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AI M: De monstrati on of li near measuri ng instrument s and t heir appli cati ons for li near
measure ment s.
LEARNI NG OBJ ECTI VES: Aft er t he st udy of all basi c i nstrument s st udent will acquire
i nt ellect ual skill of underst andi ng t he constructi on and use of i nstrument s.

EQUI P MENTS REQUI RED: Surface pl at e, Insi de and Out si de calipers , V- Bl ock, Feel er
Gauge, Scre w pit ch gauge, Radi us gauge, Ver nier cali per, Micr o met er (Out si de and i nsi de)
Ver ni er Dept h Gauge, etc.

THEORY: Li near measuri ng i nstru ment s are desi gned eit her for li ne measure ment s or end
measure ment s. In end measuri ng i nstrument s, t he measure ment is taken bet ween t wo end
surfaces as i n mi cr o met er, sli p gauge.
Li near measure ment appli ed t o measure ment appli es t o measure ment of lengt hs, di a met ers
hei ght s and t hi ckness i ncl udi ng ext er nal and i nter nal measure ment s. The i nstrument s used for
li near measure ment can be cl assified as
1. Di rect measuri ng i nstrument.
2. Indirect measuri ng i nstrume nt s
The direct measuri ng i nstrument s are of t wo t ypes.
(i) Graduat ed (ii) Non- graduat ed
The graduat ed i nstrument s i ncl udes rul es, ver nier cali per, ver ni er hei ght gauge, ver ni er dept h
gauge, mi cr omet er, di al indi cat or et c.
The non- graduat ed i nstru ment s i ncl udes cali pers tra mmel s, tel escope gauge, surface
gauge, strai ght edges, wi re gauge, scre w pit ch gauges, et c. t hey can also be cl assifi ed as,
1. Non precisi on i nstrument s such as st eel rul e, cali pers et c.
2. Pr ecisi on measuri ng i nstru ment s such as ver ni er i nstrument s, mi cr omet er, and di al gauge et c.
1. Non preci si on i nstrume nts-
I- Steel Rul e ( Scal e) - Steel rul e is a li ne measuring devi ce. It is a part replica of t he i nt ernati onal
pr ot ot ype met er. It compare as unkno wn l engt h t o be measured wit h t he previ ousl y cali brat ed
lengt h. It is made of har dened st eel or st ai nl ess st eel havi ng seri es of equall y spaced li nes
engraved on it. St eel rule is most commonl y used i n wor kshop for measuri ng co mponent s of
li mit ed accuracy.
The qui ckness and ease wi t h whi ch it can be used and its l ow cost, makes it a popul ar and
wi del y used measuri ng devi ce. The st eel rul es are manufact ured i n different si ze and st yl es.
These are avail abl e i n 150, 300, 600 or 1000 mm lengt hs.

II- Spri ng Cali pers – Spri ng cali pers are i mpr oved vari eties of ordi nar y fricti on j oi nt cali pers.
The l egs of spri ng cali pers are made from suit able all oy st eel t he measuring l aves pr operl y heat
treat ment t o a har dness of 650 +- 50 Hv. The t wo l egs carry a cur ved spri ng of t he t op fitted i n
t he not ches. A hi nged pin is provi ded a little bel ow t he not ches. The cur ved spri ng is made fro m
car bon spri ng st eel. It is properl y har dened and te mpered t o a har dness of 470 t o 520 Hv. A
scre w is fi xed i n one l eg and made t o pass t hrough t he ot her. It is provi ded wit h a knurl ed nut for
ma ki ng adj ust ment s. The t endency of t he spring is t o force t he leg apart and t he di st ance
bet ween t hey can be adj ust ed by ti ght eni ng t he nut.
Cali pers can also be cl assified accor di ng t o t heir use
1. Out si de cali pers 2. Insi de cali pers
3. Transfer cali pers 4. Col d l eg cali pers.


