220 21SU2 Exam1 Sol

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MATH 220 - Differential Equa Exam 1 Name: KEY Ipledge that the work on this exam is entirely my own. I understand that the penalties for cheating include a score of zero on this exam and a referral to my dean for further action. Student signatur If you are not printing this test or using a tablet, please write out the pledge above (word-for- word), write your name legibly, and sign it. Please read: * You cannot ask anybody for help on the exam. The only person you can communicate with regarding the exam is me, All work must be your own. * Show all work. Please box or cirele your answers. * Calculators, books, notes, and other aids are not allow lecture notes, homework, or any other sources or mat d. You are not allowed to use als when you are taking the test. * You can print out this exam, write on it, scan it, and send your work to me via email, in PDF form. You can also use a tablet to fill in this exam, and then send me the PDF. If you cannot do either of these things, then you should write all of your work on separate sheets of paper, scan all of your work, and send it to me via email in PDF form. * You must complete your exam and submit it via email while you are still in the Zoom meeting. Your video should be turned on the whole time you take the test until you submit it, unless I instruct you otherwise. Please wait until you get a confirmation message from me before you leave, to make sure that I received your exam on time. + Your work must be submitted to me via email by 11am (unless you have DSPS time extension accommodations). If you submit it late, you risk losing a large amount of points. ¢ There are 8 problems total, but not all problems are worth the same amount of points. The total number of points is 50. PROBLEM 4 (6 points) Consider the differential system | * = * + 8Y, yi=x+2y a) Find the general solution of the system. b) Sketch a phase diagram for the system ¢) Solve the IVP given by this differential system, subject to the initial conditions x(0)=1 and ‘y(0)=2, and label this solution curve in your diagram in b). 4d) For what initial conditions (x(0),y(0)) does the solution curve (x(t),y(t)) approach (0,0) in the long run (as ¢ >)? (If this is impossible, say so.) A ~ ie 7 «(7 we[! ‘|. wrjaa- wut ccntatenf semi], eonteneal emf m at 2 at |=? Ke UME -3Bie Q) | w= ce" [7] +e] e ne ° Soe) ye ce rae ees dert w-(‘} > []E)-E) e ELE TE -+0 FE Cc) wo= Fe*[7]+2 <*[?] Sc a PROBLEM 2 (6 points) Consider the system u’= Au with -3 2 -18 9 a) Find the general solution of the system. bb) Sketch a phase diagram for the system. ¢) Solve the IVP u’= Au with u(0)= (iI and label this solution curve in your diagram in b). 4) For what initial conditions (0) does the solution curve u(#) trace out a straight path? (If this is impossible, say so.) n(a-3z) = af . ‘| = «~(3] Derecrive! At st Cue ese (uhere NoAcsz , N°= Once) vo) -¢([JeEa)-e [2 2] st [ 1-ee ae [2 SUM= Ce | ee | Toe | eee ° ovr det>o Sor © wo=[3] >[é]-[] >| uw= 2 [S] e el Wl) € span (| (we) #3) PROBLEM 3 (7 points) Suppose a particle starts somewhere on the 3D graph of the function f(xy) = 4x? + 4xy + y? and always moves downhill, in the direction of steepest descent, following -Vf. a) Set up a system of DE's and find the general solution to get alll of the possible paths -»)? (If this is impossible, say so.) VES Sfx fy = COxt4y, AR+2B>, Soe UTE —VF(U) where «-[7). A 7 eo tree Plarswe, WFly-2]4 dete o cope nlated = fa]-ft] » EoeNl an -we[ 2 1 n= 2,6 - cr a) Juw= cen] treo lle a ol a ed la ce) wo= 367] 4 (I 3) [ele Span (‘| 4 PROBLEM 4 (6 points) Suppose the velocity field of a fluid that is moving in the xy-plane is modeled by 15x+9y -25x-15y |" The position (at time t) of a particle that is moving within this fluid equals u(t) = (x(t),y(0)) and is subject to the differential equation u’=V. vow | a) Find the general solution of u’=V to obtain all possible u(t). b) Sketch a phase diagram for u’=V. ) Assuming the particle starts at (7,3) at time ¢=0, find the parametrization u(t) of the moving particle. 