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~ NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 aor Wl Fe ORC NATOPS Flight Manual Fie Loren iss NAVY MODEL acum EOC ancy T-2A AIRCRAFT Vv tested ans) i) creo OPERATION Re ad favre) Vil vl WEAPONS ‘SYSTEMS ve mais) Certo THIS PUBLICATION SUPERSEDES NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 4 yVOzy DATED 1 FEBRUARY 1961 REVISED 1 JUNE 1962 eee rt es ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS DATA AND UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS ALPHABETICAL INDEX LS April 1966 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Reproduction for non-military use of the information or illustrations contained in this publication is not permitted without specific approval of the issuing service (BuWeps or AMC). The policy for use of Classified Publications is established for the Air Force in AFR 205-1 and for the Navy in Navy Regulations, Article 1509. LIST OF CHANGED PAGES ISSUED INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES. DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES, NOTE: The postion of the text affected by the current change is indicated by a vertical line inthe outer margins of the page. ‘The asterisk indicates pages changed, added, or deleted by the current change "ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED AS FOULOWS: BuWeps USAF ACTIVITIES. — In accordance with Technical Order No. 00-52, NAVY ACTIVITIES. — Use DD FORM 1348 and submit in accordance with the instructions contained in NAV- SANDA PUBLICATION 408—Navy Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure For information on other available material and details of distribution refer to NAVSANDA. PUBLICA. ‘TION 2002, SECTION VILL, and NAVWEPS 00-5004, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D.C, -20350 15 April 1966 LETTER OF PROMULGATION 1. The Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization Program (NATOPS) is a positive approach towards improving combat readiness and achieving a substantial reduction in the aircraft accident rate. Standardization, based on professional knowledge and experience provides the basis for development of an efficient and sound operational procedure, The standardization program is not planned to stifle individ- ual initiative but rather, it will aid the Commanding Officer in increasing his unit's combat potential without reducing his command prestige or responsibility. 2, This Manual is published for the purpose of standardizing ground and flight procedures, and does not include tactical doctrine, Compliance with the stipulated manual procedure is mandatory. However, to remain effective this manual must be dynamic. It must stimulate rather then stifle individual thinking, Since aviation is a continuing progressive profession, it is both desirable and necessary that new ideas and now techniques be expeditiously formulated and incorporated, It is a user's publication, prepared by and for users, and kept current by the users in order to achieve maximum readiness and safety in the most efficient and economical manner. Should conflict exist between the training and operating procedures found in this manual and those found in other publications, this manual will govern, 3. Check lists and other pertinent extracts from this publication necessary to normal operations and training should be made and may be carried in Naval aircraft for use therein. It is forbidden to make copies of this entire publication or major portions thereof without specific authority of the Chief of Naval Operations, 4. This Manual supersedes T2J-1 Flight Manual (NAVWEPS 01-G0GAA-1), dated 1 February 1961, revised 1 June 1962, and T-2A Naval Air Train= ing and Operating Procedures Standardization Manual dated 3 April 1963, and is effective upon receipt. PAUL B, RAMSEY Vice Admiral, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Opera NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 INTERIM REVISION SUMMARY ‘The following Interim Revisions have heen either canceled or incorporated in this Flight Manual Canceled o” Previously Incorporated Incorporated in This Revision on Pages Indicated L through 14 INTERIM REVISIONS OUTSTANDING: to be maintained by custodian of Flight Manual) Number Dute Purpose Flyleat NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 eq —_=]] [INTERIM CHANGE SUMMARY | CHANGE NUMBER CHANGE DATE PAGES AFFECTED PURPOSE Flyleaf 2 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section | Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Section It Section II! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Section IV Part 1 Part 2 Section V Section VI Section Vil Section Vill Section IX Section X Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Section X} Alphabetical Index THE AIRCRAFT General Description Systems Aircraft Servicing Aircraft Operating Limitations INDOCTRINATION AND TRAINING NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES Briefing and Debriefing Mission Planning Shore-based Procedures Carrier based Procedures . FLIGHT PROCEDURES AND CHARACTERISTICS Flight Procedures Flight Characteristics EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ALL-WEATHER OPERATION COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES WEAPONS SYSTEMS .... FLIGHT CREW COORDINATION NATOPS EVALUATION 1-2A NATOPS Evaluation Program NATOPS Forms NATOPS Question Bank PERFORMANCE DATA 1 Ll AG 157 ood -65, 21 a 31 ond 35 3.23 41 41 4l7 ol 61 7 81 S1 10-1 10-1 10-9 1015 ool FL Index 1 Contents Foreword "ARE YOU SCOPE This NATOPS Flight Manual (NAVWEPS 01 GUGAA-1) contains information and procedures recom: mended for the T-2A aircraft, bused on the latest available data, The data used as che basis for this are extracted from a light test program of production, aiteraft, engineering design information, and informa. tion from tesponsible training command NATOPS pet: sonnel. manual Description of che airframe, systems, and controls and fe Normal and emergency procedures provide instructions for safe operation in normal flight and coverage of fore seeable in-flight emergencies. Flight characteristics and nce daca are based on Aight test data, indicators provides a general knowledge of che air wvailable perforn A NATOPS Pocket Check Lise (NAVWEPS 01 GOGAA-1B) is provided with chis publication and is arcanged as a teady reference to operating procedures, servicing requirements, and essential performance da Check lise arrangement is as follows EMERGENCY PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES SPECIAL PROCEDURES REFERENCE DATA NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 CHANGES Changes to these publications are published as directed by the Chief of Naval Operations and under the direc tion of the Chief of the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Change stripes (heavy vertical lines in margins) indicate specific changes to text macerial. Pilots must be cognizant ‘of all pertinent technical directives, since these may cover critical flight restrictions or new procedures not yer incorporated by change. Interim Changes should be placed at the front of th manual uncil the Interim Change Summary (flyleaf pre- ceding the Table of Contents) indicates that the nfor mation has heen -orporated by change. This means that the flyleaf must always be consulted before using the manual ‘To determine whether your copy of the manual is the latest issue or contains the latest changes, consult NavSandA Publication 2002, Section VIII, Pare C. Change recommendations should be written on OPNAV, Form 3500-22 and forwarded to your NATOPS Eval vuator of Model Manager for further attention NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 MANUAL ARRANGEMENT In addition to the Table of Contents preceding this Foreword, an Alphabetical Index is provided at the end of this NATOPS Flight Manual for teferencing spe- cific subjects and illustrations. Aa understanding of the general convents of each section will simplify locating the information you desire, SECTION |— THE AIRCRAFT Part 1, General Description — An introduction to the aircraft Part 2, Systems — Description of all major systems, including controls and indicators, Port 3, Aircraft Servicing — Description and procedures for complete servicing, including starting units, danger areas, and curning radius, Port 4, Aircraft Operating Limitations — Restrictions for operation of the aircraft, engines, and systems which mast be observed for safe flighe, SECTION il — INDOCTRINATION. AND TRAINING A resumé of required training and equipment for com: pliance with the NATOPS program, SECTION Ill NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES Part 1, Briefing and Debriefing — A general outline of requirements, Post 2, Mission Planning — A guide to effective plan- ning, including definition of responsibilities. Port 3, Shore-bosed Procedures — Standard normal procedures used to conduct VER nontactical flight from an on-shore station, Part 4, Cartier-based Procedures — Standard normal procedures used co conduct VER noncactical flight from an aircraft cartier, SECTION IV — FLIGHT PROCEDURES AND CHARACTERISTICS Part 1, Flight Procedures — A sum in-flight procedures, wry of standard Part 2, Flight Characteristics — The lacest available data concerning characteristics throughout all phases of flight. SECTION V— EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Standard procedures to be followed during any emer: gency