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NĂM HỌC 2016 - 2017
(Đề thi gồm 07 trang)
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề.

Điểm bài thi Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Số phách

Điểm bằng số: ……………………… Giám khảo 1: ………………..……….

Điểm bằng chữ: ……………………. Giám khảo 2: ……..………………….


Part 1. Listen to part of a radio programme. Decide which of the sentences are true (T), and which
are false (F) according to the recording.
1. Everybody in the Outback has at least a telephone to keep in touch with the world.
2. In an emergency, doctors fly to the patient’s place.
3. It doesn’t take the doctors more than ninety minutes to get to any place in the Outback.
4. All children living in the Outback get their lessons sent by post.
5. The children in the Outback can communicate with their teachers by two - way radio and post.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. Listen to an interview and fill ONE word in each gap.

1. Charles Duke couldn’t see any _____ programmes when he was young.
2. Charles was a navy _____.
3. Nothing but _____ were Charles’ interest.
4. Charles found the lunar surface training in the spacesuit _____ demanding.
5. Charles had to spend up to _____ hours inside the spacesuit.
6. It often took Charles _____ hours a day to learn what to do.
7. When they got closer to the Moon, they saw big rocks and _____.
8. As they touched down, they erupted in enthusiasm, they shook hands and _____ each other.
9. The fact was that nobody had ever been to that particular spot, which was simply _____.
10. There were no people or cars to _____ distances to give them any sense of scale.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. Tony: “What is your greatest phobia?”
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Sarah: “_______”
A. I'm afraid not. B. Worms, definitely!
C. Probably people who smoke. D. I haven't made up my mind.
2. The government stopped the local companies from importing fake milk powder _______ of public health.
A. in the interest   B. to the best   C. for the attention  D. on the safe side
3. He promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, he _______ his word.
A. stood by  B. stuck at  C. went back on  D. held onto
4. I don’t think you have been watering the plants near the gate. The soil is _______.
A. as dry as rice B. as dry as a tile C. as dry as a bone D. as dry as wood
5. “If it is a girl, she is going to be called Ethelred” ~ “What _______ name to give _______ girl!”
A. a - a B. the - the   C. the -   D.  - the
6. Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited, _______ left a lasting impression on him.
A. none of which  B. not one of them  C. which none  D. and none of them
7. _______, the reports are not good enough to be printed.
A. Telling the truth B. On my own C. If you ask me D. Out of the ordinary
8. There is _______ in the press that the couple will soon get divorced.
A. speculation B. rumour C. news D. indication
9. They did have a _______ escape. Their car stopped right at the river bank.
A. slight B. fine C. near D. narrow
10. I know you don't really like Jack, but still you have to _______ it to him that he is a conscientious worker.
A. return B. hand C. award D. admit
11. Our new neighbour's party went into the _______ hours of the morning.
A. early B. first C. new D. bright
12. However strict _______ we took, we couldn't eliminate the risk of any further riots in the streets.
A. controls B. measures C. disciplines D. regulations
13. Has it ever _______ to you that there might be more to this matter than a few fake banknotes?
A. occurred B. reasoned C. imagined D. considered
14. There is no point in waiting for him. He’s certain _______by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. having left D. left
15. Having been served lunch, _______.
A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee
B. the committee members discussed the problem
C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem
D. a discussion of the problem was made by the committee
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

II. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. Your new ______ system saves money but your rates are increased because you've improved your
home. It's a vicious circle. (HOT)
2. Don't mistake shouting for ability as a ______ actor. (DRAMA)
3. Peter ______ admitted that the car accident had been his fault and he didn’t pay for the damage. (WILL)
4. Please ______ our letter of the 21st. We have not had a reply yet. (KNOW)
5. I think the cost of ______ to the show was quite reasonable. (ADMIT)
6. ______ are built to entertain and educate people about marine life. (AQUATIC)
7. The program we are launching is to ______ teenage girls in rural areas. (POWER)
8. Because of the car ______, she couldn’t come to the airport in time for her flight. (BREAK)
9. Some people show ______ attitude towards the misery of others, totally untouched by their suffering.
10. When the ______ arrived at the hotel, they were amazed at the hospitality of the fans. (CELEBRATE)

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Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

III. Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word.


