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PUBA 3500 – Public Management (CRN 10087)

Midterm Exam Instructions

1) You have 10 main questions (3.5 points each), and one extra bonus question (1 point) (all open-ended).
2) You have 90 minutes to write your answers and 15 minutes for logistical issues (downloading and
uploading your paper).
3) Answers without explanation (just phrase or bullet points) will be cut points.
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1) One of the reasons for market failure is the concept of information asymmetry. Explain what it

We create the asymmetry of information when we trust the market and they are checked after giving
something to private hands. We create the asymmetry of information when we trust the market and they are
checked after giving something to private hands. But here the disadvantage is in our hands, because private
companies are abusing the situation and do not talk about the process. Private companies do this for their
own profit, because they steal information and make a profit.


2) In light of the position of the official under bureaucratic theory, what does pure bureaucratic
appointment mean? Explain.

The main purpose of pure bureaucracy is that a person is appointed by an appointed person. A pure
bureaucratic appointment takes place only if the appointed person is appointed by the appointed person
when he is not elected.


3) In light of Public Management reforms, what did Margaret Thatcher mainly do? Explain.
The most important thing Margaret did was to remove a lot of government intervention in the economy, and
it also narrowed the government. also, Margaret, along with Reagan, ushered in an era of neoliberalism. As
a result of Margaret's reforms, it facilitated the registration of banks, which led to an increase in financial
stocks, and created a new financial center in London.


4) Public sector decisions, as opposed to private sector, may be coercive. Explain what it means.

As we know, if the government decides on policies, we have no choice but to obey it, and these decisions
are usually forced. nor do we have the freedom to change anything. The government has the power to
enforce the law it wants. In diaper situations, private companies have higher fees because they are more free
in decision-making and are therefore more agile.


5) Explain the concept of anonymity in public administration. Is Public Management in favor or

against anonymity principle? Explain.
In the concept of anonymity, we only follow the instructions here. We have a duty to do everything the
government says, and the government is responsible for any wrongdoing. For example, if I work in a bank
and do my job incorrectly, the government is responsible for my wrongdoing because I am anonymous.
Public leadership, on the other hand, is not in favor of anonymity because it requires us to take
responsibility for everything we do. So, we can solve the problems more easily. In addition, it is important
to take responsibility in the public administration system, because the work is given by the state and it is
necessary to approach it responsibly.


6) Who are time-servers? Explain.

the lack of time servers is also one of the most important shortcomings of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is more
dependent on standards and is based on the notion of "killing innovation" accordingly. Here, people in the
office are mainly interested in risk and creativity, because in bureaucracy, work is lifelong, and it is difficult
to get fired.


7) What is the reason public employees’ performance in Traditional Public Administration is

mediocre? Explain.
Traditional Public administration is to follow structural bureaucracy and rules. They can't do worse than the
average job because they are not allowed to experiment. One of the disadvantages is that management has
no personal responsibility. Their management is unpopular and unable to adapt.


8) One of the problems of bureaucracy is its conflict with democratic values. Explain how secrecy of
information fits this argument.

One of the unacceptable cases in the concept of democracy is the secrecy of information. Due to the secrecy
of information, there are inevitably contradictions between bureaucracy and democracy. According to
Weber, the issue of bureaucracy did not mean anything to him. Democracy was also inevitably confronted
with bureaucratic tendencies, but in the same way he saw the inevitability of the bureaucracy becoming


9) Weber says office management is exhaustive, and, thus, can be learned. Explain what it means.
Office management follows rules that are generally and consistently valued and can be learned at the same
time. People can easily learn the rules of bureaucracy because they serve there. in a number of ways, for
example, in a special technical way, they can get more information about these rules.


10) The main premise of scientific management for Traditional Public Administration was the idea of
“one best way.” Explain what it entailed.

Scientific management was created by Taylor. The one best way is his methods. The best way is to select
the workers according to their scientific aspects and then teach them the job. Taylor’s scientific method –
finding rules and best practices. Only one best way of governing, we have to find it. First applied to private
sector, and when benefits were seen, public sector tried to apply it too. Efficiency is ultimate goal which
should be reached through human relations approach.


BONUS: In bureaucracies, organizations live by documents. Explain what it means.

In this situation, when we have bureaucracies, organizations do not trust people much. The strengthening of
the system is the reason why the government does not trust the people. In other words, it doesn't matter who
does the job, because the system is invariant, and whoever is hired will be the same process. For this reason,
bureaucrats live with documents because everything is in documents.


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