which could reasonably be expected, SECTION VI — ALLWEATHER OPERATION Addicional infor ion and. procedures required for flight under all weather conditions, SECTION Vil — COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES Procedures utilized 10 standardize all forms of com: munications, including the use of electronic navigation equipment, Foreword SECTION VIII WEAPONS SYSTEMS Operational procedures for effective utilization of the aircraft _armamene system in all modes. SECTION IX— FLIGHT CREW COORDINATION Not applicable to this aircraft SECTION X—NATOPS EVALUATION Port 1, T-2A NATOPS Evaluation Program — Require- ‘ments and procedures used in standardizing flight pro- cedures and evaluating the performance of pilots. as required to determine qualifications. Part 2, NATOPS Forms — Forms to be used in NATOPS evaluation, Part 3, NATOPS Question Bank — Questions co be used as a study guide to prepare for NATOPS evaluation SECTION Xi — PERFORMANCE DATA ‘raphic and tabular data of aircrafe performance to be used for effective mission plan AIRCRAFT BUREAU NUMBERS Each aircraft is assigned Bureau of Naval Weapons serial number (Bureau Numbee), T-2A aircrafe Bureau Numbers and the contractor's serial numbers are as follow: AIRCRAFT BUREAU contRactor NUMBERS NUMBERS 144217 through 144222 1 through 6 145996 through 146003 7 through 14 146004 through 146015 15 through 26 147430 through 147444 27 through 41 147445 through 147487 42 through 84 147488 through 147530 85 through 127 148150 through 148194 128 through 172 148195 through 148239 173 through 217 WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES rntion-gaining devices are employed TOPS Flight Manual. The type of device used depends upon the degree of hazard involved should the pilots disregard or fail to perform the procedure. A Functional interpretation of each type is as follows Operating information which, if ignored, can result in personal injury or loss of life Additional operating information which is im- portant in preventing damage to or destruction Of the aicerafe or its equipment. Note An operating procedure or information which is included for a more complete understanding, NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 — GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 ‘The Airerafe 14 PART 2 — SYSTEMS 1-9 Engine 19 Fuel System 143 Flectrical Power Supply System .... 116 Hydraulic Power Supply Syseem 1:20 Flight Control Syscem 1.20 Landing Gear System 1-24 ‘Wheel Brake System 1.25 Catapulting and Arresting Equipment 125 Inscruments 1.26 Angle-of-Atcack System 127 Emergency Equipment 1.28 Canopy . 1.29 Escape System 1:30 ‘Air Conditioning and Pressurization System 1:35 Communications and Associated Flectronic Equipment... 139 Lighting Equipment 147 Oxygen System 1-50 Miscellaneous Equipment 154 Armament System 134 PART 3 — AIRCRAFT SERVICING 137 Responsibility : 3 157 External Power Requirements 157 Military Specifications 157 Refueling a 137 Systems Servicing 1-60 Danger Areas : 161 Ground Handling - 161 PART 4 — AIRCRAFT OPERATING LIMITATIONS 1.65 Introduction 1-65 Instrument Markings 165 Engine Limit : oo I65 Airspeed Limitati 1-65 Maneuvering, Limitat 1.67 Acceleration 163 Weight Limitations 163 Grosswind Limitations 1-69 1.69 169 Centerof-gravity Limitations 169 Canopy Operation Limitations 1.69 PART 1 — GENERAL DESCRIPTION THE AIRCRAFT ‘The T-2A is a tworplace, subsonic trainer powered by 4 single, axial-flow turbojet engine, It is designed for land: of cacrier-based operations. Distinguishing features include wide-track tricycle landing gear, a straight tap: ered wing, a dorsal faired vertical stabilizer, low-slung intake ducts, a deep engine compartment, and a faired tail pipe. The flight control system includes hydraulic, fall-powered ailerons, a boosted elevator, a yaw damper, and an electrical trim system, Fuel is carried in a single fuselage cell, supplemented by nonjettisonable wing tip tanks. The escape system provides safe ejections from ground level at 75 knots to the aircraft speed-alticude limic. The tandem cockpit arrangement includes a raised afc seat for improved visibility, Stores may be carried at ovo wing stations for training in gunnery, rocketry, and bombing. w Section | NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Part 1 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT UNF COMM/TACAN ANTENNA ANTL-COLLISION BEACON FORMATION LIGHT FUSELAGE FUEL TANK RADAR/SAGGAGE COMPARTMENT LANDING AND TAXI LIGHT UH ADF ANTENNA NO. 1 INVERTER LIQUID OXYGEN SPHERE 10, CATAPULT HOOKS 11, AC FUSE PANEL 12. MAX) COMPASS AMPLIFIER 13. NO. 2 INVERTER 14. VERTICAL GYRO (vc) 15. AN/ARN-21 (TACAN) RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER 16. CATAPULT HOLDBACK V7. BATTERY COMPARTMENT 18. AN/AWG-6 FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS (PROVISIONS) 19. MARK 8 MOD 9 GUNSIGHT UNIT (PROVISIONS! 20. 5-1 EJECTION SEAT 21. STATIC PORT 22, CANOPY EXTERNAL JETTISON HANDLE 23, GRAVITY REFUELING ACCESS Figure 1-2 (Sheet 1) 12 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Section I Port 1 24, TAIL POSITION LIGHT AND FUEL TANK VENT 25. ARRESTING HOOK 26, TURBINE IMPINGEMENT START RECEPTACLE 27. TURBO-JET ENGINE |J34-WE-48) 28, SINGLE-POINT REFUEL AND ENGINE OIL ACCESS 29. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR 30. AN/ARC-27A UHF COMM RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER 31. D.C CIRCUIT-BREAKER PANEL 32. AN/ARA.25. OF UNIT 33, AIR TURBINE START RECEPTACLE 34. AN/ARR-40 AUX UHF RECEIVER 35. CANOPY EXTERNAL BUTTONS 36. ARMAMENT CONTROLS (PROVISIONS) 7. Pitot TURE Tas-1-1-00-268, Figure 1-2 (Sheot 2) 13 Section | Past 1 FUEL QUANTITY DATA BASED ON JP-4 FUEL (6.5 POUNDS / GAL—STANDARD DAY) USABLE FUEL Fuuuy TANKS | IN LEVEL SERVICED | huge 387 GAWONS| 388.3 GALLONS NAVWEPS 01-1 60GAA-1 FUSELAGE 1 3842 POUNDS TANK 2516 POUNDS | 2524 POUNDS ‘TOTAL USABLE’ PUL 591 GALLONS: uw 102 GALLONS 102.3 GALLONS TANKS 2 NOTE: ceo) ee ee SS PONS © To convert gallons of JP-5 fuel (MIl-J-5624), tnotiply gallos by 6.8 Standard Day only LLONS ‘TRAPPED Leen © Tonks serviced by single-point refueling. rue. 17 POUNDS Tay1-1-48-98 Figure 1-3 AIRCRAFT DIMENSIONS 7 werct Overall dimensions of the aircraft are as follows: oil 26 ‘Wing span (with tip tanks) 38.1 feet ieeaeieeoea “ Length 38.3 feet Oxygen Equipment 25 Height 14.8 feet Miscellaneous Equipment 59 Ground clearances and turning radii are illustrated in ‘Two Seat Pans — 56 figure One First Aid Kit— 3 __ Take-off Gross Weight 11,580 GAGE READINGS Gage readings, as presented in this manual, are exact per engineering specifications. The user may wish to round off on the safe side for ease of reading and reten GROSS WEIGHTS © Gross Weight (empty with tip tanks) —7193 pounds. © Maximum Take-off Gross Weight—12,500 pounds. CONFIGURATION WEIGHTS BASIC TRAINER (WITH TIP TANKS) weient re (Pounos: Gross Weight (empty) 7,193 Crow (2) ‘400 Fuel 3,877 Internal (388.3 gallons) — 2524 External (204.6 gallons) — 1330 Unusable (3.5 gellons) — 23 14 (GUNNERY TRAINER (WITH TIP TANKS — TWO.GUN PACKAGES) weickr trem @ounos Gross Weight (empty! 7,193 Crow (2) ‘400 Fuel 3,877 Internal (388.3 gallons) — 2524 External (204.6 gallons) — 1330 Unusable (3.5 gallons) — 23, oil 26 Engine (2.5 gallons) — 19 Unusable (1.0 gallon) —7 Armament 487 Aircraft Fire Control System — 112 Gun Package (with adapters) — 360 Control Console — 12 Camera —3 Oxygen Equipment 25 Miscellaneous 39 Two Seat Pans — 56 One First Aid Kit — 3 Take-off Gross Weight GUNNERY TRAINER (WITH TIP TANKS — ROCKET INSTALLATION} Gross Weight (empty) Crew (2) Fuel Internal (388.3 gallons) — 2524 External (204.6 gallons) — 1330 Unusable (3.5 gallons) — 23 oir Engine (2.5 gellons) — 19 Unuseble (1.0 gallon) — 7 Armament Aircroft Fire Control System — 112 Rocket Installation — 360 Control Console — 12 Camera — 3 Oxygen Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Two Seat Pans — 56 ‘One First Aid Kit — 3. Toke-off Gross Weight NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 weioht 7.193 400 3,877 26 487 25 59. 12,087 BOMBING TRAINER (WITH TIP TANKS) Gross Weight (empty) Crew (2) Fuel Internal (388.3 gallons) — 2524 External (204.6 gallons) — 1330 Unusable (3.5 gallons) — 23 Unusable (1.0 gallons) — Armament Aircraft Fire Control System — 112 Bomb Installation (two 100-pound ‘M2A2 clusters) — 256 Bomb Racks — 50 Control Console — 12 Oxygen Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Two Seat Pans — 56 One First Aid Kit — 3 Take-off Gross Weight Section | Port 1 vrouNs) 7198 400 387 26 430 25 59 Section! Part 1 16 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 (TYPICAL) THUNDERSTORM LIGHT ANTIG SUIT VALVE CONSOLE FLOODLIGHT AUXILIARY UHF RECEIVER CONTROL PANEL UHF AND AUX RECEIVER CONTROL TRANSFER PANEL UHF COMMUNICATIONS. CONTROL PANEL AIR DEFLECTOR CONTROL ‘AIR VENT RUDDER TRIM SWITCH CANOPY SWITCH SPEED BRAKE SWITCH FLAP HANDLE POWER CONTROL LEVER RELEASE BUTTON @ POWER CONTROL LEVER CATAPULT HOLD HANDLE CANOPY EMERGENCY RELEASE HANDLE ENGINE MASTER SWITCH A. LANDING GEAR HANDLE UHF CHANNELIZATION CARD Figure 1-4 CCIRCUIT-BREAKER PANEL HYDRAULIC BOOST SWITCH A. ENGINE START SWITCH EXTERIOR LIGHTS MASTER SWITCH AIR START SWITCH POWER CONTROL LEVER FRICTION LEVER A LANDING AND TAX| LIGHT SWITCH MICROPHONE BUTTON TRIM INDICATORS SPEED BRAKE DUMP HANDLE A FUEL TRANSFER SWITCH (TIP TANKS) TIP TANK FUEL DUMP HANDLE a OXYGEN ON-OFF LEVER EMERGENCY LIGHT FUEL ON-OFF HANDLE FORWARD COCKPIT ONLY ‘AFT COCKPIT ONLY T2p-1-1-00-75 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Section | Part 1 INSTRUMENT PANEL 1 WHEELS WARNING LIGHT 18. RATE-OF-CLIMB INDICATOR 2. APPROACH INDEXER 19 CABIN PRESSURE ALTIMETER 3 ANGLE.OF-ATTACK INDICATOR 20 TURN AND BANK INDICATOR 4 AIRSPEED INDICATOR 21 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE INDICATOR 5 COUNTER-POINTER ALTIMETER 22. RUDDER PEDAL ADJUST CRANK 6 FIRE WARNING LIGHTS. 