To measure India's performance towards No Poverty, five national level indicators have been identified
Performance on Goal 2: To measure India's performance towards the Goal of Zero Hunger, four national level indicators have
Performance on Goal 3: To measure India's performance towards Goal 3 of Good Health and Well-being, five national level ind
Performance on Goal 4:To measure India's performance towards the Goal of Quality Education, seven national level indicators
Performance on Goal 5: To measure India's performance towards Goal of Gender Equality, six national level indicators have be
Performance on Goal 6: To measure India's performance towards Clean Water and Sanitation, five national level indicators ha
Performance on Goal 7:To measure India's performance towards achieving the Goal of Affordable and Clean Energy, three nati
Performance on Goal 8:To measure India's performance towards Decent Work and Economic Growth,four national level indica
Performance on Goal 9:To measure India's progress towards the Goal of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, four national
Performance on Goal 10: To measure India's performance towards Reduced Inequality, five national level indicators have been
Performance on Goal 11: To measure India's performance towards Sustainable Cities and Communities, four national level ind
SDG 12: Goal 12 on Sustainable Consumption and Production emphasizes on “doing more with less” thereby ensuring that the
SDG 13: Goal 13 on Climate Change aims to integrate climate change measures into national policies and strategies; and furth
SDG 14: Goal 14 commits countries to conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources. It focuses on preventi
Performance on Goal 15: To measure India's performance towards SDG 15 on Life on Land, four national level indicators have
Performance on Goal 16:To measure India's performance towards Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions,six national level indic
SDG 17: Goal 17 aims at strengthening the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable deve
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blue
ung launched the SDG Index and Dashboards – Global Report to provide a report card for tracking SDG progress and ensuring accountabili
edistribute income to support progress on SDG 1 (no poverty). Using modelling evidence, the brief recommends a strategy known as “econ
nologies, if applied right, can help fulfil the aspiration of sustainable, inclusive, and resilient agri-food systems and leveraging emerging op
en under five, with six million new cases causing 500,000 deaths every year—more than malaria, measles and tetanus combined. However
in September 2022. The summit is proposed in ‘Our Common Agenda,’ as part of the focus on better representing young people and futur
of violence and discrimination. Women’s equality and empowerment is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but also integral to
nments, said UN officials on World Toilet Day. SDG 6 calls for clean water and sanitation by 2030.The campaign for World Toilet Day, led b
lopment challenges facing Central Europe. Participants discussed what can done in the four countries of the Visegrád region (the V4): Czec
n the Advancement of Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Trade. This sets the course for members to adopt the De
n the benefits of integrating sustainable chemistry into the design process for sustainable plastic products.The report titled, ‘A Chemicals P
honor the leadership of persons with disabilities and their tireless efforts to build a more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable world. At th
ing importance during a briefing on an upcoming high-level meeting to assess progress on urban sustainability.In 2016, the UN Conferenc
for 9 million deaths each year. This is on par with the number of deaths caused by smoking, and greater than those caused by hunger, nat
he recognition of the human right to a healthy environment by the Human Rights Council. The other was the Council’s agreement to appoi
the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2030 The official wording is to "Conserve and sustainably use
on crisis in the lead up to the Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP 26) and the UN Environment Assembly’s meeting in 2022. Meanw
halting deforestation and forest degradation are also nature-based climate solutions that improve food security, alleviate poverty, enhance
e States may claim to be politically independent, in reality they are economically, socially, technologically, climatically, biologically, and in c
power has shifted world-wide – from the interpersonal to the global levels. What has become increasingly clear, however, is the disconten
uterres reported that three-quarters of a billion people are still lacking access to electricity, energy production is still responsible for 75% o
dt-Traub, and Lafortune, 2020). There is a very real risk that inequalities will widen greatly between rich and poor countries due to differen
of overseeing the national implementation of the SDGs. The NITI Aayog has completed the mapping of all SDGs, Central Ministries, and Cen
s entails not just lifting earnings over the official poverty line, but also doing it in a way that takes into account the different social and eco
ral factors that contribute to it. This includes achieving the World Health Organization’s targets of a 40% decrease in stunting in children u
th and well-being, begins with lowering maternal, neonatal, and under-5 death rates. It entails eradicating major communicable and negle
otes economic growth, social mobility, and community cooperation. Despite this, many countries continue to struggle to offer students fre
gress toward the goal of gender equality, which captures four of the nine SDG targets for 2030. The six indicators are as follows:(i) Sex ratio
ccess to clean water and sanitation. Water shortage, poor water quality, and poor water hygiene have a severe influence on low-income h
its importance in the evolution of society cannot be overstated. It is at the heart of practically every important global dilemma and oppor
h by increasing productivity and promoting technological innovation. Promoting policies that foster entrepreneurship and job developme
uct quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, support economic development and human well-being, and facilitate sustaina
panding over the world. SDG 10 strives to minimise income disparities within and between nations based on age, gender, disability, religio
esult of urbanisation, as well as led to a reduction in poverty. Cities play an important role in the development of nations because they pro
n and production patterns are responsible. Responsible consumption can be defined as the use of services and related products that resp
nd its consequences. The world is facing rising sea levels, harsh weather conditions, and growing greenhouse gas concentrations, all of wh
h’s surface and play an important part in life support. The temperature, chemistry, currents, and life of the world’s seas govern global proc
rial ecosystems, as well as sustainable forest management, combating desertification, and halting and reversing land degradation, while a
y, and effective governance based on the rule of law and supporting the ideals of equality, human rights, and justice. The 2030 Agenda asp
business organisations, nonprofits, and civil society for sustainable development goals to achieve their full potential. Goal 17 establishes cr
dequately monitor the development of the SDGs is one of India’s biggest difficulties. India’s track record reveals that it has struggled to es
y economic growth agenda needs to be reframed to ensure that cleaner production and consumption processes — goal 12 of the United N
in its cooperation efforts. India has two major success stories at the intersection of climate change, sustainable development and econom
ndicators have been identified, which capture three out of the seven SDG targets for 2030. The five national indicators are - (i) Poverty Rat
national level indicators have been identified, which capture three out of the eight SDG targets for 2030. The four national indicators are -
ell-being, five national level indicators have been identified, which capture four out of the 13 SDG targets for 2030. The five indicators are -
seven national level indicators have been identified, which capture two out of the ten SDG targets for 2030. The seven indicators are - (i) E
ational level indicators have been identified, which capture four out of the nine SDG targets for 2030. The six indicators are - (i) Sex Ratio a
ve national level indicators have been identified, which capture, three out of the eight SDG targets for 2030. The five indicators are - (i) Saf
le and Clean Energy, three national level indicators have been identified, which capture two out of the five SDG targets for 2030. The three
owth,four national level indicators have been identified, which capture three out of the twelve SDG targets for 2030. The four indicators a
d Infrastructure, four national level indicators have been identified, which capture two out of the eight SDG targets for 2030. The four indi
onal level indicators have been identified, which capture three out of the ten SDG targets for 2030. These five indicators are - (i) Urban Ine
unities, four national level indicators have been identified, which capture two out of the ten SDG targets for 2030. These four indicators ar
ess” thereby ensuring that the needs of the present generation are fulfilled without compromising the needs of the future generation. Thi
icies and strategies; and further aims to plan and promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning a
ources. It focuses on preventing marine pollution, ending illegal and destructive fishing practices, and sustainably managing and protectin
national level indicators have been identified, which capture three out of the twelve SDG targets for 2030. The four indicators are - (i) Perc
titutions,six national level indicators have been identified, which capture five out of the twelve SDG targets for 2030. The six identified indi
rtnership for sustainable development. It primarily focuses on the enabling factors to support successful implementation and achievemen
n 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sus
ess and ensuring accountability.One year after world leaders adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the new SDG Index and
nds a strategy known as “economic growth with equity” while also ensuring the growth is environmentally sustainable.In September 2021
ms and leveraging emerging opportunities for achieving the SDGs. A new report from the UN Secretary-General provides examples of ways
d tetanus combined. However, the exact global incidence and death rates are uncertain. Most of the countries where meningitis is commo
enting young people and future generations.Briefing UN delegates in Geneva, Switzerland, on 29 November 2021, UN Deputy Secretary-Ge
ent Goals, but also integral to all dimensions of inclusive and sustainable development. In short, all the SDGs depend on the achievement o
ign for World Toilet Day, led by UN-Water, reports that 700 children die each day as a result of improperly managed sanitation. A total of
Visegrád region (the V4): Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.The Planet Budapest 2021 Summit took place in Budapest, Hunga
e for members to adopt the Declaration during the WTO Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12), which starts later this month.The Declara
he report titled, ‘A Chemicals Perspective on Designing with Sustainable Plastics – Goals, Considerations and Trade-offs,’ aims to help prod
e, and sustainable world. At the same time, we resolve to work harder to ensure a society that is open and accommodating of all.An estim
ity.In 2016, the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) produced the New Urban Agenda. At the six-y
n those caused by hunger, natural disasters, war, AIDS, or malaria.For decades, pollution and its harmful effects on people’s health, econo
Council’s agreement to appoint a Special Rapporteur on human rights in the context of climate change. Both decisions highlight the intern
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development".The Goal has ten targets to be achieve
bly’s meeting in 2022. Meanwhile, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued a working paper on the m
rity, alleviate poverty, enhance biodiversity, improve health outcomes, and more. Through innovative technology and capacity-building, th
matically, biologically, and in countless other ways, interdependent to varying degrees. This may not have been so explicitly clear 75 years
ear, however, is the discontent over how power is distributed.Across different regions, the pandemic has affected the distribution, use and
n is still responsible for 75% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and air pollution from cooking fuels is still killing millions annually. The Hi
poor countries due to differences in access to vaccines and financing. The healthand economic rationales for a rapid global scaling-up of v
Gs, Central Ministries, and Centrally-sponsored schemes as part of the implementation process; NITI Aaayog has also consulted with other
nt the different social and economic circumstances of women, children, and other vulnerable groups. That involves putting in place social
crease in stunting in children under the age of five and a 5 percent reduction in childhood wasting. In India, malnutrition is endemic. India
major communicable and neglected tropical illnesses epidemics, as well as drastically lowering the incidence of non-communicable diseases
o struggle to offer students free and quality primary and secondary education, a problem that SDG 4 attempts to address. Quality educatio
ators are as follows:(i) Sex ratio at birth; (ii) Wage gap (male/ female); (iii) Domestic violence; (iv) Women in leadership; (v) Ratio of female
re influence on low-income households’ food security, livelihood options, and educational possibilities around the world. SDG 6 assures th
ant global dilemma and opportunity that has anything to do with launching a business, expanding food production, or improving incomes.
eneurship and job development, as well as effective efforts to eliminate forced labour, slavery, and human trafficking, are critical to achiev
l-being, and facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development with an emphasis on affordable and equitable access for everyo
n age, gender, disability, religion, and economic or other status. Inequality is not only a roadblock to progress; it also deprives individuals o
nt of nations because they provide opportunities for people to grow economically and socially. By improving resource utilisation and focus
and related products that respond to necessities and improve quality of life while reducing the use of natural resources and toxic materials
e gas concentrations, all of which are endangering the lives of all people, particularly those living in coastal areas. With the rising greenhou
orld’s seas govern global processes that keep the planet habitable for humans. Goal 14 commits governments to conserve and use oceans
sing land degradation, while also incorporating ecosystems and biodiversity into national and municipal planning. It also aims to encourag
d justice. The 2030 Agenda aspires to drastically reduce all types of violence while also collaborating with governments and communities to
otential. Goal 17 establishes criteria for countries to fully mobilise domestic resources for sustainable development through more taxation
eals that it has struggled to establish useful indicators for measuring outcomes. The availability of hand pumps and tube wells has muddle
sses — goal 12 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — go hand in hand with pursuing dignified sustainable living
able development and economic growth that can be scaled up in many developing countries — energy efficiency in industries and sustaina
indicators are - (i) Poverty Rate (As per Tendulkar Committee Estimates); (ii) Health Insurance Coverage; (iii) Persons provided Employmen
e four national indicators are - (i) Households covered under food subsidy (PDS); (ii) Stunting (children under 5 years of age); (iii) Anaemia a
2030. The five indicators are - (i) Maternity Mortality Rate;(ii) Under-five Mortality Rate; (iii) Immunization Coverage in Children; (iv)Tuber
The seven indicators are - (i) Enrolment Ratio at Elementary and Secondary levels; (ii) Student Proficiency in Class 5; (iii)Student Proficienc
indicators are - (i) Sex Ratio at Birth; (ii) Wage Gap(Male/Female); (iii) Domestic Violence; (iv) Women in Leadership; (v) Ratio of Female L
The five indicators are - (i) Safe and Adequate Drinking Water in Rural Areas; (ii) Rural Households with Individual Toilets; (iii) Open Defec
DG targets for 2030. The three indicators are - (i)Percentage of Households Electrified; (ii) Households using Clean Cooking Fuel; and (iii) R
for 2030. The four indicators are - (i) Annual Growth Rate of GDP; (ii) Unemployment Rate; (iii) Bank Access; and (iv) ATM Coverage.Based
targets for 2030. The four indicators are - (i) Road Connectivity; (ii) Mobile Tele-density; (iii) Internet Density; and (iv) Gram Panchayats co
e indicators are - (i) Urban Inequality; (ii) Rural Inequality; (iii) Ratio of Transgender Labour Force Participation Rate; (iv) Scheduled Caste F
2030. These four indicators are - (i) Houses completed under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY); (ii) Percentage of Urban Households li
s of the future generation. This Goal emphasizes promoting resource efficiency, green economies and sustainable infrastructure. It also foc
ate change-related planning and management.India has great geographic diversity, and a variety of climate regimes and regional and loca
nably managing and protecting marine and coastal ecosystems while increasing scientific knowledge, research and transfer of marine tech
he four indicators are - (i) Percentage of total land area covered under Forest; (ii) Decadal Change in the extent of Water Bodies within Fo
or 2030. The six identified indicators are - (i) Reported Murders (per 1 lakh population); (ii) Crimes Against Children (per 1 lakh population)
plementation and achievement of SDGs such as - financing for development, access to technology, capacity-building measures, trade as a
ure. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and dev
SDGs), the new SDG Index and Dashboard show that all countries face major challenges in achieving these ambitious goals by 2030. No cou
ustainable.In September 2021, DESA released the 2021 edition of ‘Sustainable Development Outlook,’ which said governments can achiev
ral provides examples of ways to use technology to move agri-food systems beyond business-as-usual options.Off Track in 2021-A healthy
es where meningitis is common have low quality vital registration systems or no system at all, and country-level estimates can vary widely
2021, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said the Summit will have the aims of “averting a generational catastrophe and re
depend on the achievement of Goal 5.49 countries lack laws protecting women from domestic violence. Gender equality by 2030 require
managed sanitation. A total of 3.6 billion people – nearly half the world – live without safe sanitation. Beyond health, the impacts affect ed
took place in Budapest, Hungary, from 30 November to 2 December 2021. The nine focus areas were: sustainability in a post-COVID world
s later this month.The Declaration’s main points are not expected to change, although some wording may be adjusted in the days between
Trade-offs,’ aims to help product designers and engineers make informed decisions about incorporating “sustainable plastic” to ensure be
ccommodating of all.An estimated 690 million persons with disabilities, around 15% of the total population, live in the Asia-Pacific region.
ew Urban Agenda. At the six-year mark of this Agenda, governments will assess implementation during a one-day high-level meeting, whi
ects on people’s health, economic growth, and the environment have been neglected by governments and in the international developme
h decisions highlight the international community’s increasing recognition that a healthy environment is crucial for the fulfilment of huma
has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards each target is being measured with one indicator each.The first seven targets ar
ued a working paper on the most effective policy interventions to control single-use plastic waste.The publication titled, ‘From Pollution t
ology and capacity-building, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is working to tackle the drivers of deforest
een so explicitly clear 75 years ago, let alone centuries prior when the Westphalian model upon which the current order is based came into
ected the distribution, use and oversight of power determining people’s well-being. As COVID-19 serves as an excuse to centralize and con
illing millions annually. The High-level Dialogue confirmed that to avoid dealing a fatal blow to the SDGs, ourselves, and the planet, govern
r a rapid global scaling-up of vaccinations are clear, even more so with the emergence of new variants (Çakmaklı et al., 2021; WHO, 2020)
has also consulted with other stakeholders at the national and regional levels, including states and union territories. The 2030 Agenda’s i
nvolves putting in place social safety nets, ensuring disadvantaged groups have access to economic resources, making direct investments i
malnutrition is endemic. India is home to 24% of the world’s malnourished, as well as 30% of stunted children under the age of five, where
of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It also encompasses substance addiction prevention, road deaths and injuries, and deaths due to a
s to address. Quality education entails equal access to all stages of education for all genders, aptitude levels, and social groups, as well as
eadership; (v) Ratio of female labour force participation rate; and (vi) Family planning.India has mostly failed to fulfil its own national targe
nd the world. SDG 6 assures that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation, and it represents the fact that it is receiving more atte
uction, or improving incomes. Sustainable energy is a chance to change people’s lives, economies, and the environment. SDG 7 strives to i
rafficking, are critical to achieving this goal. By 2030, the goal is to achieve full and productive employment as well as decent work for all w
nd equitable access for everyone. Infrastructure investment in areas such as transportation, irrigation, electricity, and others is critical for
; it also deprives individuals of opportunity and, as a result, contributes to extreme poverty.The SDGs principally call for the growth rate o
resource utilisation and focusing on lowering pollution and poverty, urban spaces can address the constraints of rapid urbanisation, includ
l resources and toxic materials, as well as the emission of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeo
reas. With the rising greenhouse gas emissions, bold plans and rapid action on climate change mitigation and adaptation, including access
nts to conserve and use oceans, seas, and marine resources in a sustainable manner. It focuses on reducing marine pollution, ending illegal
nning. It also aims to encourage the fair and equal distribution of the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources, as well as to preve
vernments and communities to eradicate conflict and insecurity. Promoting the rule of law and human rights, as well as decreasing the flow
pment through more taxation and lower debt payment, while also attracting resources from abroad through improved remittance policies
ps and tube wells has muddled the definition of “safe” drinking water, and official figures claimed that 86 percent of Indians had access to
ng dignified sustainable living for all[1]. The impacts of COVID-19 have made the basic needs for human wellbeing even more clear. Energy
ency in industries and sustainable agriculture practices.Best practice in energy efficiency:To remain globally competitive, Indian industries
Persons provided Employment (MGNREG Act); (iv) Maternity Benefits; and (v) Homelessness.The Index Score for SDG 1 on poverty for Ind
5 years of age); (iii) Anaemia among Women; and (iv) Agricultural Productivity. Based on these four indicators, the SDG Index Score on Go
overage in Children; (iv)Tuberculosis Incidence; and (v) Health Workforce. Based on these five indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 3 fo
Class 5; (iii)Student Proficiency in Class 8; (iv) Children out of School; (v) Drop-out Rate at Secondary Level; (vi) Professionally Qualified Tea
adership; (v) Ratio of Female Labour Force Participation Rate; and (vi) Family Planning. Based on these six national indicators, the SDG Inde
vidual Toilets; (iii) Open Defecation Free Districts; (iv) Installed Sewage Treatment Capacity;and (v) Annual Ground Water Withdrawal. Base
Clean Cooking Fuel; and (iii) Renewable Energy. Based on these three national indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 7 for India stands a
and (iv) ATM Coverage.Based on four identified national indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 8 for India stands at 65, and the score ran
; and (iv) Gram Panchayats covered under 'Bharat Net'. Based on four identified national indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 9 for Ind
on Rate; (iv) Scheduled Caste Fund Utilisation; and (v) Scheduled Tribe Fund Utilisation. Based on these five national indicators, the SDG Ind
entage of Urban Households living in Slums; (iii) Door-to-door Waste Collection; and (iv) Percentage of Waste Processed. Based on these fo
nable infrastructure. It also focuses on reducing degradation and pollution, and minimizing waste.India, being the second most populous c
regimes and regional and local weather conditions, which are vulnerable to climate change.This is manifested in floods, droughts as well a
ch and transfer of marine technology to improve marine health.India has taken various steps to protect and enhance the coastal and mari
ent of Water Bodies within Forest; (iii) Change in Forest Area; and (iv) Population of Wild Elephants. Based on these four national indicator
hildren (per 1 lakh population); (iii) Court Density; (iv) Corruption Crime Rate; (v) Births Registered; and (vi) Aadhaar Coverage. Based on th
building measures, trade as a facilitator of global growth, institutional coherence and policy convergence, involvement of multi-stakeholde
countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in
mbitious goals by 2030. No country has achieved the SDGs and even top Sweden scores “red” on several goals.Today, the Sustainable Deve
h said governments can achieve positive results on multiple SDGs by pursuing structural transformation aimed at growth, equity, and envir
ns.Off Track in 2021-A healthy diet costs far more than the international poverty threshold of USD 1.90/day, and a staggering 3 billion peop
evel estimates can vary widely depending on the model health experts use.To pull together information and disparate rate estimates on m
nerational catastrophe and rethinking education systems.” She said learners must be equipped with skills and knowledge to excel in a rap
nder equality by 2030 requires urgent action to eliminate the many root causes of discrimination that still curtail women’s rights in private
d health, the impacts affect education, economy, and the environment. However, every USD1 invested in basic sanitation returns up to US
nability in a post-COVID world; climate change;circular economy; energy efficiency and security; smart cities; water and food security; tran
e adjusted in the days between now and MC12. The Nigerian delegation, for instance, whilst affirming the country’s commitment to trade
stainable plastic” to ensure better outcomes and a more transparent process. Building on a 2018 OECD publication, the report presents an
live in the Asia-Pacific region. Many of them continue to be excluded from socio-economic and political participation. Available data sugge
e-day high-level meeting, which was mandated by the UN General Assembly in December 2020.As the world’s urban population grows, ci
n the international development agenda. Moreover, pollution abatement and prevention remain severely underfunded. According to a 20
cial for the fulfilment of human rights commitments and the 2030 Agenda’s pledge to “leave no one behind.” International human rights in
each.The first seven targets are "outcome targets": Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification;
cation titled, ‘From Pollution to Solution: A global assessment of marine litter and plastic pollution,’ released on 21 October 2021, provides
tackle the drivers of deforestation and strengthen efforts to track land use and forest cover change.FAO has helped more than 50 countri
rrent order is based came into existence.Civil society is not only a voice of criticism, nor is it solely the conscience. It is the guide that dicta
n excuse to centralize and consolidate power, diminished trust in governance systems and weakening social contracts are spreading.This h
rselves, and the planet, governments would need to work in partnership with civil society, the private sector, and all levels of governance t
maklı et al., 2021; WHO, 2020). The Lancet COVID-19 Commission, launched in July 2020, is one global cooperative effort addressing these
rritories. The 2030 Agenda’s integrated character necessitates governments working beyond policy silos and setting ambitious and interco
s, making direct investments in vulnerable areas, and devising disaster mitigation techniques. The official poverty line in India is defined as
n under the age of five, whereas wasting affects 21% of children under the age of five.Early childhood malnutrition is exacerbated by a hig
d injuries, and deaths due to air and water pollution and poor hygiene. Countries must attain universal health coverage, which includes ac
, and social groups, as well as high levels of unified literacy and numeracy proficiency. It also involves ensuring that kids and adults have th
to fulfil its own national targets for gender equality to this point and does not look to be on track to do so by 2030 without significant soc
ct that it is receiving more attention in the global political arena. The 2030 Agenda emphasises that the sustainable management of freshw
nvironment. SDG 7 strives to improve energy efficiency, expand renewable energy use, and promote modern, sustainable energy for all.In
s well as decent work for all women and men, as well as to minimise informal employment and the gender wage gap, and to promote a sa
ricity, and others is critical for many countries’ long-term prosperity.Industrial growth has been a critical phase in the economic developm
pally call for the growth rate of the poorest 40% of the population to match or exceed the national average per capita growth rate when it
ts of rapid urbanisation, including requirements to provide basic services, electricity, and housing while concurrently reducing greenhouse
ice or product so as not to jeopardise the needs of the future generation By 2030, countries must develop strategies to manage and utilise
d adaptation, including access to money and increased capacities, are required. Goal 13 focuses on increasing resilience and adaptability t
marine pollution, ending illegal and damaging fishing activities, and managing and safeguarding marine and coastal ecosystems in a sustain
c resources, as well as to prevent poaching and trafficking of protected flora and wildlife. In other ways, India has made significant headwa
, as well as decreasing the flow of illicit armaments and enhancing the participation of developing nations in global governance organisatio
improved remittance policies, increased ODA and FDI, and investment promotion regimes. On the technological front, it makes use of No
rcent of Indians had access to safe drinking water, putting them ‘on track’ to meet the MDG objective on drinking water. In India, howeve
being even more clear. Energy and water have emerged as the top needs, and are connected to several SDGs, including human health. Ap
competitive, Indian industries have been becoming increasingly energy efficient, taking advantage of technological advancements and inno
re for SDG 1 on poverty for India stands at 54, and the score ranges between 37 and 76 for the States and between 21 and 61 for the UTs T
rs, the SDG Index Score on Goal 2 for India stands at 48, and the score ranges between 35 and 80 for the States and between 38 and 72 fo
e SDG Index Score on Goal 3 for India stands at 52, and the score ranges between 25 and 92 for the States and between 23 and 66 for the
vi) Professionally Qualified Teachers; and (vii) Pupil-Teacher Ratio. Based on these seven indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 4 for Indi
tional indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 5 for India stands at just 36, and the score ranges between 24 and 50 for the States and bet
round Water Withdrawal. Based on these five national indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 6 for India stands at 63, and the score rang
re on Goal 7 for India stands at 51. Among the States, Tamil Nadu, Mizoram and Karnataka are the top three performers on this Goal with
stands at 65, and the score ranges between 33 and 90 for the States and between 60 and 91 for the UTs. Among the States, Goa is the top
Index Score on Goal 9 for India stands at 44, and the score ranges between 0 and 72 for the States and between 0 and 100 for the UTs.Th
ational indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 10 for India stands at 71,and the score ranges between 38 and 100 for the States and betw
e Processed. Based on these four national indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 11 for India stands at just 39, and the score ranges betw
g the second most populous country in the world, is home to about 17.5 percent of the world population with a meager 2.4 percent of the
d in floods, droughts as well as the risk from tsunamis and cyclones experienced in coastal areas.
enhance the coastal and marine ecosystem
n these four national indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 15 for India stands at 90, and the score ranges between 43 and 100 for State
adhaar Coverage. Based on these six indicators, the SDG Index Score on Goal 16 for India stands at 71, and the score ranges between 53 a
volvement of multi-stakeholders and forging partnerships,and also ensuring accountability by regular monitoring.Early Lessons from India:
r deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – al
ls.Today, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung launched a new Sustainable Development
d at growth, equity, and environmental protection. In addition, amid the pandemic and recovery period, countries have the ability to “con
and a staggering 3 billion people cannot afford one. In 2020, between 720 and 811 million people were undernourished globally, around 1
disparate rate estimates on meningitis into one place for the first time, the Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) created the Meningitis
nd knowledge to excel in a rapidly changing world.On 10 November, at the launch event for a report by the UN Educational, Scientific and
urtail women’s rights in private and public spheres. For example, discriminatory laws need to change and legislation adopted to proactively
sic sanitation returns up to USD5 in saved medical costs and increased productivity, and jobs are created along the sanitation service chain
; water and food security; transport; financing sustainable development; and waste management.On circular economy, participants said:C
untry’s commitment to trade and gender and women’s economic empowerment, has asked that a sentence be added to the current draft
ication, the report presents an integrated approach to selecting sustainable plastics from a chemicals perspective, identifying sustainable
ticipation. Available data suggest that persons with disabilities are only half as likely to be employed as persons without disabilities. They ar
d’s urban population grows, cities’ progress will determine the rate of SDG progress overall.In that resolution the Assembly requests the U
nderfunded. According to a 2019 study, pollution stemming from industrialization and urbanization receives ten times less funding per dea
” International human rights instruments impose obligations for states. Although the fulfilment of human rights is the state’s legal respons
ms; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase th
on 21 October 2021, provides a scientific basis for the need to urgently act to control plastic emissions into the environment. The authors
s helped more than 50 countries develop robust National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS), which generate reliable and accessible data
ience. It is the guide that dictates the way governments must go.This new reality, humanity’s increased interconnectedness, demands new
contracts are spreading.This has become very clear in recent regional dialogues led by Southern Voice and the United Nations Developme
, and all levels of governance to “begin today” to decarbonize rapidly and radically.This Policy Brief looks at state engagement on energy t
rative effort addressing these challengesby promoting solutions to improve global public health and support an equitable, transformative,
d setting ambitious and interconnected economic, social, and environmental goals that extend beyond short-term political cycles. The Indi
verty line in India is defined as the bare minimum required for food, education, health, electricity, and transportation. In 2011, the Nationa
trition is exacerbated by a high rate of anaemia in pregnant mothers, with India having the highest prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy. T
h coverage, which includes access to reproductive health care, inexpensive medicine, and immunizations, in order to develop a system tha
ng that kids and adults have the essential skills and competencies to compete in the labour market, which extends beyond childhood. Fina
y 2030 without significant social reforms. Discrimination begins at birth when practices like sex-selective abortion and infanticide contribu
ainable management of freshwater resources and ecosystems is critical to social development and economic growth. Between 2002 and 2
n, sustainable energy for all.India has made significant efforts in developing the electrical system throughout the country, with 96.7 percen
wage gap, and to promote a safe and secure working environment for both men and women.By the year 2030, India hopes that every citiz
ase in the economic development of all countries that have achieved high-income status thus far. While India is an outlier in terms of its re
per capita growth rate when it comes to addressing economic inequities. According to self-reported inequality data from the NITI Aayog, w
currently reducing greenhouse gas emissions.By 2050, 68% of the world’s population would be living in urban areas. As a result, ensuring t
rategies to manage and utilise all-natural resources sustainably and efficiently, according to SDG 12. This encompasses chemical and e-wa
g resilience and adaptability to climate-related hazards, as well as incorporating such measures into national policies. It concentrates on b
oastal ecosystems in a sustainable manner, all while expanding scientific knowledge, research, and technology transfer to improve marine
a has made significant headway in protecting and rehabilitating natural regions. India’s development trajectory has transformed forests an
global governance organisations, are critical components of this process. Goal 16 also focuses on the prevention of abuse, exploitation, hu
gical front, it makes use of North-South cooperation to preferentially share the knowledge and materials that poorer countries need to ge
nking water. In India, however, the number of waterborne infections and diarrhea-related mortality is relatively significant.Financing SDG
s, including human health. Approximately 50 percent of the global population does not have access to the basics needed for dignified livin
ogical advancements and innovations[27]. Higher industrial energy efficiency is responsible for India’s success in relative decoupling of gro
etween 21 and 61 for the UTs Tamil Nadu and Puducherry are the best performers among the States and UTs respectively.The Governmen
ates and between 38 and 72 for the UTs. Goa and Delhi were the top performing among the States and the UTsrespectively.Working towar
nd between 23 and 66 for the UTs. Kerala is the best performer among the States, and Puducherry among the UTs.India has been actively
Index Score on Goal 4 for India stands at 58, and the score ranges between 36 and 87 for the States and between 46 and 85 for the UTs. A
and 50 for the States and between 27 and 58 for the UTs. Kerala and Sikkim among the States, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Ch
ands at 63, and the score ranges between 31 and 100 for the States and between 45 and 100 for the UTs. Among the States, Gujarat has a
performers on this Goal with a score of 89, 78 and 77 respectively. Among the UTs, Chandigarh fares the best with a score of 96.India aim
mong the States, Goa is the top performer, and Daman and Diu among the UTs.By the end of 2030, India targets that every citizen of the co
ween 0 and 100 for the UTs.The UTs of Delhi and Puducherry are the Achievers of this Goal as they scored a full 100 on the Index. The Gov
nd 100 for the States and between 52 and 100 for the UTs. The Achievers (with Index score equal to 100) among the States are Meghalaya
39, and the score ranges between 23 and 71 for States and between 6 and 64 for UTs. Among the States, Goa is the top performer, and A
th a meager 2.4 percent of the world’s area. This makes it necessary to have a comprehensive policy framework aimed at achieving resour

