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Group 4

Mr. Knudson, Torvald

Ms. Guillen, Felomina
Ms. Mapa, Rachel
Mr. Loquite, Samuel, Jr.
Mr. Lizardo, John Keven
Fetal Anomaly
Fetal malformation or abnormal development. This report will address the cephalic

Cephalic disorders are not necessarily caused by a single factor, but may be influenced by
hereditary or genetic conditions, nutritional deficiencies, or by environmental exposures
during pregnancy, such as medication taken by the mother, maternal infection, or
exposure to radiation. Some cephalic disorders occur when the cranial sutures (the
fibrous joints that connect the bones of the skull) join prematurely. Most cephalic
disorders are caused by a disturbance that occurs very early in the development of the
fetal nervous system.

Damage to the developing nervous system is a major cause of chronic, disabling
disorders and, sometimes, death in infants, children, and even adults. The degree to which
damage to the developing nervous system harms the mind and body varies enormously.
Many disabilities are mild enough to allow those afflicted to eventually function
independently in society. Others are not. Some infants, children, and adults die, others
remain totally disabled, and an even larger population is partially disabled, functioning
well below normal capacity throughout life.
May be caused by a vascular injury, infection or some other traumatic disorder after the
12th week of pregnancy.

Scientific Basis
The pathophysiology combined with laboratory data and diagnostic procedures such as
UltraSound and X-Ray support fetal anomaly diagnosis and fetal viability prognosis.
· Lack of FHT
· Lack of Fetal Movement
· No or retarded growth rate of fetus
· Painless spotting
· Abnormal Laboratory Data Results
· Abnormal Ultrasound scan
Normal Lab Values in Prenatal Screening
Initial Lab Tests
Later in pregnancy, other tests are usually performed. Physician preference and patient
population guide some of the choice of these tests, but commonly-ordered tests include:

Normal Value/Range
← Hemoglobin and hematocrit (HGB/HCT) Pregnancy 10.5-14.0 and
Pregnancy 33%-44% respectively.
← White blood cell count (WBC) Pregnancy 6,000-16,000
← Urinalysis (UA) Normal Values*
Color Pale yellow to amber
Turbidity Clear to slightly hazy
Specific Gravity 1.015 to 1.025
pH 4.5-8.0
Glucose Negative
Ketones Negative
Blood Negative
Protein Negative
Bilirubin Negative
Urobilinogen 0.1-1.0
Nitrate for bacteria Negative
Leukocyte esterase Negative
Casts Negative
RBC Negative
Crystals Negative
White blood cells Negative/Rare
Epithelial cells Few

Urine Color
Urine is normally pale yellow to amber. Abnormal or unusual colors include:
Color Significance

• Alkaptonuria

Port wine
• Porphyrins
• Methemoglobin
• Hemoglobin
• Lysol poisoning

• Hemoglobinuria
• Blood
• Myoglobinuria
• Porphyrins

• Eating beets
• Cascara and Senna laxatives
• Phenazopyridine ingestion

• Concentrated urine
• Small amounts of bile
• Phenazopyridine ingestion
• Oral anticoagulants
• Ethoxazene
• Chlorzoxazone

• Bilirubin
• Sulfonamides
• Nitrofurantoin

• Bilirubin
• Pseudomonas

• Methylene blue
• Amitriptyline
• Blood

• Blood type and Rh Blood Type
A Positive
A Negative
B Positive
B Negative
AB Positive
AB Negative
O Positive
O Negative
← Hepatitis B Screen Hepatitis A Negative
Hepatitis B
Negative Hepatitis
Non-A, Non-B Negative
← Rubella Titer <1:10 No immunity to Rubella
1:10 and above Immune to Rubella
← Atypical antibody screen Pregnancy Negative (Used in pregnancy to detect
atypical red blood cell antibodies in the mother's
blood, which may be capable of causing hemolytic
disease of the newborn. )
← Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) T3, T4, FT4, FTI, TSH. Multiple
interpretations are required.
← Serologic test for syphilis (RPR or VDRL) Negative
← HIV ELISA Negative
Western Blot Negative
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Negative
← Gonorrhea Negative
← Chlamydia Negative
← Pap Multiple interpretations are required.

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