23 INSTRUMENT POWER-OFF CAUTION LIGHT 7 ATTITUDE INDICATOR 24 GENERATOR OUT CAUTION LIGHT {8 STAND-BY COMPASS (BOTH COCKPITS! 25 WINDSHIELD ANTL-ICE OVERHEAT CAUTION LIGHT 9 AIRSPEED CORRECTION CARD 26 LOW FUEL CAUTION LIGHT 10. RADIO MAGNETIC INDICATOR 27 ACCELEROMETER 11. ELAPSED TIME CLOCK 28 CANOPY UNLOCKED CAUTION LIGHT 12. TACAN DISTANCE INDICATOR 29. OXYGEN LOW PRESSURE /QUANTITY CAUTION LIGHT 13. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATOR AND TEST SWITCH 30. LANDING GEAR AND FLAP POSITION INDICATOR 14 FUEL FLOW INDICATOR 31. SPEED BRAKE POSITION INDICATOR 15. OBTAIN COURSE CAUTION LIGHT 32. EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 16 OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR 33 LIQUID OXYGEN QUANTITY INDICATOR AND TEST SWITCH 17 TACAN COURSE INDICATOR 34 TACHOMETER 211-0066 Figure 1-5 Section! Port 1 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 (TYPICAL) VOUT-AMMETER ARRESTING HOOK HANDLE FIELD-CARRIER SWITCH A. INTERIOR LIGHTS CONTROL PANEL EXTERIOR LIGHTS CONTROL PANEL INSTRUMENT A-C POWER SWITCH A. FIRE DETECTOR AND WARNING LIGHTS Test SWITCH EJECTION COMMAND SELECTOR HANDLE CONTROL TRANSFER PANEL INTERCOM CONTROL PANEL TACAN CONTROL PANEL TACAN-COMPASS CONTROL TRANSFER PANEL MA-1 GYRO COMPASS CONTROL PANEL ‘AIR DEFLECTOR CONTROL COCKPIT AIR CONTROL PANEL & DEFROST SWITCH A. WINDSHIELD & CANOPY DEFROST SWITCH® 7 18 9 20 2 2 23 24 25 % 7 e INSTRUMENT HOOD (STOWEDI@ DATA CASE CONSOLE FLOODLIGHT PITOT HEATER SWITCH A WINDSHIELD ANTLICE SWITCH A, [AFT COCKPIT ATTITUDE INDICATOR FAILURE SWITCH SEAT ADJUST SWITCH GENERATOR RESET SWITCH YAW DAMPER SWITCH D-C POWER SWITCHA EMERGENCY ELECTRIC DISCONNECT SWITCH® CONTROL LOCK HANDLE A FORWARD COCKPIT ONLY AFT COCKPIT ONLY Figure 1-6 12J-1-1-00-8H NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Section | Part 2 PART 2 — SYSTEMS ENGINE The J34WE-48 engine is rated at 3400 pounds mai mum static thrust at sea level under Standard Day con- ditions. Air intake is provided through a bifurcated inlet duct under the nose section of the aircraft. The single-rotor, eleven-stage, axial-flow compressor is driven by a single-stage turbine through a common shaft, Fuel is supplied through 12 spray nozzles at the inlet to a single annular combustion chamber. Combustion is in ated by a high-energy, d-c ignition unit, ewo starting fuel nozzles, and two igniter plugs. Engine thrust is transmitted to the airframe through two of che three engine mounts. An electrical generator, gear-type fuel pump, oil pumps, and a cachometer-generator are driven by a power take-off gearbox at the front main bearing support. A turbine impingement starting system uses the force of compressed ait applied directly to the blades of the turbine wheel to produce initial engine rotation. ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM ‘The engine fuel system receives fuel under low pressure from the fuselage tank, boosts the flow to high pressure, and conteols engine rpm by regulating the amount of fuel delivered to che combustion chamber, The engine fuel control system consists of a manual fuel ON/OFF valve, a fuel pump/fuel control unit, a fuel flow erans- mitter, and the engine fuel distribution manifold. FUEL PUMP/FUEL CONTROL UNIT ‘The fuel pump/fuel conteol unit is an integeated unit, consisting of an engine-driven, positive-displacement boost pump and a bydromechanical fuel control unit. Fuel Pump ‘The engine-driven fuel pump is a dual-element, high- pressure pump which supplies fuel flow to the fuel con- trol unit. The two elements operate io a single housing with a coaxial shaft co ensure continuous flow in the event one element should shear. Either element is cap: able of supplying maximum fuel pressure to the engine. Fuel Control ‘The engine fuel control unit accepts high-pressure fuel from che engine-driven pump and regulates engine spat by adjusting fuel flow for changes in demand and atmos- pheric conditions, It also provides automatic starting, acceleration control, and idle rpm schedule control. The control and compensating units maintain a near constant engine rpm for any given power setting regardless of changing conditions of atmosphere and airspeed. The engine acceleration fuel flow schedule is also compen- sated for variations in compressor inlet air density wo prevene engine stalling or excessive temperatures, Engine fuel flow is controlled by varying the spring load on speed governor valve to obtain the desired engine speed. Movement of the power control lever linkage, which is directly connected to the fuel control, determines the power setting through the spring load placed on the governor valve. FUEL/OIL COOLER A fuel/oil cooler (figure 1-7) is installed on the engine {0 cool the engine lubricating oil. All engine fuel passes through the fuel/oil cooler, which is installed dowa- stream of the hydromechanical fuel control, As the engine lubricating oil passes through the cooler, the heat is transmitced to che fuel. No controls are provided for the fuel/oil cooler as its function is automatic, FUEL FLOW TRANSMITTER A fuel flow transmitter is incorporated downstream of the fuel control. The synchro transmitters provide elee- tical position information proportional to the rate of flow for cockpit indication. Refer to ENGINE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS, in. this section, FUEL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ‘The fuel distribution system consists of a manifold with three balance valves, a fuel dump valve, 12 spray nozzles, and two starting fuel nozzles. The center balance valve is the master, containing a pressure balancing mechanism and relief valve. In each balance valve, fuel flow is ivided into four equal parts and fed co the spray nozzles. ‘The nozzles direct a spray of atomized fuel into the com. bastion chamber at che proper fuel/air mixture ratio for combustion, The fuel manifold dump valve, closed by fuel pressure during engine operation, opens on engine shutdown, Fuel in the manifold and associated lines is, drained overboard to prevent residual burning in the combustion chamber STARTING SYSTEM The starting system consists of the engine master and stare switches, « starter relay, the ignition and starting fuel system, the air start switches, and a throtde igoition switeh. Starting power is supplied by a d-e electrical external power unit, or aircraft battery, and a high: volume external air compressor unit. Engine ignition is provided by a dec electrical vibrator unit, wo spark plugs, a starting fuel solenoid, and ewo starting fuel nozzles. Normal engine starts are automatic once the cycle is initiated; starting epm is produced by directing an impinging airflow over the engine turbine buckets The ignition and starting fuel system is placed in opera tion when, with the primary dec bus energized, the ENGINE MASTER switch is mioved (0 ON, the ENGINE START switch is held momentarily in START, and the power control lever is moved toward spLe. During the start cycle (normal or air start), burning of the ignition fuel spray causes ligh-off of the main fuel/air mixture 19 Seetion | Part 2 ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM MAIN FUEL TANK Boost FUEL A AND ‘AND GOVERNING IGNITER IGNITER Plus. (MECHANICAL —— HECTRICAL FUEL SHUTOFF HANDLE COMPENSATION NOZZLES eee NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 POWER CONTROL LEVER IGNITION SWITCH FUEL FLOW TRANSMITTER SOLENOID SHUTOFF VALVE (= surety Fue. WII \GNITION FUEL (MM ENGINE FUEL SPRAY NOZZLE (12) T211-8-28, Figure 1-7 ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE TThe servicing or starting electrical power source should be a 28-volt (constant-voltage), 500-ampere unit. If an electrical power unit is not available, starting electrical power is made available by moving the nc PowER switch STARTING AIR SOURCE ‘The external starting air unit must be capable of pro: ducing approximately 65 pounds-per-minute airflow at about 45 psi (absolute) pressure, A delivered gage set ting of 30 to 35 psi is recommended when using a variable delivery pressure unit. Note For applicable starting air and external power units, see figure 1-25. ENGINE COMPRESSOR BLEED SYSTEM High-pressure air is extracted through two ports located fon the diffuser case bleed manifold, The air is then 1-10 utilized for cockpit conditioning, windshield and canopy defrost and antiice, fuel transfer, and other aircraft Ol SYSTEM Engine lubricating oil is contained in a 3.5-gallon (25 usable; 1.0 foam and expansion) tank mounted in the lefe forwaed portion of the engine compartment. The oil tank filter is located forward of the single-point refueling recepeacle in an access forward of the left wing leading edge, This oil is used in lubricating the engine main bearings, the accessory gearbox, and drive mech anisms. An arrangement of lines within the tank assures adequate engine supply regardless of aircraft attitude, The supply line acts as a suction feed line during in- verted or negative “g” flight and the venting design seduces