between 43 and 100 for States and between 50 and 100 for UTs. The Achievers (with an Index score equal to 100) are Assam, Chhattisgar
he score ranges between 53 and 91 for the States and between 63 and 92 for the UTs. Himachal Pradesh with a score of 91 and Puducherr
oring.Early Lessons from India: In the last four years since the adoption of the SDGs in September 2015,India has demonstrated its strong c
nd spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.The SDGs build on decades o
new Sustainable Development Goal Index and Dashboard to provide a report card for tracking SDG progress and ensuring accountability. A
untries have the ability to “consider solutions previously considered too difficult to implement.”The policy brief titled, ‘The critical role of in
ernourished globally, around 161 million more people than in 2019. Conflict in protracted situations, the impacts of COVID-19, and weathe
(MRF) created the Meningitis Progress Tracker. The website draws on models from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Johns Hopk
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Guterres said education is “key to resolving many of the global and local ch
islation adopted to proactively advance equality. Yet 49 countries still lack laws protecting women from domestic violence, while 39 bar eq
ng the sanitation service chain. For women and girls in particular, toilets at home, school, and work help them play their full role in society
r economy, participants said:Creating the right governance conditions is key to advancing the circular economy;Targets, standards, and me
be added to the current draft to make it explicit that the Declaration applies to the particular situation of women in developing countries
ective, identifying sustainable design goals, life cycle considerations, and trade-offs between life-cycle phases. Challenges related to creatin
ns without disabilities. They are also half as likely to have voted in an election, and are underrepresented in government decision-making
n the Assembly requests the UNGA President to convene the meeting in New York in collaboration with UN-Habitat. It says discussions sho
ten times less funding per death (USD 14/death) than funding for HIV/AIDS or tuberculosis, and 90 times less than malaria.In order to achi
hts is the state’s legal responsibility, other actors at local, national, regional and international levels play an essential role in ensuring hum
ting to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are "means of achievin
the environment. The authors report that plastics are the largest, most harmful and most persistent component of marine litter, accountin
e reliable and accessible data on the status and trends of forests and land cover. A key element of NFMS, National Forest Inventories (NFIs
rconnectedness, demands new relationships that stretch beyond the sole existence of treaties, trade, and capital. It calls for relationships
he United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). In May and June, as countries faced various levels of the pandemic outbreak, we ask
state engagement on energy targets through high-level meetings in the run-up to the HLDE, outlines the nature of commitments made at
an equitable, transformative, green, and digital recovery (Sachs, Horton et al., 2020).The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all three dime
-term political cycles. The Indian government is operating with strategic visioning, prioritization, and implementation methods. The Indian
portation. In 2011, the National Statistics Office’s Suresh Tendulkar Committee determined this line to be 27.2 Rs/day in rural regions and
ce of anaemia in pregnancy. This aim can be met by focusing on sufficient nutrition for adolescent females and pregnant women. Increasin
order to develop a system that can accomplish all of this. Increased health financing, recruitment, and training increased ODA to the heal
tends beyond childhood. Finally, good education makes students better citizens.With a net primary enrolment rate of 96.82% percent and
ortion and infanticide contribute to widening gender gaps. With states like Kerala and Odisha having natural female birth rates of 959 and
growth. Between 2002 and 2016, groundwater in India was depleted at a rate of 10-25 millimeters per year. The average rainfall decreas
t the country, with 96.7 percent of the population now having access to electricity. Despite India’s enormous renewable energy resources,
0, India hopes that every citizen, male or female, including people with disabilities, would have a respectable job that contributes to the c
a is an outlier in terms of its reliance on the services sector for development, a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive industrial sector, and inf
ty data from the NITI Aayog, which looks at rural and urban areas separately, India appears to be evenly distributing economic gains across
n areas. As a result, ensuring that cities are sustainable entails ensuring that a large and rapidly rising part of the population can benefit fro
compasses chemical and e-waste environmental management, business sustainability reporting, and the elimination of market inefficienc
l policies. It concentrates on both early warning and impact mitigation. It underlines the importance of international cooperation and com
gy transfer to improve marine health.The development of India has had a substantial negative influence on the health of the country’s oce
ory has transformed forests and wild animal habitats into collateral damage as a result of rapid population increase and the spread of agric
ntion of abuse, exploitation, human trafficking, corruption, and bribery, as well as the creation of accountable and transparent institutions
at poorer countries need to get on their feet, particularly by boosting the usage of ICTs (Information and communication technologies) acr
vely significant.Financing SDGs:India has the biggest number of people living below the international poverty line, despite its best attempt
asics needed for dignified living, with most of the deprived living in South Asia, East Asia and Africa.The 2021-2030 decade will be a landm
ss in relative decoupling of growth from emissions[28] — achieving growth without a corresponding expansion of its carbon footprint acro
s respectively.The Government of India has initiated various programmes to tackle chronic poverty, increase access to basic services, provi
UTsrespectively.Working towards ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition, India has undertaken various initiatives that are strongly alig
he UTs.India has been actively working to cover every aspect of Goal 3 and strengthen the health sector in the country. The various initiativ
ween 46 and 85 for the UTs. Among the States, Kerala is the top performer and Chandigarh, among the UTs.The Government of India reco
n and Nicobar Islands, and Chandigarh among the UTs, are in the Performers category(with Index score greater than/equal to 50 and less
mong the States, Gujarat has achieved a full score of 100. The same score is shared by Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Lakshadwe
st with a score of 96.India aims to achieve the dual objective of affordable and clean energy by providing access to energy for all at afford
ets that every citizen of the country, male or female, including persons with disabilities, should have decent work contributing towards the
ull 100 on the Index. The Government of India is taking several initiatives to boost the infrastructure sector such as Pradhan Mantri Gram
mong the States are Meghalaya, Mizoram and Telangana; and among the UTs are Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, and Lakshadwe
oa is the top performer, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, among the UTs.Various government schemes and strategies have been formul
work aimed at achieving resource efficiency, reduction in waste and pollutant activities, and adoption of technologies focusing on renewab