Although it may come as a (1) _____ to many people, postal services have existed in some parts of
the world for thousands of years. There is ample evidence that a postal service existed among the Assyrians
and Babylonians. In China a regular postal service was established in the 7th century BC, and (2) _____ the
centuries attained (3) _____ a high level of efficiency that some 2,000 years after its institution, it won the
admiration of travellers like Marco Polo. Efficient and highly developed postal services were also established
in the Persian and Roman empires. In ancient times, (4) _____ services were mainly (5) _____ to the use of
representatives of the state; private citizens (6) _____ use of slaves, merchants and the like to send their
messages and documents. In Medieval Europe, postal services were organised by emperors and by the
papacy (7) _____ private citizens continued to entrust their correspondence to various travellers. Later,
around the 13th century, universities and towns came to have their own messengers. However, it was not
until the 14th century that merchants, the private citizens who had the greatest need for a speedy and regular
(8) _____ of correspondence, began to (9) _____ up regular courier services. The needs of business led to
the development of the postal service as we know (10) _____ today.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a disaster.
According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious
parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic
parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious
in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well - especially if the parents are very supportive of
their child.
Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to
concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers twice a
week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother knows very little about music, but his father plays the trumpet in a
large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he refuses.
Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful musicians, and
they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they
enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. Winston is always
afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

1. One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to ______.

A. help their child to become a genius B. neglect their child’s education

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C. push their child into trying too much D. make their child become a musician
2. Parents’ ambition for their children is not wrong if they ______.
A. understand and help their children sensibly B. arrange private lessons for their children
C. force their children into achieving success D. themselves have been very successful
3. Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents?
A. Successful musicians. B. Educational psychologists.
C. Their children. D. Unrealistic parents.
4. Michael Collins is fortunate in that ______.
A. his parents are quite rich B. his parents help him in a sensible way
C. his mother knows little about music D. his father is a musician
5. The phrase "crazy about" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "confused about" B. "surprised at"
C. "completely unaware of" D. "extremely interested in"
6. Winston’s parents push their son so much and he ______.
A. has become a good musician B. cannot learn much music from them
C. is afraid to disappoint them D. has won a lot of piano competitions
7. The word "They" in the passage refers to ______.
A. concerts B. parents in general C. violin lessons D. Michael’s parents
8. All of the following people are musical EXCEPT ______.
A. Winston’s mother B. Winston’s father C. Michael’s father D. Michael’s mother
9. The word "refuses" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "not objecting to doing anything " B. "eager to do something"
C. "not wanting to do something " D. "getting ready to do something"
10. The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that ______.
A. parents should let the child develop in the way he wants
B. successful parents often have unsuccessful children
C. successful parents always have intelligent children
D. parents should spend more money on the child’s education
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap.

If you have ever finished reading the latest blockbuster and thought that you could have done better,
consider (1)_____ the following techniques.
Before you settle upon your subject matter, be canny and examine the current market. If period
dramas are (2)_____ a comeback, for example, consider that genre but with a unique twist. Start by Iooking
around you - in newspapers, on TV - for stories and characters. Choose a genre and topic you feel
comfortable with. (3)_____ research will add to the strength and depth of your writing and help you (4)_____
more confidence. Read relevant history books, biographies and travelogues to immerse yourself in your
chosen period and setting.
Once you have formulated your characters, possible storylines and Iocations, start to sketch out
rough dialogues and (5)_____. Only then should you set about writing the novel.
Once the novel is completed, you must find an agent. Many (6)_____ publishers will only consider
via a(n) (7)_____ agent and will largely ignore unsolicited books. Again, research is the key. Look for an
agent that (8)_____ your genre and style. Finally, do not forget that the book has to be marketed (9)_____ it
is published, so you, the author, will become one of the noveI's unique selling points. It helps if you and the
book have a good (10)_____ you too.
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1. A. adopting B. making C. accepting D. doing
2. A. taking B. doing C. having D. making
3. A. Full B. Complete C. Thorough D. Entire
4. A. grow B. win C. become D. gain
5. A. scenes B. places C. pictures D. visions
6. A. central B. winning C. leading D. valued
7. A. established B. knowledgeable C. fixed D. credited
8. A. serves B. acts C. shows D. represents
9. A. until B. once C. then D. unless
10. A. beyond B. behind C. above D. below
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Read the following magazine article about choosing a career. Six sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentences A - G the one which fits each gap (1 - 6). There is one
extra sentence which you do not need to use.