Outsi de Fi r m Cali per Outsi de Spri ng Cali per

Insi de Fi r m Cali per Insi de Spri ng Cali per

Transfer Cali per Odd Leg Cali per

III- Surf ace Pl ate- Surface pl at e for ms t he basis of measure ment. They are ext ensi vel y used i n
wor kshop and metrol ogi cal laborat ories where i nspecti on is carri ed out. They can be used as
1. Areference or dat umis basis of measure ment. They are ext ensi vel y used i n wor kshop and
Metrol ogi cal laborat ories where i nspecti on is carri ed out. They can be used as,
i. Areference or dat um surface for testi ng straight ness and fl at ness of surface.
ii. Reference surface for all ot her measuri ng i nstrument s havi ng fl at base. e. g. For mounti ng
V- Bl ocks, Angl e plat e, si ne bar, hei ght gauge, comparat ors et c.
Mat eri als of surface pl at e are cast iron, granit e gl ass.
The surface pl at e shoul d be manufact ured from a mat eri al,
1. Whi ch will provi de hi gh degree of ri gi dit y
2. Fr eedo m from war pi ng
3. Capabl e of taki ng hi gh surface fi nish
4. Resi st ant t o wear and corrosi on.

Surf ace Pl ate

I V - Feel er Gauge- Feeler gauge is used t o measure t he cl earance bet ween t he t wo mati ng parts
for e. g. It can be used i n gaugi ng of t he cl earance bet ween t he pist on and cyli nder and al so for
adj usti ng t he spar k gap bet ween t he distri but or poi nt of an aut omobil e. The feel er gauge set
consists of narrow stri ps of st eel of different t hi ckness asse mbl ed (hi nged) t oget her i n a hol der.
The wor ki ng entirel y depends upon t he sense of feel. In usi ng t he stri p (bl ades) it is
essenti al t hat t he stri ps shoul d neit her be forced bet ween t he surface nor sli de freel y. The correct
stri ps or a co mbi nati on of stri ps will gi ve a characteristic gauge fit t ype of feel.

V- Radi us Gauge- Radi us gauge are e mpl oyed for checki ng ext ernal and i nt ernal radii of a
cur ved surface. Radi us gauge consists of sets of blades. The correspondi ng radi us is per manentl y
ma kes on each bl ade. The set consist of bl ades wit h i nt ernal radi us on one si de and ext er nal
radi us on t he ot her so t hat it may be suit abl e for checki ng fillet as well as radi us. The passage of
li ght bet ween t he gauge and t he wor k all ows t he radi us t o be checked pr operl y.
Radi us Gauge

Preci si on Li near Measure me nt – It is necessary t o manufact ure co mponent s, parts wit h cl ose
di mensi onal t ol erances to make t he m i nt erchangeabl e. Int erchangeability can be achi eved onl y
by precisi on di mensi onal control of t he parts bei ng manufact ured. Thus t o measure t he
di mensi ons of t he part wi t h cl ose accuracy, precision i nstrument s pl ay an import ant rol e.
VI. Verni er Calli per- The ver ni er cali per consists of t wo scal e one is fi xed and ot her is movabl e.
The fi xed scal e call ed mai n scal e is cali brat ed and has L-shaped for m and carri es a fi xed j a w.
The movabl e scal e call ed ver ni er scal e sli des over t he mai n scal e and carri es a moveabl e j a w.
The movabl e j a w as well as t he fi xed j a w carri es measuri ng ti p. When t he t wo j a ws are cl osed,
t he zer o of t he ver ni er scal e coi nci des wit h zero of mai n scal e . For precise setti ng of t he
movabl e ja w an adj ust ment scre w is provi ded. Al so arrange ment scre w is provi ded t o l ock t he
sli di ng scal e on t he fi xed mai n scal e.
Ver ni er cali pers are empl oyed for bot h i nt ernal and ext ernal measure ment s. It is
generall y used by cl osi ng t he j a ws on t o t he wor k surface and t aki ng t he readi ng fromt he mai n as
well as t he ver ni er scal e.