o 100) are Assam, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Manipur, Odisha and Uttarakhand among the States, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Lakshadweep
h a score of 91 and Puducherry with a score of 92 top the list of States and UTs respectively.India aims to foster an environment of peace,
has demonstrated its strong commitment to the global goals given the success of the SDGs at the global will to a significant extent depend
s.The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.In June 1992, a
and ensuring accountability. As ministers gather in New York to review progress on the SDGs, plenty of work lies ahead: The report shows
ief titled, ‘The critical role of income redistribution for poverty reduction: Alternative scenarios,’ released in October 2021, argues that the
acts of COVID-19, and weather extremes are worsening pre-existing drivers of hunger.Simultaneously, the global obesity rate continues to
ization (WHO), the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Maternal and Child Epidemiology Estimation group, and the Institut
many of the global and local challenges we face.” Noting that the 2030 Agenda calls for all people to have “access to life-long learning oppo
mestic violence, while 39 bar equal inheritance rights for daughters and sons. Eliminating gender-based violence is a priority, given that this
m play their full role in society, especially during menstruation and pregnancy, the campaign notes. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterre
my;Targets, standards, and methodologies must be harmonized across countries to increase circular practices;Circular economy is crucial t
omen in developing countries.The draft Declaration was prepared by the “Friends of Gender” group, comprised of 19 WTO members, four
s. Challenges related to creating sustainable plastic products revolve around the selection of sustainable materials, as well as the overall sy
government decision-making bodies. Just about 0.5% of parliamentarians in the region are persons with disabilities. Women with disabiliti
Habitat. It says discussions should take into account a forthcoming quadrennial report of the Secretary-General on progress in the impleme
s than malaria.In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relating to affordable and clean energy (Goal 7), industry, inn
essential role in ensuring human rights fulfilment. As the international human rights system evolves, there is increasing emphasis on the ro
targets are "means of achieving" targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale
nent of marine litter, accounting for at least 85%. The report finds sharp growth in recent years of plastic waste emissions, or leakage, into
tional Forest Inventories (NFIs) help provide this information – including size, distribution, condition, and use of forest resources – with wh
pital. It calls for relationships of trust, integrity, solidarity and a shared commitment to the well-being of all.It is in this spirit that the Coaliti
he pandemic outbreak, we asked a handful of experts in each region to explain how COVID-19 has affected progress towards Sustainable D
ure of commitments made at the High-level Dialogue through “Energy Compacts,” and briefly touches on the implications of these outcom
ic has impacted all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental. This section provides an overview
entation methods. The Indian government is dedicated to achieving sustainable development goals. The government has launched a rang
.2 Rs/day in rural regions and 33.3 Rs/day in urban areas, whereas the Reserve Bank’s Rangarajan panel determined it to be 32 Rs/day in r
nd pregnant women. Increasing agricultural production and small farmer incomes by improving access to agricultural supplies, services, an
ing increased ODA to the health sector, and the implementation of health risk reduction and management techniques are all ways to achie
nt rate of 96.82% percent and a secondary completion rate of 83.22%, India has made significant progress in making education accessible
female birth rates of 959 and 948 per 1000 boys, respectively, India as a whole has a six-percentage-point disparity between the number o
r. The average rainfall decreased from 1,050 mm in the 1970 Kharif — summer cropping–season to less than 1,000 mm in the 2015 Kharif
renewable energy resources, the country’s energy system is still based on fossil fuels and is highly carbon-intensive, producing 1.6 million
e job that contributes to the country’s GDP. To achieve this goal, the government has launched a number of initiatives aimed at increasing
usive industrial sector, and infrastructure network can nonetheless contribute to the creation of quality jobs and the equitable distribution
ributing economic gains across social strata. The Palma Ratio, which divides the GNI share of the wealthiest 10% of the population by that
the population can benefit from living in such an environment. Rather than relegating the marginalised to slums and informal settlements
mination of market inefficiencies that increase harmful resource usage, such as fossil fuel subsidies. It also entails encouraging sustainable
national cooperation and commitment in this regard.India is following its SDG commitment to climate change, which focuses on making co
the health of the country’s oceans and waterways. India’s Exclusive Economic Zone has a 58 out of 100 Ocean Health Index, based on ten
crease and the spread of agriculture throughout practically the whole subcontinent. Many of India’s most populated states, which were h
e and transparent institutions.Since the governmental structure and institutions were inherited from British colonisation, India has had a h
mmunication technologies) across national and international markets.Improving Tax Compliance and Capacity:India has a tax-to-GDP ratio
y line, despite its best attempts to eradicate poverty. According to the World Bank estimate from 2013, 30 percent of the population lived
1-2030 decade will be a landmark one for multiple reasons. During this period, an otherwise politically-fragmented global order has to deli
on of its carbon footprint across all sectors (residential, agriculture, transport, industry and power). Emissions are certainly rising due to gr
access to basic services, provide social protection,sustain poverty escapes, and generate gainful employment. Anti-poverty programmes l
nitiatives that are strongly aligned with the targets outlined under this goal. Such programmes include the National Nutrition Mission POS
e country. The various initiatives of the Government include The National Health Mission (NHM) - sub-missions -National Rural Health Mis
.The Government of India recognises the challenges faced by the education sector in the country and has come up with innovative program
ter than/equal to 50 and less than 65).India is committed, both constitutionally and through its policies, to achieving gender equality in all
d Nagar Haveli, and Lakshadweep, among the UTs. India has been actively working in this area through multi-sectoral interventions. Some
cess to energy for all at affordable prices. We already have in place the National Electricity Plan and the National Energy Policy. The Govern
work contributing towards the GDP of the country. To meet this target, government has initiated several programmes for generating emp
such as Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY),Bharatmala, Sagarmala, etc. Towards innovation and industry development, we have
man and Diu, and Lakshadweep. Several schemes of the government, some directly and some indirectly,are aimed at reducing inequalitie
d strategies have been formulated for achieving targets enlisted under SDG11. These are - Atal Mission For Rejuvenation And Urban Trans
nologies focusing on renewable resources.

agar Haveli, and Lakshadweep among the UTs.The Government of India has taken various initiatives towards meeting the targets set unde
ster an environment of peace, justice and good governance through transparent and accountable institutions at all levels. To achieve its ta
to a significant extent depend upon the success of its implementation in India. India's commitment is reflected in its work to electrify rura
d Social Affairs.In June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21, a comprehensive
k lies ahead: The report shows how leaders can deliver on their promise and it urges countries not to lose the momentum for important re
October 2021, argues that the specific approach to distributing income “matters for poverty outcomes,” as the same rate of economic gro
lobal obesity rate continues to grow, and undernutrition coexists with overweight, obesity, and other diet-related non-communicable dise
mation group, and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) to provide easy-to-navigate visualizations and charts. Data is dis
cess to life-long learning opportunities that help them acquire the knowledge and skills needed to exploit opportunities and to participate
nce is a priority, given that this is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world today. Based on data from 87 countries, 1
etary-General Antonio Guterres addressed the right to water and sanitation as a “basic human right,” in his remarks for the Day on 19 Nov
es;Circular economy is crucial to reaching Hungary’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, and Hungary plans to substantially revamp its waste
sed of 19 WTO members, four international organizations, and the WTO Secretariat. The group was open to all, with most of the participa
erials, as well as the overall system within which the product circulates. The report details considerations during the sourcing, manufactur
abilities. Women with disabilities are even less likely to be employed and hold only 0.1% of national parliament positions.The Asia-Pacific r
ral on progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. The resolution also calls for the UN’s five regional fora on sustainable de
n energy (Goal 7), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (Goal 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), and responsible consump
increasing emphasis on the role of cities and local government authorities. The 2015 Final Report of the Human Rights Advisory Committe
an health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.Oceans and fisheries support the global population's e
te emissions, or leakage, into aquatic ecosystems, which it says are on track to almost triple by 2040.Specific market failures have accelera
e of forest resources – with which countries are able to develop sustainable policies and management strategies. As part of our commitme
t is in this spirit that the Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN), formerly UN2020, is advancing a host of efforts, in partnership with all wel
progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 16 (measuring peace, justice, and inclusion). Specifically, we wanted to know how the rela
e implications of these outcomes for SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), climate action, and sustainable development.G7 Summit: Indust
section provides an overview of the impact of the pandemic on key SDG metrics where2020 data are available.On SDG 1 (No Poverty), aft
vernment has launched a range of national welfare and development projects as part of its commitment to achieving the SDGs. In the spiri
ermined it to be 32 Rs/day in rural areas and 47 Rs/day in urban areas. Both of these definitions have been criticised as being too low and
ricultural supplies, services, and market possibilities is one way to alleviate the structural factors that cause hunger. It also entails increasi
echniques are all ways to achieve this. Five national-level indicators have been identified to monitor India’s progress toward Goal 3 of Goo
n making education accessible to children. However, Indian schools continue to fall short in terms of educational quality.The lack of quality
sparity between the number of girls and boys born. In Haryana, there are only 831 girls born and registered for every 1000 males, resultin
n 1,000 mm in the 2015 Kharif. With nearly 600 million Indians experiencing high-to-extreme water stress–where more than 40% of availab
ntensive, producing 1.6 million tonnes of CO2/tonne of electricity. A very small fraction of the population has access to clean fuels for activ
initiatives aimed at increasing job opportunities, improving skill development, and speeding economic growth for the general public. Prim
and the equitable distribution of economic gains.In terms of digital and communications infrastructure, the country’s urbanised areas alre
10% of the population by that of the lowest 40%, yields a ratio of 1.41 in urban areas and.92 in rural areas, according to the NITI Aayog. W
ums and informal settlements, sustainable cities provide safe and affordable housing to everybody. The health, wellness, and sustainabilit
ntails encouraging sustainable public procurement processes and providing foreign assistance to developing countries in order to help them
e, which focuses on making countries responsible for their Paris climate targets. According to the Climate Action Tracker, the country prod
an Health Index, based on ten distinct parameters, putting it in 191st place out of 221 countries and dependencies. The management and c
opulated states, which were historically significantly lusher and greener, now have very little forest cover. Only 3.53 percent of Haryana, 6
colonisation, India has had a highly decentralised government with the central government lacking the capacity to administer specific resp
y:India has a tax-to-GDP ratio that is much lower than the BRICS average. As a result, there is a lot of room for increasing domestic resourc
ercent of the population lived on less than $1.90 per day. Despite rapid economic growth, one-third of the world’s 1.2 billion extremely po
mented global order has to deliver the 17 interconnected SDGs, without any region or people being excluded — a collective political promis
ns are certainly rising due to growing economic activity, but structural changes and alterations in industries’ energy intensity have neutrali
nt. Anti-poverty programmes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the National Rural Liveliho
National Nutrition Mission POSHAN Abhiyaan, Antoydaya Anna Yojana (AAY), Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), Mid-day Meal
ons -National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), AYUSHMAN BHARAT - Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogy
me up with innovative programmes that address the various needs and issues. Some of the programmes are - Samagra Shiksha, Sarva Shik
chieving gender equality in all spheres of life. To further enhance efforts towards this goal, India has also launched several national level s
-sectoral interventions. Some of the important programmes include -National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRWDP), the National W
onal Energy Policy. The Government of India has also launched various schemes such as the National Solar Mission,Dedicated Green Energ
ogrammes for generating employment opportunities,enhancing skill development and accelerating economic growth for the masses.Some
ndustry development, we have the flagship programmes such as Make in India, Digital India, etc.
aimed at reducing inequalities. These are - Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY), Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme
ejuvenation And Urban Transformation (AMRUT), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Urban, Smart Cities Mission, etc.