There are more choices than ever, but what is the best job for you?
Many young people worry about their future and spend hour after hour considering what to do when
they finish school. (1) _____ For the rest of us, it's a case of just waiting to see what comes along or even
randomly selecting a job; after all, luck often plays an enormous part in the choices young adults make.
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward advice that young people can follow, but there are a few things
which can make choosing a suitable career a little easier.
The first thing you should do is focus on what your interests are. (2) _____ Planning out your future
life is no easy feat, and this sort of self-awareness is vital.
Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are helps a lot, too. What are you good at? Do you
find problem-solving easy? Are you comfortable working under pressure, or do you prefer a more relaxed
pace? (3) _____ This will help you identify what you excel at and areas in which you don't do so well. The
results can then help you determine professions that are either suitable or totally inappropriate for you.
It is also important to know what your values and priorities in life are. (4) _____ Is it wealth and fame
or a comfortable family life? A steady, secure job with an average salary or a high-risk job with more
potential for great wealth?
A more practical activity that can be of benefit is taking a gap year between school and university
and working as a volunteer. (5) _____ You'll also gain new skills and experience that will prove invaluable to
you later in life and in your future career. After all, employers want to hire either experienced and skilled
people, or those who can show initiative, willingness to work and enthusiasm. Having worked as a volunteer
proves that you have all of these attributes and makes you a more attractive candidate. It may well be this
experience that sets you apart from the other applicants and gets you the job.
Another step that can be taken when contemplating a career is to ask people who are already
working in that particular field about its positive and negative aspects. However, make sure you ask more
than just one person, as different people have different perspectives.
Finally, you should never forget that whatever you choose, you don't necessarily have to do it
forever. (6) _____ The important thing is to feel contented with your life. As work plays such a major part in
it, having a fulfilling career needs to be a priority.

A. Ask yourself what kind of activities you enjoy doing most: are they physical or intellectual activities, indoor
or outdoor, with other people or alone?

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B. This will give you more time to decide what you want to do, while at the same time providing you with the
opportunity to help those in need.

C. You could change your mind while still at university or you could even retrain when you're older and are
already working.

D. It is only a rare few who make up their minds early on regarding their choice of career and know what
skills and qualifications will get them there.

E. A rise in unemployment is making it increasingly difficult to find a good job.

F. If you find it difficult to answer these questions yourself, take an aptitude test.

G. What's more important to you?

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. DO NOT CHANGE
1. In an emergency, Peter is someone you can always rely on. down
Peter… an emergency.
2. Harry will probably stay longer in London than he expected. probability
....................................................................................................... stay longer in Rome than he expected.
3. The existence of the polar bear is endangered. stake
The existence ...........................................................................................................................................
4. The boss said my explanation was unbelievable. beyond
The boss said……....................................................................................................................................
5. They cannot watch this film because they aren't adult yet. under
They cannot watch this film ......................................................................................................................
6. Arguing with her won’t get you anywhere.
It won’t do.................................................................................................................................................
7. She furiously threw the book across the room.
Such ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. House prices have risen sharply this year.
There ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. It’s quite common for students at the school to go on to win Olympic medals.
It’s by no .................................................................................................................................................
10. Mike was not the only person who felt disappointed with the food in the restaurant.
Mike was not alone in ..........................................................................................................................

II. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

“Extra private lessons outside school hours can help students do better at school.”
Write about 250 words to support your opinion (and do not include your personal information).


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(ĐÁP ÁN GỒM 01 TRANG) NĂM HỌC 2016 – 2017

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100/ 5 = 20. ( Mỗi ý đúng học sinh được 01 điểm + 14 điểm luận)

I. Listen to the talk and write T for true and F for false statements.
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5.T
II. Listen and fill in the gaps…
1. space 2. pilot 3. planes 4. physically 5. five/ 5
6. eight/8 7. craters 8. hugged 9. breathtaking 10. judge


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13. A 14.B 15. B

II. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. heating 2. dramatic 3. unwillingly 4. acknowledge 5. admission
6. Aquariums 7. empower 8. breakdown 9. dispassionate 10. celebrities

III. Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word.

1. surprise 2. over 3. such 4. these/the 5. confined
6. made 7. although/while/though 8. exchange 9. set 10. it


I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. A

II. Read the passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap.
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B

III. Read the magazine article about choosing a career. Six sentences have been removed from
the article. Choose from the sentences A - G the one which fits each gap (1 - 6).
1. D 2. A 3. F 4. G 5. B 6. C

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. Peter will never let you down in an emergency.
2. There is a probability that Harry will stay longer in London than he expected.
3. The existence of the polar bear is at stake.
4. The boss said (that) my explanation was beyond belief.
5. They cannot watch this film because they are under age.
6. It won’t do you any good to argue with her.
7. Such was her fury that she threw the book across the room.
8. There has been a sharp rise/increase in (the) house prices this year.
9. It’s by no means uncommon for students at the school to go on to win Olympic medals.
10. Mike was not alone in feeling disappointed with the food in the restaurant.
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II. Write about 250 words....
Length: 25 % Grammar & vocabulary: 25 % Ideas: 25% Cohesion & coherence: 25 %

