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Stage 1: Investigate

Find a Need - The MISO Method (Media, Interview, Survey

and Observation)
What does your community need? Use the questions in the MISO Method (following four
categories) as guides for finding out. You might decide to learn about general needs at
school or in the surrounding area connected to one or more Sustainable Development

Identify the SDG goal(s) you want to focus on (check the

image and follow this link to know more about the SDG
development-goals/ ):

I want my project to be based around the responsible production and

compsuntion and life on land (SDGs 15 and 12)

1. Media
What media (newspapers, TV, radio, websites, magazines, apps) in your community might have helpful
information? Eg. if a newspaper has a cover story about recycling (or homelessness, gender equality, etc.) three times in a
month, that’s an indicator of need. You can also identify a need in your school community. List ways you can work
with the media to learn about issues in your community. Add also resources that might be useful for your project.

My project is going to be in school -----

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2. Interviews
Think of a person who is knowledgeable about this topic in your area (maybe someone in school, in a local
organization or government office). Write five questions you would ask this person in an interview.

An interview with _____________________________________________

Questions for the interview:

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________

3. Survey
A survey can help you find out what people know or think about a topic and get ideas for helping. Who
could you survey? Students, family members, neighbors? Write from three to five survey questions if you
are in MYP 1 / 2 or five or more survey questions if you are in MYP 3 / 4 / 5.

MYP 1, 2 and 3s. Also my parents and teachers who would be willing to do it.
Who to survey: ________________________________

Questions for the survey:

Do you think that it would be beneficial to recycle materials into art, toys and decorations?
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
Which kind of art, toys or decorations would you buy or expect?
3. ___________________________________________________
Which materials would you think the decorations should be made of?
Would you buy such a decoration if it was nice and looked good?
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
Would you like to add soemthing to help me with my project?

4. Observations
How can you gather information through your own observation and experience? Where would you go?
What would you do there? How would you keep track of what you find out?

Upload your investigation and results to the appropriate Google Classroom assignment.

From your research you should decide on the Service and Action activity/project you will
implement and describe it in Stage 2: Plan.

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