meeting the targets set under SDG 15: the National Environment Policy, 2006 and National Agro-forestry Policy, 2014, the Green Highway
s at all levels. To achieve its targets India has taken various initiatives. India empowers its citizens through a strong system of rights based
ted in its work to electrify rural households, ensure that girls go to school and stay in school,provide sanitation and housing for all, equip y
Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect
e momentum for important reforms. In order to achieve the ambitious goals, immediate and comprehensive action is needed in the crucia
he same rate of economic growth can result in varying levels of poverty reduction, depending on the levels of inequality. The brief presen
elated non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Approximately 14%of the world’s food is lost post-harvest, and 17% is wasted at the consumer
zations and charts. Data is disaggregated by region and age, covering cases, deaths, vaccination coverage, and major pathogen types. The
pportunities and to participate fully in society,” Guterres said today’s education systems are no longer fit for purpose.The UNESCO report,
d on data from 87 countries, 1 in 5 women and girls under the age of 50 will have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intima
emarks for the Day on 19 November 2021. He called for investment and innovation along the entire “sanitation chain".An event to raise a
substantially revamp its waste management system by 2023;Citizen engagement can be fostered with subsidies for buying electric vehicle
all, with most of the participants coming from the global North.Botswana, El Salvador, and Iceland – the co-conveners of the WTO Informa
uring the sourcing, manufacturing, use, and end-of-use phases. It argues that all available information must be considered at each step in o
nt positions.The Asia-Pacific region adopted the world’s first set of disability-specific development goals in the Incheon Strategy, which no
egional fora on sustainable development to provide inputs to the meeting. The regional fora are expected to take place in March 2022.In O
11), and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), pollution must receive greater recognition. Sustained attention and funding to
man Rights Advisory Committee on the role of local government in the promotion and protection of human rights (A/HRC/30/49) emphasi
port the global population's economic, social and environmental needs.Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate s
c market failures have accelerated the plastic pollution crisis.Currently, specific market failures have been critical in accelerating the plastic
gies. As part of our commitment to knowledge exchange and strengthening of NFMS capacities around the world, FAO, with financial supp
rts, in partnership with all well-wishers of the global community, towards a new kind of multilateralism. One which seeks generosity, true
e wanted to know how the relationship between people and their governments has changed because of the crisis. We heard similar narrati
velopment.G7 Summit: Industrialized Countries Pledge to Build Back Better Towards a Shared Agenda.The leaders of the Group of Seven (
ble.On SDG 1 (No Poverty), after several years of significant reduction, extreme poverty increased in 2020 in sub-Saharan Africa and in oth
chieving the SDGs. In the spirit of the sustainable development goals’ motto of “Leaving No One Behind”, the government is committed to
riticised as being too low and politically motivated to indicate progress in lifting people out of poverty, and both were less than half of the
hunger. It also entails increasing access to improved seeds and investing in agricultural research, rural infrastructure, and crop genetic dive
progress toward Goal 3 of Good Health and Well-Being, which capture four of the 13 SDG targets for 2030. The five indicators are – (i) Mat
onal quality.The lack of quality can be explained in part by the environment of classrooms, where just 81.2 percent of teachers have comp
for every 1000 males, resulting in a ten-percentage-point gender gap. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh aren’t
here more than 40% of available surface water is used annually–and about 200,000 people dying each year due to insufficient access to sa
s access to clean fuels for activities such as heating and cooking in their homes, demonstrating that the difficulty of decoupling energy prod
th for the general public. Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Start-up India, Skill India, Pradhan Mantri Kaush
country’s urbanised areas already have astonishingly high levels of teledensity. With 247 mobile subscribers per 100 people, Delhi tops th
ccording to the NITI Aayog. While investments in lowering inequality should be made in metropolitan regions, rural areas already meet the
lth, wellness, and sustainability of India’s cities are still threatened by a lack of cooperation within city governments, between city governm
countries in order to help them strengthen their technological capability for sustainable production and consumption. This goal aims to re
ction Tracker, the country produces an average of 1.9 tonnes of CO2 per capita from energy production, which is low compared to China a
encies. The management and conservation of the coastal and marine environment are governed by a number of national and subnational
nly 3.53 percent of Haryana, 6.12 percent of Punjab, and 6.88 percent of Uttar Pradesh are covered with forest.Various initiatives taken by
city to administer specific responsibilities. However, India has made progress in making its government more efficient and accountable to
or increasing domestic resources by broadening the tax base and improving the tax administration system. The Indian government has ple
world’s 1.2 billion extremely poor lived in India alone in 2010, according to the United Nations MDG 2014 report. At today’s levels of public
— a collective political promise made by all world leaders in 2015. Two more monumental agreements for global cooperation in developm
energy intensity have neutralised a major part of emission growth. India has incorporated several sustainable agricultural practices, such a
GA), the National Rural Livelihood Mission, and the Deendayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushalya Yojana focus on generating employment, skil
Scheme (ICDS), Mid-day Meal (MDM) scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), etc. In addition, there are several agr
T - Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana(PMJAY), Mission Indradhanush, the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme(RNTCP), the
- Samagra Shiksha, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and Teacher Education (TE), etc. Digital in
nched several national level schemes and programmes, which include - Gender Budgeting, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign, Sukanya Sa
me (NRWDP), the National Water Quality SubMission, Swachh Bharat Mission - Gramin, etc. Besides, India aims at making the whole coun
Mission,Dedicated Green Energy Corridor, the Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar PV Applications Programme, the National Biogas and Manur
c growth for the masses.Some of the programmes include - Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Start-up India

yment Generation Programme (PMEGP), the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) enacted in 2005, D

olicy, 2014, the Green Highways Policy, 2015, the National Afforestation Programme, the Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats Prog
strong system of rights based legislation. The Right to Information Act, 2005 allows citizens to access information from public authorities,
on and housing for all, equip young people with skills to compete in the global labour market, enable access to finance and financial servic
prove human lives and protect the environment.Member States unanimously adopted the Millennium Declaration at the Millennium Summ
action is needed in the crucial first years of implementation of the new global agenda.One year ago, world leaders from 193 UN member
of inequality. The brief presents six scenarios in combining economic growth with reduced income inequality. DESA’s Global Economic Mo
7% is wasted at the consumer and retail level.Harnessing Technology to Offer Hope-Agricultural technologies (including biotechnologies, d
nd major pathogen types. The site also presents sociodemographic information, allowing users to correlate burden of disease with income
purpose.The UNESCO report, titled ‘Reimagining our Futures Together: A New Social Contract for Education,’ was developed over two yea
or sexual violence by an intimate partner within the last 12 months. Harmful practices, such as child marriage, steal the childhood of 15 m
tion chain".An event to raise awareness of the need for sanitation for all was hosted by the governments of India, Nigeria, and Singapore o
dies for buying electric vehicles and apps to report on illegal waste disposal;Ecosystem deterioration equals 10% of global GDP, but consum
conveners of the WTO Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender (IWG), which started work in late 2020, – coordinated preparation o
be considered at each step in order to inform decision-making. The report emphasizes the need to set sustainable design goals in the plasti
he Incheon Strategy, which now requires governments to further reduce barriers. One of the main reasons behind these exclusions is a lac
take place in March 2022.In October 2021, UNGA President Abdulla Shahid set the date for the high-level meeting as 28 April 2022. He co
ained attention and funding to address pollution issues are especially critical to achieve a target of SDG 3 (good health and wellbeing): By
rights (A/HRC/30/49) emphasized this. Local governments are close to local communities; they are in a strategic position to address a rang
planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world's largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.Oceans co
tical in accelerating the plastic pollution crisis: the low price of virgin fossil fuel feedstocks compared to recycled materials, disjointed effo
world, FAO, with financial support from the CBIT-Forest project, has developed training modules on the topic of NFIs.The modules, building
which seeks generosity, true partnership, and mutualism – based on justice and the fulfillment of promises made – among all in society. S
crisis. We heard similar narratives across all regions. COVID-19 is revealing extreme inequalities and the dangerous impact of the pandemi
eaders of the Group of Seven (G7), which accounts for around 40% of global gross domestic product (GDP), met in Cornwall, UK, from 11-1
sub-Saharan Africa and in other parts of the world (figure 2.8). The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed an estimated 120 million people into
e government is committed to ensuring “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas.” The NITI Aayog is in charge of issuing the SDG India In
oth were less than half of the World Bank’s 1.25 USD/day international poverty level at the time. As of 2019, 2.9 percent of the population
tructure, and crop genetic diversity at the national and international levels. Finally, it necessitates the development of long-term food prod
he five indicators are – (i) Maternity Mortality Rate; (ii) Under-five Mortality Rate; (iii) Immunization coverage in children; (iv) Tuberculosis
ercent of teachers have completed the needed training. Classroom overcrowding is also an issue, with just 70.4 percent of primary and se
han, and Uttar Pradesh aren’t far behind, with 854, 878, 889, 861, and 879 girls born and registered per 1000 boys, respectively. Domestic
due to insufficient access to safe water, the situation is likely to worsen by 2050, when water demand will outstrip supply.Through the Swa
ulty of decoupling energy production from carbon is not restricted to the power grid.India aspires to fulfill the dual goals of affordable and
l India, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, and others are some of the programmes.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 8 range from 36 t
s per 100 people, Delhi tops the country, while Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu have all reached 100% teledens
s, rural areas already meet the government’s objective level of economic equality.In Indian society, economic disparity is not the only type
nments, between city governments and state governments, and between state governments. India’s urban areas have an average yearly P
sumption. This goal aims to reduce the material consumption per capita of both developed and developing countries.To this point, India’s
ch is low compared to China and the US but high compared to the world’s least developed countries and is on track to exceed its Paris targ
r of national and subnational laws. India has also ratified a number of international conventions concerning the use of seas and their resou
est.Various initiatives taken by the government under goal 15 include the National Environment Policy of 2006 and the National Agrofores
e efficient and accountable to its population, notably since 2015. The Aadhaar system, a biometric identification database that provides a
he Indian government has pledged to carry out an ambitious tax reform programme, by including the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and di
ort. At today’s levels of public and private investment in SDG-related industries in poor countries, a $2.5 trillion yearly financing gap remai
lobal cooperation in developmental action were reached in 2015, to be accomplished during this decade — the Paris climate agreement t
e agricultural practices, such as nutrient use efficiency (NUE), system of rice intensification (SRI) or sustainable intensification, and climate
n generating employment, skill development, micro credit and capacity building to increase employability among the poor. Some of the ot
addition, there are several agriculture related policies such as the National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology, the National
ontrol Programme(RNTCP), the National Leprosy Eradication Programme, the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), the Natio
r Education (TE), etc. Digital initiatives like Shala Kosh, Shagun, Shaala Saarthi are also helping promote technology in the education sector
Padhao campaign, Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, the Janani Suraksha Yojana, One Stop Centre, the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), et
ims at making the whole country Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2019.
he National Biogas and Manure Management Programme, the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana- Saubhagya, the LPG subsidy (un
mme (PMEGP), Start-up India, Skill India the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, etc.

MGNREGA) enacted in 2005, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY), Stand-Up India Scheme, etc.

ment of Wildlife Habitats Programme, the Programme on Conservation of Natural Resources and Eco-systems, etc.
ation from public authorities, thus ensuring transparency and accountability of institutions. The Aadhaar is one of the world’s largest uniq
to finance and financial services, and more. India has also made bold strides on the use of data for effective policymaking, and monitoring
ration at the Millennium Summit in September 2000 at UN Headquarters in New York. The Summit led to the elaboration of eight Millenn
eaders from 193 UN member countries met in New York for the largest summit in history and committed themselves to 17 Sustainable De
y. DESA’s Global Economic Monitoring Branch produced the forecasts using its World Economic Forecasting Model. The results show that i
s (including biotechnologies, digital technologies, renewable energy technologies and mechanization) can be harnessed for addressing the
burden of disease with income level, health worker access, and quality of underlying data.“We are delighted that the Meningitis Progress T
’ was developed over two years by the International Commission on the Futures of Education and is based on wide global consultations. It
e, steal the childhood of 15 million girls under age 18 every year.Women do 2.6 times more unpaid care and domestic work than men. Wh
ndia, Nigeria, and Singapore on 19 November. In a video message, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed called for all countrie
10% of global GDP, but consumer prices do not reflect products’ impacts on forests and other aspect of nature; andTo reach net zero emis
, – coordinated preparation of the draft Declaration, as well as the process of seeking members’ endorsement of the text.A formal WTO m
nable design goals in the plastics selection process, building on the following set of principles: maximizing resource efficiency; eliminating a
ehind these exclusions is a lack of accessibility. Public transportation and the built environment in general – including public offices, pollin
meeting as 28 April 2022. He convened an informal briefing on 30 November to discuss the meeting with delegations.Shahid said currently
ood health and wellbeing): By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and
egic position to address a range of human rights issues, such as health and the right to a healthy environment.Human Rights in the Pandem
lion known species.Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth's surface and contain 97% of the planet's water.They are essential for
cled materials, disjointed efforts in informal and formal plastic waste management, and the lack of consensus on global solutions.Plastic p
c of NFIs.The modules, building off of the theoretical guidance provided in the Voluntary Guidelines on National Forest Monitoring, were la
made – among all in society. Such a paradigm shift cannot be expected from governments alone—nor from any pillar of society independe
gerous impact of the pandemic on the distribution of power.The first trend is that COVID-19 has resulted in the abuse of legitimate power
met in Cornwall, UK, from 11-13 June 2021, to develop a shared agenda for global action to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic
mated 120 million people into extreme poverty over the past year (defined as living on less than $1.90 a day),mostly in low- and middle-inc
rge of issuing the SDG India Index, a report on India’s progress toward the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. First, the resear
, 2.9 percent of the population lived on less than $1.90 a day, the World Bank’s current extreme poverty line. The government has suppor
pment of long-term food production methods that boost productivity while also increasing soil health and sustaining climate resilience an
e in children; (iv) Tuberculosis incidence; and (v) Health workforce.India now has a life expectancy of 68.8 years, which is comparable to th
0.4 percent of primary and secondary schools having a pupil-to-teacher ratio of less than 30. The Indian government recognises the difficu
boys, respectively. Domestic life and the labour market are both affected by systemic prejudice. Domestic violence is common once wom
utstrip supply.Through the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) initiative, clean water and sanitation have become conspicuous causes for the nati
he dual goals of affordable and clean energy by ensuring that everyone has access to electricity at a reasonable cost. The National Electricit
res for Goal 8 range from 36 to 78, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 47 to 70. Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh, respectively, are t
ave all reached 100% teledensity.In remote rural areas, the Indian government has made substantial efforts to build both physical and digi
ic disparity is not the only type of exclusion. While women’s labour force exclusion is a concern, India’s large transgender population is sim
areas have an average yearly PM 2.5 level of 90.9 g/m3, while in Delhi, it is 150 mg/m3, which is significantly beyond the World Health Org
ountries.To this point, India’s per-capita resource consumption has remained low, owing to the country’s high population density and low
n track to exceed its Paris target by 2030. India, which accounts for 6.9% of global carbon emissions, has pledged to cut its GDP-based em
the use of seas and their resources, notably the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Online Oil Spill Advisory System, an online tool
06 and the National Agroforestry Policy of 2014, the Green Highways Policy of 2015, the National Afforestation Programme, and many mo
tion database that provides a centralized mechanism for residents to register with public institutions and make their demands known, has
and Services Tax (GST) and direct tax reforms to boost domestic resource mobilisation, while also pledging to keep public debt at manage
ion yearly financing gap remains between 2015 and 2030. Only greater private sector investments, particularly in infrastructure, food secu
the Paris climate agreement to keep global warming well below the 2°C above pre-industrial levels[2], and the Sendai Framework for Disa
le intensification, and climate smart agriculture (CSA), that have wide economic, social, environmental and climate impacts. SDG benefits
mong the poor. Some of the other programmes include the National Social Assistance Programmes (NSAP), the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti
and Technology, the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture, the National Food Security Mission, etc.
e Programme (IDSP), the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP), the National Programme for control of blindness, the National Progr
nology in the education sector.
ntri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), etc
aubhagya, the LPG subsidy (under PAHAL), the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana,the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, UJALA, etc.

