A) Administrative Information: Annual Course Report

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Ship Performance - NME433

Quality Assurance & Accreditation Unit

Annual Course Report

A) Administrative Information
Course Title Ship Performance Code NME433
Department offering the course Naval architecture and Marine Engineering Level 4
Program on which the course is given Naval architecture and Marine Engineering
Department(s) offering the program Naval architecture and Marine Engineering
Academic year 2019 / 2020 AD Semester ( √ )First , ( )Second
Start data 9 / 2019 AD End date 1 /2020 AD
Lecture Tutorial Lab. Total
Actual taught hours
2 1 1 4
Are there any difference between these figures and those specified? ( )Yes, ( √ ) No. , If
yes, please give the reasons:
1) Prof.Dr. M.A.Mosaad
Names of Lectures contributing to the delivery
of the course.
1) Prof.Dr. M.A.Mosaad
Members of course examination committee. 2)
Dates of meeting of course examination committee. December 2019
Course coordinator Prof.Dr. M.A.Mosaad
External evaluator Dr. Ahmed El-Hewi

B) Statistical Information

No. of students starting the course No. of students completing the course
30 29
No. 29 No. 0
Results of completing students Passed Failed
% 100 % 0
Grading of completing students (of total pass)

No. 4 Very No. 8 No. 12 No. 5

Excellent Good Pass
% 13.8 % 27.6 % 41.4 % 17.2
Ship Performance - NME433

Are the grades acceptable? (√ ) Yes, ( ) No. If no, please give the reasons.

C) Professional Information

1) Course teaching
Topics taught as a percentage of those specified: ( √ ) 100 % ( ) < 100% ,
If the percentage is less than 100%, please give reasons for not teaching any topic:
Referring to the course specification, please list any ILO's specified but not taught.
2) Student assessment
Method of assessment Mark % of total
Final term examination 60 60
Mid term examination 20 10
Quiz 10 10
Tutorial & Report 10 10
Total 100 100 %

3 ) Teaching and Learning Methods : ( please check √ or X)

Lectures √ Work Shop
Practical Training Class activity √
Laboratory √ Case Study √
Seminar Other assignments/homework √
4) Facilities and Teaching Materials : please check √
Totally adequate
Maintenance and repair laboratory devices
Adequate to some extent √
Reasons of your choice: please check √
(√ ) academic staff ( ) non- academic staff ( ) teaching accommodation
( ) library ( ) laboratories ( ) IT facility
5) Administrative Constrain
6) Student evaluation of Course Comments of Course Team
‫تعليق منسق المقرر‬ ‫رأئ الطالب‬ ‫البيان‬
Ship Performance - NME433

‫ في حالة غير مقبول‬:‫الفعل أو التعليق‬ ‫مقبول‬ %
√ 79.7 ‫المدرجات وقاعات التدريس‬
‫ال يوجد معمل أو ورش‬ √ ---- ‫الورش‬/ ‫المعامل‬
√ 83.68 ‫نظام التقويم‬
√ 80 ‫عضو الهيئة المعاونة‬
√ 67.37 ‫المحاضر‬
‫سوف يتم تحديث المحاضرات مع التركيز على‬ √ 55.92 ‫المحاضرات‬
‫المزيد من األمثلة المحلول‬.
√ 60.53 ‫مخرجات التعلم المستهدفة‬
‫سوف يتم تحديث المقرر الدراسي‬ √ 46.05 ‫المقرر الدراسي‬
29:‫إجمالي عدد الطالب‬
:‫تعليق نهائي في حالة الضرورة‬
7 ) Comment For External Evaluator(s) Comments of Course Team

‫تم األخذ في اإلعتبار جميع مالحظات المراجع الخارجي بالنسبة لمواصفات وتقرير المقرر‬

8) Course Enhancement
Progress on actions identified in the previous year's action plan:

Action Completed (√ or X) Reasons

Enhance course material √

9) Action Plan For Academic Year 2020 / 2021 AD

Action required Completion date Person responsible

Maintenance and repair for laboratory
2020/2021 Head of department
Focusing on the practical part by
Providing a set of videos that explain 2020/2021 Course Coordinator
how to conduct sea trials for ships.

Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mosaad

Program coordinator: Dr. Ameen Massam

Head of the Department: Prof. Dr. Heba El-Kilani

Ship Performance - NME433

Date 10 / 2020

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