loss of oil during negative “g” conditions. The tank overboard vent incorporates a barometric valve which closes between 15,000 and 20,000 feet, maintain: ing about 3 psi pressure in the tank. This pressure as sures positive supply to the engine-driven oil pump. NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 ‘olL PUMP ‘The engine-driven oil pump has four elements: a pres sure element and three scavenge elements. All elenients are driven by a common shaft and each receives oil from a separate source. The pressure element receives oil from the tank and discharges oil under high pressure (196 psi maximum) ‘Om Cooter Scavenged engine oil is cooled in a fuel oil cooler before returning co the tank. The oil is forced, under low pres: sure, through tubing within the cooler around which fuel is circulated as a heatabsorbing medium. Note For approved oil grade and specifications, see figure 1-25. ENGINE CONTROLS AND INDICATORS POWER CONTROL LEVER Engine speed is selected by the power control lever (14, figure 1-4), mounted in a quadrane on the left console in each cockpit, The power control lever is connected to the engine fuel control by mechanical linkage and is provided with a friction lock lever, Outboard deflec ion of the power control lever of che forward cockpit quadrant is requited co bypass the iL stop in moving the power control lever from OFF to spLE oF from IDLE to OFF, The aft cockpit power control lever geip incor: porates an IDLE stop release button which must be de pressed in order to move the lever (0 OFF of ¢o IDLE, In each cockpit, the engine power control lever grip incor- porates a microphone switch and a speed brake control switch, The forward cockpit power control lever grip also contains a switch for electrically caging the gunsight Switches in the quadrant, actuated by the power conteol lever, control engine ignition and landing gear warning. circuits. The power control lever is locked by actuation ‘of the gust lock, POWER CONTROL LEVER RELEASE BUTTON (AFT COCKPIT! ‘The power control lever release button is located on the afe cockpit power control lever grip. When this button is depressed, an electrical solenoid retracts the idle stop in the forward power control lever quadrant, allowing. the pilor in the aft cockpit to move the power control lever through we position. Electrical de power must be supplied to the primary bus for this button to be operative and the ENGINE MASTER switch in the forward cockpie must be in the ON position, FRICTION LEVER A power control lever friction lever is incorporated on the power control quadrant in the forward cockpit (25, figure 1-4). Forward movement of the lever increases friction, Section | Part 2 CATAPULT HOLD HANDLE A catapult hold handle (15, figure 1-4) is mounted ¢o the forward portion of the power control lever quadrant in each cockpit. The spring-loaded handle is rotated co the vertical position and held along with the power con- trol lever to maintain the Military Thrust position dus- ing catapult ake-off, ENGINE MASTER SWITCH A ewo-position detented ENGINE MASTER switch (17, figure 1-4) is located ac the forward end of the left console in the forward cockpit only. This switch directs electrical power to the ignition system and start control system for the engine. The ENGINE MASTER switch also supplies the electrical ground to cause che forward and aft fuel boost pumps to be energized from the monitored and primary buses ENGINE START SWITCH A three-position ENGINE StART switch (22, figure 1-4) is located at che forward end of the left console of each cockpit, The switches are spring-loaded to OFF and are controlled between cockpits by the transfer control sjs- tem. Moving the START switch momentarily «0 START initiates the starting cycle, Placing the switch momen: tarily to stor deenergizes the start cycle, AIR START SWITCH ‘A red, guarded, ewo-position AiR staRt ignition switch (24, figure 14) is located next to the power lever quadrant on the left console of each cockpit. The switches are wired i parallel so that primary dc bus power is provided co either switch whenever the ENGINE MASTEK switch is ON, Actuation of either switch pro: vides electrical power ¢o the engine ignition plugs and ignition fuel solenoid, bypassing the engine speed switch, During normal operation, the switches should bbe mai ig ined OFF to prevent possible damage to the Note The ait STARY switches are operable from both cockpits and are not dependent on cockpit electrical control transfer. TACHOMETERS. ‘The tachometers (34, figure 1-5) provide an indication Of the engine's rotational speed, in percent of rpm, to each cockpit. An engine-driven tachometer/generstor on the engine produces a signal which is proportional co the engine speed, Each tachometer dial has two pointers which indicate in percent of rpm with reference to two separate scales, The smaller pointer rotates on scale (o indicate from 0% to 10% rpm, The larger pointer rocates on a larger scale and indicates from 0% (0 1008 pm. The tachometer system operates independently of the aircrafe eleccrical system, wn Section | Post 2 EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE INDICATORS ‘The EGT indicators (32, figure 1-5), one on each in. stument panel, display engine exhaust gas temper ature in degrees Centigrade, Temperature is sensed by thine dualelement thermocouples mounted in the engine exhaust collector. The thermocouples convert heat energy into an electrical signal which operates the indicators. The indicators are scaled from 0 to 10 (X 100°C). The EGT indicators operate independently of the aircraft electrical system. Olt PRESSURE INDICATORS The engine oil prewure indicators (16, figure 1-5) calibrated from 0 co 200 psi. The oil pressure indie: system is powered from the 2G-volt a-c bus. FUEL FLOW INDICATORS [A fuel flow indicator (14, figure 1-5), mounted on each inscrument panel, displays the rate of fuel consumption (of the engine, Fuel passing through the fuel flow trans: imittet causes a resultanc electrical signal to be sent to the indicators. The indicators are scaled from 0 to 12 (C= 1000) pounds per hour. The fuel flow indicating system is powered by the 26-volt instrument a-c bus. ENGINE OPERATION IDLE AND MAXIMUM RPM Engine idle and maximum rpm are limited by engine fuel control ground adjustments. [dle speed from sea level to 8000 feet pressure altitude is from 38% to 40% rpm, Idle speed increases with increasing alticude, so that flight idle ac 35,000 feet is approximately 82% spm, The fuel control is adjusted for a maximum of 100 (<1) % rpm under Standard Day conditions at sea level. Engine speed may increase co 102% rpm for transient periods during engine acceleration, but rpm should never exceed the limits shown in Section 1, Part 4. The starting and ground operation nvise level of the JHMAWE-48 engine is inherently high. ACCELERATION igine acceleration performance from idle rpm to 100% pm varies directly with ambient temperature. Automatic conteol of fuel Mow and exhaust gas temperature is accomplished by the fuel control unit, The following table summarizes the maximum allowable time for power control lever burst acceleration co 100% pm from idle. TEMPERATURE ime ” Bc Is#eONDS) 0 -178 10.5 20 -67 n 40 44 12 60 15.6 3 80 267 4 100 37.8 15 Note Daring an acceleration check, donot allow EGT to exceed 905°C or rpm to exceed 104% NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 COMPRESSOR STALLS A compressor stall is a breakdown of airflow within the engine compressor, caused by separation of airflow from the rotor blades, similar co wing airflow separa jon in an aircraft stall, Rapid power control lever advances inject more fuel into the combustion chamber than can be utilized. Burning this surplus fuel results in an increase of combustion pressures and a correspond: increase in pressure against che compressor discharge air, causing the airflow breakdown, The stall reduces the mass airflow through the compressor and carbine, decreasing the energy available co the turbine wheel Continued operation in a stalled condition increases the temperature of the fuel/air mixture, If left unchecked, ‘combustion temperature could cise sufficiently to cause turbine damage and engine failure. Compressor stall may be recognized in flight by one or more of the fol lowing characteristics: 1, Loss of thrust oF acceleration. Rapid rise in exhaust gas temperature. 