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SEES TESTED TS trom what of these places did Charley not end up atwh atwh 1en he got lo. The third level “gotlost at the Grand Central | The third level ‘ (b) The lobby imes Square he lobby of the Roosey (A) An office sevelt hotel buildi 7. Charley felt sure that he had landed at the ding : third level when (a) he saw a Currier and Ives locomotive (b) when the clerk at the ticket booth thought he was cheating him shen he saw the newspaper (d) when he realised that electricity had not been invented 8. Which proof did Charley have which indicated that Sam had gone to Galesburg in 18942 (a) Sam had disappeared. (b) Sam had bought old style currency. Sam always wanted to open a hay, feed and grain business. Charley found a letter from him dated 1894 in his collection of first day covers. 9, What does Sam’s letter to Charley represent? (a) Ablend ance to visit (c) a proof of his fantasy reality with fantasy 10. bis friend Sam told him he was .. escaping from the struggles of (b) struggling to keep up his li (c) struggling to maintain a good tion. (a) fantasizing about his life in Galesburg. 11. How did Charley confit was.on The Third pee (a) The World . (b) The Times ‘The Deccan (d) The New York Time did Louisa e mad at Sam’s diagnosis of Charley’s condition that he was 12, WIN Spy when they said he had found a portal into the past? “G she se sband was going to be difficult. ‘She belli that her husband was turning into a stranger. she assumed that his unhappiness was because of her. (a) She thought that her husband was a fantasist Which of the giver. options best illustrates a handlebar mustache? 3. ae A “) (a) Option (1) ib) one a Qrvion (3) (@) Option 4) — ald looking mint the booth wore w ery idjelda ond eaacte itm dn an of ern Te ae nt a ei {i) Where in the Grand Central Station was Chartey> — (a) the first level (h) second level nates o teen (i) From the description it can be inferred tha arley walker! inter (a) adifferent space Cisdo different time (co) a different universe ifferent space and time (iit) Jay did the man wear green eyeshades and sleeve protectors? ho protect his eyes and hands from the gaslights ® ws folios a aaa ress xt clevte for tickets, the third level The STAND ALONE MCQS 1. Which image is without sideburn? @orvtion 1 (b) Option 2 (c) Option 3 (d) Option 4 ee i ee a I ned earnt from Charley's story? can be | y time. 4 be open for adventure at an fh) that one should follow one psychiatrist's advice. the one should escape to 4 peaceful time in the past. id) that one should choose better friends to confide in. 15. What is ‘waking Dream wish fulfilment’? pleasant wish that one wants to happen (b) a pleasant wish that takes one to the future (c) a pleasant wish which inspires one to work id) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the past Ri Ay! 4 ieee eS SiS a 14. Which lesson that one should 7. That night, among my oldest first-day covers, I found ofte that shouldn't have been there. But there it was. It was there because someone had mailed it to my. grandfather at his home in Galesburg. that’s what the address on the envelope said. And tthiad been there since July 18, 1394 — 4, postmark showed that — yet I didn't remember it at all. (i) Why should this particular first-daycovennot be there? @ recause Charley did not notic its existence before. (b) because it could not have b ted by his grandfather. (c) because it was a modem first- cover from the future. (d) because it was tgo old tobe from his grandfather's time. (ii) Why doesn’t Charley xemember the existence of the first-day cover? (a) because Charley wasiforgetful. (b) because Louisa collected it. Qrecause itappeared recently. __(@) because it was in a bad state. (iii) The piettire of President Garfield indicates that the first-day cover was: (a) not atall old (b) slightly old (c) somewhat old @ definitely old (iv) What is the only probable explanation that can be i = I first-day cover? inferred for the existence of this (a) that someone from the present travelled to the past (b) that someone from the past travelled to the present the Charley was hallucinating this detail (d) that someone was playing a trick on Charley 8. For just a moment I thought Twas back on the second level, but were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information oe the ait was smaller, there im the centre was wood and 5, 6. jiurr (i) Who is referred to as Jin the above extract? (a) Sam (b) charley > (@) Louisa (d) Grandfather — (ii) What is the name of the speaker's friend? , (ia) Sam (b) Charley > (©) Louisa (d) None of the above (iii) Where was the speaker coming from? (a) home (b) market | (iv) Which word is similar in meaning to ‘obv C us’? (a) unclear (b) indistinct (c) vague ( Have you ever been there? It’s a wonderful town still, with big old frame houses, huge lawns, and tremendous trees whose branches micet overhead and roof the th in 1894, summer penings were twice as long, and people sat out on their lawns, the men roking cigars ; and talking qu ctly, the women waving palm-leaf fans, with the fire-flies all aroun 1, in a peacefi ful world. To be back there with the First World War still twenty years off, and V Wor Ta War [Lover pry years in t the future... | wanted two tickets for that. a eC (i) Who does ‘you’ referto? (a) Charley's