cheme, etc.

one of the world’s largest unique national identification projects.With these instrumentalities in place, it has resulted in efficient service de
policymaking, and monitoring progress of schemes against targets. These interventions have a direct and resounding effect on the achieve
e elaboration of eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce extreme poverty by 2015.The Johannesburg Declaration on Susta
emselves to 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a set of ambitious objectives across the three dimensions of sustainable development – e
Model. The results show that inequality reduction can drive poverty reduction, and has the greatest results when combined with robust gr
e harnessed for addressing these challenges and leveraging emerging opportunities for achieving the SDGs. The 2021 edition of the UN Sec
that the Meningitis Progress Tracker has been chosen by the WHO and taskforce as the tool of choice to communicate progress we’re ma
n wide global consultations. It calls for transformation to both “repair past injustices” and build capacity to improve. The report aims to fo
domestic work than men. While families, societies and economies depend on this work, for women, it leads lower earnings and less time
hammed called for all countries to quadruple the rate of progress, since the current rate will provide sanitation for all only by the 22nd cen
ure; andTo reach net zero emissions a company must both decarbonize and pursue circularity, such as by recycling waste and equipment, d
nt of the text.A formal WTO mandate on trade and gender-Once adopted, the Declaration will confirm the mandate for work on trade and
source efficiency; eliminating and minimizing hazards and pollution; and designing systems holistically and using life-cycle thinking. The rep
including public offices, polling stations, workplaces, markets, and other essential structures – lack ramps, walkways, and basic accessibilit
egations.Shahid said currently 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and this is expected to rise to 70% by 2050.Strengthening
chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination (SDG target 3.9). With 2 million deaths per year attributable to chemical exp
t.Human Rights in the Pandemic:During the pandemic, many city authorities became frontline responders—managing food distribution, o
s water.They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures an
us on global solutions.Plastic pollution has impacts in several areas:Human health: As plastics break down they transfer microplastics, synth
nal Forest Monitoring, were launched on 17 November 2021 at the international webinar ‘Mind the gap: addressing National Forest Inven
any pillar of society independently. It is a whole of society endeavor.We eagerly await UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ forthcomin
the abuse of legitimate power and shrinking civic space. According to CIVICUS, only 3.4% of the world’s population lives in countries with o
from the COVID-19 pandemic. Guided by a commitment to multilateralism, the Heads of State and Government from Canada, the EU, Fra
,mostly in low- and middle-income countries (Atanda and Cojocaru, 2021). The pandemic has also impacted access to food and increased
opment goals. First, the research formalized how the SDGs could be measured using existing public data on India’s sustainable developme
e. The government has supported several social protection measures for the poor and vulnerable in order to alleviate the crushing poverty
ustaining climate resilience and flexibility.One of the first steps towards improving nutrition outcomes in a country with a population of ov
ars, which is comparable to that of many developed countries. High rates of maternal and infant mortality are a severe drag on life expect
ernment recognises the difficulties that the country’s education sector faces and has devised innovative programmes to address the many
iolence is common once women are mature enough to have a partner, with 30.9 percent of ever-partnered or married women reporting
onspicuous causes for the national government. Several major states, including Rajasthan, Punjab, Maharashtra, Kerala, and Gujarat, have
ble cost. The National Electricity Plan and the National Energy Policy are already in existence. The Government of India has also launched v
Chandigarh, respectively, are the best-performing States and UTs. In the category of Front Runners, seven states and three UTs earned a s
to build both physical and digital infrastructure. For example, the government committed to connecting all selected, isolated habitations t
transgender population is similarly underrepresented in the labour force, participating at just 64% of men’s rates and disproportionately i
beyond the World Health Organization’s recommended range. Although cities like Ahmedabad have led the way in establishing new land
gh population density and low material prosperity. Only 2.4 kilograms of e-waste is produced per capita each year, along with 6.2 kg of sul
dged to cut its GDP-based emissions intensity by 33-35 percent by 2030. As of 2018, investments in solar energy have surpassed those in c
dvisory System, an online tool for anticipating the path of oil spills, was established in 2015. Furthermore, the 2015 National Oil Spill Disast
on Programme, and many more.States’ SDG index scores for goal 15 range from 43 to 93, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 27 to 85
ke their demands known, has been one of the most significant advancements in enhancing the supply of government services. All citizens
to keep public debt at manageable levels in the medium term. The Swachh Bharat Cess (Clean India Cess) is an innovative tax that has bee
rly in infrastructure, food security, and climate change mitigation, can close this gap. India is a country where according to a new analysis,
he Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. These international frameworks aim at shifting collective global policy priorities for deve
climate impacts. SDG benefits due to these practices have been tracked in four broad categories — social, representing SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 an
he Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Suraksha Beema Yojana (PMJSBY),Ayushman Bharat, Miss

f blindness, the National Programme for Prevention and control of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke (NPCDCS), etc.
ri Ujjwala Yojana, UJALA, etc.

resulted in efficient service delivery and reducing corruption

sounding effect on the achievement of the SDGs. They serve as examples for other developing countries grappling with similar challenges.
nnesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation, adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Develop
sustainable development – economic development, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability, underpinned by good governance.
when combined with robust growth.The authors highlight the need for the growth to be environmentally sustainable, which will require im
The 2021 edition of the UN Secretary General’s Report on Agricultural Technologies for Sustainable Development, which draws on contribu
mmunicate progress we’re making against meningitis around the world,” Meningitis Research Foundation Chief Executive Vinny Smith said
mprove. The report aims to foster a “contract” between parents, children, and educators.The report also recalls that public education was
lower earnings and less time to engage in non-work activities. In addition to equal distribution of economic resources, which is not only a
on for all only by the 22nd century. Mohammed said that unlike many of the complex challenges we face, poor sanitation is “a problem th
ycling waste and equipment, decarbonizing business partners, and recovering and donating used items.Another session addressed whethe
mandate for work on trade and women’s economic empowerment within the WTO, and represent a step towards women’s economic emp
sing life-cycle thinking. The report elaborates on sustainable design goals, namely selecting materials that pose low risk/hazard, have a com
walkways, and basic accessibility features. Accessibility, however, goes beyond the commonly thought-of physical structures. Barriers to ac
to 70% by 2050.Strengthening urban institutions to face challenges must be part of a resilient vision for our cities, and the New Urban Age
ar attributable to chemical exposure alone, and with growing evidence of the toxicity of several commonly used chemicals, action is urgen
managing food distribution, organizing testing stations, and enabling the large-scale burials and cremations that were needed. Some have
ated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 p
ey transfer microplastics, synthetic and cellulosic microfibres, toxic chemicals, metals and micropollutants into waters, sediments, and eve
dressing National Forest Inventory capacity needs to support climate action.’ This event highlighted the complexities of NFIs, which utilize
l António Guterres’ forthcoming ‘Our Common Agenda’ report, and commit to advancing those elements consistent with a new paradigm
ulation lives in countries with open civic space. And now we are witnessing COVID-19 emergency measures accelerating the deterioration o
ment from Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the US agreed to end the pandemic by driving the effort to vaccinate
access to food and increased food insecurity (FAO, 2021; WFP, 2020), covered under SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), while the slowdown of econom
ndia’s sustainable development, and then it compared SDG attainment across states, identifying both achievements and investment prior
alleviate the crushing poverty, particularly in rural areas. The government began piloting universal healthcare initiatives through the Ayus
ountry with a population of over a billion people and little available land for agriculture is to simply increase the amount of food that farm
re a severe drag on life expectancy. India has a neonatal mortality rate of 21.7 per 1000 live births and a child mortality rate of 28.3 death
grammes to address the many demands and issues. Samagra Shiksha, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
or married women reporting partner violence in the previous 12 months. Early marriage, especially in rural regions, stymies efforts to pro
tra, Kerala, and Gujarat, have mandated the building of individual household toilets in rural regions, according to the NITI Aayog. Although
nt of India has also launched various schemes such as the National Solar Mission, Dedicated Green Energy Corridor, the Off-Grid and Dece
ates and three UTs earned a spot (score range between 65 and 99). Three states and one UT, on the other hand, trailed in the Aspirants g
elected, isolated habitations to all-weather roads through the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, whose third phase was approved in Jul
rates and disproportionately in low-wage, dangerous jobs. India’s labour laws do provide certain protections for workers, but only for a na
e way in establishing new land management and urban planning strategies, piecemeal land management on the urban-rural periphery also
h year, along with 6.2 kg of sulfur dioxide (one of the principal consequences of coal combustion) and 12.9 kg of nitrogen surplus from ferti
ergy have surpassed those in coal, and the government has made a big effort to increase the usage of CNG and electric vehicles in the tran
e 2015 National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan has been updated to incorporate significant national rules as well as current internation
dex scores range from 27 to 85. Arunachal Pradesh and Chandigarh, respectively, are the best-performing States and UTs. In the category o
vernment services. All citizens must be properly registered with the government in order to participate equally in their public institutions.
an innovative tax that has been imposed to raise funds for the Clean India Mission.Strengthening Sub-National Governments:The states an
e according to a new analysis, achieving the SDGs in India by 2030 will cost roughly $14.4 billion.Conclusion:India has shown its strong com
global policy priorities for developmental action to the sustainable development path by 2030. Although 2020 will be remembered as the y
presenting SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 and 10; environmental, representing SDGs 6, 12, 13, 14 and 15; economic, representing SDGs 7, 8, 9 and 11; a
MJSBY),Ayushman Bharat, Mission Antyodaya, the National Food Security Mission, Poshan Abhiyan, Swachh Bharat Mission, Pradhan Mantr

and stroke (NPCDCS), etc.

ppling with similar challenges. The localisation of SDGs has been ascribed utmost importance, as the States and Union Territories (UTs) are
ummit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in 2002, reaffirmed the global community's commitments to poverty eradication and th
erpinned by good governance.The SDG Index and Dashboards collect available data for 149 countries to assess where each country stands
tainable, which will require improved management of water and other natural resources, together with movement towards low-carbon te
ment, which draws on contributions from across the United Nations system, analyzes technological trends, the potential benefits, risks and
ief Executive Vinny Smith said on the site’s launch, noting the tracker was specifically developed to support the World Health Organization
calls that public education was created to support specific objectives: citizenship and development. Today’s challenges and risks mean tha
resources, which is not only a right, but accelerates development in multiple areas, there needs to be a fair balance of responsibility for u
oor sanitation is “a problem that can be solved.” Mohammed said the 2021 report on the State of the World’s Sanitation provides a path f
her session addressed whether nuclear energy has a place in countries’ energy mix. Some said nuclear energy allows a country to ensure
wards women’s economic empowerment considerations being taken into account in the regular work of WTO bodies.The Declaration comm
se low risk/hazard, have a commercial ‘afterlife,’ generate no waste, and use secondary feedstock or biobased feedstock. In its concluding
sical structures. Barriers to access to services and information and communication technology must also be removed, to allow for the parti
cities, and the New Urban Agenda “offers us a roadmap to more sustainable, resilient cities.” UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah M
used chemicals, action is urgently needed.One way to bring much needed visibility and focused attention to this critical issue is a science-p
that were needed. Some have consciously embraced a human rights approach as the best way to ensure an effective local response.City a
owever, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects
to waters, sediments, and eventually marine food chains. For humans, this can lead to hormonal changes, developmental disorders, repro
plexities of NFIs, which utilize multiple data sources, including field inventories and remote sensing. Considering this complexity, the modu
nsistent with a new paradigm for global governance. Whatever the report states, it must carry with it an ethic of genuine partnership inclu
ccelerating the deterioration of human rights and fundamental freedoms – a trend that began prior to the pandemic. COVID-19 measures
driving the effort to vaccinate the world’s population, to reinvigorate the G7 economies by advancing ambitious recovery plans, and to se
while the slowdown of economic activity and the global recession saw significant increases in unemployment in 2020,impacting SDG 8 (De
vements and investment priorities.The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation:One of the important participants in the imp
e initiatives through the Ayushman Bharat scheme, which provides comprehensive primary healthcare as well as secondary and tertiary c
the amount of food that farmers can produce. The Green Revolution in the 1950s and 1960s was the first wave of agricultural intensificati
d mortality rate of 28.3 deaths per 1000 live births, both of which are somewhat higher than the national targets established by the SDGs.
a Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Teacher Education (TE) are some of the programmes. Shala Kosh, and Shaala Saarthi are some
regions, stymies efforts to provide education to girls and lowers the workforce participation rate. India is committed to attaining gender eq
ng to the NITI Aayog. Although the problem of open defecation remains unaddressed, with only 1.7 % of villages found to have communit
orridor, the Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar PV Applications Programme, and the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme.
and, trailed in the Aspirants group (with Index scores less than 50).
hird phase was approved in July 2019. The initiative, which entails a 125,000-kilometer road construction investment, aims to connect targ
s for workers, but only for a narrowly defined part of the formal workforce, implying that wage protection rules may increase rather than r
the urban-rural periphery also contributes to high levels of urban sprawl. Furthermore, poorer regions of Indian cities continue to be devo
g of nitrogen surplus from fertilizer and other industrial operations. India’s trash generation rate is very low in comparison to the develope
nd electric vehicles in the transportation sector.With eight sub-missions, India’s National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) is a prog
s as well as current international norms. Furthermore, the government uses the Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System to monit
ates and UTs. In the category of Front Runners, thirteen states and four UTs were selected (score range between 65 and 99). Four states a
lly in their public institutions. India has had a long-standing goal of registering all births, which it has accomplished in some states but not
nal Governments:The states and municipal governments in India will be at the forefront of putting the SDG strategy into action. A paradigm
ndia has shown its strong commitment to the global goals in the last several years, after the SDGs were adopted in September 2015. India
0 will be remembered as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it also marked the 75th anniversary of the UN’s inception and the 30th anni
esenting SDGs 7, 8, 9 and 11; and capacity and institution development, representing SDGs 16 and 17.With NUE, more than half the SDG n
harat Mission, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana(PMAY), Pradhan Mantri Ujjawala Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY) etc.
and Union Territories (UTs) are the actual implementors of the country’s ambitious development agenda
s to poverty eradication and the environment, and built on Agenda 21 and the Millennium Declaration by including more emphasis on mul
ss where each country stands in 2016 with regard to achieving the SDGs. The SDG Index ranks countries based on their performance acros
vement towards low-carbon technologies. They also state that reaching better outcomes on SDG target 1.1 will require progress on both S
he potential benefits, risks and uncertainties surrounding emerging technologies, and provides examples of promising technologies for ena
the World Health Organization’s Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis by 2030. The deadline coincides with the United Nations Member S
challenges and risks mean that education must be “reinvented” and the knowledge it provides must be “anchored in social, economic, and
balance of responsibility for unpaid care work between men and women. Sexual and reproductive rights are critical in their own right. Sho
’s Sanitation provides a path for progress in the areas of governance, financing, capacity development, data and innovation.The President
gy allows a country to ensure it can meet energy demand regardless of weather and without needing costly energy imports, and that it is n
O bodies.The Declaration commits members to mainstream a gender equality perspective in Aid for Trade programmes, mandates increase
ed feedstock. In its concluding section, the report highlights limitations and recommended next steps. These include integrating sustainab
removed, to allow for the participation of persons with diverse types of disabilities, including persons with intellectual disabilities and hear
ecutive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif said UN-Habitat is working with Member States, UN entities, and various constituencies to prepar
his critical issue is a science-policy panel on pollution, chemicals, and waste. In October 2021, the Africa Group, Costa Rica, Ghana, Mali, S
effective local response.City authorities at the 8th Asia-Pacific Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG-ASPAC) shared som
ies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.According to the 202
evelopmental disorders, reproductive abnormalities and cancer. Whenever marine species are people’s main source of food, serious threa
ring this complexity, the modules provide a comprehensive overview of the key elements of an NFI and a general understanding of the im
c of genuine partnership including a strong role for all non-State actors.Unfortunately, increased restrictions on civil society combined wit
andemic. COVID-19 measures, for example, in some cases are used to undermine dissent, target human rights defenders and the media, a
tious recovery plans, and to secure future prosperity by championing freer, fairer trade within a reformed trading system. They also agreed
t in 2020,impacting SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).As of late April 2021, the global COVID-19 death toll has surpassed 3 millio
ortant participants in the implementation of the SDGs is the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Indicators are essentia
ell as secondary and tertiary care to 100 million families in the country. India has achieved the position of a low-middle-income country, an
ave of agricultural intensification in India. Since 1950-51 (when the Green Revolution was largely implemented in Punjab’s northern region
rgets established by the SDGs. In India, nearly 5.8 million people die from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and respira
, and Shaala Saarthi are some of the digital efforts that are assisting to promote technology in the education sector.States’ SDG index scor
mmitted to attaining gender equality in all sectors of life, both constitutionally and via its policies. Gender Budgeting, the Beti Bachao Beti P
ages found to have community toilets; education and investment have resulted in a significant improvement in just the last five years. Imp
ure Management Programme.For Goal 7, the SDG index score ranges from 50 to 100 for States and 71 to 100 for UTs. Fifteen states and fiv