Verni er Cali per

VIII – Verni er hei ght gauge- Ver ni er hei ght gauge is si mil ar t o ver nier cali per but i n t his
i nstrument t he graduat ed bar is hel d i n vertical positi on and it is used i n conj uncti on wit h surface
pl at e.
Constructi on –
It consist of
1. A fi nel y gr ound and l apped base. The base is massi ve and robust i n constructi on is
ensure ri gi dit y and st abilit y.
2. A verti cal graduat ed beam or col umn support ed on a massi ve base.
3. At t ached t o t he bea mis ver ni er scal e and its cl a mp scre w.
4. An auxiliary head whi ch is also attached t o bea m above t he sli di ng ver ni er head. It has
fi ne adj ust ment and cl a mpi ng scre w.
5. A measuri ng j a w or a scri ber att ached t o t he front of t he sli di ng ver ni er.
I X- Verni er dept h gauge –
Thi s is si mil ar t o ver ni er hei ght gauge. It consist of mai n scal e, ver ni er scal e ja w , l ocknut, fi ne
adj ust ment scre w. In verni er dept h gauge, graduated scal e can sli de t hr ough t he base and ver ni er
scal e re mai ns fi xed. The verni er dept h gauge is used t o measure dept h of hol es dist ance from a
pl ane surface t o a pr oj ecti on and recess.

Verni er hei ght gauge Verni er dept h gauge

X. Micro met er
Pri nci pl e- It wor ks on t he pri nci pl e of move ment of a nut and a screw bot h of whi ch have
accurat el y cut t hreads.
Descri pti on- It consists of an accurat e scre w with about 10 or 20 t hreads per c m revol vi ng i n a
fi xed nut. The accuracy of mi cr omet er depends upon t he accuracy of t he spi ndl e scre wt hreads.
Rat chet- It controls t he pressure appli ed for accurat e measure ment. It is t he s mall ext ensi on of
t hi mbl e.
Thi mbl e- The spi ndl e move ment eit her i n for ward or backwar d different is controll ed by rot ati on
of t hi mbl e.
Barrel- It has fi xed graduati ons whi ch are cl earl y engraved on it and bl ackened for readi ng.
Anvil- It is made up of har dened for st eel and is ri gi dl y fi xed t o t he one end of t he fra me. When
t he spi ndl e t ouches t he anvil t hen t hi mbl e cannot be rot at ed furt her i n for war d directi on l east
count. The t hi mbl e whi ch is t he moveabl e or circul ar scal e is di vi ded i nt o 50 equal parts. Ever y
graduati on is nu mbered from 0 t o 50.
S mall est di visi on on mai n scal e
Least count = -----------------------------------------------
Tot al no. of di visi on on circul ar scal e.

XI- Outsi de Micro met er- It is used t o measure t he out si de di a. and l engt h of s mall parts t o
accuracy 0. 01 mm. The mai n parts of an out si de mi cr o met er are
A. V- Shaped st eel fra me.
B. Anvil and Spi ndl e
C. Lock nut
D. Sl eeve or barrel.
E. Thi mbl e
F. Rat chet
XII- Insi de Micro met er- Insi de mi cr o met er is used for measuri ng l ayer dime nsi ons.
A. Me asuri ng head ( Micr o met er unit)
B. Ext ensi on rod
C. Spaci ng coll ar
D. Handl e

Out si de Micro met er Insi de Micro met er

XIII- Dept h Micro met er- Dept h mi cr o met er is used for measuri ng dept h of hol e, sl ots et c. Its
pri nci pl e is si mil ar t o micromet er. It consists of one shoul der t hat acts as t he reference whil e
measure ment is carri ed out. Ext ensi on rods can be used for large ranges of measure ment.
Eg. Rod- 1 Range 0- 25 mm
Rod- 2 Range 25- 50 mm
Rod- 3 Range 50- 75 mm
Rod- 4 Range 75- 100 mm
If ext ensi on rods are used t he readi ng is t o cal culat ed as
Tot al readi ng = ( ESR + CSR x LC) + ( Lower range of ext ensi on rod)
The i mport ant poi nt t o be not ed is t hat its scal e is cali brat ed i n reverse directi on

Dept h Micromet er

Sr. No. Instrume nt St eel Rul e Verni er Cali per Mi cro met er Si mpl e
Feat ure Cali per




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