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Part 1:
Welcome to ‘Our Neighbourhood’, the programme that looks at the different places and conditions that people live in.
Today we’re visiting the Outback, a distant part of Australia far from the main population centres. Imagine you’re living
on a farm and your nearest neighbours are over 100 kilometres away. It certainly is very lonely and isolated. And this is
how it feels for many people living on farms in the Outback of Australia, far away from the cities and towns. Some
people are lucky enough to have email and the Internet but many do not even have a telephone line. Everyone has a
two-way radio. You can listen as well as talk into it, and it is the most important means of contact with other people.
When someone needs a doctor urgently, they use their two-way radio to contact The Flying Doctors. That’s a special
medical service that covers six million square kilometres of Australia. The doctors fly to an emergency in a small
aeroplane or helicopter, and they say they can arrive at any place within ninety minutes. There are thirteen flying doctor
bases in Australia with thirty-eight aeroplanes and helicopters. They visit 150,000 people every year. Another problem
to solve is education. How do you go to school when you’re living five hundred kilometres from the nearest one? Some
kids go to boarding schools, others have their lessons sent by post. But most Outback children use their two-way radios
twice a day to listen to their teachers and to communicate with them and with other Outback students.

Part 2:
Interviewer. My guest today is Charles Duke, one of the few people to have walked on the moon as part of an
Apollo mission. Charles, welcome to our studio. Have you always been hooked on space travel?
Charles: Quite frankly, as a kid, it'd never entered my head. There wasn't even a space programme when I was
young ... so there weren't any astronauts.
Interviewer. What about science fiction films at the cinema?
Charles: I'd seen them, of course I used to wonder what space travel might be Ok - but it was never what you
might describe as a fascination - if you follow me.
Interviewer: So, how did it all come about?
Charles: It was at the Naval Academy...
Interviewer Not in the Air Force?
Charles: No, but I was a navy pilot. I had fallen in love with planes and nothing else would do. And that gave me
the opportunity to start - to get selected for the astronaut programme.
Interviewer Presumably by then they were talking about putting rockets into space?
Charles: Absolutely.
Interviewer. And how did you find the training?
Charles: I suppose the lunar surface training in the spacesuit was physically demanding in a way.
Interviewer. Quite uncomfortable, I imagine.
Charles: It's not what you might expect. Once the spacesuits get inflated, it gets very rigid. You had to flight to
bend your arms and move your fingers inside the gloves.
Interviewer. And how long did you spend inside it?
Charles: Around four to five hours. But actually, the most challenging part was worrying about how to handle the
simulator because we needed to know how to land and then take off on the moon.
Interviewer I don't think I could have coped with that.
Charles: I'm not sure I did. But if you did wrong, you were in trouble and we often spent eight hours a day trying
to learn what to do!
Interviewer. So how did you feel when you first heard that you were actually going to the moon?
Charles: I suppose you're expecting me to say "exhilarated'. But I knew there were lots of 'ifs' - It would happen
if they didn't cancel the programme, if I didn't got sick and so on. So I stopped doing all the dangerous
sports I was involved in.
Interviewer. So you knew you had one chance and if you blew it, you wouldn’t get another?
Charles: That just about sums it up!
Interviewer And when you eventually got there, what impact did it have on you? Landing on the moon, I mean!
Charles: When we saw the moon for the first time from about 1500 metres we recognized the landmarks but as
we got closer, we saw that the spot we were going to land on was very rough - big rocks and craters -

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so we panicked a bit. And the more we tried to manoeuvre, and the closer we got the more moon dust
we blew out.
Interviewer But you landed safely?
Charles: Eventually, yes. We were six hours late. So when we touched down we erupted in enthusiasm. We
shook hands and hugged each other.
Interviewer Not an easy feat in spacesuits.
Charles: [laughs] No, indeed. But after that ... we had to rest for a certain period …. we got outside for the very
first time.
Interviewer. You must have been terrified.
Charles: We had no sense of few about stepping off the ladder onto the moon. We just jumped off and started
bouncing around like lambs in a field in springtime.
Interviewer And when you saw the lunar landscape, did it live up to expectations?
Charles: What struck me most, apart from its awesome attraction was its desolation. The sky was jet black. You
felt as if you could reach out and touch it. There were no stars and the sun was shining all the time.
Interviewer And what went through your mind at that moment?
Charles: The fact it was so untouched. The fact that nobody had ever been to that particular spot before kept
returning. It was simply breathtaking.
Interviewer. And do you have a favourite memory of the mission?
Charles: Definitely. It was the thing that we did during the last moonwalk. We were about six kilometres or so
from the base, and on the edge of a big crater, 100 metres deep. We had to be careful as we walked
along the ridge because one slip would have been dangerous. Suddenly we saw this huge rock. It was
a long way off, and there are no people or cars to judge distances or give you any sense of scale.
Interviewer. But you managed to get down to it?
Charles: Eventually. It was enormous. The biggest rock anybody had ever touched on the moon. I had a
hammer and I hit a chunk of it - and it came off in my hand - a piece the size of a small melon.
Interviewer. A different kind of souvenir. So do you think we should go back? What's the reason for investing all this
time and money in the space race anyway?
Charles: Oh, it's the prime place for a scientific base ...

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