estment, aims to connect targeted areas not only to transportation, but also to agricultural markets, higher secondary schools, hospitals, a
ules may increase rather than reduce inequality.The government has a number of programmes targeted at eliminating inequalities, some d
dian cities continue to be devoid of open, secure public places, notably green space.The national government created the Pradhan Mantri
in comparison to the developed countries, with only 300 grams of non-recyclable waste created per inhabitant on a daily basis.In some wa
mate Change (NAPCC) is a programme to prevent and adapt to the negative effects of climate change. The strategy attempts to achieve Ind
nd Prediction System to monitor levels of marine pollution at several points throughout the country’s coastline. India is also constructing a
ween 65 and 99). Four states and one UT, on the other hand, trailed in the Aspirants group (with Index scores less than 50).
plished in some states but not in others. Bihar has the lowest birth registration rates in the country, standing at 73.7% percent. Through tra
rategy into action. A paradigm change is taking place in the budgetary relationship between the national government and the sub-nationa
pted in September 2015. India’s dedication is shown in its efforts to electrify rural families, ensure that girls attend school and stay in scho
’s inception and the 30th anniversary of the launch of international climate negotiations, and was also set as the year from which carbon d
UE, more than half the SDG net benefit (positive impacts minus negative impacts) is in the social category (52.8 percent) followed by envir
han Yojana(PMJDY) etc.
ed on their performance across 17 goals. The SDG Dashboard uses a traffic-light chart to assess where a country stands on each of the 17 S
will require progress on both SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities). In sum, the brief advances a st
promising technologies for enabling transformation in agri-food systems.Biotechnologies have reduced time in breeding cycles to develop
the United Nations Member States’ commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 3.2: “By 2030, end preven
hored in social, economic, and environmental justice.”Among its recommendations, the authors suggest that teaching focus less on individ
critical in their own right. Shortfalls in these multiply other forms of discrimination, depriving women of education and decent work, for e
and innovation.The President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), Abdulla Shahid, also addressed the event. He called for prioritizing uni
energy imports, and that it is necessary to achieve global carbon neutrality by 2050. Others focused on meeting demand with other energ
ogrammes, mandates increased gender-disaggregated data collection, and gives the WTO Secretariat a role in coordinating trade and gen
e include integrating sustainability design goals earlier in the design process, broadening the scope to include other material families, and i
ntellectual disabilities and hearing and vision impairments.The COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns have exacerbated existing inequ
arious constituencies to prepare the Secretary-General’s quadrennial report. She said a preliminary version will be released in January 2022
up, Costa Rica, Ghana, Mali, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay co-sponsored a resolution to establish such a panel, proposing
ents (UCLG-ASPAC) shared some of these experiences at an event on 7 September 2021, organized by UCLG and the Raoul Wallenberg Insti
f oceans.According to the 2020 report on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, the current efforts to protect oceans, mar
n source of food, serious threats are posted by human uptake of microplastics via seafood. Plastics are also ingested through drinks and ev
neral understanding of the implementation process. Designed to be completed sequentially or independently, the nine modules cover the
s on civil society combined with mere box-ticking approaches to inclusion do not inspire confidence from the peoples of the world. Nor, ul
hts defenders and the media, and erode oversight institutions – including the judiciary, legislative, and national human rights institutions. A
ading system. They also agreed to protect our planet by supporting a green revolution that creates jobs, cuts emissions, and seeks to limit
eath toll has surpassed 3 million deaths globally, impacting SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being). The pandemic has caused decreases in lif
ntation. Indicators are essential for tracking progress and determining the extent to which targets and goals have been met. In India, the M
ow-middle-income country, and extreme poverty is becoming less prevalent.The southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Prade
ed in Punjab’s northern region), agricultural yields of food grains have increased by more than fourfold, reaching 2,070 kg/hectare in 2014
s) such as diabetes and respiratory disease every year or in other words, 1 in 4 Indians has a risk of dying from an NCD before they reach th
sector.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 4 range from 29 to 80, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 49 to 79. Kerala and Chandigarh,
dgeting, the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign, the Janani Suraksha Yojana, One Stop scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY
in just the last five years. Improved sanitation has also aided in the improvement of the safety of drinking water sources. States’ SDG inde
0 for UTs. Fifteen states and five UTs have been placed in the Achievers category (with an Index score of 100), while twelve states and thre

secondary schools, hospitals, and other institutions that are necessary to foster an environment of innovative, inclusive growth. States’ SD
liminating inequalities, some directly and some indirectly. The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), Prime Minister Employment Gen
t created the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana initiative in direct reaction to India’s limited affordable urban housing stock to satisfy demand r
ant on a daily basis.In some ways, enhancing responsible consumption and production patterns can only be addressed at the institutional l
rategy attempts to achieve India’s developmental goals, with a focus on lowering the economy’s emission intensity. Government initiative
ne. India is also constructing a Marine Observation System along its coastline in order to better understand coastal processes and monitor
s less than 50).
at 73.7% percent. Through transparent and responsible institutions at all levels, India aspires to build an atmosphere of peace, justice, and
vernment and the sub-national governments. The tax devolution to states was enhanced by the Fourteenth Finance Commission from 32%
attend school and stay in school, offer sanitation and housing for all, equip young people with the skills they need to compete in the globa
the year from which carbon dioxide emissions’ growth should start reducing through global climate action (SDG 13).The impacts of COVID
2.8 percent) followed by environmental (25.8 percent); capacity and institution development and economic impact share 12.3 percent an
ntry stands on each of the 17 SDGs. It helps countries identify priorities for early actions and shows that every country faces major challen
n sum, the brief advances a strategy known as “economic growth with equity.” By this approach, poverty reduction efforts are “anchored
in breeding cycles to develop improved varieties and breeds and enabled targeted improvements. Developments in genetics, molecular a
SDG 3.2: “By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under five years of age.”The MRF project team noted their analyses
t teaching focus less on individual accomplishment and more on cooperation, collaboration, and solidarity. Meanwhile, curricula should b
ucation and decent work, for example. Yet only 52 per cent of women married or in a union freely make their own decisions about sexual r
t. He called for prioritizing universal access to toilets, including through dedicated and scaled-up funding for toilets. He also urged governm
ting demand with other energy sources. The Latin American Energy Organization said 61% of Latin American energy is renewable, includin
in coordinating trade and gender research, including on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women. The Declaration further recomm
e other material families, and involving more stakeholders.Case studies provided along with the report focus on plastic packaging (biscuit w
ave exacerbated existing inequalities. Many persons with disabilities face increased health concerns due to co-morbidities, and were left w
will be released in January 2022, followed by translated versions in February 2022. Sharif added that:UN-Habitat will support inputs from th
tablish such a panel, proposing that governments take this action at UNEA 5.2 in February 2022.Pollution is now recognized by the UN Env
and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI).In Baguio City, Philippines, the city authority integrates
efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources. Ambassador Sa
ngested through drinks and even common salt; they penetrate the skin and are inhaled when suspended in the air. Mental health may be
y, the nine modules cover the following topics: Why a National Forest Inventory: Module 1 describes the objectives of an NFI, offers backg
e peoples of the world. Nor, ultimately, do they serve the aspirations of those who are in positions of governmental authority. We see time
nal human rights institutions. Attention should be paid to the brand of politics that have silenced opposition voices and attacked minority r
emissions, and seeks to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change, including through a
mic has caused decreases in life expectancy, including in high-income countries such as those in Europe. COVID-19 mortality rates and dec
have been met. In India, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has created 306 national indicators in line with
Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh have had the most success in reducing poverty, with isolated triumphs in the Northeast and the Himalaya
hing 2,070 kg/hectare in 2014-15, with significant variance between states. Continued productivity gains, with an emphasis on women and
m an NCD before they reach the age of 70, and according to World Bank Report, India has the highest road accidents i.e. 4.5 lakh road acci
o 79. Kerala and Chandigarh, respectively, are the best-performing states and UTs. In the category of Front Runners, five states and three
Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), and other national-level plans and programmes have all been introduced to help India achieve this goal.Sta
water sources. States’ SDG index scores for Goal 6 range from 54 to 100, whereas UTs’ SDG index scores range from 61 to 100. With a score
), while twelve states and three UTs have been placed in the Front Runners category (score range between 65 and 99).

e, inclusive growth. States’ SDG index scores for Goal 9 range from 24 to 72, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 23 to 66. Gujarat and
me Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), De
using stock to satisfy demand resulting from this wave of rural-urban migration that is fueling the growth of slums.States’ SDG index scores
ddressed at the institutional level, where recycling laws can be enforced, municipal waste collection can be expanded, and partnerships b
tensity. Government initiatives to build disaster-resilient societies have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of people killed o
coastal processes and monitor water quality.The nine coastal states’ SDG index scores for goal 14 range from 11 to 82. Orissa and Andhra

mosphere of peace, justice, and good governance. India has made a number of steps to meet its goals. India’s citizens are empowered by a
Finance Commission from 32% to 42% of the divisible pool. Furthermore, special purpose grants for universal primary education, health, e
need to compete in the global labour market, and more. India has also made significant progress in the use of data for effective policymak
SDG 13).The impacts of COVID-19 have made the basic needs for human wellbeing even more clear. Energy and water have emerged as th
impact share 12.3 percent and 9.1 percent respectively. For SRI, the environmental impact is foremost at 42 percent, closely followed by
ry country faces major challenges in achieving the SDGs.The countries which are closest to fulfilling the goals are not the biggest economie
duction efforts are “anchored in both strong economic growth and income redistribution.” This will vary by country based on context, but
ments in genetics, molecular and phenotypic characterization, reproductive biotechnologies, and conservation techniques help to keep a r
ect team noted their analyses of the data presented on the tracker revealed major differences between estimates according to model and
Meanwhile, curricula should be more interdisciplinary rather than organized by different subjects. It should also emphasize intercultural an
r own decisions about sexual relations, contraceptive use and health care. While more women have entered political positions in recent ye
toilets. He also urged governments to enable “practical and context-specific solutions to take off.”The World Toilet Day campaign – focus
energy is renewable, including hydropower, and that producing hydrogen, storing renewables, and solar could increase the regional share
he Declaration further recommends building a work plan towards MC13. It sets the Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender on cour
on plastic packaging (biscuit wrappers and detergent bottles) and construction materials (flooring and insulation).OECD held a webinar on
o-morbidities, and were left without access to their personal assistants and essential goods and services. As much of society moved online
itat will support inputs from the regional fora into the high-level meeting;Stakeholders will be invited to organize events during the week o
now recognized by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) as one of its three strategic pillars alongside climate change and biodiversity. D
, the city authority integrates human rights in policy formulation, planning, and programming, emphasizing the importance of vulnerable g
the resources. Ambassador Santiago Wills (Colombia), the chair of the World Trade Organization (WTO) fisheries subsidies negotiations, su
he air. Mental health may be affected by the knowledge that sea turtles, whales, dolphins and many seabirds – which have cultural impor
jectives of an NFI, offers background information, such as how an NFI provides important forest data, and explains how data collected by a
mental authority. We see time and again that limiting the voice of the people ultimately foments dissent and division – while genuine part
voices and attacked minority rights.Second, we increasingly see social exclusion sowing seeds for future conflicts. Exclusion and marginaliz
te change, including through a technology-driven transition to net zero by 2050.In the Carbis Bay G7 Summit Communiqué, the G7 leaders
ID-19 mortality rates and declines in life expectancy are greater among the most vulnerable groups, the poor, and marginalized communi
national indicators in line with the 169 SDG targets and the Global Indicators Framework. In addition to the 306 indicators, 62 priority indic
he Northeast and the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand. With the addition of Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab, the aforementio
th an emphasis on women and indigenous people, will create market results that will allow undernourished households to purchase larger
ccidents i.e. 4.5 lakh road accidents per annum. India plans to halve each of these rates.India has been working hard to address all aspects
Runners, five states and three UTs earned a spot (score range between 65 and 99). In the Aspirants category, however, nine states and two
help India achieve this goal.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 5 range from 25 to 64, whereas UTs’ SDG index scores range from 33 to 68. T
e from 61 to 100. With a score of 100, Goa and Lakshadweep are the highest performers among the States and UTs, respectively. In the ca
5 and 99).

ge from 23 to 66. Gujarat and Delhi, respectively, are the best-performing states and UTs. Six states and one university received a spot in
uarantee Act (MGNREGA), Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY), Stand-Up India Scheme, and others are among t
lums.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 11 range from 39 to 91, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 56 to 98. Punjab and Chandigarh,
expanded, and partnerships between economic actors and secondary markets for used goods and resources can be formed. However, by
the number of people killed or injured in disasters over time. India met its pre-2020 emission intensity reduction objective and is now wor
m 11 to 82. Orissa and Andhra Pradesh fall into the Front Runner category (scores ranging from 65 to 99, including both), whereas Tamil Na

s citizens are empowered by a powerful framework of rights-based legislation. The Right to Information Act of 2005 allows citizens to requ
al primary education, health, employment, affordable housing, and urbanisation create a strong collaborative fiduciary foundation for achi
of data for effective policymaking and monitoring scheme progress against the targets.
and water have emerged as the top needs, and are connected to several SDGs, including human health.The pandemic is expected to direc
2 percent, closely followed by the social at 38 percent. For CSA, the share of social net benefit is the highest at around 50 percent, distantly
are not the biggest economies but comparably small, developed countries: Sweden, Denmark and Norway are the top three performing c
country based on context, but must consider both equitable distribution and protecting the environment.The strategy emphasizes policies
on techniques help to keep a range of domesticated genetic resources available, accessible, and adapted to meeting the changing needs of
mates according to model and highlighted deficiencies in data underlying estimates in low and middle-income countries, where meningitis
lso emphasize intercultural and ecological learning, the report says.Guterres said the UNESCO report is a launching pad, and its findings w
political positions in recent years, including through the use of special quotas, they still hold a mere 23.7 per cent of parliamentary seats,
d Toilet Day campaign – focused on the theme ‘Valuing Toilets’ – notes that as part of a human rights-based approach, governments shoul
uld increase the regional share of renewables to 100%. Panelists stated that making “the invisible fuel” of energy efficiency visible will requ
on Trade and Gender on course to continue its work around its existing four work pillars: 1) best practices on increasing women’s particip
ation).OECD held a webinar on 7 December to launch the report. Speakers shared key findings and provided perspectives from countries a
much of society moved online during lockdowns, inaccessible digital infrastructure meant that persons with disabilities could not access p
anize events during the week of the high-level meeting; and The high-level meeting should produce a political outcome stressing that the N
mate change and biodiversity. Despite this, pollution, chemicals, and waste continue to receive far less attention and resources than either
he importance of vulnerable groups. It also uses a human rights-based indicator system. During the pandemic, the city surpassed the testi
eries subsidies negotiations, submitted a draft agreement for ministers’ consideration ahead of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12)
s – which have cultural importance for various communities – are at risk.Wildlife: Marine litter and plastics cause lethal effects in whales,
xplains how data collected by an NFI is applied to policy and management decisions; Organization and Implementation: Module 2 explores
d division – while genuine partnership builds trust and creates a truly enabling environment. “We the peoples” serve as key protagonists in
flicts. Exclusion and marginalization are used to disempower and perpetuate everyday violations against poor and marginalized population
Communiqué, the G7 leaders undertake to increase energy efficiency and accelerate renewables with a view to achieve an overwhelming
or, and marginalized communities.In the United States, life expectancy declined by one full year on average but by 2.7 years for Black Ame
306 indicators, 62 priority indicators have been established for measuring India’s most essential developmental goals. The MoSPI has taken
, and Punjab, the aforementioned states have already met or are on their way to meeting the GOI aim of halving the national poverty rate
households to purchase larger quantities of higher-quality food.Punjab, Kerala, Goa, Sikkim, and a cluster of Northeastern states borderin
ing hard to address all aspects of Goal 3 and develop the country’s health sector. The various initiatives of the Government include The Na
, however, nine states and two UTs dropped behind (with Index scores less than 50).
scores range from 33 to 68. The top performances among the States and UTs are Chhattisgarh and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, respe
nd UTs, respectively. In the category of Front Runners, twenty-five states and six UTs were selected. Two States and one UT belonged in t

