Australian Government Aircraft Factory (GAF) Jindivik Target Drone Brochure

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Mespons Mareer °* “indivik’, he target tireraft designed and produced at the Government Aircraft Factoros, Melbourne, is making increasingly Importent conivutons tothe misie development programmes of many nations. Gorsisteny opersca ‘at the Woomera rocket rango since 1952, Jinavik i aso used at Llanes Bhtain, Point Magu in America and at Jervis Bay in Alstvalia. The Foy ‘Swesish Air Bosrs, recognising that high performance, versctlily and veka, bilty aro essential target requirements, hve algo opersed this averat lndivik cartes variety of special equipment to enable io simulate the radar €echoing properties and inra-od racation characteristics of ver Iaige eee ‘To provide realistic. weapon engagement conditions, electronic outs measuring equipment may be fited and tne target made fo execcie nets evasive manoeuvres. Cameras fited at the sing tips fim the missle l=2pptoach and accuralely calibrate and astese the behaviour of the missle singivik 18 powered by a Bristol Siddeley Viper ASVIT engine of 2500 Is Uhust. The basic version has a take-off woight of 9200 Ibe. and a wing anan of 19 fk Two sizes of wing extension panels are availabe whieh inerest® this span 1032 f. and enable it to operate at alitudos up to 68000 ‘TAKE-OFF ‘A normal alrsip Is used for take-off. The slteratt is mounted on a tole, having a gyro steered nose-wheel and is automaticaly released at a epoed of 120 knals. As the sireraft accelerates to 130 dnote, the ape retract and the alrcratt cots iselt in 2 steacy climbing attitude. The trolley ie braked to stop 3000 fom ie earing point ‘Ahowgh Jinivik may be directed ftom a shephors sitrat, is normally ‘controled from a ground station. It Ie operated By skipper who “pilots tho aircraft once itis airborne and a navigator to track the fight pater. A Pilot beside the ttrip has contr! fr take-off, and for landing ie sessted by | Boleman stationed athe ond ofthe etip who maintains the correct heading, LANDING sindvik ts st Mach numbers ef upto almost 0.90 and a tel eapacity F180 imperial gallons sllows fights of Up to 140 minutes duration. ‘The remote control system is efiective at ranges bayond 100 nautical ries trom the ground staion, Push bullon selection allows the auto- inal pilot to provide alloon, elevator and engine rp.m. conditions {fred climo. level fight, Uraing and sescending conditions. Inter. Imotiate atitodes oF engine canaions, aclustea by “Deep” conte, flow the aieral 10 operate any fight pattern desired. The Telemetry System provides the ground controler with continuous indications of stitude, 22280, climb, engine cP.m. and otter information fy ‘iting @ radio. altimeter, Jindivik can be made to simulate the threat of very low fing aircraft and fy at high speeds at altitudes as Ton as 80 ft Equipment end techniques have been developed to fable two Jindivks 10 ly a8 @ closely Tormated pair, station KoEping accuracy being maintained to within 2 few fest In weapon Vals It is often desirable for the weapon to home not on sinaivk self, but on an auxiliary target towed from india. A ‘ara of such tows, augmented fo onhance radar or infra-red charac- trises have been developed in Australia, In paricular “Tone” haa ‘Seen designed to stream Below Jindivik either ‘as a single tow or 25 FRONT FUSELAGE EQUIPMENT ost tows These tows are winched back to Jindivk and recovered ‘ler the weapon exercise ie complete Jindivk returns and lands at its base alter, When “land glide” ie selected, the laps and shock absorbing skid undercariage ate lowered and the “Steral is contolad to @ conventional approach. On touch down the fuel supply to the engine ic cut end the flaps are automaticaly retract to asp the eicrat on the runway. Tha airerat maintaine a steady coutee and normally comas to 2 halt 1,500 ft alter touen down It is important in weapon trials for the target fo be avaliable as ready ac instrumentation and ether range facies. Athough Jind is a low cost fxpendable aeroplane it can bo maintained st a peak of servcestiily with minimum effor. A single lock nut fited over the pilot tube releases the nose cenopy to provide ready access to all contral equipments, and a panel on tho fuselage side permits all necessary adjustment of the engine Conttols, Release of three bolts separaies the rear fuselage te expoee al syetoms in tho conve fuselage and the accessories mounied on the engine senowmeonnsos comarnsemion RAR eaoRs HEATER EE ae Sse =e, sone come. ntanan at, JINDIVIK DETAILS

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