4) For what initial conditions (0) does the solution curve u(t) approach (0,0) in the long run (as ¢ <2)? (If this is impossible, say so.) A 7 Ls J. tree = J rzo.0 Niveorent! (A"=Ozxz) eas mis] det s0 l-2s ~ eoenld=a{ ° ro 2] =see 3| at eo to is 9 last 9t a reeAshae =], [tt] 2, oe) =| ease ist ° ae yo a a) us “(e] b) :. 4 *) ‘ a e ofuae c(i] - af :.| bs ells aero o[}+flt - Be ) [No such pets will epprondh (0,8) Unless me partivle stots at (0,0), in which cose it will just stay at (0,0) forever. [> PROBLEM 5 (7 points) ‘Assume we have an RLC circuit with a switch, and assume the units of measurement are as we discussed in class. The switch is closed, and the capacitor begins to discharge. Electric laws [ ro = -2o- Low Lew- 1 ‘Suppose the RLC circuit has resistance R=6, inductance [,=1, and capacitance C= 1/18. a) Find the general solution of the system (without initial conditions). 'b) Sketch a phase diagram for the system. ¢) Find the current (1) in the circuit and the charge Q() on the capacitor, assuming that the initial charge on the capacitor is Q(0)=2 and the initial eurrent is 1(0)=0. LT’ s-6r -5a@ ele ae _|° fereene wee a nol -3e2i t iat sin (2] + C2 Sin (2) -3+/ a) ui) = ce [ 1 b) ef 3 crea Sin (24) cow in at So ° -34[-3 -2]] costes) ol? 3 won 2eT? ce]-3 ea Ze coslat) + BE sin (2td|6 c) a Qw= PROBLEM 6 (6 points) uif A= Find the general (real) solution of the differential system uw’ = eo ono aon (In order to get full credit, each of your answers should be backed up using at least some brief explanation or calculation. If you obtain an eigenvalue, eigenspace, or generalized eigenvector using some special property, at least briefly mention what property you are using. If you just list things without any explanation/calculation, you risk losing a large amount or all of the points.) Constant row sum 4 G Cola (a) = 1eola(z) Sn AE 4, LO Hi gwecs Euy= span (constant rou sum 4) ° E,= span}! | (cotelad =| Cola(z)) oO Bou 1 Eo=N(A) = N/3 1 ©] = Span|> zo l > WIC, 430,430,525 1 o | at + ubbece |'|+cre]']+e,]> 1 ° 3 PROBLEM 7 (6 points) el 2.0) Find the general (real) solution of the differential system u’=Auif A=| 0 -1 -2 O84) (In order to get full credit, each of your answers should be backed up using at least some brief explanation or calculation. If you obtain an eigenvalue, eigenspace, or generalized eigenvector using some special property, at least briefly mention what property you are using. If you just list things without any explanation/calculation, you risk losing a large amount or all of the points.) Ce» [rats 4] |A-az| = & =e) or (-I-ay +4 =0 & RBel of -t-X=t2 & >» Itz ©} (cot, (Ad =~1 col aI) ° 2 2 0 t L+ou E eaae = N(A-(-1421)Z) = N] 9 ~2t -21 = span] L| = span | orli o Baz 1 le ot let ica +1Cysd 1 O1 stlolacétlo- cos(2t) aétlio cos (2) Ua = C1 & ° Fe Sin (24) | 768 © 5 Sin (2) PROBLEM 8 (6 points) 6 10) Find the general (real) solution of the differential system u’=Auif A=| -1 4 0 1 0-G (In order to get full credit, each of your answers should be backed up using at least some brief explanation or calculation. If you obtain an eigenvalue, eigenspace, or generalized eigenvector using some special property, at least briefly mention what property you are using. If you just list things without any explanation/calculation, you risk losing a large amount or all of the points.) or» 1 a |A-az[ =] -1 4-x] © |] =(5-ay \ oO B-r 4-> = (9-a)(X-1or+28) =(S-NO-5)V0-5) > Y= 5,5,5 to B= N(A-st)=N 1 2 -wlPlie Find Va such that (A-SI) Ve =v, 11 olo 1 -L-1 ofo] Parrionan y= |) Sowries Lo of) ° IC, “162 +005 =v, Find Vy such that (A-ST) V3 = Ve? ,o'tofpet oO sina of-1] Pamianan ye | Lo ofo| seurie 5 OC, $162 +003 = Ve 0 1 0 1) we st utey= cre lol +ere| -i}+t]o] | oc, tt] fife elles fo ' oO ' o} -[!

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