e university received a spot in the Front Runners category (score range between 65 and 99). In the Aspirants category, however, fourteen s
heme, and others are among them.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 10 range from 41 to 88, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 62 to
o 98. Punjab and Chandigarh, respectively, are the best-performing States and UTs. In the category of Front Runners, twenty-two states an
can be formed. However, by incorporating sustainable development into national education curricula and mainstreaming sustainability in
ction objective and is now working on its post-2020 targets.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 13 range from 16 to 70, while UTs’ SDG index
uding both), whereas Tamil Nadu is classified as an Aspirant (score less than 50). The remaining six coastal states are categorized as Perfor

of 2005 allows citizens to request information from public authorities, ensuring that institutions are transparent and accountable.
e fiduciary foundation for achieving the SDGs.Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) for SDGs:TFM is a new mechanism established by

pandemic is expected to directly adversely impact the fulfilment of SDG 1 (no poverty), SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 3 (good health and wellb
at around 50 percent, distantly followed by environmental at 24 percent. Once these new practices are accounted for within the new sust
are the top three performing countries. Germany and the United Kingdom are the only G7 countries to be found among the top ten perfor
e strategy emphasizes policies that focus on:Creating jobs, progressive taxation, and more comprehensive public service provision;In large
meeting the changing needs of producers. The sterile insect technique has been widely used as an important component of integrated pes
e countries, where meningitis burden is highest. As well as providing “one-stop shop” for meningitis and neonatal sepsis data, the team st
nching pad, and its findings will be built on the lead up to the Summit. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will appoint a Special Coor
r cent of parliamentary seats, far short of parity. The situation is not much better in the private sector, where women globally occupy less
approach, governments should allocate funding to include people without access to toilets in planning and decision-making processes
ergy efficiency visible will require: regulatory efforts, efficient policies, carbon pricing, financial resources, and trust.A session on waste hig
n increasing women’s participation in trade; (2) understanding what a “gender lens” is; (3) reviewing gender-related research; and (4) con
perspectives from countries and industry.
disabilities could not access public health information or online employment opportunities.Despite these challenges, persons with disabil
al outcome stressing that the New Urban Agenda offers governments an opportunity to accelerate achievement of the SDGs and Paris Agr
on and resources than either climate change or biodiversity, and are not adequately addressed by existing science policy panels. A science
ic, the city surpassed the testing average, and has set an ambitious target of vaccinating 95% of residents.In the southern city of Birgunj, N
Ministerial Conference (MC12). In light of COVID-19 restrictions, MC12 has been postponed. A new date has not been set yet.MC11 and SD
ause lethal effects in whales, seals, turtles, birds and fish as well as corals, bivalves and other invertebrates. When microplastics are ingest
mentation: Module 2 explores the beginning stages of NFI implementation, such as the practical considerations required for organizing an
s” serve as key protagonists in creating global systems commensurate with today’s global reality.The relatively short-term political cycle d
r and marginalized populations. From enabling corruption at all levels and promoting political fragmentation, different interests have soug
w to achieve an overwhelmingly decarbonized power system in the 2030s. Internationally, they commit to align official international finan
but by 2.7 years for Black Americans and 1.9 years for Hispanics (Arias et al., 2021). COVID-19also impacted well-being and self-reported fe
tal goals. The MoSPI has taken many initiatives to resolve data gaps for SDG indicators. The Ministry meets with line Ministries/Departme
ving the national poverty rate. Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana are among the Indian states having the highest rates o
Northeastern states bordering Myanmar’s border have made the most progress in overcoming sustainability challenges relating to food p
he Government include The National Health Mission (NHM) – sub-missions – National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and National Urban He

aman & Nicobar Islands, respectively. In the category of Front Runners, no state received a spot (score range between 65 and 99). Two UT
ates and one UT belonged in the Performers category, despite the fact that no State/UT was behind in the Aspirants category.

category, however, fourteen states and six UTs lagged (with Index scores less than 50).
index scores range from 62 to 100. Meghalaya (Achiever, with an Index score of 100) and Chandigarh (Achiever, with an Index score of 10
Runners, twenty-two states and five UTs were selected (score range between 65 and 99). Three states, however, trailed in the Aspirants ca
mainstreaming sustainability into public debates, tremendous progress can still be done. In this regard, India has taken the lead. Supreme C
16 to 70, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 18 to 77. Odisha and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, respectively, are the best-perfor
ates are categorized as Performers. (Score range of 50 to 64.)

ent and accountable.

ew mechanism established by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda for making technologies available to developing nations for the implementa

, SDG 3 (good health and wellbeing), SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 11 (sustainable cities a
unted for within the new sustainable development framework, development and climate goals can be achieved jointly. All these success s
und among the top ten performers. The United States ranks 25th on the Index, while the Russian Federation and China rank 47th and 76th
ublic service provision;In largely agricultural countries, raising the productivity of the farming sector, while also encouraging smallholder fa
component of integrated pest management to suppress target insect pests in many countries. Whole genome sequencing can provide a s
onatal sepsis data, the team states the site aims to “facilitate scrutiny to enable ministries of health and global health agencies to address
res will appoint a Special Coordinator to lead preparations for the event.The Our Common Agenda report responds to the September 2020
e women globally occupy less than a third of senior and middle management positions.UN Women acts to empower women and girls acro
decision-making processes
nd trust.A session on waste highlighted that the “waste hierarchy”: prevention, reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and, finally, landfil
-related research; and (4) contributing to the WTO’s Aid-for-Trade Work Programme.It is expected that the Working Group will remain inf

allenges, persons with disabilities and their organizations were among the first to respond to the immediate needs for food and supplies d
ent of the SDGs and Paris Agreement.Several government delegations then provided suggestions on the format, themes, and outcome of
cience policy panels. A science-policy panel on chemicals, wastes, and pollution would ensure (i) application of the best science to policym
the southern city of Birgunj, Nepal, bordering the Indian state of Bihar, many residents were cut off from access to basic amenities when t
not been set yet.MC11 and SDG target 14.6 gave negotiators the task of securing an agreement on eliminating subsidies for illegal, unrepo
When microplastics are ingested, they can cause changes in gene and protein expression, inflammation, disruption of feeding behavior, de
ons required for organizing and carrying out an NFI, including NFI design and proper management of data;Sampling: In Module 3, users wil
ely short-term political cycle does not allow for the long-term transformations we need. But while governments come and go, the peoples
, different interests have sought to disenfranchise targeted communities. The resulting high levels of government mistrust can be potent d
ign official international financing with a net-zero path by phasing out support for international carbon-intensive fossil fuel energy and by
well-being and self-reported feelings of depression and anxiety in many countries (Abbott, 2021),and some COVID-19 survivors may experi
with line Ministries/Departments and their respective Custodian Agencies on a regular basis. MoSPI, NITI Aayog, and the United Nations, re
tes having the highest rates of health insurance coverage, which is crucial for avoiding poverty. Various central and northern states rangin
y challenges relating to food production and hunger. States’ SDG index scores for Goal 2 range from 19 to 80, while UTs’ SDG index scores
NRHM) and National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), AYUSHMAN BHARAT – Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (PMJAY), Mission Indradh

e between 65 and 99). Two UTs (Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Puducherry) qualified for the Front Runners category. In the Aspirants c
spirants category.

ver, with an Index score of 100) are the best-performing States and UTs, respectively. In the category of Front Runners, twenty states and
ever, trailed in the Aspirants category (with Index scores less than 50).
has taken the lead. Supreme Court order made environmental education a core requirement in primary, secondary, and higher education
spectively, are the best-performing States and UTs. In the category of Front Runners, six states and three UTs earned a spot (score range b

ng nations for the implementation of the SDGs. India has made it clear in its submissions that developing, deploying, disseminating, and tra

nd SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities). The global economic lockdown necessitated by the pandemic led to an increase in povert
ved jointly. All these success stories stem from several factors, such as state intervention, public-private partnerships and capacity buildin
n and China rank 47th and 76th, respectively. Poor and developing countries understandably score lowest on the SDG Index as they often h
so encouraging smallholder farmers and rural households to increase their nonfarm income, such as through agricultural extension service
me sequencing can provide a strategic option for identifying and tracing foodborne pathogens around the globe.Precision agriculture in cr
al health agencies to address problems and focus effort where it is needed most, empower civil society to advocate for improvement, and
sponds to the September 2020 declaration on the commemoration of the UN’s 75th anniversary, and contains 90 proposals and recomme
mpower women and girls across all its programmes and advocacy. With stepped up action on gender equality, every part of the world can

omposting, and, finally, landfill. Participants noted that: the EU intends to put only 10% of its waste into landfills; Romania is transitioning
Working Group will remain informal. This is partly due to some members’ reticence to having more Joint Statement Initiatives (JSIs) – work

needs for food and supplies during lockdowns, in addition to continuing their long-term work to support vulnerable groups. ESCAP partne
mat, themes, and outcome of the high-level meeting. Some noted that its outcome will inform subsequent meetings and processes, such a
of the best science to policymaking and solutions, and (ii) the focused attention of governments and others, such as the private sector, ac
cess to basic amenities when the city went into lockdown. The city authorities set a target that no one should lack food, and undertook 45
ng subsidies for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and to prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies that contribute to ove
ruption of feeding behavior, decreases in growth, changes in brain development, and reduced filtration and respiration rates. The report w
mpling: In Module 3, users will review the concepts of sampling and error estimation, focusing on these topics in the context of tropical fo
nts come and go, the peoples are always there. When the advancement of progressive policies hits political roadblocks, it is the peoples w
ment mistrust can be potent drivers of instability and unrest. Across Latin America, for example, where there are deep inequalities based
nsive fossil fuel energy and by ending “new direct government support for unabated international thermal coal power generation by the e
OVID-19 survivors may experience long-term mental health effects (Taquet et al., 2021).The pandemic has affected countries and people
yog, and the United Nations, represented by the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office (UNRCO) in New Delhi, India, have signed a Tr
ral and northern states ranging from Bihar in the east to Maharashtra in the west, on the other hand, have struggled to reduce poverty, p
, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 27 to 97. Kerala and Chandigarh, respectively, is the best-performing state and UT. In the catego
ana (PMJAY), Mission Indradhanush, the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), the National Leprosy Eradication Pro

ers category. In the Aspirants category, fourteen states and three UTs trailed behind (with Index scores less than 50).

nt Runners, twenty states and six UTs were selected (score range between 65 and 99). Four states, on the other hand, trailed in the Aspira

ondary, and higher education, and while many schools are still working on developing a successful sustainability curriculum, some initiativ
s earned a spot (score range between 65 and 99). Ten states and two UTs, on the other hand, trailed in the Aspirants group (with Index sco

ploying, disseminating, and transferring technology to developing nations demands immediate action. This involves a continuous focus by

mic led to an increase in poverty and hunger, job losses, loss of human life, reduced access to educational services due to the digital divide,
tnerships and capacity building. The negative impacts of growth can be avoided through science-based policy design, expert consultation,
the SDG Index as they often have comparably little resources at their disposal: The Central African Republic and Liberia are at the bottom
h agricultural extension services;Establishing social protection floors, bolstering them against shock, and using digital technologies to overc
obe.Precision agriculture in crop, livestock, and fisheries can increase efficiency and allow optimization of conventional production system
dvocate for improvement, and provide a teaching tool for academics training the current generation of public health doctors and epidemio
ns 90 proposals and recommendations. Guterres presented the report to UN Member States on 10 September 2021. In November, the UN
ty, every part of the world can make progress towards sustainable development by 2030, leaving no one behind.

dfills; Romania is transitioning from national waste management strategy based on production to one based on preventing waste generatio
tement Initiatives (JSIs) – work streams that only involve part of the WTO’s membership. More importantly though, the co-conveners agre

lnerable groups. ESCAP partnered with several of these organizations to support their work during the pandemic. Samarthyam, a civil soci
meetings and processes, such as the 11th World Urban Forum taking place in Katowice, Poland in June 2022, the UN High-level Political Fo
such as the private sector, academia, and civil society. It would also strengthen linkages between the three most pressing environmental
d lack food, and undertook 45 days of relief distribution. They also made household deliveries of oxygen to COVID-19 patients, to reduce t
ubsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing by the end of 2020. In March 2020, the COVID-19 crisis resulted in the suspension
respiration rates. The report warns that microplastics can therefore “alter the reproductive success and survival of marine organisms and c
cs in the context of tropical forests;Introduction to Field Work: Module 4 explains the most important considerations for data collection in
roadblocks, it is the peoples who can inspire profound change. When leaders are finding that they don’t have the resources or institutiona
e are deep inequalities based on income, race, and ethnicity, we see widespread protests following the passing of government policies tha
oal power generation by the end of 2021.” The leaders also reaffirm their “existing commitment to eliminating inefficient fossil fuel subsid
ffected countries and people in very different ways, making the SDG principle of Leaving No One Behind particularly relevant in COVID-19
w Delhi, India, have signed a Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on support for data, indicators, and statistics for monitoring
truggled to reduce poverty, partly due to a lack of rural opportunities and partly due to urban influences. Nearly 40% of the population of
ng state and UT. In the category of Front Runners, seven states and four UTs earned a spot (score range between 65 and 9. In the Aspirant
tional Leprosy Eradication Programme, the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), the National Mental Health Programme (NM

han 50).

her hand, trailed in the Aspirants group (with Index scores less than 50).

bility curriculum, some initiatives have already gained acclaim and renown, with track records showing the ability to scale up smoothly at t
Aspirants group (with Index scores less than 50).

nvolves a continuous focus by all countries on improving enabling environments, simplifying access to technology, and leveraging private s

vices due to the digital divide, and the loss of income. If indirect impacts are considered, COVID-19 will likely cause a setback to all the oth
y design, expert consultation, policy implementation, higher awareness and further capacity building programmes.India has taken several
and Liberia are at the bottom of the Index and still have the longest way to go in achieving the SDGs. For specific country details see the c
ng digital technologies to overcome resource constraints to achieve universal protection;Prioritizing school quality in national human capit
nventional production systems. Remote sensing technology can be utilized to detect water stress in advance and monitor agricultural wat
c health doctors and epidemiologists.”While the site is a work in progress and the project team is soliciting feedback for the next revision
er 2021. In November, the UN General Assembly decided to:Welcome the Secretary-General’s “rich and substantive” report as a basis for

on preventing waste generation; and the African Union has called for its member states to seek a 50% recycling rate at a time when they a
hough, the co-conveners agree that the Informal Working Group’s work is still exploratory. “It is not because IWG participants are not inte

emic. Samarthyam, a civil society organization in India led by a woman with disabilities, has trained many men and women with disabilitie
the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) session in New York, US in July 2022, and the World Cities Summit c
most pressing environmental issues of our time. To spell out these linkages: pollution is one of the top five drivers of biodiversity loss, and
COVID-19 patients, to reduce the load on the city’s hospitals. In Nagpur, India, to tackle rampant profiteering, the city authority introduced
sis resulted in the suspension of in-person meetings, and members used online meetings and written exchanges to continue negotiations.
ival of marine organisms and compromise the ability of keystone species and ecological ‘engineers.’ Climate: Marine ecosystems play a ma
derations for data collection in the field and emphasizes the types of expertise required for an NFI;NFI Data Management: Users will learn
e the resources or institutional will to enact the necessary policies, it is the peoples who, if entrusted as allies and genuine partners, can g
ing of government policies that unfairly penalize the poor and marginalized.Third, power struggles in the physical space are spilling over in
ng inefficient fossil fuel subsidies by 2025.” These commitments broadly align with the countries’ nationally determined contributions (ND
ticularly relevant in COVID-19 emergency responses and recovery plans. The pandemic has had a negative impact on progress towards SD
s, and statistics for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in India. The MoU’s overarching goal is to collaborate on issues
early 40% of the population of Chhattisgarh lives below the national poverty line.
ween 65 and 9. In the Aspirants category, however, eleven states and two UTs dropped behind (with index scores less than 50).
Mental Health Programme (NMHP), the National Programme for control of blindness, the National Programme for Prevention and control

bility to scale up smoothly at the national level. India, the world’s second-most populous country, has around 17.5 percent of the world’s p

ology, and leveraging private sector resources for finance.