3. Pulsating, roaring noise accompanied by heavy vibration, 4, Long flame from exhaust nozzle. When such conditions are encountered, immediately retard the power control lever until the exhaust temper: ature returns to normal; reduce angle of attack, then ‘advance the power control lever more slowly to obtain the desired spm. COMPRESSOR ROUGHNESS ‘The engine may exhibit « slight compressor roughness (Cchagging") during "snap" power control lever burst accelerations under certain conditions. Rapidly advanc ing the power control lever to Military Thrust, from 7O% spm or below, may cause this disturbance to occur fat ambient temperatures less than 40°F if airspeed is less than 110 KIAS at altitudes below 10,000 feet. A. momentary increase in fuel flow may occur; however, the disturbance has no effect on engine performance or safe operation, FLAME.OUT Flame-outs can result {rom fuel starvation, a malfunc: tioning fuel control unit, and/or improperly adjusted power control lever linkage. A malfunction of the fuel control unit can cause either acceleration or deceleration flame-outs, while an improperly adjusted linkage, by allowing the cutoff valve ¢o close when the power control lever is retarded to IDLE, can cause inadvertent shutdown, ‘An acceleration, which causes a rich blowout, floods the combustion chamber with such a rich mixture that the surplus fuel cannot buen. A deceleration that will cause a lean die-out is the result of insufficient fuel being Supplied to the engine to support combustion. Both types of flame-out are indicated by loss of dhrust and a drop in exhaust gas temperature and rpm. To relight the engine, place the power contro} lever in the IDLE NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 position. If the exhaust gas temperature continues to decrease, a flame-out has. 0 start procedure is necessary. If EGT indicates that ame- urred and complete aie ‘out has not occurred, advance the power control lever more carefully to the desired spm, TURBINE IMPINGEMENT STARTING ‘The engine employs turbine impingement starting, Dur: ing a start, high-velocity aie is directed against the engine turbine buckets, providing the required rotor speed. Once the scart cycle is initiated, the aircraft starter relay maintains the starting unit air coteol valve in the open position, allowing the engine to be accelerated co 32% to 34%. At 34, an engine speed monitor switch oper- ates, shutting off the external starting unit. Alternate Starts If the external starting air unic is noc capable of a normal (automatic) start, airflow shutoff may be co- ondinated between the pilot and ground crewman through hand signals. Under these conditions, the pilot in starr, then signals the crewman to initiate engine start airflow holds the ENGINE sraRT switch momentaril When engine tightolt is achieved, the pilot should signal for immediace shutoff of starting unit airflow. Prior to engine acceleration above idle rpm, the external air unit hose should be disconnected by the ground ENGINE START OPERATION Starting unie airflow may be controlled by the pilot during automatic starts of remotely, through hand sig- nals, by ground crew personnel. On some external start- ing air units, the delivery pressure may be varied to satisfy the requirements of specific engines or starter systems. Starting unit delivery pressure, as indicated at the unit, is not corrected for errors induced by temper- ature, air density, or field elevation. To correct for these factors, indicated delivery pressure should be set to approximately 35 psi, This setting results in approxi mately 30 psi absolute pressure, FUEL SYSTEM ‘The aircraft fuel system (figure 1-8) consists of a fuse- lage tank, with an integral inverted flight tank, and wing tip tanks. Provisions for fuel transfer and vent, individual or single-point refueling, necessary pressuriza tion, and a manually operated shutoff valve to control Section | Part 2 fuel flow are incorporated, ‘The system utilizes JP-4 or JP-5 fuel. See figure 1-3 for capacities. FUSELAGE TANK A rubber, bladder-type fuselage tank is located immedi ately behind the cockpit area, This tank contains sub: merged fuel boost pumps, an engine fuel feed manifold and inverted flighe tank, a level control valve, and lines for single-point refueling. Climb and dive vents are incorporated to prevent vacuum or overpressure due to altitude changes. ‘The tank overboard vent is located on a fairing, midway on che vertical stabilizer trailing edge, and is scarfed to maintain a slight positive pres sure in the tank. The fuselage tank is usually serviced through the single-point receptacle under the left wing leading edge. The tank may be gravity-flled through an access on the upper left fuselage aft of the canopy, BOOST PUMPS ‘Two singlespeed electric boost pumps are mounted in, the bottom of che fuselage tank. These pumps deliver fuel at a maximum rate of 6000 pounds per hour under low pressure (23 psi) to a fuel manifold, where it is directed to the engine-driven fuel pump. In event of boost pump failure, sufficien¢ flow for engine operation is maincained by gravity and by the suction of che engine-driven pump. The ENGINE MASTER switches con: rect primary dee bus (battery or generator) power to the fuselage tank aft boose pomp, and monitored d-c bus (generator or external) power to the forward boost pump. In the event of generator failure, the forward pump will not be operative; however, the aft pump can be energized by the battery INVERTED FLIGHT TANK ‘The fuselage tank fuel manifold incorporates an ex- pulsion-type inverted flight tank which provides a short duration fuel supply during zero or negative-g flight ‘This spherical, 2.1-gallon tank consists of @ fuel cavity and an air cavity, separated by a flexible diaphragm. Daring normal upright flight, fuel pressure from the boost pumps forces the diaphragm co che cop of the sphere. U covered), air pressure forces the diaphragm to expel fuel into che manifold. When positiveg is again at- Inder negative-g conditions (boost pumps un- tained, fuel pressure refills the tank, thus forcing the diaphragm to its original position, TIP TANKS. Nonjettisonable wing tip tanks are installed to increase the fuel supply. Tip tank fuel is transferred theough 113 Section | NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Part 2 AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEM REFUELING ENGINE RECEPTACLE (=== compressor emma BLEED AIR AIR SOURCE PRESSURE FILTER REFUELING PRESSURE ACCESS REGULATORS. TIP _TANK ENGINE MASTER (To | PRESSURIZATION SWITCH SOLENOID CAUTION LIGHT VALVE cn RIGHT - 1 Te TANK vent AND FUEL TRANSFER | RELIEF ‘SWITCH VALVE- Q N 0 b | Fi ul (, -—5 aa ‘ 4 . a FUEL DUMP HANDLE Vey FUEL SHUTOFF HANDLE (EB FurL TRaNsFER DEFUELING GE ENGINE FEED MECHANICAL CONTROL —— HECTRICAL CONTROL REFUELING i ‘OVERBOARD 10 GE" Boost puMP VENT ENGINE [ES] arr Pressure we (0D Fue. bume © craviry Fie access CJ vent [—=] CHECK OR FLAPPER VALVE phases Figure 1-8 14 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 lines in the wings to the fuselage tank by air pressure from the compressor discharge pressure system, Each tank contains a dive vent and a relief valve to provide climb venting, The tip tanks may be serviced with the Fuselage tank by single-point refueling or hand-refueled through gravity fill caps. The tip tank combination pres: sure regulator and shutoff valve is normally open when deenergized. In the event of a complete electrical failure, tip tank fuel should transfer automatically wichoue selec: tion by the pilot. Ground defueling of the tip tanks is accomplished by pressurizing the tanks through an ex: ternal air connection in the single-point refueling access, ‘A fuel dump valve is installed at the aft end of each tank, through which ful may be jettisoned in an emer gency or prior to landing, Refer to FUEL DUMP HANDLE, in this section, REFUELING ‘The fuel system may be serviced by either single-point or gravity refueling. Standard single-point nozzles may bbe used with the receptacle, located below the left wing, leading edge. Refer (0 GROUND PRESSURE REFUELING, a Part 3 of this section, Through single-point refueling, the aircraft may be serviced in approximately 5 minutes. Note For engine fuel grades and specifications, see figure 1-25, TIP TANK DUMPING The wing tip canks may be dumped during an in-flight emergency or prior to landing, Pulling the fuel dump handle opens both tip tank dump valves and, if the tip tanks are not already pressurized, opens the tip tank pressure regulator and shutoff valve, Full tip tanks may bbe dumped in approximately 2 minutes at engine power settings above 60% rpm, FUEL SYSTEM CONTROLS AND INDICATORS FUEL SHUTOFF HANDLES A ovo-position FUEL ON/ort handle (34, figure 1-4) is located on the left console in both cockpits. These handles are mechanically interconnected and operate as fone unit, Positioning either handle 0 the ON detent opens the engine fuel shutoff valve, On shutdown, this hhandle should not be placed in the OFF detent until engine rotation has ceased, to prevent cavitation of the engine feed fuel line FUEL TRANSFER SWITCH A fuel transfer switch (30, figure 1-4) is located on the left console in both cockpits, The TRANS position of this lever-lock switch opens the tip tank combination pressure regulator and shutof! valve, pressurizing the ‘anks for transfer of fuel co the fuselage tank, Control of the transfer switch is gained chrough the cock} Section | Port 2 control transfer system. Once the tip tanks are pres surized, placing che switch co OFF stops pressurization but fuel transfer continues until tank pressure approaches ambient pressure Note A mild thumping may occur in the aft section of the aircraft during tip tank fuel transfer. This noise results from intermittent operation of the fuselage tank fuel level control valve. This situation occurs at/or near the end of the tip tank fuel transfer and is considered to be normal with no corrective action required. FUEL DUMP HANDLE ‘The FuEL pus handle (31, figure 1-4) is located on the left console in the forward cockpit. Pulling this handle (15- to 18-pound force) opens the tip tank fuel dump valves and the tip tank combination pressure regulator and shutoff valve, Fuel damping may be stopped by pushing the handle back to the console, A ground safety relay prevents pressurization of the tip ‘anks if the dump handle is inadvertently pulled on che ground, bur some fuel will be lost due to gravity. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATOR A fuel quantity indicator (13, figure 1-5) is located on the instrument panel in both cockpits. These indicators are operated from the 26-volt a-c instrument power bus in conjunction with wo fuel capacitance probes in the fuselage tank. The indicators are calibrated to indicate fuselage tank level in pounds (%< 100) to a maximum of 2800. Tip tank fuel gaging is not provided but exhaustion is indicated when fuselage fuel quantity starts decreasing after the required fuel transfer interval A Test button is installed on each indicator, Momentarily depressing this button causes the indicator needle (0 rotate toward zero if the system is operating properly. For fuel quantity data, see figure 1-3, TIP TANK SIGHT GLASSES Two sight glasses are installed on the forward inboard section of each tip tank. These glasses provide a visual indication of tip tank fuel level. When the tanks are nearly full, a whice ball appears in the upper sight. If the tanks are empry or nearly empty, a ball will be visible in the lower sight. LOW FUEL CAUTION LIGHT An amber Low FUEL caution light (26, figure 1-5) is installed on both instrument panels. These lights are operated by a floar switch in the fuselage tank which is actuated when approximately 535 to 675 pounds of fuel remain. Each light may be tested by holding the warning lights TEST switch to WARN US. 1-15 Section | Port 2 FUEL SYSTEM OPERATION ‘The fuel system shutoff valve is manually opened or closed, The aft boost pump is powered on or off through factuation of the ENGINE MASTER switch, Tip tank trans- fer is controlled by the FO=L TRANSFER switch and dump by the FUEL DUMP handle, Fuel gaging is provided in the fuselage tank only. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM The electrical power supply system cor generator, ave power inverters, a wetcell battery fan electrical distribution system. The distributior provides six dee buses and three a-c buses, av Fegulator, armament and ground safety circuits, and electrical ‘system controls and indicators D-¢ POWER SUI D-C electrical power is provided by an engine-driven generator which supplies 400-ampere, 28-vole current For emergency dc power, a 24-volt, 34-ampere-hour battery is installed, The generator powers the primary bus, which acts as the source of power for all d-c buses under normal conditions, Generator ourput voltage is regulated for varying loads and engine (generator) rpm, and the generator is protected against overvoltage conditions LY A.C POWER SUPPLY AC electrical power is provided by two d-c motor: ‘operated inverters. No. 1 inverter is rated at 250 volt- amperes and No, 2 is rated at 1500 volcamperes. The No. 1 inverter is the normal source of instrument a-c power. The No, 2 inverter is the normal source of ac power for electronic equipment (communications and havigation) but may be used as an emergency source for instrument operation EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY ‘The dec power supply system may be energized for ground starting and maintenance through an external power receptacle located in che left equipment bay. All buses are energized during external power operation, and ae power is automatically available for instruments fand other a-c equipment. For usable external eleccrical power units, see figure 1-25, D-C ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION ry power is directed co the primary bus, which supplies power to five d-c buses through a bus control system. Battery power may also be supplied to the primary bus for limited-time emergency operation in the event of generator failure. See figure 1-9. PRIMARY D.C BUS The primary d-c bus supplies power for components essential to Bight and also supplies power for secondary 1-16 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 equipment through the bus control system, When ex: ternal power is used, the primary bus is directly con- nected (0 the outside source. In the event of generator failure or when the engine is not operating, the primary bus is energized by the battery with the pc Powe switch AU BAT & GEN oF BAT ONLY, SECONDARY D.C BUS ‘The secondary dec bus receives power from the primary bus through the bus control system. In the event of generator failure, the secondary bus is deenergized (0 Conserve battery power. The equipment powered by the secondary bus can be energized if the 0c POWER switch is moved (o BAT ONLY or if the landing gear handle is placed in the DOWN position. MONITORED D-C BUS The monitored dee bus receives power from the primary bus and can be powered by the generator or external power. In the event of generator failure, the monitored hus is deenergized. The monitored bus supplies high power-consuming equipment such as the fire control system, See figure 1-9. ARMAMENT BUS ‘The armament bus is installed only whea the aircraft is configured for delivery of bombs or rockets, or when gun packages or tow-target provisions are installed, This bus receives power from the primary bus through the generator or external power as long as the landing gear handle is in the UP position or (for boresighting, and checkout) if the armament safety disable switch (lefe wheel well) is held momentarily in the DIsaBLe position with external electrical power applied. BATTERY BUS ‘The battery bus is connected directly to the battery and is energized at all times, With the generator operating tor external power applied, the battery bus is connected to the primary bus by placing the pc PowER switch at BAT & GEN, CANOPY /BATTERY BUS ‘The canopy /battery bus provides battery power for canopy operation, When the primary bus is energized by the generator or external power, the canopy/battery bus is disconnected from the battery and connected directly to che primary bus. A-C ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION ‘The dec operated ac inverters supply ae power necessary to operate instruments and electronic equipment, The No, I inverter is powered by the primary dc bus and will operate with battery power in the event of gen- erator failure, The No. 2 inverter is powered by the ‘monitored bus. A-C equipment supplied by the No. 2 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 Section 1 Part 2 D-C ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Brean: Vv PRIMARY BUS [ore 15 ost rome sit in ct “® fae oma iho ‘ius como MSIE HOD A APAON LT (Avge WARN 80 caurion |f censearor [sus conrror| Court ARYA 8D. tout” |{ Sur RaAY COM AUUARY RE NO. 2 {OU asia COTE, ac vaca BATTERY BUS. ‘CANOPY.BATTERY BUS. MONITORED 8US ‘iOND SAFETY CONTROL 2 som T1608 ‘ante ist ano Om. RA FORWARD CENTER PEDESTAL FORWARD BOOST PUMP ‘ LOW FUEL WRENENG " peer at eee ee : "ARMAMENT BUS 1 10 Ro 2a, se ND CAUTION Us Test a 1 Waa ae 2 eee VP oma ana ane wocner untareH tor eaTER i] sncanen ' SEcoNDRY tus, conso. 1) sicase ao Fe rome ‘GEAR STALL WARNING ___.__| ee TECOnDARY WS fs vt row as irean [tetar contact i (> tarery rower dec tt co es Sreeaat rower | ue than Sy Tae acount ase SOT oie ect uate tira Coo re ‘evenaron ok ExreaNal POWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS rorwato coc om) LecTRICAL MECHANICAL Figure 1-9 Section | Part 2 inverter thus is deenergized in che event the generator fails, preventing rapid battery power depletion. An instrument power failure relay enables energizing of the INst ew off warning light in cither position of PRIMARY A.C BUS The primary a-c bus supplies a-c items considered essen- tial to safe flight, The primary a-c bus is normally fowered by the No, 1 inverter but may be powered p y P by the No. 2 inverter. INSTRUMENT A.C BUS The 26-vole instrument a-e bus receives power from the primary a-c bus through a step-down transformer. In the event of failure of the No. 1 inverter, the No. 2 inverter may be selected, which will rescore power to the instrument bus. MONITORED A-C BUS The monitored a-c bus is powered by the No, 2 inverter as long as the generator is operating or external power PRIMARY 0-C BUS INO. 1 INVERTER INSTRUMENT cs INSTRUMENT Powe: POWER OFF anne RAY ‘CAUTION UGHT monrroreD 0. aus 5B No. 2 INveRTER _————s ICID) Noriat OPERATION (NO. 1 POStTION) TIED ALTERNATE OPERATION INO. 2 POSITION) — conteot cigcurr NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 is connected, ‘The monitored ac bus is deenergized through loss of the monitored dee bus in the event of xgeneraror failure, and cannot be powered by the battery ‘ot No, 1 inverter. ELECTRICAL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS D-C POWER SWITCH ‘The ne power switch (26, figure 1-6) is a three-position, lever-lock switch which is located on the right console in the forward cockp is connected, this switch controls d-c power distribution only, Except when external power to the bus systems, During flight, the switch is normally maintained in the BAT & GEN position, In the event of generator failure, the monitored and secondary buses ire deenergized but all other buses may be energized from the battery, Secondary bus powered equipment operation may be restored by extending the landing gear ‘or placing the nc POWER switch to BAT ONLY. The OFF position of the nc PowER switch disconnects power from II buses except the battery and canopy/battery buses, provi fing external power is not connected 2av NST ACC BUS fa) nso Cas, SON tuto aston tat IORI Fi usm see ho msi nocaeR ir sae noxtoe it TRANSFORMER PamaRY A BUS asm Pons wasn SH THORNE ONTORD AC OS {oar open conta Ta-1-1-56-78 Figure 1-10 1-18 