psychiatrist, Sam Weiner (0) Charley’s wife, Louisa The reader a (f) Nobody in particular, it is a figure of speech, (ii) Choose the option that best de scribes t 1e 8ociety represented in the above extract. content, peace-loving cro (b) leisurely, sentimental (c) ee Hose class ™ (d) comfortable, ancient aa ¢ hosting a series of conferences and workshops. es OF — o you least likely to find the In which of the fol Q description of Ga a vin the above extract?” tothe home you deserve: cabiieenaelnn i ining a, Warless Future: Technology for Peace — a un Question 7 The world of women at home | orhe Se is NOT an Gi) catia | ii) alliteration (iv) anachronism (b) Options (i) and (iti) Ce) } ) tions (ii) and oe A he e—on the third level at Grand Central — | could buy tickets that wou 1 the United States we wanted to go. in a year 1894. And I ae 00 5 Hckets to Galesburg, Illinois. Have you ever been there? It's a ponderful town still, with big old frame houses, tig lawns, and tremendous trees whose branches 94, summer evenings were twice as lo Ng, a nd-people sat out on their lawns, the men smoking cigars and talking quiet ly, the As Fa ng palm-leaf ons. with the fire-flies all around, ina peaceful world. To be back there with the First World Way still twent y years off, and World War II over forty years in the future... (i) Why did Charley want to visit Galesburg? | (a) As it was safer (b) As it was cheaper © As it was secure All of ee above ah (ii) What does the speaker mean by ‘First World War still twenty years OL : (a) He was in the future. (@) He was in the past. ae (c) He was in the present. (d) He was born before the World War (iii) What are fire flies? = (a)Fire beetles (b) Water beetles (c) Earth worms (iv) What does this extract show about the people of Galesburg: They were respectful. (b) The (c) They were modest. (d) They. meet overhead and roof the streets. And in 18 sae he at nee bs a 20S ‘ . fe sy 1. THE THIRD LEVEL —saciauiitamiisaieiaaniaumainsisncnicasarcicsadia EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS 1, Louisa was pretty worried when I told her all this, and didn’t want me to look for the third level any more, and after a while I stopped; I went back to my stamps. we're both looking, every weekend, because M1OW we have proof that the third level is still there. My friend Sam Weiner disappeared! Nobody knew where, but I sort of suspected because Sam's a city boy, and I used to tell him about Galesburg — I went to school there — and he always said he liked the sound of the place. And that’s where he is, all right. In 1894. (i) Where is the third level? (a) At Galesburg (b) At Galesburg in 1894 At the Grand Central Station A tunnel beneath the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel (ii) Read the two statements carefully and choose the best option that describes their relation : Statement A: I sort of suspected because Sam's a city boy, and | used to tell him about Galesburg — and he always said he liked the sound of the place. Statement B: And that’s where he is, all right. In 1894. (a) Cause- effect | (b) Conjecture proved correct (c) Question — answer (d) They are disconnected (iii) What does Charley mean when he says that Sam is ‘a city boy’? a) He is smart an intelligent. Like Charley, he also wants to escape the stress and anxiety of the modern world. Cc) He is a psychiatrist and this proves he is in Galesburg. ((d) He has lived in New York all his life and may not be able to adjust in Galesburg. (iv) In which of these sentences has the idiom ‘like the sound of (something) been used with the same meaning as in the extract? (a) I don’t like the sound of honking. )A holiday in Europe! I like the sound of it! (c) The sound of stray dogs barking disturbed the silence at that hour. (d) That is a piece of sound advice you have given me. vy, here sohat happened at Grand Central. One night last summer IT worked late at thefe rh, sj ( ? ae torn to my apartment so T dec ided to take the subway from Grand Cenk Teas ia hurry to gel u] i's faster than the bus Nive radon’ kyow why flys should have happened fo me. i 1 just (ut ordinary Quy tamed Charl a ut : thirty-one years old, and I was wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw hat with a fancy} i, » who looked just like me. because prisst vd a aOTEN NT Charley reached the third level while . eon i) na : (a) he was returning from bank. Dre was was returning from office. | : (c) he was going to office. (d) he was going to Galesburg, " ec (ii) This happened to him because OF TUB icriclesvirelave.s imagination (b) desire (c) optimism (d) hurry (iii) Why was he ina hurry? (a) was tired. Cwanteatt (c) it was in his nature. (d) rett (iv) Which century does the outfit mentioned (a) Eighteenth equal (c) Twentieth 3. To make sure, I walked over World; and The World hh President Cleveland. I’z fence 11, 1894, for y ars. The lead story said hieicthing aa in the Public Library files, and it was printed sialon ap It npeteniensaatl s mem¢ 6) He wants to travel back in time to, (c) He mises the strong D« r 1 peop (4) The year was free of miseries an¢ (iv) The antonym of glanced is: — (a) overlook. (b) gilmpse. 4, But | say there are three, because I've been on the third level 7” taken the obvious step: | talked to a psychiatrist _— an mine, @

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