cause a setback to all the other SDGs as well, since it has, for instance, led to increased domestic violence and greater difficulty in accessin
mmes.India has taken several actions that are replicable in the developing world (see Table 1) and fit well in its soft power and developme
ecific country details see the complete SDG report.The report highlights major challenges per region: OECD countries struggle to meet the
uality in national human capital development strategies; andIncorporating other SDG areas, such as good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), cle
e and monitor agricultural water productivity. Blockchain can lay the foundation for a worldwide network with reliable carbon data and ac
eedback for the next revision of the tracker, WHO regions are already using the tool to identify which countries should be targeted first fo
stantive” report as a basis for further consideration by Member States;Ask the Secretary-General to inform Member States and engage in

ing rate at a time when they are experiencing rapid urban growth. It was also suggested that the private sector must ensure its materials
e IWG participants are not interested but because we are still figuring out how the trade and gender work will fit in,” said one of the Inform

en and women with disabilities to conduct accessibility audits in their home districts. With these skills, they are becoming leaders and advo
and the World Cities Summit convening in Singapore in July/August 2022.On the importance of the high-level meeting, delegations identifi
drivers of biodiversity loss, and it compromises the ability of ecosystems to provide clean air, water and food, in both urban and rural areas
, the city authority introduced a single-vendor system for sales of remdesivir, a drug used to treat COVID-19 patients.In each case, city aut
nges to continue negotiations. Despite their efforts, WTO members were unable to finish negotiations by the 2020 deadline. They committ
: Marine ecosystems play a major role in sequestering carbon, especially mangroves, seagrasses, corals and salt marshes. Plastics can alter
Management: Users will learn in Module 5 about methods for data management and reporting, including the role of Information and Com
s and genuine partners, can generate momentum for advancement.This is not a plea for the peoples to serve as a force hostile to adminis
ysical space are spilling over into the digital arena. During COVID-19, proliferation of mis/disinformation has risen. Targeting of political op
determined contributions (NDCs) – and long-term low-emission development strategies (LEDS) all G7 will have submitted to the UNFCCC b
mpact on progress towards SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality), and on access to key infrastructure, including water an
oal is to collaborate on issues relating to statistical monitoring of SDG Goals and Targets, including the use of new technologies, capacity d

cores less than 50).

me for Prevention and control of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke (NPCDCS), etc.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 3 ran

d 17.5 percent of the world’s people yet only 2.4 percent of the world’s land area. This necessitates the development of a comprehensive

nd greater difficulty in accessing clean water. There is growing literature on how to recover better from COVID-19 so that the developmen
its soft power and development diplomacy thrust and the SDG framework.The developing countries have large informal sectors and a hug
countries struggle to meet the goals on inequality, sustainable consumption, climate change and ecosystems, while many developing coun
alth and wellbeing (SDG 3), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), to enable people to rise out of poverty and achieve higher income and pro
th reliable carbon data and act as a tool to accelerate global actions towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030.Te
ies should be targeted first for a needs assessment, prioritizing countries where health needs and impact of the roadmap is expected to b
Member States and engage in consultations on his proposals for action; and Call upon the UNGA President to initiate “intergovernmental

tor must ensure its materials can be reused economically, in order for reuse and recycling to succeed, and that consumers should pay for
ll fit in,” said one of the Informal Working Group’s co-conveners.A Joint Statement or WTO Declaration? A cautious approach is warranted

are becoming leaders and advocates in their communities, working towards improving the accessibility of essential buildings everywhere.A
el meeting, delegations identified needs beyond assessing progress.Slovakia said the high-level meeting should be used both to increase th
, in both urban and rural areas. Pollution also undermines ecosystem resilience to climate change, while climate change increases the vuln
patients.In each case, city authorities had deliberately applied human rights principles, which has enabled them to respond to COVID-19 i
e 2020 deadline. They committed to build on their progress and reach a resolution in 2021.The 24 November draft represents “an honest a
salt marshes. Plastics can alter global carbon cycling through their effect on plankton and primary production in marine, freshwater and te
e role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in forest data management;Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures i
e as a force hostile to administrations the world over. It is about a co-responsibility and a finding of each others’ specific strengths. Any ch
risen. Targeting of political opposition and civil society, particularly women, to disempower and silence individuals and groups has also inc
ve submitted to the UNFCCC by the Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP 26), convening from 31 October to 12 November 2021.G20
astructure, including water and sanitation, covered under SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 7(Affordable and Clean Energy), and SD
new technologies, capacity development to track SDG-related outcomes, and any other challenges that may arise. MoSPI has formed six

SDG index scores for Goal 3 range from 59 to 86, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 68 to 90. Gujarat and Delhi, respectively, are the

elopment of a comprehensive legislative framework targeted at improving resource efficiency, reducing waste and polluting activities, and

ID-19 so that the developmental promises of 2015 can still be kept[10]. The global stimulus of US$ 12 trillion) following the pandemic is pr
rge informal sectors and a huge burden of poverty, and need accelerated, yet sustainable, development in the current carbon-constrained
, while many developing countries face major difficulties in providing basic social services and infrastructure access to their populations. E
achieve higher income and productivity.
greement and Agenda 2030.Technology is being used increasingly map and monitor the spread of infectious diseases and facilitate coordin
the roadmap is expected to be greatest.
o initiate “intergovernmental consideration” of the various proposals, options, and potential means of implementation and ways to take t

hat consumers should pay for waste collection and disposal, as an incentive to live a more circular lifestyle.The Summit also included a deb
autious approach is warranted as some members fear that work on trade and gender may turn into a JSI with a negotiating mandate, or, in

sential buildings everywhere.Another ESCAP partner, the National Council for the Blind of Malaysia (NCBM), is working to improve digital a
uld be used both to increase the visibility of the New Urban Agenda, which has “slowly slipped out of our sight,” and to rethink it. She adde
mate change increases the vulnerability of ecosystems to pollution.Bringing the latest and best scientific knowledge to bear on environmen
hem to respond to COVID-19 impacts as they are shaped by social inequality. Their commitment to “localizing” human rights will be crucia
draft represents “an honest attempt to find a balance in members’ positions” and “the most likely” path to consensus, said the chair. The
n in marine, freshwater and terrestrial systems.Global economy: Economic costs of marine plastic pollution include negative impacts on to
d Quality Control Procedures in Field Measurements: Module 6 describes the role of Quality Assessment and Quality Control (QA/QC) proc
hers’ specific strengths. Any change in society must be part of a dynamic relationship between individuals, communities, and the institution
viduals and groups has also increased. Activists and bloggers are being monitored and access to online platforms curtailed. Additionally, wi
er to 12 November 2021.G20 Energy-Climate Ministerial: National Priorities Temper Ambition-Six weeks after the G7 Summit, on 23 July, t
able and Clean Energy), and SDG 9 (Industry,Innovation and Infrastructure). School closures, which lasted for several months in many part
y arise. MoSPI has formed six theme-based Sectoral Committees on SDGs, with members from relevant data source Ministries, UN Agencie

nd Delhi, respectively, are the best-performing states and UTs. In the category of Front Runners, twenty-one states and all UTs received a s

e and polluting activities, and promoting the deployment of renewable-energy-focused technology.States’ SDG index scores for Goal 12 ra

) following the pandemic is providing some hope for building back better, but doubts have been expressed about how much of this will be
he current carbon-constrained environment. India’s success in growing at a quick pace while keeping per capita emissions low despite its l
access to their populations. East and South Asia outperform many other developing regions but unmet challenges persist in health and ed

diseases and facilitate coordination across sectors. Digital innovation can be an enabler of financial inclusion by tackling bottlenecks faced

mentation and ways to take them forward.

he Summit also included a debate about whether Central European countries are leaders or laggards in the pursuit of climate neutrality an
h a negotiating mandate, or, in the words of a developing country ambassador, “that the gender issue can be used to restrain trade from s

is working to improve digital accessibility by training a group with diverse disabilities in web access auditing, accessible e-publishing, and s
ht,” and to rethink it. She added that the New Urban Agenda provides a road map to a number of SDG goals and targets, and sets the tone
wledge to bear on environmental issues makes for sound public policy. Credible and respected platforms not only ensure good policymakin
g” human rights will be crucial to the post-pandemic recovery, as the groups disproportionately affected by the pandemic – such as wom
consensus, said the chair. The draft includes some bracketed text where, in light of members’ diverging views, ministerial input is necessar
nclude negative impacts on tourism, fisheries, and aquaculture sectors, and costs associated with cleaning up coastal areas. The assessme
d Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures in the field measurement phase of NFIs;Information Management and Data Registration: Module 7 r
mmunities, and the institutions which help to channel their energies. Civil society is not only a voice of criticism, nor is it solely the conscie
rms curtailed. Additionally, with 3.7 billion people – mostly women and from developing countries – not connected to the Internet, the dig
er the G7 Summit, on 23 July, the Italian G20 Presidency convened a first-ever joint energy and climate ministerial meeting in Naples, with
r several months in many parts of the world(figure 2.12), have immediate short-term impacts on children’s mental health and possibly also
source Ministries, UN Agencies/development partners, research institutions, and others, to collaborate on developing a methodology for

states and all UTs received a spot (score range between 65 and 99. No state or territory was included in the Aspirants category (with an In

DG index scores for Goal 12 range from 47 to 99, while UTs’ SDG index scores range from 50 to 95. Tripura and Ladakh, as well as Jammu

about how much of this will be spent on priority sectors such as the key SDGs, including climate action.What economic recovery growth pa
pita emissions low despite its large population is a potential model for replication for the developing world.India can share many best prac
lenges persist in health and education. For Latin America and the Caribbean, high levels of inequality are among the most pressing issues.

n by tackling bottlenecks faced by small-scale producers seeking access to financial systems. E-commerce platforms can leverage market lin

pursuit of climate neutrality and the SDGs. The discussions highlighted that: At its current pace, the UNECE region will achieve only 23 of 16
e used to restrain trade from some countries. Mistrust still remains although on the surface there are many adherents to what is deemed

accessible e-publishing, and strategic advocacy. NCBM hopes to support participants in forming a social enterprise for web auditing and a
and targets, and sets the tone for implementation of Our Common Agenda.Kenya said the New Urban Agenda is even more urgent amid p
only ensure good policymaking, but also help expand public imagination around the issues, and pave the way for governments and others
the pandemic – such as women, persons with disabilities, migrants, and other marginalized groups – are the focus of targeted recovery eff
ws, ministerial input is necessary.Ambassador Wills expressed optimism, stating that a fisheries subsidies agreement “is within our grasp.” H
p coastal areas. The assessment also reports that marine plastic leakage could pose a financial risk to businesses that emit the waste; if go
Data Registration: Module 7 reviews the basics of reporting requirements, the need for proper data management and explains the impor
ism, nor is it solely the conscience – it is, in a real sense, the guide that dictates the way governments must go. Where the people’s will is,
nected to the Internet, the digital divide remains a challenge reinforcing inequality.We are at a critical juncture now where we must look
terial meeting in Naples, with the aim of strengthening partnership to accelerate the clean energy transition to tackle climate change and
mental health and possibly also longer-term impacts on student learning and education systems. This is especially true for countries and am
developing a methodology for SDG global indicators in the Indian context, as well as identifying data gaps in SDG monitoring. The discussio

Aspirants category (with an Index score less than 50).

nd Ladakh, as well as Jammu & Kashmir, are the best-performing states and union territories, respectively. In the category of Front Runne

economic recovery growth path each country adopts through the rest of this decade will be extremely important. Every choice made to m
ndia can share many best practices through its economic and developmental diplomacy within the SDG framework. Its developmental mod
ong the most pressing issues. In spite of significant progress in recent years in Sub-Saharan Africa, the world’s poorest region faces major

tforms can leverage market linkages, shorten the food value chain, strengthen business engagements, support market intelligence system

egion will achieve only 23 of 169 SDG targets by 2030, but the V4 have ranked among the best performing countries in achieving the SDGs;
adherents to what is deemed to be a harmless Declaration.” Indeed, public responses to the Draft Declaration continue to be positive. In t

erprise for web auditing and accessible publishing, creating employment opportunities and enabling persons with disabilities to lead effort
da is even more urgent amid post-COVID recovery, and the meeting is a chance to find ways to revitalize it.Russian Federation said that the
ay for governments and others to respond accordingly.At the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), to be held from 28 February to 2 Mar
e focus of targeted recovery efforts.Human Rights Cities:The above cities have put into practice the idea that sparked the Human Rights Citi
eement “is within our grasp.” He said it also represents an opportunity to restore trust in multilateralism and “a big step for sustainability o
sses that emit the waste; if government require businesses to cover waste management costs, including recycling, this could amount to US
ement and explains the importance of quality data;Modeling for Estimation and Monitoring: The use of modeling in NFIs is described in M
go. Where the people’s will is, a government will find fertile ground, and any policy, legal, or normative decision, from the local to the inter
ure now where we must look beyond the short-term and move away from a solely health-oriented response to the pandemic. SDG 16 pro
to tackle climate change and achieve SDG 7 for a prosperous and sustainable society “that leaves no one behind.” For the first time at G2
cially true for countries and among populations with limited access to digital infrastructure, where school closures could not be partially co
SDG monitoring. The discussions held in these groups have proven to be extremely beneficial in improving the SDG monitoring framework

n the category of Front Runners, twenty-three states and five UTs were selected (score range between 65 and 99). Goa, on the other hand

ortant. Every choice made to meet developmental aspirations will matter, impacting the climate system and human wellbeing. Identifying
ework. Its developmental model — a combination of economic actors and institutions, market links, government funding, private investm
’s poorest region faces major challenges across almost all SDGs, with extreme poverty, hunger and health as major areas where substantia

ort market intelligence systems, and promote market access.Levers of Change Must Work Together-The report notes that no technology o

ountries in achieving the SDGs; Economic growth and a green transition do not have to be “decoupled” and can work together to provide c
on continue to be positive. In the words of a European delegate, “no opposition has been expressed to the Declaration so far. In fact, it con

with disabilities to lead efforts to improve online accessibility.Women and men with disabilities have been leaders and champions to brea
ussian Federation said that the New Urban Agenda is often omitted from discussions on sustainable development and the high-level meeti
eld from 28 February to 2 March 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya, governments are expected to decide whether to establish an intergovernmental
sparked the Human Rights Cities movement. Human Rights Cities seek to align their policies and programs with the Universal Declaration
“a big step for sustainability of the global commons.”On 26 November, the WTO announced the General Council’s decision to postpone t
ycling, this could amount to USD 100 billion by 2040.The authors warn against attempting to solve the pollution crisis through increased re
eling in NFIs is described in Module 8, including the basic components of a model (aggregation, volume, biomass and carbon stock estimati
ion, from the local to the international, will have greater social ownership and therefore greater chances to be implemented.And here we
to the pandemic. SDG 16 provides a manual for this course correction. We must refocus on how to correct some of the more long-term, i
ehind.” For the first time at G20 level, the countries acknowledged the “inextricable link” between energy production, greenhouse gas (GH
osures could not be partially compensated by remote learning. The health and socioeconomic impacts were amplified for people living in s
he SDG monitoring framework. The six sectoral committees’ themes are as follows:i. Food security, agriculture, and poverty;ii. Labour & em

nd 99). Goa, on the other hand, lagged in the Aspirants category (with Index scores less than 50).

human wellbeing. Identifying synergies and mutually reinforcing developmental and climate actions will help countries set the best path to
ment funding, private investment, foreign direct investment and multilateral funding — is much like the ones followed in many fast-growin

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