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Lahore Leads University

Department of Computer Science &

Information Technology

Degree Project basic Information Form/

Degree Projects Evaluation Form

Group ID:

(To be filled by the Student(s))

1. Degree Level: Bachelor MCS/MIT

2. Number of Students [Max 3 Students]:

3. Name of the Supervisor:

4. Degree Project Type/ Area of Research:

5. Project Title:

6. Supervisor Name:

7. Project Definition:
8. Student(s) Information:

Enrolment No. Name E-mail ID Cell Phone # Address

9. I hereby state that the above mentioned goals of our degree project shall be completed within
the due dates specified by the Department. I shall abide by all the rules set by the department.

I shall not be using any unfair means to complete my degree project and I admit that
Plagiarism is a professional sin and I shall not use it.

Enrolment # Name:

Signature / Date:

Enrolment # Name:

Signature / Date:

Enrolment # Name:

Signature / Date:

Verified by

Chief Advisor FYP Signature/ Date

Lahore Leads University
Department of Computer Science &
Information Technology

Supervisor Acceptance Form

(To be filled by the Supervisor1)

1. Project Title:

2. Group Members Name and Roll No:

3. Area of Research:

4. Name of Supervisor:

5. Designation:

6. Telephone No: Cell No:

7. Email ID:

8. Faculty Status: Permanent Faculty Member Visiting Faculty Member

9. Department: CS IT SE
10. Official Address:


12. Supervisor Signature / Date:

13. Chief Advisor FYP Signature / Date:

Lahore Leads University
(Department of Computer Science & Information Technology)
Degree Project Proposal Evaluation

Group ID: Date: Time:

Evaluation Evaluator

Objectives identification (A=excellent, B= very good, C=good, D=average, E=poor)

Problem Understanding(A=excellent, B= very good, C=good, D=average, E=poor)

Background Study (A=excellent, B= very good, C=good, D=average, E=poor)

Proposal Documentation (A=excellent, B= very good, C=good, D=average, E=poor)

Viva (A=excellent, B= very good, C=good, D=average, E=poor)

Approval Decision (A=approved, B= conditionally approved*, C= Deferred**, D=Not approved***)

*Minor changes in the proposal mentioned in the comment section are communicated to the supervisor. Supervisor is responsible for
accommodating these changes.
**If major changes are required in the proposal, proposal is deferred and students have to present formally once again before the
*** Students have to present formally once again before the panel with a new proposal idea.
Evaluator’s Name Comments (mandatory, if approval decision is B,C or D) Signatures

Chief Advisor FYP

Lahore Leads University
(Department of Computer Science &
Information Technology)

Supervisor Guidance FORM

Group ID:

Project Title:

Report Evaluation:

Meeting Date of Status of the What Directions/ Guidelines are Provided Signature
No The Project
Percentage of implementation completed:

Signature of Supervisor:


Signature of Chief Advisor FYP:

Lahore Leads University
(Department of Computer Science &
Information Technology)

Degree Project Mid-Term Evaluation

Group ID:

Project Title:

Report Evaluation:

Max. Marks
Marks Obtained

Introduction (Document) 15

Literature Review (Document) 15

Requirement Document 15

Design Document 15
Implementation (40% of the
implementation is required to be 40
completed before midterm)

Percentage of implementation completed:


Signature of Supervisor:


Signature of Chief Advisor FYP:

Lahore Leads University
(Department of Computer Science &
Information Technology)
Degree Project Evaluation

Group ID: Date:

Project Title:

Max. Marks Marks Marks Marks

Marks Obtained Obtained Obtained Obtained

Evaluator Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2 Evaluator 3 Evaluator 4

Project Report 40

Project Demonstration 30

Project Presentation 15

Viva 15

Recommended for
Extension or Not
Evaluator Name Comments Signatures

Chief Advisor FYP

Lahore Leads University
(Department of Computer Science
& Information Technology)

Degree Project Evaluation Request Form

(To be filled by Supervisor)

1. Project ID: Date:

2. Project Title:

3. Project Start Date: Project Ending Date:

4. Information of Students:

S. # Students Name Enrolment # Email Address Contact #


5. Progress of the degree project:

a. Student Regularity: Regular Casual Not regular at all

b. Originality in Work (20% to 100%):

6. Do you recommend this project for the evaluation:

7. Do you recommend this project for Open house:

8. If the answer to 5 and 6, is yes then complete the following:

a. Have you thoroughly read the degree project report:

b. Have you taken the demonstration of the project:

c. Have you suggested some corrections in report and demonstration?

d. Have you checked the corrections again:

e. Have you checked the plagiarism report:

9. Kindly attach Project Progress Evaluation form for each student, along with the monthly Project
Progress Report in the project file and return it to the Project Coordinator.

Project Supervisor Signatures Chief Advisor FYP Signatures

Lahore Leads University
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Degree Project Result


Student Name

Enrolment. No

Project Title

Marks Allocated
Evaluation (100) Total

Continuous Progress 20

Mid-Term Evaluation 20

Final Evaluation 60



Chief Advisor FYP


Approved by
Head of the

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