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 EMERGENCY ELECTRIC DISCONNECT SWITCH The emergency electric disconnect switch (2% 1.6) is a ewo-position, locking switch located on the right console in the tear cockpit only. This switch provides a means of disconnecting electrical power to all buses excepe the battery bus and the canopy battery bus, The NORMAL position permits control of the elec tical system from the BAT « GEN and BAT ONLY positions of the nc PoweK switch in the front cockpit. The MIs CONNECT position is provided for emergency use, or for training purposes, to simulate electrical failure in the craft, providing the same function as the OFF position Of the Bc POWER switch, GENERATOR RESET SWITCH Generator overvoltage automatically causes the generator to be disconnected from the electrical system, Loss of the generator is indicated by illumination of the GEN: Paton UT caution lights and loss of monitored and secondary bus powered equipment, If the overvoltage condition is temporary, generator operation can be re- gained by momentarily holding either Gew RESEF switch (24, figure 1-6) in Reset. Should generator output fall in 24 volts (battery voltage), the generator is disconnected by a reverse-current relay. If the under: voltage condition is temporary, the generator may be reset in the same manner as for overvoltage, to Tess € INSTRUMENT A.C POWER SWITCH The inst ac pwn switch (6, figure 1-6) is a two-position, locking switch located on the right console in the for ward cockpit only. Operation of the d-c powered a-c inverters is controlled through this switeh. During ‘normal operation, this switch is maintained at NO. 1 1N¥, which provides No. 1 inverter power to ac powered instruments, and No, 2 inverter power ¢o electronic ‘equipment. In the event of failure of the No. 1 inverter, the INSTRUMENT Powe OFF caution light will illumi nate. Selection of the No, 2 INV position transfers the complete w-c power load to the No. 2 inverter VOLTAMMETER A combination volemeter and ammeter (1, figure 1-6) is mounted on the subpanel, right of the instrument panel While che ammeter indicates the current load on the generator. With external power connected, the voltmeter indicates the voltage of the external power unit The voltmeter indicates primary bus voltage, GENERATOR-OUT CAUTION LIGHTS A GeNeRaTOR OUT caution light is mounted on exch instcument panel (24, figuee 1-5). This caution light is illuminated whenever the generator is aot connected to the primary bus, such as when an overvoltage con- dition exists, when external power is applied, or if the Dc POWER switch is at BAT ONLY oF OFF. Section 1 Part 2 INSTRUMENT POWER OFF CAUTION LIGHT An INSTRUMENT POWER OFF caution light (23, figure 1-5) is located on the instrument panel in each cockpit. With the INst AC PWR switch positioned to NO. 1 INV, failure of that inverter will cause che caution light to illuminate. By positioning the INST Ac PWR switch to the No, 2 inv position, the No. 1 inverter load will be transferred co the No. 2 inverter and the caution light will be extinguished. Then, if failure of the No. 2 inverter occurs, the caution light will again illuminate. With the INst ac Pwx switch positioned co the NO. 1 INV position, loss of the No, 2 inverter will not illumi fate the caution light, bur equipment powered by the No. 2 inverter will be inoperative. See figure 1-10. ELECTRICAL PROTECTION Gi Breakers Gircuit breakers which control d-c power to the fuselage tank aft fuel boost pump, engine starting and trim indi cator, trim control, and ‘the ignition and starting fuel system are located on a panel on the left console in che forward cockpit, See figure 1-9, Additional cireuic break ers for armament equipment are located on the center pedestal in the forward cockpi¢ when armament provi sions are installed. The majority of the dc circuit break cers are lo in the battery compartment. All circuit breakers are tripfree, in that if a continuous overload exists, the applicable circuit breaker cannot be reset. ced within the lefthand equipment bay and Fuses All fuses are located 09 a panel within the righthand equi flighe ment bay and are not accessible to the pilots during COCKPIT CONTROL TRANSFER Conteol of electrical and electronic equipment may be sumed in either cockpie through use of five switches in each cockpit. An cleecrical control eransfer system provides control shift of the engine starting system, fuel transfer, canopy, windshield and canopy defrost, yaw damper, and exterior lights. When a control shift is made, the individual equipment operates in accordance with the individual control settings in the cockpit having control, The CONTROL TRANS switch in the aft cockpit will overtide the forward cockpit switch if both are operated simultaneously; however, when the elect system is deenergized, conteol automatically: shifts. to the forward cockpit Electrical CONTROL TRANS Switches An electrical CONTROL THANS switch (9, figure 1-6) is located on the right console in each cockpit. This switch is spring-loaded opposite the siirt position, Momen, tarily holding the switch in sHieT cransfers electrical control co that cockpit, A green indicator light, adjacent to the switch, illuminates in the cockpit having control 119 Section | Part 2 Electronic CONTROL TRANSFER Switches Switches for transfer of control of communications and navigation equipment are installed on the right and Teft consoles. Either pilot may assume control of UHF communications, auxiliary UHF receiver, TACAN, and gyrocompass equipment. For descriptions of these units and their contro} transfer functions, refer to COMMUNI CATIONS AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, in this section. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OPERATION ‘The aircraft electrical power system is designed for use with an external power unit during ground mainte: nance and engine starting, maintaining the battery as a reserve source of power for inflight emergency use only BATTERY STARTS If an external electrical power unic is nor available, the engine can be started using the battery. To start in this manner, the DC PoweR switch should be placed in BAT ONLY, a normal or remotely controlled start accom: plished, and the Dc POWER switch placed to BAT & GEN when idle rpm is attained, If a battery stare is made with che 9¢ POWER switch a¢ BAT GEN, the generator assumes the battery load when generator output is 0.5 volt above battery voltage, or between 28% and 34% rpm. This switchover is evidenced by the GENERATOR extinguishing and monitored bus ‘equipment receiving power. The added load requires additional engine torque to meet generator requirements, and may, under some conditions (such as cold weather), tend to slow engine acceleration toward idle rpm. This affects engine temperature and could cause carbine over tomperature. HYDRAULIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM The hydraulic power supply system (figuee T-11) is a closed-circuit, constant-pressure system which provides hydraulic power co the aileron and elevator boost pack- ages and co the landing gear, speed brakes, and arresting gear. A priority: valve within the system assures power (ac least 2000 psi) to the aileron and elevator boost packages, regardless of the demands of the other hydrau lically actuated items, Ao engine-driven, variable dis placement pump supplies power at a no-flow pressure ‘of 3000 (0 3100 psi, Hydraulic fluid is contained in a reservoir which is pressurized with air bled from the engine compressor to prevent cavitation and assure positive fluid flow to the pump regardless of aircraft alditude of attitude, No emergency hydraulic system is incorporated since all hydraulically operated items are 1-20 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 of the “failsafe” type, In the event of hydraulic system failure, the boosted flight controls may be manually operated to provide adequate lateral and longitudinal control at normal airspeeds. ‘The landing gear and arresting gear will extend and lock down by gravity The speed brakes, if extended when che system fails, can be closed from the forward cockpit. There is no connection between the hydraulic power and wheel brake system, HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATORS HYDRAULIC BOOST SWITCH |A hydraulic boost switch (21, figure 1-4) is located fon the left console in the forward cockpit. This switch is used to select boostoff operation of the flight control hydraulic fail- ure, causing the forward and aft Hyp PREss indicators aileron and elevator packages to simula to fall to zero, Boost shutoff does not affect other hydraulic components or system pressure. With the HYD noost switch at OFF, the hydraulic boost shutoff valve closes, and noticeably higher stick forces are required for satisfactory lateral and longitudinal control. ‘The boost shutoff valve is normally open and is controlled through the monitored d-c bus to prevent boost shutoff in the event of generator failure Note If the ailerons are trimmed with no lateral stick force applied, before moving the HyD noost switch to ON in flight, lateral trim change is minii ied HYDRAULIC PRESSURE INDICATOR ‘The hydraulic pressure indicators are each calibrated from 0 to 4 (% 1000) psi, One indicator is located on each instrument panel (21, figure 1-5). The hydraulic pressure indicating system operates from the 26-vole ‘ae bus to provide the pilot with a continuous indication ‘of system pressure, Normal system pressure ranges from 2930 to 3170 psi, This pressure range includes the tol erances allowable for mechanical and electrical errors induced between the system pressure transmitter and the respective gag indication. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM ‘The ight control system is composed of conventional rudder, elevator, and aileron surfaces, connected through cable and torque tube mechanical linkage to the control stick and rudder pedals, Futl hydraulic power ailerons and a boosted elevator provide ease of operation and increased maneuverability ac high speeds. Conventional HYDRAULIC PoweR 1, SYSTEM RESERVOIR —— compressor NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 from engine (0-18 pet) WHEEL BRAKE SYSTEM == pressure == suey Zz RETURN [orm AR — Htectricat actuation === MECHANICAL ACTUATION PRESSURE PRIORITY VALVE iam stanic RESTRICTOR OR eller VALVE NORMALLY OPEN SOLENOID VALVE PRESSURE TRANSMITTER forward! ‘ond eft cockpit Section 1 Part 2 AON aS, varon Syrem /° ELEVATOR ‘AILERON. Boost / roost PACKAGE —/ PACKAGE ue ARRESTING HOOK system CHECK VALVE Figure 1-11 LANDING GEAR ‘SYSTEM 12J-1-1-58-46 121 Section 1 Post 2 electrical trim systems are provided for each axis of control and the rudder system is equipped with a yaw damper for increased directional stability. In addition, teach aileron has a ground-adjustable tab. During boost-on_ operation, movement of the control stick causes the levator mechanical linkage to control flow co the boosted package. Since the aileron system is irreversible, lateral control air loads are not transmitted to the stick. To provide the pilot with the feel of conventional stick forces, aileron air loads ate simulated by a spring bungee ‘connected into the control system, The bungee applies loads to the stick ia proportion to che degree of stick deflection from the trimmed position. The longitudinal ‘control system is reversible, bur stick forces are decreased through the elevator boost package. A boost ratio of 3.33:1 is maintained for longitudinal stick forces up 0 + pounds: stick forces in excess of 7 pounds cause the up elevator boost ratio to be increased to 6.9:1. In the event of hydraulic failure, the elevaror and ailerons are controlled manually and higher stick forces will be noted. Aerodynamic pressure loads transmitted t0 the stick can be trimmed out, relocating the neutral position of the control stick: FLIGHT CONTROLS CONTROL STICKS ‘The control sticks are mechanically interconnected and operate linkage to the elevator and the ailerons. The control stick grips (figure 1-12) are equipped with an elevator/aileron trim switch, The forward cockpit stick rip is equipped with a gun/rocker trigger and a bomb release button for use when armament equipment is installed. RUDDER PEDALS The rudder pedals are mechanically interconnected and directly connected through cables to the rudder. A erank is provided for fore and aft adjustment, An electrically operated pedal shaker is arcached to the linkage of the left pedal in the forward cockpit. This shaker is actuated by the stall warning feature of the angle-of-attack detec: tion system, providing pedal shaker “feel” in both cock- pits. Refer to STALLS, in Section TV. When operating, the action of the yaw damper also can be felt by the pilots through movements of the pedals. PEDAL ADJUST CRANK |A pedal adjuse ecank (22, figure 1-5) is installed below ‘each instrument panel, The position of the udder pedals may be adjusted by unfolding the handle and turning. this crank lefe for forward or right for aft, CONTROL LOCK A mechanical control lock handle (27, figure 1-6) is located on the forward cockpic right console. When pulled inboard (to release a latch pin) and aft, this handle locks the control sticks, rudder pedals, and che engine power control lever in one operation. The power 1-22 NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 control lever must be OFF and controls neutral, When rnot in use, the lock handle folds and snaps into a stowed position. TRIM SYSTEMS ‘The elevator, aileron, and rudder are equipped with electrical trim systems which are controllable from either cockpit. The trim control switches are located on the stick grips (elevator and aileron) and on the left con- sole (RUDDER TRIM). Elevator cxim is accomplished by varying the position of a trim tab on each elevator. Operating range is 6 (1/2) degrees aircraft nose-down to 13 (214) degrees aircrafe nose-up on the left tab and 6 (1/3) degrees aircraft nose-down to 13 (2) degrees aircraft nose-up on the right tab. Aileron crim is adjusted by moving the neutral position of he ailerons through an electrical actuator which varies cension on the aileron feet bungee, moving the control stick with trim. The rudder is trimmed by varying the position cof a trim tab on the trailing edge of the rudder, Take- off trim “in” indication is provided for aileron and rudder trim and a continuous reading dial provides elevator trim indication. ELEVATOR AND AILERON TRIM SWITCH ‘The elevator and aileron trim switch (1, figure 1-12), focated on each contzol stick grip, controls adjustment of elevator and aileron trim, This five-position switch is spring-loaded to a neutral position from the four trim switch positions: nose up (Nv), nose down (ND), left wing down (Lwo), and right wing down (RwD). RUDDER TRIM SWITCH [A nuppER TRIM switch (2, figure 1-12) is located on the trim panel on each left console. This spring-loaded switch is used to trim out rudder forees by holding the switch in ehe applicable position, LFF of RIGHT, [AILERON/RUDDER TRIM INDICATOR |A dual window indicator is provided for aileron and rudder trim neutral indication (3, figure 1-12). This indicator consists of a deum-type housing with two green fights labeled ait. (aileron) and RUD (rudder). To achieve neutral trim, the aileron and rudder crim systems should be operated until both lights remain illuminated. ‘The indicator dram housing may be rocaced, as desired, in order to adjust light intensity ELEVATOR TRIM INDICATOR ‘The elevator trim indicator (4, igure 1-12) is graduated in nose-up and nose-down units of elevator trim, These indicators are integrally illuminated through the con- sole lights theostat and are supplied power by che primary dec bus. YAW DAMPER ‘To improve basic aerodynamic directional damping, an electrically controlled yaw damper is incorporated within NAVWEPS 01-60GAA-1 TRIM CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Section | Part 2 ELEVATOR AND AILERON TRIM SWITCH RUDDER TRIM SWITCH |. AILERON-RUDDER. TRIM INDICATOR ELEVATOR TRIM INDICATOR 1 2 3, 4 T2y-1-1-52-1F Figure 1-12 the rudder control system. The yaw damper is com posed of a rate gyro amplifier and a servomotor and clutch assembly. Power is supplied from the monitored -€ bus, through dee buses with the gyro amplifier and the servomotor operating whenever the buses are energized. Clutch con trol for the servomotor capstan is effected through che ground safery circuit and the position of the Yaw DMPR switeh, When the aircraft is aitborne (YAW DMCPR switch ON), signals from the fate gyro are transmitted to the servomocor's capstan clutches to control the capstan's drive rate and dieection, Cables from the capstan are connected to the rudder control sector so that excessive rates of yaw cause damper-induced rudder displacements to reposition both the rudder and the rudder pedals, If the need arises, the pilot can override the action of the yaw damper by exerting a pressure of approxi mately 100 pounds on the rudder pedals, When the aircraft is on the ground, however, the yaw damper clutches are automatically deenergized and the rudder is controlled through the rudder pedals, wyedelta transformer, and monitored YAW DAMPER SWITCH A chree-position yaw nmr switch (25, figure 1-6) is located on the right console of each cockpit. These switches, through the cockpit control transfer system, complete the electrical signal circuit between the rate gyro ampiifier and che damper's capstan clutches. Yaw damper control is maintained within che cockpit having electrical transfer control, Both switches contain OFF, (Ox, and TEST positions. In the OFF position, the capstan clutches are deenergized, the yaw damper, in effect, is inoperative, and conventional cable operation of the rudder is provided. The momentary TESY position over: rides the yaw damper ground safety function so that if a system snalfunction has occurred, rudder deflection will be noted. When the aircraft is aisborne, the ON position allows the yaw damper to correct for excessive rates of WING FLAPS The Fowler-type trailing edge laps are electrically actuated to a maximum of 33 degrees down, An actuator, located in the fuselage between the wings, operates jack: serews for both flaps through a flexible shaft intercon- ect. Flap position transmitters are located on the righchand Rap jackscrew Note To prevent possible damage to the flaps of (o the engine access doors, a switch, actuated by the right-hand burner compartment access doar, breaks the flap control circuit when the engine burner compartment doors are open, FLAP CONTROL HANDLE A FLAP control handle (12, figure 1-4) is located out. board of the quadeant ia both cockpits, These handles have UP, HOLD, and ON positions, They are mechanically connected, causing the opposite handle to move to the position selected, Through use of the Hou position, 1-23

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